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A comparison was made of graphical and subtractive methods for the determination of the dissociation constant of a complex between ferredoxin:NADP reductase and NADP. The subtractive method gave Kd values near 10 μm which are consistent with recently determined values for Km,NADP in assays of NADP photoreduction by chloroplast membranes. The graphical method gave values which were considerably higher. The difference between the two methods is due to the failure of the graphical method to correct for the amount of each component present in the complex at the low NADP/ flavoprotein ratios necessary for binding studies. A second NADP binding site of much lower affinity (Kd approx 1 mm) was also detected.  相似文献   

Chemical modification studies have been conducted on spinach ferredoxin to determine the nature of the groups on ferredoxin involved in its interaction with its reaction partners. Modification of a limited number (three or four) carboxyl groups or of the single histidine residue resulted in a decreased ability of ferredoxin to participate in NADP photoreduction but not in cytochrome c photoreduction, suggesting that these groups may be involved in interaction with ferredoxin:NADP reductase but are not involved in interaction with the reducing side of Photosystem I. In contrast, modification of amino groups or the single arginine residue on ferredoxin had little effect on the ability of ferredoxin to participate in NADP photoreduction, suggesting these groups are not involved in the interaction of ferredoxin with either ferredoxin:NADP reductase or the reducing side of Photosystem I. Attempts to modify tyrosine residues on ferredoxin resulted in destruction of the iron-sulfur center of the protein.  相似文献   

Ferredoxin and the flavoprotein, ferredoxin: NADP reductase, have been covalently linked by incubation in the presence of a water soluble carbodiimide. The cross-linking reaction yields an adduct having a 1:1 stoichiometry. The adduct has depressed levels of diaphorase and NADPH oxidase activity and is inactive in reduction of cytochrome c using NADPH as an electron donor. Thus, although similar to an adduct described by Zanetti and coworkers [J Biol Chem 259: 6153–6157 (1984)] in its stoichiometry, the adduct described herein has significantly different enzymatic properties. It is suggested that this may be a reflection of differences in the interaction between the two proteins resulting from differences in experimental conditions in which the two adducts were prepared.Abbreviations Fd ferredoxin - Fp ferredoxin: NADP reductase - Fd Fp covalently linked Fd-Fp adduct - Fd:Fp noncovalently linked complex between Fd and Fp - EDC 1-ethyl-3-(dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide - Tris tris-hydroxymethylaminomethane - MOPS 3-(N-morpholino)propane sulfonic acid - DCIP 2,6-dichloropenolindophenol  相似文献   

Dansyl chloride, at low molar ratio, inactivates ferredoxin-NADP reductase (NADPH:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, EC The complete protection afforded either by NADP or NADPH suggests a direct involvement of the active site. Experiments with [Me-14C] dansyl chloride showed that about 1.5 residues per flavin were dansylated: by differential labelling experiments using NADP, it has been proved that enzyme inactivation is due to dansylation of one residue. The group modified has been identified as the epsilon-amino group of a lysine. The pH-inactivation profile indicates that this essential group has an apparent pKa of 8.7. The dansylated flavoprotein seems to maintain its native conformation; it shows a fluorescent chromophore with a peak at 335 nm. The modified enzyme has lost the capacity to form a complex with NADP, nevertheless it interacts normally with ferredoxin. It is concluded that the loss of catalytic activity which parallels the dansylation of a lysyl residue occurs because this residue is essential for the binding of the pyridine nucleotide substrate. Protection experiments with a series of coenzyme analogs further indicate that this lysyl residue interacts, most likely, with the 2'-phosphate moiety of NADP(H).  相似文献   

Chemical modification of ferredoxin--NADP+ reductase from the cyanobacteria Anabaena has been performed using the alpha-dicarbonyl reagent phenylglyoxal. Inactivation of both the diaphorase and cytochrome-c reductase activities, characteristic of the enzyme, indicates the involvement of one or more arginyl residues in the catalytic process of the enzyme. The determination of the rate constants for the inactivation process under different conditions, including those in which substrates, NADP+ and ferredoxin, as well as other NADP+ analogs were present, indicates the involvement of two different groups in the inactivation process, one that reacts very rapidly with the reagent (kobs = 8.3 M-1 min-1) and is responsible for the binding of NADP+, and a second less reactive group (kobs = 0.9 M-1 min-1), that is involved in the binding of ferredoxin. Radioactive labeling of the enzyme with [14C]phenylglyoxal confirms that two groups are modified while amino acid analysis of the modified protein indicates that the modified groups are arginine residues. The identification of the amino acid residues involved in binding and catalysis of the substrates of ferredoxin--NADP+ reductase will help to elucidate the mechanism of the reaction catalyzed by this important enzyme.  相似文献   

Eleven independent monoclonal antibodies, all IgG's, have been raised against the ferredoxin:NADP+ oxidoreductase of spinach leaves. All 11 monoclonal antibodies were able to produce substantial inhibition of the NADPH to 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP) diaphorase activity of the enzyme, but none of the antibodies produced any significant inhibition of electron flow from NADPH to ferredoxin catalyzed by the enzyme. Spectral perturbation assays were used to demonstrate that antibody interaction with NADP+ reductase did not interfere significantly with the binding of either ferredoxin or NADP+ to the enzyme. Ultrafiltration binding assays were used to confirm that the monoclonal antibodies did not interfere with complex formation between ferredoxin and the enzyme. These results have been interpreted in terms of the likely presence of one or more highly antigenic epitopes at the site where the nonphysiological electron acceptor, DCPIP, binds to the enzyme. Furthermore, the results suggest that the site where DCPIP is reduced differs from both of the two separate sites at which the two physiological substrates, ferredoxin and NADP+/NADPH, are bound.  相似文献   

The ferredoxin nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate reductase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa ( pa-FPR) in complex with NADP (+) has been characterized by X-ray crystallography and in solution by NMR spectroscopy. The structure of the complex revealed that pa-FPR harbors a preformed NADP (+) binding pocket where the cofactor binds with minimal structural perturbation of the enzyme. These findings were complemented by obtaining sequential backbone resonance assignments of this 29518 kDa enzyme, which enabled the study of the pa-FPR-NADP complex by monitoring chemical shift perturbations induced by addition of NADP (+) or the inhibitor adenine dinucleotide phosphate (ADP) to pa-FPR. The results are consistent with a preformed NADP (+) binding site and also demonstrate that the pa-FPR-NADP complex is largely stabilized by interactions between the protein and the 2'-P AMP portion of the cofactor. Analysis of the crystal structure also shows a vast network of interactions between the two cofactors, FAD and NADP (+), and the characteristic AFVEK (258) C'-terminal extension that is typical of bacterial FPRs but is absent in their plastidic ferredoxin NADP (+) reductase (FNR) counterparts. The conformations of NADP (+) and FAD in pa-FPR place their respective nicotinamide and isoalloxazine rings 15 A apart and separated by residues in the C'-terminal extension. The network of interactions among NADP (+), FAD, and residues in the C'-terminal extension indicate that the gross conformational rearrangement that would be necessary to place the nicotinamide and isoalloxazine rings parallel and adjacent to one another for direct hydride transfer between NADPH and FAD in pa-FPR is highly unlikely. This conclusion is supported by observations made in the NMR spectra of pa-FPR and the pa-FPR-NADP complex, which strongly suggest that residues in the C'-terminal sequence do not undergo conformational exchange in the presence or absence of NADP (+). These findings are discussed in the context of a possible stepwise electron-proton-electron transfer of hydride in the oxidation of NADPH by FPR enzymes.  相似文献   

Ferredoxin which had been modified with glycine ethylester in the presence of a water-soluble carbodiimide to the extent of one carboxyl-group modified per ferredoxin was subjected to peptide mapping in an attempt to locate the site(s) of modification. The peptide mapping was done by HPLC and analysis of the resulting chromatogram allowed assignment of peaks to various segments in the amino acid sequences of the two isozymes of ferredoxin. The modified ferredoxin appeared to be a mixture of ferredoxin derivatives in which modification had occurred in three areas of the molecule. Although unable to identify the specific residues modified, it has been shown that modification is localized in the regions of residues 26-30, 65-70, and 92-94. The possibility that these regions of ferredoxin may define its binding site for ferredoxin: NADP reductase is discussed. Peptide mapping studies on a covalently linked adduct between ferredoxin and ferredoxin: NADP reductase also support these regions of ferredoxin as being important in the interaction between the two proteins.  相似文献   

Treatment of spinach ferredoxin with glycine ethyl ester in the presence of a water soluble carbodiimide resulted in the modification of 3-4 carboxyl groups and decreased the ability of ferredoxin to participate in NADP photoreduction by chloroplast membranes by about 80%. The ability of the modified ferredoxin to receive electrons from the reducing side of Photosystem I was relatively unaffected. These findings suggest that the modified ferredoxin is unable to interact with ferredoxin:NADP reductase. This has been verified by demonstration that the modified ferredoxin fails to produce difference spectra typical of a ferredoxin-ferredoxin:NADP reductase complex when added to ferredoxin:NADP reductase.  相似文献   

The small inorganic complex Cr(CN)6(3-) is a clean inhibitor of the ferredoxin: NADP+ reductase-catalysed oxidation of reduced spinach ferredoxin by NADP+. Independent spectrophotometric measurements show that millimolar additions of Cr(CN)6(3-) to mixtures of ferredoxin and ferredoxin NADP+ reductase give a marked attenuation of the difference spectrum characteristic of ferredoxin-ferredoxin: NADP+ reductase complex formation. Since there is no evidence, from NMR studies, for significant binding of Cr(CN)6(3-) to ferredoxin, these results indicate that Cr(CN)6(3-) binds to ferredoxin: NADP+ reductase at a site which is crucial to its interaction with the electron-transfer protein. The effective kinetic binding constant for Cr(CN)6(3-), measured at low ferredoxin concentration, is 445 M-1 (ie Kdiss congruent to 2 mM) at 25 degrees, pH7.5, I = 0.10 M. With assumption of a simple electrostatic interaction, an enzyme domain with an effective charge of 3+/4+ is proposed.  相似文献   

Stewart RC 《Biochemistry》2005,44(11):4375-4385
Signal transduction in the chemotaxis system of Escherichia coli involves an autophosphorylating protein histidine kinase, CheA. At the active site of CheA, phenylalanine residues 455 and 459 occupy positions near the ATP-binding pocket, immediately adjacent to one of the hinge regions of a loop that undergoes an ATP-induced conformational change ("lid closure") that has been characterized previously in X-ray crystal structures [Bilwes et al. (2001) Nat. Struct. Biol. 8, 353-360]. We generated versions of CheA carrying F455W and F459W replacements and investigated whether the fluorescence properties of the introduced tryptophan side chains were affected by nucleotide binding in a manner that would provide a signal for investigating the dynamics of active site events, such as ATP binding and lid closure. Our results indicate that CheA(F455W) is useful in this regard, but CheA(F459W) is not. CheA(F455W) retained full catalytic activity and exhibited easily monitored fluorescence changes upon binding nucleotide: we observed a 25-30% decrease in CheA(F455W) fluorescence emission intensity at 330 nm upon binding ATP in the absence of Mg(2+); in the presence of Mg(2+), the emission spectrum of the CheA(F455W):ATP complex was red-shifted by 5 nm and exhibited an increased intensity (approximately 20% higher at 345 nm relative to that of uncomplexed CheA(F455W)). Different fluorescence changes were observed when two ATP analogues (ADPNP and ADPCP) were used instead of ATP and when Mn(2+) or Ca(2+) was used in place of Mg(2+). We exploited the fluorescence changes induced by Mg(2+)-ATP to explore the kinetics and mechanism of nucleotide binding by CheA(F455W). In the absence of Mg(2+), binding appears to involve a simple one-step equilibrium (k(assn) = 0.7 microM(-1) s(-1) and k(dissn) = 270 s(-1) at 4 degrees C). In the presence of Mg(2+), the binding mechanism involves at least two steps: (i) rapid, relatively weak binding followed by (ii) a rapid, reversible step (k(forward) = 300 s(-1) and k(reverse) =15 s(-1) at 4 degrees C) that enhanced the overall affinity of the complex and generated an increase in W455 fluorescence. This second step could reflect a conformational change at the CheA active site, such as lid closure. These results provide the first insight into the dynamics of nucleotide binding and substrate-induced conformational changes at the active site of a protein histidine kinase.  相似文献   

Spinach ferredoxin was modified chemically with trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS), a reagent which reacts specifically with amino groups. The trinitrophenylated ferredoxin (TNP-Fd) can accept electrons from Photosystem I as indicated by its full activity in the photoreduction of cytochrome c. The modified protein is inactive, however, in the photoreduction of NADP and cannot form a complex with the flavoprotein, ferredoxin: NADP oxidoreductase. The data presented indicate that the inactivity of the modified protein is the result of modification of a single amino group.  相似文献   

1. The quenching by ubiquinone (Q) of the intrinsic fluorescence of tryptophan residues within ubiquinol--cytochrome-c reductase (complex III) has been exploited to provide direct information on the interaction between these two components of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. 2. The fluorescence quenching data have been corrected for inner filter effects and interpreted using the classical Stern-Volmer and modified Stern-Volmer plots. The latter of these plots allows computation of both the dissociation constant (Kd) of complex formation between ubiquinone and complex III, and the percentage of fluorophores accessible to quenching. 3. It is found that different Q homologues bind to complex III with different affinities depending upon the length of the isoprenoid chain: 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-6-decyl-1,4-benzoquinone, an analogue of Q2, exhibits the same Kd as Q2. Furthermore, the accessibility of fluorophores to quenching was lower for Q1 than for the other quinones tested. 4. The binding affinity of Q2 to complex III depends upon the redox state of the enzyme. 5. Addition of the complex III inhibitor, antimycin, has very little effect on the binding affinity or on the accessibility of fluorophores to the quencher. 6. Addition of the inhibitor myxothiazol has a similar effect to reducing complex III with ascorbate. 7. Reconstitution of complex III into asolectin lipid vesicles gives similar qualitative results to the enzyme in solution regarding both the redox state and the addition of inhibitors.  相似文献   

Each phycobilisome complex of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 binds approximately 2.4 copies of ferredoxin:NADP(+) reductase (FNR). A mutant of this strain that carries an N-terminally truncated version of the petH gene, lacking the 9 kDa domain of FNR that is homologous to the phycocyanin-associated linker polypeptide CpcD, assembles phycobilisome complexes that do not contain FNR. Phycobilisome complexes, consisting of the allophycocyanin core and only the core-proximal phycocyanin hexamers from mutant R20, do contain a full complement of FNR. Therefore, the binding site of FNR in the phycobilisomes is not the core-distal binding site that is occupied by CpcD, but in the core-proximal phycocyanin hexamer. Phycobilisome complexes of a mutant expressing a fusion protein of the N-terminal domain of FNR and green fluorescent protein (GFP) contain this fusion protein in tightly bound form. Calculations of the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) characteristics between GFP and acceptors in the phycobilisome complex indicate that their donor-acceptor distance is between 3 and 7 nm. Fluorescence spectroscopy at 77K and measurements in intact cells of accumulated levels of P700(+) indicate that the presence of FNR in the phycobilisome complexes does not influence the distribution of excitation energy of phycobilisome-absorbed light between photosystem II and photosystem I, and also does not affect the occurrence of 'light-state transitions'.  相似文献   

Chemical modification of chicken liver fatty acid synthetase with the reagent ethoxyformic anhydride causes inactivation of the palmitate synthetase and enoyl reductase activities of the enzyme complex, but without significant effect on its beta-ketoacyl reductase or beta-ketoacyl dehydratase activity. The second-order rate constant of 0.2 mM-1 X s-1 for loss of synthetase activity is equal to the value for enoyl reductase, indicating that ethoxyformylation destroys the ability of the enzyme to reduce the unsaturated acyl intermediate. The specificity of this reagent for histidine residues is indicated by the appearance of a 240 nm absorption band for ethoxyformic histidine corresponding to the modification of 2.1 residues per enzyme dimer, and by the observation that the modified enzyme is readily reactivated by hydroxylamine. A pK value of 7.1 obtained by studies of the pH rate-profile of inactivation is consistent with that of histidine. Moreover, inactivation by ethoxyformic anhydride is unaffected by reversely blocking essential SH groups of the enzyme with 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid), and therefore does not involve the reaction of these groups. The reaction of tyrosyl groups is excluded by an unchanged absorption at 278 nm. In other experiments, it was shown that inactivation of synthetase is protected by pyridine nucleotide cofactors and nucleotide analogs containing a 2'-phosphate group, and is accompanied by the loss of 2.4 NADPH binding sites. These results implicate the presence of a histidine residue at or near the binding site for 2'-phosphate group of pyridine nucleotide in the enoyl reductase domain of the synthetase.  相似文献   

Onda Y  Hase T 《FEBS letters》2004,564(1-2):116-120
We investigated the process of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) incorporation into the ferredoxin (Fd):NADP(+) oxidoreductase (FNR) polypeptide during FNR biosynthesis, using pull-down assay with resin-immobilized Fd which bound strongly to FAD-assembled holo-FNR, but hardly to FAD-deficient apo-FNR. After FNR precursor was imported into isolated chloroplasts and processed to the mature size, the molecular form pulled down by Fd-resin increasingly appeared. The mature-sized FNR (mFNR) accumulated transiently in the stroma as the apo-form, and subsequently bound on the thylakoid membranes as the holo-form. Thus, FAD is incorporated into the mFNR inside chloroplasts, and this assembly process is followed by the thylakoid membrane localization of FNR.  相似文献   

Transient absorbance measurements following laser flash photolysis have been used to measure the rate constants for electron transfer (et) from reduced Anabaena ferredoxin (Fd) to wild-type and seven site-specific charge-reversal mutants of Anabaena ferredoxin:NADP+ reductase (FNR). These mutations have been designed to probe the importance of specific positively charged amino acid residues on the surface of the FNR molecule near the exposed edge of the FAD cofactor in the protein-protein interaction during et with Fd. The mutant proteins fall into two groups: overall, the K75E, R16E, and K72E mutants are most severely impaired in et, and the K138E, R264E, K290E, and K294E mutants are impaired to a lesser extent, although the degree of impairment varies with ionic strength. Binding constants for complex formation between the oxidized proteins and for the transient et complexes show that the severity of the alterations in et kinetics for the mutants correlate with decreased stabilities of the protein-protein complexes. Those mutated residues, which show the largest effects, are located in a region of the protein in which positive charge predominates, and charge reversals have large effects on the calculated local surface electrostatic potential. In contrast, K138, R264, K290, and K294 are located within or close to regions of intense negative potential, and therefore the introduction of additional negative charges have considerably smaller effects on the calculated surface potential. We attribute the relative changes in et kinetics and complex binding constants for these mutants to these characteristics of the surface charge distribution in FNR and conclude that the positively charged region of the FNR surface located in the vicinity of K75, R16, and K72 is especially important in the binding and orientation of Fd during electron transfer.  相似文献   

Ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase associates with thylakoid membranes into two pools of different binding strength that are experimentally distinguished on the basis of resistance to removal by washes in low ionic strength media. The nondenaturing zwitterionic detergent 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonic acid is uniquely able to remove the more tightly bound pool of enzyme, without solubilization of major membrane proteins. The reconstitution of reductase onto depleted thylakoid membranes requires available membrane binding sites and cations, in order of effectiveness trivalent greater than divalent greater than monovalent. The hetero/bifunctional 125I-iodinated Denny-Jaffe cross-linking reagent yields a 54-kDa, covalently cross-linked adduct between ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase and a component of the thylakoid membrane. Our results show that the more tightly bound pool of enzyme is associated with the 17.5-kDa reductase-binding protein (Vallejos, R. H., Ceccarelli, E., and Chan, R. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 8048-8051).  相似文献   

Treatment of covalently crosslinked rabbit IgG oligomers with diethylpyrocarbonate resulted in the loss of their C1q binding activity. The inactivation was a first-order process with respect to time in the range 0-8 min, and modifier concentration from 0 to 2.39 mM. Hydroxylamine treatment of diethylpyrocarbonate-treated IgG oligomers led to 80% recovery of their C1q binding activity. Diethylpyrocarbonate treatment of IgG oligomers had little effect on their absorbance at 278 nm, but led to an increase in their absorbance at 242 nm. The apparent pKa of the modified residues was 6.91 +/- 0.12. These data are consistent with diethylpyrocarbonate modification of histidine residues leading to loss of C1q binding activity in rabbit IgG oligomers. Modification of four histidine residues per IgG molecule was associated with the loss of C1q binding activity. Thus, there may be two histidine residues at or near the C1q binding sites in the CH2 domains of rabbit IgG.  相似文献   

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