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本文记述地种蝇属Delia R.-D鞭阳地种蝇新种Delia mastigophalla sp.nov.的形态特征,并与近缘种作了比较。  相似文献   

记述采自甘肃省的花蝇科地种蝇属Dilia R-D三新种,分别为曲叶地种蝇D。ancylosurstyla sp.nov.,该种近似土耳其地种蝇D.turcica Hennig,1974,但新种雄复眼裸;无外方肩后鬃,前中鬃1-2对,粗壮;后股无后复鬃,第3,4腹板长形;侧尾叶侧面观较细长,端部明显变狭,其后面观中部明显变宽等不同;尖花地种蝇Delia apicifloralis sp.nov.,该种近似于拟萝卜地种蝇D.floraliformis Hennig,1974,但新种雄额狭,约等于前单眼宽;中胫前背鬃2,后背鬃2,后股前腹鬃和后腹鬃列完整而长大;第5腹板侧叶具6-7根粗大的强鬃,侧叶长于基部,肛尾叶侧缘平直,侧尾叶后面观其端部变狭等不;长芒地种蝇Delia longiarista sp.nov.,该种近似于北欧的Delia angustaeformis Ringdahl,1933,但新种雄额宽,为单眼宽的2倍,侧颜为触角宽的1.5倍,芒长羽状,最后芒毛为触角宽的1.3倍;前中鬃为2行刚毛状;第五腹板侧叶短;肛尾叶较长,侧尾叶端部不变狭等不同。模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

Host-plant dependent fitness trade-offs refer to traits that enhance the performance of an insect on one plant species to its detriment on others. Such trade-offs are central to models of sympatric speciation via host shifts, but have proven difficult to empirically demonstrate. Here, we test for host-plant dependent selection on larvae of apple (Malus pumila L.)- and hawthorn (Crataegus mollis L. spp.)-infesting races of Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh). Samples of larvae were reared in the field and under protective conditions in a garage. Our rationale was that the garage should slow rates of fruit rot relative to the field, relaxing selection pressures associated with declining fruit quality. Four findings emerged from the study. (1) Larvae suffered higher mortality in fruits in the field than the garage. (2) The increase in mortality was greater for larvae in haws. (3) Larvae possessing the alleles Me 100, Acon-2 95, and Mpi 37, three allozymes displaying host-related differentiation in R. pomonella that map to linkage group II in the fly, left fruits earlier than other genotypes. (4) Allele frequencies for Me 100, Acon-2 95, and Mpi 37 were significantly higher in both apple and haw larvae surviving the field versus the garage treatment. Our results suggested that field conditions favored larvae that rapidly developed and left rotting fruits. Since these individuals tended to possess the alleles Me 100, Acon-2 95, and Mpi 37, frequencies of these allozymes were higher in the field. Selection on larvae was directional for Me 100, Acon-2 95, and Mpi 37 (or linked genes) in both host races. We previously showed that these same alleles can be disfavored in the pupal stage, especially in the apple race, where they correlate with premature diapause termination. Fitness trade-offs in Rhagoletis may therefore be due as much to differences in the relative strengths of directional selection pressures acting on different life stages as to disruptive selection affecting any one particular stage. The necessity to consider details of the entire life-cycle highlights one of the many challenges posed to documenting fitness trade-offs for phytophagous insects.  相似文献   

Butterflies have distinctively large wings relative to body size, but the functional and fitness consequences of wing size for butterflies are largely unknown. I use natural and experimentally generated variation in wing surface area to examine how decreased wing size affects flight and survival in a population of the western white butterfly, Pontia occidentalis. In the laboratory, experimental reductions in wing area (reduced-wings manipulation) significantly increased wingbeat frequencies of hovering butterflies, whereas a control manipulation had no detectable effects. In contrast, behavioral observations and mark-release-recapture (MRR) studies in the field detected no significant differences in flight activity, initial dispersal rates, or recapture probabilities among treatment groups. Estimated selection coefficients indicated that natural variation in wing size, body mass, and wing loading in the population were not significantly correlated with survival in the two MRR studies. In two mark-recapture studies with manipulated butterflies, survival probabilities were not significantly different for reduced-wings individuals compared with control or unmanipulated individuals. In summary, experimental reductions in wing area significantly altered aspects of flight in the laboratory, but did not detectably alter flight or survival in the field for this population. The large wing size typical of butterflies may reduce the functional and survival consequences of wing size variation within populations.  相似文献   

光、温湿度对柑桔木虱发育、繁殖与存活的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨余兵 《生态学报》1989,9(4):348-354
本研究结果表明,在光照强度为11000lx以下(6小时光照时为15000lx)、每天光照时间在18小时以内,光照强度越大,光照时间越长,柑桔木虱雌成虫的产卵前期越短,产卵量越大,死亡率越低。 温度为15—34℃,相对湿度为43—92%范围内,温湿度对柑桔木虱卵的孵化率影响较小。柑桔木虱若虫在高温(34℃)、高湿(85%,92%)下死亡率高;适温(20—30℃)、低湿(43—75%)下死亡率低。湿度对柑桔木虱卵及若虫发育历期影响不大。在温度为15—34℃范围内,温度与卵及若虫的发育历期呈抛物线关系。柑桔木虱卵及1—5龄若虫的发育起点温度分别是:9.41℃、8.30℃、9.72℃、8.92℃、9.61℃及9.07℃,有效积温分别是:60.03日度、39.78日度、26.82日度,33.23日度及74.49日度。  相似文献   

温度和食物对稻虱缨小蜂发育、存活和繁殖的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在白背飞虱(Sogatella furcifera(Hovàrth))卵内,稻虱缨小蜂(Anagrus nilparvatae Pang et Wang)的发育起点温度为10.6℃,有效积温为162.3日度,随着温度上升,发育加快;寿命(y_1,D_(10.4)~0C)、产卵量(y_2,粒/♀)、产出卵率则在适宜温度范围(23—26℃)内最大,高低温区内均呈下降趋势,其方程分别为:y_1=exp(-0.04187+0.3612x-7.4654×10~(-3)x~2),y_2=exp(-1.9539+0.4563x-0.01001x~2),式中x为温度。温度对未产出卵量影响不显著;对子代雌性比的影响也不显著,其平均值为0.7631。温度主要通过对产卵量和产卵速率来影响繁殖力,理论上27.3℃时周限增长率λ最大,达1.2374倍/天。成虫期供蜜加水时的产卵量、产出卵率和寿命显著比仅供水时的高或长。此研究为预测害虫种群发展,充分利用天敌资源,达到综合管理害虫提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) we show how host-plant genotype and hybridization in cotton wood, Populus sp., affects the attack and survival of the gall-forming aphid, Pemphigus betae. Fremont cottonwoods, hybrid ???F1's and backcross ???1's were found to be highly resistant, while backcross 2's, 3's, 4's and pure narrowleafs ranged from highly resistant to highly susceptible with only a few trees being highly resistant. Results from our genetic analysis also suggest that resistance is likely polygenic, not the result of single gene resistance. In addition, genetic analysis showed that studies based upon leaf morphology alone give an inaccurate assessment of host-plant genotype ???and the extent of hybridization, altering previous views of the relationship between plant hybridization and pest attack. Previous studies assumed that narrowleafs were more resistant than backcross genotypes based upon comparisons of overall levels of resistance between the hybrid zone and the “pure” narrowleaf zone. Results from RFLP analyses, however, show that there are no significant differences in the levels of resistance between backcross genotypes (BC2's-4's) and pure narrowleafs. Furthermore, results show that the “pure” narrowleaf zone is in fact a mixture of pure and backcross genotypes, extending the zone of introgression previously reported. Experiments in combination with RFLP analyses suggest that resistance traits are differentially expressed along an environmental gradient partially explaining the previously reported differences in resistance between these two regions. In light of our results it is clear that genetic studies will be necessary to discern the true relationship between hybridization and pest resistance. Until such studies are widely conducted generalizations regarding the effects of hybridization on the structure and dynamics of pest populations will be premature at best.  相似文献   

The role of nuclear genes in local adaptation has been well documented. However, the role of maternally inherited cytoplasmic genes to the evolution of natural populations has been relatively unstudied. To evaluate the contribution of cytoplasmic and nuclear genomes and their interactions to local adaptation we created second-generation backcross hybrids between a Maryland and an Illinois population of the annual legume Chamaecrista fasciculata. Backcross progeny were planted in the sites native to each population for two years and we quantified germination, survivorship, fruit production, vegetative biomass, and cumulative fitness. We found limited evidence for the contribution of either cytoplasmic or nuclear genes to local adaptation. In Maryland plants had greater survivorship, biomass, fruit production, and cumulative fitness if their nuclear genome was composed predominately of native Maryland genes; cytoplasmic genes did not affect fitness. In Illinois local cytoplasm marginally enhanced fitness, whereas Maryland nuclear genes outperformed local nuclear genes. Interactions between cytoplasmic and nuclear genes influenced seed weight, vegetative biomass, and fitness and therefore may affect evolution of these characters. Genetic effects were stronger acting through seed size than directly on characters. However, seed size differences between the two populations were largely genetic and therefore selection on fitness components is likely to result in evolutionary change. The contribution of nuclear and cytoplasmic genes to fitness components varied across sites and years, suggesting that experiments should be replicated and conducted under natural conditions to understand the influence of these genomes and their interactions to population differentiation.  相似文献   

研究通过对岩原鲤仔鱼在饥饿和再投喂条件下其生存、生长率、RNA/DNA和RNA/蛋白质比率的测定,评估了仔鱼对饥饿的耐受能力和恢复能力。在(19.5±0.5)℃水温下,将岀膜后第16天的岩原鲤仔鱼随机分成6个组:1个持续投饲对照组,实验组分别禁食1、2、3、4、5d后再投喂,实验共进行10d。每天分别从各组取9尾鱼测定体重、体长、RNA、DNA、蛋白质含量。实验结果显示,饥饿处理组仔鱼存活率和以上各项生长指标均随饥饿时间的增加而下降,在恢复投喂后均表现不同程度的补偿生长,其中饥饿1、2、3d的仔鱼在恢复投喂后显示出完全补偿生长,几乎弥补了饥饿所产生的影响,平均终体重与对照组比较无显著差异。饥饿4、5d的仔鱼显示部分补偿生长,恢复投喂只少量减轻了饥饿的影响,平均终体重与对照组相比存在显著差异。饥饿1、2、3d的仔鱼和4、5d的仔鱼在恢复投喂后分别需要1—2d和4d时间才能达到与对照组无显著差异水平。仔鱼生长率变动范围从0.59%到8.00%WW/day,仔鱼RNA/DNA比率、RNA/蛋白质比率与生长率的回归方程为:GR=3.63RNA/DNA 1.74(R2=0.80)和GR=120.14RNA/Protein 2.33(R2=0.31),两种比率均与生长率呈显著线性相关,RNA/DNA比率对生长变化的拟合度更好。结果表明,仔鱼阶段食物缺乏很可能是影响岩原鲤仔鱼存活、生长的主要因素。RNA/DNA更适合作为评定岩原鲤仔鱼营养条件和生长的指标。  相似文献   

本实验调查了武汉东湖浮游植物水华的各种成份以及水柱沉淀物内叶绿素α含量,根据碳与叶绿素α关系,给定了一回归方程,并计算出沉淀物中藻类活体相应的碳、氮、磷含量。从平均数值看,武汉东湖浮游植物水华的C,N,P含量分别为39.30,7.98及0.94(%);其干湿比为0.20,碳、氮比为5.10,碳、磷比为46.54,碳与叶绿素α之比则为133.32。 1983年东湖水柱沉淀物中浮游植物活体叶绿素α下沉量平均每天每平方米为43.8675微克(Ⅰ站)及35.5881微克(Ⅱ站)。利用东湖浮游植物水华各种成份含量及其各种比率计算出的东湖水柱沉淀物中浮游植物活体碳、氮、磷量,按顺序每天每平方米分别为2.53,0.50,0.05毫克(Ⅰ站)及2.09,0.41,0.04毫克(Ⅱ站)。  相似文献   

紫苏腺毛的形态结构和发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
紫苏(Perillafrutescens(L.)Britton)叶上腺毛的研究表明:叶上腺毛主要有两种类型,一是头状腺毛,二是后状腺毛。两类腺毛都是由1个基细胞、1个柄细胞和由分泌细胞组成的头部构成。头状腺毛的头部由1个、2个或4个分泌细胞构成,其头部呈圆球形或半圆球形。盾状腺毛的头部也由1个、2个、4个或8个分泌细胞构成,其分泌细胞横向扩展使头部呈盾状。分泌盛期,大量分泌物充满角质层下间隙。两类腺毛的原始细胞均起源于叶原基或幼叶的原表皮层细胞,它通过两次平周分裂形成1个基细胞、1个柄细胞和1个头细胞,头细胞不分裂或依次进行1—3次垂周分裂,分别形成单细胞、2细胞、4细胞或8细胞的头部。  相似文献   

鲇肠道黏液细胞的类型、分布、发育及分泌方式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用阿利新蓝-过碘酸雪夫氏试剂(AB-PAS,AB染液pH2.6),对鲇(Silurus asotus)肠道黏液细胞的类型与分布进行了研究,同时采用扫描和透射电镜,研究了黏液细胞的发育与分泌方式。结果显示:鲇肠道黏液细胞染色后呈深蓝色、淡蓝色和浅蓝色,主要含有酸性黏多糖:形态上进一步可将其分为囊状、梨状和杯状三种形态。肠道中黏液细胞的分布密度以中肠最高。其次是后肠,前肠最低;肠道黏液细胞由肠黏膜基底层细胞衍生后,不断向肠腔表层推移而发育成熟;发育过程中黏液细胞内富含大小不等的黏原颗粒,其分泌方式为顶浆分泌。  相似文献   

Natural fluctuations in environmental conditions are likely to induce variation in the intensity or direction of natural selection. A long-term study of the insect, Eurosta solidaginins Fitch (Diptera; Tephritidae), which induces stem galls on the perennial herb Solidago altissima (Asteraceae) was performed to explore the patterns of variation in phenotypic selection. The intensity of selection imposed by parasitoids and predators on gallmaking larvae, for gall size, was measured across 16 populations over the course of 4 generations, for a total of 64 population-generations. Directional selection was quantified by i, the selection intensity, and variance selection by j‘, a measure of the intensity of selection on phenotypic variance. Size-dependent attack by parasitoids caused upward directional selection (mean ip = 0.42; SE = 0.023), while size-dependent bird attack favored larvae that induced smaller galls (mean ib = -0.07; SE = 0.013. The mean net directional selection intensity was 0.35 (SE = 0.030), which indicates that insects inducing larger galls are generally favored by selection. The opposing patterns of size-dependent attack resulted in stabilizing selection in half the population generations, with an overall average. j‘ of -0.11 (SE = 0.078). The magnitude of directional selection was strongly influenced by the population mean gall size and weakly by the optimal gall size. The intensity of variance selection was strongly influenced by the shape of the fitness function, with sigmoidal and Gaussian-like shapes causing greater depletion of phenotypic variance.  相似文献   

The presence of positive genetic correlations between oviposition or feeding preference for hosts, and performance on those hosts, is of fundamental importance to models of host race formation, sympatric speciation, and the maintenance of genetic variation within phytophagous insect populations. In this paper, I estimate the amount of genetic variation in oviposition preference and larval performance present in two California populations of a cosmopolitan pest of stored legumes, Callosobruchus maculatus (Bruchidae: Coleoptera), and examine whether positive genetic correlations exist between preference and performance. High levels of genetic variation in both preference and performance were detected in one population (Bay Area population, h2 = 0.73 for oviposition preference), but not in another population (Davis population). A second estimate of the amount of genetic variation for oviposition preference in the Bay Area population, after three generations of laboratory rearing, supports the hypothesis that the absence of significantly nonzero heritabilities in the Davis population is probably due to the three generations of laboratory rearing prior to the start of the experiment. No positive genetic correlations were detected between preference and any performance character measured. Data are also presented on the genetic correlations between performance on azuki (Vigna angularis) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). Genetic correlations were found to be positive for all characters in both populations of C. maculatus (range 0.132 to 0.542).  相似文献   

长江江豚精巢发育和组织学特征的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
性成熟的江豚精巢明显增大,其重量约为成熟前的14倍,结合有关江豚捕捞和野外生态学资料,初步认为长江江豚属多雌性群体,而成熟的雄性个体具有较大的精巢,可能对保证群体的成功繁殖非常重要。根据精巢的组织学特征,可将江豚精巢发育分为胚胎早期、胚胎晚期、成熟前期和成熟期(包括活动期和不活动期),通过对精巢生精小管管径大小和白膜厚度进行分析,认为成熟江豚精巢活动呈季节性变化。    相似文献   

武汉东湖铜锈环棱螺种群变动和生产量的初步观察   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
本文报道了东湖环棱螺的种群密度、年龄结构、种群增长率和生物量、生产量、P/B系数及其在不同湖区中的季节变化;用指数生长模型计算种群增长率。以累计总增长的方法估算种群生产量。研究结果表明,水果湖区铜锈环棱螺年平均生物量为554.37克·米-2,累计生产量为604.99克·米-2·年-1,P/B系数为1.09;郭郑湖区平均生物量为286.74克·米-2,生产量为308.99克·米-2·年-1,P/B系数为1.08。本文还对影响铜锈环棱螺的种群变动和生产量的生态因子作了扼要的分析。    相似文献   

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