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Ermakova  O. V. 《Biophysics》2011,56(1):135-139

Comparative study of cellular-tissue reactions in the endocrine organs (thyroid and adrenal glands and ovary) of rodents exposed to radiation under natural conditions (Radium station in the Komi Republic and 30-km zone of Chernobyl NPP) and under experimental conditions modeling chronic exposure is carried out. Evidence is found that low-dose chronic irradiation causes morphological disorders at different levels of structural organization (cellular-tissue, organism, and population levels). The experimental results show that the observed variations in the morphometric parameters of the thyroid and adrenal glands and ovary reflect natural changes in their functional activity (within the physiological limits). These changes are directed at the maintenance of homeostasis under altered conditions and have a compensatory and adaptive character. The effects of low-dose radiation in combination with other agents may be amplified at the level of cellular-tissue reactions. In comparison with the experimental results, natural conditions (high level of radioactivity due to α and β emitters, high natural radionuclides, toxic elements, and extreme climatic factors) induce more pronounced changes, including a significant increase in chromosomal and gene mutations in cells, destructive processes in the organs of the endocrine system, and disorders of reproductive functions.


Recent investigations showed that genetic instability accounts for many radiobiological effects. However, mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are still poorly understood. Assuming that mobile genetic elements may be involved in the induction of genetic instability, we studied parameters that characterize the activity of these elements in Drosophila melanogaster: hybrid dysgenesis and the level of recessive lethal mutations. In our experiments, we used D. melanogaster strains that differed in the type of hybrid dysgenesis (P-M and H-E). It was demonstrated that chronic exposure to radiation leads to substantial changes in the genetic structure of a population and an enhanced level of dysgenic sterility. Our results indicate that genetic instability and adaptation to the effect of chronic gamma-radiation are associated with the radiation-induced mobilization of mobile genetic elements.  相似文献   

The paper presents the data of thyroid ultrasound and laboratory studies in 233 persons exposed to radiation: 63 X-ray physicians, 36 Chernobyl accident liquidators, 31 patients with lymphogranulomatosis, receiving radiotherapy, and 103 individuals (a control group) who were physicians of various specialties whose professional activity is unassociated with radiation factors. Thyroid changes were found in 67.7% of the examinees after gamma teletherapy and in 31% in the control group; among X-rat physicians and Chernobyl accident liquidators, the occurrence of thyroid changes was equal--44.4%. Direct radiation exposure of the thyroid in a dose of above 30 Gy led to the development of postradiation fibrosis (22.5%) and postradiation thyroiditis (32.3%) with thyroid dysfunction that is most commonly presented by hypothyroidism (22.45%). Autoimmune thyroiditis (11.1%) more predominantly with subclinical hypothyroidism, and diffuse thyroid hyperplasia (19.4%) resulted from mixed internal and external radiation. Thyroid changes revealed in X-ray physicians mainly appeared as nodular masses (22.2%) without functional impairments but to be followed up. It is recommended that the annual preventive examination protocol be supplemented by thyroid ultrasound studies in X-ray physicians.  相似文献   

Gastric dilatation (GD) has been observed in Tac:(SW)fBR surveillance mice, with mean age of 10 months, that are exposed to high levels of environmental antigens during routine exposure to dirty bedding. The aim of the study reported here was to determine whether GD was associated with other systemic conditions affecting mice. Three groups of nine animals including-surveillance mice not exposed to dirty bedding (control), surveillance mice with out GD (NGD), and surveillance mice with GD (group GD)-had mean stomach weight with ingesta of 0.5 +/- 0.02 g, 1.09 +/- 0.07 g (P < 0.0001), and 2.54 +/- 0.4 g (P < 0.0001), respectively. Mean serum creatinine concentration was significantly higher in GD (1.6 +/- 0.25 mg/dl), compared with NGD (0.17 +/- 0.22 mg/dl, P < 0.0001) and control (0.2 +/- 0.16 mg/ dl, P < 0.0001) mice. In addition, lesions consistent with severe chronic nephropathy and mild gastritis were common in GD, compared with NGD and control mice. Finally, serum amidated gastrin concentration was significantly high in GD (179.37 +/- 53.86 pM, P < 0.03) and NGD (264.89 +/- 115.89 pM, P < 0.009), compared with control (60.77 +/- 8.39 pM) mice. Gastric dilatation syndrome is associated with chronic nephropathy, hypergastrinemia, and gastritis in surveillance mice exposed to high levels of environmental antigens.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated whether pretreatment with melatonin was protective against the injury of the central nervous system (CNS) in rats receiving LD(50) whole body irradiation. The wistar rats were randomized into four groups: i) the control group (CG), ii) melatonin-administered group (MG; 1 mg/kg body weight), iii) irradiated group (RG; 6.75 Gy, one dose), and iv) melatonin-administered and irradiated group (MRG). Blood samples were drawn from the rats 24 h after the treatment and plasma glutathione levels were assayed. Plasma glutathione level was significantly higher in RG than CG. The melatonin pretreatment prevented GSH increase induced by irradiation. Lipid peroxidation and glutathione levels of rat cerebral cortex were determined in all groups after 24 h. Cortical malondialdehyde (MDA) was significantly higher in the RG. The melatonin pretreatment prevented cortical MDA increase induced by irradiation. Cortical GSH was significantly lower in RG than the CG. The melatonin pretreatment prevented cortical GSH decrease induced by irradiation. Tissue samples were obtained from cerebral cortex and hypothalamus which also were affected by ionizing irradiation in the CNS and were evaluated with electron microscopy. Histopathological findings showed that LD(50) whole body irradiation resulted in damage of the neuronal cells of CNS. The results obtained from this study demonstrated that pretreatment with melatonin prevented the damage that develops in CNS following irradiation. The beneficial effect of melatonin can be related to protection of the CNS from oxidative injury and preventing the decrease in the level of cortical glutathione.  相似文献   

Island populations are of interest for their differentiation as well as their species diversity; some of the earliest biological interest in islands was concerned with the number of 'endemics' thereon. There is dispute about the long-term evolutionary importance of island forms, but they are rich sources of data for studying the under-exploited interface of genetics, ecology and physiology. Differentiation of island populations may arise from genetic change after isolation, or from the chance collection of alleles carried by the colonizing group itself. The general reduction of genetic variance in island populations compared to continental forms of the same species suggests that founder events have played a major role in the formation of most island forms. However, there is ample evidence of adaptation in island populations despite this lower variation; this is relevant when using island biology as a base for the deriving of rules for genetic conservation.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the genotoxic effect of occupational exposure to formaldehyde on pathology and anatomy laboratory workers. The level of exposure to formaldehyde was determined by use of passive air-monitoring badges clipped near the breathing zone of 59 workers for a total sampling time of 15min or 8h. To estimate DNA damage, a chemiluminescence microplate assay was performed on 57 workers before and after a 1-day exposure. Assessment of chromosomal damage was carried out by use of the cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus assay (CBMN) in peripheral lymphocytes of 59 exposed subjects in comparison with 37 controls matched for gender, age, and smoking habits. The CBMN assay was combined with fluorescent in situ hybridization with a pan-centromeric DNA probe in 18 exposed subjects and 18 control subjects randomized from the initial populations. Mean concentrations of formaldehyde were 2.0 (range <0.1-20.4ppm) and 0.1ppm (range <0.1-0.7ppm) for the sampling times of 15min and 8h, respectively. No increase in DNA damage was detected in lymphocytes after a one-workday exposure. However, the frequency of binucleated micronucleated cells was significantly higher in pathologists/anatomists than in controls (16.9 per thousand+/-9.3 versus 11.1 per thousand+/-6.0, P=0.001). The frequency of centromeric micronuclei was higher in exposed subjects than in controls (17.3 per thousand+/-11.5 versus 10.3 per thousand+/-7.1) but the difference was not significant. The frequency of monocentromeric micronuclei was significantly higher in exposed subjects than in controls (11.0 per thousand+/-6.2 versus 3.1 per thousand+/-2.4, P<0.001), while that of the acentromeric micronuclei was similar in exposed subjects and controls (3.7 per thousand+/-4.2 and 4.1 per thousand+/-2.7, respectively). The enhanced chromosomal damage (particularly chromosome loss) in peripheral lymphocytes of pathologists/anatomists emphasizes the need to develop safety programs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the relations between apoptosis and the activity of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase; catalase) and quantitative changes in stress protein positive cells (Hsp70; metallothionein) in midgut glands of funnel web spiders Agelena labyrinthica (Agelenidae) and wolf spiders Pardosa lugubris (Lycosidae) exposed to high temperature and pesticide under laboratory conditions. The spiders were collected from two meadow ecosystems differently polluted with metals (Olkusz and Pilica, southern Poland). Under stress conditions, P. lugubris had fewer apoptotic cells in the midgut glands than A. labyrinthica. In P. lugubris from both sites, the observed increase in the percentage of metallothionein and Hsp70-positive cells, simultaneous with intensification of superoxide dismutase and catalase activity, suggests an anti-apoptotic function of those proteins in representatives of wandering spiders. In the midgut glands of A. labyrinthica, heat shock and dimethoate increased the number of Annexin V-positive cells as well as the amounts of mitochondria with low transmembrane potential (DeltaPsi(m)) versus the control. The changes in the percentage of MT- and Hsp70-positive cells in funnel web spiders were less than in wolf spiders. The absence of change in SOD and CAT activity in A. labyrinthica shows that the participation of those enzymes in antioxidant reactions is minimal in this species.  相似文献   

The relationship between population outbreaks of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) and oak masting in North America has been interpreted as an effect of reduced predation on moth pupae from small mammals after years of acorn failure. However, moth defoliation could be a consequence of high acorn production rather than of acorn failure, as all moth outbreaks in two time series presented by Liebhold et al. [Popul Ecol (2000) 42:257–266] were reported shortly after mast years. A similar pattern has been found for the green oak leaf roller moth (Tortrix viridana) in southern Norway. Because predation from small mammals should be less important for the latter species, I argue that the acorn-moth relationships are most likely caused by mast-induced changes in the chemical composition of oak leaves. Given the high number of eggs laid by each moth female, there is a huge potential for population growth in or shortly after a mast year if larval survival is no longer limited by low food quality.  相似文献   

The comparative analysis of genetic variability of two groups of young Pinus pallasiana D. Don. trees with different degree of tolerance to industrial pollution, defined in plantations of Mariupol and its environs, has been performed on the basis of polymorphism investigations in 20 isoenzyme loci controlling 9 enzyme systems. In these groups of plants with high and low quantity of needles on the growing sprouts differences in the levels of genetic variability, as to average criteria, have not been found.  相似文献   

The quantitative alterations of hyaluronan and dermatan sulfate in the upper dermis (fibrous tissue) and the lower dermis (adipose tissue) of the hairless mouse skin chronically exposed to the UV irradiation as solar-simulating irradiation (lambda(max) 352 nm, UV distribution: 300-310 nm, 0.9%; 310-320 nm, 2.0%; 320-420 nm, 97.1%) were evaluated. Hyaluronan and dermatan sulfate contents in each part of dermis were determined as follows: skin sections on a glass slide prepared by histological technique were processed into the upper dermis and the lower dermis with a small surgical knife, and treated with chondroitinase ABC and ACII in the presence of bacterial collagenase. The resulting unsaturated disaccharides were determined by HPLC method. By applying this method to the UV-irradiated hairless mouse skin, it was found that the chronic UV irradiation increased dermatan sulfate in the upper dermis, whereas an increase of hyaluronan content was not statistically significant. In the lower dermis, on the contrary, both hyaluronan and dermatan sulfate contents remarkably increased as compared with the control mice. Furthermore, the histological study showed the accumulation of the collagen fibers in the lower dermis of the UV-irradiated hairless mouse skin following the disappearance of adipocytes. These findings indicate that the increases of glycosaminoglycan contents in the UV-irradiated skin are related to the accumulation of the extracellular matrix components in the lower dermis.  相似文献   

The frequency of micronuclei in cultured mouse splenocytes increased positively and in a dose-related manner to exposure to ferrous ions and ultraviolet irradiation, but not to hydrogen peroxide. Combined treatments, especially when ferrous ions were present with hydrogen peroxide or with ultraviolet irradiation, led to a synergistic enhancement in micronucleus frequency. The results indicate that a significant level of chromosome damage is associated with exposure to ultraviolet light and to general cellular pro-oxidative stress, and indicate that under these conditions the micronucleus assay can provide an effective in vitro model for the study of genotoxicity in relation to oxygen-derived free radicals.  相似文献   

The share of lymphocytes with abnormal nuclei in the peripheral rat blood was found to increase during the first 24 h following irradiation with doses LD0, LD50, and LD100. With LD50 the index under study significantly varied in survived, died and control animals. It is suggested that the occurrence of abnormal nuclei in the peripheral rat blood is the result of the two processes, namely, the mitotic division and apoptotic death of cells.  相似文献   

Styrene and styrene oxide mutagenicity was tested in cultured human lymphocytes treated in vitro with various concentrations of test agents. Styrene alone was found mutagenic at the highest concentration used (5 X 10(-4) mol. l-1, combined with the alkylating agent THIO-TEPA it did not affect the chromosome aberration yield. Exposure to styrene oxide gave a positive result showing a clear-cut dose-effect relationship within the concentration range 5 X 10(-6) to 1 X 10(-3) mol. l-1. In combination with THIO-TEPA its effect on chromosome aberration yields was additive. Styrene oxide proved also to be a very potent inducer of sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) within the concentration range 5 X 10(-6) to 1 X 10(-3) mol. l-1 tested. Combined with THIO-TEPA it exhibited a distinct additive effect in the production of SCEs.  相似文献   

Joint studies carried out by toxicologists of CMEA countries have led to the development of new ways of approach to the problem of rapid establishment of toxicometric parameters and hygienic standards (TSEL, MAC) for the working-zone atmosphere. One of the most promising approaches is the rapid establishment of MAC from the threshold of acute specific effect. Upon this principle, methodical directives for determining MAC values for specifically active irritants were elaborated. A study of the quantitative relations between toxicometric parameters and the physicochemical properties of substances in the working-zone atmosphere furnished methods for calculating TSEL values for noxious substances in this atmosphere. The essential possibility was confirmed of using isolated mitochondria as a model for preliminarily estimating the toxicity and establishing safe concentration levels of noxious substances in the working-zone atmosphere. The application of a complex of functional, biochemical and morphometric indices made it possible to foretell from short-term experiments minimal effective concentrations of a substance on chronic exposure. Ways of further research in the field of prognosticating toxicometric parameters and hygienic regulations for chemical compounds are outlined.  相似文献   

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