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Summary The distribution of vasotocin-like peptides in the central nervous system of the cartilaginous fish Scyliorhinus canicula was determined by indirect immunofluorescence and peroxidase anti-peroxidase techniques, using a specific antiserum raised in rabbits against synthetic vasotocin. Immunoreactive perikarya were mainly detected in the anterior hypothalamus, within the midcaudal part of the preoptic nucleus. The most rostral positive cell bodies were located in the dorso-lateral parts of the preoptic area, whereas at a more caudal level, they took a ventro-medial position within the deepest layers of the nucleus. Throughout the preoptic region these cells varied in shape according to their location. Occasionally, scattered vasotocin-like immunopositive cells were also identified in the nucleus periventricularis hypothalami. Vasotocin immunoreactivity was detected in numerous varicose nerve fibers of the preopticohypophysial tract. These fibers were seen to course through the medio-basal hypothalamus and caudally, after having passed the hypophysial stem, they reached the neurointermediate lobe of the pituitary. Numerous immunoreactive fibers were also observed within the rostro-medial region of the median eminence. At this level the fibers were in close proximity to the capillary loops. In the preoptic region, some stained cells exibited short processes that appeared to contact non-reactive perikarya. By comparing the distribution of vasotocin- and corticotropin-releasing factor immunoreactivity on adjacent then serial sections, it was revealed that these peptides, in S. canicula, do not coexist in the same perikarya. The present results, are compared with those obtained in other vertebrate groups, and their possible functional implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The occurrence and localization of immunoreactive corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) in the brain and pituitary of the elasmobranch fish Scyliorhinus canicula, were studied by means of specific radioimmunoassay and immunohistochemistry using the indirect immunofluorescence method. Brain and pituitary extracts showed a good cross-reactivity with the ovine CRF antiserum, but serial dilutions of tissue samples did not completely parallel the standard curve. Relatively high concentrations of CRF-like material were found within the pituitary, diencephalon, and telencephalon. CRF-like immunoreactive perikarya were observed in the preoptic nucleus and in the nucleus lateralis tuberis. Numerous immunoreactive cells appeared to be of the CSF-contacting type. CRF-like immunopositive fibers were seen to run through the hypothalamus within the ventro-medial floor of the infundibular region. A dense plexus of immunoreactive nerve endings terminated in the median eminence and the neurointermediate lobe of the pituitary. These results indicate that a neurosecretory system containing CRF-like immunoreactivity exists in the brain of elasmobranchs, a group of vertebrates which has diverged early from the evolutionary line leading to mammals. In addition, our data support the notion that a CRF-like molecule is involved in the regulation of corticotropic and melanotropic cell activity in this primitive species of fish.  相似文献   

The sinus venosus of the elasmobranch heart is characterized by the presence of large bundles of unmyelinated nerve fibres that bulge into the cardiac lumen, below the endocardium. In the dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula), these fibres contain numerous dense-core membrane-bounded granules of about 200 nm in diameter. Most intramural ganglion cells of the sinus venosus also show densely packed granules similar to those found in the subendocardial fibres. We have observed strong substance-P-like immunoreactivity in the large fibre bundles and in the perikarya of the ganglion cells. Preabsorption of the antisera with fragment 7–11 of substance P has shown that the antisera recognize the tachykinin canonic sequence. Our findings suggest that an undetermined tachykinin is secreted in the elasmobranch heart, and that it is probably released into the blood stream in the context of a little-known neuroendocrine system.  相似文献   

Summary Using a specific antiserum raised against synthetic neuropeptide Y, we examined the localization of immunoreactivity in the brain and hypophysis of the cloudy dogfish, Scyliorhinus torazame, by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. Immunoreactive perikarya were demonstrated in the ganglion of the nervus terminalis, the dorsocaudal portions of the pallium dorsale, the basal telencephalon, and the nucleus lateralis tuberis and the nucleus lobi lateralis in the hypothalamus. Labeled perikarya were also found in the tegmentum mesencephali, the corpus cerebelli, and the medulla oblongata. Some of the immunoreactive neurons in the hypothalamus were of the CSF-contacting type. The bulk of the labeled fibers in the nervus terminalis ran toward the basal telencephalon, showing radial projections and ramifications. Large numbers of these fibers coursed into the nucleus septi caudoventralis and the nucleus interstitialis commissurae anterioris, where they became varicose and occasionally formed fine networks or invested immunonegative perikarya. In the diencephalon, immunoreactive fibers were observed throughout the hypothalamus, e.g., in the pars neurointermedia of the hypophysis, the subependymal layer of the lobus inferior hypothalami, and in the neuropil of the posterior (mammillary) recess organ. Labeled fibers were scattered throughout the rest of the brain stem and were also seen in the granular layer of the cerebellum. These results suggest that, in the dogfish brain, neuropeptide Y or a related substance is involved in a variety of physiological processes in the brain, including the neuroendocrine control of the hypophysis.  相似文献   

The distribution of FMRFamide-like-immunoreactive peptides was investigated in the brain and pituitary of the elasmobranch fish Scyliorhinus canicula using the indirect immunofluorescence technique. FMRFamide-immunoreactive cells and fibers were mainly observed in the telencephalon and the diencephalon, while other brain structures were almost unstained. In the telencephalon, FMRFamide-like-containing neurons were seen in the caudal part of the area periventricularis pallialis, in the posterior area of the nucleus septi medialis and in the nucleus septi caudoventralis. In the diencephalon, numerous FMRFamide-positive cell bodies were observed in the hypothalamus, ventral thalamus and posterior tuberculum. The highest density of immunofluorescent perikarya was found in the nucleus lobi lateralis hypothalami and in the nucleus periventricularis hypothalami. More caudally, the mesencephalon and the caudal brainstem only contained scattered varicose FMRFamide-immunoreactive fibers. Stained fibers were also identified in the median eminence and several FMRFamide-like-positive cells were detected in the dorsal and rostral parts of the neurointermediate lobe of the pituitary. These data indicate that substances related to the molluscan cardioexcitatory peptide FMRFamide are widely distributed in the brain of S. canicula, suggesting their implication in neuroendocrine and/or neuromodulatory functions.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of the molluscan cardioexcitatory tetrapeptide FMRFamide (Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2) in the brain of the cloudy dogfish, Scyliorhinus torazame, was examined by immunocytochemistry. FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity was demonstrated to occur extensively in various regions of the dogfish brain, except for the corpus cerebelli. Immunoreactive neuronal perikarya were located in the ganglion of the nervus terminalis, the preoptic area, and the hypothalamic periventricular gray matter consisting of the nucleus medius hypothalamicus, the nucleus lateralis tuberis, and the nucleus lobi lateralis. some of the immunoreactive cells in the hypothalamus were identified as cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons. The bulk of the immunostained fibers in the nervus terminalis penetrated into the midventral portion of the telencephalon and ran dorsocaudally toward the basal telencephalon and hypothalamus, showing radial projections or ramifications. The labeled fibers were abundant in the midbasal part of the telencephalon and in the hypothalamus, where some fibers were found in loose networks around the cell bodies of the nucleus septi and hypothalamic periventricular nuclei. The fibers demonstrated in the hypothalamus terminated around the vascular wall of the primary capillary plexus of the median eminence or penetrated deeply into the pars intermedia of the hypophysis. These results suggest that, in the dogfish, an FMRFamide-like substance participates in the regulation of adenohypophysial function. This molecule may have a role as a neurotransmitter and/or neuromodulator in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Summary The presence, distribution and development of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-like immunoreactivity in the gastro-entero-pancreatic system of a cartilaginous fish Scyliorhinus stellaris (L.) was investigated by immunohistochemical methods utilizing mammalian VIP antisera. In the gut VIP-like immunoreactivity was observed in both nerves and endocrine cells. Endocrine cells with VIP-like material were only detected in the intestinal epithelium while nerve fibres containing VIP-like material were noted along the whole gastro-entero-pancreatic system, being more numerous in the pyloric sphincter and in the intestinal portion. Immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were encountered in the stomach and intestinal portions localized in the submucosa and in the myenteric plexus. Intestinal immunoreactive endocrine cells were already present in the first developmental stage considered (embryos aged 4 months). They grow in number and before birth reach a frequency higher than in adults. Nerves and cell bodies showing VIP-like immunoreactivity, appear later, before birth, as a few elements in the smooth muscular layer, but only after birth their distribution and frequency are similar to those found in adults. The faint immunofluorescence shown by the immunoreactive endocrine cells and their developmental pattern, which is always different from that observed in nervous elements, suggest the presence of at least two VIP-like substances in the gastro-entero-pancreatic system of S. stellaris.  相似文献   

We have raised antisera against extracts of the subcommissural organ (SCO) of the dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula L. Brains of 2900 specimens were collected in acetone, and the region containing the SCO and posterior commissure was removed and extracted in three different media. Antisera against these crude extracts were raised in rats and rabbits. Sequential absorptions of the antisera with extracts from different regions of the dogfish brain were performed to eliminate unwanted antibodies. When used to immunostain sections of the whole central nervous system of the dogfish, these purified antisera reacted selectively with the SCO-Reissner's fiber complex. An antiserum against bovine Reissner's fiber was also used. The antisera against the dogfish SCO and bovine Reissner's fiber showed the same staining pattern in the SCO and the Reissner's fiber of the dogfish. For comparative purposes, the brains of 15 vertebrate species from all vertebrate classes were immunostained with both antisera. The anti-dogfish SCO serum reacted with the SCO of the dogfish and that of other phylogenetically related elasmobranch species. Neither the SCO of a primitive elasmobranch species, Heptranchias perlo, nor the SCO of the other classes of vertebrates reacted with the anti-dogfish SCO serum. However, the antiserum against bovine Reissner's fiber reacted with the SCO of all the investigated species. It is concluded that some epitopes (or compounds) in the secretory material of the SCO are class-specific, whereas others are conserved and are synthesized by the SCO in most vertebrate species.  相似文献   

Summary The blood of the dogfish, S. canicula, contains several types of leucocytes, namely thrombocytes, monocytes, lymphocytes and four populations of granulocytes. Three of these granulocyte types, G1, G3 and G4, are eosinophilic while G2 is heterophilic/neutrophilic. All of the leucocyte types, with the exception of G2 granulocytes and monocytes, can be separated by means of their differential adherent properties to glass and by density gradient centrifugation. Thrombocytes, G3 and G4 granulocytes can be separated in good purity by single-step methods while G1 granulocytes and lymphocytes require a combination of density gradient centrifugation followed by adherence to glass to remove contaminating thrombocytes. Depending on the cell type, between 11–45% of cells with consistently high viability can be recovered after separation. Separated populations of the thrombocytes and granulocytes will be especially useful for studies on the role of such cell types in inflammation.  相似文献   

Summary An enzymatic method was developed to obtain intact seminiferous lobules from the testis of the dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula L.). The freshly isolated lobules were then identified by use of a transillumination technique. Testes from mature dogfish were collected and transverse sections incubated with a mixture of collagenase (0.025%) + pronase (0.08%) at 4° C overnight. Dissociation of the tissue was achieved by mechanical agitation in a calcium and magnesium-free buffer (pH 7.8; 870 mOsm) at room temperature, for 30 min. Based on differences in light absorption and size as well as on comparison with the corresponding histological and ultrastructural cell composition, the seminiferous lobules were identified and classified according to the stages of spermatogenesis of Mellinger (1965). The characteristic changes take place in the size and surface of the lobules and are mainly due to differences in the arrangement of the germ cells, in their number, and in the light absorption characteristics of their nuclei. The combination of the procedures of isolation and transillumination of the dogfish seminiferous lobules, in native condition, offers an original method for the study of germ cell-Sertoli cell interactions in the non-mammalian vertebrate.  相似文献   

In the lesser-spotted dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula), spermatogenesis takes place within spermatocysts made up of Sertoli cells associated with stage-synchronized germ cells. As shown in testicular cross sections, cysts radiate in maturational order from the germinative area, where they are formed, to the opposite margin of the testis, where spermiation occurs. In the germinative zone, which is located in a specific area between the tunica albuginea of the testis and the dorsal testicular vessel, individual large spermatogonia are surrounded by elongated somatic cells. The aim of this study has been to define whether these spermatogonia share characteristics with spermatogonial stem cells described in vertebrate and non-vertebrate species. We have studied their ultrastructure and their mitotic activity by 5′-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) immunodetection. Additionally, immunodetection of c-Kit receptor, a marker of differentiating spermatogonia in rodents, and of α- and β-spectrins, as constituents of the spectrosome and the fusome, has been performed. Ultrastructurally, nuclei of stage I spermatogonia present the same mottled aspect in dogfish as undifferentiated spermatogonia nuclei in rodents. Moreover, intercellular bridges are not observed in dogfish spermatogonia, although they are present in stage II spermatogonia. BrdU and PCNA immunodetection underlines their low mitotic activity. The presence of a spectrosome-like structure, a cytological marker of the germline stem cells in Drosophila, has been observed. Our results constitute the first step in the study of spermatogonial stem cells and their niche in the dogfish. G.L. is supported by a CIFRE grant (ANRT and C.RIS Pharma).  相似文献   

Summary S-100 protein-immunoreactive cells were demonstrated by immunocytochemical procedures in the hypophysis and saccus vasculosus of two species of elasmobranchs (Mustelus manazo and Scyliorhinus torazame). In the saccus vasculosus of M. manazo, immunoreactivity was detectable exclusively in the fibrous portions interposed between the epithelial layer and the blood vessels. In the neurohypophysis, tanycytes and astrocytes of the median eminence were immunostained, but only a few labeled cells were found in the neurointermediate lobe. In S. torazame, the neurohypophysis displayed a similar distribution of immunoreactivity, but there were no labeled cells in the saccus vasculosus. In both species, none of the glandular cells of the hypophysis displayed immunoreactivity. Electron-microscopic examination showed that the immunostained cells in the saccus vasculosus correspond to astrocytes.  相似文献   

The present immunocytochemical study provides evidence of a previously unrecognized, rich, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic innervation of the pineal organ in the dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula). In this elasmobranch, the pineal primordium is initially detected at embryonic stage 24 and grows to form a long pineal tube by stage 28. Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD)-immunoreactive (-ir) fibers were first observed at stage 26, and by stage 28, thin GAD-ir fibers were detectable at the base of the pineal neuroepithelium. In pre-hatchling embryos, most fibers gave rise to GAD-ir boutons that were localized in the basal region of the neuroepithelium, although a smaller number of labeled terminals ascended to the pineal lumen. A few pale GAD-ir perikarya were observed within the pineal organ of stage 29 embryos, but GAD-ir perikarya were not observed at other developing stages or in adults. In contrast, GABA immunocytochemistry revealed the presence of GABAergic perikarya and fibers in the pineal organ of late stage embryos and adults. Although high densities of GABAergic cells were observed in the paracommissural pretectum, posterior tubercle, and tegmentum of dogfish embryos (regions previously demonstrated to contain pinealopetal cells), the presence of GABA-ir perikarya in the pineal organ strongly suggests that the rich GABAergic innervation of the elasmobranch pineal organ is intrinsic. This contrasts with the central origin of GABAergic fibers in the pineal gland of some mammals. This work was supported by the Spanish Education and Science Ministry and FEDER (BXX2000-0453-C02 and BFU2004-03313/BF1), the Xunta de Galicia (PGIDT99BIO20002), and NIH/NIDCD awards R01 DC01705 and P01 DC01837 (to G.R.H.).  相似文献   

Because leucokinins stimulate diuresis in some insects, we wished to identify the neurosecretory cells in Manduca sexta that might be a source of leucokinin-like neurohormones. Immunostaining was done at various stages of development, using an antiserum to leucokinin IV. Bilateral pairs of neurosecretory cells in abdominal ganglia 3–7 of larvae and adults are immunoreactive; these cells project via the ipsilateral ventral nerves to the neurohemal transverse nerves. The immunoreactivity and size of these lateral cells greatly increases in the pharate adult, and this change appears to be related to a period of intensive diuresis occurring a few days before adult eclosion. Relationships of these neurons to cells that are immunoreactive to a M. sexta diuretic hormone were also investigated. Diuretic hormone and leucokinin immunoreactivity are co-localized in the lateral neurosecretory cells and their neurohemal projections. A median pair of leucokinin-immunoreactive, and a lateral pair of diuretic hormone-immunoreactive neurons in the larval terminal abdominal ganglion project to neurohemal release sites within the cryptonephridium. The immunoreactivity of these cells is lost as the cryptonephridium is eliminated during metamorphosis. This loss appears to be related to the change from the larval to adult pattern of diuresis.  相似文献   

We have investigated the localization of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)-like immunoreactivity in the central nervous system of the cartilaginous fish, Scyliorhinus canicula, using the indirect immunofluorescence technique. Immunoreactive perikarya and fibers were observed in two regions of the telencephalon, the area superficialis basalis and the area periventricularis ventrolateralis. In the diencephalon, the hypothalamus exhibited a moderate number of ANF-containing neurons and fibers located in the preoptic and periventricular nuclei and in the nucleus lateralis tuberis. The most important group of ANF-immunoreactive cells was observed in the nucleus tuberculi posterioris of the diencephalon. In contrast, the mesencephalon showed only a few ANF-positive nerve processes located in the tegmentum mesencephali. Numerous fine fibers and nerve terminals were found in the dorsal area of the neurointermediate lobe of the pituitary. These results provide the first evidence for the presence of ANF-related peptides in the brain of a cartilaginous fish. The widespread distribution of ANF-positive cells and fibers in the brain and pituitary suggests that this peptide may act both as a neurotransmitter and (or) a neurohormone in fish.  相似文献   

Summary The elasmobranch nucleus sacci vasculosi was studied by means of electron microscopy (in the dogfish) and immunocytochemistry (in the dogfish and the skate) by using antibodies against tyrosine hydroxylase, alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, somatostatin, serotonin, and substance P. Ultrastructural study of the dogfish nucleus sacci vasculosi shows the presence of medium-sized cells that possess numerous mitochondria but that have no dense-core vesicles in the cytoplasm or in cell processes. Fibres of the conspicuous tractus sacci vasculosi have a beaded appearance and form conventional synapses with dendrites and cell perikarya of the nucleus sacci vasculosi. The perikarya of this hypothalamic nucleus were not immunoreactive to any of the antibodies tested, and fibres immunopositive to tyrosine hydroxylase, alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, somatostatin, serotonin, and substance P were scarce within this nucleus, in both the dogfish and the skate. Dorsal to the nucleus sacci vasculosi, there are numerous positive neuronal processes in addition to many small neurons that show immunoreactivity to alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, somatostatin and tyrosine hydroxylase. Two types of neuron occur in this dorsal region, displaying dense-core vesicles of either 100–160 nm or 60–100 nm diameter in their cytoplasm; they were identified as peptide-containing and monoamine-containing neurons, respectively. The neuropil of this region has a significantly different ultrastructure from that of the nucleus sacci vasculosi, with many processes containing dense-core vesicles. This group of neurons, located dorsal to the nucleus sacci vasculosi and showing (a) immunoreactivity to neuropeptides or to monoamine-synthesizing enzyme, and (b) cytoplasm with dense-core vesicles, was considered not to be a part of the nucleus sacci vasculosi but rather part of the nucleus tuberculi posterioris. These results support the non-peptidergic and non-aminergic character of the nucleus sacci vasculosi.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of dopamine-like immunoreactive neurons is described for the brain of the bee, Apis mellifera L., following the application of a pre-embedding technique on Vibratome sections. Immunoreactive somata are grouped into seven clusters, mainly situated in the protocerebrum. Immunoreactive interneurons have been detected in the different neuropilar compartments, except for the optic lobe neuropils. Strong immunoreactivity is found in the upper division of the central body, in parts of the stalk and in the -lobe layers of the mushroom bodies. A dense network of many immunoreactive fibres surrounds the mushroom bodies and the central body. It forms a number of interhemispheric commissures/chiasmata, projecting partly into the contralateral mushroom body and central body. The lateral protocerebral neuropil contains some large wide-field-neurons. The antennal-lobe glomeruli receive fine projections of multiglomerular dopamine-like immunoreactive interneurons.  相似文献   

We have investigated the localization of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)-like immunoreactivity in the central nervous system of the cartilaginous fish, Scyliorhinus canicula, using the indirect immunofluorescence technique. Immunoreactive perikarya and fibers were observed in two regions of the telencephalon, the area superficialis basalis and the area periventricularis ventrolateralis. In the diencephalon, the hypothalamus exhibited a moderate number of ANF-containing neurons and fibers located in the preoptic and periventricular nuclei and in the nucleus lateralis tuberis. The most important group of ANF-immunoreactive cells was observed in the nucleus tuberculi posterioris of the diencephalon. In contrast, the mesencephalon showed only a few ANF-positive nerve processes located in the tegmentum mesencephali. Numerous fine fibers and nerve terminals were found in the dorsal area of the neurointermediate lobe of the pituitary. These results provide the first evidence for the presence of ANF-related peptides in the brain of a cartilaginous fish. The widespread distribution of ANF-positive cells and fibers in the brain and pituitary suggests that this peptide may act both as a neurotransmitter and (or) a neurohormone in fish.  相似文献   

Summary An ACTH-like peptidergic system was demonstrated in the brain of three teleost species by immunocytochemistry. In order to investigate the origin of brain ACTH and factors modulating its synthesis, similar techniques were applied to the brain of eels (1) submitted to hypothysectomy in order to suppress pituitary ACTH and plasma cortisol, (2) injected with cortisol to inhibit pituitary ACTH synthesis and release, and (3) injected with metopirone to block cortisol synthesis and stimulate ACTH synthesis and release. Hypophysectomized eels showed a normal distribution of immunoreactive perikarya in the ventral hypothalamus and fibers in the brain, suggesting that brain ACTH does not arise from the pituitary. In cortisol-treated eels immunostaining was markedly reduced in brain perikarya and pituitary corticotropes, suggesting a reduced synthesis. In metopirone-injected eels, one third of the animals showed an increased immunostaining in perikarya and a dense network of immunoreactive fibers, suggesting that ACTH synthesis was increased. Brain ACTH was not affected in other animals. Pituitary corticotropes were rapidly degranulated. Responses of ACTH in the brain and pituitary occur independently when cortisol synthesis is inhibited. These responses are compared to those of the corticotropin-releasing factor system in the same eels.  相似文献   

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