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Summary The ventral epidermis of adult Necturus maculosus has been studied using electron and light microscopy. Many larval characteristics of amphibian epidermal structure are retained in adult Necturus. The epidermis is a stratified epithelium consisting of four cell layers and five cell types. Major differences compared with other adult amphibians are: (1) the absence of a well defined moulting cycle together with an apparently diminished synthetic and mitotic activity in the stratum germinativum; (2) an outermost cell layer (stratum mucosum) that is unkeratinized and appears to synthesize a mucous layer; and (3) numerous large club-shaped Leydig cells which span the epidermis between the cells of the stratum germinativum and stratum mucosum. The apical region of the stratum granulosum and stratum mucosum cells shows evidence of extensive synthesis. The stratum mucosum appears to be involved in the secretion of vesicular contents onto the outermost surface of the epithelium. The external surfaces of the stratum mucosum cells possess numerous microridges which are supported by an intricate network of cytofilaments in the apical region of these cells. The significance of these features is discussed in relation to the physiology and ecology of this species.  相似文献   

Summary Photoreceptor cells in the epidermis and nerve branches of the prostomium and in the cerebral ganglion of Lumbricus terrestris were investigated with the electron microscope. The photoreceptor cell is similar to the visual cell of Hirudo by having a central intracellular cavity (phaosome) filled with microvilli. Besides microvilli, several sensory cilia can also be found in the phaosome but they are structurally independent of the microvilli. A gradual branching of the phaosome cavity into smaller cavities makes its sectional profile extremely labyrinthic. Flattened smooth-surfaced cisternae in stacks of 2 to 5 are frequently observed around the phaosome. Characteristic constituents of the cytoplasm are vesicles and vacuoles filled with a substance of varying density. The photoreceptor cell is covered by glial cells or by their processes which at many places deeply invaginate the cell surface (trophospongium).
Zusammenfassung Die Feinstruktur der Photorezeptorzellen in der Epidermis, in kleineren Nervenästen und im Zerebralganglion von Lumbricus terrestris wurde untersucht. Das Vorhandensein eines zentralen, intrazellulären Lumens (Phaosom), das mit Mikrozotten gefüllt ist, erinnert in der Struktur der Photorezeptorzelle des Regenwurms an Lichtsinneszellen von Hirudo. Außer Mikrozotten findet man im Phaosom einige Zilien vom Typ 9×2+0; solche Zilien sind von den Mikrozotten strukturell unabhängig. Durch eine Aufzweigung des Phaosoms in kleinere Buchten, die tief in das umgebende Zytoplasma eindringen, erhält es ein labyrinthartiges Aussehen.Glatte Zisternen in Gruppen von 2 bis 5 wurden oft um das Phaosom im Zytoplasma beobachtet. Charakteristische Bestandteile der Zelle sind noch Vesikel und Vakuolen, die mit einer Substanz von wechselnder Elektronendichte gefüllt sind. Die Photorezeptorzellen werden von Gliazellen und Gliafortsätzen umgeben, die an vielen Stellen die Zelloberfläche tief einstülpen (Trophospongium).

Summary The excretory organs of Amphioxus occur as segmentally arranged structures throughout the pharyngeal region and may be divided into three components: the solenocytes, the renal tubule, and the renal glomerulus.The solenocytes possess foot processes that rest upon the coelomic surface of the ligamentum denticulatum. The tubular apparatus of the solenocytes consists of ten triangular rods surrounding a central flagellum. The distal end of the tubular apparatus enters branches of the renal tubule. The renal tubule eventually opens into the atrial cavity of Amphioxus. The renal glomerulus is a sinus within the connective tissue of the ligamentum dentieculatum where it connects elements of the branchial circulation with the dorsal aorta. The renal glomerulus, like other blood vessels of Amphioxus, lacks an endothelial lining.If Amphioxus is adapted to artificial sea water at different concentrations there is no change in kidney morphology suggesting that Amphioxus is either is osmotic with its environment or is osmoregulating with other organs.This work was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grant 5-T01-GM 00582.  相似文献   

A method has been developed to isolate and purify cuticular fibrils of Lumbricus. Polarizing microscopy confirms the collagenous nature of the isolated fibrils. Study in the electron microscope of isolated fibrils, negatively or positively stained, shows that they are cylindrical, unbranching and without periodic structure. Enzymatic treatment of cuticles with alpha-amylase and trypsin results in a more or less complete dissociation of the fibrils which appear clearly to be made up of helically wound bundles of filaments (30-40 A). The biophysical data and compared to the ultrastructural organization of other periodically cross-banded fibrils.  相似文献   

Summary The lateral line organ of the spotted shark is characterized by its semi-cylindrical shape. Each organ (neuromast) is so closely apposed to the next that the individual neuromasts are almost continuous. The neuromast is composed of receptor cells, supporting cells and mantle cells. The receptor cells bear one kinocilium and up to 40 stereocilia. Bi-directional arrangement of the receptor cells as occurs in teleosts was demonstrated. Afferent and efferent nerve endings were found at the base of the receptor cells. The supporting cells extend from the basal lamina to the free surface. Long microvilli and a cilium-like ciliary rod project from the top of each supporting cell. The cell contains relatively few elements of the Golgi apparatus and little rough endoplasmic reticulum, but mitochondria and filaments are abundant. The mantle cell limits the lateral margin of the neuromast. It is distinguished from the supporting cell because of its long crescent-shaped nucleus and scarce, short microvilli. Myelinated nerve fibres are found in the subepithelial connective tissue but not in the epithelium.The fine structure of the shark lateral line organ suggests that this organ is in an intermediated step of evolution between that of lamprey and teleost.  相似文献   

Early spermatids of the onychophoran Peripatopsis capensis are spherical cells with a centrally located nucleus, numerous mitochondria, Golgi complexes, microtubules and two centrioles. During spermiogenesis, Golgi vesicles migrate to one side of the cell where they form a tight aggregate, which is later shed. The mature spermatozoon has no acrosome. Several mitochondria fuse to form a middle piece containing three large mitochondria. Nucleus and middle-piece elongate, presumably under the influence of helically twisted microtubules. Outside this set of microtubules a continuous layer of endoplasmic reticulum cisternae is formed which separates the interior portion of the cell from an external cytoplasmic rim, which is later shed. Outside the 9 + 2 complex, the tail presents nine accessory microtubules, and a peripheral layer of microtubules beneath the plasma membrane. The enforcement of the tail structure may be related to the fertilization biology of this animal, which is by “hypodermal” impregnation.  相似文献   

Sensilla lining the inner walls of the sacculus on the third antennal segment of Drosophila melanogaster were studied by light and transmission electron microscopy. The sacculus consists of three chambers: I, II and III. Inside each chamber morphologically distinct groups of sensilla having inflexible sockets were observed. Chamber I contains no-pore sensilla basiconica (np-SB). The lumen of all np-SB are innervated by two neurons, both resembling hygroreceptors. However, a few np-SB contain one additional neuron, presumed to be thermoreceptive. Chamber II houses no-pore sensilla coeloconica (np-SC). All np-SC are innervated by three neurons. The outer dendritic segments of two of these neurons fit tightly to the wall of the lumen and resemble hygroreceptor neurons. A third, more electron-dense sensory neuron, terminates at the base of the sensillum and resembles a thermoreceptor cell. Chamber III of the sacculus is divided into ventral and dorsal compartments, each housing morphologically distinct grooved sensilla (GS). The ventral compartment contains thick GS1, and the dorsal compartment has slender sensilla GS2. Ultrastructurally, both GS1 and GS2 are doublewalled sensilla with a longitudinal slit-channel system and are innervated by two neurons. The dendritic outer segment of one ofthe two neurons innervates the lumen of the GS and branches. On morphological criteria, we infer this neuron to be olfactory. The other sensory neuron is probably thermoreceptive. Thus, the sacculus in Drosophila has sensilla that are predominantly involved in hygroreception, thermoreception, and olfaction. We have traced the sensory projections of the neurons innervating the sacculus sensilla of chamber III using cobaltous lysine or ethanolic cobalt (II) chloride. The fibres project to the antennal lobes, and at least four glomeruli (VM3, DA3 and DL2-3) are projection areas of sensory neurons from these sensilla. glomerulus DL2 is a common target for the afferent fibres of the surface sensilla coeloconica and GS, whereas the VM3, DA3 and DL3 glomeruli receive sensory fibres only from the GS.  相似文献   

Summary In the sino-atrial (S-A) node of the monkey heart two types of muscle cells occur: 1. typical nodal cells which are the predominant cells and form the nodal fibers. 2. Intercalated clear cells with various diameters (4 to 12 m) and containing poorly developed myofibrils, rich in glycogen and demonstrating poor staining properties. These latter cells are dispersed, few in number, and never form discrete fibers of themselves, but are intercalated between the cell rows of the typical nodal fibers. Such intercalated clear cells become more numerous at the periphery of the node. Interconnection between the S-A node and the conventional atrial muscle is established by a progressive transformation of nodal fibers into atrial fibers producing an intermediate (or junctional) type of fiber at the nodal periphery. However, in addition, few nodal fibers make direct contact with the atrial cardiocytes. Our light and EM studies have failed to prove the existence of truly specialized internodal pathways. Nevertheless intercalated clear cells, nodal-like cells, junctional or intermediate type of cells are relatively frequent in valvular regions (Thebesian, Eustachian, A-V, fossa ovalis) and less frequent in other regions of the atrial wall.This study was conducted in part in the Department of Histology and Embryology of the Medical University in Budapest.  相似文献   

The taste disc of the red-bellied toad Bombina orientalis (Discoglossidae) has been investigated by light and electron microscopy and compared with that of Rana pipiens (Ranidae). Unlike the frog, B. orientalis possesses a disc-shaped tongue that cannot be ejected for capture of prey. The taste discs are located on the top of fungiform papillae. They are smaller than those in Ranidae, and are not surrounded by a ring of ciliated cells. Ultrastructurally, five types of cells can be identified (mucus cells, wing cells, sensory cells, and both Merkel cell-like basal cells and undifferentiated basal cells). Mucus cells are the main secretory cells of the taste disc and occupy most of the surface area. Their basal processes do not synapse on nerve fibers. Wing cells have sheet-like apical processes and envelop the mucus cells. They contain lysosomes and multivesicular bodies. Two types of sensory cells reach the surface of the taste disc; apically, they are distinguished by either a brush-like arrangement of microvilli or a rod-like protrusion. They are invaginated into lateral folds of mucus cells and wing cells. In contrast to the situation in R. pipiens, sensory cells of B. orientalis do not contain dark secretory granules in the perinuclear region. Synaptic connections occur between sensory cells (presynaptic sites) and nerve fibers. Merkel cell-like basal cells do not synapse onto sensory cells, but synapse-like connections exist between Merkel cell-like basal cells (presynaptic site) and nerve fibers.  相似文献   

Summary Vacuolated and zymogenic cells, which are two of five cell types identified by electron microscopy in gastric epithelium of B. schlosseri, are described in detail. The vacuolated cells are characterized by one, or a few, supranuclear vacuoles containing myelin figures. A peculiar Golgi apparatus is consistently found at the base of the vacuoles; it consists of cisternae frequently containing small vesicles and tubules of constant diameter and/or a strong electron-opaque material. A variety of vesicles and multivesicular bodies are visible in the apical cytoplasm below long ribbon-like microvilli. The se findings suggest that the vacuolated cells are involved in absorptive and perhaps secretory activity. The zymogenic cells are characterized by a highly developed RER, numerous apical secretory granules and a well developed supranuclear Golgi apparatus. At the apical end, autophagosomes are frequently encountered, some of which contain also zymogen granules. Both cell types contain numerous lipid droplets, which are interpreted as an energy reserve available for the cells and for the entire colony during the change of generation. Correlation between structure and function in both cell types is discussed by taking into account the peculiar life cycle of B. schlosseri, as well as previously reported data on similar cells in other ascidians.We would like to dedicate this work to Prof. Giuseppe Reverberi on the occasion of his 70th birthday.The authors are indebted to Profs. A. Sabbadin and G. Mazzocchi for their most helpful suggestions and advice. We would also like to thank Mr. G. Tognon for technical assistance and the staff of the Stazione Idrobiologica di Chioggia for their assistance in collecting material. — This research was supported by a grant of C.N.R., contract from the Istituto di Biologia del Mare, Venezia, No. 7100396/04115542 and with the E.M. facilities of C. N. R. contract No. 70.01798.04.115.876.  相似文献   

E. Hallberg 《Protoplasma》1979,101(1-2):111-126
Summary There is a considerable sexual dimorphism as regards the development of the antenna inNeodiprion sertifer. In the male this is manifested in a larger antennal surface area and the possession of a great number of long single-walled sensilla (SW 1), which are located on the antennal branches. In the female the antennal branches are vestigial, and the single-walled sensilla, of a second type (SW 2), are shorter and present in lower numbers. Both sexes have in addition four types of sensilla in common:viz. a third type of single-walled sensilla (SW 3), terminal pore sensilla, double-walled sensilla, and poreless sensilla. These four sensillar types are characterized not only by their external appearance but also by their internal morphology. Especially the cells enveloping the sensory cells vary in number and appearance.Supported by joint grants from the Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research, the Swedish Natural Science Research Council, and the Swedish Council for Forestry and Agricultural Research.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes the afferent projections of hair sensilla of the pro- and mesothoracic legs and the lateral thoracic sclerites of larval and adultTenebrio molitor and the corresponding set of pupal hair sensilla. The sensory neurons that innervate the hair sensilla of larval or adult insects project somatotopically into the thoracic neuropil. Different types of sensilla on the same region of the body surface project to the same zone of the ipsilateral thoracic ventral neuropil but exhibit different arborization patterns. Although there is a profound reorganization of body surface sensilla, the basic somatotopic layout of the larva is maintained in the adult. The sensory neurons that innervate the pupal hair sensilla possess central projections similar to those of the corresponding adult sensory neurons. The central projections of pupal sensory neurons are somatotopically oriented. Their projection pattern is serially homologous in the thoracic and the abdominal ganglia. The central projection pattern of the described pupal sensory neurons is constant throughout pupation. MAb 22C10 immunoreactivity allows an estimate of the timing of the early differentiation of the imaginal sensory neurons originating during pupation. Ablation experiments indicate that pupal sensory neurons influence the central projection pattern of the differentiating imaginal sensory neurons.  相似文献   

The surface coat, ciliary process, and microvilli of the lamprey neuromast were examined with electron microscopy after tannic acid prefixation and lectin histochemistry. The neuromast was found to exist in the form of a dermal mound with a furrow in the middle. On the bottom of the furrow, the hair cell was characterized by a kinocilium and 15–20 stereocilia, arranged along the longitudinal axis of the furrow. Spanning structures were demonstrated between the kinocilium and stereocilia as well as between stereocilia. The surface coat, enhanced by tannic acid prefixation, was particularly rich over the surface of the supporting cell; by contrast, it was thin over the hair cell. Some lectins (PNA, GS-I, SBA, WGA) showed affinity to the surface coat of the supporting cell as well as the hair cell, and the others (RCA-I, MPA, ConA) showed affinity only to the supporting cell. These differences in the structure and affinities of the surface coat suggest an extracellular milieu highly specialized for the hair cell in this particular form of the mechanoreceptor.  相似文献   

Summary Leptomonas samueli possesses in its cytoplasm a membrane-bounded organelle which can reach a length of 2.8 m and a diameter of 0.2 m. Catalase activity, which is inhibited by 3-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole, was detected at the ultrastructural level in the matrix of the organelle by using an alkaline diaminobenzidine medium. Freeze-fracture studies showed the presence of a large number of intramembranous particles on both the P and the E faces of the membrane of the organelle. Based on these data as well as on previous observations, it is suggested that the trypanosomatids possess an organelle that can be considered to be a peroxisome.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the kidney (glomerulus and archinephric duct) of the hagfish, Myxine glutinosa (L.) was studied in thin sections and by freeze-fracture technique.The glomerular filtration barrier is similar to that of mammalian kidneys. However, endothelial fenestrations are relatively scanty and the basement membranes of endothelial cells and podocytes always appear separated by a layer of collagen fibrils and microfibrils often surrounding numerous and extended mesangial cells. Between podocytes and their processes maculae occludentes and peculiar junctions of another type occur.The zonulae occludentes between epithelial cells of the archinephric duct are composed of five or more strands, occasionally of only one or two.Supported in part by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 146, STO B4) and NIH (ISOI-RR 05764).We are grateful to Dipl.-Ing. G. Wermbter for her helpful criticism and to Mr. H. Heidreich for his excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

The external and internal structures of adult Neomysis integer mandibles were studied using light and electron microscopy with special reference to the lacinia mobilis, a highly specialized appendage on the gnathal edge of many crustaceans. The right and left lacinia mobilis are equipped with ciliary primary sensory cells revealing that both laciniae are also mechanosensory organs in addition to their mechanical function during mastication. A detailed character analyses indicated that the right lacinia is probably a highly derived sensory seta, whereas two alternative interpretations are considered for the left lacinia; it could be a sensillar appendage equipped with two mechanosensory units, or it could be a movable appendage of the incisor process containing two sensilla deprived of external appendages. The ecdysis of the lacinia mobilis corresponds very well to type I sensillar ecdysis, suggesting classification as a sensillar appendage. These features support a possible homology of the right lacinia mobilis in Peracarida and Decapoda, tracing them to an origin as a member of the setal row. Whether the left lacinia mobilis is a sensillum or an appendage with sensilla cannot be resolved presently.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural examination of grooved-peg (GP) sensilla on the antenna of fifth instar Triatoma infestans nymphs by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy reveal that they are 8–18 μm long with a diameter of about 2–2.8 μm at the non-articulated base. Some pegs have a terminal pore. These double-walled wall-pore (dw-wp) sensilla have an outer cuticular wall with 13–18 longitudinal grooves at the distal part of the peg. Groove channels are present at the bottom of the grooves from which radial spoke channels lead into the inner sensillum-lymph cavity. A dendrite sheath connects the tip of the thecogen cell to the inner cuticular wall thus forming separated outer and inner sensillum-lymph cavities. Four or five bipolar receptor cells are ensheathed successively within the GP sensilla by the thecogen cell, trichogen and tormogen cells. The inner dendritic segments of each sensory cell give rise at the ciliary constriction to an unbranched outer dendritic segment which can reach the tip of the sensillum.Electrophysiological recordings from the GP sensilla indicate that they house NH3, short-chain carboxylic acid and short-chain aliphatic amine receptor cells and can be divided into three functional sub-types (GP 1–3). All GP sensilla carry a receptor cell excited by aliphatic amines, such as isobutylamine, a compound associated with vertebrate odour. GP type 1 and 2 sensilla house, in addition, an NH3-excited cell whereas the type 2 sensilla also contains a short-chain carboxylic acid receptor. No cell particularly sensitive to either NH3 or carboxylic acids was found in the grooved-peg type 3 sensilla. GP types 1, 2 and 3 represent ca. 36, 10 and 43% of the GP sensilla, respectively, whereas the remaining 11% contain receptor cells that manifest normal spontaneous activity but do not respond to any of the afore mentioned stimuli.  相似文献   

A new unicellular species of the genusChrysosphaerella (Chrysophyceae) was found in fresh-water ponds in Switzerland, Japan, and the U.S.A. It is described asC. solitaria. The genus is divided into two subgenera:Chrysosphaerella, comprising the colonial species, andPseudochrysosphaerella, the unicellular ones.  相似文献   

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