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Mouse preimplantation embryos consume pyruvate preferentially during the early developmental stages, before glucose becomes the predominant energy substrate in the blastocyst. To investigate the importance of the switch to glucose utilization at the later developmental stages, mouse embryos from F1 hybrid mice (CBA/Ca × C57BL/6) were cultured from the one-and two-cell stages (22 and 46 h post hCG, respectively) for 5 days in a modified medium, M16, containing 0.33 mM pyruvate and 5 or 23 mM D+L-lactate, in the presence and absence of 1 mM glucose (M16+G and M16-G, respectively). Nutrient uptakes were also determined over this time. Some embryos cultured in M16-G were transferred to M16+G at 94 or 118 h post hCG. Embryos cultured from the two-cell stage in M16+G exhibited the characteristic fall in pyruvate consumption between the morula and the blastocyst stage; those cultured from the two-cell stage in M16-G compensated for the lack of glucose by consuming increasing amounts of pyruvate, from 2.78 pmol/embryo/h at 58 h post hCG to 5.21 pmol/embryo/h at 154 h post hCG. However, the percentage of embryos developing to the blastocyst stage, the hatching rate, and blastocyst cell numbers (50.6 ± 2.5 [28] vs. 105 ± 3.8 [37]) were all lower in this group. When exposed to glucose at 94 or 118 h post hCG, embryos cultured from the two-cell stage in M16-G readily consumed glucose in preference to pyruvate, although the characteristic fall in pyruvate consumption was not observed. One-cell embryos cultured continuously in M16-G were only able to develop to the morula stage, after which time they degenerated. In these embryos pyruvate was readily consumed between 22 and 94 h post hCG, before falling from 2.77 pmol/embryo/h at 83 h post hCG to 0.045 pmol/embryo/h at 130 h post hCG. Transfer of these embryos to M16+G at 94 and 118 h post hCG did not support development to the hatching blastocyst stage. The results show that mouse preimplantation embryos from F1 hybrid mice (CBA/Ca × C57BL/6) need only be exposed to glucose for less than 24 h between 22 and 94 h post hCG in order to develop from the morula to the blastocyst stage in vitro. However, the exposure time needs to be increased to between 24 and 72 h in order that blastocyst cell numbers reach control levels. The importance of glucose before the morula stage may relate to the need to synthesize glycogen for later use. If the obligatory requirement for glucose is fulfilled, embryos are able to utilize pyruvate in the absence of glucose at the later stages of development. These results show that the mouse preimplantation embryo can, to some extent, adapt metabolically to changes in its external environment. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Replicated divergent selection was conducted for two generations in ICR mice for in vitro developmental capacity (IVDC; percentage of fertilized one-cell zygotes developing to blastocysts in vitro per female donor). Realized heritabilities based on high and low selection were 0.03±0.08 and –0.11±0.09 in replicate 1, and 0.10±0.11 and 0.08±0.10 in replicate 2. No differences were detected between selection lines (P>0.2) or replicates (P>0.1). Estimate of heritability in the base population based on 332 daughter-dam pairs was 0.14±0.18. These results indicate that additive genetic variance contributes little to the phenotypic variance in this trait. Considerable phenotypic variation in IVDC was observed (mean=49.3; SD=31.0), with a range of IVDC from 0%–100%. Utilization of donor female as a blocking factor is suggested for designs of experiments with preimplantation embryos to increase precision and power of statistical analyses.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to examine whether or not the preimplantation embryo can act as a carrier of classic scrapie infection. The study was carried out on quarantined premises with sheep of highly susceptible scrapie genotypes. Uninfected embryos, collected from New Zealand–derived Suffolk ewes, were surgically transferred into recipient ewes that were also of New Zealand origin. Seventeen negative control lambs were born on the study premises from these embryo transfers. Thirty-nine experimental lambs were from embryos collected from naturally infected donor ewes. The experimental lambs were also born on the study premises after their surgical transfer into recipient ewes of New Zealand origin. These embryos had been collected from donor ewes in a scrapie-infected flock where the ewes were clinically sick with scrapie or developed clinical scrapie after embryo collection. All lambs were confirmed as scrapie susceptible of the ARQ/ARQ genotype. Twenty-eight experimental animals survived to the end point of the study at 5 yr of age with a mean survival of 1579 d. In the negative control group, 12 of 17 sheep survived to 5 yr of age with a mean survival of 1508 d. Postmortem examinations were carried out on all animals derived by embryo transfer, and in none was histologic or immunohistochemical evidence of scrapie found. In contrast, in the originating flock the majority of scrapie cases occurred in ARQ/ARQ genotyped animals where a 56% mortality from scrapie had been recorded in animals of this genotype. Thus, the study provides no evidence for transmission of scrapie and reinforces published evidence that vertical transmission of scrapie may be circumvented by embryo transfer procedures.  相似文献   

The culture of early embryos in the surrogate xeno-oviduct was first developed in the early 1950s to allow transport of embryos at long distances. Later, it was applied to the study of culture requirements of the early embryo especially that of bovine origin. In this article, we review the data available on the culture of in vitro-matured and in vitro-fertilized embryos of Bos taurus, Sus scrofa, Equus caballus and Ovis aries in the surrogate sheep oviduct compared with data on in vitro culture in different media. Short-term and long-term cellular and molecular effects are described mainly for the bovine species where more extensive use of this technique has been made. A comparison with in vitro culture in various conditions and species indicate that embryos cultured in the sheep oviduct have close similarities to totally in vivo-derived embryos. The data provided demonstrate that the technique of in vivo culture in the surrogate sheep oviduct is versatile and allows a high rate of embryonic development in all species examined.  相似文献   

Summary The ability of embryos at different developmental stages to form plants in vitro has been studied in cultivated Cucumis sativus L. and in the wild species C. zeyheri 2 x Sond. and C. metuliferus Naud. On MS medium containing 3.5% sucrose, 0.1 mg 1–1 kinetin (Kn) and 0.01 mg 1–1 indoleacetic acid (IAA), proembryos (0.03–0.05 mm) and early globular embryos (0.05–0.08 mm) from the wild species developed into plants in low frequencies of 8% and 21%, respectively. These embryos should be surrounded by the embryo sac tissue. On the same medium late globular (0.08–0.1 mm) and early heart-stage embryos (0.1–0.3 mm) developed into plants in moderately high and high frequencies of 48% and 83%, respectively. The presence of the embryo sac at these stages was still beneficial, but no longer a prerequisite. Late heart-stage embryos (0.3–0.8 mm) also showed high frequencies of plant formation, 63%, if Kn was applied at a concentration of 1 mg 1–1. From the early cotyledon stage onwards, the frequency of plant formation gradually decreased, reaching a minimum at the late cotyledon stage. Subsequently it began to increase again up to the late maturation stage. The poor plant formation shown by the intermediate-aged embryos could be improved slightly by lowering the sucrose concentration to 0.5% and by increasing the Kn concentration to 10 mg 1–1. Relative to the wild species, embryos of C. sativus showed lower percentages of plant formation. The optimum sucrose concentration was 2% for the heart-stage C. sativus embryos. In all three species the ability to form plants strongly decreased with increasing embryo age, from early to late cotyledon. This is thought to be caused by the increasing tendency of the embryos at these stages to continue in vitro the normal embryo development.  相似文献   

Introduction and aimsAlthough, it has been success in the generation of animal clones from somatic cells in various animal species, the information related to nuclear reprogramming of cloned embryos is found to be limited. This study aims to compares the effect of both Scriptaid (SCR) and Trichostatin (A) treatments in improving cloning efficiency, and embryos developmental rate of cloned sheep embryos in vitro. Three groups were formed, i.e., one SCR group, second TSA group, with both treatment concentrations of 5 nM, 50 nM, and 500 nM, respectively, and third were control group with 0 nM. Methods: Ovaries of slaughtered sheep were collected and oocytes were recovered from antral follicles using aspiration method and in vitro maturation of oocytes were done. Then zona dissecting with micropipettes and oocyte enucleation were carried out under the micromanipulator. Later nuclear transfer, cell fusion and activation were done via cell fusion machine. Finally the embryo cultured in incubating chamber at the CO2 incubator up to 9 days. The result: In general the results showed that when the concentration increases the cleavage rate increased. The cleavage rates of the SCNT embryos treated with SCR at different concentrations are closely related to cleavage rate of embryos treated with TSA at same concentration; such as 39.47% for 500 nM TSA, 38.09% for 500 nM SCR; 18.6% for 50 nM TSA, 19.17% for 50 nM SCR, and 22.64% for 5 nM TSA, 17.18% for 5 nM SCR. As for the control group, the cleavage rate of the SCNT embryos cleavage ratewere27.47%., 30% and 30.85% respectively for bothtreatments. While there is a significant difference in TSA treatments at an eight-cell stage at the concentration (5 and 50 nM TSA) compared to the all other cleavage cell stages of (500 nM TSA and control). Also their were a differences between (50 nM of TSA) compared to the (50 nM SCR). Also there were a significant differences between the 16 cell stage at the (500 nM TSA) compared to other treatment (5 nM, 50 nM TSA and control). Regarding the SCR there were a significant difference at 8 cell stage between (5 nM SCR), compared to the other treatment (50 nM, 500 nM SCR and control). Also there were a significant difference at 16 cell stage between (50 nM, and 500 nM SCR), compared to the other treatment (5 nM SCR and control). While in the development of the embryos reach to blastocyst stage the SCR and the control group show a higher rate, in compered to TSA that did not show any development to blastocyst stage. The total SCR treatment showed (3/41 = 7.31%), and the total control showed (4/89 = 4.49%) blastula stage. It concludes that SCR improve the final development blastula stage compared to the TSA treatments that did not improved embryos reach to final developmental blastula stages may be due to spices differences or to the toxicity of TSA, especially at higher concentrations.  相似文献   

A limiting factor in the development of new technologies and transport of rats worldwide has been the inability to robustly culture preimplantation embryos. Previously, culture in vitro to the blastocyst stage from one-cell embryos was successful only if the one-cell embryos were isolated near the time of the first cleavage and from only a few strains. Here we report the use of commonly available, chemically defined culture media to overcome these limitations. In vitro culture of young one-cell embryos using common embryo media (KSOM, BMOC, or HTF) for 18-22 h followed by culture in mR1ECM medium allows the successful in vitro development of blastocysts from one-cell embryos after 5 days from both outbred (SD) and inbred strains of rat (WF, LEW, F344, and PVG). This system allows the parthenogenetic development of chemically activated, unfertilized oocytes to the blastocyst stage. Embryos cultured in this system develop to term and are live-born following transfer to surrogate mothers.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the effect of supplemental glucose (G; 1.5 mM) and/or acetate (A; 0.5 mM) on the development of early sheep embryos to blastocysts when cultured in vitro in glucose-free synthetic oviductal fluid (SOF) + sheep serum or bovine serum albumin (BSA). In Experiment 1, 2- to 4-cell, 8- to 16-cell and >16-cell embryos were cultured in SOF, SOF+G, SOF+A or SOF+G+A. All media were supplemented with 10% sheep serum. In addition, embryos were cultured in either microdrops under polysiloxane oil or in multiwell dishes. Overall, development to the blastocyst stage was 3%, 30% and 68% for 2- to 4-cell, 8- to 16-cell and >16-cell stages, respectively, suggesting that an 8-cell developmental block existed under our culture conditions. Glucose supplementation had little effect on embryo development, and no overall effect was observed from the addition of acetate. In Experiment 2, 8- to 16-cell embryos were cultured in SOF or SOF+G, both supplemented with BSA. Development to the blastocyst stage was 25% and 18%, respectively. The results show that the presence of glucose or acetate did little to enhance embryonic development in our incubation systems. Further work is required to evaluate fully the energy requirements for development of the early sheep embryo.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of potassium simplex optimization medium with amino acids (KSOMaa) as a basal culture medium for caprine intraspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) and caprine-bovine interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer (iSCNT) embryos. The effect of increased glucose as an energy substrate for late stage development of cloned caprine embryos in vitro was also evaluated. Enucleated caprine and bovine in vitro matured oocytes at metaphase II were reconstructed with caprine ear skin fibroblast cells for the SCNT and iSCNT studies. The cloned caprine and parthenogenetic embryos were cultured in either KSOMaa with 0.2 mM glucose for 8 days (Treatment 1) or KSOMaa for 2 days followed by KSOMaa with additional glucose at a final concentration of 2.78 mM for the last 6 days (Treatment 2). There were no significant differences in the cleavage rates of SCNT (80.7%) and iSCNT (78.0%) embryos cultured in KSOMaa medium. Both Treatment 1 and Treatment 2 could support in vitro development of SCNT and iSCNT embryos to the blastocyst stage. However, the blastocyst development rate of SCNT embryos was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in Treatment 2 compared to Treatment 1. Increasing glucose for later stage embryo development (8-cell stage onwards) during in vitro culture (IVC) in Treatment 2 also improved both caprine SCNT and iSCNT embryo development to the hatched blastocyst stage. In conclusion, this study shows that cloned caprine embryos derived from SCNT and iSCNT could develop to the blastocyst stage in KSOMaa medium supplemented with additional glucose (2.78 mM, final concentration) and this medium also supported hatching of caprine cloned blastocysts.  相似文献   

Human assisted reproductive technology procedures are routinely performed in clinics globally, and some of these approaches are now common in other mammals such as cattle. This is currently not the case in pigs. Given that the global population is expected to increase by over two billion people between now and 2050, the demand for meat will also undoubtedly increase. With this in mind, a more sustainable way to produce livestock; increasing productivity and implementing methods that will lead to faster genetic selection, is imperative. The establishment of routine and production scale pig embryo in vitro production could be a solution to this problem. Producers would be able to increase the overall number of offspring born, animal transportation would be more straightforward and in vitro produced embryos could be produced from the gametes of selected elite. Here we review the most recent developments in pig embryology, outline the current barriers and key challenges that exist, and outline research priorities to surmount these difficulties.  相似文献   

The development of cultured rabbit preimplantation embryos grown in standard media (Ham's F-10 or BSM II supplemented with bovine serum albumin (BSA) or homologous serum) or in Ham's medium supplemented with uterine flushings was compared. The uterine flushings derived from donors of 0.5-6 years of age. Uterine flushing supplemented media were used natively or after treatments like sterilization by filtration, lyophilization, three times freezing/thawing, heat denaturation, dialysis, or ultrafiltration. Compared with in vivo controls, embryonic growth was substantially reduced during in vitro culture, demonstrably by smaller diameters and impaired cell proliferation (measured by thymidine incorporation). The growth retardation was more pronounced in blastocysts (recovered at day 4 post coitum [p.c.]) than in morulae (recovered at day 3 p.c.). Development in uterine flushing media was notably better than in standard media but did not comply with in vivo development. Highest thymidine incorporation was observed in media with increased concentrations of uterine secretions and after sequential supplementation of flushings from subsequent progestational stages. Advanced donor ages, heating up to 80 degrees C, freezing, and lyophilizing did not affect incorporation data statistically significantly, whereas sterilization by filtration, ultrafiltration, and dialysis led to a significantly reduced thymidine incorporation in the cultured embryos. The positive effects of uterine flushing supplementation are attributed to the supply of components more adjusted to the needs of the cultured embryos and/or to a reduction of pathological effects in vitro like washing out of nutritive and regulatory components from the embryo into the surrounding culture medium.  相似文献   

Bovine embryos recovered from superovulated donors on Days 8-18 postestrus were cultured in vitro in a tissue perifusion system to quantify hormone secretion. Embryos were cultured for 24 h at 37 degrees C in Ham's F-10 medium supplemented 5% v/v with heat-treated, charcoal-stripped calf serum; 100 IU/ml penicillin; and 100 micrograms/ml streptomycin. The medium was saturated with 5% CO2 in air and perifused at 50 microliters/min (3 ml/h). Estrone (E1) estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4), prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), and prostacyclin (PGI2) were quantified by RIA in 6-h pools of perifusate fractions. Estrone was measurable (pg/h/embryo; mean +/- SE) on Days 13 (10.80 +/- 4.56) and 15 (34.80 +/- 9.80); E2 on Days 11 (36.80), 12 (81.28 +/- 29.80), 13 (11.75 +/- 4.09), 15 (157.20 +/- 112.60), and 16 (30.26 +/- 8.76); and P4 (ng/h/embryo) on Days 13 (0.5-1.0) and 17 (approximately 1.5). PGE2 was secreted by Day 10 bovine embryos during the last 6 h of culture (19-24 h) and throughout culture for Day 11-18 embryos. The rate of PGE2 secretion increased (p less than 0.05) over the previous days(s) at Days 13 and 17. The mean (+/- SE) secretion rates (pg/h/embryo) for the 24-h culture by embryonic ages were as follows: Day 11 (63.39 +/- 14.61), 12 (172.10 +/- 30.90), 13 (3094.08 +/- 283.35), 14 (1633.89 +/- 49.98), 15 (3739.23 +/- 1082.79), 16 (4955.37 +/- 1381.83), 17 (11893.23 +/- 1188.48), and 18 (13827.99 +/- 3587.88).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Preliminary studies on the proliferative effects of lytic peptides were carried out using NIH 3T3 murine fibroblast cells and human lymphocytes. Cells were cultured in various concentrations of three different amphipathic peptides (SB-37, Shiva-1, and Vishnu), and enhanced proliferation was determined by uptake of 3H-thymidine with treated cells compared with control cultures. Enhanced proliferation of 3T3 cells was observed in cultures containing 50 microM or less SB-37. The primary study consisted of 263 four-cell- to eight-cell-stage mouse embryos from naturally bred mice and incubated in Whitten's medium containing 0.2, 1, or 10 microM of the amino terminus of an amphipathic cecropin B analog (Vishnu) or in Whitten's medium alone. Embryos were cultured to the hatched blastocyst stage, and effect of treatment was determined by the rate of growth to that stage of development. Statistical analysis revealed that culture in all three levels of Vishnu significantly accelerated in vitro growth of these stages of preimplantation embryos compared with controls. These results indicate that Vishnu promotes increased cleavage rates of embryos in vitro. A growth factor receptor clustering mechanism of action is proposed. This peptide may have some potential as an embryo culture medium additive to enhance in vitro growth rate.  相似文献   

An effective, minor-invasive technique for embryo transfer in sheep was developed using a laparoscopic transabdominal approach. Twelve recipient ewes received embryos either by conventional laparotomy or by laparoscopy. The estrous cycle of recipient ewes was synchronized using a progestagen-impregnated vaginal pessary/pregnant mares' serum gonadotropin treatment regimen. Donor ewes were superovulated with follicle stimulating hormone or human menopausal gonadotropin, bred with a ram of one breed and laparoscopically inseminated inutero with semen from a different sheep breed. Five to six days after estrus, embryos were transferred laparoscopically into the terminal one-half of the recipient's uterine horn ipsilateral to the ovary with prominent corpus luteum development. Pregnancy was diagnosed by transrectal ultrasonic procedures, and by direct laparoscopic examination of the uterus. Of six laparoscopic transfers, three resulted in single births; one of six laparotomy transfers resulted in a live birth. Breed appearances of the four lambs born indicated that two of the offspring resulted from laparoscopic artificial insemination of the donor ewe. The results demonstrated that laparoscopic transfer of embryos was a rapid and safe procedure, easily applied to an ovine embryo transfer program and with potential for similiar studies in other species.  相似文献   

Possible adverse effects of in vitro culture-associated physical factors were studied in 3- and 4-day-old rabbit embryos. Laboratory conditions were mimicked by exposure to visible light (320–740 nm, 1600 lx) or decreased temperature (22 ± 1°C). Embryos were exposed for a 24-hr period followed by either immediate evaluation or an additional 24 hr of standard in vitro culture (darkness, 37°C) and evaluation thereafter. Effects were assayed by cytophotometric measurement of the DNA content in Feulgen-stained cell nuclei and by cell number. The incidence of DNA aneuploid embryos and DNA aneuploid cell nuclei per embryo, as well as the average nuclear DNA content, was not significantly different between exposed embryos and controls. Both in vitro culture and reduced temperature caused a decrease in cell number. The temperature-induced cell number decrease was reversible within 24 hr after return to 37°C. These results demonstrate that physical factors associated with in vitro culture do not increase DNA ploidy abnormalities in cultured preimplantation embryos. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 50:30–34, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The production of transgenic animals from ungulate species is an inefficient and expensive procedure. The development of selection methods to identify the small number of transgenic preimplantation embryos produced following DNA microinjection of one-cell embryos would greatly reduce both the cost and effort of these procedures. This study has examined the fate of the ovine β-lactoglobulin-human α1-antitrypsin (AATB) minigene construct or a subfragment of this following microinjection into one-cell mouse embryos. It has examined two PCR-based methods that were designed to identify a biochemical difference between microinjected DNA constructs to select preimplantation stage embryos in which chromosomal integration of exogenous DNA has occurred. The two methods involved the modification of the AATB DNA construct either by dam-methylation or the substitution of dTTP by dUTP. The dam-sensitive DNA endonuclease Dpnl, that was used to digest nonintegrated AATB sequences at sites located between PCR oligonucleotide sequences, was found to interfere with the activity of the subsequent PCR reaction. Analyses of the fate of dUTP-DNA indicated that either repair or replication of microinjected DNA interfered with the ability to distinguish between integrated and nonintegrated DNA constructs in the mid-preimplantation stage embryo. The distribution of microinjected AATB DNA between the blastomeres of individual four and eight-cell stage embryos was also examined by the PCR reaction. Microinjected DNA was not found to be evenly distributed between all the blastomeres of individual embryos. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

One-cell mouse embryos that block at the 2-cell stage can progress to the morula stage in CZB medium, but fail to cavitate and then swell and lyse. A 1-min exposure to 27 mM glucose at the 4-cell stage (~42 hr) will support a high frequency of development to the blastocyst stage (75%) in the same medium. A glucose exposure is beneficial anytime between 30 and 54 hr of culture (67–73% blastocysts). Of a group of additional sugars and glucose analogues tested for their ability to replace glucose, only galactose was equivalent in promoting embryo development to the blastocyst stage (64% blastocysts). © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Current in vitro culture methods for mouse embryos are critically dependent on specially prepared rodent serum. Rodent serum requires careful preparation and stringent assessment of serum quality, while commercially available whole embryo culture serum is expensive and shows considerable lot variability. Thus, preparation and testing of suitable serum represents a considerable investment of time and resources, particularly for laboratories with only short-term embryo culture requirements. In addition, serum supplementation of culture medium may introduce unknown serum components that could interfere with interpretation of experimental results, especially where the study is geared towards analysis of a specific growth factor. Here we describe the composition of a standardized serum free culture medium comprised of commercially available stem cell media supplements. With this method, we have successfully cultured midgestation stage mouse embryos and demonstrated, using both morphological and gene expression criteria, that these embryos exhibited proper developmental progression. We believe this method to be a significant advance in whole embryo culture technology that will be of particular use to laboratories needing to utilize whole embryo culture to study midgestation organogenesis.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate whether minimizing the glucose concentration during culture or replacing the hexose with other energy substrates and/or embryotrophic compounds would affect the in vitro development, the resistance to cryopreservation and the sex ratio of bovine embryos. In vitro matured and fertilized oocytes were randomly assigned to 4 groups for in vitro culture, that differed in the energy substrates included: group A) 1.5 mM glucose, as in standard SOF; group B) 0.15 mM glucose; group C) 0.125 mM G3P, in the presence of 0.15 mM glucose and group D) 0.34 mM citrate, in combination with 2.77 mM myo-inositol. Blastocysts were evaluated on day 7, then vitrified by cryotop in 16.5% DMSO, 16.5% EG and 0.5 M sucrose and warmed in decreasing concentration of sucrose (0.25 to 0.15 M sucrose). The survival rates were assessed after 24 h in vitro culture. Finally, the blastocysts produced were sexed by PCR. An increased blastocyst rate was recorded in groups B, C and D, i.e., when glucose concentration was reduced, compared to group A (28.2, 41.0, 35.7 and 35.8, respectively in groups A, B, C and D; P < 0.01). However, the embryos cultured in group D showed the slowest developmental speed, indicated by the lowest percentage of advanced stage-embryos (expanded and hatched blastocysts) out of the total blastocysts (56.1, 45.8, 56.9 and 31.8 %, respectively in groups A, B, C and D; P < 0.01). Furthermore, survival rates after 24 h culture of vitrified-warmed blastocysts also decreased in group D (73.3, 73.1, 71.4 and 58.4%, respectively in groups A, B, C and D; P < 0.01). Interestingly, in group D a higher percentage of female embryos was obtained compared to group A, with intermediate values in groups B and C (45.6, 53.4, 50.0 and 61.5%, respectively in groups A, B, C and D; P < 0.05). In conclusion, it was demonstrated that the energy substrate during in vitro culture affects both the production and the viability of blastocysts. Furthermore, manipulating the metabolic profile of embryos during in vitro culture may have an impact on sex ratio.  相似文献   

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