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The molecular basis of ecdysteroid function during development has been analyzed in detail in holometabolous insects, especially in Drosophila melanogaster, but rarely in hemimetabolous. Using the hemimetabolous species Blattella germanica (German cockroach) as model, we show that the ecdysone receptor isoform-A (BgEcR-A) mRNA is present throughout the penultimate and last nymphal instars in all tissues analyzed (prothoracic gland, epidermis and fat body). To study the functions of BgEcR-A, we reduced its expression using systemic RNAi in vivo, and we obtained knockdown specimens. Examination of these specimens indicated that BgEcR-A during the last nymphal instar is required for nymphal survival, and that reduced expression is associated with molting defects, lower circulating ecdysteroid levels and defects in cell proliferation in the follicular epithelium. Some BgEcR-A knockdown nymphs survive to the adult stage. The features of these specimens indicate that BgEcR-A is required for adult-specific developmental processes, such as wing development, prothoracic gland degeneration and normal choriogenesis.  相似文献   

In hemimetabolous insects, the molecular basis of the 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E)-triggered genetic hierarchy is practically unknown. In the cockroach Blattella germanica, we had previously characterized one isoform of the ecdysone receptor, BgEcR-A, and two isoforms of its heterodimeric partner, BgRXR-S and BgRXR-L. One of the early-late genes of the 20E-triggered genetic hierarchy, is HR3. In the present paper, we report the discovery of three isoforms of HR3 in B. germanica, that were named BgHR3-A, BgHR3-B(1) and BgHR3-B(2). Expression studies in prothoracic gland, epidermis and fat body indicate that the expression of the three isoforms coincides with the peak of circulating ecdysteroids at each nymphal instar. Experiments in vitro with fat body tissue have shown that 20E induces the expression of BgHR3 isoforms, and that incubation with 20E and the protein inhibitor cycloheximide does not inhibit the induction, which indicates that the effect of 20E on BgHR3 activation is direct. This has been further confirmed by RNAi in vivo of BgEcR-A, which has shown that this nuclear receptor is required to fully activate the expression of BgHR3. RNAi has been also used to demonstrate the functions of BgHR3 in ecdysis. Nymphs with silenced BgHR3 completed the apolysis but were unable to ecdyse (they had duplicated and superimposed the mouth parts, the hypopharinge, the tracheal system and the cuticle layers). This indicates that BgHR3 is directly involved in ecdysis. Finally, RNAi of specific isoforms has showed that they are functionally redundant, at least regarding the ecdysis process.  相似文献   

20-Hydroxyecdysone (20E) triggers programmed cell death (PCD) and regulates de novo gene expression in the anterior silk glands (ASGs) of the silkworm Bombyx mori. PCD is mediated via a nongenomic pathway that includes Ca2+ as a second messenger and the activation of protein kinase C/caspase-3-like protease; however, the steps leading to a concomitant buildup of intracellular Ca2+ are unknown. We employed pharmacological tools to identify the components of this pathway. ASGs were cultured in the presence of 1 μM 20E and one of the following inhibitors: a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) inhibitor, a phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor, an inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) antagonist, and an L- or T-type Ca2+ channel blocker. The T-type Ca2+ channel blocker inhibited 20E-induced nuclear and DNA fragmentation; in contrast, PCD was induced by 20E in Ca2+-free medium, indicating that the source of Ca2+ is an intracellular reservoir. The IP3R antagonist inhibited nuclear and DNA fragmentation, suggesting that the endoplasmic reticulum may be the Ca2+ source. Finally, the GPCR and PLC inhibitors effectively blocked nuclear and DNA fragmentation. Our results indicate that 20E increases the intracellular level of Ca2+ by activating IP3R, and that this effect may be brought about by the serial activation of GPCR, PLC, and IP3.  相似文献   

The death process of baculovirus-infected insect cells was divided into two phases: a constant viability (or delay) phase characterized by a delay time (t(d)) and a first-order death phase characterized by a half-life (t(1/2)). These two parameters were used in conjunction with the n-target theory to classify the kinetics of cell death under various conditions, including different multiplicity of infection (MOI), host cell lines, virus types, incubation volumes, cell density and extracellular L(+)-lactate and ammonium concentrations. Two groups of kinetic effects were found: one characterized by a constant number of hypothetical targets and the other by decreased numbers of hypothetical targets. The first group includes effects such as MOI, virus types, and host cell lines. The second includes the effects of environmental perturbations, such as incubation volume, cell density, and extracellular concentrations of L(+)-lactate and ammonium. Although the underlying mechanisms of these effects are as yet unknown, the death kinetics of infected cells significantly affects the recombinant protein production. In general, foreign protein production does not correlate with the cell life after infection (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

During metamorphosis of the hawkmoth, Manduca sexta, some larval muscles degenerate while others are respecified for new functions. In larvae, accessory planta retractor muscles (APRMs) are present in abdominal segments 1 to 6 (A1 to A6). APRMs serve as proleg retractors in A3 to A6 and body wall muscles in A1 and A2. At pupation, all APRMs degenerate except those in A2 and A3, which are respecified to circulate hemolymph in pupae. The motoneurons that innervate APRMs, the APRs, likewise undergo segment‐specific programmed cell death (PCD), as a direct, cell‐autonomous response to the prepupal peak of ecdysteroids. The segment‐specific patterns of APR and APRM death differ. The present study tested the hypothesis that APRM death is a direct, cell‐autonomous response to the prepupal peak of ecdysteroids. Prevention of the prepupal peak prevented APRM degeneration, and replacement of the peak by infusion of 20‐hydroxyecdysone restored the correct segment‐specific pattern of APRM degeneration. Surgical denervation of APRMs did not perturb their segment‐specific degeneration at pupation, indicating that signals from APRs are not required for the muscles' segment‐specific responses to ecdysteroids. The possibility that instructive signals originate from APRMs' epidermal attachment points was tested by treating the epidermis with a juvenile hormone analog to prevent pupal development. This manipulation likewise did not alter APRM fate. We conclude that both the muscles and motoneurons in this motor system respond directly and cell‐autonomously to prepupal ecdysteroids to produce a segment‐specific pattern of PCD that is matched to the functional requirements of the pupal body. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2005  相似文献   

Citrus, a key insect eggshell protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Molecular aspects of chorion synthesis in insects have been studied deeply in species with meroistic ovaries. Information available in insects with panoistic ovaries is principally structural whereas molecular information in these species is scarce. This paper seeks to balance the above situation by describing a novel chorion gene, Citrus, from the cockroach Blattella germanica, a phylogenetically basal hemimetabolan insect with reproduction regulated by juvenile hormone and with panoistic ovaries. During previous work we discovered a series of novel genes which were specifically expressed during chorion formation in B. germanica. One of them, herein named Citrus, was peculiar due to its high copy number and its very transient expression. In the present paper we characterize Citrus in terms of structure and function. The most prominent structural feature is that the protein contains a motif which is repeated 33 times encompassing almost all the sequence. By using RNAi techniques we have demonstrated that Citrus is a key player in the building of the endochorion of B. germanica eggs.  相似文献   

We have characterized the process of flight muscle histolysis in the female house cricket, Acheta domesticus, through analysis of alterations of tissue wet weight, total protein content, and percent shortening of the dorsal longitudinal flight muscles (DLMs). Our objectives were to (1) define the normal course of histolysis in the cricket, (2) analyze the effects of juvenile hormone (JH) removal and replacement, (3) determine the effects of cycloheximide treatment, and (4) examine patterns of protein expression during histolysis. Our results suggest that flight muscle histolysis in the house cricket is an example of an active, developmentally regulated cell death program induced by an endocrine signal. Initial declines of total protein in DLMs indicated the JH signal that induced histolysis occurred by Day 2 and that histolysis was essentially complete by Day 3. Significant reductions in tissue weight and percent muscle shortening were observed in DLMs from Day 3 crickets. Cervical ligation of Day 1 crickets prevented histolysis but this inhibition could be reversed by continual topical treatments with methoprene (an active JH analog) although ligation of Day 2 crickets did not prevent histolysis. A requirement for active protein expression was demonstrated by analysis of synthesis block by cycloheximide and short-term incorporation of (35)S-methionine. Treatment with cycloheximide prevented histolysis. Autofluorographic imaging of DLM proteins separated by electrophoresis revealed apparent coordinated regulation of protein expression.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, little is known on the role of programmed cell death (PCD) occurring within the population of dividing neural precursors and newly formed neuroblasts during early neural development. During primary neurogenesis, PCD takes place within the neuroectoderm of Xenopus embryos in a reproducible stereotypic pattern, suggesting a role for PCD during the early development of the CNS. We find that the spatio-temporal pattern of PCD is unaffected in embryos in which cell proliferation has been blocked and whose neuroecotoderm contains half the normal number of cells. This shows that PCD is not dependent on cell division. It further suggests that PCD does not solely function to regulate absolute cell numbers within the neuroectoderm. We demonstrate that PCD can be reproducibly inhibited in vivo during primary neurogenesis by the overexpression of human Bcl-2. Following PCD inhibition, normal neurogenesis is disrupted, as seen by the expansion of the expression domains of XSox-2, XZicr-2, XNgnr-1, XMyT-1, and N-Tubulin, XNgnr-1 being the most affected. PCD inhibition, however, did not affect the outcome of lateral inhibition. We propose, then, that PCD regulates primary neurogenesis at the level of neuronal determination.  相似文献   

During the development of Caenorhabditis elegans, through cell divisions, a total of exactly 1090 cells are generated, 131 of which undergo programmed cell death (PCD) to result in an adult organism comprising 959 cells. Of those 131, exactly 113 undergo PCD during embryogenesis, subdivided across the cell lineages in the following fashion: 98 for AB lineage; 14 for MS lineage; and 1 for C lineage. Is there a law underlying these numbers, and if there is, what could it be? Here we wish to show that the count of the cells undergoing PCD complies with the cipher laws related to the algorithms of Shor and of Grover.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (PCD) is essential for both plant development and stress responses including immunity. However, how plants control PCD is not well-understood. The shikimate pathway is one of the most important metabolic pathways in plants, but its relationship to PCD is unknown. Here, we show that the shikimate pathway promotes PCD in Arabidopsis. We identify a photoperiod-dependent lesion-mimic mutant named Lesion in short-day (lis), which forms spontaneous lesions in short-day conditions. Map-based cloning and whole-genome resequencing reveal that LIS encodes MEE32, a bifunctional enzyme in the shikimate pathway. Metabolic analysis shows that the level of shikimate is dramatically increased in lis. Through genetic screenings, three suppressors of lis (slis) are identified and the causal genes are cloned. SLISes encode proteins upstream of MEE32 in the shikimate pathway. Furthermore, exogenous shikimate treatment causes PCD. Our study uncovers a link between the shikimate pathway and PCD, and suggests that the accumulation of shikimate is an alternative explanation for the action of glyphosate, the most successful herbicide.  相似文献   

The effect of baculovirus infection on cell death in suspended cultures was characterized based on work by Wu et al. (1993) Biotech. Bioeng. 41: 104–110 and Wu et al. (1994) Biotechnol. Prog. 10: 55–59. The post infection time can be separated into a constant viability phase characterized by a time delay, td, and a rapid death phase, which is characterized by a specific death rate constant, k. Results indicated that the characteristic time delay decreased with increased multiplicity on infection (MOI). Further, there was only a weak correlation between specific death rate and MOI, for the range of MOI tested. Cell infection and death rates were consistent with a more evenly distributed infection process likely found in suspension cultures.  相似文献   

The endocrine mechanisms that regulate prothoracic gland (PG) activity in early stages of final larval instar of the silkworm Bombyx mori were investigated using a newly developed long-term cultivation system of the gland. The PGs dissected from day-0 fifth instar larvae did not secrete detectable amounts of ecdysone for the first 24 h in culture but started secretion within the next 2 days. The amount of secreted ecdysone increased day by day. When day-0 PGs were co-cultivated with corpora allata, however, they remained inactive for at least 8 days. PGs dissected from 1-day younger larvae (day-3 fourth instar larvae) secreted ecdysone for the first 24 h but stopped secretion for the next 24 h, followed by recovery of ecdysone secretory activity. By contrast, PGs from day-1 fourth instar larvae remained active throughout a cultivation period without any sign of inactivation. However, when the same glands were exposed to a high titer of 20-hydroxyecdysone for the second 24h in culture, they gradually lost their activity. These results indicate that PGs of fourth instar larvae are inactivated by ecdysteroid through a negative feedback mechanism and that thus inactivated PGs spontaneously recover ecdysone secretory activity in the early fifth instar unless inhibited by juvenile hormone.  相似文献   

Early neural cell death is programmed cell death occurring within proliferating and undifferentiated neural progenitors. Little is known about the regulation and role of early neural cell death. In Xenopus embryos, primary neurogenesis is disrupted following the inhibition of early neural cell death, indicating that it is required for normal primary neurogenesis. Here we show that early neural cell death is dependent on primary neurogenesis. Overexpression of XSoxD concomitantly reduced N-Tubulin expression and early neural cell death, as seen by reduced TUNEL staining in stage 15 embryos. Conversely, overexpression of XNgnr1 led to ectopic N-Tubulin expression and TUNEL staining. However, XNeuroD overexpression, which induces ectopic N-Tubulin expression downstream of XNgnr1, had no effect on early neural cell death. E1A12S differentially inhibits the differentiation pathway induced by XNGNR1 protein. E1A12S-mediated inhibition of XNGNR1 neurogenic activity resulted in the reduction of N-Tubulin expression and TUNEL staining. Taken together, our data establish that primary neurogenesis induced by XNGNR1 promotes early neural cell death. This indicates that XNgnr1 positively regulates early neural cell death. We propose that early neural cell death might eliminate cells with abnormally high levels of XNGNR1, which can result in pre-mature neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

Two insect storage proteins, OfSP1 (75 kDa) and OfSP2 (72 kDa), were purified using three different chromatographies from the hemolymph of Omphisa fuscidentalis larvae during diapause, and their genes were cloned. OfSP1 and OfSP2 concentrations in the hemolymph were high during diapause. During pupation, OfSP1 levels decreased in the male hemolymph and disappeared from the female hemolymph. OfSP1 and OfSP2 mRNA levels in the fat bodies were low during the third instar, but increased greatly during the fourth and fifth larval instars. During diapause, mRNA expression continued at a lower level than during the feeding period. The injection of 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) into diapausing larvae caused an increase in OfSP1 and OfSP2 mRNA levels 2-3 days post-injection, followed by a decrease in expression until pupation, which occurred 2-4 days thereafter. When larvae were treated with juvenile-hormone analog (JHA), OfSP1 and OfSP2 mRNA levels gradually decreased until the onset of pupation. In Omphisa, OfSP1 and OfSP2 proteins are produced and released by the larval fat bodies in the fourth and fifth-instar larvae, and the proteins accumulate in the hemolymph until the insects enter diapause. OfSP1 may be reabsorbed by the fat bodies at the end of diapause for subsequent re-use during pupation.  相似文献   

Ecdysteroids play a major role during developmental growth in insects. The more active form of these hormones, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), acts upon binding to its heterodimeric receptor, formed by the two nuclear receptors, EcR and RXR/USP. Functional characterization of USP has been exclusively conducted on the holometabolous insect Drosophila melanogaster. However, it has been impossible to extend such analysis to primitive-hemimetabolous insects since species of this group are not amenable to genetic analysis. The development of methodologies based on gene silencing using RNA interference (RNAi) after treatment with double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) in vivo has resolved such limitations. In this paper, we show that injection of dsRNA into the haemocoel of nymphs and adults of the cockroach Blattella germanica can be used to silence gene function in vivo. In our initial attempt to test RNAi techniques, we halted the expression of the adult-specific vitellogenin gene. We then used the same technique to silence the expression of the B. germanica RXR/USP (BgRXR) gene in vivo during the last nymphal instar. BgRXR knockdown nymphs progressed through the instar correctly but they arrested development at the end of the stage and were unable to molt into adults. The results described herein suggest that RXR/USP function, in relation to molting, is conserved across the insect Class.  相似文献   

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