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During migration, birds undergo alternating periods of fasting and re-feeding that are associated with dynamic changes in body mass (m(b)) and in organ size, including that of the digestive tract. After arrival at a migratory stopover site, following a long flight, a bird must restore the tissues of its digestive tract before it can refuel. In the present study we examined how the availability of dietary protein influences refueling of migrating blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) during a migratory stopover. We tested the following predictions in blackcaps deprived of food and water for 1-2 days to induce stopover behavior: (1) birds provided with a low-protein diet will gain m(b), lean mass and fat mass, and increase in pectoral muscle size slower than do birds fed a high-protein diet; (2) since stopover time is shorter in spring, birds will gain m(b) and build up fat tissue and lean tissue faster than in autumn; and (3) if low dietary protein limits a bird's ability to gain m(b) and fat reserves, then birds that do not obtain enough protein will initiate migratory restlessness (Zugunruhe) earlier than will birds with adequate dietary protein. These predictions were tested by providing captured migrating blackcaps with semisynthetic isocaloric diets differing only in their protein content. Each day, we measured m(b), and food intake; also lean mass and fat mass were measured using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. In addition, we monitored nocturnal activity with a video recording system. In both spring and autumn, birds fed diets containing either 3 or 20% protein increased in m(b), lean mass and fat mass at similar rates during the experiment. However, the group receiving 3% protein ate more than did the group receiving 20% protein. In support of our predictions, m(b), lean mass, fat mass, and intake of food all were higher in spring than in autumn. We also found that in spring all birds had higher levels of migratory restlessness, but birds fed 3% protein were less active at night than were birds fed 20% protein, possibly an adaptation conserving energy and protein. We conclude that protein requirements of migrating blackcaps during stopover are lower than expected, and that birds can compensate for low dietary protein by behavioral responses, i.e. hyperphagia and decreased migratory restlessness, that ensure rapid refueling.  相似文献   

迁徙鸟类中途停歇期的生理生态学研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
马志军  王勇  陈家宽 《生态学报》2005,25(11):3067-6075
大多数候鸟的迁徙活动由迁徙飞行和中途停歇两个部分组成。在迁徙过程中,鸟类要多次交替经历消耗能量的飞行阶段和积累能量的中途停歇阶段。从鸟类在中途停歇时期的能量积累速度、体重变化模式以及迁徙飞行中的禁食或食物限制、食物种类的改变、中途停歇的能量快速积累过程对消化器官的影响等方面,对目前迁徙鸟类的生理生态学研究成果进行回顾,并提出有待解决的问题及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

The conservation of migratory songbirds in China faces challenges similar to those in other parts of the world such as Europe and North America. Migratory songbirds have a complex life history and are associated with large spatial scale. Events that occur during migration play a vital role in determining population status. Little is known about the stopover behavior of migratory songbirds in China during their passage, including stopover duration, energetic condition (e.g., the amount of fat stores), and the habitat of these birds. We investigated migration timing, stopover duration, change of energetic condition and sex-related variations among Red-flanked Bush Robins (Tarsiger cyanurus) at a stopover site in Northeast China. A total of 1 751 Red-flanked Bush Robins were captured in the fall of 2002, with further 684 captured in the spring of 2003. The body mass of the fall birds was higher than that of the spring ones. The condition index (i.e., body mass adjusted for body size) was lowest among spring females. Birds were more likely to stay longer in fall than in spring. We detected a positive relationship between the time of initial capture and condition index regardless of season or sex, suggesting that the birds were able to replenish energy stores. The net daily mass gain was the highest among males in the fall (3% of body mass). The net daily mass gain would sustain a flight of 0.6 hours for females and 3.1 hours for males in the fall. The stopover biology of Red-flanked Bush Robins is similar to that of some migratory songbirds in Europe and North America. For example, the spring passage time and fat store variation between the sexes concurs with the hypothesis that males are selected to arrive at their breeding grounds as early as food resources or climatic conditions are adequate in the spring. Further research on stopover ecology is urgently required in China to achieve a better understanding of migratory behavior and ensure the conservation of these migratory songbirds.  相似文献   

Determining the importance of stopover and staging areas to migrating shorebirds (Aves: Charadriiformes) is essential if such habitats are to be successfully protected. Migration chronology, species composition, length of stay, body condition, and estimated total abundance of shorebirds during spring and fall migratory periods of 2008 and 2009 were documented on Akimiski Island, Nunavut, Canada. Fourteen shorebird species were observed during spring point counts and 18 during fall. Semipalmated (Calidris pusilla) and White-rumped (C. fuscicollis) Sandpipers comprised about 80?% of all individuals observed. A greater number of species and individuals were observed during fall than spring in both years. Radio-transmitters attached to juvenile Semipalmated and Least (C. minutilla) Sandpipers indicated highly variable lengths of stay ranging up to 26?days in both species (Semipalmated Sandpiper averaged 6.5?±?2.67?days, n?=?12; Least Sandpipers averaged 7.25?±?3.79?days, n?=?8). In 2009, Semipalmated Sandpipers captured and weighed later in the season were significantly heavier than those captured earlier suggesting that this species is refueling while on Akimiski Island. A fall migration seasonal density of 5,267 (2,193–8,341) shorebirds/km2 was estimated given a residence probability (i.e., the probability of an individual being present in consecutive counts) of 0.906?±?0.181. Assuming similar habitat value and shorebird density, an extrapolation of the seasonal plot density of 5,267 birds/km2 to the total 192?km2 mudflat habitat on Akimiski Island yields an estimate of 1,011,264 (421,098–1,601,429) shorebirds during fall migration, making Akimiski Island of Hemispheric importance as a staging site for migrant arctic-breeding shorebirds.  相似文献   

中国迁徙鸣禽类的保护面对着与世界其他地区如欧洲和北美洲鸟类保护相似的挑战.迁徙鸣禽类具有复杂生活周期和很大的空间关联.迁徙过程中发生的事件对迁徙鸣禽类种群动态具有决定作用.对于鸣禽类迁徙中途停歇期的生态,比如停歇期的长短,能量的积累,生境的利用等,了解还非常有限.在中国东北部的一个鸟类迁徙停歇地对红胁蓝尾鸲(Tarsiger cyanurus)的中途停歇生态包括迁徙时间、停歇时间、能量状态和性比进行了研究.2002年秋和2003年春分别捕获了1751只和684只红胁蓝尾鸲.红胁蓝尾鸲的体重在秋季迁徙时要比在春季迁徙时重.春季雌性红胁蓝尾鸲停歇时的能量状态指数最低;而秋季的红胁蓝尾鸲比春季的红胁蓝尾鸲停歇时间更长.无论季节和性别,红胁蓝尾鸲的能量状态指数和第1次捕获的时间早晚成正相关,间接证明红胁蓝尾鸲在停歇期间能够比较快地积累能量.秋季雄性红胁蓝尾鸲日体重净增率最大.估测秋季停歇期的每日能量净增能维持红胁蓝尾鸲雌性0.6h和雄性3.1h的飞行.红胁蓝尾鸲的中途停歇生态与北美和欧洲一些迁徙鸣禽类很相似.比如,春季迁徙过境的时间和脂肪积累的变化与自然选择对雄性的要求:当食物和气候适宜时尽快到达繁殖地的假设是一致的.对迁徙中途的停歇生态研究有利于更好地了解鸟类的迁徙行为和更有效地保护迁徙鸣禽类.  相似文献   

Each year, millions of songbirds concentrate in coastal areas during fall migration. The choices birds make at the coast about stopover habitat use and migratory route can influence both the success of their migratory journey and fitness in subsequent life stages. We made use of a regional‐scale automated radio telemetry array to study stopover and migratory flights and migratory routes of blackpoll warblers Setophaga striata and red‐eyed vireos Vireo olivaceus during fall migration in the Gulf of Maine, USA. We focused on differences between species, sexes, age groups, breeding origins, and time of year. Both species made within‐stopover relocations (i.e. ‘stopover flights’) from the coastal capture site. Stopover flights were primarily oriented inland, and were more frequent for blackpolls (87%) than vireos (44%). By studying migratory behavior at a broad spatial scale, we demonstrated that most blackpolls and vireos took coastal and offshore routes through the Gulf of Maine, despite initially relocating inland from the capture site. Though we captured blackpolls and vireos from a broad breeding range, more than 70% of migratory flights from the capture site were oriented for coastal or offshore travel for both species, suggesting that birds actively chose coastal and offshore routes, and were not simply displaced by wind drift. Later vireos oriented offshore more frequently during migratory flights from the coast, indicating that they may be more inclined towards time‐minimizing overwater flight routes and thus more exposed to coastal and offshore collision hazards than earlier conspecifics.  相似文献   

Nocturnal migration of Reed Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus was studied by trapping with 'high nets' on the Courish Spit (Eastern Baltic) during spring 1998–2000. In spring, Reed Warblers left the stopover site between 45 and 240 min after sunset (median 84 min), although 85% of birds took off between 45 and 120 min after sunset. Birds did not arrive until the fifth hour after sunset; 67% of birds ended their nocturnal flights in the penultimate hour before sunrise, i.e. at dawn. At the moment of migratory departure, the average Reed Warbler body mass was 12.79 ± 0.66 g ( n  = 60). Average body mass of birds ending migratory flight was 11.69 ± 0.67 g ( n  = 18). The difference was highly significant. However, more than half of the birds completed migratory flights with a considerable fuel load, and some even had energy stores sufficient for a migratory flight on the next night. The spring migratory strategy of Reed Warblers over Central and Northern Europe probably includes a succession of short migratory flights (4–6 h) during several subsequent nights with 1-day stopovers.  相似文献   

中国迁徙鸣禽类的保护面对着与世界其他地区如欧洲和北美洲鸟类保护相似的挑战。迁徙鸣禽类具有复杂生活周期和很大的空间关联。迁徙过程中发生的事件对迁徙鸣禽类种群动态具有决定作用。对于鸣禽类迁徙中途停歇期的生态,比如停歇期的长短,能量的积累,生境的利用等,了解还非常有限。在中国东北部的一个鸟类迁徙停歇地对红胁蓝尾鸲(Tarsiger cyanurus)的中途停歇生态包括迁徙时间、停歇时间、能量状态和性比进行了研究。2002年秋和2003年春分别捕获了1751只和684只红胁蓝尾鸲。红胁蓝尾鸲的体重在秋季迁徙时要比在春季迁徙时重。春季雌性红胁蓝尾鸲停歇时的能量状态指数最低; 而秋季的红胁蓝尾鸲比春季的红胁蓝尾鸲停歇时间更长。无论季节和性别,红胁蓝尾鸲的能量状态指数和第1次捕获的时间早晚成正相关, 间接证明红胁蓝尾鸲在停歇期间能够比较快地积累能量。秋季雄性红胁蓝尾鸲日体重净增率最大。估测秋季停歇期的每日能量净增能维持红胁蓝尾鸲雌性0.6h和雄性3.1h的飞行。红胁蓝尾鸲的中途停歇生态与北美和欧洲一些迁徙鸣禽类很相似。比如,春季迁徙过境的时间和脂肪积累的变化与自然选择对雄性的要求:当食物和气候适宜时尽快到达繁殖地的假设是一致的。对迁徙中途的停歇生态研究有利于更好地了解鸟类的迁徙行为和更有效地保护迁徙鸣禽类。  相似文献   

Migrating songbirds interrupt their feeding to fly between stopover sites that may vary appreciably in diet quality. We studied the effects of fasting and food restriction on body composition and digestive organs in a migratory songbird and how these effects interacted with diet quality to influence the rate of recovery of nutrient reserves. Food limitation caused white-throated sparrows to reduce both lean and fat reserves, with about 20% of the decline in lean mass represented by a decline in stomach, small intestine, and liver. During refeeding on diets similar in nutrient composition to either grain or fruit, food-limited grain-fed birds ate 40% more than did control birds, and they regained body mass, with on average 60% of the increase in body mass composed of lean mass including digestive organs. In contrast, food-limited fruit-fed birds did not eat more than did control birds and did not regain body mass, suggesting that a digestive constraint limited their food intake. The interacting effects of food limitation and diet quality on the dynamics of body composition and digestive organs in sparrows suggest that the adequacy of the diet at stopover sites can directly influence the rate of recovery of body reserves in migrating songbirds and hence the pace of their migration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Migration represents one of the most vulnerable stages of a migrant's life cycle, but the strategies and stopover sites used by Neotropical migrants in Central America are not well known. We carried out constant‐effort mist netting and conducted censuses along transects during one autumn (2007) and one spring (2008) migration in northeast Belize. We recorded more landbird migrant species in autumn (63) than in spring (54), and spring abundance was >25% lower for 88% of transient species. These differences in presence and abundance indicate that routes and stopover strategies vary between seasons and species. In autumn, fuel loads, calculated as any increase in mass above lean body mass (LBM), were generally small (mean = 5.9% LBM and 10.1% LBM for wintering and transient species, respectively) and fuel deposition rates and minimum stopover durations suggest that some individuals replenished energy reserves in our study area. Variation in autumn fuel loads meant that some individuals had reserves sufficient for flights >1000 km. Fuel loads were larger in spring for 16 of 17 species, and the mean spring fuel load for transient species (32.5% LBM) was sufficient for a flight from northeast Belize to North America without refueling. The similarity in spring passage times between northeast Belize and the Gulf Coast of the United States also suggests that energy reserves were not replenished in northeast Belize prior to crossing the Gulf of Mexico. We hypothesize that sufficient energy reserves are accumulated during spring stopovers in northern South America or elsewhere in Mesoamerica to allow migrants to fly directly to North America without refueling.  相似文献   

We studied phenology, staging time and refuelling in Broad-billed Sandpipers Limicola falcinellus stopping over during spring migration in the Sivash (Black Sea, Ukraine) in May 1991–94. In the study area, peak staging numbers of 2000–2500 individuals occurred in the third week of May. In May 1993, 460 birds were marked with a yellow dye and 126 of these were colour-ringed. Before 28 May no departure of birds dyed yellow could be detected; by 3 June all birds had departed. Colour-ringed adults in mid May 1993 staged for a minimum of 8.2 days. After the observed departure of large flocks (24 May and later) the staging time of colour-ringed birds decreased significantly with body mass at the time of capture. Of birds mist-netted in 1991–94, 99.3% were in full summer plumage and 89% were adults. In second-year birds, fuel deposition rate (measured between individuals) was 0.44 g/day. In adults caught from early May to 24 May, overall fuel deposition rate was 1.04 g/day (3.4% of lean body mass). Mean adult body mass in early May was 34.8 g, increasing to 45.5 g after 24 May. Estimated body mass at departure was 51 g. Departure body mass and flight range estimates suggest that although birds refuelled quickly, fuel loads are only just sufficient for an unbroken flight to Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula. We suggest that Broad-billed Sandpipers use the Sivash as a crucial final take-off stopover site, and that they follow a 'jumping' migration strategy, performed under narrow time constraints.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Because their breeding and wintering areas are in remote locations, little is known about the biology of Black-necked Cranes ( Grus nigricollis ), including their migratory behavior. Using satellite telemetry, we monitored the migration of Black-necked Cranes ( N = 6) in China to determine migration routes and the location of stopover sites. From 2005 to 2007, four cranes were tracked during two spring migrations and one fall migration, one was tracked during one spring and one fall migration, and one was tracked during one spring migration. On average, the cranes made seven flights over a 5-d period to migrate 651 km to breeding areas in the spring. In the fall, birds averaged six flights in 5 d to migrate 694 km. The routes traveled by cranes during spring and autumn migration were similar. Both the migration distances and duration of migration are the shortest reported for any crane species to date. Most stopover sites were in areas along rivers and close to wetlands in the Daliang Mountains and the Ruoergai Plateau. Conservation measures are needed to reduce habitat loss (wetland and pasture) in the Daliang Mountains and establish a reserve for stopover sites in the Ruoergai marshes, such as Longriba and Bai River in Hongyuan County.  相似文献   

Many species of birds and bats undertake seasonal migrations between breeding and over-wintering sites. En-route, migrants alternate periods of flight with time spent at stopover--the time and space where individuals rest and refuel for subsequent flights. We assessed the spatial scale of movements made by migrants during stopover by using an array of automated telemetry receivers with multiple antennae to track the daily location of individuals over a geographic area ~20 × 40 km. We tracked the movements of 322 individuals of seven migratory vertebrate species (5 passerines, 1 owl and 1 bat) during spring and fall migratory stopover on and adjacent to a large lake peninsula. Our results show that many individuals leaving their capture site relocate within the same landscape at some point during stopover, moving as much as 30 km distant from their site of initial capture. We show that many apparent nocturnal departures from stopover sites are not a resumption of migration in the strictest sense, but are instead relocations that represent continued stopover at a broader spatial scale.  相似文献   

Intraspecific competition can influence refuelling at migration stopover sites. White‐throated sparrows Zonotrichia albicollis have genetically‐determined plumage morphs that differ in dominance behaviour and competitive abilities. This study examines the effects of plumage morph, sex and age, three likely indicators of competitive ability, on fall migration timing, body composition, and refuelling rates during stopover at Long Point, Ontario. We used quantitative magnetic resonance analysis and plasma metabolite profiling to determine body composition and refuelling rates, respectively. We determined sex and plumage morph genetically. Competitive ability did not influence migration timing. Controlling for structural size, males had larger lean mass than females, but we found no differences in body fat or lean mass between plumage morphs. Plasma metabolite concentrations indicated that the aggressive white‐stripe morph refuelled faster than the less aggressive tan‐stripe morph, though there were no differences among sex and age groups. We suggest that increased refuelling rates did not result in increased fat or lean mass because 1) individuals categorised as less competitive had longer stopover durations to compensate for slower refuelling rates; or 2) costs of behaving more competitively offset gains from faster refuelling rates.  相似文献   

Songbirds meet the extreme metabolic demands of migration by burning both stored fat and protein. However, catabolizing these endogenous tissues for energy leads to organ atrophy, and reductions in gastrointestinal tissue can be as great as 50% of the pre-flight mass. Remarkably, during stopover refuelling birds quickly regain digestive mass and performance. Aminopeptidase-N (APN) is a brush-border enzyme responsible for late-stage protein digestion and may critically assist tissue reconstruction during the stopover, thus compensating for reduced gut size. We hypothesized that birds recovering from a fast would differentially upregulate APN activity relative to disaccharidases to rapidly process and assimilate dietary protein into lean mass. We fasted 23 wild-caught migratory white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) for 48 h to mimic mass reductions experienced during migratory flight and measured intestinal APN activity before the fast, immediately after the fast, and during recovery at 24 h and 48 h post-fast. Total fat mass, lean mass and basal metabolic rate were measured daily. We show that fasted birds maintain APN activity through the fast, despite a 30% reduction in intestine mass, but during refuelling, APN activity increases nearly twofold over pre-fasted individuals. This suggests that dynamically regulating APN may be necessary for rapid protein reconstruction during the stopover.  相似文献   

The energetic demands of long-distance migratory birds change drastically, depending on the stage of their life cycle. Changing demands are reflected in the up and down regulation of adipose tissue and organ mass. This paper presents new data on organ size changes during different stages of spring migration of garden warblers (Sylvia borin). Phenotypic mass changes were quantified in 13 organs of birds caught in Tanzania, Ethiopia and Egypt. We also sampled birds after a simulated stopover in Egypt. Some organs increased in mass up to about 1.5-fold during migration from Tanzania to Ethiopia, while some remained unchanged or even decreased in mass. During flight across the Sahara, nearly all organ masses including heart and flight muscles were reduced. Exceptionally large reductions (approximately 50%) were observed for liver, bile, spleen, kidney and digestive tract organs. The only exceptions were the testes, which increased 4-fold in mass. During the simulated stopover in Egypt, a significant recovery was observed for kidney, liver, heart, proventriculus, and small intestine. The testes continued to increase in mass. Flexible remodeling of organ size in the course of spring migration thus comprises significant changes for all quantified organs, with a variety of organ-specific patterns. Individual organ patterns are differentially shaped by functional aspects according to the different organ requirements in the alternation of flight and stopover phases, energetics, future demands, and protein requirements. Anticipatory mechanisms account for the size change of the testes, and we suggest the same for the kidney and the gall bladder.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   The mouth of the Yangtze River is an important stopover site for migratory shorebirds using the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. From 1984 to 2004, we censused and banded shorebirds and monitored hunting activities at the mouth of the Yangtze River to understand how shorebirds used the study area. Counts and banding data revealed greater numbers of shorebirds at the mouth of the Yangtze River during northward migration (spring) than during southward migration (fall), with ratios varying from 1.5:1 to 7.2:1 at different sites from 1984 to 2005. The most common species observed during spring (northward) migration were Great Knots ( Calidris tenuirostris ), Red Knots ( Calidris canutus ), Bar-tailed Godwits ( Limosa lapponica ), Sharp-tailed Sandpipers ( Calidris acuminata ), and Red-necked Stints ( Calidris ruficollis ). During spring 2003–2004, 96.98% of the shorebirds observed were adults (ASY or older) and 3% were after hatching-year and second-year birds (AHY or SY). In contrast, almost all (94.73%) birds counted during the fall were hatching-year (HY) birds. These results indicate that adult shorebirds either use a different migration route during fall migration or use the same route, but do not stop at the mouth of the Yangtze River. HY birds, however, may depend on the coastal stopover sites for feeding during their first southward passage.  相似文献   

Arctic waders often build up large fat loads and complete their migratory journeys by a few long-distance flights between traditional staging sites. Optimal fat loads and choices of staging sites differ depending on whether the birds are adapted to minimize energy or time spent on migration. In the latter case, we predict that the birds will depart for the next staging site when the instantaneous speed of migration expected after arrival at the next site, exceeds the corresponding speed at the departure site. The instantaneous migration speed is a function of the rate of fat deposition and the current fat load. As a consequence of this, overloading (birds deposit larger fat loads than needed merely for covering the flight distance to the next destination) and by-passing of possible, but low-quality staging sites, are expected under specific conditions in time-selected migration.
Estimates of fat deposition rates and departure fat loads were obtained by captures of Knots Calidris canutus , Sanderlings C. alba and Turnstones Arenaria interpres in W. Iceland during spring migration. Further fat deposition data referring to spring migration of these species were compiled from the literature. Fat deposition rates at different sites, as measured by the daily gain in mass relative to lean body-mass, range between 1.0 and 3.6%/day, and departure fuel loads (in % of lean body-mass) between 27 and 73%.
Comparison with flight range estimates suggests that overloading may be a regular phenomenon during spring migration of Knots, Sanderlings and Turnstones. Furthermore, fat deposition rates at different staging sites, and the general difference in migration patterns between spring and autumn, indicate that by-passing of possible staging sites may well occur. Hence, it cannot be excluded that the waders' migratory habits primarily serve to maximize the overall speed of migration.  相似文献   

Most studies of lean mass dynamics in free-living passerine birds have focused on Old World species at geographical barriers where they are challenged to make the longest non-stop flight of their migration. We examined lean mass variation in New World passerines in an area where the distribution of stopover habitat does not require flights to exceed more than a few hours and most migrants stop flying well before fat stores near exhaustion. We used either quantitative magnetic resonance (QMR) analysis or a morphometric model to measure or estimate, respectively, the fat and lean body mass of migrants during stopovers in New York, USA. With these data, we examined (1) variance in total body mass explained by lean body mass, (2) hourly rates of fat and lean body mass change in single-capture birds, and (3) net changes in fat and lean mass in recaptured birds. Lean mass contributed to 50% of the variation in total body mass among white-throated sparrows Zonotrichia albicollis and hermit thrushes Catharus guttatus. Lean mass of refueling gray catbirds Dumetella carolinensis and white-throated sparrows, respectively, increased 1.123 and 0.320 g h−1. Lean mass of ovenbirds Seiurus aurocapillus accounted for an estimated 33–40% of hourly gains in total body mass. On average 35% of the total mass gained among recaptured birds was lean mass. Substantial changes in passerine lean mass are not limited to times when birds are forced to make long, non-stop flights across barriers. Protein usage during migration is common across broad taxonomic groups, migration systems, and migration strategies.  相似文献   

Due to being a virtually monomorphic wader species, migration dynamics and sex-related migration patterns in the Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola) have rarely been investigated. We captured spring migrants at an important stopover site in northeastern Austria. Birds were individually color-marked, and sex was determined by an analysis of DNA from tail feather material. Among temporary residents (birds seen again after day of capture), males migrated on average 3 days earlier than females. However, since sexes did not differ in fat score, the length of stay and the proportion of transients (birds not seen again after day of capture) and temporary residents, we suggest that males and females adopt similar migration strategies in the spring. The large number of transients captured as well as shorter stopover durations in later temporary residents indicate that Wood Sandpipers minimize time at this stage of their northbound migration. Temporary residents earlier in the season exhibited lower fat stores than later ones. Nevertheless, since the fat stores of transients and temporary residents were similar even after the progress of the season had been accounted for, we assume that Wood Sandpipers may afford to exhibit individual flexibility in migration strategy and the use of stopover sites, especially early in the season. This variability may be a necessary adaptation to cope with possible varying environmental conditions at dynamic and unpredictable inland stopover sites. After having reached North Mediterranean regions, mean body mass of spring migrants gradually increases during successive stopovers, indicating that Wood Sandpipers follow a ‘hopping’ migration strategy. This emphasizes the high conservation value of even small artificial mudflat pools as important stepping stones in order to maintain a continuous network of wetland habitats for this continental migrant.  相似文献   

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