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Abstract.  1. The harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis , has recently arrived in Britain.
2. This species has been introduced from Asia into many parts of the world for biological control purposes.
3. In many parts of North America it has become the predominant aphidophagous coccinellid in less than 20 years, and in north-western Europe it is spreading and increasing in number rapidly.
4. Since establishment in North America and continental Europe, reports of its effectiveness as a biological control agent of aphids and coccids have been accompanied by accounts of negative effects on other aphidophagous species and humans.
5. Here the potential impacts of the arrival of the harlequin ladybird in Britain are assessed.  相似文献   

Inferences about introduction histories of invasive species remain challenging because of the stochastic demographic processes involved. Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) can help to overcome these problems, but such method requires a prior understanding of population structure over the study area, necessitating the use of alternative methods and an intense sampling design. In this study, we made inferences about the worldwide invasion history of the ladybird Harmonia axyridis by various population genetics statistical methods, using a large set of sampling sites distributed over most of the species’ native and invaded areas. We evaluated the complementarity of the statistical methods and the consequences of using different sets of site samples for ABC inferences. We found that the H. axyridis invasion has involved two bridgehead invasive populations in North America, which have served as the source populations for at least six independent introductions into other continents. We also identified several situations of genetic admixture between differentiated sources. Our results highlight the importance of coupling ABC methods with more traditional statistical approaches. We found that the choice of site samples could affect the conclusions of ABC analyses comparing possible scenarios. Approaches involving independent ABC analyses on several sample sets constitute a sensible solution, complementary to standard quality controls based on the analysis of pseudo‐observed data sets, to minimize erroneous conclusions. This study provides biologists without expertise in this area with detailed methodological and conceptual guidelines for making inferences about invasion routes when dealing with a large number of sampling sites and complex population genetic structures.  相似文献   

Correct identification of the source population of an invasive species is a prerequisite for testing hypotheses concerning the factors responsible for biological invasions. The native area of invasive species may be large, poorly known and/or genetically structured. Because the actual source population may not have been sampled, studies based on molecular markers may generate incorrect conclusions about the origin of introduced populations. In this study, we characterized the genetic structure of the invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis in its native area using various population genetic statistics and methods. We found that native area of H. axyridis most probably consisted of two geographically distinct genetic clusters located in eastern and western Asia. We then performed approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) analyses on controlled simulated microsatellite data sets to evaluate (i) the risk of selecting incorrect introduction scenarios, including admixture between sources, when the populations of the native area are genetically structured and sampling is incomplete and (ii) the ability of ABC analysis to minimize such risks by explicitly including unsampled populations in the scenarios compared. Finally, we performed additional ABC analyses on real microsatellite data sets to retrace the origin of biocontrol and invasive populations of H. axyridis, taking into account the possibility that the structured native area may have been incompletely sampled. We found that the invasive population in eastern North America, which has served as the bridgehead for worldwide invasion by H. axyridis, was probably formed by an admixture between the eastern and western native clusters. This admixture may have facilitated adaptation of the bridgehead population.  相似文献   

Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is a sub‐cosmopolitan species. Native to Asia, it has been released during the 20th century for classical and augmentative biological control of several herbivorous insects, mostly aphids and coccids. Despite its recognized positive impact on biological control, H. axyridis is now considered among the most dangerous invasive species in Europe and in most places where it has established. This is mostly due to its ability to reduce the populations of native predatory species of the same trophic guild. When exploring a new area, H. axyridis adults use semiochemical cues to acquire information about the habitat. Presumably, these cues are perceived by the sensilla located on the antennae. Surprisingly, in spite of the huge literature existing on H. axyridis, the antennal sensory organs have been poorly characterized. Here, we used scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM) techniques to study H. axyridis antennae, with focus on the various types of sensilla and their distribution in male and female individuals. The presence of various classes of antennal sensilla belonging to the main types described in insects (chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, and thermo‐hygroreceptors) was highlighted, as well as the widespread presence of antennal glands. The investigations showed some peculiar characteristics not known in Coccinellidae, such as the concentration of sensory structures at the level of the distal part of the apical antennomere and the discovery of antennal glands associated with it. No sexual dimorphism was revealed, neither for the general structure of the antenna (similar number of antennomeres and presence of modifications), nor for the total length and width of the antenna, the relative size of the antennomeres, the types of antennal sensilla, of their distribution and abundance. The potential relevance of these sensory structures and antennal glands, reported for the first time in Coccinellidae, is discussed in the context of intra‐ and interspecific communication.  相似文献   

Abstract Genetic trade‐offs for host plant use are hypothesized to facilitate the diversification of insect populations through specialization to their host plants. Previous studies mainly estimated the architecture of genetic variances and covariances in herbivorous species with discrete and limited types of host species. In contrast to herbivores, the relative abundance of resources for predatory species fluctuates in time and space, causing a more unpredictable encounter with prey species. The ecological characteristics of resource use might result in a differential mode of selection for herbivorous and predatory species, which could be reflected in a differential genetic architecture of developmental traits such as the duration of larval stage (henceforth referred to as larval period) and size of pupa (measured as pupal weight). This paper presents results from a study on the genetic architecture of larval period and pupal mass of an aphidophagous ladybird beetle, Harmonia axyridis Pallas, in different resource environments. Beetles reared on Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) showed a shorter developmental period and a heavier pupal mass than their siblings on Aphis craccivora Koch or on artificial diet, while the average larval period and pupal mass on A. craccivora and the artificial diet were similar. Further analyses of the genetic architecture suggest that the developmental traits on the two aphid species are genetically correlated, while there are only weak or no genetic correlations between these two traits on the two aphid preys and the artificial diet. Thus, the results suggest that the patterns of genotypic relationships between developmental traits differ from the phenotypic ones. The effects of past selection on the genetic architecture and the possible cause of the genetic correlation are discussed, as well as consequences for mass rearing for biological control.  相似文献   

Despite numerous releases for biological control purposes during more than 20 years in Europe, Harmonia axyridis failed to become established until the beginning of the 21st century. Its status as invasive alien species is now widely recognised. Theory suggests that invasive populations should evolve toward greater phenotypic plasticity because they encounter differing environments during the invasion process. On the contrary, populations used for biological control have been maintained under artificial rearing conditions for many generations; they are hence expected to become specialised on a narrow range of environments and show lower phenotypic plasticity. Here we compared phenotypic traits and the extent of adaptive phenotypic plasticity in two invasive populations and two populations commercialized for biological control by (i) measuring six phenotypic traits related to fitness (eggs hatching rate, larval survival rate, development time, sex ratio, fecundity over 6 weeks and survival time of starving adults) at three temperatures (18, 24 and 30°C), (ii) recording the survival rate and quiescence aggregation behaviour when exposed to low temperatures (5, 10 and 15°C), and (iii) studying the cannibalistic behaviour of populations in the absence of food. Invasive and biocontrol populations displayed significantly different responses to temperature variation for a composite fitness index computed from the traits measured at 18, 24 and 30°C, but not for any of those traits considered independently. The plasticity measured on the same fitness index was higher in the two invasive populations, but this difference was not statistically significant. On the other hand, invasive populations displayed significantly higher survival and higher phenotypic plasticity when entering into quiescence at low temperatures. In addition, one invasive population displayed a singular cannibalistic behaviour. Our results hence only partly support the expectation of increased adaptive phenotypic plasticity of European invasive populations of H. axyridis, and stress the importance of the choice of the environmental parameters to be manipulated for assessing phenotypic plasticity variation among populations.  相似文献   

  1. Life tables of the predatory ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis were analysed by taking samples from twenty or twenty four sites colonized by eight species of aphids for two years.
  2. Larval mortality was a key factor in the H. axyridis populations. Mortality of all the stages tended to be density-dependent when life cycles were divided into four developmental stages, except in the case of mortality at hatching due to sibling cannibalism.
  3. Sibling and non-sibling cannibalism played an important role on population stability and persistence.

To improve the laboratory mass rearing and the winter greenhouse use of the multicoloured Asian lady beetle Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae), the effects of photoperiod on the development and fecundity of H. axyridis were investigated at 20°C and photoperiods ranging from 0L:24D to 24L:0D. We foun'd photoperiod to significantly affect the pre-imaginal development and reproduction of H. axyridis. The development of the pre-imaginal stage was significantly faster at shorter photoperiods (0–14?h) than at longer ones (16–24?h). The proportion of females laying eggs within the first 30 days after eclosion, the mean number of eggs per ovipositing female, and the long axial length of the first oocyte were all lower at shorter photoperiods (6–12?h) than at longer ones (14–24?h). These results suggest that adult H. axyridis may encounter problems in preying and reproducing in the winter conditions of unheated and unilluminated greenhouses in areas with temperatures lower than 20°C and day lengths shorter than 12?h.  相似文献   

Harmonia axyridis Pallas (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is native to Asia, and was widely introduced as a biocontrol agent of aphids and coccids in Europe and North America. In Europe, H. axyridis is considered to be an invasive alien species because of its potential to disrupt native ladybird communities. Since 1999, the Belgian Ladybird Working Group mapped all Belgian Coccinellidae and recorded data on substratum plants and habitat. The first feral H. axyridis population in Belgium was recorded in 2001, but the expansion rate is decreasing because it now colonised the whole country. Recorded occupancy in Belgium showed an average rate of increase of 189% between 2002 and 2006. In Belgium, H. axyridis occurred in a wide range of habitats, including those of high conservation value. However, habitat and land cover analysis showed that H. axyridis is more frequently found in urbanised landscapes than in semi-natural landscapes. A niche overlap analysis based on plant use data showed that the potential to affect native species is higher for generalist, deciduous and coniferous tree ladybird species than for heathland and wetland specialist species. Phenology data showed that H. axyridis is able to reproduce later in the year than native species. Based on recorded distribution, ecology and phenology, we discuss the potential of H. axyridis to disrupt native ladybird assemblages in Belgium.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Two experiments were performed in the laboratory to assess the behaviour of dropping from a host plant as a defence against intraguild predation in aphidophagous ladybird larvae.
2. In the first experiment, encounters were observed on bean plants between fourth instars of the intraguild predator species, Harmonia axyridis , and first instars of two other ladybird species, Adalia bipunctata (L.) and Coccinella septempunctata (L.). The percentages of first instars of the latter two species that dropped from the plant in response to attack differed dramatically, with 47.5% of C. septempunctata first instars dropping vs. 0% of A. bipunctata .
3. In the second experiment, first instars of A. bipunctata or C. septempunctata and a fourth instar of H. axyridis were allowed to forage together on bean plants for 3 h. During this time, 44.3% of C. septempunctata larvae dropped from the plant, but less than 2% of A. bipunctata larvae did so. In contrast, 95.0% of A. bipunctata larvae fell victim to intraguild predation by H. axyridis vs. only 54.5% of C. septempunctata larvae.
4. The significance of dropping behaviour of ladybird larvae as a defence against intraguild predation, and the relationship of dropping behaviour to species-specific habitat affinity of ladybirds, is discussed.  相似文献   

Biological invasions represent a serious menace to local species assemblages, mainly due to interspecific relationships such as competition and predation. One important invasive species worldwide is Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), which has invaded many regions of the world, threatening the native and endemic coccinellid assemblages due to negative interspecific interactions. These interactions have been widely studied at a local scale, but have been less studied at regional scales. Our aim was to estimate and analyse the potential spatial interaction associated with the co‐occurrence of H. axyridis with native and endemic species in Chile, considering bioclimatic and land cover variables. First, we created species distribution models (SDM) for H. axyridis, native and endemic coccinellids and six representative coccinellid species using maximum entropy technique. Then, we overlapped each SDM with land cover types to estimate the bioclimatic suitability within each land cover type. Finally, we identified the co‐occurrences of organisms according to the SDM and the land cover types, estimating in what land covers H. axyridis and the other coccinellids are more likely to co‐occur. Our results show that the suitable area for H. axyridis occurs from 30° to 42°S in Chile, while for native and endemic species this area is greater. The six selected species are mainly concentrated in central Chile, but differ in their potential suitable areas; Adalia angulifera Mulsant and Scymnus bicolor (Germain) have the largest range, and Mimoscymnus macula (Germain) has the most restricted one. The highest level of potential spatial interactions with H. axyridis occurs in central Chile, specifically in croplands and scrublands, and the lowest in primary native forest for all the species. Our results provide a spatially explicit baseline for coccinellid conservation and management of this invasive species.  相似文献   

Abstract: The insecticidal activity of two ecdysone agonists, methoxyfenozide (RH-2485) and halofenozide (RH-0345), was tested against last-instar larvae of the natural predator Harmonia axyridis (Col., Coccinellidae). In addition, the relative weight gain of the larvae after application was followed. Both products proved to be equally toxic at concentrations of 25, 50 and 100 mg/l. The ecdysteroidal activity of the compounds caused premature induction of larval moulting, cessation of feeding and incomplete pupation in affected larvae. Although, compared with previous results with methoxyfenozide and halofenozide in target pests such as the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata , these compounds caused mortality only after application at relatively high concentrations.  相似文献   

在转Bt基因棉压力下棉铃虫和异色瓢虫的波动性不对称   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李娜  孟玲  翟保平  吴孔明 《昆虫学报》2004,47(2):198-205
以取食转Bt基因棉的棉铃虫和取食转Bt基因棉上的蚜虫的异色瓢虫为研究对象,结合各自的适合度参数考察了波动性不对称(fluctuating asymmetry, FA)在不同种群中各对称性状间的表现情况。结果表明: 处理组棉铃虫种群的前、中、后足腿节,前翅肘横脉,前翅副室短径,后翅翅长均表现出FA;与对照种群比较,前足腿节与后翅翅长的FA值较高。 适合度参数测定结果显示,棉铃虫卵孵化率与成虫寿命显著低于对照种群,而成虫产卵量和幼虫发育历期与对照种群差异不显著。异色瓢虫取食了转Bt基因棉上的蚜虫后对其适合度各参数及各虫龄的捕食功能反应均无不良影响,其后翅翅长表现出FA,但与对照种群的FA值无显著差异。FA的大小与种群适合度间存在一定的联系,尚需做进一步的分析。  相似文献   

异色瓢虫卵黄蛋白单克隆抗体的制备及鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马卓  刘廷辉  陈洁  梁超  曹美琳  何运转 《昆虫学报》2015,58(11):1186-1193
【目的】为了能准确地追踪异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis (Pallas)卵黄原蛋白(vitellogenin, Vg)的合成、转运途径和吸收方式,以及卵黄蛋白(vitellin, Vn)在卵母细胞内的积累及分布情况,本研究对异色瓢虫的Vn进行了单克隆抗体(monoclonal antibody, McAb)的制备。【方法】以异色瓢虫Vn免疫BLAB/C小鼠,应用杂交瘤技术,经过3次亚克隆筛选,制备能稳定分泌抗Vn的单克隆抗体。【结果】实验获得4株能够稳定分泌抗异色瓢虫Vn的单克隆抗体,即5E2, 5E11, 1E9和5H8。其中1E9, 5E11和5E2亚型均为IgG1,5H8亚型为IgM。Western blot免疫印迹分析显示,4株单克隆抗体可以特异性地识别Vn,而与雄虫血淋巴无反应。其中,5E2和1E9可以与异色瓢虫抗原的4个亚基发生较强的免疫反应,结合腹水制备前上清效价检测结果最终选取5E2制备单克隆抗体。5E2单克隆抗体的效价为1∶81 000,SDS-PAGE分析显示5E2重链和轻链的分子量分别为50和27 kD。【结论】本实验成功制备出一株能够稳定分泌抗异色瓢虫Vn的单克隆抗体,为建立酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)方法测定其动态变化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Dissemination of microbial biocontrol agents via predators may have advantages for safe spore dispersal to targeted pests with the added benefit of predation. A laboratory study was conducted to test the target-oriented dissemination of conidia of Beauveria bassiana using larvae of both the multicoloured Asian lady beetle (Harmonia axyridis) and common green lacewing (Chrysoperla carnea) for control of aphids. Maximum dry conidial attachment occurred within approximately 7 min after exposure. After release of the treated predators on leaves of Chinese cabbage, within 12 hours lacewing larvae dispersed 89% of the attached conidia while Asian lady beetles dispersed 93%. Both predators dispersed conidia up to 2.4 m from the release site. Leaf disk bioassays were conducted to compare two application methods; the dissemination of conidia of B. bassiana by predators and the direct application of conidial suspensions. Mortality in sprayed aphids was 91±2.1% compared to 88±2.1 and 84±4.2%, respectively, when conidia were disseminated by lacewings and lady beetles. Predation was not affected in treated lacewing larvae whereas there was a 20% reduction in predation by lady beetle larvae. It appears that B. bassiana can be effectively delivered using certain insect predators.  相似文献   

Abstract: As part of an environmental risk assessment study of exotic natural enemies used in inundative biological control, life‐history characteristics of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas), Hippodamia variegata (Goeze) and Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Col., Coccinellidae) were quantified under laboratory conditions at 25°C on Myzus persicae (Sulzer) as prey. Comparative studies showed significant differences among pre‐adult development times: H. axyridis developed slower ( = 19.8 days) than H. variegata ( = 18.1 days) and A. bipunctata ( = 18.4 days). Differences were also evident in the duration of egg, larval and pupal stages. No measurable differences among the three species were found for fecundity, oviposition rate and adult longevity. Harmonia axyridis exhibited the longest pre‐oviposition ( = 7.4 days) and interoviposition ( = 3.6 days) periods and the shortest oviposition period ( = 13.7 days). The Bieri model was used to describe age‐specific fecundity for the three species of coccinellids. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm), net reproductive rate (R0) and mean generation time (T) were higher for H. variegata (rm = 0.114, R0 = 52.75, T = 41.88 days) than for H. axyridis (rm = 0.089, R0 = 26.27, T = 38.81 days) or A. bipunctata (rm = 0.081, R0 = 18.49, T = 40.06 days). Our findings show that the biological traits of H. axyridis do not seem to be factors that may contribute to the invasiveness of this coccinellid.  相似文献   

Acceleration of growth following a period of diet restriction may result in either complete or partial catch-up in size. The existence of such compensatory growth indicates that organisms commonly grow at rates below their physiological maxima and this implies a cost for accelerated growth. We examined patterns of accelerated growth in response to temporary resource limitation, and assayed both short and long-term costs of this growth in the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis. Subsequent to the period of food restriction, accelerated growth resulted in complete compensation for body sizes, although we observed greater larval mortality during the period of compensation. There were no effects on female fecundity or survivorship within 3 months of maturation. Females did not discriminate against males that had undergone compensatory growth, nor did we observe effects on male mating behaviour. However, individuals that underwent compensatory growth died significantly sooner when deprived of food late in adult life, suggesting that longer-term costs of compensatory growth may be quite mild and detectable only under stressful conditions.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在探索异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis气味结合蛋白的结构和分布,更好地了解气味结合蛋白在异色瓢虫嗅觉系统中的作用。【方法】利用生物信息学方法克隆异色瓢虫2个气味结合蛋白基因序列并对其蛋白结构进行分析;通过实时荧光定量PCR分析克隆获得的这2个基因在异色瓢虫各个发育阶段和成虫不同组织中的表达水平。【结果】本研究成功克隆得到异色瓢虫两个气味结合蛋白基因HaxyOBP1和HaxyOBP6(GenBank登录号分别为MG757923和MG757927)。HaxyOBP1开放阅读框全长447 bp,编码148个氨基酸,具有6个保守的半胱氨酸,表明HaxyOBP1属于Classic OBPs。HaxyOBP1在异色瓢虫各发育阶段均有表达,在雄性成虫中表达量最高;组织表达谱分析表明HaxyOBP1在雄虫头部表达量最高。HaxyOBP6开放阅读框全长414 bp,编码137个氨基酸,具有4个保守的半胱氨酸,表明HaxyOBP6属于Minus-C OBPs。HaxyOBP6在成虫期的表达量明显高于幼虫阶段,并且在雄成虫中的表达量显著高于雌成虫;组织表达谱分析表明HaxyOBP6在雄成虫头部和雌成虫翅中表达量最高。【结论】本研究克隆得到异色瓢虫两个气味结合蛋白基因,表达谱分析表明HaxyOBP1和HaxyOBP6分别在异色瓢虫成虫头和翅中具有较高的表达水平,说明气味结合蛋白基因可能在异色瓢虫非嗅觉组织中同样具有重要作用。本研究结果为深入研究异色瓢虫气味结合蛋白结构和功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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