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A model of the feeding apparatus of Peranema trichophorum Ehrenberg has been constructed from electronmicrographs. A common opening leads via a short anterior canal to the reservoir and cytostome. The cytostome lies close to the internal opening of the canal, and can be moved forward during feeding, closing the passage to the reservoir, and displacing the flagella. The cytostome is supported by the rodorgan in its floor and a double serrated marginal lamella arching over its upper rim from dense bodies lying lateral to the cytostome. A working hypothesis for the movement of the feeding apparatus is proposed. The elaborate system of articulating lamellae operates through these dense bodies which may act as “hinge joints.” The rodorgan is pulled forward by contraction of longitudinal lamellae attached near the bases of the rods. Cytoplasmic pressure may also be involved. It is suggested that the pull is transmitted through the dense bodies and 2 anchoring lamellae to crescentic canal thickenings on either side of the canal opening. The cytostome, rodorgan and double serrated marginal lamella move forward to fill the external opening of the canal, now enlarged by sideways pull from the anchoring lamellae. Withdrawal of these structures sucks food into the cytostomal sac to be packed down by contraction of the double serrated lamella. It is postulated that the rodorgan operates through adhesion and cytolysis and is not adapted for piercing. A conspicuous striated fibril and associated groups of microtubules in the left wall of the reservoir are cytoskeletal structures.  相似文献   

A colorless euglenoid flagellate Peranema trichophorum shows unique unidirectional gliding cell locomotion on the substratum at velocities up to 30 micro m/s by an as yet unexplained mechanism. In this study, we found that (1) treatment with NiCl(2) inhibited flagellar beating without any effect on gliding movement; (2) water currents applied to a gliding cell from opposite sides caused detachment of the cell body from the substratum. With only the anterior flagellum adhering to the substratum, gliding movement continued along the direction of the anterior flagellum; (3) gentle pipetting induced flagellar severance into various lengths. In these cells, gliding velocity was proportional to the flagellar length; and (4) Polystyrene beads were translocated along the surface of the anterior flagellum. All of these results indicate that a cell surface motility system is present on the anterior flagellum, which is responsible for cell gliding in P. trichophorum.  相似文献   

The freshwater green euglenoid Euglena anabaena var. minor has a pellicle with groove‐ridge articulation, a chloroplast with pyrenoids doubly sheathed by two paramylon caps, and a nucleus with permanently condensed chromosomes and nucleolus. The flagellar apparatus basically resembles that of Euglena. The dorsal root (DR) originates at the dorsal basal body of the emergent flagellum, while both the intermediate root (IR) and ventral root (VR) originate at the ventral basal body of the non‐emergent flagellum. The cytoplasmic pocket is associated with the ventral root/ reinforcing microtubular band. However, ultrastructural characterization of E. anabaena var. minor shows the pocket to consist of five to seven microtubules, and flagellar roots with microtubule configuration of 3–4–6 in the DR‐IR‐VR. The dorsal band microtubules pair at the reservoir‐canal transition level. The doublet microtubules are formed into triplets and doublets at the lower canal level and then make pellicular microtubules at the upper canal level.  相似文献   

Saranak J  Foster KW 《Eukaryotic cell》2005,4(10):1605-1612
When it is gliding, the unicellular euglenoid Peranema trichophorum uses activation of the photoreceptor rhodopsin to control the probability of its curling behavior. From the curled state, the cell takes off in a new direction. In a similar manner, archaea such as Halobacterium use light activation of bacterio- and sensory rhodopsins to control the probability of reversal of the rotation direction of flagella. Each reversal causes the cell to change its direction. In neither case does the cell track light, as known for the rhodopsin-dependent eukaryotic phototaxis of fungi, green algae, cryptomonads, dinoflagellates, and animal larvae. Rhodopsin was identified in Peranema by its native action spectrum (peak at 2.43 eV or 510 nm) and by the shifted spectrum (peak at 3.73 eV or 332 nm) upon replacement of the native chromophore with the retinal analog n-hexenal. The in vivo physiological activity of n-hexenal incorporated to become a chromophore also demonstrates that charge redistribution of a short asymmetric chromophore is sufficient for receptor activation and that the following isomerization step is probably not required when the rest of the native chromophore is missing. This property seems universal among the Euglenozoa, Plant, and Fungus kingdom rhodopsins. The rhodopsins of animals have yet to be studied in this respect. The photoresponse appears to be mediated by Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

Envelope development in Trachelomonas lefevrei (Deflandre) begins with the production of short, coarse mucilaginous strands, morphologically similar to the mucilage produced by non-enveloped euglenoids. These initial mucilaginous secretions subsequently become impregnated with manganese (Mn) and/or iron (Fe). Continued mucilage secretion and mineralization results in a mature envelope that is characteristic for the species. When these mature envelopes are treated with oxalic acid to remove the Mn and Fe, the envelopes collapse and are composed only of short, coarse mucilaginous strands similar to those present during early stages of development, prior to their mineralization. Brief treatment with 10 mM EDTA renders dark envelopes colorless, and our EM-EDS analyses show that this corresponds to a loss of Mn from the envelope; however, if Fe is present in the envelope, it is unaffected by the brief treatment. The mucilage present during early stages of envelope development and that remaining after complete demineralization is also morphologically similar to the mucilage in the plug at the anterior end of the envelope.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The ultrastructural features of cell division in the biflagellate, phagotrophic euglenoid, Entosiphon sulcatum, have been examined. Prophase is marked by the appearance of daughter feeding apparatuses and the emergence of two additional flagella. Pairs of flagella begin to migrate laterally along the surface of the elongating nucleus and remain lateral to the developing spindle poles. As the nucleolus elongates, it becomes dumbbell-shaped and the chromosomes move to the center of the nucleus, forming a loosely organized metaphase plate. Microtubules from opposing spindle poles attach to one of the pair of kinetochores found on each chromosome. The initial chromosome separation occurs during anaphase as the nucleus elongates. The length of the chromosomal microtubules does not decrease until late anaphase/early telophase. As the nucleus elongates, it forms a dumbbell-shaped structure. Most of the remaining microtubules are positioned in the interzone between the forming daughter nuclei. The interzonal spindle becomes somewhat constricted but remains intact until it is broken by the impinging cleavage furrow. Replication of the pellicular strips is not completed until late in cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The accumulation of red pigments, frequently carotenoids, under chronic stress is a response observed in diverse kinds of eukaryotic photoautotrophs. It is thought that red pigments protect the chlorophyll located underneath by a light-shielding mechanism. However, the synthesis or degradation of carotenoids is a slow process and this response is usually only observed when the stress is maintained over long periods of time. In contrast, rapid colour changes have been reported in the euglenophyte Euglena sanguinea. Here we study the ecophysiological process behind this phenomenon through chlorophyll fluorescence, and pigment, colour and ultrastructural analyses. Reddening in E. sanguinea was due to the presence of a large amount of free and esterified astaxanthin (representing 80% of the carotenoid pool). The process was highly dynamic, shifting from green to red in 8 min (and vice-versa in 20 min). This change was not due to de novo carotenogenesis, but to the relocation of cytoplasmic lipid globules where astaxanthin accumulates. Thus, red globules were observed to migrate from the centre of the cell to peripheral locations when exposed to high light. Globule migration seems to be so efficient that other classical photoprotective mechanisms are not operative in this species. Despite the presence and operation of the diadino-diatoxanthin cycle, non-photochemical quenching was almost undetectable. Since E. sanguinea forms extensive floating colonies, reddening can be observed at a much greater scale than at the cellular level and the mechanism described here is one of the fastest and most dramatic colour changes attributable to photosynthetic organisms at cell and landscape level. In conclusion E. sanguinea shows an extremely dynamic and efficient photoprotective mechanism, based more on organelle migration than on carotenoid biosynthesis, which prevents excess light absorption by chlorophylls reducing the need for other protective processes related to energy dissipation.  相似文献   

A morphological and molecular examination of the genus Monomorphina was conducted on 46 strains isolated mainly from Korea. The strains were divided into two types based on morphological data: Monomorphina aenigmatica and M. pyrum ‐ like species. Phylogenetic analysis based on a combined data set of nuclear SSU and LSU and plastid SSU and LSU rDNA showed that the strains could be divided into eight clades: Clade A of M. aenigmatica, Clade B of the isolates (M. pyropsis) from Michigan, USA, Clade C of M. pseudopyrum, Clade D of the isolates (M. pyroria) from Bremen, Germany, Clade E of M. soropyrum, Clade F of M. pyriformis, Clade G of M. parapyrum, and Clade H of M. pyrum. Six of these clades came from strains that would be considered M. pyrum sensu Kosmala et Zakry?, one of which could be recognized as a traditional species (M. pyrum) and five were designated as new species; each species had unique molecular signatures at nr SSU rDNA helix 17 and 17′ and spacer E23_14′‐E23_15. The species of Monomorphina had a wide range of genetic diversity with interspecies sequence similarity of 85.6%–97.1% and intraspecies similarity of 96.4%–99.9%. Our results suggested that genetic diversity found in the M. pyrum complex justifies the recognition of a minimum of eight species within this genus, based on specific molecular signatures and gene divergence of the nr SSU rDNA sequences.  相似文献   

Stages in the life cycle of a coccidium are described from the intestine of Priapulus caudatus Lamarck, 1816. Meronts, merozoites, microgamonts, microgametes, and walled and unwalled macrogametes were seen in intestinal cells. Meronts were about 8 μm long and 3–7 μm wide and produced up to seven merozoites. Free merozoites were about 9 μm long and 4 μm wide and contained about 43 subpellicular microtubules that terminated in the outer polar ring. Microgamonts were up to 23 μm long and 7 μm wide and usually were delimited by a single membrane. Microgametes were about 5 μm long, exclusive of the two flagella, about 2 μm wide, and contained a nucleus that was not uniformly dense. Macrogametes, about 6 μm in diameter, had a nucleus largely without dense chromatin. The oocyst wall formed around intracellular macrogametes to a thickness of 0.2–0.5 μm as thin, osmiophilic elements that became arranged in reticular and tubular layers. Wall-forming bodies were not seen, but fine filaments may participate in wall formation, as these were found between the outer membrane of the pellicle and the nearest wall elements. Microgametes and walled macrogametes were delivered to the lumen of the host intestine during apocrine secretion or excretion by the intestinal cells. Fertilization may occur in the intestinal lumen. Unsporulated ovoid oocysts, 18–27 μm long and 10–14 μm wide, with a 3 μm micropyle and a wall 0.6–0.7 μm thick, were passed from the host.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated dimerization of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) on the cell surface and suggested a role for immunoglobulin superfamily domain 5 and/or the transmembrane domain in mediating such dimerization. Crystallization studies suggest that domain 1 may also mediate dimerization. ICAM-1 binds through domain 1 to the I domain of the integrin alpha(L)beta(2) (lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1). Soluble C-terminally dimerized ICAM-1 was made by replacing the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains with an alpha-helical coiled coil. Electron microscopy revealed C-terminal dimers that were straight, slightly bent, and sometimes U-shaped. A small number of apparently closed ring-like dimers and W-shaped tetramers were found. To capture ICAM-1 dimerized at the crystallographically defined dimer interface in domain 1, cysteines were introduced into this interface. Several of these mutations resulted in the formation of soluble disulfide-bonded ICAM-1 dimers (domain 1 dimers). Combining a domain 1 cysteine mutation with the C-terminal dimers (domain 1/C-terminal dimers) resulted in significant amounts of both closed ring-like dimers and W-shaped tetramers. Surface plasmon resonance studies showed that all of the dimeric forms of ICAM-1 (domain 1, C-terminal, and domain 1/C-terminal dimers) bound similarly to the integrin alpha(L)beta(2) I domain, with affinities approximately 1.5--3-fold greater than that of monomeric ICAM-1. These studies demonstrate that ICAM-1 can form at least three different topologies and that dimerization at domain 1 does not interfere with binding in domain 1 to alpha(L)beta(2).  相似文献   

The Euglenophyceae chloroplast was acquired when a heterotrophic euglenoid engulfed a green alga and subsequently retained the algal chloroplast, in a process known as secondary endosymbiosis. Since this event, Euglenophyceae have diverged widely and their chloroplast genomes (cpGenomes) have as well. Changes to the cpGenome include extensive gene rearrangement and the proliferation of introns, the analyses of which have proven to be useful in examining cpGenome changes throughout the Euglenophyceae. The Euglenales fall into two families, Euglenaceae and Phacaceae. Euglenaceae contains eight genera and at least one cpGenome has been published for each genus. Phacaceae, on the other hand, contains three genera, none of which have had a representative chloroplast genome sequenced. Members of this family have many small disk‐shaped chloroplasts that lack pyrenoids. We sequenced and annotated the cpGenome of Phacus orbicularis in order to fill in the large gap in our understanding of Euglenophyceae cpGenome evolution, especially in regard to intron number and gene order. We compared this cpGenome to those of species from both the Euglenaceae and Eutreptiales of the Euglenophyceae phylogenetic tree. The cpGenome showed characteristics that were more derived than that of the basal species Eutreptia viridis, with extensive gene rearrangements and nearly three times as many introns. In contrast, it contained fewer introns than all but one of the previously reported Euglenaceae cpGenomes, had a smaller estimated genome size, and shared greater synteny with two main branches of that family.  相似文献   

Colacium vesiculosum (Euglenophyceae) is an epibiont common on planktonic microcrustaceans of continental waters. The interaction between epibionts and substrate organisms is not very well known, particularly in subtropical environments of South America. In the present work, we analyzed the prevalence, density, biomass and attachment sites of C. vesiculosum on planktonic microcrustaceans from Paiva Lake, a subtropical lake of Argentina. With the aim to evaluate whether epibionts affect the filtering rates of Notodiaptomus spiniger, the dominant planktonic crustacean, we carried out bioassays using phytoplankton < 53 microm. Crustaceans were sampled using a PVC tube (1.2m long and 10cm in diameter), filtering 50L of water through a 53 microm-mesh. Microcrustaceans were counted in Bogorov chambers under a stereoscopic microscope. The infested organisms were separated and observed with a photonic microscope to determine density and biovolume of epibionts, by analyzing their distribution on the exoskeleton. The prevalence of C. vesiculosum was higher in adult crustaceans than in their larvae and juveniles. The most infested group was that of calanoid copepods, related to their high density. The attachment sites on the exoskeleton were found to be the portions of the body which have a higher probability of encounter with epibionts during locomotion and feeding, i.e., antennae and thoracic legs in copepods, and thoracic legs and postabdomen in cladocerans. The similar values found in the filtering rate of infested and uninfested individuals of N. spiniger and the constant prevalence (< 40%) of epibiont algae, suggest that C. vesiculosum does not condition the life of planktonic crustaceans of Paiva Lake.  相似文献   

毛翠雀花花序内的性分配和繁殖成功   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张新  安宇梦  史长莉  米兆荣  张婵 《广西植物》2021,41(8):1324-1332
两性花植物花序内不同位置的性分配和繁殖成功一般存在差异,通常认为资源竞争、结构效应和交配环境是形成这种差异的主要原因.为了研究雄性和雌性繁殖资源在花序内不同位置间的最优分配问题,该文以青藏高原高寒草甸典型高山植物毛翠雀花为材料,通过比较花序内不同位置的花部特征和种子性状,对其花序内的性分配模式和雌性繁殖成功进行研究,并...  相似文献   

用透射电镜观察了扩张莫尼茨绦虫(Moniezia expansa)卵黄细胞发育的全过程。扩张莫尼茨绦虫卵黄细胞发育的规律为:(1)细胞体积不断增大;(2)质、核比不断增加而核体积几乎不发生改变,核表面从规则变为不规则,再由不规则变为规则,核内出现染色质浓缩成小块再分散的发育变化过程;(3)线粒体逐渐增多,发育不断完善;(4)粗面内质网及高尔基复合体出现由少到多,发育不断完善,再由多到少不断退化的变化;(5)由高尔基复合体组装的电子致密的小卵黄囊不断融合,至卵黄细胞成熟时仅有一卵黄囊,占据细胞大部分体积[动物学报49(2):256—261,2003]。  相似文献   

Two basic types of spore wall structures were observed in ultrastructural examination of Schizoplasmodiopsis micropunctata, Schizoplasmodiopsis pseudonendospora, Schizoplasmodipsis reticulata, and Schizoplasmodipsis vulgare. The spores of S. micropunctata, S. pseudoendospora, and S. vulgare had walls bearing electron-dense protrusions, while those of S. reticulata had walls with irregular thickenings. Prominent cytoplasmic features included 2 types of vesicles and electron-dense bodies studded with ribosomes. The ameboid phase of all species lacked the electron-dense bodies and, unlike the dormant phases, did not have mitochondrial surfaces covered with ribosomes.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that nemertean epidermis is capable of absorbing certain organic solutes from sea water via mediated transport mechanisms, as well as secreting mucoid substances. Morphological studies suggest that these functions may be restricted to distinct epidermal cell populations.Mucous secretion at the free surface of the epidermis is the result of synthesis and release activities of cells in both the epidermis and dermis (cutis). Secretion of dermal origin passes through the epidermis to the worm's exterior in slender cytoplasmic processes (canaux d'evacuation) in the form of membrane bound vesicles. A single gland cell type, located entirely within the epidermis, releases externally a granular product histochemically identified as largely protein plus some amount of carbohydrate with low periodic acid-Schiff's reactivity. The close juxtaposition of granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparati to the secretory material is consistent with the composition of this secretory product.Interstitial cells possess microvilli projecting from their apical surface, in addition to cilia. The outer surface of the plasmalemma covering these ciliary projections is unadorned, but microvilli possess a fuzzy coat. At the peripheral ends of the microvilli, the coat is filamentous, while at their base the coat consists of foliate structures. Cationic colloidal iron binding suggest that the filamentous portion of the fuzzy coat contains the greatest proportion of the acidic surface charge. The presence of periodic acid-Schiff's positive material in this region suggests that the fuzzy coat also contains carbohydrate. Lateral boundaries of the interstitial cell lacks obvious junctional specializations; however, the apical 150 nm intracellular space narrows to 40 nm and continues in a tortuous interdigitating path to the base of the adjacent interstitial cells. Where the apex of these cells is broad, the interdigitations are shallow, but the basal half of the interstitial cells have deep complex infoldings. Cytoplasmic organelles other than the nucleus, mitochondria and some granular endoplasmic reticulum, are restricted to the apical half of the cytoplasm. The presence of closely apposed Golgi complexes and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, multivesicular bodies, lysosome-like dense vesicles and coated vesicles suggests that these cells may play a role in intracellular digestion of phagocytized paniculate matter from the external environment. The amplification of the interstitial cell's free surface suggests that these cells are primarily responsible for mediated solute transport across the epidermis.  相似文献   

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