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In situ hybridization studies were carried out to determine whether induction of hsp70 mRNA in various cellular layers of the rabbit cerebellum was due to hyperthermic effects of the psychotropic drug LSD. Results indicated that induction was not present when LSD-induced hyperthermia was blocked. The pattern of induction of hsp70 mRNA in various cell types of the cerebellum was similar when hyperthermia was induced by either drug (LSD) or nondrug means (placement of animals in a warm incubator). A time course analysis of the induction of hsp70 mRNA following LSD-induced hyperthermia revealed maximal levels of mRNA at 1 hr in all cerebellar cell layers except the Purkinje layer where highest levels were attained at 5 hr. By 10 hr hsp70 mRNA had returned to constitutive levels in all cellular layers of the cerebellum.  相似文献   

Elevation of body temperature by 2–3°C induces a 2.7 kilobase hsp70 mRNA species in the rabbit retina within 1 hr. In situ hybridization with thin sections derived from plastic-embedded tissue permitted a higher level of resolution of retinal cell types compared to procedures which involved the use of frozen tissue sections. A prominent induction of hsp70 mRNA in retinal ganglion cells was observed when an hsp70 riboprobe was utilized for in situ hybridization. These results indicate that this neuronal cell type responds rapidly to fever-like body temperatures by inducing one of the major heat shock genes.  相似文献   

Abstract: We examined the ability of developing cere-bellar cell cultures to synthesize a 71,000 MW stress protein (SP71) in response to heat shock and Cd2+ treatment. The induction of SP71 synthesis appeared to be dependent on both the age of the culture and the stressor used. Heat shock induced SP71 synthesis in freshly prepared cells and in cell cultures at each age examined, whereas Cd2+ was effective only in cultures at 7 days of age and older. These findings are discussed with reference to the development of various cell types in these cultures.  相似文献   

The major cell types in rabbit cerebellum which engage in the expression of a heat shock gene (hsp 70) after hyperthermia were identified. This required in situ hybridization on thin sections derived from plastic-embedded tissue. All classes of cerebellar neurons which were examined (Purkinje, granule, and stellate cells) responded by induction of hsp 70 mRNA within 1 hr after hyperthermia. Prominent induction of hsp 70 mRNA was also observed in oligodendroglia in the deep white matter.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have shown by northern analyses that the expression of the mouse polyubiquitin C gene is increased several fold in the brains of mice infected with both the ME7 and 87V strains of scrape. Expression of the polyubiquitin gene does not change significantly, compared with controls, until the later stages of disease progression when there is a 2.5-fold increase in ME7-infected brains and a 1.8-fold increase in 87V-infected brains. The patterns of changes of expression of the polyubiquitin genes in brains infected with the two strains of scrapie resemble those of accumulation of ubiquitin-conjugate-positive structures in the brain that are detected immunohisto chemically. A similar increase in the expression of a heatshock protein 70 gene also occurs.  相似文献   

The cell body sizes and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activities of motoneurons in the dorsolateral region of the ventral horn at the cervical and lumbar segments in the rat spinal cord were determined following 9 days of spaceflight with or without 10 days of recovery on Earth. The motoneurons were divided into three types based on their cell body sizes; small-, medium-, and large-sized motoneurons. In control rats, there was no difference in the cell body size or SDH activity of small- and large-sized motoneurons between the cervical and lumbar segments. The SDH activity of medium-sized motoneurons in control rats was higher in the lumbar segment than in the cervical segment, while the cell body sizes of medium-sized motoneurons were identical. The SDH activity of medium-sized motoneurons in the lumbar segment decreased to a level similar to that in the cervical segment of control rats following spaceflight. In addition, the decreased SDH activity of medium-sized motoneurons persisted for at least 10 days of recovery on Earth. It is concluded that spaceflight selectively affects the SDH activity of medium-sized motoneurons in the lumbar segment of the spinal cord, which presumably innervate skeletal muscles having an antigravity function.  相似文献   

Recently we described the pattern of expression of the anti-adhesive glycoprotein SPARC/osteonectin in the developing and adult brain. SPARC mRNA was present in developing blood vessels during neurogenesis, but was not detected in the mature vasculature. We have now examined the effect of a lesion to the adult rat cerebral cortex on the expression of SPARC by in situ hybridization. SPARC mRNA was increased in the zone proximal to the wound at 3 to 10 days after cortical brain injury. During this period, SPARC was induced in mature blood vessels close to the lesion site and in blood vessels which develop following injury. These results suggest a role for SPARC in the process of angiogenesis following injury to the adult cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Abstract: Polysialic acid on the neural cell adhesion molecule is developmentally regulated and has been implicated in the plasticity of cell-cell interactions. The sialyltransferases ST8Sia II and ST8Sia IV are able to catalyze the synthesis of polysialic acid. This study compares the expression of ST8Sia II and ST8Sia IV mRNA during postnatal rat brain development. Northern blot analysis indicated a substantial down-regulation of ST8Sia II from high expression at postnatal day 2 to almost undetectable levels at the age of 6 months. In contrast, the decline of ST8Sia IV content was moderate. In the mature brain, ST8Sia IV is the predominant polysialyltransferase. In situ hybridization of selected brain regions at postnatal days 2, 11, and 21 confirmed the decline of ST8Sia II level in isocortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum. ST8Sia II was not detectable at any time point in the subependymal layer and the layers of the olfactory bulb. Persistent ST8Sia IV expression was localized in the subependymal layer, the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb, and the granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus and in some widely dispersed cells of the isocortex. The distinct expression patterns of ST8Sia II and ST8Sia IV suggest their differential regulation. As discussed with regard to the persistent polysialic acid expression, ST8Sia IV should receive particular attention in the mature brain.  相似文献   

Rats born to well-fed mothers (20% protein diet ad libitum), protein-restricted mothers (7.5% protein diet ad libitum) or pair-fed with protein-restricted mothers were killed on days 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 and activities of the two enzymes of neurotransmitter synthesis, tryptophan-5-hydroxylase (EC and tyrosine hydroxylase (EC were assayed. Enzyme activities in normal animals were low at birth and progressively increased to reach adult levels by day 15. Protein-restricted and pair-fed animals also showed a similar pattern. However, significantly higher activities were observed from day 15 onwards in both experimental groups.  相似文献   

Accumulation of inositol-1-phosphate after labeling with [3H]inositol and stimulation with noradrenaline, carbachol, and serotonin was measured in rat cortical, caudate nucleus, and hippocampal slices. The response to noradrenaline was significantly increased in cortical slices from animals that had received either a single electroconvulsive shock (ECS) or a series of 10 daily ECS but was unchanged in caudate nucleus or hippocampal slices. The response to carbachol, a muscarinic cholinergic agonist, was unchanged in cortical or caudate nucleus slices but was significantly reduced in hippocampal slices from animals that had received chronic ECS. The response to serotonin in cortical slices was not affected by the treatment. The results are correlated with changes in receptor number, which have been demonstrated to occur after administration of ECS.  相似文献   

Abstract: Formation of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) from dopamine has been hypothesized to mediate neuro-degeneration induced by some psychostimulants. Although the emergence of a 6-OHDA-like substance was reported in the striatum of methamphetamine-treated rats, this substance has not been identified by a direct approach. We used mass fragmentography to search for 6-OHDA in the rat frontal cortex and striatum after the administration of a number of drugs including 3,4-dihy-droxyphenyl-L-alanine, methamphetamine, amphetamine, and cocaine, all of which increase synaptic dopamine. No 6-OHDA was detected after the acute systemic administration of these agents. Intraventricular administration of 6-OHDA (10 μg/rat.) produced measurable concentrations of 6-OHDA that were higher in the striatum than in the frontal cortex. Intraventricular administration of 2,4,5-trihydroxy-phenyl-D,L-alanine (6-OHDOPA; 10 μg/rat) produced similar concentrations of 6-OHDA in both regions. Pargyline, but not carbidopa (α-methyldopahydrazine), enhanced the effect of intraperitoneal 6-OHDOPA administration (80 mg/kg). We conclude that (1) 6-OHDOPA can cross the blood-brain barrier and is converted to 6-OHDA in the brain, (2) 6-OHDA is a substrate for monoamine oxidase(s) and therefore a search for its purported deaminated metabolite is warranted, and (3) acute treatment with the above stimulants either does not lead to the formation of 6-OHDA or produces concentrations below the detection limit of the assay (<34 pg/mg of protein).  相似文献   

We have characterized the constitutive and stress‐inducible pattern of immunoglobulin‐binding protein (BiP) gene expression during Xenopus early development. Whole mount in situ hybridization analysis revealed that BiP mRNA was detected in unfertilized eggs, cleavage and blastula stage embryos. In gastrulae, BiP mRNA was present across the surface of the embryo, while in neurulae BiP mRNA was enriched in the neural plate, neural fold, and around the blastopore. In early and late tailbud embryos, BiP mRNA was found primarily in the dorsal region. Tunicamycin and A23187, the calcium ionophore, enhanced BiP mRNA accumulation first at the neurula stage, while heat shock induced BiP mRNA accumulation first at the gastrula stage. Compared to control, A23187‐ and heat shock‐treated neurulae displayed relatively high levels of BiP mRNA in selected tissues, including the neural plate, neural folds, around the blastopore, and ectoderm. At the early tailbud stage, A23187 and heat shock enhanced BiP mRNA accumulation primarily in the head, somites, tail, and along the spinal cord. A similar situation was found with A23187‐ and heat shock‐treated late tailbud embryos, except that heat‐shocked embryos also displayed enhanced BiP mRNA accumulation in the epidermis. These studies demonstrate a preferential accumulation of BiP mRNA in selected tissues during development and in response to stress. Dev. Genet. 25:31–39, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The rate of removal of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) in nine rat brain areas (striatum, nucleus accumbens, tuberculum olfactorium, hypothalamus, lateral hippocampus, occipital cortex, brain stem, cerebellum, and retina) was calculated from its exponential decline after monoamine oxidase inhibition by pargyline. The experiments were carried out with rats pretreated with either saline or haloperidol. It appeared that the efficiency with which DOPAC was removed from the brain (expressed by the fractional rate constant k) varied considerably throughout the brain. Haloperidol dramatically decreased the k values, and in addition these effects differed widely in the various brain areas. Similarly to DOPAC, haloperidol had a pronounced retarding effect on the efflux of homovanillic acid (HVA) from the brain. These findings strongly suggest that great care should be taken when drug-induced alterations in DOPAC and HVA concentrations are interpreted as changes in dopaminergic activity. The dopamine (DA) concentrations were measured in the same experiments, but it appeared that the pargyline-induced rise in DA was of limited use for the estimation of the synthesis rate of the amine. We calculated the rate of catecholamine synthesis in the nine brain areas from the rise of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) during decarboxylase inhibition. In saline- as well as in haloperidol-pretreated rats it was found that the total catecholamine synthesis rate in the typical dopaminergic areas (striatum, nucleus accumbens, and tuberculum olfactorium) was of the same order of magnitude as the DOPAC rate of removal. This confirms that DOPAC formation is quantitatively the main route of degradation in these brain areas.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The antioxidant capabilities of phosphatidylethanolamine plasmalogen (PlsEtn), in vivo, against lipid peroxidation were investigated via acute phosphine (PH3) administration in rats. Oxidative stress was assessed from measures of malondialdehyde and various enzyme activities, while NMR analyses of lipid and aqueous tissue extracts provided metabolic information in cerebellum, brainstem, and cortex. Brainstem had the highest basal [PlsEtn], and showed only moderate PH3-induced oxidative damage with no loss of ATP. The lowest basal [PlsEtn] was observed in cortex, where PH3 caused a 51% decrease in [ATP]. The largest oxidative effect occurred in cerebellum, but [ATP] was unaffected. Myo-inositol+ethanolamine pretreatment attenuated all PH3 effects. Specifically, the pretreatment attenuated the ATP decrease in cortex, and elevated brain [PlsEtn] in the cerebellum, nearly abolishing the cerebellar oxidative effects. Our data suggest a high basal [PlsEtn], or the capacity to synthesize new ethanolamine lipids (particularly PlsEtn) may protect against PH3 toxicity.  相似文献   

Ontogeny of the GTP-Binding Protein Go in Rat Brain and Heart   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
We determined the ontogeny of the GTP-binding protein Go in rat brain and heart by employing highly sensitive enzyme immunoassay methods. In the brain, the alpha subunit of Go (Go alpha) gradually increased and reached adult levels approximately 20 and 30 days after birth in cerebral cortex and cerebellum, respectively. Concentrations of beta subunits, which were also quantified by the immunoassay, were almost equal to those of Go alpha in the brain of rats younger than 10 days, but were higher than those of Go alpha after 10 days. These results suggest that late development of GTP-binding proteins other than Go. Go alpha was immunohistochemically positive in neuropils and negative in cell bodies at any age tested. In the heart, the concentrations of Go alpha increased up to several times of the adult level just after birth, and then gradually decreased after the 20th postnatal day. The level of Go alpha in the liver, however, was very low and constant throughout ontogenic development. An immunohistochemical study indicated that Go alpha was positive in the cardiac muscle of young rat, but negative in that of adult rat. These results indicate that Go alpha exists in cells other than those of nervous tissues and neuroendocrine cells in some periods of ontogenic development.  相似文献   

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