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T-box gene family members have important roles during murine embryogenesis, gastrulation, and organogenesis. Although relatively little is known about how T-box genes are regulated, published gene expression studies have revealed dynamic and specific patterns in both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues of the mouse conceptus. Mutant alleles of the T-box gene Brachyury (T) have identified roles in formation of mesoderm and its derivatives, such as somites and the allantois. However, given the cell autonomous nature of T gene activity and conflicting results of gene expression studies, it has been difficult to attribute a primary function to T in normal allantoic development. We report localization of T protein by sectional immunohistochemistry in both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues during mouse gastrulation, emphasizing T localization within the allantois. T was detected in all previously reported sites within the conceptus, including the primitive streak and its derivatives, nascent embryonic mesoderm, the node and notochord, as well as notochord-associated endoderm and posterior neurectoderm. In addition, we have clarified T within the allantois, where it was first detected in the proximal midline of the late allantoic bud (approximately 7.5 days postcoitum, dpc) and persisted within an expanded midline domain until 6-somite pairs (s; approximately 8.5 dpc). Lastly, we have discovered several novel T sites, including the developing heart, visceral endoderm, extraembryonic ectoderm, and its derivative, chorionic ectoderm. Together, these data provide a unified picture of T in the mammalian conceptus, and demonstrate T's presence in unrelated cell types and tissues in highly dynamic spatiotemporal patterns in both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues.  相似文献   

Aurora A is a mitotic kinase essential for cell proliferation. In mice, ablation of Aurora A results in mitotic arrest and pre-implantation lethality, preventing studies at later stages of development. Here we report the effects of Aurora A ablation on embryo patterning at early post-implantation stages. Inactivation of Aurora A in the epiblast or visceral endoderm layers of the conceptus leads to apoptosis and inhibition of embryo growth, causing lethality and resorption at approximately E9.5. The effects on embryo patterning, however, depend on the tissue affected by the mutation. Embryos with an epiblast ablation of Aurora A properly establish the anteroposterior axis but fail to progress through gastrulation. In contrast, mutation of Aurora A in the visceral endoderm, leads to posteriorization of the conceptus or failure to elongate the anteroposterior axis. Injection of ES cells into Aurora A epiblast knockout blastocysts reconstitutes embryonic development to E9.5, indicating that the extra-embryonic tissues in these mutant embryos can sustain development to organogenesis stages. Our results reveal new ways to induce apoptosis and to ablate cells in a tissue-specific manner in vivo. Moreover, they show that epiblast-ablated embryos can be used to test the potency of stem cells.  相似文献   

Nodal, a secreted factor known for its conserved functions in cell-fate specification and the establishment of embryonic axes, is also required in mammals to maintain the pluripotency of the epiblast, the tissue that gives rise to all fetal lineages. Although Nodal is expressed as early as E3.5 in the mouse embryo, its regulation and functions at pre- and peri-implantation stages are currently unknown. Sensitive reporter transgenes for two Nodal cis-regulatory regions, the PEE and the ASE, exhibit specific expression profiles before implantation. Mutant and inhibitor studies find them respectively regulated by Wnt/β-catenin signaling and Activin/Nodal signaling, and provide evidence for localized and heterogeneous activities of these pathways in the inner cell mass, the epiblast and the primitive endoderm. These studies also show that Nodal and its prime effector, FoxH1, are not essential to preimplantation Activin/Nodal signaling. Finally, a strong upregulation of the ASE reporter in implanting blastocysts correlates with a downregulation of the pluripotency factor Nanog in the maturing epiblast. This study uncovers conservation in the mouse blastocyst of Wnt/β-catenin and Activin/Nodal-dependent activities known to govern Nodal expression and the establishment of polarity in the blastula of other deuterostomes. Our results indicate that these pathways act early on to initiate distinct cell-specification processes in the ICM derivatives. Our data also suggest that the activity of the Activin/Nodal pathway is dampened by interactions with the molecular machinery of pluripotency until just before implantation, possibly delaying cell-fate decisions in the mouse embryo.  相似文献   

The TGFbeta family member Nodal has been shown to be involved in a variety of processes in development, including early axis formation. Here, we use a conditional gene inactivation strategy to show a specific requirement for Nodal in the epiblast. Complete inactivation of the Nodal locus in the epiblast using the Sox2-Cre deleter strain results in a failure to establish global anterior-posterior patterning, a phenotype that resembles the Nodal null phenotype. By contrast, mosaic inactivation of Nodal in the epiblast using the Mox2-Cre (MORE) deleter strain affects formation of the anterior mesendoderm and subsequent anterior neurectoderm patterning. Furthermore, ES cell chimera experiments indicate that Nodal-deficient ES cells preferentially populate the anterior compartment of the epiblast, suggesting that cell mixing in the epiblast is not random and that Nodal signaling mediates a novel anterior-posterior cell-sorting process within the epiblast before gastrulation.  相似文献   

BMPRIA is a receptor for bone morphogenetic proteins with high affinity for BMP2 and BMP4. Mouse embryos lacking Bmpr1a fail to gastrulate, complicating studies on the requirements for BMP signaling in germ layer development. Recent work shows that BMP4 produced in extraembryonic tissues initiates gastrulation. Here we use a conditional allele of Bmpr1a to remove BMPRIA only in the epiblast, which gives rise to all embryonic tissues. Resulting embryos are mosaics composed primarily of cells homozygous null for Bmpr1a, interspersed with heterozygous cells. Although mesoderm and endoderm do not form in Bmpr1a null embryos, these tissues are present in the mosaics and are populated with mutant cells. Thus, BMPRIA signaling in the epiblast does not restrict cells to or from any of the germ layers. Cells lacking Bmpr1a also contribute to surface ectoderm; however, from the hindbrain forward, little surface ectoderm forms and the forebrain is enlarged and convoluted. Prechordal plate, early definitive endoderm, and anterior visceral endoderm appear to be expanded, likely due to defective morphogenesis. These data suggest that the enlarged forebrain is caused in part by increased exposure of the ectoderm to signaling sources that promote anterior neural fate. Our results reveal critical roles for BMP signaling in endodermal morphogenesis and ectodermal patterning.  相似文献   

Early development and X-chromosome inactivation were studied in ethanol-induced mouse parthenogenones. About 24% of oocytes transferred to 0.5-day pseudopregnant recipients successfully implanted. However, only 49%, 20%, and 16% of implanted parthenogenones survived 5, 6, and 7 days later, respectively. Abnormal development was evident in every parthenogenone as early as 5 days after activation with the degenerating polar trophectoderm. These embryos were destined to become either small disorganized embryos or embryonic ectoderm vesicles bounded by the visceral endoderm. Only 2 of 51 representative 6- to 8-day parthenogenones sectioned had morphology of the normal egg cylinder, although growth retardation was evident. Spontaneous LT/Sv parthenogenones shared similar morphological features. In late blastocysts, the frequency of cells with an apparently inactivated X chromosome was lower in parthenogenones than in fertilized embryos. The failure of X-inactivation in the trophectoderm seems to contribute to the defective development of parthenogenones.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling plays a key role in early embryonic development and cell migration in vertebrates and in invertebrates. To gain novel insights into FGF signalling in an arthropod, we characterized the fgf1b ortholog in the beetle Tribolium that is not represented in the Drosophila genome.  相似文献   

The epiblast (EPI) and the primitive endoderm (PE), which constitute foundations for the future embryo body and yolk sac, build respectively deep and surface layers of the inner cell mass (ICM) of the blastocyst. Before reaching their target localization within the ICM, the PE and EPI precursor cells, which display distinct lineage-specific markers, are intermingled randomly. Since the ICM cells are produced in two successive rounds of asymmetric divisions at the 8→16 (primary inner cells) and 16→32 cell stage (secondary inner cells) it has been suggested that the fate of inner cells (decision to become EPI or PE) may depend on the time of their origin. Our method of dual labeling of embryos allowed us to distinguish between primary and secondary inner cells contributing ultimately to ICM. Our results show that the presence of two generations of inner cells in the 32-cell stage embryo is the source of heterogeneity within the ICM. We found some bias concerning the level of Fgf4 and Fgfr2 expression between primary and secondary inner cells, resulting from the distinct number of cells expressing these genes. Analysis of experimental aggregates constructed using different ratios of inner cells surrounded by outer cells revealed that the fate of cells does not depend exclusively on the timing of their generation, but also on the number of cells generated in each wave of asymmetric division. Taking together, the observed regulatory mechanism adjusting the proportion of outer to inner cells within the embryo may be mediated by FGF signaling.  相似文献   

Early experiments with cells in culture and recent targeting experiments have confirmed that the mesenchyme-derived growth factor hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) is a paracrine agent that regulates the development of several epithelial and myogenic precursor cells during organogenesis. Here, we report the expression pattern of HGF/SF and its receptor, the product of the proto-oncogene c-met, during gastrulation and early organogenesis in mouse embryo. During gastrulation, the expression of HGF/SF and c-met overlaps. Initially the two genes are expressed in the endoderm and in the mesoderm along the rostro-intermediate part of the primitive streak and, later, in the node and in the notochord. Neither HGF/SF nor c-met is expressed in the ectodermal layer throughout gastrulation. During early organogenesis, overlapping expression of HGF/SF and c-met is found in heart, condensing somites and neural crest cells. However, a second and distinct pattern of expression, characterized by the presence of the ligand in mesenchymal tissues and the receptor in the surrounding ectoderm, is seen in the branchial arches and in the limb buds. At 13 days postcoitum (d.p.c.), only this second pattern of expression is observed in differentiated somites and several major organs (i.e., lungs, liver, and gut. The expression of the HGF/SF and c-met genes throughout embryogenesis suggests a shift from an autocrine to a paracrine signaling system. The shift takes place in early organogenesis and implies different roles of HGF/SF in development. During gastrulation, HGF/SF may affect the fate of migrating mesodermal cells and may play a role in axis determination, whereas during organogenesis, the expression patterns of HGF/SF and its receptor reflect the recently established roles in the growth of certain epithelia and the migration of specific myogenic precursor cells. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

After implantation, mouse embryos deficient for the activity of the transforming growth factor-beta member Nodal fail to form both the mesoderm and the definitive endoderm. They also fail to specify the anterior visceral endoderm, a specialized signaling center which has been shown to be required for the establishment of anterior identity in the epiblast. Our study reveals that Nodal-/- epiblast cells nevertheless express prematurely and ectopically molecular markers specific of anterior fate. Our analysis shows that neural specification occurs and regional identities characteristic of the forebrain are established precociously in the Nodal-/- mutant with a sequential progression equivalent to that of wild-type embryo. When explanted and cultured in vitro, Nodal-/- epiblast cells readily differentiate into neurons. Genes normally transcribed in organizer-derived tissues, such as Gsc and Foxa2, are also expressed in Nodal-/- epiblast. The analysis of Nodal-/-;Gsc-/- compound mutant embryos shows that Gsc activity plays no critical role in the acquisition of forebrain characters by Nodal-deficient cells. This study suggests that the initial steps of neural specification and forebrain development may take place well before gastrulation in the mouse and highlights a possible role for Nodal, at pregastrula stages, in the inhibition of anterior and neural fate determination.  相似文献   

During early mouse development, the TGFβ-related protein Nodal specifies the organizing centers that control the formation of the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis. EGF-CFC proteins are important components of the Nodal signaling pathway, most likely by acting as Nodal coreceptors. However, the extent to which Nodal activity depends on EGF-CFC proteins is still debated. Cripto is the earliest EGF-CFC gene expressed during mouse embryogenesis and is involved in both A-P axis orientation and mesoderm formation. To investigate the relation between Cripto and Nodal in the early mouse embryo, we removed the Nodal antagonist Cerberus 1 (Cer1) and simultaneously Cripto, by generating Cer1;Cripto double mouse mutants. We observed that two thirds of the Cer1;Cripto double mutants are rescued in processes that are severely compromised in Cripto/ embryos, namely A-P axis orientation, anterior mesendoderm and posterior neuroectoderm formation. The observed rescue is strongly reduced in Cer1;Cripto;Nodal triple mutants, suggesting that Nodal can signal extensively in the absence of Cripto, if Cer1 is also inhibited. This signaling activity drives A-P axis positioning. Our results provide evidence for the existence of Cripto-independent signaling mechanisms, by which Nodal controls axis specification in the early mouse embryo.  相似文献   

Vg1, a member of the TGF-β superfamily of ligands, has been implicated in the induction of mesoderm, formation of primitive streak, and left-right patterning in Xenopus and chick embryos. In mice, GDF1 and GDF3 - two TGF-β superfamily ligands that share high sequence identity with Vg1 - have been shown to independently mimic distinct aspects of Vg1's functions. However, the extent to which the developmental processes controlled by GDF1 and GDF3 and the underlying signaling mechanisms are evolutionarily conserved remains unclear. Here we show that phylogenetic and genomic analyses indicate that Gdf1 is the true Vg1 ortholog in mammals. In addition, and similar to GDF1, we find that GDF3 signaling can be mediated by the type I receptor ALK4, type II receptors ActRIIA and ActRIIB, and the co-receptor Cripto to activate Smad-dependent reporter genes. When expressed in heterologous cells, the native forms of either GDF1 or GDF3 were incapable of inducing downstream signaling. This could be circumvented by using chimeric constructs carrying heterologous prodomains, or by co-expression with the Furin pro-protein convertase, indicating poor processing of the native GDF1 and GDF3 precursors. Unexpectedly, co-expression with Nodal - another TGF-β superfamily ligand involved in mesoderm formation - could also expose the activities of native GDF1 and GDF3, suggesting a potentially novel mode of cooperation between these ligands. Functional complementarity between GDF1 and GDF3 during embryonic development was investigated by analyzing genetic interactions between their corresponding genes. This analysis showed that Gdf1−/−;Gdf3−/− compound mutants are more severely affected than either Gdf1−/− or Gdf3−/− single mutants, with defects in the formation of anterior visceral endoderm and mesoderm that recapitulate Vg1 loss of function, suggesting that GDF1 and GDF3 together represent the functional mammalian homologs of Vg1.  相似文献   

The establishment of anteroposterior (AP) polarity in the early mouse epiblast is crucial for the initiation of gastrulation and the subsequent formation of the embryonic (head to tail) axis. The localization of anterior and posterior determining genes to the appropriate region of the embryo is a dynamic process that underlies this early polarity. Several studies indicate that morphological and molecular markers which define the early AP axis are first aligned along the short axis of the elliptical egg cylinder. Subsequently, just prior to the time of primitive streak formation, a conformational change in the embryo realigns these markers with the long axis. We demonstrate that embryos lacking the signaling factor Wnt3 exhibit defects in this axial realignment. In addition, chimeric analyses and conditional removal of Wnt3 activity reveal that Wnt3 expression in the epiblast is required for induction of the primitive streak and mesoderm whereas activity in the posterior visceral endoderm is dispensable.  相似文献   

Extracellular regulation of growth factor signaling is a key event for embryonic patterning. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) are among the molecules that regulate this signaling during embryonic development. Here we study the function of syndecan1 (Syn1), a cell-surface HSPG expressed in the non-neural ectoderm during early development of Xenopus embryos. Overexpression of Xenopus Syn1 (xSyn1) mRNA is sufficient to reduce BMP signaling, induce chordin expression and rescue dorso-ventral patterning in ventralized embryos. Experiments using chordin morpholinos established that xSyn1 mRNA can inhibit BMP signaling in the absence of chordin. Knockdown of xSyn1 resulted in a reduction of BMP signaling and expansion of the neural plate with the concomitant reduction of the non-neural ectoderm. Overexpression of xSyn1 mRNA in xSyn1 morphant embryos resulted in a biphasic effect, with BMP being inhibited at high concentrations and activated at low concentrations of xSyn1. Interestingly, the function of xSyn1 on dorso-ventral patterning and BMP signaling is specific for this HSPG. In summary, we report that xSyn1 regulates dorso-ventral patterning of the ectoderm through modulation of BMP signaling.  相似文献   

We report here characterization of five genes for novel components of the canonical Wnt/ β -catenin signaling pathway. These genes were identified in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis through a loss-of-function screening for genes required for embryogenesis with morpholinos, and four of them have counterparts in vertebrates. The five genes we studied are as follows: Ci-PGAP1 , a Ciona orthologue of human PGAP1 , which encodes GPI (glycosylphosphatidylinositol) inositol-deacylase, Ci-ZF278 , a gene encoding a C2H2 zinc-finger protein, Ci-C10orf11 , a Ciona orthologue of human C10orf11 that encodes a protein with leucine-rich repeats, Ci-Spatial/C4orf17 , a single counterpart for two human genes Spatial and C4orf17 , and Ci-FLJ10634 , a Ciona orthologue of human FLJ10634 that encodes a member of the J-protein family. Knockdown of each of the genes mimicked β -catenin knockdown and resulted in suppression of the expression of β -catenin downstream genes ( Ci-FoxD , Ci-Lhx3 , Ci-Otx and Ci-Fgf9/16/20 ) and subsequent endoderm formation. For every gene, defects in knockdown embryos were rescued by overexpression of a constitutively active form, but not wild-type, of Ci- β -catenin. Dosage-sensitive interactions were found between Ci-β-catenin and each of the genes. These results suggest that these five genes act upstream of or parallel to Ci- β -catenin in the Wnt/ β -catenin signaling pathway in early Ciona embryos.  相似文献   

The basal chordate amphioxus resembles vertebrates in having a dorsal, hollow nerve cord, a notochord and somites. However, it lacks extensive gene duplications, and its embryos are small and gastrulate by simple invagination. Here we demonstrate that Nodal/Vg1 signaling acts from early cleavage through the gastrula stage to specify and maintain dorsal/anterior development while, starting at the early gastrula stage, BMP signaling promotes ventral/posterior identity. Knockdown and gain-of-function experiments show that these pathways act in opposition to one another. Signaling by these pathways is modulated by dorsally and/or anteriorly expressed genes including Chordin, Cerberus, and Blimp1. Overexpression and/or reporter assays in Xenopus demonstrate that the functions of these proteins are conserved between amphioxus and vertebrates. Thus, a fundamental genetic mechanism for axial patterning involving opposing Nodal and BMP signaling is present in amphioxus and probably also in the common ancestor of amphioxus and vertebrates or even earlier in deuterostome evolution.  相似文献   

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