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Fgf8 functions as an organizer at the mes/metencephalic boundary (isthmus). We showed that a strong Fgf8 signal activates the Ras-ERK signaling pathway to organize cerebellar differentiation. Sprouty2 is expressed in an overlapping manner to Fgf8, and is induced by Fgf8. Its function, however, is indicated to antagonize Ras-ERK signaling. Here, we show the regulation of Fgf8 signaling in relation to Sprouty2. sprouty2 expression was induced very rapidly by Fgf8b, but interfered with ERK activation. sprouty2 misexpression resulted in a fate change of the presumptive metencephalon to the mesencephalon. Misexpression of a dominant negative form of Sprouty2 augmented ERK activation, and resulted in anterior shift of the posterior border of the tectum. The results indicate that Fgf8 activates the Ras-ERK signaling pathway to differentiate the cerebellum, and that the hyper- or hypo-signaling of this pathway affects the fate of the brain vesicles. Sprouty2 may regulate the Fgf8-Ras-ERK signaling pathway for the proper regionalization of the metencephalon and mesencephalon.  相似文献   

The mes/metencephalic boundary (isthmus) has an organizing activity for mesencephalon and metencephalon. The candidate signaling molecule is Fgf8 whose mRNA is localized in the region where the cerebellum differentiates. Responding to this signal, the cerebellum differentiates in the metencephalon and the tectum differentiates in the mesencephalon. Based on the assumption that strong Fgf8 signal induces the cerebellum and that the Fgf8b signal is stronger than that of Fgf8a, we carried out experiments to misexpress Fgf8b and Fgf8a in chick embryos. Fgf8a did not affect the expression pattern of Otx2, Gbx2 or Irx2. En2 expression was upregulated in the mesencephalon and in the diencephalon by Fgf8a. Consequently, Fgf8a misexpression resulted in the transformation of the presumptive diencephalon to the fate of the mesencephalon. In contrast, Fgf8b repressed Otx2 expression, but upregulated Gbx2 and Irx2 expression in the mesencephalon. As a result, Fgf8b completely changed the fate of the mesencephalic alar plate to cerebellum. Quantitative analysis showed that Fgf8b signal is 100 times stronger than Fgf8a signal. Co-transfection of Fgf8b with Otx2 indicates that Otx2 is a key molecule in mesencephalic generation. We have shown by RT-PCR that both Fgf8a and Fgf8b are expressed, Fgf8b expression prevailing in the isthmic region. The results all support our working hypothesis that the strong Fgf8 signal induces the neural tissue around the isthmus to differentiate into the cerebellum.  相似文献   

The mes/metencephalic boundary (isthmus) is an organizing center for the optic tectum and cerebellum. Fgf8 is accepted as a crucial organizing signal. Previously, we reported that Fgf8b could induce cerebellum in the mesencephalon, while Fgf8a transformed the presumptive diencephalon into mesencephalon. Since lower doses of Fgf8b exerted similar effects to those of Fgf8a, the type difference could be attributed to the difference in the strength of the signal. It is of great interest to uncover mechanisms of signal transduction pathways downstream of the Fgf8 signal in tectal and cerebellar development, and in this report we have concentrated on the Ras-ERK pathway. In normal embryos, extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK) is activated at the site where Fgf8 mRNA is expressed. Fgf8b activated ERK while Fgf8a or a lower dose of Fgf8b did not activate ERK in the mes/metencephalon. Disruption of the Ras-ERK signaling pathway by a dominant negative form of Ras (RasS17N) changed the fate of the metencephalic alar plate from cerebellum to tectum. RasS17N canceled the effects of Fgf8b, while co-transfection of Fgf8a and RasS17N exerted additive effects. Disruption of Fgf8b, not Fgf8a, by siRNA resulted in posterior extension of the Otx2 expression domain. Our results indicate that the presumptive metencephalon receives a strong Fgf8 signal that activates the Ras-ERK pathway and differentiates into the cerebellum.  相似文献   

Otx2 is expressed in the mesencephalon and prosencephalon, and Gbx2 is expressed in the rhombencephalon around stage 10. Loss-of-function studies of these genes in mice have revealed that Otx2 is indispensable for the development of the anterior brain segment, and that Gbx2 is required for the development of the isthmus. We carried out gain-of-function experiments of these genes in chick embryos with a newly developed gene transfer system, in ovo electroporation. When Otx2 was ectopically expressed caudally beyond the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB), the alar plate of the metencephalon differentiated into the optic tectum instead of differentiating into the cerebellum. On the other hand, when Gbx2 was ectopically expressed at the mesencephalon, the caudal limit of the tectum shifted rostrally. We looked at the effects of misexpression on the isthmus- and tectum-related molecules. Otx2 and Gbx2 interacted to repress each other's expression. Ectopic Otx2 and Gbx2 repressed endogenous expression of Fgf8 in the isthmus, but induced Fgf8 expression at the interface between Otx2 and Gbx2 expression. Thus, it is suggested that interaction between Otx2 and Gbx2 determines the site of Fgf8 expression and the posterior limit of the tectum.  相似文献   

The mesencephalic/rhombomere 1 border (isthmus) is an organizing center for early development of midbrain and cerebellum. In this review, we summarize recent progress in studies of Fgf signaling in the isthmus and discuss how the isthmus instructs the differentiation of the midbrain versus cerebellum. Fgf8 is shown to play a pivotal role in isthmic organizer activity. Only a strong Fgf signal mediated by Fgf8b activates the Ras-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway, and this is sufficient to induce cerebellar development. A lower level of signaling transduced by Fgf8a, Fgf17 and Fgf18 induce midbrain development. Numerous feedback loops then maintain appropriate mesencephalon/rhombomere1 and organizer gene expression.  相似文献   

The cerebellar structures of teleosts are markedly different from those of other vertebrates. The cerebellum continues rostrally into the midbrain ventricle, forming the valvula cerebelli, only in ray-finned fishes among vertebrates. To analyze the ontogenetic processes that underlie this morphological difference, we examined the early development of the cerebellar regions, including the isthmus (mid/hindbrain boundary, MHB), of the medaka (Oryzias latipes), by histology and in-situ hybridization using two gene (wnt1 and fgf8) probes. Isthmic wnt1 was expressed stably in the caudalmost mesencephalic region in the neural tube at all developmental stages examined, defining molecularly the caudal limit of the mesencephalon. The wnt1-positive mesencephalic cells became located rostrally to the isthmic constriction at Iwamatsu's stages 25-26. Isthmic fgf8 expression changed dynamically and became restricted to the rostralmost metencephalic region at stage 24. The rostralmost part (prospective valvula cerebelli) of the fgf8-positive rostral metencephalon protruded rostrally into the midbrain ventricle, bypassing the isthmic constriction, at stages 25-26. Thus, the isthmic constriction shifted caudally with respect to the molecularly defined MHB at stages 25-26. Paired cerebellar primordia were formed from the alar plates of the fgf8-positive rostral metencephalon and the fgf8-negative caudal metencephalon in the medaka neural tube. Our results show that cerebellar development differs between teleosts and murines: both the rostral and caudal metencephalic alar plates develop into the cerebellum in medaka, whereas in the murines only the caudal metencephalic alar plate develops into the cerebellum, and the rostral plate is reduced to a thin membrane.  相似文献   

The vertebrate central nervous system is elaborated from a simple neural tube. Brain vesicles formation is the first sign of regionalization. Classical transplantation using quail and chick embryos revealed that the mesencephalon–metencephalon boundary (isthmus) functions as an organizer of the mesencephalon and metencephalon. Fgf8 is accepted as a main organizing molecule of the isthmus. Strong Fgf8 signal activates the Ras-ERK signaling pathway to differentiate the cerebellum. In this review, the historical background of the means of identifying the isthmus organizer and the molecular mechanisms of signal transduction for tectum and cerebellum differentiation is reviewed.  相似文献   

Pax3/7 is expressed in the alar plate of the mesencephalon. The optic tectum differentiates from the alar plate of the mesencephalon, and expression of Pax3/7 is well correlated to the tectum development. To explore the function of Pax3 and Pax7 in the tectum development, we misexpressed Pax3 and Pax7 in the diencephalon and ventral mesencephalon. Morphological and molecular marker gene analysis indicated that Pax3 and Pax7 misexpression caused fate change of the alar plate of the presumptive diencephalon to that of the mesencephalon, that is, a tectum and a torus semicircularis were formed ectopically. Ectopic tectum in the diencephalon appeared to be generated through sequential induction of Fgf8, En2 and Pax3/7. In ventral mesencephalon, which expresses En but does not differentiate to the tectum in normal development, Pax3 and Pax7 misexpression induced ectopic tectum. In normal development, Pax3 and Pax7 expression in the mesencephalon commences after Otx2, En and Pax2/5 expression. In addition, expression domain of Pax3 and Pax7 is well consistent with presumptive tectum region in a dorsoventral axis. Taken together with normal expression pattern of Pax3 and Pax7, results of misexpression experiments suggest that Pax3 and Pax7 define the tectum region subsequent to the function of Otx2 and En.  相似文献   

Pluripotentiality of the 2-day-old avian germinative neuroepithelium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a previous study using chick/quail chimeric embryos with homotopic transplants (Martinez & Alvarado-Mallart, 1989b), we have delimited in the 2-day-old avian embryo the areas of the neural tube giving rise to optic tectum and mesencephalic grissea as well as to isthmic grissea and cerebellum: respectively, "mesencephalic" and "metencephalic" alar plates. To investigate the determination or the competence of these areas, portions of these germinative neuroepithelia from a quail embryo were transplanted in substitution for other areas of the chick neural tube. The analysis of the chimeric brains was done by comparing alternating transverse sections stained for cytoarchitecture and with two different techniques to recognize transplanted versus host cells: either the Feulgen and Rossenbeck DNA histochemical reaction and/or immunohistochemical methods with a monoclonal antibody recognizing quail but not chick cells. The eventual visual innervation of the quail graft was analyzed in many cases by injecting anterograde axonal tracers in the eye contralateral to the graft. The results are as follows: (1) caudal metencephalon transferred to mesencephalon maintained in all cases its presumptive cerebellar phenotype, whereas (2) rostral metencephalon transferred to mesencephalon changed its fate to a tectal phenotype but maintained its cerebellar fate when transferred to diencephalon; (3) caudal mesencephalon maintained its tectal fate in 65% of the cases when transferred to diencephalon, whereas (4) rostral mesencephalon transferred to a cerebellar domain changed its fate and became influenced by the surrounding structures in all cases, but only in 85% of the cases when it was transplanted to diencephalon; (5) the in situ host diencephalon, isolated from its normal environment by a mesencephalic graft, is competent to change its fate and express a mesencephalic phenotype. These results demonstrate that at least some regions of the germinative neuroepithelium from either metencephalon, mesencephalon, and diencephalon are still pluripotent in the 2-day-old avian embryo and that their fate seems to be under the influence of the surrounding structures. Rostral mesencephalon and rostral metencephalon have been more easily influenced by environmental factors than their caudal counterparts, suggesting that regions providing instructive positional factors exist within the 2-day-old germinative neuroepithelium. These regions might play an important role in the determination of the various segments of the neural tube.  相似文献   



The inner ear arises from a specialized set of cells, the otic placode, that forms at the lateral edge of the neural plate adjacent to the hindbrain. Previous studies indicated that fibroblast growth factors (Fgfs) are required for otic induction; in zebrafish, loss of both Fgf3 and Fgf8 results in total ablation of otic tissue. Furthermore, gain-of-function studies suggested that Fgf signaling is not only necessary but also sufficient for otic induction, although the amount of induced ectopic otic tissue reported after misexpression of fgf3 or fgf8 varies among different studies. We previously suggested that Foxi1 and Dlx3b may provide competence to form the ear because loss of both foxi1 and dlx3b results in ablation of all otic tissue even in the presence of a fully functional Fgf signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Prospective midbrain and cerebellum formation are coordinated by FGF ligands produced by the isthmic organizer. Previous studies have suggested that midbrain and cerebellum development require different levels of FGF signaling. However, little is known about the extent to which specific regions within these two parts of the brain differ in their requirement for FGF signaling during embryogenesis. Here, we have explored the effects of inhibiting FGF signaling within the embryonic mouse midbrain (mesencephalon) and cerebellum (rhombomere 1) by misexpressing sprouty2 (Spry2) from an early stage. We show that such Spry2 misexpression moderately reduces FGF signaling, and that this reduction causes cell death in the anterior mesencephalon, the region furthest from the source of FGF ligands. Interestingly, the remaining mesencephalon cells develop into anterior midbrain, indicating that a low level of FGF signaling is sufficient to promote only anterior midbrain development. Spry2 misexpression also affects development of the vermis, the part of the cerebellum that spans the midline. We found that, whereas misexpression of Spry2 alone caused loss of the anterior vermis, reducing FGF signaling further, by decreasing Fgf8 gene dose, resulted in loss of the entire vermis. Our data suggest that cell death is not responsible for vermis loss, but rather that it fails to develop because reducing FGF signaling perturbs the balance between vermis and roof plate development in rhombomere 1. We suggest a molecular explanation for this phenomenon by providing evidence that FGF signaling functions to inhibit the BMP signaling that promotes roof plate development.  相似文献   

The single Fgf8 gene in mice produces eight protein isoforms (Fgf8a-h) with different N-termini by alternative splicing. Gain-of-function studies have demonstrated that Fgf8a and Fgf8b have distinct activities in the developing midbrain and hindbrain (MHB) due to their different binding affinities with FGF receptors. Here we have performed loss-of-function analyses to determine the in vivo requirement for these two Fgf8 spliceforms during MHB development. We showed that deletion of Fgf8b-containing spliceforms (b, d, f and h) leads to loss of multiple key regulatory genes, including Fgf8 itself, in the MHB region. Therefore, specific inactivation of Fgf8b-containing spliceforms, similar to the loss of Fgf8, in MHB progenitors results in deletion of the midbrain, isthmus, and cerebellum. We also created a splice-site mutation abolishing Fgf8a-containing spliceforms (a, c, e, and g). Mice lacking Fgf8a-containing spliceforms exhibit growth retardation and postnatal lethality, and the phenotype is variable in different genetic backgrounds, suggesting that the Fgf8a-containing spliceforms may play a role in modulating the activity of Fgf8. Surprisingly, no discernable defect was detected in the midbrain and cerebellum of Fgf8a-deficient mice. To determine if Fgf17, which is expressed in the MHB region and possesses similar activities to Fgf8a based on gain-of-function studies, may compensate for the loss of Fgf8a, we generated Fgf17 and Fgf8a double mutant mice. Mice lacking both Fgf8a-containing spliceforms and Fgf17 display the same defect in the posterior midbrain and anterior cerebellum as Fgf17 mutant mice. Therefore, Fgf8b-containing spliceforms, but not Fgf8a, are essential for the function of Fgf8 during the development of the midbrain and cerebellum.  相似文献   

Early brain patterning depends on proper arrangement of positional information. This information is given by gradients of secreted signaling molecules (morphogens) detected by individual cells within the responding tissue, leading to specific fate decisions. Here we report that the morphogen FGF8 exerts initially a differential signal activity along the E9.5 mouse neural tube. We demonstrate that this polarizing activity codes by RAS-regulated ERK1/2 signaling and depends on the topographical location of the secondary organizers: the isthmic organizer (IsO) and the anterior neural ridge (anr) but not on zona limitans intrathalamica (zli). Our results suggest that Sprouty2, a negative modulator of RAS/ERK pathway, is important for regulating Fgf8 morphogenetic signal activity by controlling Fgf8-induced signaling pathways and positional information during early brain development.  相似文献   

Fgf8 is a member of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family that plays an important role in early neural development. Cellular aggregation and retinoic acid (RA) are needed for mouse embryonic carcinoma (EC) P19 cell neural differentiation. We have examined the Fgf8 gene in P19 cells during neural differentiation and identified 2 alternatively spliced Fgf8 isoforms, Fgf8a and Fgf8b, among the 8 known splicing isoforms in mammals. The expression of Fgf8a and Fgf8b mRNAs transiently and rapidly increased in the early stage of P19 cells during RA-induced neural differentiation, followed by a decline in expression. The relative amount of Fgf8b was clearly higher than that of Fgf8a at different time-points measured within 24 h after RA treatment. Increased Fgf8b mRNA expression was cellular-aggregation dependent. The results demonstrated that cellular-aggregation-induced Fgf8b, but not Fgf8a, may play a pivotal role in early neural differentiation of P19 cells.  相似文献   

Sprouty and Spred proteins have been widely implicated in the negative regulation of the fibroblast growth factor receptor-extracellular regulated kinase (ERK) pathway. In considering the functional role of these proteins, we explored their effects on ERK activation induced by cyclopentenone prostanoids, which bind to and activate Ras proteins. We therefore found that ectopic overexpression in HeLa cells of human Sprouty2, or human Spred1 or 2, inhibits ERK1/2 and Elk-1 activation triggered by the cyclopentenone prostanoids PGA(1) and 15d-PGJ(2). Furthermore, we found that in HT cells that do not express Sprouty2 due to hypermethylation of its gene-promoter, PGA(1)-provoked ERK activation was more intense and sustained compared to other hematopoietic cell lines with unaltered Sprouty2 expression. Cyclopentenone prostanoids did not induce Sprouty2 tyrosine phosphorylation, in agreement with its incapability to activate tyrosine-kinase receptors. However, Sprouty2 Y55F, which acts as a defective mutant upon tyrosine-kinase receptor stimulation, did not inhibit cyclopentenone prostanoids-elicited ERK pathway activation. In addition, Sprouty2 did not affect the Ras-GTP levels promoted by cyclopentenone prostanoids. These results unveil both common and differential features in the activation of Ras-dependent pathways by cyclopentenone prostanoids and growth factors. Moreover, they provide the first evidence that Sprouty and Spred proteins are negative regulators of the ERK/Elk-1 pathway activation induced not only by growth-factors, but also by reactive lipidic mediators.  相似文献   

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