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The changes in basic nuclear proteins throughout cuttle-fish spermiogenesis were investigated both by immunocytochemical procedures and by isolation of late spermatid nuclei (by virtue of their resistance to sonication). Antibodies were raised in rabbits to a protein, named protein T, isolated from testis chromatin. The anti-protein T immune serum was found to recognize protein T and not histones from the testis. Immunoperoxidase staining of sections or of smears of testis with anti-protein T antibodies showed that protein T appears in the nuclei of round spermatids, is abundant in elongating spermatid nuclei, but cannot be detected in elongated spermatids. Nuclei from these elongated spermatids were isolated by sonication treatment of testis cells. A protein, named protein Sp, with the characteristic mobility of a protamine, was isolated from elongated spermatid nuclei. This protein has the same mobility as the protamine present in mature spermatozoa. Taken together, the results indicate that in cuttle-fish, nuclear protein transitions involve the replacement of histones by a spermatid-specific protein (protein T), which is replaced at the end of elongation of the nucleus by a protamine (protein Sp). Thus, spermiogenesis of the cuttle-fish (and perhaps of other cephalopods), shows two basic nuclear protein transitions, which are similar to the transitions observed in higher vertebrates such as mammals.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical localization of protamine in the boar testis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protamine was specifically demonstrated in spermatids and spermatozoa of the boar by immunoelectron microscopy, using anti-boar or anti-ram protamine antisera, and three different direct or indirect labelling techniques. The two isomers of the protamine could not be labelled separately. The protamine is present in the cytoplasm of elongating spermatids and it enters the nuclei throughout the elongation process after possible storage in the cytoplasm or in the nuclear envelope of spermatids, or both. These findings differ from previous observations in other species.  相似文献   

Proacrosin and acrosin were localized immunocytochemically at the electron microscope level in ram spermatozoa undergoing an ionophore-induced acrosome reaction. Antigenicity was preserved after fixation with 0.5% w/v ethyl-(dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodimide, and an antibody preparation was used that reacted with all major forms of ram acrosin. All stages of the acrosome reaction could be observed in a single preparation. At the earliest stage, labeling was observed throughout the acrosomal contents, which were just beginning to disperse. As dispersal proceeded, labeling diminished, being associated only with visible remnants of the acrosomal matrix. By the time the acrosome had emptied, almost no labeling could be detected on the inner acrosomal membrane. The relationship between matrix dispersal and proacrosin activation was studied in isolated ram sperm heads. While proacrosin was prevented from activating, the acrosomal matrix remained compact; but as activation proceeded, the matrix decondensed and dispersed in close parallel. By the time proacrosin activation was complete, the acrosomal contents had almost entirely disappeared. We conclude that proacrosin is distributed throughout the acrosomal contents as an intrinsic constituent of the acrosomal matrix. During the acrosome reaction, proacrosin activation occurs, resulting directly in decondensation of the matrix. All the contents of the acrosome including acrosin disperse and, by the time the acrosome is empty and the acrosomal cap is lost, only occasional traces of acrosin remain on the inner acrosomal membrane. Since the acrosomal cap is normally lost during the earliest stages of zona penetration, acrosin's role in fertilization is unclear: it does not appear to be a zona lysin bound to the inner acrosomal membrane.  相似文献   

We examine here the biochemical properties and epididymal localization of a maturation dependent ram sperm surface antigen. A monoclonal antibody, ESA152, identifies an antigen that is present on the surface of ejaculated sperm, but is absent from testicular sperm. Crosslinking of the ESA152 antigen with bivalent antibodies induces the acrosome reaction, redistributing the antigen into the anterior region of the sperm head where it associates with the fusion product of the plasma membrane and the outer acrosomal membrane. The ESA152 antigen appears as a polypeptide of 18 kDa on immunoblots of SDS-polyacrylamide gels. The ESA152 epitope includes the sialic acid termini of N-linked oligosaccharides, as shown by its sensitivity to neuraminidase and endoglycosidase F. The ESA152 antigen is a highly hydrophobic integral membrane protein that resists aqueous extraction, partitions into the detergent phase of Triton-X-114, and solubilizes in chloroform-methanol mixtures. The anchoring of ESA152 is unaffected by phosphtidylinositol specific phospholipase C. The antigen is absent from extracts of caput and corpus epididymidis but appears abruptly in the first segment of the cauda. Immunofluorescence reveals that the ESA152 epitope first appears in clusters of cells in the luminal epithelium of the proximal cauda, prior to or concurrent with its appearance on sperm. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Protamine was specifically demonstrated in boar spermatozoa collected from the rete testis, caput, corpus and cauda epididymidis and the ejaculate by immunoelectron microscopy, using anti-boar or anti-ram protamine antisera and an indirect post-embedding immunogold technique. Spermatozoa from all collection sites stained after incubation although with different degrees of labelling. Controls were negative. Labelling increased from the rete testis towards the epididymal corpus, where it was most intense, decreasing sharply thereafter. The weakest binding of the assayed antibodies was obtained in the ejaculated spermatozoa but it could be reversed by in-vitro induction of chromatin decondensation with sodium dodecyl sulphate and the metal-chelating EDTA. The finding of a significant decrease in the immunolabelling detected from the corpus epididymidis onwards indicates a critical point for the interaction between DNA and the protamines in boar spermatozoa during the epididymal maturation.  相似文献   

The spermatozoon of the monopisthocotylean monogenean Pseudodactylogyrus sp. (a gill parasite of eels) has a single axoneme showing a 9+‘1’ pattern, a nucleus and a mitochondrion, but has no cortical microtubules. This species thus provides a very simple model for the study of tubulin in the 9+‘1’ axonemes of the Platyhelminthes, in contrast with digenean sperm which have a more complex spermatozoon with two such axonemes and cortical microtubules. Indirect immunofluorescence labelling of tubulin shows that the elongating spermatids, initially lying in all directions in the early stages, are arranged as parallel elements in further stages. The number of spermatids in an isogenic group could also be precisely counted and equals 32. Nuclear labelling with fluorescent dyes shows that the nuclei, first located in the common mass of the spermatids, later elongate and migrate into the growing spermatids, and that the nucleus is located in the central part of the mature spermatozoon, with the two extremities devoid of nucleus. Labelling with antibodies directed against acetylated, tyrosinated, and polyglutamylated tubulin gave positive results, thus indicating that these post-translational modifications of tubulin are present in the axoneme of spermatids and spermatozoa of monopisthocotylean monogeneans.  相似文献   

Post-copulatory sexual selection in the form of sperm competition is known to influence the evolution of male reproductive proteins in mammals. The relationship between sperm competition and regulatory evolution, however, remains to be explored. Protamines and transition nuclear proteins are involved in the condensation of sperm chromatin and are expected to affect the shape of the sperm head. A hydrodynamically efficient head allows for fast swimming velocity and, therefore, more competitive sperm. Previous comparative studies in rodents have documented a significant association between the level of sperm competition (as measured by relative testes mass) and DNA sequence evolution in both the coding and promoter sequences of protamine 2. Here, we investigate the influence of sexual selection on protamine and transition nuclear protein mRNA expression in the testes of eight mouse species that differ widely in levels of sperm competition. We also examined the relationship between relative gene expression levels and sperm head shape, assessed using geometric morphometrics. We found that species with higher levels of sperm competition express less protamine 2 in relation to protamine 1 and transition nuclear proteins. Moreover, there was a significant association between relative protamine 2 expression and sperm head shape. Reduction in the relative abundance of protamine 2 may increase the competitive ability of sperm in mice, possibly by affecting sperm head shape. Changes in gene regulatory sequences thus seem to be the basis of the evolutionary response to sexual selection in these proteins.  相似文献   

The nuclear matrix is a specific cell structure consisting of a residual nucleoskeleton that extends from the nucleoli to the nuclear envelope. The nuclear matrix of steroido-genic cells was isolated previously from a purified nuclear fraction. We present here an in situ extraction method, modified Lutz's method, for rat glandular adrenal cell nuclear matrix. This residual organelle was characterized and studied using immunocytochemical methods. The adrenal glands were removed, the cells prepared in suspension and deposited by cytospin onto Poly-L-lysine glass slides. The nuclear matrix was extracted with Nonidet P-40, DNase I and high and low ionic strength buffers. Structural proteins, nuclear lamins, coilin and fibrillarin were detected immunocytochemically. The adrenal fasciculata cells were easily identified by this method because of their large nuclei and abundant lipid droplets in the cytoplasm. After immunocytochemical detection by antibodies against lamins A and C, a marked brown layer at the periphery of the nucleus was observed. The intensity of the staining was lower using the antibody against nuclear lamin B. Immunocytochemical detection of the protein coilin revealed punctuated stained areas, 2-6 per nucleus, that probably correspond to the coiled bodies. The protein fibrillarin was detected at the nucleolus and coiled bodies. Our technique is simple, reveals well preserved adrenal nuclear matrices, and may be a useful method for immunocytochemical analysis and in situ hybridization.  相似文献   

Summary— In order to determine the localization of actin, growing and fully grown rat oocytes were immunocytochemically examined using a post-embedding ultrastructural protein-A gold technique. In quiescent oocytes, the nucleoplasm showed slightly lower levels of actin signal when compared to the surrounding cytoplasm. The highest levels of labeling were found on nucleoli showing a reticular type morphology. In oocytes at the diakinesis stage in which nucleolar compaction had occurred, the levels of labeling increased by 5–6 times those found in quiescent oocytes. Except for conspicuous accumulation of actin under the plasma membrane, compact nucleoli had significantly higher levels of labeling when compared with those found on the general cytoplasm, while the nucleoplasm with homogeneously dispersed chromatin showed significantly lower levels of associated actin signal than the general cytoplasm. In oocytes at metaphase I, the cytoplasmic region had comparable or lower levels of labeling than the cytoplasm of oocytes at diakinesis. The meiotic spindle embedded in material with medium electron density showed a similar level of labeling as the surrounding cytoplasm. On the other hand, significantly higher levels of associated actin were observed on the chromosomes of metaphase I. The actin signals were dispersed over the chromosomes and not concentrated on a specific region. These results suggest that nuclear actin may be involved in the process of chromosome construction and also the formation of the compacted structure of the nucleolus.  相似文献   

Applying the N å O acyl rearrangement the herring protamine Clupein Y II was cleaved into defined fragments, in order to investigate the properties of the different segments of the protamine molecule. The interaction of the peptide fragments with DNA was studied by thermal denaturation, light scattering and in one case by X-ray diffraction. Furthermore, the labelling with fluorescein isothiocyanate allowed us to study the binding at equilibrium conditions. The data obtained were compared with those of the whole protamine molecule. The results for the different peptide fragments reflect their primary structure, i.e. their content of neutral or hydrophobic residues which interrupt the arginine clusters. The contribution of the two central proline residues and the importance of β-turn formation within the protamine molecule is discussed.  相似文献   

In the dasyurid marsupial, Sminthopsis crassicaudata, the mature spermatozoon has an inner homogeneous (C1) and a peripheral indented (C2) region. Using DNase-gold conjugates, and biotinylated genomic DNA probes, DNA was found to occur in both C1 and C2 regions. The morphogenesis of the spermatozoon nucleus was investigated using ultrastructural and cytochemical studies. Spermiogenesis was divided into 15 steps. By step 10, condensation of the C1 region was complete, and at the caudal extremity of the spermatid nucleus, the nuclear envelope enclosed an electron-lucent space. This space and the surrounding nuclear envelope became very enlarged at step 11. At this stage, a plate of approximately 70 nm in thickness was present along the caudal segment of the C1 region; this “nuclear mantle” did not bind DNase-gold conjugates but stained for lysine-rich proteins using alcoholic phosphotungstic acid. Chromatin condensation resumed at step 12 with the appearance of spherical chromatin structures peripheral to the C1 chromatin. These structures then partially coalesced and the indentations of the C2 region were observed. The expanded nuclear envelope at the caudal extremity persisted in caput epididymal spermatozoa. Spherical inclusions within it did not bind to DNase-gold conjugates but stained for lysine-rich proteins. As the sperm traveled down the epididymis, these inclusions amassed near the nuclear pores and were then removed from the nucleus. In addition, the nuclear mantle was found to have disappeared by the time the spermatozoa reached the corpus epididymidis. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of laminin was investigated by immunocytochemistry in the rat anterior pituitary in vivo and in primary culture. It was localized by immunofluorescence and by immunoperoxidase in the basement membranes of the pituitary in vivo. In addition it was also found inside glandular cells both in vivo and in culture. The number of immunoreactive cells greatly varied depending on the technical approach used. It was always higher in primary cultures than in vivo. At the electron microscope level, a staining was observed on secretory granules, on rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae as well as on the membrane of some Golgi saccules and vesicles. Such a localization, at the level of subcellular sites involved in the secretory process, suggests that these cells are able to synthesize and to export in vivo as well as in vitro this component of their basement membranes. This work was supported by grants from CNRS (Grant E.R. 89 and ATP “Pharmacologie des Récepteurs des Neuromediateurs”). Part of this work was performed at the EMBL (Heidelberg) during a short stay of C. Tougard (supported by an EMBO short term fellowship). EDITOR'S STATEMENT This paper documents the interesting observation that glandular cells from anterior pituitary contain laminin in their basement membranes and also apparently synthesize and secrete this extracellular matrix component. Gordon H. Sato  相似文献   

Summary— Polyamine binding sites have been localized in ram spermatozoa using biochemical and cytochemical tools. Incubating the cells with 14C-spermine and determining its distribution after sonication and differential centrifugation, revealed that 60% of the radioactive spermine was localized in the head, 21.5% in the tail and about 9% in the plasma membrane. A polyamine specific cytochemical staining by the formaldehyde-fluorescamine method, revealed that most of the polyamines were localized in the midpiece, where the cell mitochondria are located, and in the acrosome region. Two additional studies used electron microscopy, employing polycationic colloidal gold and spermine-ferritin as cytochemical markers. The most sensitive and specific method was the staining of the cells with ferritin-spermine whose synthesis is described in this study. The outer acrosomal membrane was the preferential site for spermine binding which was densely distributed in a highly orderly pattern. There was a sparse distribution of spermine binding sites on the plasma membrane surrounding the acrosome and none on the post acrosomal region. The role of spermine in the acrosome reaction and Ca2+ fluxes in sperm cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary— Arabinoxylans were localised by immunocytochemistry using polyclonal antibodies in the cell walls of the apical internode of maize after degradation in the rumen. In order to understand the significance of arabinoxylan in digestibility property, two lines of maize differing in digestibility were used. Wide variations in the intensity of labelling were observed in the four tissues studied (sclerenchyma, fibres, xylem and parenchyma) from the first hours of incubation in the rumen. Incubation time in the rumen greatly influences the intensity of labelling.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the distribution of tubulin types in apyrene and eupyrene sperm of Euptoieta hegesia butterflies was carried out, also verifying the presence of tubulin in lacinate appendages of the eupyrene sperm. Ultrathin sections of LR White embedded spermatids and spermatozoa were labeled for alpha, beta, gamma, alpha-acetylated and alpha-tyrosinated tubulins. Apyrene and eupyrene spermatids show the same antibody recognition pattern for tubulins. All tubulin types were detected in axonemal microtubules. Alpha and gamma tubulins were also detected on the cytoplasmic microtubules. However, for beta and tyrosinated tubulins only scattered labeling was detected on cytoplasmic microtubules and acetylated tubulin was not detected. In apyrene and eupyrene spermatozoa only the axoneme labeling was analyzed since cytoplasmic microtubules no longer exist in these cells. Alpha, beta and tyrosinated tubulins were easily detected on the apyrene and eupyrene axoneme; gamma tubulin was strongly marked on eupyrene axonemes but was scattered on the apyrene ones. Acetylated tubulin appeared with scattered labeling on the axoneme of both sperm types. Our results demonstrate significant differences in tubulin distribution in apyrene and eupyrene axonemal and cytoplasmic microtubules. Extracellular structures, especially the lacinate appendages, were not labeled by antibodies for any tubulin.  相似文献   

以鲤鱼的成熟精巢为原料,经0.15 mol/L NaCl溶液浸提,硫酸解离,并分别经乙醇、丙酮分离提取鱼精蛋白。测定了鱼精蛋白对细菌和真菌的最低抑制浓度以及在不同pH条件下的抑菌特性,试验结果表明鱼精蛋白具有较好的热稳定性,与EDTA复合使用可以增强抑菌效果,在酱油中可以代替苯甲酸的防腐作用。  相似文献   

Chromogranin A (CgA) belongs to the granin family of acidic proteins that are present in the secretory granules of many endocrine, neuroendocrine, and nerve cells. CgA has been shown to be stored in cardiomyocyte secretory granules of the rat heart atrium together with atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP). CgA-derived peptides (vasostatins) are known to produce a cardiosuppressive effect on isolated and working in vitro frog and rat hearts. Recently, CgA-derived vasostatin-containing peptides have been identified in rat hearts, whereas no data are available so far about the presence of CgA in the frog heart. In our work, we have studied the subcellular CgA localization in atrial myocytes of the adult frog R. temporaria heart by using an ultraimmunocytochemical method. Immunocytochemical staining of the frog atrial tissue for CgA and ANP showed the presence of the CgA-immunoreactive material in two types (A and B) of large specific atrial secretory granules, whereas no gold particles were revealed over the small granules (D) with a high electron density core. Similar results were obtained during the immunocytochemical staining by an antibody to ANP of the drog atrial cardiomyocytes. The data of the present work allow for the suggestion that CgA revealed in frog atrial cardiomyocytes, like CgA in rat cardiomyocytes, can be considered to be a precursor of intracardial vasostatins that, together with ANP, can play an important cardioprotector role under conditions of stress.  相似文献   

Antibodies to channel proteins and specific peptide sequences have been previously used to localize voltage-activated sodium channels in the rat brain. Here we describe the first localization of sodium channels in an insect nervous system using a site-directed antibody. The mesothoracic ganglion of the cockroach was stained with an antibody to the highly conserved SP19 sequence. Antibody labelling was visualized by light microscopy using the avidin/biotin method on was sections, and transmission electron microscopy of immunogold-labelled thin sections. Central ganglia of insects contain clearly separated regions of cell bodies, synaptic neuropil, axon tracts, and nerves. Antibody staining by light microscopy was limited to neurons, and was intense in axons throughout the ganglion and nerves. Staining was also strong in the cytoplasm, but not the nuclei, of many neuronal cell bodies. Neuropil regions were relatively lightly labelled. These findings can be correlated with the known electrophysiology of the ganglion. Electron microscopy detected sodium channels in areas surrounding axons, probably including axon membranes and enveloping glial cell membranes. Axonal mitochondria were also heavily labelled, suggesting a sodium channel transport function for these organelles. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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