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MOTIVATION: A large body of experimental and theoretical evidence suggests that local structural determinants are frequently encoded in short segments of protein sequence. Although the local structural information, once recognized, is particularly useful in protein structural and functional analyses, it remains a difficult problem to identify embedded local structural codes based solely on sequence information. RESULTS: In this paper, we describe a local structure prediction method aiming at predicting the backbone structures of nine-residue sequence segments. Two elements are the keys for this local structure prediction procedure. The first key element is the LSBSP1 database, which contains a large number of non-redundant local structure-based sequence profiles for nine-residue structure segments. The second key element is the consensus approach, which identifies a consensus structure from a set of hit structures. The local structure prediction procedure starts by matching a query sequence segment of nine consecutive amino acid residues to all the sequence profiles in the local structure-based sequence profile database (LSBSP1). The consensus structure, which is at the center of the largest structural cluster of the hit structures, is predicted to be the native state structure adopted by the query sequence segment. This local structure prediction method is assessed with a large set of random test protein structures that have not been used in constructing the LSBSP1 database. The benchmark results indicate that the prediction capacities of the novel local structure prediction procedure exceed the prediction capacities of the local backbone structure prediction methods based on the I-sites library by a significant margin. AVAILABILITY: All the computational and assessment procedures have been implemented in the integrated computational system PrISM.1 (Protein Informatics System for Modeling). The system and associated databases for LINUX systems can be downloaded from the website: http://www.columbia.edu/~ay1/.  相似文献   



Structural similarities among proteins can provide valuable insight into their functional mechanisms and relationships. As the number of available three-dimensional (3D) protein structures increases, a greater variety of studies can be conducted with increasing efficiency, among which is the design of protein structural alphabets. Structural alphabets allow us to characterize local structures of proteins and describe the global folding structure of a protein using a one-dimensional (1D) sequence. Thus, 1D sequences can be used to identify structural similarities among proteins using standard sequence alignment tools such as BLAST or FASTA.  相似文献   

Local structure prediction can facilitate ab initio structure prediction, protein threading, and remote homology detection. However, the accuracy of existing methods is limited. In this paper, we propose a knowledge-based prediction method that assigns a measure called the local match rate to each position of an amino acid sequence to estimate the confidence of our method. Empirically, the accuracy of the method correlates positively with the local match rate; therefore, we employ it to predict the local structures of positions with a high local match rate. For positions with a low local match rate, we propose a neural network prediction method. To better utilize the knowledge-based and neural network methods, we design a hybrid prediction method, HYPLOSP (HYbrid method to Protein LOcal Structure Prediction) that combines both methods. To evaluate the performance of the proposed methods, we first perform cross-validation experiments by applying our knowledge-based method, a neural network method, and HYPLOSP to a large dataset of 3,925 protein chains. We test our methods extensively on three different structural alphabets and evaluate their performance by two widely used criteria, Maximum Deviation of backbone torsion Angle (MDA) and Q(N), which is similar to Q(3) in secondary structure prediction. We then compare HYPLOSP with three previous studies using a dataset of 56 new protein chains. HYPLOSP shows promising results in terms of MDA and Q(N) accuracy and demonstrates its alphabet-independent capability.  相似文献   

A significant step towards establishing the structure and function of a protein is the prediction of the local conformation of the polypeptide chain. In this article, we present systems for the prediction of three new alphabets of local structural motifs. The motifs are built by applying multidimensional scaling (MDS) and clustering to pair-wise angular distances for multiple phi-psi angle values collected from high-resolution protein structures. The predictive systems, based on ensembles of bidirectional recurrent neural network architectures, and trained on a large non-redundant set of protein structures, achieve 72%, 66%, and 60% correct motif prediction on an independent test set for di-peptides (six classes), tri-peptides (eight classes) and tetra-peptides (14 classes), respectively, 28-30% above baseline statistical predictors. We then build a further system, based on ensembles of two-layered bidirectional recurrent neural networks, to map structural motif predictions into a traditional 3-class (helix, strand, coil) secondary structure. This system achieves 79.5% correct prediction using the "hard" CASP 3-class assignment, and 81.4% with a more lenient assignment, outperforming a sophisticated state-of-the-art predictor (Porter) trained in the same experimental conditions. The structural motif predictor is publicly available at: http://distill.ucd.ie/porter+/.  相似文献   

In fragment‐assembly techniques for protein structure prediction, models of protein structure are assembled from fragments of known protein structures. This process is typically guided by a knowledge‐based energy function and uses a heuristic optimization method. The fragments play two important roles in this process: they define the set of structural parameters available, and they also assume the role of the main variation operators that are used by the optimiser. Previous analysis has typically focused on the first of these roles. In particular, the relationship between local amino acid sequence and local protein structure has been studied by a range of authors. The correlation between the two has been shown to vary with the window length considered, and the results of these analyses have informed directly the choice of fragment length in state‐of‐the‐art prediction techniques. Here, we focus on the second role of fragments and aim to determine the effect of fragment length from an optimization perspective. We use theoretical analyses to reveal how the size and structure of the search space changes as a function of insertion length. Furthermore, empirical analyses are used to explore additional ways in which the size of the fragment insertion influences the search both in a simulation model and for the fragment‐assembly technique, Rosetta. Proteins 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A set of software tools designed to study protein structure and kinetics has been developed. The core of these tools is a program called Folding Machine (FM) which is able to generate low resolution folding pathways using modest computational resources. The FM is based on a coarse-grained kinetic ab initio Monte-Carlo sampler that can optionally use information extracted from secondary structure prediction servers or from fragment libraries of local structure. The model underpinning this algorithm contains two novel elements: (a) the conformational space is discretized using the Ramachandran basins defined in the local phi-psi energy maps; and (b) the solvent is treated implicitly by rescaling the pairwise terms of the non-bonded energy function according to the local solvent environments. The purpose of this hybrid ab initio/knowledge-based approach is threefold: to cover the long time scales of folding, to generate useful 3-dimensional models of protein structures, and to gain insight on the protein folding kinetics. Even though the algorithm is not yet fully developed, it has been used in a recent blind test of protein structure prediction (CASP5). The FM generated models within 6 A backbone rmsd for fragments of about 60-70 residues of alpha-helical proteins. For a CASP5 target that turned out to be natively unfolded, the trajectory obtained for this sequence uniquely failed to converge. Also, a new measure to evaluate structure predictions is presented and used along the standard CASP assessment methods. Finally, recent improvements in the prediction of beta-sheet structures are briefly described.  相似文献   

A number of investigators have addressed the issue of why certain protein structures are especially common by considering structure designability, defined as the number of sequences that would successfully fold into any particular native structure. One such approach, based on foldability, suggested that structures could be classified according to their maximum possible foldability and that this optimal foldability would be highly correlated with structure designability. Other approaches have focused on computing the designability of lattice proteins written with reduced two-letter amino acid alphabets. These different approaches suggested contrasting characteristics of the most designable structures. This report compares the designability of lattice proteins over a wide range of amino acid alphabets and foldability requirements. While all alphabets have a wide distribution of protein designabilities, the form of the distribution depends on how protein "viability" is defined. Furthermore, under increasing foldability requirements, the change in designabilities for all alphabets are in good agreement with the previous conclusions of the foldability approach. Most importantly, it was noticed that those structures that were highly designable for the two-letter amino acid alphabets are not especially designable with higher-letter alphabets.  相似文献   

Cascaded multiple classifiers for secondary structure prediction   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
We describe a new classifier for protein secondary structure prediction that is formed by cascading together different types of classifiers using neural networks and linear discrimination. The new classifier achieves an accuracy of 76.7% (assessed by a rigorous full Jack-knife procedure) on a new nonredundant dataset of 496 nonhomologous sequences (obtained from G.J. Barton and J.A. Cuff). This database was especially designed to train and test protein secondary structure prediction methods, and it uses a more stringent definition of homologous sequence than in previous studies. We show that it is possible to design classifiers that can highly discriminate the three classes (H, E, C) with an accuracy of up to 78% for beta-strands, using only a local window and resampling techniques. This indicates that the importance of long-range interactions for the prediction of beta-strands has been probably previously overestimated.  相似文献   

We propose a machine-learning approach to sequence-based prediction of protein crystallizability in which we exploit subtle differences between proteins whose structures were solved by X-ray analysis [or by both X-ray and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy] and those proteins whose structures were solved by NMR spectroscopy alone. Because the NMR technique is usually applied on relatively small proteins, sequence length distributions of the X-ray and NMR datasets were adjusted to avoid predictions biased by protein size. As feature space for classification, we used frequencies of mono-, di-, and tripeptides represented by the original 20-letter amino acid alphabet as well as by several reduced alphabets in which amino acids were grouped by their physicochemical and structural properties. The classification algorithm was constructed as a two-layered structure in which the output of primary support vector machine classifiers operating on peptide frequencies was combined by a second-level Naive Bayes classifier. Due to the application of metamethods for cost sensitivity, our method is able to handle real datasets with unbalanced class representation. An overall prediction accuracy of 67% [65% on the positive (crystallizable) and 69% on the negative (noncrystallizable) class] was achieved in a 10-fold cross-validation experiment, indicating that the proposed algorithm may be a valuable tool for more efficient target selection in structural genomics. A Web server for protein crystallizability prediction called SECRET is available at http://webclu.bio.wzw.tum.de:8080/secret.  相似文献   

A novel method for predicting the secondary structures of proteins from amino acid sequence has been presented. The protein secondary structure seqlets that are analogous to the words in natural language have been extracted. These seqlets will capture the relationship between amino acid sequence and the secondary structures of proteins and further form the protein secondary structure dictionary. To be elaborate, the dictionary is organism-specific. Protein secondary structure prediction is formulated as an integrated word segmentation and part of speech tagging problem. The word-lattice is used to represent the results of the word segmentation and the maximum entropy model is used to calculate the probability of a seqlet tagged as a certain secondary structure type. The method is markovian in the seqlets, permitting efficient exact calculation of the posterior probability distribution over all possible word segmentations and their tags by viterbi algorithm. The optimal segmentations and their tags are computed as the results of protein secondary structure prediction. The method is applied to predict the secondary structures of proteins of four organisms respectively and compared with the PHD method. The results show that the performance of this method is higher than that of PHD by about 3.9% Q3 accuracy and 4.6% SOV accuracy. Combining with the local similarity protein sequences that are obtained by BLAST can give better prediction. The method is also tested on the 50 CASP5 target proteins with Q3 accuracy 78.9% and SOV accuracy 77.1%. A web server for protein secondary structure prediction has been constructed which is available at http://www.insun.hit.edu.cn:81/demos/biology/index.html.  相似文献   

Melo F  Marti-Renom MA 《Proteins》2006,63(4):986-995
Reduced or simplified amino acid alphabets group the 20 naturally occurring amino acids into a smaller number of representative protein residues. To date, several reduced amino acid alphabets have been proposed, which have been derived and optimized by a variety of methods. The resulting reduced amino acid alphabets have been applied to pattern recognition, generation of consensus sequences from multiple alignments, protein folding, and protein structure prediction. In this work, amino acid substitution matrices and statistical potentials were derived based on several reduced amino acid alphabets and their performance assessed in a large benchmark for the tasks of sequence alignment and fold assessment of protein structure models, using as a reference frame the standard alphabet of 20 amino acids. The results showed that a large reduction in the total number of residue types does not necessarily translate into a significant loss of discriminative power for sequence alignment and fold assessment. Therefore, some definitions of a few residue types are able to encode most of the relevant sequence/structure information that is present in the 20 standard amino acids. Based on these results, we suggest that the use of reduced amino acid alphabets may allow to increasing the accuracy of current substitution matrices and statistical potentials for the prediction of protein structure of remote homologs.  相似文献   

We assess the variability of protein function in protein sequence and structure space. Various regions in this space exhibit considerable difference in the local conservation of molecular function. We analyze and capture local function conservation by means of logistic curves. Based on this analysis, we propose a method for predicting molecular function of a query protein with known structure but unknown function. The prediction method is rigorously assessed and compared with a previously published function predictor. Furthermore, we apply the method to 500 functionally unannotated PDB structures and discuss selected examples. The proposed approach provides a simple yet consistent statistical model for the complex relations between protein sequence, structure, and function. The GOdot method is available online (http://godot.bioinf.mpi-inf.mpg.de).  相似文献   

1 Introduction The prediction of protein structure and function from amino acid sequences is one of the most impor-tant problems in molecular biology. This problem is becoming more pressing as the number of known pro-tein sequences is explored as a result of genome and other sequencing projects, and the protein sequence- structure gap is widening rapidly[1]. Therefore, com-putational tools to predict protein structures are needed to narrow the widening gap. Although the prediction of three dim…  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The number of protein families has been estimated to be as small as 1000. Recent study shows that the growth in discovery of novel structures that are deposited into PDB and the related rate of increase of SCOP categories are slowing down. This indicates that the protein structure space will be soon covered and thus we may be able to derive most of remaining structures by using the known folding patterns. Present tertiary structure prediction methods behave well when a homologous structure is predicted, but give poorer results when no homologous templates are available. At the same time, some proteins that share twilight-zone sequence identity can form similar folds. Therefore, determination of structural similarity without sequence similarity would be beneficial for prediction of tertiary structures. RESULTS: The proposed PFRES method for automated protein fold classification from low identity (<35%) sequences obtains 66.4% and 68.4% accuracy for two test sets, respectively. PFRES obtains 6.3-12.4% higher accuracy than the existing methods. The prediction accuracy of PFRES is shown to be statistically significantly better than the accuracy of competing methods. Our method adopts a carefully designed, ensemble-based classifier, and a novel, compact and custom-designed feature representation that includes nearly 90% less features than the representation of the most accurate competing method (36 versus 283). The proposed representation combines evolutionary information by using the PSI-BLAST profile-based composition vector and information extracted from the secondary structure predicted with PSI-PRED. AVAILABILITY: The method is freely available from the authors upon request.  相似文献   

We describe a method for predicting the three-dimensional (3-D) structure of proteins from their sequence alone. The method is based on the electrostatic screening model for the stability of the protein main-chain conformation. The free energy of a protein as a function of its conformation is obtained from the potentials of mean force analysis of high-resolution x-ray protein structures. The free energy function is simple and contains only 44 fitted coefficients. The minimization of the free energy is performed by the torsion space Monte Carlo procedure using the concept of hierarchic condensation. The Monte Carlo minimization procedure is applied to predict the secondary, super-secondary, and native 3-D structures of 12 proteins with 28–110 amino acids. The 3-D structures of the majority of local secondary and super-secondary structures are predicted accurately. This result suggests that control in forming the native-like local structure is distributed along the entire protein sequence. The native 3-D structure is predicted correctly for 3 of 12 proteins composed mainly from the α-helices. The method fails to predict the native 3-D structure of proteins with a predominantly β secondary structure. We suggest that the hierarchic condensation is not an appropriate procedure for simulating the folding of proteins made up primarily from β-strands. The method has been proved accurate in predicting the local secondary and super-secondary structures in the blind ab initio 3-D prediction experiment. Proteins 31:74–96, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: A large body of evidence suggests that protein structural information is frequently encoded in local sequences-sequence-structure relationships derived from local structure/sequence analyses could significantly enhance the capacities of protein structure prediction methods. In this paper, the prediction capacity of a database (LSBSP2) that organizes local sequence-structure relationships encoded in local structures with two consecutive secondary structure elements is tested with two computational procedures for protein structure prediction. The goal is twofold: to test the folding hypothesis that local structures are determined by local sequences, and to enhance our capacity in predicting protein structures from their amino acid sequences. RESULTS: The LSBSP2 database contains a large set of sequence profiles derived from exhaustive pair-wise structural alignments for local structures with two consecutive secondary structure elements. One computational procedure makes use of the PSI-BLAST alignment program to predict local structures for testing sequence fragments by matching the testing sequence fragments onto the sequence profiles in the LSBSP2 database. The results show that 54% of the test sequence fragments were predicted with local structures that match closely with their native local structures. The other computational procedure is a filter system that is capable of removing false positives as possible from a set of PSI-BLAST hits. An assessment with a large set of non-redundant protein structures shows that the PSI-BLAST + filter system improves the prediction specificity by up to two-fold over the prediction specificity of the PSI-BLAST program for distantly related protein pairs. Tests with the two computational procedures above demonstrate that local sequence-structure relationships can indeed enhance our capacity in protein structure prediction. The results also indicate that local sequences encoded with strong local structure propensities play an important role in determining the native state folding topology.  相似文献   

Analysis of protein structures based on backbone structural patterns known as structural alphabets have been shown to be very useful. Among them, a set of 16 pentapeptide structural motifs known as protein blocks (PBs) has been identified and upon which backbone model of most protein structures can be built. PBs allows simplification of 3D space onto 1D space in the form of sequence of PBs. Here, for the first time, substitution probabilities of PBs in a large number of aligned homologous protein structures have been studied and are expressed as a simplified 16 x 16 substitution matrix. The matrix was validated by benchmarking how well it can align sequences of PBs rather like amino acid alignment to identify structurally equivalent regions in closely or distantly related proteins using dynamic programming approach. The alignment results obtained are very comparable to well established structure comparison methods like DALI and STAMP. Other interesting applications of the matrix have been investigated. We first show that, in variable regions between two superimposed homologous proteins, one can distinguish between local conformational differences and rigid-body displacement of a conserved motif by comparing the PBs and their substitution scores. Second, we demonstrate, with the example of aspartic proteinases, that PBs can be efficiently used to detect the lobe/domain flexibility in the multidomain proteins. Lastly, using protein kinase as an example, we identify regions of conformational variations and rigid body movements in the enzyme as it is changed to the active state from an inactive state.  相似文献   

The identification of geometric relationships between protein structures offers a powerful approach to predicting the structure and function of proteins. Methods to detect such relationships range from human pattern recognition to a variety of mathematical algorithms. A number of schemes for the classification of protein structure have found widespread use and these implicitly assume the organization of protein structure space into discrete categories. Recently, an alternative view has emerged in which protein fold space is seen as continuous and multidimensional. Significant relationships have been observed between proteins that belong to what have been termed different 'folds'. There has been progress in the use of these relationships in the prediction of protein structure and function.  相似文献   

We suggest a new approach to the generation of candidate structures (decoys) for ab initio prediction of protein structures. Our method is based on random sampling of conformation space and subsequent local energy minimization. At the core of this approach lies the design of a novel type of energy function. This energy function has local minima with native structure characteristics and wide basins of attraction. The current work presents our motivation for deriving such an energy function and also tests the derived energy function.Our approach is novel in that it takes advantage of the inherently rough energy landscape of proteins, which is generally considered a major obstacle for protein structure prediction. When local minima have wide basins of attraction, the protein's conformation space can be greatly reduced by the convergence of large regions of the space into single points, namely the local minima corresponding to these funnels. We have implemented this concept by an iterative process. The potential is first used to generate decoy sets and then we study these sets of decoys to guide further development of the potential. A key feature of our potential is the use of cooperative multi-body interactions that mimic the role of the entropic and solvent contributions to the free energy.The validity and value of our approach is demonstrated by applying it to 14 diverse, small proteins. We show that, for these proteins, the size of conformation space is considerably reduced by the new energy function. In fact, the reduction is so substantial as to allow efficient conformational sampling. As a result we are able to find a significant number of near-native conformations in random searches performed with limited computational resources.  相似文献   

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