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SYNOPSIS. Giant multinucleated amoebae, discovered in Colorado near Ft. Collins and tentatively identified as Pelomyxa carolinensis, were successfully cultured in a manner identical with that used for P. carolinensis. The ultrastructure of the Colorado amoebae, in comparison with that of other large amoebae, was like that of P. carolinensis, but different from those of Amoeba proteus, P. illinoisensis, and P. palustris. Protoplasmic grafts between the Colorado amoebae and P. carolinensis were then exchanged by microsurgery. These grafts were well tolerated, and the recipient amoebae reproduced at a rate comparable to that of non-grafted controls. Other Colorado amoebae received grafts from P. illinoisensis, but all recipients died without cell division a few days after microsurgery. These nutritional, cytologic and transplantation-tolerance data reveal that the amoebae from Colorado are P. carolinensis.  相似文献   

The occurrence of amoebae in the rhizosphere of a beach grass (Panicum sp.) collected at the Hempstead Lake State Park, Long Island, New York, was investigated throughout the growing season of 198 1. Amoebae achieved increased population density in the root system when compared with that in the surrounding bare sand; moreover, numbers of amoebae were higher only during the period of active plant growth and up to flowering. Following flowering, the numbers of amoebae in the root system fell to the level found in bare sand. The species diversity of amoebae in this system was compared with that in the carposphere of the mushroom Laccaria trullisata which appears at the same site but at a different time of year.  相似文献   

The Vampyrellid Amoebae (Vampyrellida,Rhizaria)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

SYNOPSIS. Lipid content of axenic cultures of 3 species of soil amoebae was investigated. The strains studied were Acanthamoeba sp., Hartmannella rhysodes and Mayorella palestinensis. No appreciable differences were apparent in the amount of sterols and free fatty acids present in the different strains. The sterols were "fast acting" and were present mostly in free form. There was a difference in the quantities of glycerides, Acanthamoeba sp. containing the highest amount. Sterol of H. rhysodes was isolated and identified as ergosterol by chemical and physical criteria. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of thermotolerant (37°C and 45°C) free-living amoebae (FLA) in warm monomictic lakes was determined in relation to the onset of thermal stratification and associated physical and chemical changes. The position of abiotic or biotic paniculate layers in the water column was located by using a submersible horizontal beam transmissometer that measures attenuance, or the absorption and scattering of light by participates in the water column. During mixis, the vertical distribution of amoebae was sporadic with significant numbers of FLA only occurring in clay layers caused by runoff after heavy rains. With the onset of thermal stratification in the lakes, phytoplankton layers began to form. Few amoebae were isolated from layers containing flagellated phytoplankton; however, significant (P < 0.005) numbers of FLA were isolated from two paniculate layers dominated by the filamentous blue-green algae Aphanizomenon and Lyngbya, respectively. By late June, a persistent detrital or decomposition layer formed in the lower metalimnion, as well as a hypolimnetic iron layer where the Fe2+ state was predominant. In this midsummer period, 13 Naegieria fowleri were isolated, with three from the detrital layer and seven from the iron layer. The presence of attenuation zones was found to be the best indicator of the vertical distribution of FLA in the water column, and such layers represent an important, previously undescribed habitat for potentially pathogenic FLA.  相似文献   

A quantitative study of the seasonal distribution of thermotolerant (37°C and 45°C), small free-living amoebae (FLA) was conducted in Lake Issaqueena, a warm, monomictic lake with steep, sloping banks and a maximum basin depth of 10 m in the Piedmont region of South Carolina. Naegleria and Vahlkampfia were the most frequently encountered FLA in littoral sediment and surface water samples whereas Acanthamoeba was most commonly isolated from profundal sediment, especially during late summer. In the water column, FLA populations were highest in a persistent detrital layer; however, few amoebae were isolated from a massive (~1.5 m thick) layer of Oscillatoria. The only N. fowleri isolated in this study was from the detrital layer. Discussion of the influence of differences in watershed and basin morphology on variations in the size and generic composition of FLA populations for the aquatic ecosystems of Lake Issaqueena and Willard's Pond is included.  相似文献   

Using isoelectric focusing, the zymograms of 23 pathogenic and nonpathogenic Naegleria strains were studied for the activity of 16 enzymes. Certain enzymes (lactate dehydrogenase, L-threonine dehydrogenase, superoxide dismutase, acid phosphatase, malic enzyme, and leucine aminopeptidase) proved particularly useful from a practical point of view as they allow easy and reliable identification of pathogenic N. fowleri and N. australiensis as well as nonpathogenic N. lovaniensis strains. Genetic interpretation of these zymograms gave estimates of genetic distances that largely confirmed the taxonomic position of the Naegleria species. In addition, the genetic data suggest that there are two main phylogenetic groups in the genus Naegleria.  相似文献   

Fossil shells of testate amoebae, commonly found in Quaternary sediments, provide another key for the interpretation of the recent history of lakes. Outline drawings and details of shell composition provide the micropalaeontologist with a practical guide to the taxonomy of these organisms.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A quantitative study of the seasonal distribution of thermotolerant (37°C and 45°C), small free-living amoebae (FLA) was conducted in Willard's Pond, a warm, monomictic lake in the Piedmont region of South Carolina. Correlation of physical and chemical parameters with the seasonal distribution was facilitated by partitioning the aquatic ecosystem into benthic, planktonic, and neustonic habitats. Population densities of FLA peaked in late summer in each habitat; however, species composition varied between habitats. Littoral sediment appeared to be the major habitat for FLA, with peaks in populations of Acanthamoeba and Naegleria in August, Hartmannella in July, and Vahlkampfia in May. Populations in profundal sediment underwent dramatic seasonal shifts, apparently in response to the seasonal chemical changes in the hypolimnion. Acanthamoeba was most prevalent in late summer, representing as much as 82% of the FLA in profundal sediment. Distribution patterns and species composition of FLA from surface water were similar to those from littoral sediment; however, a greater percentage of Naegleria was found in surface water. Numerous FLA were isolated from the neustonic community (surface film), and the number of FLA isolated in the surface film at the deep water station was found to be significantly (P > 0.05) greater than the number from subsurface (5–10 cm) samples. In the water column, FLA populations consistently were highest in the detrital layer, which persisted at a depth of 3.0–3.4 m throughout the summer period. The large percentage of Naegleria contributing to FLA in the detrital layer suggests that Naegleria amoeboflagellates sink through the layer, flagellate, and swim back up, such migrations possibly being triggered by a reduction of nutrients below the layer or by the presence of anoxic, reducing conditions in the hypolimnion. In addition, weather events were found to play a major role in the redistribution of FLA between various habitats in the aquatic ecosystem, with such changes probably due to resuspension of FLA from littoral sediment by wind action and input from the watershed via runoff.  相似文献   

Peatlands subjected to sulfate deposition have been shown to produce less methane, believed to be due to competitive exclusion of methanogenic archaea by sulfate-reducing bacteria. Here, we address whether sulfate deposition produces impacts on a higher microbial group, the testate amoebae. Sodium sulfate was applied to experimental plots on a Scottish peatland and samples extracted after a period of more than 10 years. Impacts on testate amoebae were tested using redundancy analysis and Mann–Whitney tests. Results showed statistically significant impacts on amoebae communities particularly noted by decreased abundance of Trinema lineare, Corythion dubium, and Euglypha rotunda. As the species most reduced in abundance are all small bacterivores we suggest that our results support the hypothesis of a shift in dominant prokaryotes, although other explanations are possible. Our results demonstrate the sensitivity of peatland microbial communities to sulfate deposition and suggest sulfate may be a potentially important secondary control on testate amoebae communities.  相似文献   

The cytosol fraction of a symbiont-bearing strain of Amoeba proteus exerted a lethal effect when injected into symbiont-free amoebae of the original strain. The lethal factor appeared to be a protein with a molecular weight of over 200,000. While the effect of the lethal factor on the nucleus was reversible, the host cytoplasm was permanently damaged so that it could not form a viable cell when combined with a normal nucleus.  相似文献   

Cells of Amoeba proteus and Chaos carolinensis that were in the process of phagocytosing large prey organisms were studied to find a structural basis for the generation of mechanical forces exerted by newly forming food cups. It was found that the food-cup walls facing prey organisms have a more prominent network of thin filaments inside the plasmalemma and that the glycocalyx covering the area is more condensed than usual.  相似文献   

In the nineteenth century protozoology and early cell biology intersected through the nexus of Darwin’s theory of evolution. As single-celled organisms, amoebae offered an attractive focus of study for researchers seeking evolutionary relationships between the cells of humans and other animals, and their primitive appearance made them a favourite model for the ancient ancestor of all living things. Their resemblance to human and other metazoan cells made them popular objects of study among morphologists, physiologists, and even those investigating animal behaviour. The amoeba became the exemplar of the new protoplasmic cell concept of mid-century and because its apparent simplicity made it widely generalizable it became a popular subject in a breadth of experimental investigations and theoretical speculations. It was able to do this because “the amoeba” denotes not a particular organism, but a general type of behaviour common to the cells of a range of protozoa, simple plants and higher animals. Its status as an exemplary cell also rested upon auxiliary philosophical assumptions about what constitutes a primitive characteristic and the thesis that evolution is a progressive development of order from chaos.  相似文献   

Nucleariid amoebae are naked amoebae, generally characterized by a spherical or sometimes flattened body with radiating filopodia. Most species preferentially consume algal prey or cyanobacteria. Phylogenetic analyses of the small-subunit rRNA coding regions from four nucleariid amoebae place these species near the origin of the animal-fungal divergence, together with the choanoflagellate-Corallochytrium and the ichthyosporean clades. The species Nuclearia delicatula, N. moebiusi, and N. simplex form a monophyletic group, while ATCC 30864, tentatively but possibly incorrectly assigned to Nuclearia sp., represents a separate line of descent. These nucleariids are unrelated to the lineage containing the testate filose amoebae (Testaceafilosia). Our findings expand the morphological and phylogenetic diversity of protists at the animal-fungal divergence.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine whether murine macrophage cell lines exhibited in vitro amoebicidal activity comparable to that elicited by activated murine peritoneal macrophages. Peritoneal macrophages activated in vivo by bacillus Calmette-Guérin or Propionibacterium acnes demonstrated significant cytolysis of Naegleria fowleri amoebae. The macrophage cell line RAW264.7 also effected cytolysis of amoebae, but to a lesser extent than that elicited by activated peritoneal macrophages. However, the macrophage cell lines, J774A.1 and P388D1, did not exhibit amoebicidal activity. Macrophage conditioned medium prepared from RAW264.7 macrophages mediated cytolysis of L929 tumor cells but had no effect on N. fowleri amoebae. In addition, neither recombinant tumor necrosis factor nor recombinant interleukin-1 exhibited amoebicidal activity. Scanning electron microscopy of co-cultures revealed that N. fowler bound to activated peritoneal macrophages and RAW264.7 macrophages. These results suggest that RAW264.7 macrophages treated in vitro with lipopolysaccharide are similar to macrophages activated in vivo in that they effect contact-dependent cytolysis of Naegleria fowleri amoebae. The RAW264.7 macrophages are unlike primary macrophage cultures in that they either do not release soluble amoebicidal factors into the conditioned medium or they release insufficient quantities.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody was obtained against a 29-kD polypeptide in the cytosol of a symbiont-bearing strain (xD) of Amoeba proteus and was used to determine the distribution of the antigen in amoebae. The 29-kD polypeptides (xD protein) are produced by bacterial endosymbionts that are necessary for the survival of host xD amoebae. Results of indirect immunofluorescent and electron-microscopic immunogold-labeling studies showed that the xD protein was present diffusely in the amoeba cytoplasm as well as in the symbiotic bacteria. The native protein containing 29-kD polypeptides was purified using an immunoaffinity column prepared with the monoclonal antibody and its molecular weight was determined to be 87,000.  相似文献   

Amoebae potentially able to cause severe eye infections were isolated from 31 of 56 eyewash stations. Eyewash stations that contained a reservoir presented a greater hazard than those without a reservoir. The need to flush eyewash stations regularly as part of safe laboratory practices is emphasized.  相似文献   

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