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Seven mealybug genera, Kalaginella gen. n., Archanginella gen. n., Metadenopsis Matesova, Metadenopus ?ulc, Glycycnyza Danzig, Inopicoccus Danzig, and Volvicoccus Goux, all with a simplified anal apparatus and lacking cerarii, are revised and illustrated. Kalaginella intermedia gen. et sp. n. and Archanginella kyzylkumica gen. et sp. n. are described from the Kara Kum and Kyzyl Kum deserts, correspondingly. Mirococcopsis stipae Borchsenius, 1949 is considered a junior synonym of Volvicoccus volvifer Goux, 1945.  相似文献   

Two new species of mealybugs (Pseudococcidae), Puto (Ceroputo) chetverikovi n. sp. and Fonscolombia toubkalensis n. sp., are described and illustrated. Thirteen other species are noted for the first time to fauna of Morocco or to Africa as a whole. Additionally, one species of closely related family Eriococcidae, Acanthococcus ericae (Signoret, 1875), is also reported for the first time to Morocco.  相似文献   

Abstract The type-species of four genera of Pseudococcidae are studied. Fonscolombia Lichtenstein is redefined, the type-species, Fonscolombia graminis Lichtenstein is assigned to the Pseudococcidae, redescribed and a lectotype designated. Laboulbenia Lichtenstein is accepted as an objective synonym of Antonina Signoret. Tetrura Lichtenstein ( non : Lesson) is accepted as an objective synonym of Coccura Sulc. The adult female of the material of this species which Lichtenstein misidentified as Tetrura rubi (Schrank) is redescribed and illustrated. Brevennia Goux is redefined, and the type-species Ripersia (Brevennia) tetrapora Goux redescribed. The characteristics of Asphodelococcus Morrison are discussed, the type-species Ripersia asphodeli Bodenheimer redescribed and a neotype designated; A.meoconcitae Tranfaglia & Marotta is a new synonym of A. asphodeli .  相似文献   

A key to, and reviews of 30 species of the genus Heliococcus from the former USSR, Mongolia, and North Korea are given. All the species discussed are illustrated and redescribed. A new species, H. astragali sp. n., is described. Lectotypes are designated for nine nominal species. The following new synonymies are established: Heliococcus atraphaxidis Baz. (= inconspicuous Baz., = kirgisicus Baz.); H. bohemicus ?ulc (= danzigae Baz.); H. destructor Borchs. (= kehejanae Ter-Grig., = slavonicus Borchs. et Terezn., = ziziphi Borchs.); H. halocnemi Borchs. (= xerophilus Mat.); H. radicicola Goux (= saxatilis Borchs.); H. sulcii Goux (= marginalis Goux, = tesquorum Borchs., = caucasicus Borchs., = artemisiae Ter-Grig.), syn. nn.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of over 90 species of mealybugs are presented (71 for the first time). The diploid chromosome number (2n) ranged from 8 to 64, but over 68% of the species had 2n=10, and 10 is considered to represent the ancestral 2n in this family. Since only 4 species had 2n<10,and 26 had 2n>10, it is concluded that in this family increases in 2n occurred much more often than decreases. The data are compared to those from two other coccid families, the Diaspididae and the Eriococcidae. Unexpectedly, in both the Pseudococcidae and the Diaspididae the frequency of species with the modal 2n is lowest among species from monotypic genera and from genera from which only a single species was examined, and increases with the increase in the number of species examined per genus.(died June 10, 1977)  相似文献   

The genus Mirococcus Borchsenius, 1947 is revised. Longicoccus Danzig, 1975 and Polystomophora Borchsenius, 1948 are considered new subjective synonyms of Mirococcus. Nine species, Mirococcus inermis (Hall, 1925) (= Polystomophora orientalis Matesova, 1960, syn. n.; = P. arakensis Moghaddam, 2010, syn. n.), M. ostiaplurimus (Kiritshenko, 1940), comb. n., M. sphaeroides Danzig, 1975, M. clarus Borchsenius, 1949 (= M. ashtarakensis Ter-Grigorian, 1964, syn. n.; = M. affinis Ter-Grigorian, 1967, syn. n.; = M. psammophilus Koteja, 1971, syn. n.) M. longiventris (Borchsenius, 1949), M. festucae Koteja, 1971, M. oligadenatus Danzig, 1982, M. ulykpani Danzig, 1990, and M. fossor Danzig, 1983 are taxonomically discussed and illustrated. Longicoccus cerariferus Danzig, 1975 and L. divnogoricus Gavrilov, 2003 are transferred to the genus Fonscolombia Lichtenstein, 1877; thus, the new combinations Fonscolombia cerarifera, comb. n. and F. divnogorica, comb. n. are formed.  相似文献   

A key to six species of the genus Dysmicoccus from the former USSR is given, provided with comprehensive information on the nomenclature, morphology, and taxonomy of the widely variable D. walkeri. The following new synonymies are established: D. walkeri Newstead (= D. kazanskyi Borchs., syn. n.; = glandularis Baz., syn. n.; = badachshanicus Nurm., syn. n.; = innermongolicus Tang in Tang and Li, syn. n.). Lectotype of D. kazanskyi is designated. Dysmicoccus multivorus (Kir.) is considered in the revision of the genus Trionymus Berg (Danzig, 1997), the rest species are discussed in the monograph of the Far Eastern fauna (Danzig, 1980).  相似文献   

Dysmicoccus williamsi sp.n. is described and illustrated. A key is provided for the indentification of Oriental species of Dysmicoccus Ferris.  相似文献   

Abstract Cultures of a number of species of mealybug were reared under a variety of controlled environments and the effects of factors such as temperature, relative humidity and host plant on the morphology of the adult females examined. It was found that temperature had the greatest effect. The lengths of the appendages and setae, and the numbers of wax producing pores and ducts, vary over a wide range within a single species when specimens are reared at different temperatures. The relationship with temperature is generally linear, with size and pore numbers increasing with decreased temperature. However, some characters, noticeably the numbers of tubular ducts, reach their highest values at an intermediate temperature. It is suggested that while variation in size is a direct response to temperature, other characters are influenced by size or by a combination of size and environmental factors acting independently. Rearing mealybugs under different environmental conditions in order to induce morphological variation is shown to be a useful technique for resolving difficult species complexes.  相似文献   

Hot water immersion and insecticidal coatings were tested to determine if they could be used to disinfest Persian limes, Citrus latifolia Tanaka, of the mealybug pests Planococcus citri Risso and Pseudococcus odermatti Miller & Williams. A 20-min 49 degrees C hot water immersion treatment is effective in killing mealybugs and all other arthropods tested found externally on limes, or under the calyx. No insects or mites were found to survive after the 20-min hot water treatment. In this test, 7,200 limes were treated with 1,308 insects killed and zero survivors. Treatment at 49 degrees C for 20 min did not significantly affect quality when treated fruit were compared with untreated control fruit. Four coatings were tested at a 3% rate: two petroleum-based oils (Ampol and Sunspray oil), a vegetable oil (natural oil), and a soap (Mpede). The coatings gave up to 94% kill (Ampol) of mealybugs, which is not sufficient to provide quarantine security. The coatings might be effective as a postharvest dip before shipment.  相似文献   

New data on the distribution and taxonomy of some species of click-beetles in Russia and adjacent countries are given. Several species are recorded for the first time for the following territories: Brachygonus bouyoni (Chass.), B. dubius (Plat. et Cate) and Zorochros lewisi (Schw.), for Russia; Sericus sulcipennis (Baudi), for Ukraine; Berninelsonius hyperboreus (Gyll.), Cidnopus parallelus (Motsch.), and Limonius poneli Les. et Mertl., for Kazakhstan. New interesting findings of Sericus sulcipennis and Selatosomus songoricus (Kr.) are reported. Comments on some erroneous faunistic records of several elaterids, including some species from Middle Asia, are made. The following new synonymy is established: Haterumelater fulvago (Marseul, {dy1868}) = Elater tauricola Gurjeva, 1957, syn. n. Notes on the variability of Selatosomus latus (F.) are given, and its conspecificity with S. corpulentus (Cand.) is confirmed. The external morphology and genitalia of the little known Selatosomus nanus Gur. are studied, and the systematic position of this species is discussed.  相似文献   

A portion of the gene coding for the 16S ribosomal RNA from the endosymbionts of three species of mealybugs [Pseudococcus longispinus (Targioni-Tozzetti), Pseudococcus maritimus (Ehrhorn), and Dysmicoccus neobrevipes (Beardsley)] was cloned, sequenced, and compared to a homologous fragment from bacteria representative of aphid endosymbionts as well as major subdivisions of the Proteobacteria. Parsimony analysis of the sequences indicated that the mealybug endosymbionts are related and belong to the beta-subdivision; in contrast, previous studies showed that aphid endosymbionts are part of the gamma-subdivision. These findings suggest that the endosymbiosis of mealybugs is a consequence of a single bacterial infection and indicate that this ancestor was different from the ancestor involved in aphid endosymbiosis.  相似文献   

The present paper is the third part of a revision of the fauna of the Volga Area. Five species new for the Volga Area, including four new for Russia are recorded. Nudicauda gen. n. is erected with type species Nudicauda nigra (Matesova, 1957) (comb. n.). The new genus differs from other genera of mealybugs in a complex of characters and mainly in the presence of very specific oral rim tubular ducts with a broad flat ring and in an unusual ovisac with the opening over posterior tergites of the female body. In addition to the type species, N. orientalis (Borchsenius, 1949) and N. salina (Matesova, 1981) (comb. n.) are also included in the new genus. N. nigra and N. orientalis are considered as separate species, contrary to Danzig (1980). All the three species of the new genus are redescribed and illustrated. The structure of the tubular ducts of the genus Humococcus Ferris, 1953 is briefly discussed and illustrated.  相似文献   

The genus name Euripersia Borchs. is considered a junior synonym of Fonscolombia Licht. based on the absence of essential differences between type species of these genera. The key to Fonscolombia includes, in addition to the type species, nine species from Russia and adjacent countries. Eight of these species are redescribed and illustrated, F. butorinae Danzig et Gavrilov, 2005 has been recently described as new. Two species originally described in Euripersia do not belong to this genus. One is transferred to Trionymus Berg, and thus a new combination is established: Trionymus mongolicus (Danzig), comb. n. Synonymy of Euripersia caulicola with Phenacoccus incertus Kir. has been established recently (Danzig, 2005). Other species presently placed in Euripersia (Ben-Dov, 1994) need a revision. Lectotypes are designated for 4 nominal species. Fonscolombia is related to Phenacoccus Sign., the separation of these two genera is not clear. Fonscolombia is characterized by broad-oval and convex body, poorly developed anal lobes, short, 6-8-segmented (F. edentata and F. herbacea with 7–9-segmented) antennae, and cerarii present on the last abdominal segments only (C 3 sometimes present). Most species live on roots of grasses (F. butorinae between leaves near soil, F. herbacea, on dicotyledonous herbs) and are characterized by ovoviviparity.  相似文献   

Associations between Sternorrhyncha insects and intracellular bacteria are common in nature. Mealybugs are destructive pests that seriously threaten the production of agriculture and forestry. Mealybugs have evolved intimate endosymbiotic relationships with bacteria, which provide them with essential amino acids, vitamins, and other nutrients. In this study, the divergence of five mealybugs was analyzed based up the sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI). Meanwhile, the distinct regions of the 16S rRNA gene of primary symbionts in the mealybugs were sequenced. Finally, high‐throughput sequencing (HTS) techniques were used to study the microbial abundance and diversity in mealybugs. Molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed that these five mealybugs were subdivided into two different clusters. One cluster of mealybugs (Dysmicoccus neobrevipes, Pseudococcus comstocki, and Planococcus minor) harbored the primary endosymbiont “Candidatus Tremblaya princeps,” and another cluster (Phenacoccus solenopsis and Phenacoccus solani) harbored “Ca. Tremblaya phenacola.” The mtCOI sequence divergence between the two clusters was similar to the 16S rRNA sequence divergence between T. princeps and T. phenacola. Thus, we concluded that the symbiont phylogeny was largely concordant with the host phylogeny. The HTS showed that the microbial abundance and diversity within P. solani and P. solenopsis were highly similar, and there was lower overall species richness compared to the other mealybugs. Among the five mealybugs, we also found significant differences in Shannon diversity and observed species. These results provide a theoretical basis for further research on the coevolution of mealybugs and their symbiotic microorganisms. These findings are also useful for research on the effect of symbiont diversity on the pest status of mealybugs in agricultural systems.  相似文献   

Entomological Review - Seyneria oligocerariferasp. n. and Trionymus sengirkumensissp. n. (Pseudococcidae) are described based on the material collected in Mangystau and Atyrau provinces of...  相似文献   

【目的】中国是水果生产大国和进口大国。水果是最容易携带虫害的产品之一,粉蚧是口岸水果检疫过程中常发现的害虫类群,中国口岸每年从进境水果截获大量粉蚧。通过分析中国进境水果携带粉蚧疫情,可为一线口岸检疫查验提供指导,为相关部门开展产地检疫和口岸监测提供依据,以防止危险性粉蚧的传入,保障中国水果生产安全,促进国际水果贸易健康发展。【方法】通过FAO网站、动植物检验检疫信息资源共享服务平台、中国知网等收集中国进境水果贸易数据及其携带粉蚧疫情,统计分析了中国水果进口贸易情况、粉蚧截获情况以及截获粉蚧的种类、来源地、截获口岸和寄主。【结果】2013—2016年,中国口岸从进境水果上截获的昆虫中粉蚧科昆虫截获量最大,占47.31%;其中截获量前十的粉蚧种类为杰克贝尔氏粉蚧、木槿曼粉蚧、双条拂粉蚧、大洋臀纹粉蚧、南洋臀纹粉蚧、柑橘棘粉蚧、甘蔗簇粉蚧、康氏粉蚧、菠萝灰粉蚧和李比利氏灰粉蚧;而这些有害生物的主要来源地为越南和泰国;粉蚧的主要截获口岸为广西、深圳和云南;而火龙果、榴莲、龙眼和山竹是截获粉蚧最多的进境水果。【结论】中国进境水果粉蚧疫情与水果的贸易量和贸易方式、输出国有害生物发生和检疫除害处理措施、口岸关注度和能力建设等情况相关。  相似文献   

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