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In den aus parenchymatischen Zellen hervorgehenden Skiereiden des sekundären Phloems wurden einige besondere Strukturen beobachtet. Bei Dialyanthera otoba und Myristica fragrans kommen in diesen Zellen zungenförmige Einstülpungen der Zellwand vor, die in das Lumen hineinreichen. In den Skiereiden des Phelloderms bei Salmalia malabarica sind Trabekelnähnliche intrazelluläre Stabbildungen vorhanden. Die tangential gestreckten und skierotisierten Zellen des Dilatationsgewebes bei Balanocarpus brevipetiolaris, Hopea pierrei, Shorea multiflora, Vatica papuana, V. wallichii u. a. besitzen ein radial verlaufendes membranartiges Septum, das im Gegensatz zur Zellwand cellulosehaltig ist.  相似文献   

The population dynamic of coexisting Hydroporus-species (adults) living in 2 secondary bog pools is described. Both pools are charakterized by a typical community structure, persisting over a period of 4 years. They also differ in physical and chemical properties. None of the 5 coexisting populations in a shaded pool is dispersed equally. Most individuals were kept in an area of 0–20 cm water depth. On an average 42–100 individuals/m2 were recorded from a pool lying in a secondary birch swamp (Betuletum pubescentis).  相似文献   

Nicolaia elatior is used as an example to demonstrate that the mucronate tepals ofZingiberaceae correspond to hypsophylls (bracts) consisting of a leaf sheath and a rudimentary Oberblatt (= leaf petiole + lamina) represented by the mucro. Evidence for this interpretation is furnished by all available criteria: leaf sequence (exhibiting a complete continuum of forms from foliage leaves over cata- and hypsophylls to the tepals), nervature, and ontogeny.The present conception is compared with the well-founded thesis ofLeinfellner that the perigone ofLiliaceae is derived from the androecium. The different morphological status of the perigone in both families is not regarded as the result of different phylogenetic origin, but as a manifestation of morphogenetic transgressions from one phyllome category to an adjacent one: In theLiliaceae the perigone is under a strong morphogenetic influence of the androecium, and therefore displays staminal characters, in theZingiberaceae it is under the dominating influence of the extrafloral region, and thus appears as a hypsophyllous structure. If this assumption of a morphologically oscillating perigone is correct, it will be fundamentally impossible to demonstrate unequivocally the phylogenetic origin of the monocotyledonous perigone.
Im wissenschaftlichen Werk Prof. Dr.Walter Leinfellners steht an erster Stelle die Morphologie der Blütenorgane. Als sein dankbarer Schüler möchte ich ihm aus Anlaß seines 70. Geburtstages die folgende Studie zu einem Thema zueignen, das ihn wie mich gleichermaßen angesprochen hat und schon Gegenstand der Forschungsarbeit des Jubilars war: die Homologie des Monokotylen-Perigons.  相似文献   

用光镜及扫描电镜对两种麻黄根、茎次生木质部进行了解剖研究,结果表明:轴向系统主要由导管和管胞组成。横向系统由细胞壁木质化了的射线薄壁组织细胞组成。导管直径甚小,多孔式穿孔板,并存在导管与管胞之间的管状分子类型,推断麻黄属是裸子植物中最早出现导管的类群;管胞中有一些两头尖、胞腔小、具缘纹孔含纹孔塞的长分子,可视作纤维状管胞,使管胞的输导作用被削弱,而支持功能被加强;射线异型多列,已不具备裸子植物具较窄射线的特点。导管与管胞并存,恰好起到了一般沙生被子植物具宽窄两种类型的导管、复孔率高等典型的对干旱环境的适应特征的作用,茎中导管分子的长度和宽度均小于根,这与茎部需要较强的机械支持力相一致。  相似文献   

Tissue‐specific overexpression of useful genes, which we can design according to their cause‐and‐effect relationships, often gives valuable gain‐of‐function phenotypes. To develop genetic tools in woody biomass engineering, we produced a collection of Arabidopsis lines that possess chimeric genes of a promoter of an early xylem differentiation stage‐specific gene, Arabidopsis Tracheary Element Differentiation‐related 4 (AtTED4) and late xylem development‐associated genes, many of which are uncharacterized. The AtTED4 promoter directed the expected expression of transgenes in developing vascular tissues from young to mature stage. Of T2 lines examined, 42%, 49% and 9% were judged as lines with the nonrepeat type insertion, the simple repeat type insertion and the other repeat type insertion of transgenes. In 174 T3 lines, overexpression lines were confirmed for 37 genes, whereas only cosuppression lines were produced for eight genes. The AtTED4 promoter activity was high enough to overexpress a wide range of genes over wild‐type expression levels, even though the wild‐type expression is much higher than AtTED4 expression for several genes. As a typical example, we investigated phenotypes of pAtTED4::At5g60490 plants, in which both overexpression and cosuppression lines were included. Overexpression but not cosuppression lines showed accelerated xylem development, suggesting the positive role of At5g60490 in xylem development. Taken together, this study provides valuable results about behaviours of various genes expressed under an early xylem‐specific promoter and about usefulness of their lines as genetic tools in woody biomass engineering.  相似文献   

The cell wall polymer lignin is believed to be condensed by specific cell wall-localized oxidoreductases. In many plants species, including poplar, the peroxidase-directed oxidation of the lignin analogue syringaldazine (SYR) has been localized to cells that undergo secondary wall formation, a process that includes lignification. As a first step to analyse the corresponding peroxidases, we have isolated previously two anionic isoenzymes (PXP 3-4 and PXP 5) from poplar xylem (Populus trichocarpa), which use SYR as a substrate. Here, we demonstrate that these enzymes are responsible for the visualized SYR oxidation in the developing xylem. The cDNA that corresponds to PXP 3-4 was isolated and the deduced protein was found closely related to the other SYR-oxidizing peroxidase PXP 5 (ca. 98% of identity). PXP 3-4 was expressed in a baculovirus expression system yielding high levels of active peroxidase (3 mg/l medium). The heterologously produced protein showed characteristics similar to those of the corresponding protein from poplar xylem (enzymatic properties, isoelectric point, and migration in a native gel). PXP 3-4 was expressed in the stem and in the root xylem. The data demonstrate that PXP 3-4 (and/or PXP 5) are present in differentiating xylem, supporting a function in secondary cell wall formation.  相似文献   

On the cause of the mammalian descent of the testes (Descensus testiculorum) Two explanations have been offered for the descent of the testes in mammals, both of which are frequently cited in the literature. Moore and co-workers argued that the phylogenetic rise of body temperature caused the translocation of the testes. According to Portmann , the descent of the testes was due to the evolution of the scrotum as a signal. However, both the sensibility of the extra-abdominal testes to temperature elevations and the optical effects of the scrotum can be interpreted as a consequence of testicular descent rather than as its cause. The hypothesis presented in this paper suggests a new adaptive explanation for the descent of the testes in mammals and regards its development as an example of evolutionary compromise. Obvious disadvantages such as reduced protection of the extra-abdominal testes, “perforation” of the inguinal abdominal wall, and an increased loss of heat from the body core have to be outbalanced by a strong selective advantage. This advantage is seen in the development of a completely new, fast mode of locomotion - the gallop. The strong flexions and extensions of the vertebral column during gallop should cause intense fluctuations of intra-abdominal pressure. Fluctuations of intra-abdominal pressure severely impede continuous flow of blood in the abdominal veins. Periodically reduced venous drainage resulting in fluctuations of intra-testicular pressure would impair the process of spermiohistogenesis, which is dependent on an absolutely constant pressure within the testis. Thus, it is the displacement of the pressure sensitive testes out of the abdominal cavity that allows for the evolution of a fast mode of locomotion accompanied by strong fluctuations of intraabdominal pressure. In the course of the phylogenetic translocation of the testes increasing specializations of the testicular blood vessels occur. In mammals possessing a scrotum the return flow of venous blood from the extra-abdominal testes to the abdominal cavity is supported by utilizing the energy of the arterial pulse (‘peripheral arterial pump’). A model for the successive stages of the descent of the testes is illustrated in Figures 7–10. The morphological changes related to the phylogenetic descent of the testes, such as the specialization of the testicular blood vessels, the forming of a cremasteric sack in the inguinal region, and the differentiation of the inguinal or perineal integument into a scrotum can all be interpreted as serving one purpose: they aid in maintaining a constant intra-testicular pressure in spite of increasing fluctuations of intra-abdominal pressure and venous blood flow during the evolution of the gallop. Although the blood vessels of the spermatic chord basically serve the same functions, they show markedly different specializations in Marsupials and Eutherians. This indicates that the descent of the testes has occurred independently, at least, in these two groups. The explanation put forward here postulates a causal relationship between the mode of locomotion and the position of the testes. Mammals possessing testes wnich reside permanently within the abdominal cavity (‘Testiconda’) cannot gallop, whereas mammals with the ability to gallop must have (periodical or permanent) extraabdominal testes (‘Testiphaena’).  相似文献   

In several areas of southern Sweden, limestone nodules, locally called Orsten occur within bituminous alum shales. These shales and nodules were deposited under dysoxic conditions at the bottom of what was most likely a shallow sea during the late Middle to Upper Cambrian (ca. 500 million years ago). Subsequently, the name ‘Orsten’ has been referred to particular, mainly arthropod, fossils from such nodules, and, in a wider sense, to the specific type of preservation of minute fossil through secondarily phosphatization. This preservation is exceptional in yielding uncompacted and diagenetically undeformed three-dimensional fossils. ‘Orsten’-type preservation resulted from incrustation of a thin external layer and also by impregnation by calcium phosphate and, therefore, mineralization of the surface of the former animals during early diagenesis. Primarily, this type of preservation seems to have affected only cuticle-bearing metazoans such as cycloneuralian nemathelminths and arthropods. ‘Orsten’ preservation in this sense seems to be limited by size, in having yielded no partial or complete animals larger than 2 mm. On the other end of the scale, even larvae 100 μm long are preserved, often more complete than larger specimens, and details such as setules and pores smaller than 1 μm can be observed. Fossils preserved in such a manner are almost exclusively hollow carcasses, but can be filled secondarily; less common are completely phosphatized compact specimens. The high quality of preservation makes the Swedish ‘Orsten’ a typical Konservat-Lagerstätte. Yet, its special type of preservation is more widespread in time and geographical distribution than assumed initially, and the origin of the phosphate is not necessarily restricted just to one source. Subsequent to the first discoveries of limb fragments of Cambrian arthropods in 1975, animals in this special preservational type have been discovered in several continents and across a broad stratigraphic range including even Proterozoic strata. The latter have yielded early cleavage and metazoan embryonic stages, expanding knowledge on the preservational capacities of the ‘Orsten’. Here, we report the recent status of our research on the ‘Orsten’ and give perspectives for future exploration on a worldwide scale, particularly in light of a recently formed international research group named Center of Orsten Research and Exploration (C.O.R.E.).  相似文献   

During vessel evolution in angiosperms, scalariform perforation plates with many slit‐like openings transformed into simple plates with a single circular opening. The transition is hypothesized to have resulted from selection for decreased hydraulic resistance. Previously, additional resistivity of scalariform plates was estimated to be small – generally 10% or less above lumen resistivity – based on numerical and physical models. Here, using the single‐vessel technique, we directly measured the hydraulic resistance of individual xylem vessels. The resistivity of simple‐plated lumens was not significantly different from the Hagen–Poiseuille (HP) prediction (+6 ± 3.3% mean deviation). In the 13 scalariform‐plated species measured, plate resistivity averaged 99 ± 13.7% higher than HP lumen resistivity. Scalariform species also showed higher resistivity than simple species at the whole vessel (+340%) and sapwood (+580%) levels. The strongest predictor of scalariform plate resistance was vessel diameter (r2 = 0.84), followed by plate angle (r2 = 0.60). An equation based on laminar flow through periodic slits predicted single‐vessel measurements reasonably well (r2 = 0.79) and indicated that Baileyan trends in scalariform plate evolution maintain an approximate balance between lumen and plate resistances. In summary, we found scalariform plates of diverse morphology essentially double lumen flow resistance, impeding xylem flow much more than previously estimated.  相似文献   

论述了细菌基因组进化的 4个分子策略 :点突变 ,基因组内重排 ,基因水平转移 ,基因缺失。从经典的达尔文进化论角度探讨了细菌基因组进化与表型进化的关系。  相似文献   

Metaxylem tracheary elements of roots have differentiation between end walls and lateral walls in both Euryale and Victoria End walls have narrower, more closely spaced bars and scalariform plates. primary walls of end walls (and, to a lesser extent, lateral walls) have striations that are thickened primary wall portions orientated in an axial direction. These striations are less common in Victoria than in Euryale. Although secondary wall strands between perforations occur in some dicotyledons, the report of primary wall striations is new; these can be seen with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) but not with light microscopy. Perforations occur irregularly and sometimes sparsely on end walls of tracheary elements of Victoria , but perforations were not observed in Euryale. Thus, Euryale satisfies one criterion for the presence of vessel (end wall different from lateral wall), whereas Barclaya satisfies another (perforations in end walls) and Victoria satisfies both. Vessel origins in Nymphaeaceae are important in illustrating that there may be multiple vessel origins in dicotyledons.  相似文献   

In this study the effect of host changes and multiple passages on Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) evolution was analysed. A population of a mild isolate of PepMV was used to generate five independent evolution lineages on three tomato cultivars, which differ in rate of appearance of symptoms and their severity during viral infection (Beta Lux, Moneymaker and Malinowy O?arowski) and on Datura inoxia. Twenty serial passages were performed over a period of 217–220 days. Symptom severity was monitored along the entire experiment. After the last series of passages total RNAs from each lineage and host were isolated and the triple gene block 3 (TGB3) and coat protein (CP) were amplified, cloned and 10 clones for each gene sequenced. Among the 400 clones for both genes, 143 individual mutations (61 synonymous and 82 nonsynonymous) were identified, with the largest number of nonsynonymous mutations being observed for the tomato cultivars Malinowy O?arowski and Beta Lux. In two of the lineages evolving in the most susceptible variety of tomato (Beta Lux) necrotic changes in leaf blades appeared after 17 passages, leading to death of the plants. In these two lineages the mutation responsible for necrotic symptoms was K67E in TGB3. The appearance of this convergent mutation in independently evolving lineages may suggest that selection in this experimental set up favours more aggressive PepMV variants. We found a positive association between the severity of symptoms and the amount of genetic variability contained on viral populations. Indeed, the severity of symptoms turned out to be a good predictor for several indices of molecular variability. In addition, mapping all observed mutations in CP and TGB3 protein structures revealed that most were located on the surface, indicating a possible implication in viral–viral or viral–host interactions.  相似文献   

Tansley Review No. 119   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The phenotype of the novel gapped xylem (gpx) mutant is described. gpx plants exhibit gaps in the xylem in positions where xylem elements would normally be located. These gaps are not part of the transpiration stream and result in gpx plants having fewer functional xylem elements. The gaps are due to the absence of a secondary cell wall in developing xylem elements, resulting in complete degradation of these elements during cell death, and illustrate the importance of the secondary cell wall in retaining a functional xylem element following programmed cell death. Consequently the gpx phenotype suggests that the processes of secondary cell wall formation and cell death are independently regulated in developing xylem. gpx plants also exhibit a highly irregular pattern of secondary cell wall thickening in interfascicular cells, with some cells apparently undergoing little or no secondary cell wall deposition. Secondary cell wall deposition in plants involves the co-ordinate regulation of several complex metabolic pathways. The gpx mutant identifies a key step involved in regulating the deposition of secondary cell wall material in both xylem and interfascicular cells, and suggests that a common regulatory step controls secondary cell wall formation in these diverse cell types. The gpx mutant offers a unique opportunity to elucidate the mechanism by which the complex processes involved in secondary cell wall formation are co-ordinately regulated.  相似文献   

The chromatographic analysis of the volatile leaf oil of Pinus pinaster Ait. showed 42% of monoterpene hydrocarbons (α-pinene, camphene, β-pinene, myrcene, 3-carene, limonene, cis-ocimene, terpinolene, para-cymene, 35% of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (cubebene, copaene, caryophyllene, humulene, germacrene D, α- and γ-muurolenes, δ- and γ-cadinenes) and 23% of oxygenated compounds including esters (linalyl, bornyl, geranyl, neryl and farnesyl acetates), alcohols (cis-hexenol, linalool, α-fenchol, trans-pinocarveol, terpinen-4-ol, α-terpineol, dihydrocarveol, guaiol, junenol and α-cadinol), one aldehyde (hexenal) and one ketone (piperitone). Three non terpenoid phenylethyl esters were also identified: phenylethyl isovalerate, methyl-2 burtyate and 3-3 dimethylacrylate. Some alcohols and mainly α-terpineol and linalool seemed to be formed during the steam distillation process, they were absent when the leaf oil was obtained by maceration of small portions of leaves in the usual solvents of terpenes.  相似文献   

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