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Soluble enzymes have been demonstrated in extracts of Sarcophaga bullata larvae and pupae which both synthesize and hydrolyze the dipeptide β-alanyl-l-tyrosine (β-AT). In vitro assays for the synthesis and hydrolysis of β-AT were developed using thin-layer chromatography and (1-14C)β-alanine.The fat body was identified as the tissue origin of both the synthetase and hydrolase enzymes. The specific activity of β-AT synthetase in fat body extracts was constant throughout larval development, whereas hydrolytic activity in fat body extracts rose sharply after completion of the white puparium, reached a maximum in 12 to 18 hr, and then fell to its initial level. The rôle of the two enzymic activities in the formation of the puparium of S. bullata is discussed.  相似文献   

The genome of the flesh fly Sarcophaga bullata has been characterized both cytologically and biochemically. S. bullata has a haploid DNA level of 0.61 picograms which is five times larger than the haploid genome size of Drosophila melanogaster. Reassociation kinetics of Sarcophaga DNA shows that its sequence organization is very similar to that of D. melanogaster in having a very large proportion of single copy DNA (81%) and only small amounts of highly and moderately repetitive DNA (9% and 6%, respectively). cRNAs from all three sequence classes were prepared and their cytological distributions on diploid and polytene cells determined by in situ hybridization. The cytological distribution of the highly repetitive probe was found to be restricted to the centromeric heterochromatin of two of the five autosomes and this sequence class was also found to be markedly underreplicated in polytene foot-pad cells. No highly repetitive DNA was localized on either of the sex chromosomes, but only on the two large centromeric regions of chromosomes C and E. Moderately repetitive DNA was found uniformly distributed on all of the autosomes in both testis and polytene foot-pad squashes. As in the case of the highly repetitive sequence probe, no moderately repetitive DNA was detected on either the X or Y chromosomes. Moderately repetitive DNA in Sarcophaga was also shown to have the Drosophila type pattern of sequence interspersion with a moderately repetitive element of 5,000 nucleotides adjacent to a unique element of greater than 10,000 nucleotides. The Sarcophaga genome is the largest for which this type of interspersion has so far been demonstrated.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The fat-body soluble fraction from two-day Sarcophaga bullata larvae contain amino acid activating enzymes for nineteen amino acids.
  • 2.2. The level of activity varies with the amino acid substrate.
  • 3.3. The total 32PP-ATP exchange activity of the pupae decreased with age for the first 6 days, then increased to a maximum one or two days prior to emergence of the adults.
  • 4.4. The free amino acid concentration in the pupae decreased during the period when the amino acid activating activity increased.

Phenoloxidase in the hemolymph of Sarcophaga bullata larvae is present as an inactive proenzyme form. Localization studies indicate that the majority of the prophenoloxidase is present in the plasma fraction whereas only a minor fraction (about 4%) is present in the cellular compartments (hemocytes). Inactive prophenoloxidase can be activated by zymosan, not by either endotoxin or laminarin. This activation process is inhibited by the serine protease inhibitors, benzamidine and p-nitrophenyl-p~-guanidobenzoate. Exogenously added proteases, such as chymotrypsin and subtilisin, also activated the prophenoloxidase in the whole hemolymph but failed to activate the partially purified proenzyme. However, an activating enzyme isolated from the larval cuticle, which exhibits trypsinlike specificity, activated the partially purified prophenoloxidase. Inhibition studies and activity measurements also revealed the presence of a similar activating enzyme in the hemolymph. Thus, the phenoloxidase system in Sarcophaga bullata larval hemolymph seems to be comprised of a cascade of reactions. An endogenous protease inhibitor isolated from the larvae inhibited chymotrypsin-mediated prophenoloxidase activation but failed to inhibit the cuticular activating enzyme-catalyzed activation. Based on these studies, the roles of prophenoloxidase, endogenous activating proteases, and protease inhibitor in insect immunity are discussed.  相似文献   

Adults of Sarcophaga aldrichi killed by Entomophthora bullata were found in the field 7 days after emergence. Resting spores were not found until 6 days later, although conidia were formed from the first incidence of mortality. It is suggested that the life cycle of the fungus involves alternating generations of conidia and thick-walled overwintering resting spores.  相似文献   

Kinetic and chemical analysis show that the haploid genome of Leishmania donovani has between 4.6 and 6.5 X 10(7) Kb pairs of DNA. Cot analysis shows that the genome contains 12% rapidly reassociating DNA, U3% middle repetitive DNA with an average reiteration frequency of 77 and 62% single copy DNA. Saturation hybridization experiments show that 0.82% of the nuclear DNA is occupied by rRNA coding sequences. The average repetition frequency of these sequences is determined to be 166. Sedimentation velocity studies indicate the two major rRNA species have sedimentation values of 26S and 16S, respectively. The arrangement of the rRNA genes and their spacer sequences on long strands of purified rDNA has been determined by the examination of the structure of rRNA:DNA hybrids prepared for electron microscopy by the gene 32-ethidium bromide technique. Long DNA strands are observed to contain several gene sets (16S + 26S). One repeat unit contains the following sequences in the order given: (a) A 16S gene of length 2.12 Kb, (b) An internal transcribed spacer (Spl) of length 1.23 Kb, which contains a short sequence that may code for a 5.8S rRNA, (C) 26S gene with a length of 4.31 Kb which contains an internal gap region of length 0.581 Ib, (d) An external spacer of average length 5.85 Kb.  相似文献   

The polytene pupal foot pad cells of the flesh fly Sarcophaga bullata contain numerous extrachromosomal DNA containing granules. We have determined both the origin and the nature of the DNA sequences present in these granules. Studies done with quinacrine staining of seven day old pupal foot-pad polytene nuclei showed that the granules fluoresced very brightly while the chromosomal bands to which the granules were attached did not. The only other highly fluroescent regions of the polytene karyotype were the centromeric heterochromatin of chromosomes C and E and several bands associated with the nucleolus of Chromosome A. When polytene nuclei were hybridized in situ with cRNA made from highly repetitive DNA, many of the granules positively labeled. Most of the label on these slides was concentrated on the centromeric heterochromatin of chromosomes C and E. Quinacrine staining of the foot-pad cells at very early stages of pupal development showed that when granules were present, they were always closely associated with the same two centromeric regions, those of chromosomes C and E. Since the highly repetitive DNA located in these centromeric regions is underreplicated, we conclude that the granules result from an extrusion process which takes place early during the polytenization of these cells. The chromosomal integrity of the centromeric heterochromatin of chromosomes C and E is apparently disrupted and repetitive sequences are dissociated from the chromosomes as DNA granules which then secondarily become associated with chromosomal bands throughout the nucleus.  相似文献   

The puffing schedule of 71 puffs of chromosome B in Sarcophaga bullata polytene foot pad cells were analyzed during an 8 day period of pupal development. The number of puffs fluctuates, with maxima at about day 7 and day 10. The nucleolar volume reaches two maxima which precede the maxima in the number of puffs by approximately one day. With respect to qualitative changes in the puffing pattern, the present study shows that all puffs appear and disappear in a sequential fashion which is related to development. The pattern of potentially active loci and the sequence in which they form puffs are identical in all foot pad cells. Nevertheless, two neighboring cells may differ characteristically in the timing of the activity of a few individual loci relative to the rest of the puffing sequence. Furthermore, pulvilli cells from different pairs of legs may differ in the timing of the entire puffing sequence. It is concluded that puffing, at least in part, is under the control of intracellular processes rather than of external factors such as hormones.  相似文献   

The accumulation of cuticular hydrocarbon was measured throughout the life of Sarcophaga bullata. Less than 5 μg hydrocarbon per insect are present until the third larval instar when synthesis increases the quantity present to 10 to 20 μg by pupariation. The rate of synthesis increases at this time to 5 to 8 μg/day and continues until 40 to 45 μg are present per insect. This amount remains constant until several days before the pupal-adult ecdysis when synthesis again occurs. The rate of synthesis by these pharate adults is >20 μg/day. When the adult emerges it contains between 90 and 100 μg which increases slightly during the adult stadium. Two periods of rapid accumulation of cuticular hydrocarbon are observed: (1) during pupariation and the 3 day period following pupariation, and (2) during the 4 day period preceding the pupal-adult ecdysis. When pupariation is inhibited by contact with water, the rate of hydrocarbon biosynthesis also fails to increase.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The efficiency of the conversion of the digested food (ECD) (liver) during the growing period of the larva of Sarcophaga bullata was determined. The values for ECD in four different determinations were 67.8, 69.1, 64.1 and 63.4%. These values are of the same order as ECD determined for some phytophagous caterpillars under the best conditions of food utilization, and seem to represent the highest values obtainable in a multicellular organism. It is concluded that such high efficiency rates have as prerequisites: fast growth in the larvae; and in the food, easy availability, ingestibility, and digestibility, high nutritional value, and reasonably high water content. Bacterial decomposition of the food during the test period appeared scarcely to influence the apparent ECD.  相似文献   

An antiserum against Diploptera allastostain 1 (Dip-AST1) was used to map the distribution of allatostain containing neurons in the optic lobes of the fly Saccrophaga bullata. Strongly immunoreacting neurons were found in two areas of the optic ganglia, namely, the medulla and the area between medulla and lobula. These cells were generally interneurons arborizing the base of the medulla. The positive reaction of specific populations of the optic lobe neurons against allatostain antiserum suggests some role for this neuropeptide in the visual physiology of the fly.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Electrophysiological responses to NaCl, sucrose, and a complex mixture containing NaCl, glucose, fructose, phenylalanine and valine were obtained from large, medium, and small hair sensilla on the proboscis of the fleshfly Sarcophaga bullata.
  • 2.2. Responses from up to three cells in each sensillum were analysed and compared across the three types of sensilla.
  • 3.3. We found qualitative differences in the patterns of responses from the different hair types.

The hemolymph of Sarcophaga bullata larvae was activated with either zymosan or proteolytic enzymes such as chymotrypsin or subtilisin and assayed for phenoloxidase activity by two different assays. While oxygen uptake studies readily attested to the wide specificty of activated phenoloxidase, visible spectral studies failed to confirm the accumulation of quinone products in the case of 4-alkyl substituted catechols such as N-acetyldopamine and N-β-alanyldopamine. Sepharose 6B column chromatography of the activated hemolymph resolved phenoloxidase activity into two fractions, designated as A and B. Peak A possessed typical o-diphenoloxidase (o-diphenol, oxygen oxidoreductase EC activity, while peak B oxidized physiologically important catecholamine derivatives such as N-acetyldopamine, N-acetylnorepinephrine, and N-β-alanyldopamine into N-acetylnorepinephrine, N-acetylarterenone, and N-β-alanylnorepinephrine, respectively, and converted 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, 3,4-dihydroxymandelic acid, and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol into 3,4-dihydroxymandelic acid, 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde, and 2-hydroxy-3′,4′-dihydroxyacetophenone, respectively. These transformations are consistent with the conversion of phenoloxidase-generated quinones to quinone methides and subsequent non-enzymatic transformations of quinone methides. Accordingly, Peak B contained both o-diphenoloxidase activity and quinone tautomerase activity. Sepharose 6B column chromatography of unactivated hemolymph resulted in the separation of quinone tautomerase from prophenoloxidase. The tautomerase rapidly converted both chemically made and mushroom tyrosinase-generated quinones to quinone methides. Thus the failure to observe the accumulation of quinones with N-acyl derivatives of dopamine and related compounds in the whole hemolymph is due to the rapid conversion of these long lived toxic quinones to short lived quinone methides. The latter, being unstable, undergo rapid non-enzymatic transformations to form side-chain-oxygenated products that are non-toxic. The possible roles of quinone isomerase and its reaction products—quinone methides—as essential components of sclerotization of cuticle and defense reaction of Sarcophaga bullata are discussed.  相似文献   

Pupal diapause (dormancy) in the flesh fly, Sarcophaga bullata, is induced by short-day photoperiods and low temperature. In this study, the inheritance mode of diapause was investigated by crossing a nondiapausing (nd) strain of S. bullata with 2 diapausing strains having different diapause capacities. The results consistently indicated that diapause incidence is inherited in a simple Mendelian pattern, thus a single gene or a small gene cluster linked to the photoperiodic clock controls the seasonal response of diapause. The fact that the nd strain lacked daily rhythmicity in adult eclosion and showed altered expression of 2 circadian clock genes suggests that the photoperiodic and circadian clocks are related through a shared molecular component in S. bullata.  相似文献   

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