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贵阳市大气气态总汞:Lumex RA-915AM与Tekran2537A的对比观测水   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年5月12日-2010年6月19日,采用俄罗斯生产的Lumex RA-915AM和加拿大生产的Tekran 2537A对贵阳市城区的大气气态总汞进行了连续高时间分辨率的观测.结果表明:尽管2种仪器采用的方法原理不同,但其测量结果在总体含量分布、变化规律上均具有很好的一致性,说明二者均能准确测定大气气态总汞含量.贵阳市大气气态总汞含量显著高于全球背景区浓度,同时也高于欧美同类型地区的观测结果.污染源识别表明,贵阳市居民生活活动的面源汞释放是影响该地区大气气态总汞分布的一个重要因素;此外,位于贵阳市东部的大型工矿企业也是该地区大气汞的重要来源.  相似文献   

贵州万山汞矿区污染土壤中汞的形态分布特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
利用优化Tessier连续化学浸提法对贵州万山汞矿区污染土壤中汞的形态分布进行研究.结果表明,稻田土壤中汞主要以残渣态形式存在(79.65%),其次为有机结合态(19.97%)、氧化态(0.31%)、特殊吸附态(0.04%)和溶解态与可交换态(0.03%);除特殊吸附态外,其他各形态汞含量均随距污染源距离增加而降低,特殊吸附态汞在分析土壤中含量变化不明显;生物可利用性(溶解态与可交换态和特殊吸附态)汞占总汞比例较低,但在污染土壤中其含量明显高于未受污染地区.  相似文献   


This paper examines the inorganic complexing capacity of seawater, where chloride and sulfate ions are present in high concentration, towards mono- di- and tri-organotin(IV) cations which show a different trend of acidity, depending on cation charges, and a corresponding tendency to hydrolysis. By considering hydrolytic species and chloride and sulphate complex formation, a basic inorganic speciation model of organotins in synthetic seawater (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl?, SO42?) has been built up. The model has been extended to also consider interactions of organotins with carbonate and fluoride ions, which are other important components of seawater. Because of the strength of hydrolysis processes, the main complexes formed are in general mixed hydroxo-species. No species are formed by organotin cations and/or their hydroxo-species with fluoride owing to their very low concentration in fluoride, in comparison to the other components of seawater. In order to simplify calculations and to establish a cumulative inorganic binding capacity for seawater, we applied a chemical complexation model, according to which the major inorganic components of seawater are considered as a single salt BA.  相似文献   

贵州万山汞矿区自然土壤汞污染特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为阐明万山汞矿区自然土壤汞的污染情况,以汞矿开采冶炼区为起点,沿敖寨河和下溪河等间距(4 kin)分层采集0~30 cm厚度的河滩土、灌木土和林地土,测定了其汞含量,分析了自然土壤汞的空间分布特征.结果表明,矿区同种植被覆盖类型的土壤总汞的含量变化范围较大,河滩土为0.16~389 mg·kg-1、灌木土为0.09~312 mg·kg-1、林地土为0.05~299 mg·kg-1,空间分布特征表现为随距污染源距离的增加而降低;同一采样区内河滩土、灌木土、林地土中土壤总汞的含量依次降低,同一采样点的垂向剖面上总汞含量一般从表层向下依次降低.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) and its compounds are much concerned for their high toxicity and wide presence in the environment. Since the toxicity of Hg is species dependent, various methods have been developed for the speciation analysis of Hg. This review focus on the determination and speciation analysis of Hg chemical species in water, sediment, and soil samples. Recent developments on sample pre-treatment and extraction/pre-concentration, separation, and quantification of Hg chemical species, and associated analytical challenges have been reviewed and briefly discussed based on recent reports.  相似文献   

Seston alkalinity is a term introduced with the purpose of considering the acid base neutral capacity of the particles integrating it. It can be determined by a simple method, based on a volumetric titration. In alkaline waters, this variable is associated with the insoluble forms of carbonates of the seston.Contribution No. 476, Instituto de Limnología, Dr Raúl A. Ringuelet.  相似文献   

使用Tekran 2537A大气汞自动分析仪对中国科学院贡嘎山高山生态系统观测试验站磨西基地站(102°72′E29°92′N)进行了为期1a的大气总汞(TGM)高时间分辨率观测。研究区域的平均TGM浓度为(4±1.38)ng m-3(N=57310),高于全球大气总汞背景值1.5~2.0ng m-3。不同季节表现出相似的日变化模式,即白天相对夜晚具有较高的TGM浓度,最大TGM浓度出现在中午,最小值出现在日出前,春季和夏季日变化高峰值出现时间比秋季和冬季早1~2h。以冬季TGM浓度最高,为(6.13±1.78)ng m-3;夏季最低,为(3.17±0.67)ng m-3。观测期间不同风向间TGM浓度无显著差异。相关分析表明,TGM浓度与温度、饱和水汽压、降水量、紫外辐射、大气压有显著相关性,这种相关性随季节而变化。贡嘎山地区大气汞浓度主要受局地源的影响和调节。  相似文献   

Mangrove waters from the Itacurussa Experimental Forest (IEF), SE Brazilare enriched in reactive-Hg (15 ± 2.0 pM) and total-Hg (28 ±2.5 pM) relative to open bay waters (4.5 ± 3.0 pM and 19 ±8.5 pM, for reactive-Hg and total-Hg respectively). Mercury concentrationsand reactivity varied according to tidal flux in mangrove creek waters.Reactive-Hg concentrations were higher in ebb tide waters ranging from 4.5to 8.5 pM, than in flood water (< 1.0 to 3.5 pM), whereas total-Hgconcentrations were higher in flood waters, from 40 to 360 pM, than inebb water (30 to 250 pM). Low-Hg, open bay waters are enriched in Hgwhen flowing over mud flats prior to entering the IEF, where it mixes withpore waters containing extremely high Hg concentrations (up to 2,500pM). Similar distributions of Hg and DOC in pore waters, suggests thatDOC may facilitate Hg migration through the sedimentary column, asshown for other estuarine areas. Mud flat pore waters are the more likelysource of total Hg to mangrove waters, but not for reactive Hg. Theseresults suggest that mangroves act as a sink to total Hg, as has been shownfor other trace metals at the IEF and other mangrove forests. On the otherhand mangroves act as a source of reactive Hg to adjacent coastal waters.The mechanisms involved in this processes have not been studied in thispaper. However, the similar distribution of DOC and Hg among thedifferent water masses of the IEF, suggest that the dynamics of Hg-DOCcomplexes may play a dominant role.  相似文献   

长白山北坡森林土壤汞的含量和形态分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别于2009年4月和9月对长白山北坡的土壤样品进行了采集,研究北方森林地区不同海拔土壤样品中的总汞和甲基汞的分布情况.长白山土壤THg和MeHg含量分别为0.08~0.73 mg·kg-1和0.05~0.56 μg·kg-1,库存量分别为97 kg·km-2和128 g·km-2,高于吉林省背景值,MeHg的最高含量...  相似文献   

In this paper we compare the accumulating capacities of various ecological indicators of mercury pollution in marsh and urban ecosystems and report experimental data on concentration of mercury in atmospheric air, urban soils, peat, lichens, mosses, mushrooms, and berries.  相似文献   


Mercury has been extracted in Queretaro, Mexico since the 1960s. The mining wastes were open-air disposal and these mercury wastes have polluted the zone. The aim of this research was to evaluate mercury's fate in lab scale terrestrial reactors considering the following mercury species: soluble, interchangeable, strongly bound, organic, and residual ones. Soils were sampled in two former mines of Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico (N 20° 58′ to 21° 21′ and West 99° 26′ to 99° 43′) with initial mercury concentrations were 424?±?29 and 433?±?12?mg?kg?1 for “La Lorena” and “San Jose” former mines, respectively. Two vegetal species Polypogon monspeliensis and Cyperus odoratus were used and 20 reactors were constructed for the lab process. Total mercury was removed to 49–79% from both soils. Mercury elemental, exchangeable, and organic species had the most removal or exchange in the process. Metal uptake, by the plants, was of 5–6% for P. monspeliensis and 5–15% for C. odoratus. Also, mercury fate was estimated to the atmosphere to be 3.3–4.5?mg m?2 h?1 for both soils.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the role of hypoxic conditions of overlying water in the benthic flux and speciation of Hg, we analyzed sediment cores from hypoxic or oxic sites downstream from a sewage outfall in the Damyang Riverine Wetland, Korea. Each core was analyzed for total Hg (THg), monomethylmercury (MMHg), and elemental Hg (Hg0) from sediment, and for THg and MMHg from pore water. Hypoxic conditions of the overlying water near the sewage outfall were associated with a peak production of Hg0, but the lowest production of MMHg, in the upper 2 cm sediments. The benthic fluxes of THg and MMHg were estimated at 130-2109 ng m−2 day−1 and −12 to 260 ng m−2 day−1, respectively. The order of MMHg flux from sediment to overlying water at each site did not follow the order of MMHg concentration in sediment, but was highest in hypoxic water conditions. The results suggest that maintaining oxic conditions in wetland water is important for decreasing the transfer of MMHg from sediment into overlying water.  相似文献   

Ribo  J. M.  Yang  J. E.  Huang  P. M. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):155-162
The toxicities of solutions of 10 mercury compounds to luminescent bacteria were measured using the Microtox Toxicity Bioassay. The aim of this study was to assess the influence that the counter-ions have on the aquatic toxicity of mercury salts. The toxicities of these mercury compounds were very similar, except for mercurous tannate and mercuric salicylate. This can be attributed to differences in the ionization and speciation patterns of these compounds relative to the other compounds tested. In general, the toxicity of the solutions at pH 5 was not significantly different from the toxicity of these solutions at pH 6, but a clear reduction in toxicity was observed when the pH of the solution was adjusted to pH 9. Significant differences were found between the toxicity of Hg(I) and Hg(II) salts of the same anion at pH 9. When cysteine was added to a mercuric nitrate solution (at pH 6), a reduction in the toxicity was observed. This can be explained in terms of the strong binding of mercury to cysteine, thus reducing the concentration of mercury species available to cause an observable toxic effect to the bioluminescent bacteria.  相似文献   

Regional variations in the concentrations of DOM were studied in running waters in central-northern Sweden. The highest concentrations occurred in the coastal areas, and there was a marked trend with decreasing concentrations towards the inland and the mountain range further west. Explanation of these differences are regional differences in forestland productivity, the occurrence and type of peatlands, annual runoff patterns and soil drainage conditions. Anthropogenic factors, such as atmospheric deposition of acids and forestry, have probably not contributed to the regional differences.  相似文献   

Speciation is currently an intensely debated topic, much more so than 20–30 years ago when most biologists held the view that new species (at least of animals) were formed through the split of evolutionary lineages by the appearance of physical barriers to gene flow. Recent advances have, however, lent both theoretical and empirical support to speciation in the presence of gene flow. Nevertheless, the allopatric hypothesis of speciation is still the default model. The consequence of this is that to support sympatric and parapatric modes of speciation all allopatric alternatives must be rejected, while an allopatric explanation is usually accepted without rejecting possible non-allopatric alternatives. However, classical cases of allopatric speciation can be challenged by alternative non-allopatric explanations, and this begs for a more respectful view of how to deal with all models of speciation. An appealing approach is studying parallel evolution of reproductive barriers, which allows for comparative approaches to distinguish between allopatric and non-allopatric events, and explicit tests of a suitable null-hypothesis. Parallel evolution of reproductive isolation in a strongly polymorphic marine snail species serves as an illustrative example of such an approach. In conclusion, a more balanced debate on allopatric and non-allopatric speciation is needed and an urgent issue is to treat both allopatric and nonallopatric hypotheses critically, rather than using allopatry as the default model of speciation.  相似文献   

Firmly rooted as we are in the genomic era, it can seem incredible that as recently as 1974, Lewontin declared, 'we know virtually nothing about the genetic changes that occur in species formation'. To the contrary, we now know the genetic architecture of phenotypic differences and reproductive isolation between species for many diverse groups of plants, animals, and fungi. In recent years, detailed genetic analyses have produced a small but growing list of genes that cause reproductive isolation, several of which appear to have diverged by natural selection. Yet, a full accounting of the speciation process requires that we understand the reproductive and ecological properties of natural populations as they begin to diverge genetically, as well as the dynamics of newly evolved barriers to gene flow. One promising approach to this problem is the study of natural hybrid zones, where gene exchange between divergent populations can produce recombinant genotypes in situ . In such individuals, genomic variation might be shaped by introgression at universally adaptive or neutral loci, even as regions associated with local adaptation or reproductive isolation remain divergent. In Nolte et   al . (2009) , the authors take advantage of two independent, recently formed hybrid zones between sculpin species to investigate genome-wide patterns of reproductive isolation. Using a recently developed genomic clines method, the authors identify marker loci that are associated with isolation, and those that show evidence for adaptive introgression. Remarkably, Nolte et   al . (2009) find little similarity between the two hybrid zones in patterns of introgression, a fact that might reflect genetic variation within species or heterogeneous natural selection. In either case, their study system has the potential to provide insight into the early stages of speciation.  相似文献   

A widely accepted paradigm is that sedentary Neotropical bird species are a reservoir that gives rise to temperate-tropical migratory species. Recently, an alternative theory has been proposed, that developmental plasticity can allow some individuals within a migratory species to establish a disjunct breeding range through loss of migration, thus facilitating the founding of a new sedentary species. We used mtDNA and two nuclear introns to perform coalescent analyses for two closely related New World oriole species, one a long-distance temperate-tropical migrant and the other a short-distance intratropical migrant. Our results suggest that the short-distance migrant recently diverged from the long-distance migrant via a founder event. In this species pair, the widely accepted paradigm is not supported. These results are consistent with a model of speciation through reduction of migratory distance.  相似文献   


The combined effects of pH and salinity were investigated on the bioaccumulation of inorganic mercury in the Turkish crayfish Astacus leptodactylus, at the whole organism and organ levels. Effects on the ionic balance were also analysed during the acclimatization phase and after 3 and 15 days of exposure, via the direct route. The experimental protocol, based on a complete factorial design, took into account nine experimental conditions, resulting from the combination of three levels for pH (6, 7.5 and 9) and for salinity (1, 10 and 100 mM Cl-). The results showed an important Hg accumulation in the organs or tissues in direct contact with the surrounding medium, e.g. gills and carapace. The effects of the nine pH and salinity conditions were complex and variable from one organ to another. Correlations were studied between chemical species concentrations in the water (HgCl2, HgOHCl, HgCl3-,HgCl42, Hg(OH)2) and amounts of metal accumulated in the different organs. A positive correlation was found between the neutral species HgCl2 and metal accumulated in the gills and in the carapace. Perturbations of the haemolymph ionic concentrations were no significant, except for Na+ after 3 days of exposure.  相似文献   

Dynamics of speciation and diversification in a metapopulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We develop a simple framework for modeling speciation and diversification as a continuous process of accumulation of genetic (or morphological) differences accompanied by species and subpopulation extinction and/or range expansion. This framework can be used to approach a number of questions such as species-area distribution, species-range size distribution, the rate of ecological turnover, asymmetries of range division between sister species, waiting time until speciation and extinction, the relationship between the geographic range size and the probability of speciation, the relationships between subpopulation-level parameters and metapopulation-level parameters, and the effects of taxonomic level on these rates, distributions, and parameters. We illustrate some of these applications using numerical simulations. We develop approximations describing the dependence of the number of different taxonomic units, their average range size, and the rate of their turnover on the system size, the rate of fixation of genetic (or morphological) changes in local demes, and the rate of local extinction and colonization.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrates were collected in running waters in Italy, analyzed with correspondence analysis (CA) and with the calculation of 8 biotic indices. Then the CA ordination axes were correlated with 19 environmental variables and with biotic indices.The first CA axis is easily interpreted as an upstream-downstream gradient and is correlated with physical factors (particle size, slope etc.), whereas the second axis separated permanent waters from temporary ones.The first CA axis correlated with many biotic indices suggesting that biotic indices are strongly influenced by physical factors. Multiple regressions with 2 biotic indices as criterion and the 19 environmental factors as predictor variables confirm the importance of physical factors in determining the values of the biotic indices.The advantages and drawbacks of the use of CA instead of biotic indices is discussed.  相似文献   

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