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The mechanism of action of antileishmanial compounds is poorly understood. Ultrastructural changes in Leishmania tropica within human macrophages exposed in vitro to Pentostam, pentamidine, amphotericin B, WR 6026, ketoconazole, and Formycin B were examined in these experiments. In Pentostam-treated cultures, some organisms exhibited diminished definition of mitochondrial and other membranes, while other organisms had completely disintegrated. Pentostam-exposed macrophages demonstrated loss of membrane definition in the absence of further alterations; it is therefore hypothesized that impaired macrophage membrane function may contribute towards the effect of this drug against macrophage-contained organisms. Leishmania parasites in pentamidine-treated cultures initially demonstrated swollen kinetoplasts and fragmentation of the kinetoplast DNA core. The initial observed effect of the other four drugs on the parasites was cytoplasmic condensation. These ultrastructural studies suggest that all five non-antimonial drugs may have different mechanisms of action than antimony (Pentostam) against Leishmania.  相似文献   

Promastigotes of Leishmania move progressively up a concentration gradient of: various sugars, specific sugars attracting individual species of Leishmania; serum albumin and another unidentified constituent of serum; hemoglobin; and a factor generated by promastigotes in NNN medium. The movement of promastigotes up a concentration gradient of serum is optimal at a pH of 6.4 to 6.8 and a temperature of 28°C and above. Cholinergic and adrenergic agents did not affect the attraction of serum for promastigotes. and cyclic nucleotides, inflammatory mediators, and macrophage products were not chemotaxic. It is postulated that the sugar chem-otaxins influence the movement of promastigotes from the sand fly midgut to the esophagus, and serum chemotaxins may play a part in the entry of promastigotes into the skin of a mammal from the proboscis. Macrophages, the host cell of the obligate intracellular Leishmania species, were not attracted to any product of promastigotes. When, however, promastigotes interact with serum, complement is activated to form C5a which is chemotaxic for macrophages. Activation of complement by promastigotes is, at least partially, by the alternate pathway. Other chemotaxins resulting from promastigote interaction with serum may also be present. Promastigotes may also produce inhibitors of C5a activity.  相似文献   

Radiation exposure is a threat to public health because it causes many diseases, such as cancers and birth defects, due to genetic modification of cells. Compared with the past, a greater number of people are more frequently exposed to higher levels of radioactivity today, not least due to the increased use of diagnostic and therapeutic radiation-emitting devices. In this study, ultra-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-QTOF-MS)-based metabolic profiling was used to investigate radiation- induced metabolic changes in human fibroblasts. After exposure to 1 and 5 Gy of γ-radiation, the irradiated fibroblasts were harvested at 24, 48, and 72 h and subjected to global metabolite profiling analysis. Mass spectral peaks of cell extracts were analyzed by pattern recognition using principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). The results showed that the cells irradiated with 1 Gy returned to control levels at 72 h post radiation, whereas cells irradiated with 5 Gy were quite unlike the controls; therefore, cells irradiated with 1 Gy had recovered, whereas those irradiated with 5 Gy had not. Lipid and amino acid levels increased after the higher-level radiation, indicating degradation of membranes and proteins. These results suggest that MS-based metabolite profiling of γ-radiation-exposed human cells provides insight into the global metabolic alterations in these cells.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Cytoplasmic inclusions appear rapidly in Leishmania enriettii exposed to 37 C. The staining of these droplets with oil red O, their extraction in non-polar solvents, and their fine structure by electron microscopy establish their identity as lipid droplets. Fatty acid profiles of these organisms show alterations concomitant with the development of these inclusions. Oleic acid increases while linolenic acid is depressed in cells exposed to elevated temperature. A greater incorporation of exogenous radioactive stearic acid occurs, with depressed specific activities of linoleic and linolenic acids compared to values obtained with control organisms. The isolated lipids of L. enriettii have temperature-dependent changes consistent with a physical interpretation of events which occur with temperature inactivation. The temperature lability of fatty acid metabolism is discussed in terms of the synthesis and stability of cellular membranes and organelles.  相似文献   

Promastigotes of Leishmania mexicana mexicana attach to mouse macrophages in vitro in the absence of serum by a wheat germ agglutinin-like ligand on the surface of the promastigote that binds to the N-acetyl glucosamine moiety of a receptor on the surface of the macrophage. The binding is temperature dependent, and the macrophage receptor is trypsin, cytochalasin B, and glutaraldehyde sensitive. The promastigote ligand is proteolytic enzyme and glutaraldehyde insensitive. Uptake follows attachment and is assisted or inhibited as for attachment. Treatment of promastigotes with proteolytic enzymes uncovers a receptor for a serum component that binds strongly to a mouse macrophage receptor in vitro. The strain of mice donating the macrophages had little effect upon attachment and uptake except that A strain mouse macrophages attached fewer promastigotes in 10 min than those of outbred mice, but took up as many promastigotes over 90 min as those of outbred mice. Low responder Biozzi mouse macrophages took up more promastigotes than high responder Biozzi mouse macrophages. Normal unheated human, rabbit, and guinea pig sera lysed promastigotes and so inhibited their attachment to macrophages in vitro. Unheated immune serum showed an enhanced inhibition of attachment. Heated normal serum allowed attachment and uptake, while promastigotes treated with heated immune serum showed enhanced attachment to and uptake by macrophages. Treatment of macrophages in vitro with immune serum enhanced their ability to attach promastigotes and to engulf them. Repeated 90-min exposures of a population of promastigotes to uptake by mouse macrophages in vitro did not deplete the population of any sub-population more likely to be taken by macrophages. The first sub-population to be taken up survived better in macrophages over 24 h than subsequently engulfed sub-populations.  相似文献   

Leishmania tropica promastigotes grew slowly but could be maintained for long periods in serum-free hemin-containing media formulated previously for other Leishmania species or in slightly simplified versions of these media. Replacement of hemin in the medium by hemoglobin resulted in a much longer log phase and a significant reduction in the doubling time. Cell counts in cultures started at 1 times 105 cells/ml increased 400-fold in less than 140 h in the hemoglobin-containing media. These media also proved suitable for growing L. donovani and L. enriettii promastigotes.  相似文献   



While CD40L is typically a membrane glycoprotein expressed on activated T cells and platelets that binds and activates CD40 on the surface on antigen presenting cells, a soluble derivative (sCD40L) that appears to retain its biological activity after cleavage from cell membrane also exists. We recently reported that sCD40L is associated with clinical resolution of visceral leishmaniasis and protection against the disease. In the present study we investigated if this sCD40L is functional and exerts anti-parasitic effect in L. infantum-infected macrophages.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Macrophages from normal human donors were infected with L. infantum promastigotes and incubated with either sera from subjects exposed to L. infantum infection, monoclonal antibodies against human CD40L, or an isotype control antibody. We then evaluated infection by counting the number of infected cells and the number of parasites in each cell. We also measured a variety of immune modulatory cytokines in these macrophage culture supernatants by Luminex assay. The addition of sCD40L, either recombinant or from infected individuals’ serum, decreased both the number of infected macrophages and number of intracellular parasites. Moreover, this treatment increased the production of IL-12, IL-23, IL-27, IL-15, and IL1β such that negative correlations between the levels of these cytokines with both the infection ratio and number of intracellular parasites were observed.


sCD40L from sera of subjects exposed to L. infantum is functional and improves both the control of parasite and production of inflamatory cytokines of infected macrophages. Although the mechanisms involved in parasite killing are still unclear and require further exploration, these findings indicate a protective role of sCD40L in visceral leishmaniasis.  相似文献   



L. tropica can cause both cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis in humans. Although the L. tropica-induced cutaneous disease has been long known, its potential to visceralize in humans was recognized only recently. As nothing is known about the genetics of host responses to this infection and their clinical impact, we developed an informative animal model. We described previously that the recombinant congenic strain CcS-16 carrying 12.5% genes from the resistant parental strain STS/A and 87.5% genes from the susceptible strain BALB/c is more susceptible to L. tropica than BALB/c. We used these strains to map and functionally characterize the gene-loci regulating the immune responses and pathology.


We analyzed genetics of response to L. tropica in infected F2 hybrids between BALB/c×CcS-16. CcS-16 strain carries STS-derived segments on nine chromosomes. We genotyped these segments in the F2 hybrid mice and tested their linkage with pathological changes and systemic immune responses.

Principal Findings

We mapped 8 Ltr (Leishmania tropica response) loci. Four loci (Ltr2, Ltr3, Ltr6 and Ltr8) exhibit independent responses to L. tropica, while Ltr1, Ltr4, Ltr5 and Ltr7 were detected only in gene-gene interactions with other Ltr loci. Ltr3 exhibits the recently discovered phenomenon of transgenerational parental effect on parasite numbers in spleen. The most precise mapping (4.07 Mb) was achieved for Ltr1 (chr.2), which controls parasite numbers in lymph nodes. Five Ltr loci co-localize with loci controlling susceptibility to L. major, three are likely L. tropica specific. Individual Ltr loci affect different subsets of responses, exhibit organ specific effects and a separate control of parasite load and organ pathology.


We present the first identification of genetic loci controlling susceptibility to L. tropica. The different combinations of alleles controlling various symptoms of the disease likely co-determine different manifestations of disease induced by the same pathogen in individual mice.  相似文献   

The structure of the major protein of the pellicular membrane of Leishmania tropica was investigated. This protein is composed of two polypeptides, of ca. 50,000 d molecular weight, that were found to cross-react immunologically with the α and β subunits of pig brain tubulin. The polypeptides and pig brain tubulin subunits were partially digested with S. aureus V8 protease, and the peptides obtained analysed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A comparison of the patterns showed that the β subunits of Leishmania and pig tubulin have very similar primary structures, while the α subunits have evolved divergently. These experiments demonstrate that the major polypeptides found in the pellicular membrane of L. tropica are α and β subunits of tubulin. Immuno-electron microscopy indicates that the tubulin is located in the microtubules associated with the pellicular membrane of Leishmania. Arrays of microtubules were prepared by nonionic detergent treatment of the cells and observed by electron microscopy after negative staining. Optical diffraction reveals a 5 nm spacing between protofilaments in the microtubule and a 4 nm axial periodicity corresponding to the tubulin subunits. The pitch of the shallow left-hand three-start helix is 12°. A distance of 47 nm separates each microtubule from the next. These data show that the dimensions and supramolecular organization of the tubulin subunits in the microtubules are identical in the pellicular membrane of L. tropica and in mammalian brain.  相似文献   

Leishmaniasis is one of the world''s most neglected diseases, largely affecting the poorest of the poor, mainly in developing countries. Over 350 million people are considered at risk of contracting leishmaniasis, and approximately 2 million new cases occur yearly1. Leishmania donovani is the causative agent for visceral leishmaniasis (VL), the most fatal form of the disease. The choice of drugs available to treat leishmaniasis is limited 2;current treatments provide limited efficacy and many are toxic at therapeutic doses. In addition, most of the first line treatment drugs have already lost their utility due to increasing multiple drug resistance 3. The current pipeline of anti-leishmanial drugs is also severely depleted. Sustained efforts are needed to enrich a new anti-leishmanial drug discovery pipeline, and this endeavor relies on the availability of suitable in vitro screening models.In vitro promastigotes 4 and axenic amastigotes assays5 are primarily used for anti-leishmanial drug screening however, may not be appropriate due to significant cellular, physiological, biochemical and molecular differences in comparison to intracellular amastigotes. Assays with macrophage-amastigotes models are considered closest to the pathophysiological conditions of leishmaniasis, and are therefore the most appropriate for in vitro screening. Differentiated, non-dividing human acute monocytic leukemia cells (THP1) (make an attractive) alternative to isolated primary macrophages and can be used for assaying anti-leishmanial activity of different compounds against intracellular amastigotes.Here, we present a parasite-rescue and transformation assay with differentiated THP1 cells infected in vitro with Leishmania donovani for screening pure compounds and natural products extracts and determining the efficacy against the intracellular Leishmania amastigotes. The assay involves the following steps: (1) differentiation of THP1 cells to non-dividing macrophages, (2) infection of macrophages with L. donovani metacyclic promastigotes, (3) treatment of infected cells with test drugs, (4) controlled lysis of infected macrophages, (5) release/rescue of amastigotes and (6) transformation of live amastigotes to promastigotes. The assay was optimized using detergent treatment for controlled lysis of Leishmania-infected THP1 cells to achieve almost complete rescue of viable intracellular amastigotes with minimal effect on their ability to transform to promastigotes. Different macrophage:promastigotes ratios were tested to achieve maximum infection. Quantification of the infection was performed through transformation of live, rescued Leishmania amastigotes to promastigotes and evaluation of their growth by an alamarBlue fluorometric assay in 96-well microplates. This assay is comparable to the currently-used microscopic, transgenic reporter gene and digital-image analysis assays. This assay is robust and measures only the live intracellular amastigotes compared to reporter gene and image analysis assays, which may not differentiate between live and dead amastigotes. Also, the assay has been validated with a current panel of anti-leishmanial drugs and has been successfully applied to large-scale screening of pure compounds and a library of natural products fractions (Tekwani et al. unpublished).  相似文献   

S Gartner  Y Liu  S Natesan 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e40139
Nurse cells are defined as those that provide for the development of other cells. We report here, that in vitro, human monocyte-derived macrophages can behave as nurse cells with functional capabilities that include de novo generation of CD4+ T-lymphocytes and a previously unknown small cell with monocytoid characteristics. We named these novel cells "self-renewing monocytoid cells" (SRMC), because they could develop into nurse macrophages that produced another generation of SRMC. SRMC were not detectable in blood. Their transition to nurse behavior was characterized by expression of CD10, a marker of thymic epithelium and bone marrow stroma, typically absent on macrophages. Bromodeoxyuridine labeling and immunostaining for cdc6 expression confirmed DNA synthesis within nurse macrophages. T-cell excision circles were detected in macrophages, along with expression of pre-T-cell receptor alpha and recombination activating gene 1, suggesting that genetic recombination events associated with generation of the T-cell receptor were occurring in these cells. SRMC expressed CCR5, the coreceptor for R5 HIV-1 isolates, and were highly susceptible to HIV-1 entry leading to productive infection. While expressing HIV-1, SRMC could differentiate into nurse macrophages that produced another generation of HIV-1-expressing SRMC. The infected nurse macrophage/SRMC cycle could continue in vitro for multiple generations, suggesting it might represent a mechanism whereby HIV-1 can maintain persistence in vivo. HIV-1 infection of nurse macrophages led to a decline in CD4+ T-cell production. There was severe, preferential loss of the CCR5+ CD4+ T-cell subpopulation. Confocal microscopy revealed individual HIV-1-expressing nurse macrophages simultaneously producing both HIV-1-expressing SRMC and non-expressing CD3+ cells, suggesting that nurse macrophages might be a source of latently infected CD4+ T-cells. Real-time PCR experiments confirmed this by demonstrating 10-fold more HIV-1-genome-harboring T-cells, than virus-expressing ones. These phenomena have far-reaching implications, and elicit new perspectives regarding HIV pathogenesis and T-cell and hematopoietic cell development.  相似文献   

Leishmania tropica and L. major are etiologic agents of human cutaneous leishmaniasis. Delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) is an immunologic response that has been frequently used as a correlate for protection against or sensitization to leishmania antigen. In BALB/c mice, L. tropica infection results in non-ulcerating disease, whereas L. major infection results in destructive lesions. In order to clarify the immunologic mechanisms of these 2 different outcomes, we compared the ability of these 2 leishmania species in induction of DTH response in this murine model. BALB/c mice were infected with L. major or L. tropica, and disease evolution and DTH responses were determined. The results show that the primary L. major infection can exacerbate the secondary L. major infection and is associated with DTH response. Higher doses of the primary L. major infection result in more disease exacerbation of the secondary L. major infection as well as higher DTH response. L. tropica infection induces lower DTH responses than L. major. We have previously reported that the primary L. tropica infection induces partial protection against the secondary L. major infection in BALB/c mice. Induction of lower DTH response by L. tropica suggests that the protection induced against L. major by prior L. tropica infection may be due to suppression of DTH response.  相似文献   

Leishmania tropica promastigotes grew slowly but could be maintained for long periods in serum-free hemin-containing media formulated previously for other Leishmania species or in slightly simplified versions of these media. Replacement of hemin in the medium by hemoglobin resulted in a much longer log phase and a significant reduction in the doubling time. Cell counts in cultures started at 1 x 10(5) cells/ml increased 400-fold in less than 140 h in the hemoglobin-containing media. These media also proved suitable for growing L. donovani and L. enriettii promastigotes.  相似文献   

In a variety of eukaryotes, flagella play important roles both in motility and as sensory organelles that monitor the extracellular environment. In the parasitic protozoan Leishmania mexicana, one glucose transporter isoform, LmxGT1, is targeted selectively to the flagellar membrane where it appears to play a role in glucose sensing. Trafficking of LmxGT1 to the flagellar membrane is dependent upon interaction with the KHARON1 protein that is located at the base of the flagellar axoneme. Remarkably, while Δkharon1 null mutants are viable as insect stage promastigotes, they are unable to survive as amastigotes inside host macrophages. Although Δkharon1 promastigotes enter macrophages and transform into amastigotes, these intracellular parasites are unable to execute cytokinesis and form multinucleate cells before dying. Notably, extracellular axenic amastigotes of Δkharon1 mutants replicate and divide normally, indicating a defect in the mutants that is only exhibited in the intra-macrophage environment. Although the flagella of Δkharon1 amastigotes adhere to the phagolysomal membrane of host macrophages, the morphology of the mutant flagella is often distorted. Additionally, these null mutants are completely avirulent following injection into BALB/c mice, underscoring the critical role of the KHARON1 protein for viability of intracellular amastigotes and disease in the animal model of leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Leishmania tropica promastigotes transport α-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB), the nonmetabolizable analog of neutral amino acids, against a substantial concentration gradient. AIB is not incorporated into cellular material but accumulates within the cells in an unaltered form. Intracellular AIB exchanges with external AIB. Various energy inhibitors (amytal, HOQNO, KCN, DNP, CCCP, and arsenate) and sulfhydryl reagents (NEM, pCMB, and iodoacetate) severely inhibit uptake. The uptake system is saturable with reference to AIB-and the Lineweaver-Burk plots show biphasic kinetics suggesting the involvement of two transport systems. AIB shares a common transport system with alanine, cysteine, glycine, methionine, serine, and proline. Uptake is regulated by feedback inhibition and transinhibition.  相似文献   

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