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Oligohydramnios frequently leads to lung hypoplasia in the fetus, but the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. Our aim was to determine the effects of oligohydramnios on the dimensions of the fetal thorax. Using pairs of implanted ultrasound transducers in 6 fetal sheep, we measured 4 thoracic dimensions (transverse, anterior-posterior, manubrium to left and right hand sides of the diaphragmatic dome) for 2 control days, 3 days of amniotic and allantoic fluid drainage (oligohydramnios), and 2 days after the return of drained fluids. The effect of oligohydramnios, which began at 121-2 days of gestation (term being c.145 days), on each dimension was quantified daily as the difference between the measured value and the value predicted from the growth of that dimension over the study period. Oligohydramnios led, within 48 hours, to significant reductions in the transverse dimension (5.9-6.1%) and in the distance between the manubrium and the dome of the diaphragm (1.7-2.2%). There was no change in the anterior-posterior dimension. We conclude that oligohydramnios causes alterations, within 48 hours, in the dimensions of the fetal thorax which can be reversed, at least partially, by re-expansion of the fluid sacs. These changes, which are expected to produce reductions in thoracic volume, may, if prolonged, lead to lung hypoplasia.  相似文献   

We developed a new method to monitor fetal medullary respiratory neurons utilizing a two-stage approach. At 129-133 days of gestation, sheep were anesthetized, and a window was placed over the area of the fourth ventricle. After a recovery period of 3-5 days, the fetus was exteriorized into a saline bath under maternal spinal anesthesia, and the head was connected rigidly to a stereotaxic frame. Microelectrodes were inserted into the area of the nucleus tractus solitarius during rapid-eye-movement sleep, and extracellular recordings of 223 respiratory neurons were analyzed: 76% were inspiratory, 9% expiratory, and 15% phase spanning, as classified by visual and computer correlation to diaphragmatic activity. More detailed analysis of 100 neurons was done to assess the respiratory component (eta 2) by use of a modification of the method developed by Orem and Dick (J. Neurophysiol, 50: 1098-1107, 1983). With use of cohorts of 25 breaths, fetal respiratory neurons were found to frequently change their phase relationship to diaphragmatic activity. The eta 2 statistic of fetal respiratory neurons was not a stable characteristic but changed over time. This could be a reflection of an immature central respiratory system before birth or the lack of major sensory inputs.  相似文献   

Hypoxia in fetal sheep depresses respiratory activity. To determine if this effect is counterbalanced by hypercarbia we studied the effects of two levels of asphyxia produced by occlusions of the maternal uterine artery. Moderate asphyxia (PaO2 16.8 +/- 1.6 (SEM) PaCO2 48.9 +/- 1.0 torr) produced no changes in the percent time fetal breathing movements occupied each hour which ranged from 25.6 +/- 7.0 to 32.4 +/- 6.2%. However, a more marked asphyxia (PaO2 12.0 +/- 0.3, PaO2 57.0 +/- 1.6) resulted in a decrease in fetal respiratory activity to 8.7 +/- 3.7% during the first hour. This depression was sustained over the next 2 h but by the 5th hour breathing had returned to 26.2 +/- 7.3%. We concluded that hypercarbia can offset the respiratory inhibition of acute moderate hypoxia, but not that of a more marked lowering of PaO2 in fetal sheep. Severe asphyxia causes an initial inhibition of respiration which is followed by a return to normal respiratory activity.  相似文献   

Reduced amniotic fluid volume often results in fetal lung hypoplasia. Our aim was to examine the effects of prolonged drainage of amniotic and allantoic fluids on lung liquid volume (Vl), secretion rate (Vs), and tracheal flow rate (Vtr) in fetal sheep. In five experimental animals, amniotic and allantoic fluids were drained from 107 to 135 days of gestation. The volume of fluid drained from the experimental animals was 411.8 +/- 24.4 ml/day (n = 140). In six control animals, amniotic fluid volume was 747.7 +/- 89.7 ml (n = 15). Wet and dry lung weights were 20-25% lower in experimental fetuses than in control fetuses. Fetal hemoglobin, O2 saturation, arterial PO2, pH, and hematocrit were unchanged by drainage. During the drainage period, Vl was up to 65% lower, Vs was up to 35% lower, and Vtr was up to 40% lower in experimental fetuses than in control fetuses. We conclude that prolonged drainage of amniotic and allantoic fluids decreases Vl, Vs, and Vtr in fetal sheep. These findings indicate that fetal lung hypoplasia associated with oligohydramnios may be the result of a prolonged reduction in Vl.  相似文献   

Oligohydramnios (OH) retards fetal lung growth by producing less lung distension than normal. To examine effects of decreased distension on fetal lung development, we produced OH in rats by puncture of uterus and fetal membranes at 16 days of gestation; fetuses were delivered at 21 or 22 days of gestation. Controls were position-matched littermates in the opposite uterine horn. OH lungs had lower weights and less DNA, protein, and water, but no differences in saturated phosphatidylcholine, surfactant proteins (SP)-A and -B, and mRNA for SP-A, -B, -C, and -D. To evaluate effects on epithelial differentiation, we used RTI(40) and RTII(70), proteins specific in lung to luminal surfaces of alveolar type I and II cells, respectively. At 22 days of gestation, OH lungs had less RTI(40) mRNA (P < 0.05) and protein (P < 0.001), but RTII(70) did not differ from controls. With OH, type I cells (in proportion to type II cells) covered less distal air space perimeter (P < 0.01). We conclude that OH, which retards lung growth, has little effect on surfactant and impedes formation of type I cells relative to type II cells.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of phrenic nerve section (PNS) on the respiratory system of fetal lambs. Seven ewes, three of which had twin fetuses, were given a general anesthetic. The thoracic phrenic nerves were cut in two singleton fetuses and in one fetus in each set of twins (116-121 days); two singleton fetuses and one fetus in each set of twins underwent the same procedure except for PNS. Fetal arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and arterial pH and blood gas tensions were the same in both groups. Phrenic nerve section eliminated fetal breathing movements and decreased airway fluid volume, lung weight, and total lung DNA (P less than 0.05). However, PNS did not affect production of tracheal fluid or percent dry weight of the lungs. Furthermore, PNS did not affect the concentration of saturated phosphatidylcholine in the lung or its flux in tracheal fluid. We conclude that PNS in fetal lambs retards lung growth but does not affect tracheal fluid production or formation and release of surfactant.  相似文献   

We determined regional (Vr) and overall lung volumes in six head-up anesthetized dogs before and after the stepwise introduction of saline into the right pleural space. Functional residual capacity (FRC), as determined by He dilution, and total lung capacity (TLC) decreased by one-third and chest wall volume increased by two-thirds the saline volume added. Pressure-volume curves showed an apparent increase in lung elastic recoil and a decrease in chest wall elastic recoil with added saline, but the validity of esophageal pressure measurements in these head-up dogs is questionable. Vr was determined from the positions of intraparenchymal markers. Lower lobe TLC and FRC decreased with added saline. The decrease in upper lobe volume was less than that of lower lobe volume at FRC and was minimal at TLC. Saline increased the normal Vr gradient at FRC and created a gradient at TLC. During deflation from TLC to FRC before saline was added, the decrease in lung volume was accompanied by a shape change of the lung, with greatest distortion in the transverse (ribs to mediastinum) direction. After saline additions, deflation was associated with deformation of the lung in the cephalocaudal and transverse directions. The deformation with saline may be a result of upward displacement of the lungs into a smaller cross-sectional area of the thoracic cavity.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out in 11 fetal sheep four days after surgery for insertion of catheters and electrocortical leads. After a 3 h control period an insulin infusion was given to the ewe and maintained for the next 4 h. Fetal arterial glucose fell from 0.85 +/- 0.10 to 0.57 +/- 0.06 mM (SEM) while oxygen content was unchanged (3.80 +/- 0.24 to 3.75 +/- 0.21 mM). Cerebral uptake of oxygen and glucose were determined from samples drawn simultaneously from the axillary artery and sagittal vein and cerebral blood flow (microsphere technique). There was no significant change in uptake of either oxygen or glucose by the fetal brain. We conclude that a rapid fall in fetal glucose levels with no change in oxygen content does not result in decrease in cerebral metabolism measured over a short term.  相似文献   

Summary. Secondary amino acid disturbances from circulatory responses during hypoxia may cause problems in interpreting plasma amino acid profiles of sick babies investigated for possible inherited defects. Systematic studies to characterise them are difficult in man. We investigated the effects of hypoxia on plasma amino acids by studying 9 late gestation fetal sheep in utero during 11 one hour episodes of moderately severe isocapnic hypoxia. In 6 experiments, maternal plasma amino acids were also monitored. Fourteen fetal plasma amino acids increased significantly, with the largest proportionate changes in alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, ornithine and lysine. Maternal amino acids did not increase. Probable explanations were reflex peripheral vasoconstriction in skeletal muscle beds and decreased hepatic blood flow. The findings extend our knowledge of the fetal response to hypoxic stress, demonstrate the importance of skeletal muscle in branched-chain amino acid metabolism, and should help with interpretation of postnatal plasma amino acid disturbances. Received January 29, 1999, Accepted February 22, 1999  相似文献   

To determine the role of prostaglandins in the control of fetal breathing movements, we infused indomethacin (5 mg/ml; 25 mg/kg per day) into the maternal femoral vein for 70 h in 5 pregnant ewes. There was a significant increase in the incidence and amplitude of fetal breathing movements beginning within 2 h reaching a peak at 8-10 h. It then diminished and was no longer present by 20-70 h despite continued indomethacin infusion. Maternal glucose concentrations were increased at 8 and 16 h following the initiation of indomethacin infusion. The data suggested that the previously reported effects of cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor on fetal breathing movements are transient and do not continue beyond 20 h.  相似文献   

There is evidence that prostaglandins (PG), specifically PGE2, participate in the regulation of fetal breathing movements (FBM). During late gestation, when FBM occur intermittently and primarily during low-voltage electrocortical activity, the concentration of PGE2 in fetal plasma ([PGE2]) is high. During the days before delivery [PGE2] increases and FBM decrease. To determine whether the increase in [PGE2] is responsible for the concurrent decrease in FBM, we infused the prostaglandin synthase inhibitor, meclofenamate (0.7 mg.kg-1.h-1), into eight fetal sheep continuously for 5-13 days before delivery; five control fetuses received a continuous infusion of the solvent for 5-11 days before delivery. Compared with control infusion, meclofenamate caused a significant decrease in [PGE 2] until the day of delivery and a significant increase in FBM [overall and during high-voltage electrocortical activity (HVA)] until 2 days before delivery. Although there were significant correlations between [PGE2] and FBM (overall and during HVA), both groups showed similar decreases in FBM during the 2 days before delivery. We conclude that the decrease in FBM before delivery is not dependent on the concurrent increase in [PGE2].  相似文献   

In adults, the responses to acute haemorrhage vary greatly depending on the amount of blood lost. While many studies have documented fetal responses to mild haemorrhage, fetal responses to severe haemorrhage are not known. In this study we examined the effect of acute, severe haemorrhage in fetal lambs. Despite the severity of haemorrhage, we found that mean arterial blood pressure was restored within 2 min, and heart rate was restored within 30 min. This restoration of blood pressure and heart rate was facilitated by an increase in peripheral vascular resistance mediated in part by secretion of catecholamines and plasma renin. In addition, about 40% of the shed blood volume was restored within 30 min by fluid from either the fetal interstitium or placenta. The PO2 of umbilical venous blood increased from 33 +/- 9 mmHg to 49 +/- 17 mmHg 2 min post-haemorrhage, and to 47 +/- 15 mmHg 30 min post-haemorrhage. However, this increase was not sufficient to offset the fall in both haemoglobin concentration and umbilical-placental blood flow, so that oxygen delivery decreased from 21.1 +/- 5.5 ml/min per kg to 9.1 +/- 5.2 ml/min per kg 2 min post-haemorrhage, and 14.1 +/- 9.2 ml/min per kg 30 min post-haemorrhage. Because of this decrease in oxygen delivery, oxygen consumption fell and a metabolic acidemia ensued. Nevertheless, oxygen delivery to the heart and brain was maintained because hepatic vasoconstriction diverted more of the well oxygenated umbilical venous return through the ductus venosus. Although the fetus was able to tolerate acute loss of 40% of blood volume, larger volumes of haemorrhage resulted in fetal death.  相似文献   

Fetal and placental growth, and fetal and maternal urea synthesis in late gestation, were studied in 2-year-old Corriedale ewes on a maintenance ration (M) except when subjected to moderate dietary restriction from day 50 to day 100 (RM), day 100 to day 135 (MR) or day 50 to day 135 (RR). In comparison with fetuses of ewes maintained throughout the experiment (MM), RR fetuses were smaller and RM fetuses were larger whereas MR fetuses were unaffected; all restrictions were associated with increased placental size. Fetal urea synthesis at day 133 in the well-nourished ewes (MM) was 21.5 mg N h-1 kg-1 increasing to, respectively, 25.7, 27.3 and 38.8 mg N h-1 kg-1 in groups MR, RM and RR; these values were 1.6, 3.9, 2.2 and 3.8 times the maternal rates of synthesis. On the basis of the observed urea synthesis rates, amino acid oxidation could have accounted for up to, respectively, 32, 38, 40 and 57% of fetal oxygen consumption in groups MM, MR, RM and RR. Amino acids, in addition to their role in tissue accretion, may be key energy substrates for the fetus.  相似文献   

Fetal behavior, renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA), mean arterial pressure (MAP), and heart rate (HR) were studied 1-3 days after surgery in seven fetal sheep (aged 127-136 days). Five behavioral states were defined from chart recordings of electrocortical (electrocorticographic; ECoG) activity and eye, limb, and breathing movements. Most records were of high-voltage ECoG (HV) or low-voltage (LV) ECoG with breathing (LVB); 6.7 +/- 1.7% were LV ECoG with no breathing (LV0). RSNA was lower in LV0 (P < 0.001) and greater in LVB than in HV (P < 0.05). MAP was lower in both LV states than in HV and when the fetuses went from LV to HV (P < 0.001 to P < 0.03). HR was highest in HV (P < 0.001). In HV and LVB and when the fetus went from LV to HV, MAP and HR were inversely related (P = 0.012-0.003). In LVB and from LV to HV there were direct relationships between MAP and RSNA (P = 0.0014, P = 0.08), and when the fetus went from LV to HV there was also an inverse relationship between HR and RSNA (P = 0.02). Thus fetal RSNA, MAP, and HR are affected by behavioral state as is fetal cardiovascular control. The increase in RSNA during fetal breathing showed that there was an altered level of fetal RSNA associated with fetal breathing activity.  相似文献   

The heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory response to topically applied cyanide on the ventrolateral medullary surface and upper spinal cord was studied on exteriorized sinaortic-denervated fetal lambs under pentobarbital anesthesia. On all sites tested cyanide produced a rapid increase in heart rate and blood pressure (P smaller than 0.05) which was most pronounced from the area adjacent to the nerve roots IX to XI (mean 32%). Respiratory efforts consisting of 1-8 gasps were induced in half the applications to the medulla but never when the pledgets were applied to the spinal cord. The mean delay to response was 43 s (range 13-102 s). After cautery of the chemosensitive areas, topical application of cyanide failed to stimulate gasping, whereas intravenous cyanide or cord clamping still produced a vigorous respiratory response. It is concluded that sympathetic stimulation of the heart and blood vessels can originate centrally in response to local histotoxic hypoxia of the ventral medulla and upper spinal cord. Furthermore, it is proposed that in the apneic fetus histotoxic hypoxia of the medulla initiates respiration possibly by stimulating a special gasping mechanism which is separate from the respiratory center responsible for rhythmic breathing after birth. The responsible neurons must be located at least 2 mm beneath the ventral medullary surface.  相似文献   

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