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Three xenobiotic amphipathic carboxylates, namely MEDICA 16, nafenopin and bezafibrate, which differ remarkably in their hydrophobic backbones, were found to acylate membrane and cytosolic liver proteins in cultured rat hepatocytes. The acylation patterns observed were time- and dose-dependent, and the acylated residue consisted of the original xenobiotic. The acylation patterns generated by the three xenobiotic carboxylates included common proteins which were acylated by the three xenobiotics (e.g. proteins of 32, 52, 56 and 72 kDa) as well as unique proteins which were specifically acylated by the respective xenobiotics. The acylation of liver proteins by either MEDICA 16 or nafenopin remained unaffected under conditions where protein synthesis was completely inhibited by cycloheximide. Protein acylation thus offers a common mode of action of xenobiotic amphipathic carboxylates, which may, however, result in diverse xenobiotyl-protein adducts. The xenobiotyl-acylated proteins might be involved in triggering some of the biological effects exerted by xenobiotic amphipathic carboxylates employed as hypolipidaemic effectors, peroxisomal proliferators or preadipocyte convertors.  相似文献   

Release of 3H2O from regiospecifically labeled estradiol was measured during 2-hydroxylation of this estrogen by rat liver microsomes. The amount of tritium remaining in the isolated catechol estrogen was also determined. Virtually all the tritium was removed from C-2 during the reaction confirming the absence of an NIH shift. About 20% of the tritium at C-1 was also lost without any such change occurring at C-4 or C-6,7 of the steroid molecule. These findings provide evidence for the formation of an arene oxide or o-semiquinone intermediate during the conversion of estradiol to 2-hydroxyestradiol. No indication of adduct formation at either C-1 or C-4 during this biotransformation was obtained although the 2-hydroxylated product was able to react with a nucleophile such as glutathione. The different regiospecificity of tritium loss in the generation of catechol estrogens and in their subsequent reaction leads to the important conclusion that the reactive intermediates in the two processes must be different. The possible role of catechol estrogens in neoplastic transformation is discussed.  相似文献   

The production of nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen intermediates in granulocytes and macrophages from healthy volunteers, infected in vitro with live Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) mycobacteria, was estimated. Significant differences in the biochemical reactions induced by BCG bacilli in granulocytes and monocytes are described. The activity of phagocytes was also investigated in the cultures with cytokines: IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, GM-CSF, IL-4.  相似文献   

The effects of menadione (2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone) metabolism on intracellular soluble and protein-bound thiols were investigated in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes. Menadione was found to cause a dose-dependent decrease in intracellular glutathione (GSH) level by three different mechanisms: (a) Oxidation of GSH to glutathione disulfide (GSSG) accounted for 75% of the total GSH loss; (b) About 15% of the cellular GSH reacted directly with menadione to produce a GSH-menadione conjugate which, once formed, was excreted by the cells into the medium; (c) A small amount of GSH (approximately 10%) was recovered by reductive treatment of cell protein with NaBH4, indicating that GSH-protein mixed disulfides were also formed as a result of menadione metabolism. Incubation of hepatocytes with high concentrations of menadione (greater than 200 microM) also induced a marked decrease in protein sulfhydryl groups; this was due to arylation as well as oxidation. Binding of menadione represented, however, a relatively small fraction of the total loss of cellular sulfhydryl groups, since it was possible to recover about 80% of the protein thiols by reductive treatments which did not affect protein binding. This suggests that the loss of protein sulfhydryl groups, like that of GSH, was mainly a result of oxidative processes occurring within the cell during the metabolism of menadione.  相似文献   

Metabolism of [14C]-pentachlorobenzene by liver microsomes from dexamethasone-induced rats results in the formation of pentachlorophenol and 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol as major primary metabolites in a ratio of 4:1, with 2,3,4,5- and 2,3,5,6-tetrachlorophenols as minor metabolites. The unsubstituted carbon atom is thus the favourite site of oxidative attack, but the chlorine substituted positions still play a sizable role. As secondary metabolites both para- and ortho-tetrachlorohydroquinone are formed (1.4 and 0.9% of total metabolites respectively). During this cytochrome P450-dependent conversion of pentachlorobenzene, 5-15% of the total amount of metabolites becomes covalently bound to microsomal protein. Ascorbic acid inhibits this binding to a considerable extent, indicating that quinone metabolites play an important role in the binding. However, complete inhibition was never reached by ascorbic acid, nor by glutathione, suggesting that other reactive intermediates, presumably epoxides, are also responsible for covalent binding.  相似文献   

The effects of 6-formylpterin on tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha-induced apoptotic cell injury were studied in cultured rat hepatocytes. The incubation of the hepatocytes with TNF-alpha and actinomycin D (ActD) induced the apoptotic cell injury. The level of aspartate transaminase (AST) in the culture supernatant increased, and the cell viability, estimated by mitochondrial respiration (MTT assay), decreased. The DNA fragmentation and the caspase 3-like activity, which are characterized to apoptosis, increased. When the hepatocytes were incubated with 100-500 microM 6-formylpterin, the intracellular formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was observed, and the ratio of reduced and oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG) of whole cell lysate decreased. The co-incubation of the TNF-alpha/ActD-treated hepatocytes with 100-500 microM 6-formylpterin attenuated the TNF-alpha/ActD-induced apoptotic cell injury. The level of AST decreased and the cell viability increased. Both the DNA fragmentation and the caspase 3-like activity decreased. The caspases, executors of apoptosis, are known to require a reduced cystein in their active site to function, and the intact intracellular GSH/GSSG is essential for the caspase activation. Therefore, our findings suggest that intracellular ROS generated by 6-formylpterin decline the intracellular redox state to an oxidant state, which suppresses the caspase activity and prevents the apoptotic cell injury of hepatocytes.  相似文献   

J P Mauger  M Claret 《FEBS letters》1986,195(1-2):106-110
Separate or combined addition of cyclic AMP-dependent and Ca2+-linked hormones to isolated rat hepatocytes suspended in a low Ca2+ medium reduced the total cellular Ca. When the hormones were administered together, their effects were not additive. This suggests that both types of hormones mobilize Ca2+ from a common intracellular pool. In the presence of 1.8 mM extracellular Ca2+, the Ca2+ influx counterbalanced or even exceeded the hormone-induced Ca2+ loss, depending on the ability of the hormones to stimulate the Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of 125I-labelled HDL taken up by rat hepatocytes in vivo and in vitro has been studied with subcellular fractionation techniques: differential centrifugation and isopycnic centrifugation in sucrose gradients. 125I-labelled HDL bind to plasma membranes both in vivo and in vitro and part of the membrane-bound 125I-labelled HDL can be dissociated by the addition of unlabelled HDL. The hepatocytes also internalize 125I-labelled HDL. The 125I-labelled HDL accumulate, however, at different intracellular sites in the in vivo and in vitro situation. The subcellular distribution pattern of 125I-labelled HDL taken up by the cells in vivo is similar to that of the lysosomal marker enzyme acid phosphatase. Peak activity was found at a density of 1.20 g/ml. In vitro 125I-labelled HDL accumulate in an organelle with a medium density of about 1.13 g/ml. This distribution was similar to that of the plasma membrane marker 5'-nucleotidase. The subcellular distribution of radioactivity taken up in vivo was changed to lower density by incubating the cells with chloroquine, a drug known to render the lysosomes more boyant. Chloroquine had no effect on the distribution of 125I-labelled HDL taken up by hepatocytes in vitro.  相似文献   

Hepatocytes were isolated from normal adult rat livers and cultured in a modified HI-WO/BA medium. A nearly confluent monolayer was established at the plating concentration employed. The hepatocytes synthesized ansd secreted albumin at rates similar to those observed in vivo. The cells secreted triacylglycerol in the absence of fatty acid substrate. Under these conditions the most abundant triacylglycerol molecular species contained 53 carbons. Incubation with oleic acid markedly increased triacylglycerol secretion predominantly in the form containing a total carbon number of 57. Approx. 80% of the secreted cholesterol was in the free form and this was unaffected by oleic acid. Employing monospecific antibodies constant rates of synthesis and secretion of apolipoproteins E and A-I were demonstrated by quantitative electroimmunoassay of the cell culture media. The rates of albumin, apolipoprotein E, and apolipoprotein A-I production were 1480, 170 and 60 microgram/h per g cell protein, respectively.  相似文献   

L-Proline supplementation of the medium for collagen gel cultures of hepatocytes has been shown to improve albumin secretion. A study was made as to whether L-proline is also essential for the maintenance of xenobiotic biotransformation capacities in collagen gel sandwich and immobilisation cultures of rat and human hepatocytes. Key phase I (cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenase [CYP)] and microsomal epoxide hydrase [mEH]) and phase II (glutathione S-transferase [GST]) biotransformation enzyme activities and the secretion of albumin in the culture medium were assessed in the absence and presence of L-proline. CYP and mEH activities were not affected by the addition of L-proline, whereas phase II alpha-Class GST activity of rat hepatocytes in collagen cultures was decreased. Species differences were demonstrated, as human hepatocytes showed a better maintenance of GST activities than their rat counterparts in the presence of L-proline. Albumin secretion, often considered to be a marker for differentiated cell function, does not parallel the biotransformation capacities of the hepatocytes in culture. Additional results demonstrated an L-proline-mediated enhancement of the proliferation rate of contaminating stellate cells in conventional monolayer culture. Transdifferentiation of stellate cells to proliferating myofibroblasts, along with an increased albumin secretion and collagen synthesis, are characteristic of fibrotic liver. Since the last two phenomena have been observed in L-proline-supplemented collagen gel cultures, it can be concluded that when stable collagen gel cultures of rat hepatocytes are needed for long-term pharmacotoxicological studies, it is preferable to use an L-proline-free culture medium. Further studies on medium optimisation are required for hepatocytes from species other than rat.  相似文献   

It was investigated whether rat hepatocytes maintain their plasma membrane specialization (sinusoidal, lateral and bile canalicular sites) and their intracellular polarity (peribiliary region, rich in lysosomes and poor in mitochondria) after isolation. The morphology of the hepatocytes and the cytochemical localization of marker enzymes for the bile canalicular membrane (alkaline phosphatase, adenosine triphosphatase and 5' nucleotidase), for the lysosomes (acid phosphatase) and for the mitochondria (beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase) were studied in situ and directly after isolation using both light and electron microscopy. The morphology of the cells and the cytochemical activity of acid phosphatase, succinate dehydrogenase and beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase showed that in isolated cells, as in situ, the lysosomes were concentrated in bands, devoid of mitochondria. Unlike in situ the reaction product of alkaline phosphatase, adenosine triphosphatase and 5'nucleotidase was evenly distributed along the entire plasma membrane of the isolated cells. Morphologically, no tight or gap junctions or desmosomes could be detected in the isolated cells, while the plasma membrane appeared to be homogeneously covered with uniform microvilli. In conclusion it can be stated that during isolation the hepatocytes loose their distinct plasma membrane specialization, but maintain their peribiliary region rich in lysosomes and poor in mitochondria.  相似文献   

Extracellular stimuli are often encoded in the frequency, amplitude and duration of spikes in the intracellular concentration of calcium ([Ca2+]i). However, the timing of individual [Ca2+]i-spikes in relation to the dynamics of an extracellular stimulus is still an open question. To address this question, we use a systems biology approach combining experimental and theoretical methods. Using computer simulations, we predict that more naturalistic pulsed stimuli generate precisely-timed [Ca2+]i-spikes in contrast to the application of constant stimuli of the same dose. These computational results are confirmed experimentally in single primary rat hepatocytes upon alpha1-adrenergic stimulation. Hormonal signalling in analogy to neuronal signalling thus has the potential to make use of temporal coding on the level of single cells. The [Ca2+]i-signalling cascade provides a first example for increasing the information capacity of an intracellular regulatory signal beyond the known coding mechanisms of amplitude (AM) and frequency modulation (FM).  相似文献   

The affects of volatile anesthetics on mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ was monitored in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes using the fluorescent Ca2+ probe Fura-2. The use of Fura-2 was limited by several factors which complicated the quantitative analysis of the results, such as: (i) a high rate of dye leakage; (ii) changes in the redox state of the hepatocytes which interfered with the fluorescence produced by the dye at various excitation wavelengths; (iii) compartmentalization of the dye producing high local intracellular concentrations; and, of particular importance for this study, (iv) enhanced photobleaching of the dye in the presence of halothane. To aid in the interpretation of the Fura-2 data, the Ca2(+)-sensitive photoprotein aequorin was also used to monitor changes in [Ca2+]i. The aequorin and Fura-2 techniques qualitatively yielded the same result, that the volatile anesthetic agents halothane, enflurane, and isoflurane induce an immediate and transient increase of [Ca2+]i. The durations of these transients were approximately between 5 and 10 min and were not related to any evident acute cell toxicity. The [Ca2+]i increases induced by the volatile anesthetic agents were dose-dependent, with halothane the most potent. The exact mechanism governing these increases in [Ca2+]i induced by these anesthetics in rat hepatocytes is unknown, but is likely to involve effects on both the cell surface membrane and endoplasmic reticulum components of the signal transducing system.  相似文献   

The major intracellular metabolites of arachidonic acid within human granulosa cells are an epoxy-eicosatrienoic acid (EET), and a dihydroxy-metabolite. The former which was present at higher levels, co-migrated with 5,6-EET on HPLC. Incubation of the cells with LH for 5 min stimulated the production of both 5,6-EET and the dihydroxy compound 2-4 fold. The production of other intracellular arachidonic acid metabolites was unaffected by stimulation with LH. These results suggest that one or both of these metabolites may have a role in steroidogenesis in human granulosa cells.  相似文献   

The amount of 125I-insulin associated with freshly isolated hepatocytes was increased 50% in the presence of 0.2 mM chloroquine (CQ) after 2 h of incubation. The degradation of insulin by the hepatocytes incubated with CQ was significantly diminished as compared with control cells. Hepatocytes incubated with 125I-insulin in the presence of CQ showed a slower rate of ligand dissociation than control cells. More TCA-precipitable and less TCA-soluble material appeared in the dissociation buffer of CQ-treated cells. However, CQ inhibited only 25-35% of intracellular insulin degradation. Non-lysosomal intracellular insulin degradation appears to be responsible for the remaining portion of the ligand degradation by isolated hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Summary Phase I and II activities were examined in six rodent hepatoma cell lines and compared with those of cultured rat hepatocytes both in basal conditions and after exposure to 5μM methylcholanthrene, 2 mM phenobarbital, and 15μMβ-naphtoflavone. The metabolic profile of testosterone was also studied. The highest aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase and 7-ethoxycoumarinO-deethylase activities were found in MH1C1 cells. Comparable values for 7-ethoxyresorufinO-deethylase activity, ranging from 21.6 to 42.9 pmol/mg × min, were observed in the hepatocytes and hepatoma cells, except the HTC cells. In contrast, only Fao cells showed 7-pentoxyresorufinO-depentylase activity at levels similar to those of hepatocytes (6.2±1.0 and 7.4±1.2 pmol/mg × min, respectively). Rat hepatocytes actively hydroxylatedp-nitrophenol, but this activity was not measurable in hepatoma cells. Glutathione transferase activity was maintained in all the hepatoma cell lines at similar levels to those found in hepatocytes (684 ± 56 nmol/mg × min). The seven hydroxylated metabolites of testosterone produced by cultured hepatocytes were negligible in hepatoma cells. Exposure of cells to inducers revealed that aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity was mainly increased after treatment with 3-methylcholanthrene andβ-naphtoflavone, and the highest values were found in rat hepatocytes followed by MH1C1 and Fao cells. 3-Methylcholanthrene and naphtoflavone treatment also resulted in a marked increase in 7-ethoxyresorufinO-deethylase activity in hepatocytes as well as in H4IIC3, McA-Rh7777, MH1C1, and Fao cells. An enhancement of 7-ethoxycoumarinO-deethylase activity due to the three inducers was observed in both rat hepatocytes and hepatoma cells, with MH1C1 cells treated with methylcholanthrene showing the highest activity (727±74 pmol/mg × min). Increases in 7-pentoxyresorufinO-depentylase activity were detected after phenobarbital treatment of hepatocytes, MH1C1, and Fao cells, whereas a low response was observed in the other hepatoma cells. Of the six hepatoma cell lines examined, MH1C1 and Fao cells are the ones that are most similar to cultured rat hepatocytes in their expression of biotransformation activities.  相似文献   

The relationship between autophagy and the intracellular distribution of endocytosed asialoorosomucoid was studied in cultured rat hepatocytes. Overt autophagy was induced by shifting the cells to a minimal salt medium. Incubation in minimal salt medium led to the formation of buoyant lysosomes at the expense of denser lysosomes manifested as a dual distribution of these organelles in Nycodenz gradients. Asialoorosomucoid was labeled with 125I-tyramine cellobiose. The labeled degradation products formed from this ligand are trapped at the site of degradation and may therefore serve as markers for the subgroup of lysosomes involved in the degradation. In control cells the degradation of the ligand was initiated in a light prelysosomal compartment and continued in denser lysosomes. In cells with high autophagic activity, the degradation of labeled asialoorosomucoid took place exclusively in a buoyant group of lysosomes. These results suggest that degradation of endocytosed ligand takes place in the same secondary lysosomes as substrate sequestered by autophagic mechanisms. These light lysosomes represent a subgroup of active lysosomes which are gradually recruited from dense bodies. Data are also presented that indicate that insulin may prevent the change in buoyant density brought about by incubation in deficient medium.  相似文献   

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