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Postembryonic developmental stages of an endoparasitic pycnogonid, Ammothella biunguiculata in Izu Peninsula, Japan are described. Eleven stages were identified beginning with a protonymphon larva attached to the male oviger. We found endoparasitic individuals in the host actinian from the second to tenth instar, and forms in the ninth stage to adult were found free-living. This indicates a transition from being endoparasitic to free-living during the ninth to tenth instar stages. The first instar protonymphon attached to the adult male oviger has a gland duct on the anterior margin of each chelifore scape which completely disappears with the second instar. The disappearance of the chelifore gland duct coincides with the beginning of an endoparasitic stage in the development of this species. Although the larval morphology and the postembryonic development of pycnogonids have been summarized by several authors, the present study concludes that much remains to be learnt.  相似文献   


Oogenesis in the marine turbellarian proseriat Monocelis lineata was investigated at the ultrastructural level. Oocyte differentiation is not synchronous so that successive stages of germ cell maturation were simultaneously detected in each of the two ovaries. Each developing oocyte is enveloped by follicle cell projections which are presumably involved in a morphologically undetectable support of vitellogenesis. The main features evidenced during oocyte differentiation are: (1) The synthesis of cortical granules by the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex, occurring in the earlier stages of oogenesis; (2) The synthesis of yolk globules by the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and Golgi complex, occurring in the later stages of oogenesis, namely late meiotic prophase I. Neither morphologically visible endocytotic activity, nor the presence of intercellular bridges, nor even the development of microvilli were observed at the oolemma or cortical ooplasm, so that the sole mechanism of vitellogenesis appears to be autosynthetic. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the taxonomic position of M. lineata and more generally in relation to the phylogenetic history of the class Turbellaria.  相似文献   

All developmental stages of Tanystylum bealensis are described. This is the first complete developmental series of a pycnogonid species collected from a natural, rather than a laboratory-reared population. Development proceeds through a series of nine instars from egg to adult, with major defining characteristics of the instars being the addition of walking legs, loss of chelifores, and modification of larval appendages into adult palps and ovigers. All stages are free-living on the hydroid Plumularia setacea, except for the first instar (protonymphon), which remains on the ovigers of the adult male for a short time after hatching. Development in T. bealensis is compared to development in both the closely related species T. orbiculare and to the more distantly related Achelia alaskensis.  相似文献   

Abstract. The starlet sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis Stephenson 1935, is a burrowing, estuarine species that has become a model organism for fundamental studies of cnidarian and metazoan development. During early oogenesis, oocytes appear in the basal region of the gastrodermis in the reproductive mesenteries and gradually bulge into the adjacent connective tissue space (mesoglea) where the majority of oocyte growth and vitellogenesis occurs. However, oocytes do not physically contact the cellular and amorphous matrix of the mesogleal compartment due to a thin, intervening basal lamina. Oocytes retain limited contact with the basal gastrodermal epithelium via groups of ultrastructurally modified gastrodermal cells called trophocytes. Trophocytes are monociliated accessory cells of somatic origin that collectively form a structure called the trophonema, a unique accessory cell/oocyte association not observed outside the Cnidaria. The trophonema consists of 50–60 trophocytes that maintain contact with <1% of the oocyte surface and forms a circular, bowel‐shaped depression on the luminal surface of the gastrodermis as they sink into the mesoglea with the oocyte. The oocyte remains highly polarized throughout oogenesis with the germinal vesicle positioned near the trophonema and presumably representing the future animal pole of the embryo. Contact between the trophonema and the oocyte is restricted to cell junctions connecting peripheral trophocytes and narrow extensions from the oocyte. Previous studies suggest that the trophonema plays a role in transport of extracellular digestive products from the gastrovascular cavity to the oocyte, and the ultrastructural features described in this study are consistent with that view. Vitellogenesis is described for the first time in a sea anemone. Yolk synthesis involves both autosynthetic and heterosynthetic processes including the biosynthetic activity of the Golgi complex and the uptake of extraoocytic yolk precursors via endocytosis, respectively.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Ammothea are described from Elephant Island and the South Shetlands Islands, Antarctica. The material was captured during the Polarstern cruise XXIII/8 to the Antarctic Peninsula area. The main features of Ammothea pseudospinosa n. sp. are a proboscis distinctly trilobulated distally with a constriction at 2/3 of its length and dimorphism between the propodi of the anterior (first and second) and posterior (third and fourth) legs, and a trunk: proboscis length ratio of about 1.5. The main features of Ammothea childi n. sp. are a cylindrical proboscis, longer than trunk length, and adults with functional chelifores. These species are compared with their closest congeners from the Southern Ocean: A. pseudospinosa n. sp. with Ammothea spinosa and Ammothea allopodes; A. childi n. sp. with Ammothea gigantea, Ammothea bicorniculata and Ammothea hesperidensis.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural study of oogenesis has been undertaken in some marine species of neoophoran turbellarians belonging to the Tricladida, Proseriata, and Prolecithophora. Among marine triclads, Cercyra hastata has oocytes with a remarkable amount of what appears to be autosynthetic proteinaceous yolk, while Procerodes dohrni and P. lobata have alecithal oocytes. Among the Proseriata, several species of the primitive family Monocelididae (subfamily Monocelidinae) have oocytes with a discrete amount of what appears to be autosynthetic yolk, while Parotoplana macrostyla, of the derived family Otoplanidae, has alecithal eggs. Finally preliminary observations on Plagiostomum maculatum (order Prolecithophora) suggest that oocytes have autosynthetic yolk globules.These results support the hypothesis (previously formulated on the basis of similar ultrastructural investigations on freshwater triclads) that the presence of autosynthetic yolk in some neoophoran turbellarians can be interpreted as a primitive character inherited from an ancestor with archoophoran organization. This plesiomorphic character would still be maintained in some species while lost in others following differentiation of vitellaria which are characteristic of the Neoophora.  相似文献   

Over 2000 specimens of pycnogonid from deep-sea collections made in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean by IOS and SMBA between 1971 and 1994 have been analysed. Thirty-five species were identified, two being new to science, viz Nymphon akanthochoeros and an unnamed Anoplodactylus species. The deep-sea Pycnogonida of the northeastern Atlantic are reviewed using these data and records from the literature. Keys are presented for the six families represented by more than one species. The pycnogonid fauna of this area is characterized particularly by Paranymphon spinosum and Colossendeis clavata , with other dominant species including Colossendeis species, notably C. macenima , and Nymphon laterospinum, Anoplodactylus typhlops and A. arnaudae. Of the 54 species recorded below 200 m in the northeastern Atlantic, available evidence suggests that nine are 'endemic'. Relative distributions of the other species are discussed. A distinct change in the pycnogonid fauna with depth was found at around 1400 m. There is latitudinal separation of species groupings, shown most conspicuously by the shallower water species.  相似文献   

A new species of pycnogonid collected by the Chinese research vessel, R/V HY IV, during deep sea cruises to the South China Sea in 2013, is described. The new species, Hemichela nanhaiensis, obtained from more than 1300 m depth, is distinguished from the other two species in the genus by the characters of the chela dactylus with 12 denticulations on the inner margin and by the presence of taller tubercles on the lateral processes.  相似文献   

In this paper, adaptations and microanatomic changes in the branchial chamber, as well as influence of parasitosis on the reproductive function of shrimp, are analyzed. Probopyrus cf. oviformis was observed in the branchial chamber of shrimps of both sexes, with an infestation rate of 29%. The infestation frequency in relation to sex and size was not uniform, and two trends were observed: a higher frequency in bigger males in contrast to females, with less infestation frequency in older individuals. This aspect was related to changes in the sex ratio of shrimps, infested and noninfested, with the following conclusions: (1) Sexual inversions were not observed in females of P. argentinus; (2) male infestation with P. cf. oviformis showed tertiary sexual rate bias. It occurred because the metabolic parasite-host relationship led to an increase in size. These infested males were incorporated into a normal population characterized by females being bigger than males. The morphological and functional changes observed were (1) branchial chamber reduction, slendering of the cephalothorax lateral wall, together with local injury (oxygen consumption was below the normal values; and (2) the ovaries of infested females of P. argentinus remained stationary in incipient maturity (secondary vitellogenesis was not observed).  相似文献   

Kress A 《Tissue & cell》1986,18(6):915-935
Runcina is a hermaphroditic opisthobranch mollusc of small size. It produces large eggs, rich in yolk substances, and it is thus ideal for studying the mechanisms of vitellogenesis. The rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus appear to be involved in early build up of yolk precursors. Endocytotic vesicles carrying yolk proteins, taken up from the haemolymph, dominate yolk formation at a later stage. The findings presented in this study enhance the proposition of a dual pathway of auto- and heterosynthesis in yolk formation. It is not found that the yolk bodies in Runcina acquire lysosomal enzymes in order to digest the perivitelline fluid, as has been described for some pulmonates. The importance of the role played by the follicle cells in oocyte development is discussed.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2014,117(3):207-215
Recent molecular studies have indicated a close relationship between Crustacea and Hexapoda and postulated their unification into the Pancrustacea/Tetraconata clade. Certain molecular analyses have also suggested that the crustacean lineage, which includes the Branchiopoda, might be the sister group of Hexapoda. We test this hypothesis by analyzing the structure of the ovary and the ultrastructural features of oogenesis in two branchiopod species, Cyzicus tetracerus and Lynceus brachyurus, representing two separate orders, Spinicaudata and Laevicaudata, respectively. The female gonads of these species have not been investigated before. Here, we demonstrate that in both studied species the ovarian follicles develop inside characteristic ovarian protrusions and comprise a germline cyst surrounded by a simple somatic (follicular) epithelium, supported by a thin basal lamina. Each germline cyst consists of one oocyte and three supporting nurse cells, and the oocyte differentiates relatively late during ovarian follicle development. The synthesis of oocyte reserve materials involves rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complexes. The follicular cells are penetrated by a complex canal system and there is no external epithelial sheath covering the ovarian follicles. The structure of the ovary and the ultrastructural characteristics of oogenesis are not only remarkably similar in both Cyzicus and Lynceus, but also share morphological similarities with Notostraca as well as the basal hexapods Campodeina and Collembola. Possible phylogenetic implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The postembryonic development of the female reproductive system in the pycnogonid Propallene longiceps is examined. The germ cells can be detected first in the later stage of the 3rd instar and become a paired gonad covered with gonadal epithelium in the next instar. The larval gonad changes its shape: paired at the 4th instar, reversed U-shaped at the fifth, unpaired at the sixth, and paired again at the seventh. Oocytes can be distinguished, and the extension of the ovary into the walking legs begins at the 7th instar. Growing oocytes protrude outward from the ovary on cellular stalks in the pedal part. The trunk ovary becomes U-shaped, and the oviducts and genital pores start forming at the 8th instar. The disappearance of trunk ovary begins at the 9th instar, and is complete at the next adult stage. The connection between the pedal ovarian lumen and the genital pores via the oviducts is complete in the adult, and the female reproductive system becomes segmentally arranged. This study confirms that the segmental arrangement of adult female reproductive system in P. longiceps, which is unique among recently described arthropods, is a secondary state in pycnogonids attained by reducing the trunk part of ovary.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of oogenesis in the bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ovarian ultrastructure of the Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) was investigated during the reproductive season with the aim of improving our understanding of the reproductive biology in this species. The bluefin, like the other tunas, has an asynchronous mode of ovarian development; therefore, all developmental stages of the oocyte can be found in mature ovaries. The process of oocyte development can be divided into five distinct stages (formation of oocytes from oogonia, primary growth, lipid stage, vitellogenesis, and maturation). Although histological and ultrastructural features of most these stages are similar among all studied teleosts, the transitional period between primary growth and vitellogenesis exhibits interspecific morphological differences that depend on the egg physiology. Although the most remarkable feature of this stage in many teleosts is the occurrence of cortical alveoli, in the bluefin tuna, as is common in marine fishes, the predominant cytoplasmic inclusions are lipid droplets. Nests of early meiotic oocytes derive from the germinal epithelium that borders the ovarian lumen. Each oocyte in the nest becomes surrounded by extensions of prefollicle cells derived from somatic epithelial cells and these form the follicle that is located in the stromal tissue. The primary growth stage is characterized by intense RNA synthesis and the differentiation of the vitelline envelope. Secondary growth commences with the accumulation of lipid droplets in the oocyte cytoplasm (lipid stage), which is then followed by massive uptake and processing of proteins into yolk platelets (vitellogenic stage). During the maturation stage the lipid inclusions coalesce into a single oil droplet, and hydrolysis of the yolk platelets leads to the formation of a homogeneous mass of fluid yolk in mature eggs.  相似文献   

The study was aimed at understanding the process of reproduction and the changes happening in the ovary of Portunus pelagicus during maturation, which would be useful for its broodstock development for hatchery purposes. For that, tissue samples from different regions of the ovary at various stages of maturation were subjected to light and electron microscopy, and based on the changes revealed and the differences in ovarian morphology, the ovary was divided into five stages such as immature (previtellogenic oocytes), early maturing (early vitellogenic oocytes), late maturing (late vitellogenic oocytes), mature (vitellogenic oocytes), and spent (resorbing oocytes). The ovarian wall comprised of an outermost thin pavement epithelium, a middle layer of connective tissue, and an innermost layer of germinal epithelium. The oocytes matured as they moved from the centrally placed germinal zone toward the ovarian wall. The peripheral arrangement of nucleolar materials and the high incidence of cell organelles during the initial stages indicated vitellogenesis I. Movement of follicle cells toward oocytes in the early maturing stage and low incidence of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum in the ooplasm during late vitellogenic stage marked the commencement and end of vitellogenesis II, respectively. Yolk granules at various stages of development were seen in the ooplasm from late vitellogenic stage onwards. The spent ovary had an area with resorbing oocytes and empty follicle cells denoting the end of one reproductive cycle and another area with oogonial cells and previtellogenic oocytes indicating the beginning of the next.  相似文献   

Titers of juvenile hormone (JH) III and free ecdysteroids were studied in the hemolymph of the ovoviviparous Argentinian cockroach, Blaptica dubia, related to fat body depletion and reproduction. Adult females were analyzed during the first (days 5–25) and second vitellogenic cycle (days 80–100) and during the periods of gestation. Body weight changes of adult females were closely related to ovarian growth, ootheca formation, ootheca deposition, and hatching of the nymphs. Biochemical analysis of the fat body revealed lipids as the main storage compounds, followed by glycogen, proteins, and free carbohydrates. Changes in the fat body weight and in the chemical constituents of the fat body correlated with the processes of vitellogenesis and gestation. Concentrations of JH and free ecdysteroids in the hemolymph were measured by high pressure liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. JH III was the only JH homolog found. JH III titers were high during vitellogenesis as well as toward the end of the gestation period. Changes in the concentrations of ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone were less clear. The results reveal JH III as the major gonadotropic hormone in adult females of B. dubia.  相似文献   

Summary The first stages of the oogenesis of Triops cancriformis have been studied. At the outset the oocyte is smaller than the nurse cells. Meiosis begins with typical synaptonemal complexes. The significance of these complexes and of some other peculiar structures of germ cells, i.e., pore complexes and annuli within the nucleus, and annulate lamellae within the cytoplasm are discussed. The morphofunctional uniformity of some cytoplasmic structures (annulate lamellae, concentrically arranged ER, and yolk globules) in the oocyte as well as its nurse cells is also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Each ovarian follicle of Triops cancriformis is four-celled; these cells (one oocyte and three nurse cells) are interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges. In the course of differentiation, the nurse cells are early recognizable; they increase in size more than the oocyte and their nuclei contain many nucleoli. For the first time in Arthropoda, yolk globules are reported to be present in nurse cell cytoplasm; these globules arise from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The functional significance of the intercellular bridges and the trophic role of the nurse cells are discussed.The authors are grateful to Dr. Bruno Sabelli for his support and to Mr. Francesco Monte for his technical assistance  相似文献   

Temereva, E.N., Malakhov, V.V. and Yushin, V.V. 2011. Ultrastructural study of oogenesis in Phoronopsis harmeri (Phoronida). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 241–250. The successive stages of oogenesis in Phoronopsis harmeri were examined by electron microscopy methods. During the oogenesis, each oocyte is encircled by vasoperitoneal (coelomic) cells forming a follicle. The previtellogenic oocytes are small cells which accumulate ribosomes for future synthesis; their cytoplasm contains characteristic clusters of mitochondria and osmiophilic particles resembling a germ plasm of other metazoans. The cytoplasm of the vitellogenic oocytes includes numerous mitochondria, cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies and annulate lamellae. The synthesis of three types of inclusions was observed: strongly osmiophilic granules (lipid droplets) as a prevalent component, distinctly larger granules surrounded by membrane (proteinaceous yolk) and numerous large vesicles with pale flocculent content. No inclusions which could be unequivocally interpreted as the cortical granules were detected. The surface of the vitellogenic oocytes is covered by microvilli which increase in number and length during development. The oogenesis in Phoronida may be interpreted as follicular because of close association of oocytes with the vasoperitoneal tissue. However, well‐developed synthetic apparatus together with a strongly developed microvillous surface and absence of endocytosis indicate a clear case of autosynthetic vitellogenesis. Thus, in phoronids, there is a combination of simply developed follicle and autosynthesis that, apparently, is plesiomorphic character.  相似文献   

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