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The movements of the gastrointestinal tract, as described by Walter B. Cannon 100 years ago, reveal much about the functions of this unique organ and how it is controlled by the body. Two classic papers by Cannon provide a rare glimpse into the hidden functions of the body and give students a great example of the scientific method in action. In this essay, we describe the basic movements and functions of the gastrointestinal tract as revealed by X-rays, contrast meals, and Cannon's careful observations. It is Cannon's experimental care and obvious interest in his subject matter that can provide your students with a taste of the excitement of discovery and insight into the processes by which experimental science moves forward.  相似文献   

Especially in the German literature on the history of paleontology it is said since more than 200 years, that Ibn Sina explained fossils as result of the so-called “vis plastica”. Actually Ibn Sina thought many fossils to be petrified organisms. Vis plastica is a term that comprises different genetic opinions. Some remarks about the influence of ancient Greek and Roman authors (including philosophers) on the interpretation of fossils in medieval and Renaissance times.  相似文献   

2017年中国植物科学若干领域重要研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2017年中国植物科学继续保持高速发展态势, 重大成果频出, 具体表现在中国植物学家在国际顶级学术期刊发表的文章数量平稳上升。中国植物科学领域的研究工作者成果精彩纷呈, 如新型广谱抗病机制的发现、水稻广谱抗病遗传基础及机制和疫霉菌诱发病害成灾机制研究等。2017年中国生命科学领域十大进展评选中, 有两项植物科学领域的研究成果入选。水稻生物学、进化与基因组学和激素生物学等领域学科发展突出。另外, 值得一提的是, 长期从事高等植物与代谢途径调控分子网络研究和水稻品种设计育种的李家洋院士的研究成果“水稻高产优质性状形成的分子机理及品种设计”荣获2017年国家自然科学一等奖。这一具有重大国际影响的开创性贡献标志着中国植物科学在该领域的国际科学前沿居于引领和卓越地位。该文对2017年中国本土科学家在植物科学若干领域取得的重要研究成果进行了系统梳理, 旨在全面追踪和报道当前中国植物科学领域发展的最新前沿动态, 与广大读者共同分享我国科学家所取得的辉煌成就。  相似文献   

One century ago, Christiaan Eijkman was appointed Professor of Bacteriology at the Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Despite his appointment to teach bacteriology, Christiaan Eijkman made his main contribution to medical science not in bacteriology but in nutrition. He discovered that Beri-Beri was not an infection but a nutritient deficiency (later called vitamin-deficiency) and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1929 for these observations. These landmark studies were made in the former Dutch East Indies. Interestingly, the results of his studies were presented in the Dutch language, in the medical journal of the Dutch East Indies. As a professor of Bacteriology, his work was the beginning of an important school in biochemistry in The Netherlands.  相似文献   

The untimely passing of Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Newell, AM, came as a shock to many in the bioethics world. As well as an obituary, this article notes a number of important themes in his work, and provides a select bibliography. Christopher's major contribution to this field is that he was one of a handful of scholars who made disability not only an acceptable area of bioethics—indeed a vital, central, fertile area of enquiry. Crucially Christopher emphasised that where we do ethics is actually in everyday life—while we mourn his passing, his rich work and example will continue to inspire bioethical inquiry.  相似文献   

The term "massiveness of the skeleton" does not reflect the amount of the mineral component in bones. As demonstrates application of the standard linear x-ray densitometry, in a more "massive" skeleton amount of mineral salts per a volume unit of the osseous tissue is less than in a thin "gracile" skeleton of the thoracal type of constitution. The muscular type of constitution concerning the mineral saturation occupies an intermediate position between the thoracal and digestive constitutional types.  相似文献   

The scientific attainments of medical science have advanced greatly in this generation. The art of the practice of medicine has not kept pace. The kindly spirit, unselfish service, and spiritual uplift which were characteristic of most physicians in the "horse-and-buggy days" are needed more today than they were a generation ago. A combination of medical science and spiritual counseling will do much to relieve the sufferings of mind and body. The personal physician-patient relationship and the building up of the patient's confidence in his physician are a most important aspect of the physician's duty. A belief in God and a knowledge of the availability of help from above is of great benefit to both physician and patient.  相似文献   

It was almost a half century ago that I last attended an International Congress in Moscow and Leningrad--the IUPS Congress of 1935. My wife and I traveled far and saw the majesty of this land and its peoples. Here I met the great Pavlov and heard him present his thoughts concerning the conditioning of behavior. Cannon presented his concepts of transmitters and receptors. There were many other famous physiologists present, A. V. Hill and Lord Adrian; Kato of Japan demonstrated single nerve fiber studies. Someone talked of conditioned diuresis; I read a paper on hypothalamic control of the hypophysis. That was the dawn of neuroendocrinology, studies of hypothalamic function, sensory receptors, and the transmitter-receptor era. It was, like now, a time of great scientific endeavor, but there were clouds in the sky--Stalin and Hitler were coming to power, but the U.S.S.R. and America were friends, and in science it is still so. I wonder what some young man here will be able to report 50 years from now.  相似文献   

The great medieval Jewish philosopher Moses Maimonides was also a practicing physician who contributed a number of important works to medical literature. Modern students of these treatises have made extravagant claims about Maimonides'' scientific outlook and have attributed to him important discoveries and innovations. Viewed in its historical and religious content, Maimonides'' medical work appears more explanatory than exploratory, though still of considerable interest to students of both the philosophy of science and the history of medicine.  相似文献   

Conclusion In summary, the creation and maintenance of the Wistar Rats as standardized animals can be attributed to the breeding work of Helen Dean King, coupled with the management and husbandry methods of Milton Greenman and Louise Duhring, and with supporting documentation provided by Henry Donaldson. The widespread use of the Wistar Rats, however, is a function of the ingenuity of Milton Greenman who saw in them a way for a small institution to provide service to science. Greenman's rhetoric, as captured in his Director's Reports, prepared annually from 1905 until his death in 1937, shows that he was unusually sensitive to his times and to the economics of science and of society. In the era when biology was being defined, he recognized in the rat the potential to be a living analog to the pure chemicals that legitimated experimental science. From management literature he extracted the ideals of uniformity of product, standards of quality, and efficiency of production, applying them to scientific practice to generate an animal model that thrives as standard equipment in laboratories throughout the world today.I will close with a quote from Frederick W. Taylor that is a cogent statement of the contribution to science and scientific progress made by standardized tools and their creators. Equating the surgeon and the workman, Taylor wrote: [He is given] the finest implements, each one of which has been the subject of special study and development ... [and] the very best knowledge of his predecessors; and, provided with standard implements and methods which represent the best knowledge of the world up to date, he is able to use his own originality and ingenuity to make real additions to the world's knowledge, instead of reinventing things which are old.Standardized tools, whether surgeons' implements or laboratory-bred rats, are one of the vehicles for carrying scientific knowledge forward from generation to generation. In this sense, Greenman's Wistar Rats have done their job, in his words, of providing service to science.Based on a paper presented at the meeting of the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology, Session on The Right Organism for the Job, Northwestern University, July 14, 1991.  相似文献   

Professor Ignác Semmelweis (1818-1865) is one of the great personalities of medical history. He insisted on washing hands with chlorine water before any obstetrical intervention, he was the first to demonstrate its importance in preventing puerperal fever. Thus, the principle of asepsis was introduced prior to the discovery of bacteria and bacterial diseases. Semmelweis carefully documented his findings and in this way pioneered the scientific analysis of clinical data Medical community of that time misinterpreted Semmelweis' great ideas, he died abandoned and forgotten. A Finnish doctor Josef Adam Joachim Pippingsk?ld was one of the first obstetricians who had realized the importance of Semmelweis' work. In 1861, in his letter to Semmelweis he reported about his own findings and favorable results in prevention of puerperal fever in Helsinki. Two decades earlier, Dr. Ehrstr?m in the University of Helsinki had submitted his thesis on pathophysiology of puerperal fever that was similar to the ideas of Semmelweis. Long before modern times in Finland, mothers traditionally had their babies delivered in smoke saunas, where heating and smoke of bactericidal phenols created a clean, rather aseptic environment. Hand washing was self-evident necessity. However, the situation was quite different in the Central European universities and departments of obstetrics, where the medical training and clinical practice took place side by side. Semmelweis' life and his contribution to medicine was appreciated even in the theatrical circles of Finland. The piece "Semmelweis" of Norwegian playwright Jens Bj?rneboe got its World Premier in the Swedish Theatre in Turku, former capital of Finland, in September 1969.  相似文献   

Classroom discussion of the classic article by Walter B. Cannon in 1914, entitled "The emergency function of the adrenal medulla in pain and the major emotions," is an excellent tool to teach graduate students the interaction between stress, emotions, and cardiovascular function. Using this article, we are able to review important early research by Dr. Cannon, including discussion of his scientific methods and results and how they hold true today. This article outlines how this classic paper is used to allow students to explore basics principles of cardiovascular control during stress. The teaching points that are presented illustrate how students can be directed to understand the interrelationship between chronic stress and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

A new concept, termed "radioautographology" is advocated and its contents are reviewed. This term is the coinage synthesized from "radioautography" and "(o)logy", expressing a new science derived from radioautography. The concept of radioautographology (RAGology) is a science to localize the radioactive substances in the biological structure of the objects and to analyze and to study the significance of these substances in the biological structure. On the other hand, the old term radioautography (RAG) or autoradiography (ARG) is the technique to demonstrate the pattern of localization of various radiolabeled compounds in biological specimens. The specimens used in biology and medicine are cells and tissues. They are fixed, sectioned and made contact with the radioautographic emulsions, exposed and developed to produce metallic silver grains. Such specimens are designated as radioautographs (or autoradiographs) and the patterns of pictures made of silver grains are named radioautograms. Those people who produced radioautographs were formerly named radioautographers (or autoradiographers) who were only technicians, while those who study RAGology are not technicians but scientists and should be called as radioautographologists. The science of radioautographology was developed in the 20th century and can be divided into two parts, general radioautographology and special radioautographology, as most natural sciences usually can. The general radioautographology is the technology of RAG which consists of 3 fields of sciences, physics concerning radioactivity, histochemistry treating the cells and tissues and photochemistry dealing with the photographic emulsions. The special radioautographology, on the other hand, consists of applications of general radioautographology to various biological and medical sciences. The applications can be classified into several scientific fields, i.e., cellular molecular biology, anatomy, histology, embryology, pathology and pharmacology. Studies carried out in our laboratory were summarized and reviewed. The results obtained from the technology includes 4-dimensional structures of the organs taking the time dimension into account by labeling cells and localizing the sites of incorporation, synthesis, discharge of the labeled compounds in connection with the time lapse and aging of animals. All the results obtained from such applications should be systematized as a new filed of science in the future in the 21st century.  相似文献   

Nationally, the department of nuclear medicine, Ibn Sina Hospital is the first service that started with the technique of isotopic labeling for the treatment of osteoid osteoma and identification of sentinel lymph node. However, the operating room is a place where the staff is not familiar with the handling of radioactive substances. The intraoperative detection in these places leads the staff working there to ask some questions related to radiation safety. In this work, we have implemented the radiation protection aspects of these acts by the measurement of external exposure of personnel involved and we confirmed that the dosimetric measurements are negligible.  相似文献   

随着我国科学技术的迅猛发展,生命科学领域对专业人才的需求愈加迫切,要求亦愈加严格。部分医学院校为适应目前我国对基础科研工作者的需求现状,积极调整医学与生命科学专业本科生专业设置,改善完善课程设置,在本科生中有计划的进行科研训练,对学生毕业后的选择就业去向或者进一步深造具有重要指导作用,培养具有科研能力的高素质的医学从业人员,有助于推动医疗卫生事业的发展。  相似文献   

Dr. Lauri "Tupu" Saxen died last October (2005) at the age of 78. He was a physician, a scientist, a photographer, a naturalist, a great story-teller and a man who enjoyed science enormously. His name has become synonymous with the Finnish school of Developmental Biology, a school that focuses on reciprocal inductive interactions during vertebrate organogenesis. But many biologists probably don't know the full extent of his importance to the field. A few years ago, I had the occasion to outline some of his contributions which are so varied and important that it is difficult to believe that they are the work of one person, and I have included them in this brief eulogy. One could divide his scientific contributions into five categories: (1) the threshold hypothesis of amphibian metamorphosis; (2) the double-gradient hypothesis of primary embryonic induction; (3) the analysis of reciprocal induction during kidney development; (4) the integration of developmental biology with epidemiology and (5) the maintenance of a national infrastructure for science.  相似文献   

The work of Claude Fortier is linked to the history of neuroendocrinology. Through him and his pioneer work in Montreal with Hans Selye, the < Man of stress >, and at Laval University in Quebec City in his own laboratory, where all researchers involved in the study of the hypothalamo-hypophysial adrenal axis have been through, it is the whole saga of the search for the neuropeptide CRH (corticotropin releasing factor), and the harsh fight for the Nobel distinction that can be related. Among Claude Fortier's scientific discoveries, the feedback mechanisms of glucocorticoid hormones on brain and pituitary function, the presence of both mineralo and glucocorticoid receptors in some brain structures, and the introduction of computer science in biomedical research, can be cited. The consequences of these discoveries are illustrated in the pathologies linked to stress (anxiety, depression, addiction). Claude Fortier was not only a great figure in biomedical science, honored by several distinctions, but also an important personality in the policy of research in which he played a prominent role in Quebec medical research and allowed it to rank among the best in the world.  相似文献   

The 19th-century American physician Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894) is known, internationally, more for his literary output than for his contributions to medical science. Yet a single paper he wrote in 1843--"The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever"--has made him a hero in the eyes of many (especially in the United States) of the struggle against that scourge. Why that one article, written when Holmes was still in his thirties, should--even in its expanded 1855 version--so routinely be referred to as a "classic of medical literature", and why its author should have been raised on such a high pedestal that some grant him a position beside Ignác Semmelweis, are complicated questions. This present paper is an attempt to begin assessing what it is that makes someone a medical hero by looking at three different aspects of Holmes's early career. He was even as a young man a poet and a physiologist/anatomist as well as the author of this important essay. Whether and how those three features of Holmes's many-sides public persona are connected is discussed as a prelude to considering whether his work on puerperal fever legitimates his status as a medical hero.  相似文献   

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