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Musk deer (Moschus spp.) are small, solitary forest ruminants well-known for the musk secreted by adult males. Because of illegal hunting and habitat degradation and loss, the five species of musk deer are classified as endangered. Musk deer farming has been a positive example of ex situ conservation, maintaining deer numbers whilst sustaining musk production. This study was conducted at the Xinglongshan Musk Deer Farm in Gansu Province in northwest China, and was designed to explore the relationships among musk extraction, fighting ability and social rank in captive, male alpine musk deer (Moschus sifanicus). Results showed that musk production was related to a male’s rank in the dominance hierarchy. Males in the middle rank of the dominance hierarchy tended to produce more musk than deer of higher and lower ranks. This is due to the time-energy budgeting patterns and captive stress of males with different status in the dominance hierarchy. That is, high-ranking males need to budget more time and energy to maintain their higher rank, while low-ranking males are exposed to more aggression from higher-ranking individuals, thus limiting their access to resources such as food and shelter. Accordingly, high-ranking and low-ranking males endured more stress than middle-ranking males, negatively affecting their annual musk production. Supporting the correlation between musk production and the frequency of tail-rubbing behavior was not significant, average musk extraction could not be predicted based on the frequency of tail-rubbing alone. Status in the dominance hierarchy, however, was positively correlated with tail-rubbing frequency, with males of higher rank tending to tail-rub more frequently. Conflict winners tended to initiate tail-rubbing after the conflict; tail-rubbing accounted for 83.33% of the post-conflict behavior expressed by the winner. Tail-rubbing was one of the behavioral rewards of winning a conflict and was also related to releasing aggression; not solely for scent marking territory and trails. Based on the results of this study, there was no direct relationship between musk production and captive males’ status in the dominance hierarchy (and, therefore, in the intensity of aggression displayed). If the sole aim of musk deer farms is to domesticate musk deer for maximum production of musk, we suggest that highly aggressive males be removed from the population. Musk production will remain unchanged, however, aggression level and intensity of fighting could be lessened thus reducing farming costs.  相似文献   

Primate social organisation is often considered to be more complex than that of ‘lower’ mammals. The dominance hierarchy, which is given especial emphasis in most studies of social species, has been criticised on the grounds that rank is poorly related to other aspects of social organisation. These two ideas were investigated in an enclosed group of red deer by looking at the relationships between four aspects of social organisation: the dominance hierarchy; social grooming behaviour; non-copulatory mounting behaviour; spatial organisation. The last three aspects have frequently been studied in primates, but rarely in ungulates.  相似文献   

The dominance hierarchy was observed and recorded in a group of five farmed rising 5-year-old red deer stags, kept apart from hinds, from February 1982 until September 1982. The stags were observed at approximately fortnightly intervals during this period. The frequency of roaring and of serious fighting was also recorded. The identity of the dominant stag altered during the study on five occasions; a triangular dominance relationship was observed in only one observation period, and otherwise the hierarchy was linear. The roaring rate was high during the period when sexual activity would have taken place if hinds had been available, and the frequency of serious fighting was highest when one particular stag was dominant. Dominant stags showed no tendency to selectively harass subordinates in particular hierarchial positions. Although body weight was not related to rank at the beginning or end of the study, it was after 8 weeks had elapsed. Deer farmers who must keep adult stags together during the winter should maximise spacing to reduce aggression, and if necessary cull out trouble-makers.  相似文献   

Important issues that are still unresolved in the study of animal social groups are how dominance is measured and how individuals are ranked. Based on observations of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus), we constructed hierarchies for the same 26 bucks using five potential correlates of dominance and three measures based on the outcome of agonistic interactions. Data for each of six behavior measures were converted to ranks by six different numerical techniques. Different measures of behavior resulted in different hierarchies. This was especially so when the hierarchy based on sparring rates was compared to hierarchies based on other criteria. Although our results showed that dominance is not a unitary concept, several measures of dominance were highly correlated with one another. Thus, one measure, in some instances, may be a good but imperfect predictor of dominance defined by other criteria. For data sets based on index scores or rates of performing behavior, the mean difference and standard-error difference ranking methods had distinct advantages. Both produced equally weighted ranks that minimized the effects of sampling errors.  相似文献   

Dominance hierarchy in the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes japonicus was analysed in four colonies for two periods: (1) the first-brood period, when only early emerging workers are present on the nest, and (2) the mixed-brood period, when the first and second (last) broods are present on the nest. The rank in the dominance hierarchy was determined based on a sociogram showing a dominance–subordinance relationship for all pairs of workers. During the first-brood period, older workers were likely to be more dominant (older dominance hierarchy), while the rank of workers was reversed during the mixed-brood period, with younger workers being likely to be more dominant (younger dominance hierarchy). However, the oldest and youngest workers were not always the top-ranked workers in the dominance hierarchy during the first- and mixed-brood periods, respectively, and during the mixed-brood period no younger dominance hierarchy was evident when the first or second brood was analysed separately. Higher ranked workers displayed dominance behaviour more frequently, and the lowest ranked worker hardly displayed dominance behaviour. Most workers displayed dominance behaviours primarily towards the worker ranked immediately below in the dominance hierarchy during the mixed-brood period but not during the first-brood period. The bodies of younger workers were larger for the mixed brood, but not for the first brood in some colonies or the second brood in all colonies. The association between body size and rank in the dominance hierarchy was negative during the first-brood period and positive during the mixed-brood period, with a nearly significant trend also seen even when the analysis was limited to the second brood. To explain the above temporal change from an older dominance hierarchy to a younger dominance hierarchy, we propose the hypothesis that the probability of a worker inheriting the colony increases rapidly with colony development, and consequently younger larger workers attempt to move up the dominance hierarchy in order to produce their own offspring by becoming the superseder late in colony development, rather than working harmoniously so as to boost the overall production of reproductive progeny for a colony, which is the strategy adopted early in colony development.  相似文献   

Abstract: Many studies of interactions between exotic and native ungulates have not had temporal and spatial controls nor have they considered the types of competitive interactions that would allow coexistence. For exotic axis deer (Axis axis) and native white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) to coexist one species should be superior at interference competition and the other species should be superior at exploitative competition. We generated and tested predictions, based on body size and diet breadth, about habitat selection by white-tailed deer in the presence and absence of axis deer, dominance relationships, and time at sites provisioned with high quality forage. We conducted our study in treatment (axis and white-tailed deer) and control (white-tailed deer only) areas when both species were present and after axis deer were removed. We conducted vehicle surveys to determine habitat use of both species. At provisioned feeding sites we recorded aggressive behaviors and amount of time species spent at feeding sites alone and together. In the treatment area white-tailed deer selection for wooded habitat increased 2.1 times after axis deer were removed, whereas habitat selection by white-tailed deer was constant in the control area over the same time. At feeding sites axis deer were dominant to white-tailed deer; both species spent a significantly greater amount of time alone than at feeders together, but amount of time that individuals of each species spent at feeders did not differ. Axis deer were superior at interference competition, but white-tailed deer were not superior at exploitative competition; thus, species coexistence is unlikely. Whether white-tailed deer are negatively impacted by axis deer at spatial scales larger than our experiment probably depends on abundance of axis deer at larger spatial scales. Experiments of species interactions with temporal and spatial controls that consider types of competitive interactions increase a manager's understanding of when and how native ungulates may be negatively impacted by exotic ungulates.  相似文献   

In a natural experiment two female observers were masked as inpatients on two psychiatric wards. The task of the observers was to ascertain the source distribution hierarchy structure and to register interaction activities in a predefined area of the ward. It was found that in a group of inpatients there appears a relatively stable dominance hierarchy which is related to the rate of interaction initiations among the members of the group. The dominance hierarchy has a predictive value for the selfestimate of present psychic state.  相似文献   

等级结构稳定性是衡量群体凝聚力的重要指标,雌性等级结构稳定对于母系社会群体具有重要的生物学意义。本文采用目标动物取样和全事件记录相结合的方法,研究黄山短尾猴鱼鳞坑A1 群(YA1 群)和鱼鳞坑A2 群(YA2 群)的成年雌性分别在交配季节(2011 年9 ~ 12 月)和非交配季节(2012 年2 ~ 5 月)内的攻击-屈服行为。采用等级结构中雌性间攻击- 屈服频率、社会顺位和等级梯度3 个量化指标,首次定量探讨了短尾猴雌性等级结构及其稳定性。研究期间,YA1 群和YA2 群雌性间攻击- 屈服频率、社会顺位和等级梯度均无季节性变化(P >0. 05)。结果表征短尾猴雌性等级结构趋于稳定,该结果支持了短尾猴雌性等级结构稳定性的定性判断。  相似文献   

在实验室条件下测定雄性大仓鼠体重对社会等级和斗殴行为的作用模式,检验体重对雄性大仓鼠社会等级及斗殴行为序列具有重要影响的假设。本实验以16只成年雄性大仓鼠为目标个体,采用等级内部的线性概率、组内循环三元组数量(d)和优势等级的线性度(K),排列个体的社会等级序位。研究结果表明,雄性大仓鼠可形成近似线性的优势等级,体重与个体的优势等级,攻击行为和胁腺标记行为均呈显著的正相关关系,与防御行为和攻击潜伏期存在显著的负相关关系。说明独居性物种大仓鼠雄体间可形成优势等级关系,体重对此关系具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

The socio-ecological model predicts that the quality, distribution, and patch size of food resources determines the dominance hierarchy of female monkeys based on the type of food competition they experience. Comparative studies of closely related species have evaluated the socio-ecological model and confirmed its validity. For example, female patas monkeys in Laikipia, Kenya, form a nonlinear and unstable dominance hierarchy (i.e., egalitarian), whereas females of sympatric, closely related savannah monkeys form a linear and stable dominance hierarchy (i.e., despotic), in accordance with the model's predictions of the characteristics of food resources. I compared agonistic interactions involving food between patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) and sympatric savannah monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) in Kala Maloue, Cameroon. I found linear dominance hierarchies not only in savannah monkeys, but also in patas monkeys in Kala Maloue. The rates of agonistic interactions during feeding between patas monkeys were equivalent to those between savannah monkeys in Kala Maloue; further, these rates were significantly higher than those of both Laikipia patas and savannah monkeys. The results imply that patas monkeys in Kala Maloue are not egalitarian, but are despotic, similar to savannah monkeys. Disparity in the dominance hierarchies of patas monkeys between Kala Maloue and Laikipia were attributable to the differences in the characteristics of food resources. Although patas monkeys in Laikipia subsist on small and dispersed food resources within a high-density area, those in Kala Maloue subsisted on food resources that were clumped in intermediate-sized patches within a low-density area. This study shows that the socio-ecological model is applicable not only for interspecific comparisons but also for intraspecific comparisons.  相似文献   

In a previous paper (Landau, 1951) it was shown that a society with a dominance relation would rarely tend to be close to the hierarchy in structure if dominance is determined solely by the inherent characteristics of the members. Here we consider the effects of other factors, due to social rank or to the outcome of previous encounters which affected dominance. The following results are obtained. A uniform bias against reversal of dominance will have no effect on the stationary distribution of the structure of the society. If the probability of dominance is a linear function of the previously established score (number of members dominated), there will be a small tendency for the society to move toward the hierarchy; but this is negligible for large societies. If a member never challenges another whose score exceeds his own by two or more, or if he can never dominate if he should challenge, then the hierarchy is the only stable structure. From the last result it is concluded that social factors which restrict challenges or the probability of dominance could easily account for societies close to the hierarchy, such as are observed in flocks of domestic hens. The effectiveness of social bias in establishing hierarchies is much greater in small societies than in large ones.  相似文献   

A popular perspective on the social behavior of dogs in multiple-dog households sees the dogs' behavior as reflecting the sociobiological laws of the rigidly structured dominance hierarchy that has been described for wolf packs. This view suggests that aggression problems among dogs are natural expressions of conflict that arise whenever dominance status is in contention. One recommended solution has been for the owner to endorse and enforce a particular dominance hierarchy because, on the wolf pack model, aggression is minimized when the structure of the hierarchy is clear, strong, and stable. This article questions the validity of this perspective on 2 principal grounds. First, because it does not seem to occur in the wild, this article suggests the strong dominance hierarchy that has been described for wolves may be a by-product of captivity. If true, it implies that social behavior—even in wolves—may be a product more of environmental circumstances and contingencies than an instinctive directive. Second, because feral dogs do not exhibit the classic wolf-pack structure, the validity of the canid, social dominance hierarchy again comes into question. This article suggests that behavioral learning theory offers another perspective regarding the behavior of dogs and wolves in the wild or in captivity and offers an effective intervention for aggression problems.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), small directionally random deviations from perfect bilateral symmetry, is thought to reflect individual quality. Furthermore, it has been suggested that FA in secondary sexual characters can be used to assess mate or opponent quality during inter- or intrasexual competition. Studies on fallow deer, Dama dama, have suggested that FA in antlers reflects individual dominance, or the existence of a directional asymmetry (DA) with right antlers being consistently more developed than left antlers. To test these conflicting hypotheses, we analysed relationships between age, dominance and asymmetry in the number of antler points on mature fallow deer males during four rutting seasons in a single population. Age and dominance were only weakly correlated. The number of antler points displayed a pattern of DA (more points on the right than on the left side) that increased with age. Although dominance tended to increase with the total number of antler points, there was no relationship between the level of DA and dominance. These results failed to support the hypothesis that antler asymmetry visually reveals individual quality in fallow deer. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

One triad of male and two triads of female gonadectomized rhesus monkeys were observed as social groups assembled for repeated hour-long sessions. Social relationships were measured in terms of aggressive behavior between the members of each group in order to determine the dominance hierarchical order. Sexual performance was assessed for each male, before and after castration, in tests with an estrogen-stimulated ovariectomized female. Similar measures were made when the same female was periodically introduced to the all-male triad. When dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP) was administered for a period of 6 weeks to the middle-ranking member of each group, social status changes occurred in two groups, one male and one female, resulting in the elevation of the treated monkeys to the highest rank in the dominance hierarchy. In the other female group, aggressive behavior was increased with DHTP treatment of the middle-ranking female. Somatic effects, particularly a gain in body weight, occurred in all treated animals. Yawning behavior also increased significantly in those animals receiving DHTP. The latter two effects returned toward pretreatment levels following the cessation of hormone injection; however, changes in dominance hierarchy persisted to the end of the experiment, 6 weeks following the last DHTP treatment.  相似文献   

Societies are considered in which a non-transitive dominance relation exists between every pair of members, such as the peck-right in a flock of hens. A one-dimensional measure of the structure of such a society,h, is defined, withh=0 for equality andh=1 for the hierarchy. It is assumed that each member of the society is characterized by an ability vector whose components depend on individual characteristics such as size, concentration of sex hormone, etc., but not on social factors such as social rank. The distribution of abilities among members of the society is assumed to be given by a distribution function which is the same for all members, and the probability that one member dominates another is given by a function of the ability vectors of the two. On these assumptions formulas for the expected (mean) value and variance ofh are determined in terms of the distribution and dominance probability functions. Some special cases are calculated, especially that for normany distributed abilities and dominance probability given by the normal probability integral. Several conclusions are derived. If all members are of equal ability, so that dominance probability is 1/2, then any sizable society is much more likely to be near the equality than the hierarchy; and, as the size of the society increases, the probability that it will be near the hierarchy becomes vanishingly small. If the dominance probability is a weighted sum of several independent components, which make up the ability vector, then the society is less likely to be close to the hierarchy as the number of these components increases. The hierarchy is the prevalent structure only if unreasonably small differences in ability are decisive for dominance. From this it appears that the social factors, or psychological factors such as the previous history of dominance, which are not included in the present treatment, may be of great importance in explaining the observed prevalence of structures very close to the hierarchy in flocks of domestic hens.  相似文献   

One-gram implants of testosterone were placed subcutaneously in two adult intact and one castrated red deer hinds, and 100-mg implants of estradiol-17β were given to three castrated and two intact red deer stags. Their sexual behavior was then observed in the wild and in captivity for up to 3 years. Testosterone initially produced prolonged and intense estrous behavior in the hinds; this gradually gave way to behavior normally shown only by rutting stags, such as flehmen, herding threats, and roaring. Testosterone-implanted hinds rose in the dominance hierarchy as measured by competition for food. Pregnancy, or the administration of progestagens, suppressed most of this testosterone-induced behavior. Testosterone also induced development of male secondary sexual characteristics such as formation of small antler pedicles (but not antlers), hypertrophy of the clitoris and neck musculature, and development of a neck mane and male rutting odor. Estradiol-17β mimicked the behavioral effects of testosterone when given to castrated stags, stimulating all components of rutting behavior. In intact stags, the only effects were to abolish antler casting and stimulate roaring; normal rutting behavior continued unchanged. In contrast to the effects of testosterone, estradiol-17β did not influence the social status of either intact or castrated stags. The distinctions between the behavioral effects of androgens and estrogens are ill defined and are determined more by the prior sexual differentiation of the brain and the duration of steroid treatment, than by the nature of the steroid.  相似文献   

侵犯性是动物个性的重要维度之一,体现了其主动挑衅和攻击其他个体的倾向。动物的侵犯性与其社会结构及等级序位存在紧密关系。本研究于2018年6月1日至7月31日对四川马尔康林麝繁育场的圈养林麝(Moschus berezovskii)进行了行为取样,计算林麝个体的侵犯性个性(侵犯性指数)和等级序位指数,分析圈养林麝的侵犯性和等级序位格局、影响因素及相互关系。结果表明,圈养林麝的侵犯性在性别间存在显著差异,雄性林麝的侵犯性(0.45±0.09,n=22)显著高于雌性(0.22±0.06,n=30)(P <0.05),年龄和驯养密度对其侵犯性的效应均不显著(P> 0.05),说明林麝侵犯性的刚性较强;圈养林麝等级序位的性别间差异不显著(P> 0.05),亚成体麝与成体麝的等级序位差异也未达显著水平(P> 0.05),原因在于麝场的建群未区分年龄组;圈养林麝个体的侵犯性与其等级序位显著正相关,林麝个体的侵犯性越大,其等级序位越高(r=0.73,P <0.05),推测这与社群的序位等级构建和资源竞争有关。  相似文献   

While dominance relationships have been widely studied in chimpanzees, in bonobos, dominance style and linearity of hierarchy are still under debate. In fact, some authors stated that bonobo hierarchy is nonlinear/ill-defined, while others claimed that it is fairly linear. In this paper, we test the hypothesis that a shift in group composition determines changes in linearity of hierarchy. To test this hypothesis, we collected data on one of the largest captive groups in the world, in the Apenheul Primate Park (The Netherlands). We investigated the linearity of the hierarchy in two different periods, with a shifting group composition. We used the corrected Landau's index and David's scores to estimate which animals were most dominant. The major overall result of our study is that hierarchy is fairly nonlinear in this group: during the first study period (eight adults), the hierarchy was nonlinear, whereas during the second one (six adults), it failed to reach statistical linearity. We argue that the reduction of the number of adults is the principal factor affecting linearity. We also found that dominance interactions were evenly distributed across sex classes in both study periods. Furthermore, no correlation was observed between age/body weight and rank. As for the overall dominance relationship between males and females, our results suggest that there is no exclusive female dominance in the Apenheul group. The dominance style of bonobos may be loose and differentially expressed in diverse groups or in the same group, along with shifting conditions.  相似文献   

Variation in reproductive success among adult red deer stags was related to harem size, and the duration and timing of breeding access. All three factors were affected by dominance (fighting success) during the rut. The number of hinds using a stag's rutting area and the duration of individual rutting activity also affected breeding access. Dominance rank in bachelor herds, which may affect access to hinds conceiving after the rut, was correlated with rank in the preceding but not the following rut.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that there is a negative correlation between rank and order of casting antlers in white-tailed deerOdocoileus virginianus (Zimmermann, 1780) and that dominant individuals will start antler regrowth and velvet shedding earlier than subordinates. We assessed dominance relationship among 14 bucks (1.5 to 7.5 years-of-age) confined in a 0.6 ha enclosure and related hierarchal position to timing of antler casting, initiation of antler regrowth, and initiation of velvet shedding. During 66 observation sessions we recorded 2833 agonistic interactions. Bucks developed an unstable hierarchy with relatively frequent changes in rank, particularly in the upper half of the hierarchy. Antler casting dates were positively correlated with age and wins and losses of agonistic encounters; correlations with body mass approached significance. When age was eliminated as a confounding factor by partial correlation, no significant relationship between antler casting date and other characteristics occurred, except losses. When body mass was eliminated by partial correlation, the relationship between casting date and losses was more pronounced. Timing of antler regrowth was negatively correlated with age, body mass, rank and wins, while positively correlated with losses. The start of velvet shedding was negatively correlated with rank position. Our results are in apparent contrast with previous studies. However, our experimental group contained more individuals in a confined area than is typical for the species. Whitetails may be more susceptible to social stress in captivity than more gregarious species such as red deer, resulting in variable responses to rank position.  相似文献   

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