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李飏 《动物学杂志》2017,52(1):176-176
正2016年11月21日上午10时许,在云南省红河州开远市三角海水库(23°35′27.61″N,103°18′16.09″E,海拔1 300 m)进行鸟类调查时,观察到1只雌性红胸秋沙鸭(Mergus serrator)在一群骨顶鸡(Fulica atra)之间游弋、觅食。11月27日和12月3日上午,在相同地点再次观察到该鸟,并拍摄了视频和照片(图1)。  相似文献   

正2012年9月8日,在云南省红河州开远市三角海水库(23°35'27.61″N,103°18'16.09″E,海拔1 300 m)进行鸟类调查时,于湖边退水草地中发现1只小杓鹬(Numenius minutus)在约50只灰头麦鸡(Vanellus cinereus)和近60只牛背鹭(Bubulcus ibis)组成的混合群中一起觅食。作者对小杓鹬  相似文献   

正2016年4月4日,作者在江苏省张家港市长江沿岸(120°48'20. 57″E,31°54'3. 16″N,海拔0 m)进行鸟类调查时,于沿江滩涂发现1只鸻鹬类水鸟并拍到照片(图1),该鸟腿和嘴基为橘黄色(嘴端黑色),腹部至尾下白色,喉部为白色,且具完整白色颈圈和黑色胸带,前额具白黑相间的斑,后额、翅膀及背部为灰褐色。经查阅《中国鸟类野外手册》(约翰·马敬能等,2000),确定其为剑鸻Charadrius hiaticula,结合《中国鸟类分类与分布名录(第三版)》(郑光美,2017),确定剑鸻为江苏省分布新纪录。剑鸻隶属于鸻形目Charadriiformes鸻科Charadriidae  相似文献   

2010年5月3日,笔者在新疆木垒县境内的大石头乡(43°54′N,90°48′E,海拔1159 m)拍摄到1只东方鸻Charadrius veredus.经过野外仔细观察和鉴定,核准为新疆鸟类一新纪录种.东方鸻大小如椋鸟,全长221~239 mm,体重79~103 g.雄鸟繁殖期额、眼上、面颊、颈部白色,上体土褐色,胸部栗红色下缘有黑色环斑.腹部白色.展翅时翼下暗色.腿黄色或橙黄色.雌鸟的面颊污棕色,胸带沾染黄褐色,其下沿或无黑带.无亚种分化.  相似文献   

2009年12月至2010年2月,在嘉陵江中游采用样方法研究长嘴剑鸻Charadriusplacidus冬季觅食地选择。通过Mann-Whitney检验,发现基质类型、土壤动物生物量、裸地面积比例、距明水距离和坡度等变量在长嘴剑鸻的觅食地样方(n=62)和对照样方(n=62)间存在极显著性差异(Mann-Whitney检验,P<0.01)。对存在显著性差异的变量进行逻辑斯谛回归分析表明,裸地面积比例对长嘴剑鸻觅食地选择的影响最大,然后依次是坡度和土壤动物生物量。此外,对比渠化江段和自然江段长嘴剑鸻觅食地样方的结果表明,二者在距人为干扰距离和基质类型两个变量间存在显著性差异(Mann-Whitney检验,P<0.05),这在一定程度上反映了长嘴剑鸻对渠化江段的部分适应。总之,长嘴剑鸻偏好在食物丰富、坡度平缓的近水源裸露鹅卵石滩觅食。因此,加强沿江滩涂的保护对长嘴剑鸻有着重要意义。  相似文献   

云南开远新发现的腊玛古猿化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文描述的标本是1980年6月和1982年5月,在云南开远小龙潭晚中新世褐煤层中发现的古猿化石。标本有左下第一至第三臼齿列和一件带十二枚牙齿的上颌骨。从标本反映的形态特征观察,应归为腊玛古猿。  相似文献   

2012年1月至2013年5月在滇池湿地34个样点上开展了每月1次(共17次)的鸟类调查。迄今为止,滇池湿地共发现鸻鹬类850只次,隶属于5科11属20种。其中,铁嘴沙鸻Charadrius leschenaultia和弯嘴滨鹬Calidris ferruginea为云南鸟类新分布;水雉Hydrophasianus chirurgus和蒙古沙鸻Charadrius mongolus为滇池鸟类新纪录。有18种(731只次)鸻鹬类集中分布在滇池整治过程中形成的福保湾湿地。福保湾湿地大面积浅水泥滩、开阔水域和稠密植被,交错形成了鸻鹬类偏好的生境格局,是导致3种鸻鹬类新分布和大量鸻鹬类个体集中分布的主要原因。  相似文献   

正2019年4月13日下午,在浙江省宁波市杭州湾新区靠近三北浅滩的内塘(121°16′05″E,30°23′07″N,海拔约10 m)发现在小群活动的红颈滨鹬(Calidris ruficollis)和环颈鸻(Charadrius alexandrinus)中混有2只小型鸻(图1),这2只鸻的体型较红颈滨鹬和环颈鸻略大,体色似金眶鸻(C.dubius),但无金黄色眼圈,喙较短粗且具黑黄二色,黑色额斑上无白色细纹,经辨认为繁殖羽的剑鸻(C.hiaticula)。经查阅相关文献(诸葛阳1990,Chen etal.2012,郑光美2017),未见浙江省内有该鸟种分布报道,确认此次发现的剑鸻为浙江省鸟类分布新记  相似文献   

Capsule: The 2007 national survey of the UK breeding population of Little Ringed Plovers shows a further spread into Scotland and Wales since the previous survey in 1984. In contrast, there has been a significant decrease in the Ringed Plover breeding population.

Aims: To provide new breeding population estimates in the UK and Great Britain for Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius and Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula in 2007 and investigate changes in breeding distribution and habitat use since 1984.

Methods: Breeding population estimates were made by combining counts of pairs from ‘key sites’ (2?×?2?km tetrads known to be occupied in/since 1984) and estimates of the numbers of pairs away from these sites based on stratified sampling. Survey periods for Little Ringed Plover: 15 April to 15 July, three visits; Ringed Plover: 15 April to 30 June, two visits.

Results: Population estimates, for 2007, of 1239 (95% confidence intervals: 1175–1311) pairs of Little Ringed Plover and 5291 (5106–5478) pairs of Ringed Plovers were calculated for Great Britain, with 5438 (5257–5622) pairs of Ringed Plover estimated in the UK. Counts of Ringed Plover at inland and coastal sites, covered in both 1984 and 2007, decreased by 83% and 53%, respectively. The Little Ringed Plover population has expanded in range northward and westward since 1984. Main habitats used in 2007 by Little Ringed Plover were inland gravel and sand (25.9%) and river shingle (17.8%); and, for Ringed Plover, coastal shingle and sand (38.5% and 13.7%, respectively) and machair plus associated habitats (23.8%) in the Outer Hebrides.

Conclusions: Between 1984 and 2007, the Little Ringed Plover breeding population in the UK increased considerably, expanding northward and westward, with increased use of river shingle habitats. During the same period Ringed Plover breeding numbers in the UK declined considerably in both coast and inland habitats, likely to be due to human disturbance and habitat change, respectively.  相似文献   

B. C. Osborne 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):209-212
The Merlin population in Orkney has undergone a marked decline during the 1980s. Site occupancy fell from 42% to 14% between 1981 and 86, while mean breeding success fell from 48% during 1975–81 to 29% during 1982–86. Mean brood size of successful nests declined from 3.3 during 1975–80 to 2.5 during 1981–87. Most breeding failures occurred during incubation. Loss and degradation of habitat, disturbance, weather, predation, organo-chlorine contamination and mercury contamination were examined as possible causes.  相似文献   

How individual birds schedule their movements and use different sites during the non‐breeding season are fundamental issues in avian migration ecology, and studies have often revealed strong seasonal variation in such strategies. Using geolocators we tracked Common Ringed Plovers Charadrius hiaticula from northern Norway to West Africa and back to assess whether there were differences in migratory speed, duration and stopover use between autumn and spring migration and whether birds used multiple sites during the non‐breeding season. Although the pace of migration was similar between autumn and spring, the length of flight bouts and duration of the preceding stopovers were positively correlated only in autumn. Four of five birds showed a marked southward movement in mid‐winter.  相似文献   

2014年8月13日,于陕西省蒲城县卤阳湖国家湿地公园的晒碱池内(34°48′N,109°24′E)发现1只阔嘴鹬(Calidrisfalcinellus),但当时并未获得清晰的照片记录.2019年8月31日和9月6日于相同地点又分别发现1只阔嘴鹬,并于8月31日拍下清晰的照片(图1).该鸟形态特征为喙黑色,长且宽,前...  相似文献   

The breeding habitat preferences of Kentish Plover and Little Ringed Plover were studied on a shingle bed. The location of each nest was measured as the distance to the sea wall, nearest pond and nearest path. The habitat surrounding nests was measured at radii of 0.15 m and 15 m as the proportional cover of shingle, gravel, sand, live and dead vegetation. When all variables were considered simultaneously, the differences between the habitats used by the species were related to the cover of shingle within 15 m of the nest and the distance to the sea wall. Nest sites located close to the sea wall and with high shingle cover almost always belonged to Kentish Plover, while those more distant and with low shingle cover almost always belonged to Little Ringed Plover. Kentish Plover nested in areas of newly exposed shingle, while Little Ringed Plovers used areas which had been stable for longer and hence were colonized by vegetation. This study suggests that management which maintains a high proportion of exposed substrate on shingle beds will increase their suitability for Kentish Plover.  相似文献   

Capsule Little Ringed Plovers breeding in South Sweden migrate towards the southeast in the autumn, via the Middle East, to winter in Saharan and sub-Saharan locations or in India, while the spring migration is more directly towards the north.

Aims To study the migration routes and wintering area of Little Ringed Plovers (Charadrius dubius) breeding in South Sweden, and to investigate the migration strategy and speed for this little studied shorebird.

Methods We use light-level geolocators to track the year-round movements of Little Ringed Plovers breeding in South Sweden.

Results Autumn migration proceeded towards the southeast, in three birds via lengthy stopovers in the Middle East, followed by movements towards the west and southwest to final winter destinations in Africa, while one male made a long stopover in northwestern Iran before migrating to India. The birds wintering in Africa probably stayed at freshwater locations in the Sahara or just south or north of the Sahara. Spring migration was more directly back to the breeding area. Overall migration speeds were similar during autumn and spring migration at about 189 and 209?km/day, respectively. The migration was carried out mainly as many short flights between stopovers. In particular, autumn migration was longer than the direct distance between breeding and wintering sites.

Conclusions This study shows that the geolocator method can successfully be used with relatively small (40?g) shorebirds. We found that a local population of Little Ringed Plover may have widely differing wintering sites (low connectivity), from sub-Saharan Africa to the Indian subcontinent. The migration strategy of the Little Ringed Plover, with multiple short flights, deviates from that of many other long-distance migrating shorebirds that, instead, make one or a few long flights.  相似文献   

Hans Bub 《Journal of Ornithology》1962,103(2-3):243-249
Zusammenfassung In den Jahren 1948–1957 wurden innerhalb einer kleinen Sandregenpfeifer-Population bei Wilhelmshaven 12 Altvögel und 41 nichtflügge Jungvögel beringt. Die Ortstreue zweier Paare betrug einmal sechs und einmal acht Jahre. Auch die Partnertreue erstreckte sich einmal über acht Jahre.Aus 92 abgelegten Eiern schlüpften 46 Junge. Das entspricht einer Erfolgsrate von 50 %. In einem Fall lag eine nicht ganz erwiesene Bigamie vor.Das Mindestalter zweier Vögel lag bei acht Jahren.Es wird außerdem über Ankunft und Abzug berichtet, sowie über Kennzeichen, Maße und Gewichte.  相似文献   

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