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Communication is in phytophagous stink bugs of the subfamily Pentatominae related to mating behavior that among others includes location and recognition of the partner during calling and courting. Differences in temporal and frequency parameters of vibratory signals contributes to species reproductive isolation. Chinavia impicticornis and C. ubica are two green Neotropical stink bugs that live and mate on the same host plants. We tested the hypothesis that differences in temporal and spectral characteristics of both species vibratory signals enable their recognition to that extent that it interrupts further interspecific communication and copulation. To confirm or reject this hypothesis we monitored both species mating behaviour and recorded their vibratory songs on the non-resonant loudspeaker membranes and on the plant. The level of interspecific vibratory communication was tested also by playback experiments. Reproductive behavior and vibratory communication show similar patterns in both Chinavia species. Differences observed in temporal and spectral characteristics of female and male signals enable species discrimination by PCA analyses. Insects that respond to heterospecific vibratory signals do not step forward to behaviors leading to copulation. Results suggest that species isolation takes place in both investigated Chinavia species at an early stage of mating behavior reducing reproductive interference and the probability of heterospecific mating.  相似文献   

Temporal and frequency characteristics of the acoustic signals emitted by the pharyngeal sound apparatus were investigated in the hawkmoths, Acherontia atropos (L.), A. lachesis (F.), and Langia zenzeroides Moore. The sound signals of A. atropos consist of sequences of low- and high-amplitude series of clicks with different frequency spectra. In the other two species, the signals are emitted as sequences of uniform series of clicks. The dominant frequencies in the spectra are 7–10 kHz (A. lachesis), 13–20 kHz (A. atropos), and 35–47 kHz (L. zenzeroides). The defensive function of the pharyngeal signals is hypothesized.  相似文献   

Sexual selection has led to the evolution of extraordinary and elaborate male courtship behaviors across taxa, including mammals and birds, as well as some species of flies. Drosophila persimilis flies perform complex courtship behaviors found in most Drosophila species, which consist of visual, air-borne, gustatory and olfactory cues. In addition, Drosophila persimilis courting males also perform an elaborate postural display that is not found in most other Drosophila species. This postural display includes an upwards contortion of their abdomen, specialized movements of the head and forelegs, raising both wings into a “wing-posture” and, most remarkably, the males proffer the female a regurgitated droplet. Here, we use high-resolution imaging, laser vibrometry and air-borne acoustic recordings to analyse this postural display to ask which signals may promote copulation. Surprisingly, we find that no air-borne signals are generated during the display. We show, however, that the abdomen tremulates to generate substrate-borne vibratory signals, which correlate with the female’s immobility before she feeds onto the droplet and accepts copulation.  相似文献   



We have examined dynamic changes of histone H3 lysine 9 following trimethylation (H3K9me3), the mRNA expression levels of SUV39H1 and SUV39H2 in bovine oocytes and the role in the development of in vitro fertilization (IVF) pre-implantation embryos.


There were strong H3K9me3 signals in germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes but no signals in MII oocytes. H3K9me3 signals were maintained during IVF pre-implantation embryo development. SUV39H1 and SUV39H2 showed significantly higher mRNA expression levels in GV oocytes than MII oocytes (P < 0.01). SUV39H1 showed high mRNA expression level in two-cell embryos, however, SUV39H2 showed high mRNA expression level in four-cell embryos. In other development stage, SUV39H1 and SUV39H2 showed low expression levels.


Bovine IVF pre-implantation embryos maintain strong H3K9me3 signals and SUV39H1 and SUV39H2 are highly expressed at the early development stage of pre-implantation embryos.

Photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (photo-CIDNP) has been observed in the homodimeric, type-1 photochemical reaction centers (RCs) of the acidobacterium, Chloracidobacterium (Cab.) thermophilum, by 15N magic-angle spinning (MAS) solid-state NMR under continuous white-light illumination. Three light-induced emissive (negative) signals are detected. In the RCs of Cab. thermophilum, three types of (bacterio)chlorophylls have previously been identified: bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a), chlorophyll a (Chl a), and Zn-bacteriochlorophyll a′ (Zn-BChl a′) (Tsukatani et al. in J Biol Chem 287:5720–5732, 2012). Based upon experimental and quantum chemical 15N NMR data, we assign the observed signals to a Chl a cofactor. We exclude Zn-BChl because of its measured spectroscopic properties. We conclude that Chl a is the primary electron acceptor, which implies that the primary donor is most likely Zn-BChl a′. Chl a and 81-OH Chl a have been shown to be the primary electron acceptors in green sulfur bacteria and heliobacteria, respectively, and thus a Chl a molecule serves this role in all known homodimeric type-1 RCs.  相似文献   



We investigated how the synthesis of cAMP, stimulated by isoproterenol acting through β-adrenoreceptors and Gs, is strongly amplified by simultaneous incubation with baclofen. Baclofen is an agonist of δ-aminobutyric acid type B receptors [GABAB], known to inhibit adenylyl cyclase via Gi. Because these agents have opposite effects on cAMP levels, the unexpected increase in cAMP synthesis when they are applied simultaneously has been intensively investigated. From previous reports, it appears that cyclase type II contributes most significantly to this phenomenon.


We found that simultaneous application of isoproterenol and baclofen specifically influences the association/dissociation of molecules involved in the induction and termination of cyclase activity. Beta/gamma from [GABA]B receptor-coupled Gi has a higher affinity for adenylyl cyclase isoform(s) when these isoforms are co-associated with Gs. Our data also suggest that, when beta/gamma and Gαs are associated with adenylyl cyclase isoform(s), beta/gamma from [GABA]B receptor-coupled Gi retards the GTPase activity of Gαs from adrenergic receptor. These reciprocal regulations of subunits of the adenylyl cyclase complex might be responsible for the drastic increase of cAMP synthesis in response to the simultaneous signals.


Simultaneous signals arriving at a particular synapse converge on molecular detectors of coincidence and trigger specific biochemical events. We hypothesize that this phenomenon comes from the complex molecular architectures involved, including scaffolding proteins that make reciprocal interactions between associated molecules possible. The biochemistry of simultaneous signaling is addressed as a key to synaptic function.

Till this day, there is not much known about the phylogeny of the Secale genus; therefore, in our research, we tried to shed some lights on the issue of rye (Secale genus) taxonomy. The genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships were evaluated using 13,842 DArTseq? polymorphic markers. The model-based clustering (STRUCTURE software) separated our 84 samples into three main clusters: perennial cluster, annual cluster, and S. sylvestre cluster. The same result was obtained using Neighbour Joining tree and self-organizing maps. Secale sylvestre, S. strictum, and S. cereale are the three main species of the Secale genus. Three samples of rye are in basal positions in phylogenetic trees. These accessions share ancient morphological characters and are probably the ancestors of different lineages within Secale. Annual Secale taxa, with the exception of S. sylvestre, create one mutual taxon. We have found out that the semi-perennial taxa of S. cereale var. multicaule and S. strictum subsp. ciliatoglume are genetically closest to the annual species of S. cereale. Phylogenetic signals for semi-perennial and annual taxa are also present in S. strictum subsp. africanum. SNP-based analysis revealed that evolution of annual S. cereale has already begun in S. strictum subsp. africanum. The results showed that S. vavilovii cannot be considered as a separate species but a subspecies of S. cereale Secale cereale subsp. dighoricum is a hybrid. It is still not clear whether we can consider S. strictum subsp. strictum and S. strictum subsp. kuprijanovii as two separate species.  相似文献   

Conspicuous colouration in unpalatable organisms acts as a warning signal of their unprofitability, a phenomenon known as aposematism. The protection conferred by such colouration can lead to evolutionary convergence in warning signals between aposematic species, because sharing warning signals reduces the per capita cost of predator learning. Consequently, most aposematic species display a single colour pattern and participate in a single mimetic community (i.e. mimicry ring) at any given locality. However, some, like the Amazonian butterfly Heliconius numata, are polymorphic and participate in several mimicry rings within the same locality. We tested whether the unexpected polymorphism of H. numata could be due to a weak defence against predators. Poorly defended species participating in a mimicry ring are subject to negative frequency dependent selection, because their presence weakens the protection provided by the shared signal. This could promote polymorphism and participation in multiple mimicry rings. Using wild caught great tits (Parus major), we compared the palatability of H. numata to one of its locally monomorphic co-mimics (Mechanitis polymnia) and to two other locally monomorphic Heliconius species (H. melpomene and H. erato). The tested birds strongly rejected the polymorphic species H. numata, as well as the two other Heliconius species. Unexpectedly, a significantly weaker rejection was found towards M. polymnia, which relies on different toxic compounds to Heliconius. Our study demonstrates that the origin of polymorphic mimicry in H. numata is unlikely to stem from low unpalatability and raises new questions on defence variation within mimetic communities.  相似文献   

Endelus (Kubaniellus) indicus sp. n. from India, E. (K.) lao sp. n. and E. (K.) khnzoriani sp. n. from Laos, E. (s. str.) sausai sp. n. from China, and E. (s. str.) dembickyi sp. n. from India are described, the two latter species are included in the Endelus bicarinatus Théry, 1932 species-group recently established by the author. E. collinus Obenberger, 1922 is included in this group; lectotype of this species is designated. Keys to species of the subgenus Kubaniellus and of the E. collinus group are provided. E. (K.) kareni Kalashian is for the first time recorded for Shaanxi Prov., E. pacholatkoi Kalashian, E. smaragdinus Desc. et Vill., and E collinus Obenb., for Laos (the latter species, also for Myanmar).  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers are reported for 19 species of North AmericanSalix, one natural hybrid, and one introduced species. The following 17 species are here examined cytologically for the first time:Salix amygdaloides Anderss.,S. arbusculoides Anderss.,S. brachycarpa Nutt.,S. Candida Willd.,S. discolor Muhl.,S. exigua Nutt.,S. kumilis Marsh.,S. interior Rowlee,S. lutea Nutt.,S. maccalliana Rowlee,S. monticola Rydb.,S. myrtillifolia Anderss.,S. pellita Anderss.,S. petiolaris J. E. Sm,S. scouleriana Barr.,S. silicicola Raup, andS. subcoerulea Piper. Of the 19 native North American species 11 are diploid, four are tetraploid, one is triploid, one hexaploid, one dodecaploid, and one exhibits more than one ploidal level.  相似文献   

Fourteen genera (Ardilea Graham, Glyphognathus Graham, Rhicnocoelia Graham, Eulonchetron Graham, Habritys Thomson, Heteroprymna Graham, Janssoniella Kerrich, Lyubana Bou?ek, Muscidifurax Girault et Sanders, Nazgulia Hedqvist, Notoglyptus Masi, Oxysychus Delucchi, Platygerrhus Thomson, and Stenetra Masi) and 81 species are recorded for the first time for the fauna of Russia; in addition, 13 species are new to the fauna of the Russian Far East.  相似文献   

The following paper describes the foraminiferal fauna and associated faunal assemblages of the bedded and reef carbonates of the Upper Triassic (most probably Rhaetian) Nayband Formation, which are exposed in a section south of the small town of Bagher-Abad, northeast of Esfahan. Foraminifers are extremely rare in sponge- or coral-dominated bioconstructions and in the bedded carbonates of the Nayband Formation in central Iran. Some carbonate beds are composed of bioclastic wackstone/packstone. These are exposed in the solenoporacean horizon at the uppermost part of the section. Here, the aulotortid- and trocholinid-type foraminifers are relatively abundant. The following foraminiferal taxa with different abundances were found within the carbonates of the investigated section: Trocholina umbo Frentzen, T. turris Frentzen, T. gracilis Blau, Aulotortus tumidus (Kristan-Tollmann), Aulotortus tenuis (Kristan), Aulotortus friedli (Kristan-Tollmann), Coronipora etrusca (Pirini), Semiinvoluta clari Kristan, Turrispirillina? licia variabilis Blau, Galeanella? laticarinata Al-Shaibani, Carter and Zaninetti, Ophthalmidium sp., Agathammina sp., “Sigmoilinaschaeferae Zaninetti, Planiinvoluta carinata Leischner, Planiinvoluta sp., Nubecularia sp., Endothyra sp., Paeolituonella sp. and some sessile agglutinated and nodosariid types. All mentioned taxa are very rare, except the involutinid and trocholinid types. The following species are described as new: Trocholina blaui nov. sp., Spirilina? iranica nov. sp., and Coronipora serraforma nov. sp. Trocholina blaui is usually attached to solenoporacean thalli. Four foraminiferal associations, which are named after the occurrence of the abundant species, were distinguished as Aulotortus tumidus association, Aulotortus friedli association, Trocholina umbo association, and Trocholina blaui association. Aulotortid types and Trocholina umbo were found within the bioclastic wackstone/packstone carbonates. Trocholina blaui is abundant in solenoporacean framestones. The foraminiferal association of investigated carbonates contains a mixed fauna, known from Upper Triassic–Liassic in the Tethyan realm. Carbonates of the whole investigated section are dated—due to occurrence of the genus Aulotortus, with species A. tumidus (Kristan-Tollmann), A. tenuis (Kristan), and A. friedli (Kristan-Tollmann)—as Upper Triassic (most probably Rhaetian). The “typical” foraminifers occurring in the reef biotopes in the northwestern Tethys are either missing or extremely rare in the Iranian bioconstructions.  相似文献   

Thraustochytrids are single cell marine eukaryotes that produce large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as docosahexaenoic acid. In the present study, we report the visualization of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria in a type strain of the thraustochytrid, Aurantiochytrium limacinum ATCC MYA-1381, using the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) with specific targeting/retaining signals. We expressed the egfp gene with ER targeting/retaining signals from A. limacinum calreticulin or BiP/GRP78 in the thraustochytrid, resulting in the distribution of EGFP signals at the perinuclear region and near lipid droplets. ER-Tracker? Red, an authentic fluorescent probe for the visualization of ER in mammalian cells, also stained the same region. We observed small lipid droplets generated from the visualized ER in the early growth phase of cell culture. Expression of the egfp gene with the mitochondria targeting signal from A. limacinum cytochrome c oxidase resulted in the localization of EGFP near the plasma membrane. The distribution of EGFP signals coincided with that of MitoTracker® Red CMXRos, which is used to visualize mitochondria in eukaryotes. The ER and mitochondria of A. limacinum were visualized for the first time by EGFP with thraustochytrid cell organelle-specific targeting/retaining signals. These results will contribute to classification of the intracellular localization of proteins expressed in ER and mitochondria as well as analyses of these cell organelles in thraustochytrids.  相似文献   

We conducted a cytogenetic study of four hyline frog species (Dendropsophus elegans, D. microps, D. minutus and D. werneri) from southern Brazil. All species had 2n = 30 chromosomes, with interspecific and intraspecific variation in the numbers of metacentric, submetacentric, subtelocentric and telocentric chromosomes. C-banding and fluorochrome staining revealed conservative GC-rich heterochromatin localized in the pericentromeric regions of all species. The location of the nucleolus organizer regions, as confirmed by fluorescent in situ hybridization, differed between species. Telomeric probes detected sites that were restricted to the terminal regions of all chromosomes and no interstitial or centromeric signals were observed. Our study corroborates the generic synapomorphy of 2n = 30 chromosomes for Dendropsophus and adds data that may become useful for future taxonomic revisions and a broader understanding of chromosomal evolution among hylids.  相似文献   

Four new species of Telenominae of the genera Telenomus and Platytelenomus, collected in the territory of the Ukraine, Hungary, and Japan, were described: Telenomus (T.) bicolorus Kononova, T. (T.) ardens Kononova, (T.) michaylovi Kononova, and Platytelenomus mirabilis Kononova. Brief morphological characteristics of the genera Telenomus and Platytelenomus are given, and some notes concerning biology and geographical distribution of the species are presented. Telenomus (T.) bicolorus differs from all the known species of the genus Telenomus in the two-colored body: head and thorax yellow with brownish tint ventrally, mesothorax and abdomen black. The main distinguishing feature of T. (T.) ardens is its smooth shining body, T. (T.) michaylovi is similar to T. (T.) rudis Kozlov. These species can be distinguished by the structure of their antenna. The second to fourth segments of the antennal clava are transverse in T. (T.) michaylovi and are as long as wide in T. (T.) rudis. In addition, the abdominal stem and abdominal tergite II are smooth and shining, while the abdominal stem in T. (T.) rudis is striate along the entire length, and tergite II is finely striate along half of its length. Platytelenomus mirabilis is closely related to P. danubialis Szelényi, but differs in the strongly flattened body, sculpture of the abdominal stem and tergite II, and coloration of the legs. The thorax of P. mirabilis is 4–5 times as wide as high, the abdominal stem is striate along the entire length, tergite II is striate at the base, and the legs, including coxae, are yellow. The thorax of P. danubialis is 4 times as wide as high, the abdominal stem and tergite II are smooth and shining, and the legs are brown.  相似文献   


Key message

The divergence patterns of NBS LRR genes in soybean Rsv3 locus were deciphered and several divergent alleles ( NBS_C, NBS_D and Columbia NBS_E ) were identified as the likely functional candidates of Rsv3.


The soybean Rsv3 locus, which confers resistance to the soybean mosaic virus (SMV), has been previously mapped to a region containing five nucleotide binding site–leucine-rich repeats (NBSLRR) genes (referred to as nbs_AE) in Williams 82. In resistant cultivars, however, the number of NBSLRR genes in this region and their divergence from susceptible alleles remain unclear. In the present study, we constructed and screened a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library for an Rsv3-possessing cultivar, Zaoshu 18. Sequencing two positive BAC inserts on the Rsv3 locus revealed that Zaoshu 18 possesses the same gene content and order as Williams 82, but two of the NBSLRR genes, NBS_C and NBS_D, exhibit distinct features that were not observed in the Williams 82 alleles. Obtaining these NBS-LRR genes from eight additional cultivars demonstrated that the NBS_AD genes diverged into two different alleles: the nbs_AD alleles were associated with the rsv3-type cultivars, whereas the NBS_AD alleles were associated with the Rsv3-possessing cultivars. For the NBS_E gene, the cultivar Columbia possesses an allele (NBS_E) that differed from that in Zaoshu 18 and rsv3-type cultivars (nbs_E). Exchanged fragments were further detected on alleles of the NBS_CE genes, suggesting that recombination is a major force responsible for allele divergence. Also, the LRR domains of the NBS_CE genes exhibited extremely strong signals of positive selection. Overall, the divergence patterns of the NBSLRR genes in Rsv3 locus elucidated by this study indicate that not only NBS_C but also NBS_D and Columbia NBS_E are likely functional alleles that confer resistance to SMV.

Using yeast genome databases and literature data, phylogenetic analysis of pectinase PGU genes from 112 Saccharomyces strains assigned to the biological species S. arboricola, S. bayanus (var. uvarum), S. cariocanus, S. cerevisiae, S. kudriavzevii, S. mikatae, S. paradoxus, and the hybrid taxon S. pastorianus (syn. S. carlsbergensis) was carried out. A superfamily of divergent PGU genes was found. Natural interspecies transfer of the PGU gene both from S. cerevisiae to S. bayanus and from S. paradoxus to S. cerevisiae may, however, occur. Within the Saccharomyces species, identity of the PGU nucleotide sequences was 98.8–100% for S. cerevisiae, 86.1–95.7% for S. bayanus (var. uvarum), 94–98.3% for S. kudriavzevii, and 96.8–100% for S. paradoxus/S. cariocanus. For the first time, a family of polymeric PGU1b, PGU2b, PGU3b and PGU4b genes is documented for the yeast S. bayanus var. uvarum, a variety important for winemaking.  相似文献   

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