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Otic fibrocytes tether the cochlear duct to the surrounding otic capsule but are also critically involved in maintenance of ion homeostasis in the cochlea, thus, perception of sound. The molecular pathways that regulate the development of this heterogenous group of cells from mesenchymal precursors are poorly understood. Here, we identified epithelial Wnt7a and Wnt7b as possible ligands of Fzd-mediated β-catenin (Ctnnb1)-dependent (canonical) Wnt signaling in the adjacent undifferentiated periotic mesenchyme (POM). Mice with a conditional deletion of Ctnnb1 in the POM exhibited a complete failure of fibrocyte differentiation, a severe reduction of mesenchymal cells surrounding the cochlear duct, loss of pericochlear spaces, a thickening and partial loss of the bony capsule and a secondary disturbance of cochlear duct coiling shortly before birth. Analysis at earlier stages revealed that radial patterning of the POM in two domains with highly condensed cartilaginous precursors and more loosely arranged inner mesenchymal cells occurred normally but that proliferation in the inner domain was reduced and cytodifferentiation failed. Cells with mis/overexpression of a stabilized form of Ctnnb1 in the entire POM mesenchyme sorted to the inner mesenchymal compartment and exhibited increased proliferation. Our analysis suggests that Wnt signals from the cochlear duct epithelium are crucial to induce differentiation and expansion of fibrocyte precursor cells. Our findings emphasize the importance of epithelial-mesenchymal signaling in inner ear development.  相似文献   

Tbx1 is required for ear development in humans and mice. Gene manipulation in the mouse has discovered multiple consequences of loss of function on early development of the inner ear, some of which are attributable to a cell autonomous role in maintaining cell proliferation of epithelial progenitors of the cochlear and vestibular apparata. However, ablation of the mesodermal domain of the gene also results in severe but more restricted abnormalities. Here we show that Tbx1 has a dynamic expression during late development of the ear, in particular, is expressed in the sensory epithelium of the vestibular organs but not of the cochlea. Vice versa, it is expressed in the condensed mesenchyme that surrounds the cochlea but not in the one that surrounds the vestibule. Loss of Tbx1 in the mesoderm disrupts this peri-cochlear capsule by strongly reducing the proliferation of mesenchymal cells. The organogenesis of the cochlea, which normally occurs inside the capsule, was dramatically affected in terms of growth of the organ, as well as proliferation, differentiation and survival of its epithelial cells. This model provides a striking demonstration of the essential role played by the periotic mesenchyme in the organogenesis of the cochlea.  相似文献   

In early-organogenesis-stage mouse embryos, the posteroventral foregut endoderm adjacent to the heart tube gives rise to liver, ventral pancreas and gallbladder. Hepatic and pancreatic primordia become specified in the posterior segment of the ventral foregut endoderm at early somite stages. The mechanisms for demarcating gallbladder and bile duct primordium, however, are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that the gallbladder and bile duct progenitors are specified in the paired lateral endoderm domains outside the heart field at almost the same timing as hepatic and pancreatic induction. In the anterior definitive endoderm, Sox17 reactivation occurs in a certain population within the most lateral domains posterolateral to the anterior intestinal portal (AIP) lip on both the left and right sides. During foregut formation, the paired Sox17-positive domains expand ventromedially to merge in the midline of the AIP lip and become localized between the liver and pancreatic primordia. In Sox17-null embryos, these lateral domains are missing, resulting in a complete loss of the gallbladder/bile-duct structure. Chimera analyses revealed that Sox17-null endoderm cells in the posteroventral foregut do not display any gallbladder/bile-duct molecular characters. Our findings show that Sox17 functions cell-autonomously to specify gallbladder/bile-duct in the mouse embryo.  相似文献   

Loss of Hoxa1 function results in severe defects of the brainstem, inner ear, and cranial ganglia in humans and mice as well as cardiovascular abnormalities in humans. Because Hoxa1 is expressed very transiently during an early embryonic stage, it has been difficult to determine whether Hoxa1 plays a direct role in the precursors of the affected organs or if all defects result from indirect effects due to mispatterning of the hindbrain. In this study we use a Hoxa1-IRES-Cre mouse to genetically label the early Hoxa1-expressing cells and determine their contribution to each of the affected organs, allowing us to conclude in which precursor tissue Hoxa1 is expressed. We found Hoxa1 lineage-labeled cells in all tissues expected to be derived from the Hoxa1 domain, such as the facial and abducens nuclei and nerves as well as r4 neural crest cells. In addition, we detected the lineage in derivatives that were not thought to have expressed Hoxa1 during development. In the brainstem, the anterior border of the lineage was found to be in r3, which is more anterior than previously reported. We also observed an interesting pattern of the lineage in the inner ear, namely a strong contribution to the otic epithelium with the exception of sensory patches. Moreover, lineage-labeled cells were detected in the atria and outflow tract of the developing heart. In conclusion, Hoxa1 lineage tracing uncovered new domains of Hoxa1 expression in rhombomere 3, the otic epithelium, and cardiac precursors, suggesting a more direct role for Hoxa1 in development of these tissues than previously believed.  相似文献   

Epithelial tissues in various organ rudiments undergo extensive shape changes during their development. The processes of epithelial shape change are controlled by tissue interactions with the surrounding mesenchyme which is kept in direct contact with the epithelium. One of the organs which has been extensively studied is the mouse embryonic submandibular gland, whose epithelium shows the characteristic branching morphogenesis beginning with the formation of narrow and deep clefts as well as changes in tissue organization. Various molecules in the mesenchyme, including growth factors and extracellular matrix components, affect changes of epithelial shape and tissue organization. Also, mesenchymal tissue exhibits dynamic properties such as directional movements in groups and rearrangement of collagen fibers coupled with force-generation by mesenchymal cells. The epithelium, during early branching morphogenesis, makes a cell mass where cell-cell adhesion systems are less developed. Such properties of both the mesenchyme and epithelium are significant for considering how clefts, which first appear as unstable tiny indentations on epithelial surfaces, are formed and stabilized.  相似文献   

The development of the vertebrate inner ear is a complex process that has been investigated in several model organisms. In this work, we examined genetic interactions regulating early development of otic structures in medaka. We demonstrate that misexpression of Fgf8, Dlx3b and Foxi1 during early gastrulation is sufficient to produce ectopic otic vesicles. Combined misexpression strongly increases the appearance of this phenotype. By using a heat-inducible promoter we were furthermore able to separate the regulatory interactions among Fgf8, Foxi1, Dlx3b, Pax8 and Pax2 genes, which are active during different stages of early otic development. In the preplacodal stage we suggest a central position of Foxi1 within a regulatory network of early patterning genes including Dlx3b and Pax8. Different pathways are active after the placodal stage with Dlx3b playing a central role. There Dlx3b regulates members of the Pax-Six-Eya-Dach network and also strongly affects the early dorsoventral marker genes Otx1 and Gbx2.  相似文献   

The coordinated polarization of neighboring cells within the plane of the tissue, known as planar cell polarity (PCP), is a recurring theme in biology. It is required for numerous developmental processes for the form and function of many tissues and organs across species. The genetic pathway regulating PCP was first discovered in Drosophila, and an analogous but distinct pathway is emerging in vertebrates. It consists of membrane protein complexes known as core PCP proteins that are conserved across species. Here we report that the over-expression of the murine Ankrd6 (mAnkrd6) gene that shares homology with Drosophila core PCP gene diego causes a typical PCP phenotype in Drosophila, and mAnkrd6 can rescue the loss of function of diego in Drosophila. In mice, mAnkrd6 protein is asymmetrically localized in cells of the inner ear sensory organs, characteristic of components of conserved core PCP complexes. The loss of mAnkrd6 causes PCP defects in the inner ear sensory organs. Moreover, canonical Wnt signaling is significantly increased in mouse embryonic fibroblasts from mAnkrd6 knockout mice in comparison to wild type controls. Together, these results indicated that mAnkrd6 is a functional homolog of the Drosophila diego gene for mammalian PCP regulation and act to suppress canonical Wnt signaling.  相似文献   

During molar development from the cap to bell stage, the morphology of the enamel knots, inner dental epithelium, and epithelial-mesenchymal junction dynamically changes, leading to the formation of multiple cusps. To study the basic histological features of this morphogenetic change, we have investigated the cell arrangement, mitosis, and apoptosis simultaneously in the developing first lower molar of the mouse by means of BrdU injection and immunostaining for P-cadherin, BrdU, and single-stranded DNA. At the typical cap stage, the primary enamel knot shows a characteristic cell arrangement, absence of mitosis, and abundant apoptosis, but also actively dividing cells at its lateral margins. Two secondary enamel knots then appear in the anterior part of the tooth germ. One is completely non-proliferating, whereas the other contains dividing cells, indicating asymmetrical growth of the inner dental epithelium. From this transitional stage to the early bell stage, additional minor BrdU-negative domains appear, and at the same time, the cell arrangement in the inner dental epithelium rapidly changes to show regional differences. Comparisons between the histology and the distribution of BrdU-positive cells have revealed that both the regionally different cell rearrangement and the differential cell proliferation in the enamel knots and inner dental epithelium probably play a significant role in multiple cusp formation.  相似文献   

During development, the embryos and larvae of the starfish Asterina pectinifera possess a single type of mesenchyme cell. The aim of this study was to determine the patterns of behavior of mesenchyme cells during the formation of various organs. To this end, we used a monoclonal antibody (mesenchyme cell marker) to identify the distribution patterns and numbers of mesenchyme cells. Our results revealed the following: (i) mesenchyme cell behavior differs in the formation of different organs, showing temporal variations and an uneven pattern of distribution; and (ii) mesenchyme cells continue to be generated throughout development, and their numbers are tightly regulated in proportion to total cell numbers.  相似文献   

Deregulation of epithelial-stromal interactions is considered to play a critical role in the initiation and promotion of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate carcinoma (PCa). Expression of tenascin-C (TN-C), an extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoprotein, is reportedly higher in BPH and PCa as compared with normal prostate. Remodeling of the ECM alters the homeostatic balance between epithelium and stroma, resulting in physiological changes in cellular functions. To investigate the role of TN-C in prostatic development and differentiation, we evaluated the morphological phenotype of TN-C knockout (KO) mouse prostate (ventral: VP, dorsolateral: DLP, and anterior: AP) and examined tissue recombinants composed of adult mouse DLP epithelium and fetal TN-C KO urogenital sinus mesenchyme (UGM). Histological analysis showed epithelial cell clusters protruding into the ductal lumens in TN-C KO AP and DLP. Interestingly, binucleated cells appeared in epithelium of TN-C KO DLP at 8 weeks. Simultaneously, androgen receptor (AR)-positive cells were decreased in TN-C KO epithelia. Similar to the TN-C KO phenotype, protruded epithelial clusters, binucleated cells, and AR-negative nuclei were induced in DLP epithelium by recombining with TN-C KO UGM. Our results suggest that stromal TN-C might be involved in maintaining epithelial cytodifferentiation, morphogenesis, and androgen receptor expression of normal prostate glands in adult mice.  相似文献   

The otic vesicle (otocyst) occupies a pivotal position in inner ear development, bridging the gap between otic placode determination, and morphogenesis of vestibular and auditory compartments. The molecular mechanisms underlying the progressive subdivision of the developing inner ear into different compartments, and the molecular control and execution of the different developmental processes involved, are largely unknown. Since relatively few genes have been implicated in these processes, we have undertaken this study to identify genes involved in these early embryonic stages. We have used cDNA subtractions of mouse otic vesicle against adult liver cDNA, and describe a set of 280 candidate genes. We have also performed otic vesicle RNA hybridizations against DNA chips to not only confirm the efficacy of the library approach, but also to investigate the utility of DNA array alternatives. To begin to dissect potential developmental roles, we investigated the spatial pattern of gene expression for a selected set of 80 genes in developing mouse embryos at mid-gestation by whole-mount in situ hybridization. These data illustrate the compartmentalisation of gene expression in the otic vesicle for the majority of genes tested, and furthermore, implicate many of the genes tested with distinct developmental subprocesses.  相似文献   

Recent reports have demonstrated that the importance of Rap1-specific GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) in the spatial and temporal regulation of Rap1 activity during cell migration and development in Dictyostelium. Here, we identified another putative Rap1 GAP-domain containing protein, showing high sequence homologies with those of human Rap1GAP and Dictyotelium RapGAP3, by bioinformatic search. Loss of RapGAP9 resulted in some defects in morphogenesis and development in Dicytostelium. rapGAP9 null cells were more flattened and spread, and highly multinucleated. Compared to wild-type cells, cells lacking RapGAP9 exhibited increased levels of F-actin and more filopodia. These results suggest that RapGAP9 is involved in the regulation of cytoskeleton reorganization and cytokinesis. rapGAP9 null cells showed a small increase of cell–substratum attachment and slightly lower moving speed and directionality compared to wild-type cells. In addition, the loss of RapGAP9 resulted in an altered morphology of fruiting body with a shorter length of stalk and spore. Identification and characterization of RapGAP9 in this study will provide further insights into the molecular mechanism by which Rap1 regulates cytoskeleton reorganization and morphogenesis in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

Tunicates and vertebrates share a common ancestor that possessed cranial neurogenic placodes, thickenings in embryonic head epidermis giving rise to sensory structures. Though orthology assignments between vertebrate and tunicate placodes are not entirely resolved, vertebrate otic placodes and tunicate atrial siphon primordia are thought to be homologous based on morphology and position, gene expression, and a common signaling requirement during induction. Here, we probe key points in the morphogenesis of the tunicate atrial siphon. We show that the siphon primordium arises within a non-dividing field of lateral-dorsal epidermis. The initial steps of atrial primordium invagination are similar to otic placode invagination, but a placode-derived vesicle is never observed as for the otic vesicle of vertebrates. Rather, confocal imaging reveals an atrial opening through juvenile stages and beyond. We inject a photoactivatable lineage tracer to show that the early atrial siphon of the metamorphic juvenile, including its aperture and lining, derives from cells of the atrial placode itself. Finally, we perturb the routing of the gut to the left atrium by laser ablation and pharmacology to show that this adaptation to a sessile lifestyle depends on left-right patterning mechanisms present in the free-swimming chordate ancestor.  相似文献   

Developmental abnormalities of craniofacial structures and teeth often occur sporadically and the underlying genetic defects are not well understood, in part due to unknown gene-gene interactions. Pax9 and Msx1 are co-expressed during craniofacial development, and mice that are single homozygous mutant for either gene exhibit cleft palate and an early arrest of tooth formation. Whereas in vitro assays have demonstrated that protein-protein interactions between Pax9 and Msx1 can occur, it is unclear if Pax9 and Msx1 interact genetically in vivo during development. To address this question, we compounded the Pax9 and Msx1 mutations and observed that double homozygous mutants exhibit an incompletely penetrant cleft lip phenotype. Moreover, in double heterozygous mutants, the lower incisors were consistently missing and we find that transgenic BMP4 expression partly rescues this phenotype. Reduced expression of Shh and Bmp2 indicates that a smaller “incisor field” forms in Pax9+/−;Msx1+/− mutants, and dental epithelial growth is substantially reduced after the bud to cap stage transition. This defect is preceded by drastically reduced mesenchymal expression of Fgf3 and Fgf10, two genes that encode known stimulators of epithelial growth during odontogenesis. Consistent with this result, cell proliferation is reduced in both the dental epithelium and mesenchyme of double heterozygous mutants. Furthermore, the developing incisors lack mesenchymal Notch1 expression at the bud stage and exhibit abnormal ameloblast differentiation on both labial and lingual surfaces. Thus, Msx1 and Pax9 interact synergistically throughout lower incisor development and affect multiple signaling pathways that influence incisor size and symmetry. The data also suggest that a combined reduction of PAX9 and MSX1 gene dosage in humans may increase the risk for orofacial clefting and oligodontia.  相似文献   

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