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Summary Loss-of-function mutations in the spineless-aristapedia gene of Drosophila (ss a mutants) cause transformations of the distal antenna to distal second leg, deletions or fusions of the tarsi from all three legs, a general reduction in bristle size, and sterility. Because ss a mutants are pleiotropic, it has been suggested that ss + has some rather general function and that the ss a antennal transformation is an indirect consequence of perturbations in the expression of other genes that more directly control antennal or second leg identity. Here we test whether the ss a transformation results from aberrant expression of Antennapedia (Antp), a homeotic gene thought to specify directly the identity of the second thoracic segment. We find that Antp ss a mitotic recombination clones in the distal antenna behave identically to Antp + ss a clones, and are transformed to second leg. This demonstrates that the ss a antennal transformation is independent of Antp +, and suggests that ss + may itself directly define distal antennal identity. The results also reveal that Antp + is not required for the development of distal second leg structures, as these develop apparently normally in Antp ss a antennal clones. Because Antp mutations cause deletions or transformations that are restricted to proximal structures, whereas ss a alleles cause similar defects that are distally restricted, we suggest that ss + and Antp + may play similar, but complementary, roles in the distal and proximal portions of appendages, respectively.  相似文献   

During early brain development in Drosophila a highly stereotyped pattern of axonal scaffolds evolves by precise pioneering and selective fasciculation of neural fibers in the newly formed brain neuromeres. Using an axonal marker, Fasciclin II, we show that the activities of the extradenticle (exd) and homothorax (hth) genes are essential to this axonal patterning in the embryonic brain. Both genes are expressed in the developing brain neurons, including many of the tract founder cluster cells. Consistent with their expression profiles, mutations of exd and hth strongly perturb the primary axonal scaffolds. Furthermore, we show that mutations of exd and hth result in profound patterning defects of the developing brain at the molecular level including stimulation of the orthodenticle gene and suppression of the empty spiracles and cervical homeotic genes. In addition, expression of a Drosophila Pax6 gene, eyeless, is significantly suppressed in the mutants except for the most anterior region. These results reveal that, in addition to their homeotic regulatory functions in trunk development, exd and hth have important roles in patterning the developing brain through coordinately regulating various nuclear regulatory genes, and imply molecular commonalities between the developmental mechanisms of the brain and trunk segments, which were conventionally considered to be largely independent. Received: 4 October 1999 / Accepted: 10 January 2000  相似文献   

Summary In order to study the regulation of spatial and temporal expression of the homeotic gene Antennapedia (Antp) in Drosophila melanogaster, we have constructed fusion genes which contain Antp sequences linked to the reporter gene lac Z of Escherichia coli. In one case of P-element transformation, a fusion gene construct integrated into the endogenous Antp gene close to one of the two promoters (P1). The spatial expression from the reporter gene in this transformant line, as analysed by the detection of -galactosidase activity, was found to exactly mimic the normal expression from the P1 promoter of the Antp gene. We have used this unique transformant as a tool for studying the expression of the P1 promoter in embryonic, larval and adult development. Parallel lines transformed with the same fusion gene construct did not confer a correct P1 pattern of expression. The position in the genome was, therefore, crucial for the expression pattern of the reporter gene. Experiments aiming at the detection of autoregulatory control of Antp gene expression were designed. The results did not, however, support models of positive or negative autoregulation of P1 expression by Amp protein.  相似文献   

A Hoxd11/lacZ reporter, expressed with a Hoxd11-like axial expression pattern in transgenic mouse embryos, is stimulated in tailbud fragments when cultured in presence of Gdf11, a TGF-β growth/differentiation factor. The same construct is also stimulated by Gdf11 when transiently transfected into cultures of HepG2 cells. Stimulation of the reporter in HepG2 cells is enhanced where it contains only the 332 bp Hoxd11 enhancer region VIII upstream or downstream of a luciferase or lacZ reporter. This enhancer contains three elements conserved from fish to mice, one of which has the sequence of a Smad3/4 binding element. Mutation of this motif inhibits the ability of Gdf11 to enhance reporter activity in the HepG2 cell assay. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments show direct evidence of Smad2/3 protein binding to the Hoxd11 region VIII enhancer. The action of Gdf11 upon Hoxd11 in HepG2 cells is inhibited, at least in part, by SIS3, a specific inhibitor of Smad3. SIS3 also produces partial inhibition of Hoxd11/lacZ expression in cultured transgenic tailbuds, indicating that Smad3 may play a similar role in the embryonic expression of Hoxd11. Transgenic mouse experiments show that the Smad binding motif is essential for the axial expression of Hoxd11/lacZ reporter in the embryo tailbud, posterior mesoderm and neurectoderm.  相似文献   

The frizzled/starry night pathway regulates planar cell polarity in a wide variety of tissues in many types of animals. It was discovered and has been most intensively studied in the Drosophila wing where it controls the formation of the array of distally pointing hairs that cover the wing. The pathway does this by restricting the activation of the cytoskeleton to the distal edge of wing cells. This results in hairs initiating at the distal edge and growing in the distal direction. All of the proteins encoded by genes in the pathway accumulate asymmetrically in wing cells. The pathway is a hierarchy with the Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) genes (aka the core genes) functioning as a group upstream of the Planar Polarity Effector (PPE) genes which in turn function as a group upstream of multiple wing hairs. Upstream proteins, such as Frizzled accumulate on either the distal and/or proximal edges of wing cells. Downstream PPE proteins accumulate on the proximal edge under the instruction of the upstream proteins. A variety of types of data support this hierarchy, however, we have found that when over expressed the PPE proteins can alter both the subcellular location and level of accumulation of the upstream proteins. Thus, the epistatic relationship is context dependent. We further show that the PPE proteins interact physically and can modulate the accumulation of each other in wing cells. We also find that over expression of Frtz results in a marked delay in hair initiation suggesting that it has a separate role/activity in regulating the cytoskeleton that is not shared by other members of the group.  相似文献   

Hox genes control many developmental events along the AP axis, but few target genes have been identified. Whether target genes are activated or repressed, what enhancer elements are required for regulation, and how different domains of the Hox proteins contribute to regulatory specificity are poorly understood. Six2 is genetically downstream of both the Hox11 paralogous genes in the developing mammalian kidney and Hoxa2 in branchial arch and facial mesenchyme. Loss-of-function of Hox11 leads to loss of Six2 expression and loss-of-function of Hoxa2 leads to expanded Six2 expression. Herein we demonstrate that a single enhancer site upstream of the Six2 coding sequence is responsible for both activation by Hox11 proteins in the kidney and repression by Hoxa2 in the branchial arch and facial mesenchyme in vivo. DNA-binding activity is required for both activation and repression, but differential activity is not controlled by differences in the homeodomains. Rather, protein domains N- and C-terminal to the homeodomain confer activation versus repression activity. These data support a model in which the DNA-binding specificity of Hox proteins in vivo may be similar, consistent with accumulated in vitro data, and that unique functions result mainly from differential interactions mediated by non-homeodomain regions of Hox proteins.  相似文献   

Studies have been made of the regulation of the synthesis of six purine biosynthetic enzymes: P-ribosyl-PP amidotransferase (I), P-ribosyl glycinamide synthetase (II), P-ribosyl formyl glycinamide amidotransferase (IV), adenylosuccinate lyase (VIII-IIA), adenylosuccinate synthetase (IA), and IMP dehydrogenase (IG). Wild type Aerobacter aerogenes and two purine requiring mutants derived from it, were grown with limiting or excess adenine or guanine, cell extracts prepared, and enzyme activities measured.  相似文献   

Mosaics have been used in Drosophila to study development and to generate mutant structures when a mutant allele is homozygous lethal. New approaches of directed somatic recombination based on FRT/FLP methods, have increased mosaicism rates but likewise multiple clones in the same individual appeared more frequently. Production of single clones could be essential for developmental studies; however, for cell-autonomous gene function studies only the presence of homozygous cells for the target recessive allele is relevant. Herein, we report the number and extension of antennal mosaics generated by the MARCM system at different ages. This information is directed to obtain the appropriated mosaic type for the intended application. By applying heat shock at 10 different developmental stages from 0-12 h to 6-7 days after egg laying, more than 50% of mosaics were obtained from 5,028 adults. Single recombinant clones appeared mainly at early stages while massive recombinant areas were observed with late treatments.  相似文献   

The translational regulation of maternal mRNAs is one of the most important steps in the control of temporal-spatial gene expression during oocyte maturation and early embryogenesis in various species. Recently, it has become clear that protein components of mRNPs play essential roles in the translational regulation of maternal mRNAs. In the present study, we investigated the function of P100 in Xenopus oocytes. P100 exhibits sequence conservation with budding yeast Pat1 and is likely the orthologue of human Pat1a (also called PatL2). P100 is maternally expressed in immature oocytes, but disappears during oocyte maturation. In oocytes, P100 is an RNA binding component of ribosome-free mRNPs, associating with other mRNP components such as Xp54, xRAP55 and CPEB. Translational repression by overexpression of P100 occurred when reporter mRNAs were injected into oocytes. Intriguingly, we found that when P100 was overexpressed in the oocytes, the kinetics of oocyte maturation was considerably retarded. In addition, overexpression of P100 in oocytes significantly affected the accumulation of c-Mos and cyclin B1 during oocyte maturation. These results suggest that P100 plays a role in regulating the translation of specific maternal mRNAs required for the progression of Xenopus oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

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