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In studies of habitat suitability at landscape scales, transferability of species-landscape associations among sites are likely to be critical because it is often impractical to collect datasets across various regions. However, limiting factors, such as prey availability, are not likely to be constant across scales because of the differences in species pools. This is particularly true for top predators that are often the target for conservation concern. Here we focus on gray-faced buzzards, apex predators of farmland-dominated landscapes in East Asia. We investigated context dependency of “buzzard-landscape relationship”, using nest location datasets from five sites, each differing in landscape composition. Based on the similarities of prey items and landscape compositions across the sites, we determined several alternative ways of grouping the sites, and then examined whether buzzard-landscape relationship change among groups, which was conducted separately for each way of grouping. As a result, the model of study-sites grouping based on similarities in prey items showed the smallest ΔAICc. Because the terms of interaction between group IDs and areas of broad-leaved forests and grasslands were selected, buzzard-landscape relationship showed a context dependency, i.e., these two landscape elements strengthen the relationship in southern region. The difference in prey fauna, which is associated with the difference in climate, might generate regional differences in the buzzard-landscape associations.  相似文献   

捕食者有病的食饵-捕食者模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了捕食者有病的食饵-捕食者模型;由Hurwitz判据、LaSalle不变性原理获得了平衡点稳定的条件;并给出了模型的撮动解.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that primates use spatial memory to travel efficiently between important resources such as trees with ripe fruit or water holes. White-faced sakis (Pithecia pithecia) have shown strong evidence of spatial memory as they travel efficiently to feed on the seeds of highly productive fruit trees and the ripe fruit of a highly preferred tree species and to drink from natural cisterns in trees. Researchers theorize that primates rely less on memory when they feed on more evenly dispersed food. Here we examine the use of spatial memory in a group of wild white-faced sakis during a month of fruit scarcity when they foraged for desiccated seeds, leaves, insect material, and flowers. We used logistic regression and three computer models (the geometric model, the step model, and the change point model) to analyze their movement patterns. We find that the focal group does not demonstrate the use of memory. These results are in contrast to results from a study of spatial memory with the same focal group in the two immediately preceding months. The results conform to theories on the role of nutritionally dense and patchy foods in driving the use of memory during travel between feeding sites. They demonstrate that, within a short time, a group of primates can vary from a strong reliance on spatial memory to no demonstrable use of spatial memory.  相似文献   

Confusion Effect in a Reptilian and a Primate Predator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The confusion effect is claimed to be one benefit of group living with respect to predator avoidance: it is more difficult for predators to capture prey that is surrounded by other conspecifics than to capture an isolated individual. So far, the predictions of the confusion effect have been tested mainly in aquatic predators. As the confusion effect is seen to be a general problem for predators, terrestrial predators of two different vertebrate classes were used to test it. The prey (mealworms and black beetles, Tenebrio molitor ) was harmless and had no chance of predator avoidance. Thus, confounding effects of group defence and enhanced vigilance were controlled. Both leopard geckos ( Eublepharis macularius ) and common marmosets ( Callithrix jacchus ) took longer to catch one out of several prey compared to one single prey. Leopard geckos showed more fixations (changing of head position) when confronted with 20 mealworms than when confronted with only one mealworm, thus showing indications of being 'confused'.  相似文献   

We study the effects of density dependent migrations on the stability of a predator-prey model in a patchy environment which is composed with two sites connected by migration. The two patches are different. On the first patch, preys can find resource but can be captured by predators. The second patch is a refuge for the prey and thus predators do not have access to this patch. We assume a repulsive effect of predator on prey on the resource patch. Therefore, when the predator density is large on that patch, preys are more likely to leave it to return to the refuge. We consider two models. In the first model, preys leave the refuge to go to the resource patch at constant migration rates. In the second model, preys are assumed to be in competition for the resource and leave the refuge to the resource patch according to the prey density. We assume two different time scales, a fast time scale for migration and a slow time scale for population growth, mortality and predation. We take advantage of the two time scales to apply aggregation of variables methods and to obtain a reduced model governing the total prey and predator densities. In the case of the first model, we show that the repulsive effect of predator on prey has a stabilizing effect on the predator-prey community. In the case of the second model, we show that there exists a window for the prey proportion on the resource patch to ensure stability.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The increasing populations of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), raccoons (Procyon lotor), and striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) in the Intermountain West have contributed to low waterfowl recruitment in recent decades. This effect prompted the need for predator removal at many waterfowl refuges, such as the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge (BRMBR) in the Great Salt Lake ecosystem. Our study examined the effects of the removal of predatory mammals at the BRMBR on the home range size and spatial overlap of the remaining populations of red foxes, raccoons, and striped skunks. The removal of predators through traps, snares, and night-shooting created a lower predator population during the predators' rearing and dispersal seasons. Predator removal did not result in a change of home range size for red foxes, raccoons, or striped skunks. In all species, home ranges were of similar size during the rearing and dispersal seasons and there were no differences among sexes. After predator removal, the proportion of a home range that overlapped with that of another conspecific decreased in foxes but increased in raccoons. However, predator removal did not change the proportion of inter-specific home range overlap between foxes and raccoons. These findings indicate that home range sizes of these mammalian predators were not constrained by their population densities prior to predator management. In this situation, predator control may be only temporarily successful in reducing predator populations. Managers may achieve more permanent reduction in predator population by decreasing food and shelter resources, thereby reducing the carrying capacity of the landscape.  相似文献   

具有脉冲投放捕食者阶段结构时滞的捕食-食饵模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了具有阶段结构脉冲时滞的HollinglI功能反应的捕食模型,其中天敌(益虫)进行人工脉冲周期投放,害虫具有阶段结构及成熟期的时滞现象,并进行了系统的数学及生物方面的研究.利用脉冲及时滞微分方程的基本知识证明了该害虫根除周期解的唯一性和全局吸引性.进一步证明了当天敌的投放量或者投放周期在一定的范围内,能够控制害虫在作物的经济危害水平(EIL)运行的情况下使天敌与害虫可以共存.得出的结论为害虫治理提供了策略基础.  相似文献   

Threat-Sensitive Responses to Predator Attacks in a Damselfly   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The threat sensitivity hypothesis predicts that prey species assess and adjust their behavior flexibly in accordance with the magnitude of the threat imposed by a predator. We tested this hypothesis with regard to escape behavior and thanatosis (feigning of death to escape predation) in larvae of the damselfly Ischnura elegans. We manipulated the perceived predation threat of the larvae by changing three factors: lamellae autotomy (an escape strategy where animals sacrifice a body part when grasped by a predator; lamellae present or absent), kairomone type (odors released by predators; control, dragonfly kairomones or fish kairomones), and population of origin (fishpond or fishless pond). We demonstrated that thanatosis increased survival both when confronted with dragonfly and fish predators. We could show, for the first time, costs of past autotomy to be predator‐dependent: larvae without lamellae suffered higher predation mortality but only in the presence of a dragonfly predator and not in the presence of a fish predator. This is in accordance with the observed reduced escape speed of larvae after autotomy, which may affect escape probability toward dragonfly predators but not to the very fast fish predators. Unexpectedly, kairomone type did not affect the escape response of the larvae. In accordance with the threat sensitivity hypothesis, after an unsuccessful attack, larvae without lamellae had a higher frequency to enter thanatosis than larvae with lamellae and larvae from the fishpond showed longer thanatosis durations than larvae from the fishless pond. Consistent with the hypothesis, the reaction of the larvae to a simulated attack depended jointly on lamellae status and population. In fishless ponds, larvae with lamellae swam away more frequently than larvae without lamellae; in fishponds both groups almost never swam away and relied mostly upon immobility. Given the obvious benefits of adaptively varying escape responses we hypothesize this threat sensitivity to be widespread. Moreover, we argue that former inconsistencies between studies with regard to escape behavior may have been partly because of such adaptive variation.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of repeated stress has been studied on noradrenaline release in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and on adrenocorticotropin levels. Rats were stressed by 20-min immobilization once a day for 5 days. On day 6 they were exposed to the same stress or to a different one (ether vapors for 2 min). Immobilization and ether stress increased noradrenaline release in naive rats (271 ± 43 and 197 ± 9%, respectively) and raised adrenocorticotropin levels, showing activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary axis. Repeated daily restraint did not modify basal noradrenaline or adrenocorticotropin levels. The further immobilization session on day 6 did not change noradrenaline levels at any observation time (20–120 min). The adrenocorticotropin response was still present, although significantly reduced. In repeatedly restrained rats, exposure to ether vapors induced a maximal increase in noradrenaline level similar to that observed in naive rats, although prolonged. In these rats the adrenocorticotropin response did not differ from that in acutely stressed rats. These results suggest that habituation may develop to a stressful stimulus leading to suppression of the hypothalamic noradrenergic response and that this phenomenon is stress specific. Moreover, modifications of noradrenaline release in the paraventricular nucleus are not solely responsible for the adrenocorticotropin response during stress, suggesting that other pathways and/or neurotransmitters are involved too.  相似文献   

Protistan grazing on biofilms is potentially an important conduit enabling energy flow between microbial trophic levels. Contrary to the widely held assumption that protistan feeding primarily involves ingestion of biofilm cells, with negative consequences for the biofilm, this study demonstrated preferential grazing on the noncellular biofilm matrix by a ciliate, with selective ingestion of yeast and bacterial cells of planktonic origin over attached and biofilm-derived planktonic cells. Introducing a ciliate to two biofilm-forming Cryptococcus species, as well as two bacterial species in a model biofilm system, fluorescent probes were applied to determine ingestion of cellular and noncellular biofilm fractions. Fluoromicroscopy, as well as photometric quantification, confirmed that protistan grazing enhanced yeast biofilm metabolism, and an increase in biofilm biomass and viability. We propose that the extracellular polymeric matrix of biofilms may act as an interface regulating interaction between predator and prey, while serving as source of nutrients and energy for protists.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Feeding responses of Cassida nebulosa to spinach vary depending on prior dietary experience. Adults reared on spinach, eat much spinach whereas those reared on Chenopodium album var. centrorubrum rarely eat it. However, there are a few reports that address the mechanisms of this phenomenon, which is termed 'induction of preference'. It has been presumed that this phenomenon arises in response to a reduction of sensitivity to the feeding deterrents contained in spinach as a result of early experience feeding on it. Therefore, we attempted to verify the effects of the feeding deterrent that was isolated from spinach. The feeding-deterrent response was reduced in adults reared on spinach compared with adults reared on C. album var. centrorubrum . Additionally, consumption of spinach by adults reared on deterrent-treated leaves of C. album var. centrorubrum was significantly higher than that by adults reared on control leaves of C. album var. centrorubrum . These results indicate that C. nebulosa acquires the ability to tolerate spinach because sensitivity to the feeding deterrent contained in spinach is reduced by early experience with the deterrent.  相似文献   

Discretization of a geographical region is quite common in spatial analysis. There have been few studies into the impact of different geographical scales on the outcome of spatial models for different spatial patterns. This study aims to investigate the impact of spatial scales and spatial smoothing on the outcomes of modelling spatial point-based data. Given a spatial point-based dataset (such as occurrence of a disease), we study the geographical variation of residual disease risk using regular grid cells. The individual disease risk is modelled using a logistic model with the inclusion of spatially unstructured and/or spatially structured random effects. Three spatial smoothness priors for the spatially structured component are employed in modelling, namely an intrinsic Gaussian Markov random field, a second-order random walk on a lattice, and a Gaussian field with Matérn correlation function. We investigate how changes in grid cell size affect model outcomes under different spatial structures and different smoothness priors for the spatial component. A realistic example (the Humberside data) is analyzed and a simulation study is described. Bayesian computation is carried out using an integrated nested Laplace approximation. The results suggest that the performance and predictive capacity of the spatial models improve as the grid cell size decreases for certain spatial structures. It also appears that different spatial smoothness priors should be applied for different patterns of point data.  相似文献   

捕食者有病的生态-流行病模型的分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
建立并分析了捕食者具有疾病且有功能反应的生态-流行病(SI)模型,讨论了解的有界性.应用特征根法得到了平衡点局部渐近稳定的充分条件,进一步分析了平衡点的全局稳定性,得到了边界平衡点和正平衡点全局稳定的充分条件。  相似文献   

Few studies have examined how foraging niche shift of a predator over time cascade down to local prey communities. Here we examine patterns of temporal foraging niche shifts of a generalist predator (yellow catfish, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) and the abundance of prey communities in a subtropical lake. We predicted that the nature of these interactions would have implications for patterns in diet shifts and growth of the predator. Our results show significant decreases in planktivory and benthivory from late spring to summer and autumn, whereas piscivory increased significantly from mid-summer until late autumn and also increased steadily with predator body length. The temporal dynamics in predator/prey ratios indicate that the predation pressure on zooplankton and zoobenthos decreased when the predation pressure on the prey fish and shrimps was high. Yellow catfish adjusted their foraging strategies to temporal changes in food availability, which is in agreement with optimal foraging theory. Meanwhile the decrease in planktivory and benthivory of yellow catfish enabled primary consumers, such as zooplankton and benthic invertebrates, to develop under low grazing pressure via trophic cascading effects in the local food web. Thus, yellow catfish shifts its foraging niche to intermediate consumers in the food web to benefit the energetic demand on growth and reproduction during summer, which in turn indirectly facilitate the primary consumers. In complex food webs, trophic interactions are usually expected to reduce the strength and penetrance of trophic cascades. However, our study demonstrates strong associations between foraging niche of piscivorous fish and abundance of prey. This relationship appeared to be an important factor in producing top-down effects on both benthic and planktonic food webs.  相似文献   

Animal aggregation is a general phenomenon in ecological systems. Aggregations are generally considered as an evolutionary advantageous state in which members derive the benefits of protection and mate choice, balanced by the costs of limiting resources and competition. In insects, chemical information conveyance plays an important role in finding conspecifics and forming aggregations. In this study, we describe a spatio-temporal simulation model designed to explore and quantify the effects of these infochemicals, i.e., food odors and an aggregation pheromone, on the spatial distribution of a fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) population, where the lower and upper limit of local population size are controlled by an Allee effect and competition. We found that during the spatial expansion and strong growth of the population, the use of infochemicals had a positive effect on population size. The positive effects of reduced mortality at low population numbers outweighed the negative effects of increased mortality due to competition. At low resource densities, attraction toward infochemicals also had a positive effect on population size during recolonization of an area after a local population crash, by decreasing the mortality due to the Allee effect. However, when the whole area was colonized and the population was large, the negative effects of competition on population size were larger than the positive effects of the reduction in mortality due to the Allee effect. The use of infochemicals thus has mainly positive effects on population size and population persistence when the population is small and during the colonization of an area. Electronic Supplementary Material  The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Climate variability influences seabird population dynamics in several ways including access to prey near colonies during the critical chick-rearing period. This study addresses breeding success in a Barents Sea colony of common guillemots Uria aalge where trophic conditions vary according to changes in the northward transport of warm Atlantic Water. A drift model was used to simulate interannual variations in transport of cod Gadus morhua larvae along the Norwegian coast towards their nursery grounds in the Barents Sea. The results showed that the arrival of cod larvae from southern spawning grounds had a major effect on the size of common guillemot chicks at fledging. Furthermore, the fraction of larvae from the south was positively correlated to the inflow of Atlantic Water into the Barents Sea thus clearly demonstrating the mechanisms by which climate-driven bottom-up processes influence interannual variations in reproductive success in a marine top predator.  相似文献   

This work aims to examine the global behavior of a Gause type predator–prey model considering two aspects: (i) the functional response is Holling type III and, (ii) the prey growth is affected by the Allee effect. We prove the origin of the system is an attractor equilibrium point for all parameter values. It has also been shown that it is the ω-limit of a wide set of trajectories of the system, due to the existence of a separatrix curve determined by the stable manifold of the equilibrium point (m,0), which is associated to the Allee effect on prey. When a weak Allee effect on the prey is assumed, an important result is obtained, involving the existence of two limit cycles surrounding a unique positive equilibrium point: the innermost cycle is unstable and the outermost stable. This property, not yet reported in models considering a sigmoid functional response, is an important aspect for ecologists to acknowledge as regards the kind of tristability shown here: (1) the origin; (2) an interior equilibrium; and (3) a limit cycle of large amplitude. These models have undoubtedly been rather sensitive to disturbances and require careful management in applied conservation and renewable resource contexts.  相似文献   

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