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The segmental ocelli (eyes) in specimens of a European and a Chinese Polyophthalmus pictus population have been investigated by transmission electron microscopy. The ocelli are situated in corresponding positions in the same segments and reveal similarities in their general structure. They consist of one photoreceptor cell with microvilli-bearing processes and a pigment cup, the receptor processes project into an extracellular cavity formed by the sensory cell and a few supporting cells, the pigment cup is formed by mesodermal cells, and basiepidermal glial cells and gland cells lie above the sensory cell. However, the ocelli differ in size and number of cells, number and dimensions of cellular elements as well as presence or absence of certain cell types associated with the ocelli. There is only little variation in these characters and there is no overlap, so that they distinctly separate the specimens of the two populations. These differences are in the same range, or even larger, as those observed between the ocelli of other closely related polychaete species. Therefore, the specimens from Qingdao, China, are described as a new species of the Opheliidae, Polyophthalmus qingdaoensis sp.n., although specimens from Qingdao, China, and the Island of Giglio, Italy, are almost inseparable by light microscopy except for a few subtle differences.  相似文献   

Abstract. No morphological clues on the amphipod head indicate the existence of ocelli. However, as in several isopod species studied so far, two rudimentary photoreceptors are integrated into the medio-dorsal part of the brain. This electron microscopical study of the photoreceptors is the first report on the presence of ocelli in amphipods. Each ocellus is made up of 3 receptor cells which contribute to the formation of a photoreceptive surface (the rhabdom) formed by tightly packed microvilli. The rhabdoms are twisted and irregular in outline. Membrane turnover is suggested by the presence of different kinds of lysosomes. Lacking dioptric lenses, these photoreceptors are not likely to be involved in image formation but may function as appraisers of ambient light intensity. Physiological and behavioral studies will, henceforth, have to take into account these unexpected ocelli, which may represent remnants of the naupliar eye.  相似文献   

Abstract Three different types of presumed unpigmented ocelli have been found in the anterior end of Parenterodrilus taenioides, a small gutless interstitial polychaete. The type-1 ocelli are located in the palps and four ocelli have been found along the length of each palp. The type-2 and type-3 ocelli lie close together in the head segment and are located in posterior ganglionic expansions of the brain. There is one pair of the minute type-2 ocelli but at least two pairs of the type-3 organs, which are the largest ocelli. In each ocellus the sensory cells are of the ciliary type and possess two cilia whose plasma membranes branch into numerous microvilli. With the exception of the type-1 ocelli they consist of a sensory cell and a supportive cell. In each ocellus the supportive cell forms a thin cup-shaped envelope around the densely packed ciliary branches. The type-1 ocelli consist of a single cell forming an intracellular vacuole (phaosome) which contains less densely packed microvillus-like structures. In particular, the structure of these ocelli is compared with that in other polychaetes, with special emphasis on the remaining genera of the Protodrilida.  相似文献   

Summary Male scale insects of an undescribed Australian species of Eriococcus have no compound eyes but show an extraordinary arrangement of three pairs of ocelli: One pair is positioned dorsolaterally where most insects have their compound eyes. Another pair looks ventrally and is placed where insects usually have their mouthparts, and there are two small lateral ocelli. Corneal nipples and a spherical lens with an estimated F-number only 0.55 are structural adaptations considered to increase the overall light sensitivity in order to compensate for the poor quantum capture of the shallow retina whose rhabdomes are only 3 m long. The outer segment of each receptor cell consists of a central core of cytoplasm containing mitochondria and a peripheral cylinder of about 16 rhabdomeres. There is no optical separation between neighbouring outer segments. Uniquely in arthropod eyes, the light sensitive structures are not composed of cylindrical microvilli, but consist of membrane stacks whose configuration is analogous to the stacked plates of vertebrate cones. At present no conclusive answer can be given as to why the photoreceptors have plates instead of microvilli. Comparative calculations show that they do not contain more photosensitive membrane per unit volume than rhabdomeres of fly ocelli.  相似文献   

In addition to the pigmented ocelli, four different types of photoreceptor-like organs without shading pigment have been found in Saccocirrus papillocercus and S. krusadensis. The sensory cells of these presumed ocelli are either ciliary or rhabdomeric with ciliary rudiments. With the exception of the multicellular type-2 ocelli they are bicellular consisting of a sensory cell and a supportive cell. In each ocellus the supportive cell forms a thin cup-shaped envelope around the sensory elements. In the type-2 ocellus, 7 supportive cells form an ovoid cavity leaving openings through which dendritic processes of an equal number of sensory cells enter the cavity. The pigmented ocelli possess an ocellar cavity communicating with the exterior through a pore in the eyecup, ciliary rudiments in both sensory and supportive cell, and additional non-photoreceptive sensory cells in the opening of the eyecup. The sensory organs show characteristic differences between the two species, such as presence or absence of a particular type of ocellus (type 2 is absent in S. krusadensis, type 3 in S. papillocercus), number of cilia in type-4 ocelli, density of microvilli, number of non-photoreceptive sensory cells in the pore of the pigmented ocellus, etc. These differences provide important characters which can be used for discrimination either of species or of subgeneric taxa in Saccocirrus. The phylogenetic significance of the different photoreceptive organs is discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the examination of almost 1200 specimens representing 50 species of the secondary deep-sea fish genus Neobythites (family Ophidiidae), this study provides an overview of body coloration and a detailed comparison among species that have typical ocelli or eyespots consisting of a dark spot surrounded by a contrasting pale ring on their dorsal fins. Special interest concerns the possible functions of ocelli as antipredator and social signaling devices and the hypothesis that species differences in ocellus size and position are more pronounced in areas of overlap. Color patterns were found in 78% and ocelli in 44% of the Neobythites species. The 22 ocellus-bearing species occur at shallower depths than those without. Ocellus number varied between one and four ocelli with single-ocellus-bearing species reaching shallower minimum depths than those with multiples. Variation in both ocellus size and position was found among co-occurring species with a single ocellus. For instance, the Northern Indian Ocean population of N. stefanovi differs in ocellus position from the co-occurring N. steatiticus, while the allopatric Red Sea population of N. stefanovi does not. This evidence of character displacement is also supported by the marked difference in ocellus position and size between two specimens of N. meteori that were collected widely separated from each other and co-occurring with two other single-ocellus-bearing species in the Pacific and Indian Ocean, respectively. Ocelli in Neobythites may therefore serve antipredator as well as social communication functions.  相似文献   

Thomas Spies 《Zoomorphology》1981,98(3):241-260
Summary The structural organization of the ocelli of several diplopod species has been studied by means of electron microscopy. The results provide evidence that diplopodan ocelli are derived from typical mandibulate ommatidia, which consequently had been present in diplopod ancestors. The recent representatives of the two sister groups, Pselaphognatha and Chilognatha are characterized by two essentially different types of eye morphology: The eyes of the Pselaphognatha comprise a bilayered rhabdom (built up by 3+4 retinular cells), a few corneagenous cells, a corneal lens, and two vitreous bodies. The latter probably represent relics of a former crystalline cone. On the contrary, the ocelli of the Chilognatha consist of a multilayered rhabdom (built up by a large number of retinular cells), numerous corneagenous cells, and a corneal lens. The dioptric apparatus lacks a crystalline cone. Further structural elements, the distribution of which varies, are the covering cells and processes of hypodermal cells which contain screening pigments. Whereas the eye of the Pselaphognatha can be traced back to a single ommatidium, the ocellus of the Chilognatha can only be interpreted as a merging product of several associated ommatidia or as the result of multiplication and rearrangement of former ommatidial elements. This concept is substantiated by analogous phenomena which occur within other arthropod groups and thus serve as models for the phylogeny of the diplopodan eyes. The comparison of the morphology and the ecology of palaeozoic and recent diplopods demonstrates that the disintegration of former facetted eyes and the modification of ommatidia were induced by the adaptation to cryptic modes of life.  相似文献   

Ocelli are serially repeated colour patterns on the wings of many butterflies. Eyespots are elaborate ocelli that function in predator avoidance and deterrence as well as in mate choice. A phylogenetic approach was used to study ocelli and eyespot evolution in Vanessa butterflies, a genus exhibiting diverse phenotypes among these serial homologs. Forty‐four morphological characters based on eyespot number, arrangement, shape and the number of elements in each eyespot were defined and scored. Ocelli from eight wing cells on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the forewing and hindwing were evaluated. The evolution of these characters was traced over a phylogeny of Vanessa based on 7750 DNA base pairs from 10 genes. Our reconstruction predicts that the ancestral Vanessa had 5 serially arranged ocelli on all four wing surfaces. The ancestral state on the dorsal forewing and ventral hindwing was ocelli arranged in two heterogeneous groups. On the dorsal hindwing, the ancestral state was either homogenous or ocelli arranged in two heterogeneous groups. On the ventral forewing, we determined that the ancestral state was organized into three heterogeneous groups. In Vanessa, almost all ocelli are individuated and capable of independent evolution relative to other colour patterns except for the ocelli in cells ?1 and 0 on the dorsal and ventral forewings, which appear to be constrained to evolve in parallel. The genus Vanessa is a good model system for the study of serial homology and the interaction of selective forces with developmental architecture to produce diversity in butterfly colour patterns.  相似文献   

We examined the escape behavior of larvae and postlarvae of the American lobster (Homarus americanus) and of adult immature (stage ADI) crayfish (Cherax destructor). Responses to standardized water jet stimuli delivered through a pipette were observed and analyzed. Lobster larvae did not respond to stimuli within 60 ms, indicating that they do not have functional giant fibers. The first movement by lobster larvae in response to water jet stimuli was a hyperextension of the abdomen. Larval escape responses also showed very little habituation. Postlarval lobsters and ADI crayfish showed the same range of responses as adult animals. Displacement efficiency of tailflicks exhibited by the different animals and stages was examined and related to the morphology of the animals. A separate behavior from tailflicking by larval lobsters in response to water jet stimuli was also observed. Here, the abdomen was hyperextended and the thoracic appendages were promoted. We termed this behavior a "starburst" response. The features of the tailflicking behavior suggest that it evolved to make the larvae difficult prey to handle for small, slower moving predators, and possibly to allow them to ride the bow waves of faster moving predators.  相似文献   

昆虫单眼的结构和功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘红霞  彩万志 《昆虫知识》2007,44(4):603-607
大多数昆虫的视觉器官除了复眼外还有一些简单的小眼,称为单眼。昆虫成虫和半变态类若虫的单眼称为背单眼,位于头顶两复眼之间。背单眼在数目和结构上都有较大变化,但基本结构包括角膜晶体、一层角膜生成细胞(覆盖在角膜晶体上)、视网膜(由大约1000个感光细胞构成,视类群而不同)。背单眼对弱光比较敏感,但在图像感知方面的作用并不显著;它是一种“激发器官”,可以增加复眼的感知能力。全变态昆虫的幼虫既没有复眼也没有背单眼,但在其头部两侧有些类似复眼小眼的侧单眼。侧单眼的结构也与小眼相似,包括角膜,晶体和由一些视网膜细胞组成的视杆。侧单眼是完全变态类昆虫幼虫仅有的感光器官,与复眼一样,它们可以感知颜色、形状、距离等等。  相似文献   

Invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) are considered to be the most prevalent non-native crayfish species in Europe. Where large populations become established they have significant and long-term effects on benthic macroinvertebrate communities. However, much less is known about how community effects associated with crayfish invasion change in the short-term as a function of varying activity levels during the summer months. We examined the macroinvertebrate community composition of two lowland UK rivers, one which supported a well-established non-native crayfish population (invaded) and one in which crayfish had not been recorded (control). Colonisation cylinders were deployed which recorded community composition over a 126-day time period. Results indicate that once the activity period commences, invasive crayfish consistently altered macroinvertebrate community structure regardless of substrate character. Invaded communities displayed reduced beta-diversity compared to control sites. However, effects on the macroinvertebrate assemblage varied over the period when crayfish were active probably reflecting the behavioural activity of crayfish (which intensifies with increasing water temperature and during the spawning season) and life histories of other macroinvertebrates. The results indicate that crayfish invasions modify macroinvertebrate community composition, but over shorter timescales, the effects vary associated with their activity levels.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(6):1136-1168
Freshwater crayfish have three known photoreceptive systems: the compound eyes, extraretinal brain photoreceptors, and caudal photoreceptors. The primary goal of the work described here was to explore the contribution of the brain photoreceptors to circadian locomotory activity and define some of the underlying neural pathways. Immunocytochemical studies of the brain photoreceptors in the parastacid (southern hemisphere) crayfish Cherax destructor reveal their expression of the blue light-sensitive photopigment cryptochrome and the neurotransmitter histamine. The brain photoreceptors project to two small protocerebral neuropils, the brain photoreceptor neuropils (BPNs), where they terminate among fibers expressing the neuropeptide pigment-dispersing hormone (PDH), a signaling molecule in arthropod circadian systems. Comparable pathways are also described in the astacid (northern hemisphere) crayfish Procambarus clarkii. Despite exhibiting markedly different diurnal locomotor activity rhythms, removal of the compound eyes and caudal photoreceptors in both C. destructor and P. clarkii (leaving the brain photoreceptors intact) does not abolish the normal light/dark activity cycle in either species, nor prevent the entrainment of their activity cycles to phase shifts of the light/dark period. These results suggest, therefore, that crayfish brain photoreceptors are sufficient for the entrainment of locomotor activity rhythms to photic stimuli, and that they can act in the absence of the compound eyes and caudal photoreceptors. We also demonstrate that the intensity of PDH expression in the BPNs varies in phase with the locomotor activity rhythm of both crayfish species. Together, these findings suggest that the brain photoreceptor cells can function as extraretinal circadian photoreceptors and that the BPN represents part of an entrainment pathway synchronizing locomotor activity to environmental light/dark cycles, and implicating the neuropeptide PDH in these functions. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The most striking feature of peafowl (Pavo) is the males'' elaborate train, which exhibits ocelli (ornamental eyespots) that are under sexual selection. Two additional genera within the Phasianidae (Polyplectron and Argusianus) exhibit ocelli, but the appearance and location of these ornamental eyespots exhibit substantial variation among these genera, raising the question of whether ocelli are homologous. Within Polyplectron, ocelli are ancestral, suggesting ocelli may have evolved even earlier, prior to the divergence among genera. However, it remains unclear whether Pavo, Polyplectron and Argusianus form a monophyletic clade in which ocelli evolved once. We estimated the phylogeny of the ocellated species using sequences from 1966 ultraconserved elements (UCEs) and three mitochondrial regions. The three ocellated genera did form a strongly supported clade, but each ocellated genus was sister to at least one genus without ocelli. Indeed, Polyplectron and Galloperdix, a genus not previously suggested to be related to any ocellated taxon, were sister genera. The close relationship between taxa with and without ocelli suggests multiple gains or losses. Independent gains, possibly reflecting a pre-existing bias for eye-like structures among females and/or the existence of a simple mutational pathway for the origin of ocelli, appears to be the most likely explanation.  相似文献   

WSSV particles were detected in separated granular cells (GCs) and semigranular cells (SGCs) by in situ hybridisation from WSSV-infected crayfish and the prevalence of WSSV-infected GCs was 5%, whereas it was 22% in SGCs. This indicates that SGCs are more susceptible to WSSV and that this virus replicated more rapidly in SGCs than in GCs and as a result the number of SGCs gradually decreased from the blood circulation. The effect of haemocyte lysate supernatant (HLS), containing the degranulation factor (peroxinectin), phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), the Ca(2+) ionophore A23187 on GCs from WSSV-infected and sham-injected crayfish was studied. The results showed that the percentage of degranulated GCs of WSSV-infected crayfish treated with HLS or PMA was significantly lower than that in the control, whereas no significant difference was observed when treated with the Ca(2+) ionophore. It was previously shown that peroxinectin and PMA have a degranulation effect via intracellular signalling involving protein kinase C (PKC), whereas the Ca(2+) ionophore uses an alternative pathway. HLS treatment of GCs and SGCs from WSSV-infected crayfish results in three different morphological types: non-spread, spread and degranulated cells. The non-spread cell group from both GCs and SGCs after treatment with HLS had more WSSV positive cells than degranulated cells, when detected by in situ hybridisation. Taken together, it is reasonable to speculate that the PKC pathway might be affected during WSSV infection. Another interesting phenomenon was that GCs from non-infected crayfish exhibited melanisation, when incubated in L-15 medium, while no melanisation was found in GCs of WSSV-infected crayfish. However, the phenoloxidase activities of both sham- and WSSV-injected crayfish in HLS were the same as well as proPO expression as detected by RT-PCR. This suggests that the WSSV inhibits the proPO system upstream of phenoloxidase or simply consumes the native substrate for the enzyme so that no activity is shown. The percentage of apoptotic haemocytes in WSSV-infected crayfish was very low, but it was significantly higher than that in the sham-injected crayfish on day 3 or 5 post-infection. The TEM observation in haematopoietic cells (hpt cells) suggests that WSSV infect specific cell types in haematopoietic tissue and non-granular hpt cells seem more favourable to WSSV infection.  相似文献   

Entocytherids are epifauna on larger crustaceans. We assessed the effectiveness of chlorobutanol and carbonated water for removing entocytherid, Ankylocythere sinuosa, from crayfish, Procambarus clarkii. This was done using different exposure times and by assessing entocytherid and crayfish survival, together with the number of entocytherids removed. According to our results, chlorobutanol submersion of crayfishes in shorter time periods is more effective for removing entocytherids without killing the crayfish host. However, carbonated water submersion is better to extract larger amounts of living entocytherids. Finally, both chemicals are appropriate tools to establish standardised protocols for removing entocytherids from crayfish for ecological studies because the proportions of removed entocytherids per crayfish become constant whatever the entocytherid load of the crayfish. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A pair of spherical unpigmented ocelli in addition to pigmented eyes have been observed in the anterior part of the prostomium in larvae of more than 40 species of Spionidae examined alive with light microscopy. Ocelli become visible in larvae at the one- to three-segment stage, increase in size as growth proceeds, and probably disintegrate in the course of metamorphosis because they were not observed in adults and settled juveniles. One pair of transparent, spherical bodies is also found in the anterior part of the head of planktotrophic pelagosphera larvae of Sipuncula. These bodies are in a similar position and have a similar appearance and size to unpigmented ocelli in Spionidae larvae. A pair of epidermal invaginations, densely covered with short cilia, is also observed antero-laterally in the head in pelagospheras of one species. These invaginations appear similar to the nuchal organs present in many polychaete larvae. Photoreceptive organs so far reported for sipunculan larvae comprise only pigmented eyes. Unpigmented ocelli and nuchal organs have never been reported in pelagospheras. Further ultrastructural investigations on sipunculan larvae are encouraged to clarify the composition, function and morphogenesis of transparent, spherical bodies and ciliated invaginations in the anterior part of the head. Such investigations may help to better understand the nature of photoreceptive structures and nuchal organs in Sipuncula, and also contribute to phylogenetic hypotheses regarding relationships of the Sipuncula and Annelida.  相似文献   

The coronate larva of the ascophoran bryozoan Watersipora arcuata has a ring of 32 large, multiciliated coronal cells that are used for swimming. Fourteen pairs of small cells are intercalated between the lateral margins of adjacent coronal cells. These intercoronal cells are arranged in a precise pattern and are polymorphic: seven pairs have multiple cilia and seven pairs are mono- or oligociliated. Three pairs of multiciliated intercoronal cells have their cilia arranged as a whorl that is recessed in a pocket formed between the adjacent coronal cells, and they are thought to be photoreceptors that sense general light intensity. Two other pairs of multiciliated cells with cohesive tufts of cilia may be chemo- or mechanoreceptors. Roles of the other intercoronal cells in this species are not evident, but it is proposed that the majority, if not all, of them are sensory. The close proximity of all the intercoronal cells to the equatorial nerve ring is compatible with this interpretation. Analyses of the literature on cleavage patterns, pigment cup ocelli, and flagellar tufts that serve as balancers in coronate larvae lead us to propose that (1) an intercoronal cell is the sensory element of most, if not all, pigment cup ocelli of bryozoan larvae; and (2) intercoronal cells are not modified coronal cells but probably are specialized supra- and/or infracoronal ones that have migrated to an intercoronal position.  相似文献   

Scorpions possess two types of visual organs, the median and lateral eyes. Both eyes consist of simple ocelli with biconvex lenses that differ in structure and function. There is little variation in the number of median ocelli across the order. Except for a few troglomorphic species in which the median ocelli are absent, all scorpions possess a single pair. In contrast, the number of pairs of lateral ocelli varies from zero to five across Scorpiones and may vary within species. No attempt has been made to homologize lateral ocelli across the order, and their utility in scorpion systematics has been questioned, due to the variation in number. A recent study examined the number of lateral ocelli among various Asian Buthidae C.L. Koch, 1837 and proposed a “five-eye model” for the family. This model has not been examined more broadly within Buthidae, however, nor compared with the patterns of variation observed among other scorpion families. An eyespot, referred to as an accessory lateral eye, situated ventral or posteroventral to the lateral ocelli, has also been reported in some scorpions. Analysis of its structure suggests it serves a nonvisual function. We present the first comparative study of variation in the lateral ocelli across the order Scorpiones, based on examination of a broad range of exemplar species, representing all families, 160 genera (78%), 196 species (9%), and up to 12 individuals per species. We propose a six-ocellus model for Recent scorpions with four accessory ocelli observed in various taxa, homologize the individual ocelli, and correct erroneous counts in the recent literature. We also investigate the presence of the eyespot across scorpions and discover that it is more widespread than previously recognized. Future work should investigate the genetic and developmental mechanisms underlying the formation of the lateral ocelli to test the hypotheses proposed here.  相似文献   

1. Crayfish are amongst the most frequently introduced non‐native aquatic organisms, with well‐documented negative effects on a large number of freshwater taxa. Many crayfish‐control strategies make use of manual removal by trapping, a method known preferentially to remove the largest individuals, leaving the juvenile population almost entirely untrapped. 2. A predicted outcome of trapping bias in riparian habitats is that removed individuals could be replaced by large crayfish immigrating from surrounding, untrapped, areas. We tested the hypothesis that removal by trapping of American signal crayfish from a U.K. river would result in increased rates of immigration, and increased distances moved, of crayfish from untrapped areas. 3. We studied four stretches of the River Windrush each 1 km in length and divided into three sections; a 250‐m long upstream section, a 500‐m middle section and a 250‐m downstream section. At two sites (removal sites), signal crayfish were trapped and removed from the 500‐m middle sections; at the other two (non‐removal), they were marked and returned. All crayfish captured in the upstream and downstream sections were marked and returned. 4. Probability of capture was higher for larger individuals with both chelae intact, and larger crayfish were more likely to immigrate from the upstream and downstream sections into the middle. The percentage of captured crayfish immigrating into the middle sections was the same (3.7%) in both removal and non‐removal sites. However, the mean distance that crayfish moved when immigrating was significantly greater at removal sites (239 m) than at non‐removal sites (187 m). 5. These results imply that removal of large individuals may have reduced the potential for interference competition by increasing the relative competitiveness of the immigrating individuals and permitting them to make larger movements. Consequently, the impact of manual removal strategies, both on the signal crayfish population and other biota affected by them, is likely to be reduced at the point of removal, but to extend at least 200 m beyond the trapped length of river.  相似文献   

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