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Adipose tissue inflammation is associated with insulin resistance and increased cardiovascular disease risk in obesity. We previously showed that addition of cholesterol to a diet rich in saturated fat and refined carbohydrate significantly worsens dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, adipose tissue macrophage accumulation, systemic inflammation, and atherosclerosis in LDL receptor-deficient (Ldlr−/−) mice. To test whether inhibition of intestinal cholesterol absorption would improve metabolic abnormalities and adipose tissue inflammation in obesity, we administered ezetimibe, a dietary and endogenous cholesterol absorption inhibitor, to Ldlr−/− mice fed chow or high-fat, high-sucrose (HFHS) diets without or with 0.15% cholesterol (HFHS+C). Ezetimibe blunted weight gain and markedly reduced plasma lipids in the HFHS+C group. Ezetimibe had no effect on glucose homeostasis or visceral adipose tissue macrophage gene expression in the HFHS+C fed mice, although circulating inflammatory markers serum amyloid A (SSA) and serum amyloid P (SSP) levels decreased. Nevertheless, ezetimibe treatment led to a striking (>85%) reduction in atherosclerotic lesion area with reduced lesion lipid and macrophage content in the HFHS+C group. Thus, in the presence of dietary cholesterol, ezetimibe did not improve adipose tissue inflammation in obese Ldlr−/− mice, but it led to a major reduction in atherosclerotic lesions associated with improved plasma lipids and lipoproteins.  相似文献   

Caveolin-1 is not required for murine intestinal cholesterol transport   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Caveolin-1 (CAV1) is the structural protein of the filamentous coat that decorates the cytoplasmic surface of each caveola. Cell culture studies have implicated CAV1 in playing an important role in intracellular cholesterol trafficking. In addition, it has been reported that CAV1 forms a detergent-resistant protein complex with Annexin-2 in enterocytes that can be disrupted by the cholesterol absorption inhibitor ezetimibe, suggesting a possible role for CAV1 in cholesterol absorption. In this report, we have evaluated cholesterol homeostasis in Cav1 knock-out mice. Deletion of CAV1 does not result in either a compensatory increase of CAV2 or CAV3 in intestine. In addition, Cav1 knock-out mice display normal mRNA and protein levels of Annexin-2 or the putative cholesterol transport protein Niemann-Pick C1-like 1 (NPC1L1) in proximal intestinal mucosa. Fractional cholesterol absorption and fecal neutral sterol excretion are statistically similar in Cav1 knock-out mice and their wild-type littermates. Moreover, oral administration of ezetimibe is equally effective in decreasing cholesterol absorption in Cav1 null mice and wild-type controls. The mRNA expression levels of genes sensitive to intracellular cholesterol concentration (ATP-binding cassette transporters ABCA1 and ABCG5, hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase and the LDL receptor) are similarly altered in the proximal intestinal mucosa of Cav1 null and wild-type mice following ezetimibe treatment. These results demonstrate that CAV1 is not required for cholesterol absorption or ezetimibe sensitivity in the mouse.  相似文献   

Lipid bilayers of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) containing opioid peptide dynorphin A(1-17) are found to be spontaneously aligned to the applied magnetic field near at the phase transition temperature between the gel and liquid crystalline states (T(m)=24 degrees C), as examined by 31P NMR spectroscopy. The specific interaction between the peptide and lipid bilayer leading to this property was also examined by optical microscopy, light scattering, and potassium ion-selective electrode, together with a comparative study on dynorphin A(1-13). A substantial change in the light scattering intensity was noted for DMPC containing dynorphin A(1-17) near at T(m) but not for the system containing A(1-13). Besides, reversible change in morphology of bilayer, from small lipid particles to large vesicles, was observed by optical microscope at T(m). These results indicate that lysis and fusion of the lipid bilayers are induced by the presence of dynorphin A(1-17). It turned out that the bilayers are spontaneously aligned to the magnetic field above T(m) in parallel with the bilayer surface, because a single 31P NMR signal appeared at the perpendicular position of the 31P chemical shift tensor. In contrast, no such magnetic ordering was noted for DMPC bilayers containing dynorphin A(1-13). It was proved that DMPC bilayer in the presence of dynorphin A(1-17) forms vesicles above T(m), because leakage of potassium ion from the lipid bilayers was observed by potassium ion-selective electrode after adding Triton X-100. It is concluded that DMPC bilayer consists of elongated vesicles with the long axis parallel to the magnetic field, together with the data of microscopic observation of cylindrical shape of the vesicles. Further, the long axis is found to be at least five times longer than the short axis of the elongated vesicles in view of simulated 31P NMR lineshape.  相似文献   

胆固醇是生命活动必不可少的脂类物质,但当体内胆固醇水平过高时,就会引起高胆固醇血症,进而导致动脉粥样硬化、脑中风和冠心病。人体内胆固醇有两种来源:以乙酰辅酶A为原料从头合成,或者通过小肠从食物中吸收。现今,过量的胆固醇摄取是引起高胆固醇血症的重要原因。胆固醇在小肠中的吸收是一个复杂的、由多个步骤组成的连续的分解、转运以及重新酯化的过程。其中由Niemann-Pick C1 Like 1(NPC1L1)蛋白介导肠道中胆固醇进入吸收细胞,是胆固醇吸收的限速步骤。本文重点总结了小肠胆固醇吸收的分子途径、调控机制、医药研发现状及与low-density lipoprotein receptor(LDLR)内吞过程的比较。  相似文献   

The factors involved in regulating parameters of whole body cholesterol metabolism in humans have been explored in a series of investigations. Several physiological variables have been identified (weight, excess weight, plasma cholesterol, and age) that can predict 53-76% of the variation in production rate (PR) and in the sizes of the rapidly exchanging pool of body cholesterol (M1) and of the minimum estimates of the slowly exchanging pool of body cholesterol (M3min) and of total body cholesterol (Mtotmin). Surprisingly, measurements of the plasma levels of HDL cholesterol and of the major HDL apolipoproteins (apoA-I, A-II, and E) did not provide additional information useful in predicting parameters of whole body cholesterol metabolism. A study was therefore conducted to investigate possible relationships of the plasma levels of subfractions of lipoproteins, determined by analytic ultracentrifugation, and of apoprotein E phenotype, with the parameters of whole body cholesterol metabolism. Ultracentrifugal analysis of plasma lipoprotein subfractions was performed at the Donner Laboratory in 49 subjects; all of these subjects were currently undergoing whole body cholesterol turnover studies or had previously had such studies and were in a similar metabolic state as judged by plasma lipid and lipoprotein values. Apoprotein E phenotyping was carried out in 71 subjects. Differences in model parameters were sought among subjects with various apoprotein E phenotypes. Ultracentrifugal LDL subfractions Sof 0-2 (the region of LPa), Sof 0-7 (smaller LDL), Sof 7-12 (larger LDL), Sof 12-20 (IDL), and ultracentrifugal HDL subfractions Fo1.20 0-1.5 (smaller HDL3), Fo1.20 2-9 (larger HDL3 plus HDL2), and Fo1.20 5-9 (larger HDL2 or HDL2b) were examined for correlations with each other and with parameters of whole body cholesterol metabolism.  相似文献   

Dietary triacylglycerols are a major source of energy for animals. The absorption of dietary triacylglycerols involves their hydrolysis to free fatty acids and monoacylglycerols in the intestinal lumen, the uptake of these products into enterocytes, the resynthesis of triacylgylcerols, and the incorporation of newly synthesized triacylglycerols into nascent chylomicrons for secretion. In enterocytes, the final step in triacylglycerol synthesis is believed to be catalyzed primarily through the actions of acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT) enzymes. In this study, we analyzed intestinal triacylglycerol absorption and chylomicron synthesis and secretion in DGAT1-deficient (Dgat1(-/-)) mice. Surprisingly, DGAT1 was not essential for quantitative dietary triacylglycerol absorption, even in mice fed a high fat diet, or for the synthesis of chylomicrons. However, Dgat1(-/-) mice had reduced postabsorptive chylomicronemia (1 h after a high fat challenge) and accumulated neutral-lipid droplets in the cytoplasm of enterocytes when chronically fed a high fat diet. These results suggest a reduced rate of triacylglycerol absorption in Dgat1(-/-) mice. Analysis of intestine from Dgat1(-/-) mice revealed activity for two other enzymes, DGAT2 and diacylglycerol transacylase, that catalyze triacylglycerol synthesis and apparently help to compensate for the absence of DGAT1. Our findings indicate that multiple mechanisms for triacylglycerol synthesis in the intestine facilitate triacylglycerol absorption.  相似文献   

A genetic mapping strategy was employed to identify chromosomal regions harboring genes that influence the absorption of intestinal cholesterol in the mouse. Analysis of seven inbred strains of male mice (129P3, AKR, BALB/c, C3H/He, C57BL/6, DBA/2, and SJL, all from Jackson Laboratories) revealed substantial differences in their abilities to absorb a bolus of cholesterol delivered by gavage. Crosses between high (AKR, 129) and low (DBA/2, SJL) absorbing strains revealed evidence for the presence of dominant genes that increase and decrease cholesterol absorption. Backcrosses between F1 offspring and parental strains (DBA/2xAKD2F1 and 129xSJL129F1) followed by linkage analyses revealed four quantitative trait loci that influenced cholesterol absorption. Analyses of recombinant inbred strains identified an additional three loci affecting this phenotype. These seven quantitative trait loci, which map to different chromosomes and are termed Cholesterol absorption 1-7 (Chab1-7) loci, together influence the absorption of intestinal cholesterol in mice and are likely to be involved in different steps of this complex pathway.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative changes in intraluminal bile acid composition may alter cholesterol absorption and synthesis and LDL receptor expression. In a randomized crossover design outpatient study, 12 adults aged 24-36 years took 15 mg/kg/day ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) or no bile acid supplement (control) for 20 days while being fed a controlled diet (AHA Step II). A liquid meal of defined composition was then given and luminal samples collected. Cholesterol absorption and cholesterol fractional synthetic rate (FSR) were assessed by stable isotopic methods. With UDCA treatment, bile was enriched significantly (P < 0.0001) to 40.6 +/- 2.6% (mean +/- SEM) compared with 2.2 +/- 2.6% for controls. Regardless, plasma total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol were unchanged with UDCA treatment. Intraluminal cholesterol solubilized in the aqueous phase during the entire collection was decreased (P = 0.012) in UDCA-treated subjects (101.0 +/- 7.2 mg/ml/120 min) compared with controls (132.5 +/- 7.2 mg/ml/120 min.). Percent micellar cholesterol was increased in UDCA-treated versus controls after meal ingestion. No changes were found in cholesterol absorption, FSR, or LDL receptor mRNA with UDCA treatment compared with controls. Thus, despite marked enrichment in luminal bile with UDCA and decreased cholesterol solubilization, no differences in cholesterol absorption or metabolism are found when diet and genetic differences in absorption are carefully controlled.  相似文献   

Intestinal absorption was measured in six trained male cyclists during rest, exercise, and recovery periods with the segmental perfusion technique. Each subject passed a multilumen tube into the duodenojejunum. The experiments consisted of 1) a sequence of 1-h bouts of cycling exercise at 30, 50, and 70% maximal O2 uptake (Vo2max) separated by 1-h rest periods or 2) a 90-min bout at 70% VO2max. The cycling was performed on a constant-load Velodyne trainer. Absorption of water and a 6% carbohydrate-electrolyte (2% glucose, 6% sucrose, 20 meq Na+, 2.6 meq K+) solution (both perfused at 15 ml/min) were compared. The effects of perfusing an isotonic electrolyte solution during mild (30% VO2max) exercise were also studied. Fluid was sampled every 10 min from ports 10 and 50 cm distal to the infusion site. Water flux was determined by differences in polyethylene glycol concentration across the 40-cm test segment. Results showed 1) no difference in water or electrolyte absorption rates among rest, exercise, and recovery periods; 2) no difference in absorption rates among the three exercise intensities or different exercise durations; and 3) significantly greater fluid absorption rates from the carbohydrate-electrolyte (CE) solution than from water. Water flux during rest, exercise, and recovery was about sixfold greater from the CE solution than from the isotonic solution without carbohydrate. We conclude that 1) exercise has no effect on water or solute absorption in the duodenojejunum, 2) fluid absorption occurs significantly faster from a CE solution than from water, and 3) fluid absorption is increased sixfold by addition of carbohydrate to an electrolyte solution.  相似文献   

Acyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyl transferase and/or cholesterol esterase may regulate the esterification and absorption of exogenous cholesterol. To assess this, mucosal acyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyl transferase activity was inhibited selectively with three different drugs [Sandoz #58-035, inhibitor 1; Lederle inhibitor 2 and inhibitor 3] and the effect upon the absorption of a [4-14C]cholesterol meal was studied in the lymph fistula rat. Compared to control rats, ACAT activity measured in mucosal homogenates from the drug-treated rats was reduced 80-90%, 40%, and 30%, respectively, during the predicted time-frame for maximum mucosal esterification of cholesterol (i.e., after cholesterol is fed and before it appears in lymph). In contrast, [14C]cholesterol absorption in the drug-treated animals was unchanged from controls [5.7 +/- 1.2 (inhibitor 1) vs. 5.4 +/- 1.6 mumol/6 hr (control); 6.1 +/- 2.1 (inhibitor 2) and 5.2 +/- 1.5 (inhibitor 3) vs. 4.1 +/- 1.3 mumol/6 hr (control)]. Of the absorbed [14C]cholesterol, approximately 75% was esterified in all groups. Cholesterol esterase activity measured in the drug-treated rats was unchanged compared to controls nor did the drugs inhibit this enzyme in vitro. Under the conditions of this study, drugs causing substantial inhibition of acyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyl transferase activity had no effect on the absorption of exogenous cholesterol.  相似文献   

During the first year of life, body calcium content increases faster in relation to body size than any other time during growth. Studies have shown postnatal growth and bone mineralization differences between appropriate for gestational age and small for gestational age infants. The objective of this study was to compare duodenal calcium transport using intestinal ligated loop technique in 21-day-old small for gestational age (birth weight of <1.2 kg) and appropriate for gestational age piglets (birth weight of > or =1.4 kg). Piglets were fed liquid formula between day 5 and 21 of life and monitored daily for weight gain. At day 21 calcium absorption was measured followed by measurement of bone mass using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. Small for gestational age piglets had greater calcium absorption and growth rate than appropriate for gestational age piglets. Birth weight was negatively related to weight gain and calcium absorption. Weight gain was positively related to calcium absorption. Appropriate for gestational age piglets had significantly higher whole body bone mineral content than small for gestational age piglets even after correction for body size. Whole body bone mineral content was positively correlated with birth weight and negatively correlated with calcium absorption. These observations suggest that small for gestational age piglets are capable of absorbing elevated amounts of calcium in the proximal intestine in support of compensatory growth. However, at 21 days of age small for gestational age piglets are similar in size but have lower bone mass compared to appropriate for gestational age piglets.  相似文献   

Intramyocellular triacylglycerol provides fatty acid substrate for ATP generation in contracting muscle. The protein adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) is a key regulator of triacylglycerol lipolysis and whole body energy metabolism at rest and during exercise, and ATGL activity is reported to be enhanced by 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)-mediated phosphorylation at Ser(406) in mice. This is a curious observation, because AMPK activation reduces lipolysis in several cell types. We investigated whether the phosphorylation of ATGL Ser(404) (corresponding to murine Ser(406)) was increased during exercise in human skeletal muscle and with pharmacological AMPK activation in myotubes in vitro. In human experiments, skeletal muscle and venous blood samples were obtained from recreationally active male subjects before and at 5 and 60 min during exercise. ATGL Ser(404) phosphorylation was not increased from rest during exercise, but ATGL Ser(404) phosphorylation correlated with myosin heavy chain 1 expression, suggesting a possible fiber type dependency. ATGL Ser(404) phosphorylation was not related to increases in AMPK activity, and immunoprecipitation experiments indicated no interaction between AMPK and ATGL. Rather, ATGL Ser(404) phosphorylation was associated with protein kinase A (PKA) signaling. ATGL Ser(406) phosphorylation in C(2)C(12) myotubes was unaffected by 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxaminde-1-β-d-ribofuranoside, an AMPK activator, and the PKA activator forskolin. Our results demonstrate that ATGL Ser(404) phosphorylation is not increased in mixed skeletal muscle during moderate-intensity exercise and that AMPK does not appear to be an activating kinase for ATGL Ser(404/406) in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

To identify protein components of the intestinal cholesterol transporter, rabbit small intestinal brush border membrane vesicles were submitted to photoaffinity labeling using photoreactive derivatives of 2-azetidinone cholesterol absorption inhibitors. An integral membrane protein of M(r) 145.3+/-7.5 kDa was specifically labeled in brush border membrane vesicles from rabbit jejunum and ileum. Its labeling was concentration-dependently inhibited by the presence of cholesterol absorption inhibitors whereas bile acids, D-glucose, fatty acids or cephalexin had no effect. The inhibitory potency of 2-azetidinones to inhibit photolabeling of the 145 kDa protein correlated with their in vivo activity to inhibit intestinal cholesterol absorption. These results suggest that an integral membrane protein of M(r) 145 kDa is (a component of) the cholesterol absorption system in the brush border membrane of small intestinal enterocytes.  相似文献   

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