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Rap1 is a small GTPase that regulates adherens junction maturation. It remains elusive how Rap1 is activated upon cell-cell contact. We demonstrate for the first time that Rap1 is activated upon homophilic engagement of vascular endothelial cadherin (VE-cadherin) at the cell-cell contacts in living cells and that MAGI-1 is required for VE-cadherin-dependent Rap1 activation. We found that MAGI-1 localized to cell-cell contacts presumably by associating with beta-catenin and that MAGI-1 bound to a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rap1, PDZ-GEF1. Depletion of MAGI-1 suppressed the cell-cell contact-induced Rap1 activation and the VE-cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion after Ca2+ switch. In addition, relocation of vinculin from cell-extracellular matrix contacts to cell-cell contacts after the Ca2+ switch was inhibited in MAGI-1-depleted cells. Furthermore, inactivation of Rap1 by overexpression of Rap1GAPII impaired the VE-cadherin-dependent cell adhesion. Collectively, MAGI-1 is important for VE-cadherin-dependent Rap1 activation upon cell-cell contact. In addition, once activated, Rap1 upon cell-cell contacts positively regulate the adherens junction formation by relocating vinculin that supports VE-cadherin-based cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Human NRAGE, a neurotrophin receptor p75 interaction MAGE homologue, confers NGF-dependent apoptosis of neuronal cells by inducing caspase activation through the JNK-c-jun-dependent pathway and arrests cell growth through the p53-dependent pathway. Our findings showed that human NRAGE could significantly alter the cell skeleton and inhibit homotypic cell-cell adhesion in U2OS cells. With further experiments, we revealed that human NRAGE disrupts colocalization of the E-cadherin/beta-catenin complex and translocates beta-catenin from the cell membrane into the cytoplasm and nucleus. Synchronously, NRAGE also decreases the total protein level of beta-catenin, especially when NRAGE expresses for a long time. More importantly, knock down of NRAGE by RNA interference in PANC-1 cell significantly reinforces E-cadherin/beta-catenin homotypic cell adhesion. The data demonstrate the importance of human NRAGE in homotypic cell-to-cell adhesion and illuminate the mechanism of human NRAGE in the process of inhibition of cell adhesion, which suggests that human NRGAE plays a potential negative role in cancer metastasis.  相似文献   

Wnt-1 homologs have been identified in invertebrates and vertebrates and play important roles in cellular differentiation and organization. In Drosophila, the products of the segment polarity genes wingless (the Wnt-1 homolog) and armadillo participate in a signal transduction pathway important for cellular boundary formation in embryonic development, but functional interactions between the proteins are unknown. We have examined Wnt-1 function in mammalian cells in which armadillo (beta-catenin and plakoglobin) is known to bind to and regulate cadherin cell adhesion proteins. We show that Wnt-1 expression results in the accumulation of beta-catenin and plakoglobin. In addition, binding of beta-catenin to the cell adhesion protein, cadherin, is stabilized, resulting in a concomitant increase in the strength of calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion. Thus, a consequence of the functional interaction between Wnt-1 and armadillo family members is the strengthening of cell-cell adhesion, which may lead to the specification of cellular boundaries.  相似文献   

Cadherins are critically involved in tissue development and tissue homeostasis. We demonstrate here that neuronal cadherin (N-cadherin) is cleaved specifically by the disintegrin and metalloproteinase ADAM10 in its ectodomain. ADAM10 is not only responsible for the constitutive, but also for the regulated, shedding of this adhesion molecule in fibroblasts and neuronal cells directly regulating the overall levels of N-cadherin expression at the cell surface. The ADAM10-induced N-cadherin cleavage resulted in changes in the adhesive behaviour of cells and also in a dramatic redistribution of beta-catenin from the cell surface to the cytoplasmic pool, thereby influencing the expression of beta-catenin target genes. Our data therefore demonstrate a crucial role of ADAM10 in the regulation of cell-cell adhesion and on beta-catenin signalling, leading to the conclusion that this protease constitutes a central switch in the signalling pathway from N-cadherin at the cell surface to beta-catenin/LEF-1-regulated gene expression in the nucleus.  相似文献   

We recently described that in the metastasizing rat pancreatic carcinoma line BSp73ASML the cell-cell adhesion molecule EpCAM, CD44 variant isoforms and the tetraspanins D6.1A and CD9 form a complex that is located in glycolipid-enriched membrane microdomains. This complex contains, in addition, an undefined 20 kDa protein. As such complex formation influenced cell-cell adhesion and apoptosis resistance, it became of interest to identify the 20 kDa polypeptide. This 20 kDa protein, which co-precipitated with EpCAM in BSp73ASML lysates, was identified as the tight junction protein claudin-7. Correspondingly, an association between EpCAM and claudin-7 was noted in rat and human tumors and in non-transformed tissues of the gastrointestinal tract. Co-localization of the two molecules was most pronounced at basolateral membranes, but was also observed in tight junctions. Evidence for direct protein-protein interactions between EpCAM and claudin-7 was obtained by co-immunoprecipitation after treatment of tumor cells with a membrane-permeable chemical cross-linker. The complex, which is located in glycolipid-enriched membrane microdomains, is not disrupted by partial cholesterol depletion, but claudin-7 phosphorylation is restricted to the localization in glycolipid-enriched membrane microdomains. This is the first report on an association between EpCAM and claudins in both non-transformed tissues and metastasizing tumor cell lines.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor protein TSLC1 is involved in cell-cell adhesion   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
TSLC1 is a tumor suppressor gene encoding a member of the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily. The significant homology of its extracellular domain with those of other Ig superfamily cell adhesion molecules (IgCAMs) has raised the possibility that TSLC1 participates in cell-cell interactions. In this study, the physiological properties of TSLC1 were investigated in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells expressing TSLC1 tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) as well as in the cells that express endogenous TSLC1. Biochemical analysis has revealed that TSLC1 is an N-linked glycoprotein with a molecular mass of 75 kDa and that it forms homodimers through cis interaction within the plane of the cell membranes. Confocal laser scanning microcopy of the cells expressing TSLC1 showed the localization patterns characteristic to adhesion molecules. At the beginning of cell attachment, TSLC1 accumulated in interdigitated structures at cell-cell boundaries, but, when cells reached a confluence, TSLC1 was distributed all along the cell membranes. In polarized cells, TSLC1 was recruited to the lateral membrane, implying trans interaction of TSLC1 between neighboring cells. In support of this notion, MDCK cells expressing TSLC1-GFP showed a significant level of cell aggregation in the absence or presence of Ca(2+) and Mg(2+). Taken together, these results indicate that TSLC1 mediates intracellular adhesion through homophilic interactions in a Ca(2+)/Mg(2+)-independent manner.  相似文献   

F9 teratocarcinoma cells in which beta-catenin and/or plakoglobin genes are knocked-out were generated and investigated in an effort to define the role of beta-catenin and plakoglobin in cell adhesion. Loss of beta-catenin expression only did not affect cadherin-mediated cell adhesion activity. Loss of both beta-catenin and plakoglobin expression, however, severely affected the strong cell adhesion activity of cadherin. In beta-catenin-deficient cells, the amount of plakoglobin associated with E-cadherin dramatically increased. In beta-catenin/plakoglobin-deficient cells, the level of E-cadherin and alpha-catenin markedly decreased. In these cells, E-cadherin formed large aggregates in cytoplasm and membrane localization of alpha-catenin was barely detected. These data confirmed that beta-catenin or plakoglobin is required for alpha-catenin to form complex with E-cadherin. It was also demonstrated that plakoglobin can compensate for the absence of beta-catenin. Moreover it was suggested that beta-catenin or plakoglobin is required not only for the cell adhesion activity but also for the stable expression and cell surface localization of E-cadherin.  相似文献   

The small GTPase Rap is best characterized as a critical regulator of integrin-mediated cell adhesion, although its mechanism of action is not understood. Rap also influences the properties of other cell-surface receptors and biological processes, although whether these are a consequence of effects on integrins is not clear. We show here that Rap also plays an important role in the regulation of cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion in epithelial cells. Expression of constitutively active Rap1A restored cadherin-mediated cell-cell contacts in mesenchymal Ras-transformed Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, resulting in reversion to an epithelial phenotype. Activation of endogenous Rap via the Rap exchange factor Epac1 also antagonized hepatocyte growth factor-induced disruption of adherens junctions. Inhibition of Rap signaling resulted in disruption of epithelial cell-cell contacts. Rap activity was required for adhesion of cells to recombinant E-cadherin extracellular domains, i.e. in the absence of integrin-mediated adhesion. These findings suggest that Rap signaling positively contributes to cadherin-mediated adhesion and that this occurs independently of effects on integrin-mediated adhesion. Our results imply that Rap may function in a broader manner to regulate the function of cell-surface adhesion receptors.  相似文献   

Cell-cell adhesions are a hallmark of epithelial tissues, and the disruption of these contacts plays a critical role in both the early and late stages of oncogenesis. The interaction between the transmembrane protein E-cadherin and the intracellular protein beta-catenin plays a crucial role in the formation and maintenance of epithelial cell-cell contacts and is known to be downregulated in many cancers. The authors have developed a protein complex enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that can quantify the amount of beta-catenin bound to E-cadherin in unpurified whole-cell lysates with a Z' factor of 0.74. The quantitative nature of the E-cadherin:beta-catenin ELISA represents a dramatic improvement over the low-throughput assays currently used to characterize endogenous E-cadherin:beta-catenin complexes. In addition, the protein complex ELISA format is compatible with standard sandwich ELISAs for parallel measurements of total levels of endogenous E-cadherin and beta-catenin. In 2 case studies closely related to cancer cell biology, the authors use the protein complex ELISA and traditional sandwich ELISAs to provide a detailed, quantitative picture of the molecular changes occurring within adherens junctions in vivo. Because the E-cadherin: beta-catenin protein complex plays a crucial role in oncogenesis, this protein complex ELISA may prove to be a valuable quantitative prognostic marker of tumor progression.  相似文献   

Beta-catenin, a member of the Armadillo repeat protein family, binds directly to the cytoplasmic domain of E-cadherin, linking it via alpha-catenin to the actin cytoskeleton. A 30-amino acid region within the cytoplasmic domain of E-cadherin, conserved among all classical cadherins, has been shown to be essential for beta-catenin binding. This region harbors several putative casein kinase II (CKII) and glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK-3beta) phosphorylation sites and is highly phosphorylated. Here we report that in vitro this region is indeed phosphorylated by CKII and GSK-3beta, which results in an increased binding of beta-catenin to E-cadherin. Additionally, in mouse NIH3T3 fibroblasts expression of E-cadherin with mutations in putative CKII sites resulted in reduced cell-cell contacts. Thus, phosphorylation of the E-cadherin cytoplasmic domain by CKII and GSK-3beta appears to modulate the affinity between beta-catenin and E-cadherin, ultimately modifying the strength of cell-cell adhesion.  相似文献   

DdCAD-1 is a novel Ca(2+)-dependent cell adhesion molecule that lacks a hydrophobic signal peptide and a transmembrane domain. DdCAD-1 is expressed by the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum at the onset of development. It is synthesized as a soluble protein and then transported to the plasma membrane by contractile vacuoles. Here we describe the novel features of the solution structures of Ca(2+)-free and Ca(2+)-bound monomeric DdCAD-1. DdCAD-1 contains two beta-sandwich domains, belonging to the betagamma-crystallin and immunoglobulin fold classes, respectively. Whereas the N-terminal domain has a major role in homophilic binding, the C-terminal domain tethers the protein to the cell membrane. From structural and mutational analyses, we propose a model for the Ca(2+)-bound DdCAD-1 dimer as a basis for understanding DdCAD-1-mediated cell-cell adhesion at the molecular level. Our results provide new insights into Ca(2+)-dependent mechanisms for cell-cell adhesion.  相似文献   

MAGI-1, a member of the MAGUK family of proteins, is shown to be rapidly cleaved during Fas-induced apoptosis in mouse 3T3 A31 cells, and in UV irradiation- and staurosporine-induced apoptosis in HaCaT cells. This generates a 97 kDa N-terminal fragment that dissociates from the cell membrane; a process that is largely prevented in the presence of the caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-fmk. In addition, we show that in vitro translated radiolabelled MAGI-1 is efficiently cleaved into 97 kDa and 68 kDa fragments by caspases-3 and -7 at physiological concentrations and mutating the MAGI-1 Asp761 to Ala completely abolished the caspase-induced cleavage. Moreover, in HaCaT cells overexpressing the MAGI-1 Asp761Ala mutant the disruption of cell-cell contacts was delayed during apoptosis, whereas other caspase-dependent processes such as nuclear condensation were not affected, suggesting that cell detachment is parallel to them. Thus, MAGI-1 cleavage appears to be an important step in the disassembly of cell-cell contacts during apoptosis.  相似文献   

Activation of beta1 integrins induces cell-cell adhesion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Integrins are highly regulated receptors that can function in both cell-substrate and cell-cell adhesion. We have found that the activating anti-beta1 mAb, 12G10, can specifically and rapidly induce both cell-substrate and cell-cell adhesion of HT-1080 human fibrosarcoma and other cell types. Binding of mAb 12G10 induced clustering of cell-surface integrins, and the preferential localization of beta1 integrins expressing the 12G10 epitope at cell-cell adhesion sites. Fab fragments of mAb 12G10 induced HT-1080 cell-cell adhesion as effectively as did intact antibodies, suggesting that integrin clustering was not due to direct antibody crosslinking. Latrunculin B, an inhibitor of F-actin polymerization, inhibited cell-cell adhesion but not the clustering of integrins. Results from a novel, two-color cell-cell adhesion assay suggested that nonactivated cells can bind to activated cells and that integrin activation-induced HT-1080 cell-cell adhesion minimally requires the interaction of activated alpha2beta1 with nonactivated alpha3beta1. These findings suggest that HT-1080 cell-cell adhesion induced by integrin activation require a signaling process involving integrin clustering and the subsequent organization of the cytoskeleton. Integrin activation could therefore play a key role in cell-cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Ksp- and LI-cadherin are structurally homologous proteins coexpressed with E-cadherin in renal and intestinal epithelia, respectively. Whereas LI-cadherin has been shown to mediate Ca2+-dependent homotypic cell-cell adhesion independent of stable interactions with the cytoskeleton, little is known about the physiological role of Ksp-cadherin. To analyze its potential adhesive and morphoregulatory functions, we expressed murine Ksp-cadherin in CHO cells. In this report, we show that Ksp-cadherin induces homotypic and Ca2+-dependent cell-cell adhesion that can be specifically blocked with antibodies raised against the cadherin repeats EC1 and EC2. Ksp-cadherin mediates about the same quantitative adhesive effect (aggregation index) as LI- and E-cadherin. However, the cellular phenotype induced by Ksp-cadherin resembles more closely that of LI- than E-cadherin. This could reflect our observation, that Ksp-cadherin, as well as LI-cadherin, does not directly interact with beta-catenin. In conclusion, both cadherins are thus not only structurally but also functionally related and may share other functions within their respective epithelia.  相似文献   

In MDCK cells, presenilin-1 (PS1) accumulates at intercellular contacts where it colocalizes with components of the cadherin-based adherens junctions. PS1 fragments form complexes with E-cadherin, beta-catenin, and alpha-catenin, all components of adherens junctions. In confluent MDCK cells, PS1 forms complexes with cell surface E-cadherin; disruption of Ca(2+)-dependent cell-cell contacts reduces surface PS1 and the levels of PS1-E-cadherin complexes. PS1 overexpression in human kidney cells enhances cell-cell adhesion. Together, these data show that PS1 incorporates into the cadherin/catenin adhesion system and regulates cell-cell adhesion. PS1 concentrates at intercellular contacts in epithelial tissue; in brain, it forms complexes with both E- and N-cadherin and concentrates at synaptic adhesions. That PS1 is a constituent of the cadherin/catenin complex makes that complex a potential target for PS1 FAD mutations.  相似文献   

Adhesion signaling: how beta-catenin interacts with its partners   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The multi-functional protein beta-catenin plays essential roles in cell-cell adhesion and nuclear signaling. Elucidation of the structures of beta-catenin complexes is beginning to clarify how beta-catenin uses the same surface to bind its various partners, and provides insights into how these interactions might be regulated.  相似文献   

The membrane-associated guanylate kinase protein, MAGI-1, has been shown to be a component of epithelial tight junctions in both Madin-Darby canine kidney cells and in intestinal epithelium. Because we have previously observed MAGI-1 expression in glomerular visceral epithelial cells (podocytes) of the kidney, we screened a glomerular cDNA library to identify the potential binding partners of MAGI-1 and isolated a partial cDNA encoding a novel protein. The partial cDNA exhibited a high degree of identity to an uncharacterized human cDNA clone, KIAA0989, which encodes a protein of 780 amino acids and contains a predicted coiled-coil domain in the middle of the protein. In vitro binding assays using the partial cDNA as a GST fusion protein confirm the binding to full-length MAGI-1 expressed in HEK293 cells, as well as endogenous MAGI-1, and also identified the first WW domain of MAGI-1 as the domain responsible for binding to this novel protein. Although a conventional PPxY binding motif for WW domains was not present in the partial cDNA clone, a variant WW binding motif was identified, LPxY, and found to be necessary for interacting with MAGI-1. When expressed in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, the full-length novel protein was found to colocalize with MAGI-1 at the tight junction of these cells and the coiled-coil domain was found to be necessary for this localization. Because of its interaction with MAGI-1 and its localization to cell-cell junctions, this novel protein has been given the name MAGI-1-associated coiled-coil tight junction protein (MASCOT).  相似文献   

MAGI-1 is a membrane-associated guanylate kinase protein at tight junctions in epithelial cells. It interacts with various molecules and functions as a scaffold protein at cell junctions. We report here a novel MAGI-1-binding protein that we named junctional adhesion molecule 4 (JAM4). JAM4 belongs to an immunoglobulin protein family. JAM4 was colocalized with ZO-1 in kidney glomeruli and in intestinal epithelial cells. Biochemical in vitro studies revealed that JAM4 bound to MAGI-1 but not to ZO-1, whereas JAM1 did not bind to MAGI-1. JAM4 and MAGI-1 interacted with each other and formed clusters in COS-7 cells when coexpressed. JAM4 mediated calcium-independent homophilic adhesion and was accumulated at cell-cell contacts when expressed in L cells. MAGI-1, ZO-1, and occludin were recruited to JAM4-based cell contacts. JAM4 also reduced the permeability of CHO cell monolayers. MAGI-1 strengthened JAM4-mediated cell adhesion in L cells and sealing effects in CHO cells. These findings suggest that JAM4 together with MAGI-1 provides an adhesion machinery at tight junctions, which may regulate the permeability of kidney glomerulus and small intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

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