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The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae was exposed to UV-C (250 nm), UV-B (300 nm), and UV-A (350 nm). In non-diapausing females, the median effective doses for 50% mortality plus escape incidence (ED50) were 21 (UV-C) and 104 kJ m−2 (UV-B); those for 50% oviposition rate in continuous darkness-treated mites were 6.2 (UV-C) and 41 kJ m−2 (UV-B). No significant effects of UV-A on mortality and oviposition rate were observed. The ED50 values for UV-B were similar to the natural UV-B observed for 2-5 days in summer when T. urticae inhabits the undersides of leaves. Therefore, T. urticae possibly uses leaves as a filter to avoid the deleterious effects of UV-B. In diapausing females, low mortality was observed even at high doses of UV radiation, but more than half escaped even at low doses. The orange body color of diapausing females results from accumulation of carotenoids, a scavenger for UV-induced reactive oxygen species; this may explain the low mortality of diapausing females. Diapausing females may overcome the deleterious effects of UV-B during winter in the absence of leaves by emigrating to UV-free environments and by accumulating carotenoids.  相似文献   

In silk-spinning arthropods, silk can be used for web building, protection, and communication. Silk is an informative material about the presence of conspecifics. It can therefore inform on habitat suitability and hence assist in habitat choice. In this context, we investigated the influence of silk on microhabitat choice by the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. Three factors that could potentially influence habitat choice were manipulated: the strain, number, and the stage of mites. Our study showed that these factors all influence the choice of microhabitat. The tendency of whether to settle on a silk-covered area was influenced by the origin of mites (strain effect). Adult females showed a higher tendency to settle on an area covered with the silk laid by numerous congeners (number effect). Moreover, larvae seemed to be more responsive to the presence of silk than adults (stage effect). This suggests that individuals use silk as a social cue in selecting their microhabitat and that the spatial organization and group behaviour seem to be shaped by the individuals’ response to social cues, such as the amount of silk already present.  相似文献   

The incidence of diapause in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae was predicted for various photoperiodic regimes, according to the external coincidence model of photoperiodic time measurement. A phase response curve was constructed for the hypothetical photoperiodic oscillator in these mites: entrainment of this photoperiodic oscillator to a variety of ‘complete’ and ‘skeleton’ photoperiods was calculated using a transformation method for circadian rhythms. The external coincidence model proved adequate to describe experimental results with T. urticae in ‘complete’ photoperiods (T = 24 hr), symmetrical ‘skeleton’ photoperiods (T = 24 hr), asymmetrical ‘skeleton’ photoperiods (T = 24 hr) (night-interruption experiments), and ‘resonance’ experiments, in which the light component of a light/dark cycle was held constant at 8 hr and the dark component was varied over a wide range in successive experiments, providing cycles with period lengths up to 92 hr. The external coincidence model proved inadequate to explain results obtained in a ‘T-experiment’ with T. urticae comprising 1 hr pulses of light in a cycle of LD1:17.5 (T = 18.5 hr) with the first pulse of the train starting at different circadian phases. The validity and limitations of the external coincidence model as an explanation of photoperiodic time measurement in T. urticae are discussed in view of the above results.  相似文献   

To explain photoperiodic induction of diapause in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae (Acarina: Tetranychidae) a theoretical model was developed, consisting of two components, viz. a “clock” and a photoperiodic “counter” mechanism. The clock executes photoperiodic time measurement according to hourglass kinetics; the counter accumulates the photoperiodic information contained in a number of successive lightdark cycles by adding up the number of “long” and “short” nights experienced by the developmental stages of the mites sensitive to the photoperiod. The influence of the circadian system on photoperiodic induction is interpreted as an inhibitory effect exerted on the expression of the photoperiodic response; this effect is encountered only in certain photoperiodic regimes, where the circadian system and the photoperiod are out of “resonance” with each other. This “hourglass timer oscillator counter model”, devised to give a theoretical explanation of photoperiodic time measurement, the summation of photoperiodic information, and the influence of the circadian system on photoperiodic induction, proved to be consistent with experimental results obtained with T. urticae in both symmetrical and asymmetrical “skeleton” photoperiods, the latter based on diel as well as non-diel lightdark cycles.  相似文献   

Histological effects of the microbial metabolite and chitin synthesis inhibitor complex Nikkomycin (AMS 0896 Bayer Leverkusen) on osmoregulatory organs of all developmental stages of Tetranychus urticae are described. The metabolite, in a concentration of 100 ppm, was applied via the nutritive plant. Mites fed for 2 to 14 days, and then were collected and immediately fixed. Two osmoregulatory organs occur in T. urticae. The Malpighian complex, differentiated only in females, shows an increased number of apical microvilli in the epithelium of the distal regions after metabolite application, thus resulting in an enlargement of the surface area. Changes in the second osmoregulatory organ, the coxal organ, after Nikkomycin application include depositions of membranous bodies in the lumen as well as in cytoplasmic vacuoles of the proximal tubule. Additionally, an increase in the luminal diameter occurs. Numerous vacuoles of different contents are observed in the cytoplasm of the distal tubule. Consequences of histological alterations in osmoregulatory organs after Nikkomycin application are discussed with special reference to the composition of salivary secretions.  相似文献   

To explain photoperiodic induction of diapause in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae a new theoretical model was developed which took into account both the hourglass and rhythmic elements shown to be present in the photoperiodic reaction of these mites. It is emphasized that photoperiodic induction is the result of time measurement as well as the summation and integration of a number of successive photoperiodic cycles: the model, therefore, consists of separate ‘clock’ and ‘counter’ mechanisms. In current views involvement of the circadian system in photoperiodism is interpreted in terms of the hypothesis that the photoperiodic clock itself is based on one or more circadian oscillators. Here a different approach has been chosen as regards the role of the circadian system in photoperiodism: the possibility, previously put forward by other authors, that some aspect of the photoperiodic induction mechanism other than the clock is controlled by the circadian system was investigated by assuming a circadian influence on the photoperiodic counter mechanism. The derivation of this ‘hourglass timer oscillator counter’ model of photoperiodic induction in T. urticae is described and its operation demonstrated on the basis of a number of diel and nondiel photoperiods, with and without light interruptions.  相似文献   

The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, is a worldwide pest species that overwinters as diapausing females. Cold hardening is presumed to start during diapause development to ensure the successful overwintering of this species. To address this hypothesis, we compared cold tolerance between non-diapausing and diapausing females. We measured supercooling point (SCP) and survival to acute cold stress by exposing the mites at a range of sub-zero temperatures (from −4 to −28 °C for 2 h). The mean SCPs of non-diapausing and diapausing females were −19.6±0.5 and −24.7±0.3 °C respectively, and freezing killed the mites. Diapausing females were significantly more cold tolerant than non-diapausing ones, with LT50 of −19.7 and −13.3 °C, respectively. Further, we also examined the effects of cold acclimation (10 d at 0 or 5 °C) in non-diapausing and diapausing females. Our findings indicated that diapause decreased SCP significantly, while cold acclimation had no effect on the SCP except for non-diapausing females that were acclimated at 5 °C. Acclimation at 5 °C enhanced survival to acute cold stress in diapausing and non-diapausing females, with LT50 of −22.0 and −17.1 °C, respectively. Altogether, our results indicate that T. urticae is a chill tolerant species, and that diapause and cold acclimation elevate cold hardiness in this species.  相似文献   

Some diapause characteristics were studied in a strain of the spider mite. Tetranychus urticae. which had been reared on bean plants in the laboratory for over 15 yr. The diapause induction response curve was of the long-day type, showing a sharply defined critical daylength of 13 hr 50 min. In constant darkness no diapause induction occurred, but with a photoperiod of 1L:23D diapause incidence was already complete. A thermoperiod with a 5°C amplitude induced diapause in combination with a short-day photoperiod only when the low phase of the thermoperiod coincided with the scotophase. The same thermoperiod did not induce any diapause in constant darkness. The photoperiodic reaction of the laboratory strain used in these experiments appeared to remain constant over a very long period of time and to be independent of the diapause history of previous generations of mites.Although photoperiodic sensitivity was demonstrated during the whole postembryonic development, sensitivity was maximal at the end of the protonymphal instar and declined rapidly during the deutonymphal instar. Only 2 inductive cycles of 10L:14D were required to induce up to 62% diapause if the mites were kept in continuous darkness during the remainder of their development. Long days or continuous light could reverse the inductive effect of a sequence of short-day cycles previously applied to the mites.Light breaks of 1 hr duration applied at different times during the dark period of a 10L:14D photoperiod generated a sharp bimodal response curve with two discrete points of sensitivity to the light breaks at 10 hr after ‘dusk’ and 10 hr before ‘dawn’, thus showing a remarkable similarity with the results obtained in light break experiments with some species of insects.  相似文献   

In mites, vitellogenin synthesis, regulation and uptake by the oocytes as vitellin remain practically unknown. Although a partial sequence of the gene is now available, no previous studies have been conducted that describe the native vitellin protein in mites. The objective of this study was to characterize vitellin in the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. The native twospotted spider mite vitellin migrated as a single major band with a molecular weight of 476 ± 14.5 kDa as compared to 590 ± 25.5 kDa for vitellin from the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis. However, isoelectric focusing analysis of native spider mite vitellin showed five bands with pI values slightly acidic to neutral (pH 5.8, 6.2, 6.7, 7.0 and 7.2), as is the case for insect and tick vitellins. Reducing conditions (SDS-PAGE) also revealed multiple subunits ranging from 290.9 to 3.6 kDa and was similar to that found in D. variabilis. Spider mite vitellin weakly bound lipids and carbohydrates compared to the tick. Unlike D. variabilis, the spider mite egg yolk protein does not bind heme. The significance of non-heme binding in mites is discussed.  相似文献   

Induced plant responses to herbivory can alter plant quality and influence subsequent interactions with organisms that use that plant as food source. In this study, we conducted several experiments in order to understand whether preference and performance of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii (Hem: Aphididae) and the spider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) are affected by the previous herbivory of conspecific or heterospecific species on cucumber plants. Longevity, fecundity and pre-imaginal development time were measured as performance criteria. In addition, we explored whether these effects are local or systemic. In the case of performance experiments, the results varied from negative to neutral depending on the performance criteria, no positive effect was observed in studied interactions. Also, depending on performance criteria, the previous herbivory affected the plant systemically, or locally. Results of preference experiments indicated that mites and aphids prefer to settle and produce offspring on control leaf disc to prevent detrimental effects of the previous herbivory. Spider mites showed a stronger preference than aphids in the detection of induced leaf discs, which resulted in more mites being present and laying more egg on control leaf disc in both local and systemic treatments. Performing both preference and performance experiments, not only reveals the effect of herbivores on each other's mediated by the plant but also reveals more information about the sensitivity of herbivores to change in the quality of their host.  相似文献   

The distribution of resistant individuals is determined by the amount of movement between populations. The differential rate of dispersal of a susceptible and a pesticide-resistant strain could influence the resistance dynamics under field conditions. The dispersal rate and dispersal efficiency of the susceptible and propargite-resistant strains of Tetranychus urticae were measured in separate-release and mixed-release experiments. The diffusion coefficient (D) of both strains did not differ significantly (P > 0.344) and an estimate of the asymptotic rate of advance (2  rD) (for one generation) was estimated at 0.1047 and 0.0930 cm per degree day for the susceptible and propargite-resistant strains, respectively. The dispersal efficiency of the two strains differed significantly (P < 0.005) as more susceptible mites than propargite-resistant mites crossed into specified zones more quickly after 290 and 366 degree days. Significantly (P < 0.05) higher number of susceptible adults, immatures and eggs were found in the outer most zone of an arena as compared to that of the propargite-resistant mites. The bioassay of the two strains showed a similar pattern of the spread of the adult females across the specified zones in the mixed-release experiment. The relatively lower dispersive tendency of the propargite-resistant T. urticae and the smaller proportion of adult females exhibiting that behaviour increase the chances of developing resistant ‘hotspots’ in field specially after an acaricide application.  相似文献   

The fungal pathogen Neozygites floridana Weiser and Muma has been evaluated as a classical biological candidate for introduction into Africa against the invasive tomato red spider mite Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard. In this study, the effect of temperature on sporulation, germination and virulence of three isolates of N. floridana collected from T. evansi in three climatically distinct regions of Brazil and Argentina was determined. Six constant temperatures of 13 °C, 17 °C, 21 °C, 25 °C, 29 °C and 33 °C were tested for their effect on the ability of the three fungal isolates to sporulate, germinate and kill the mites. Six alternating-temperature regimes of 17-13 °C, 21-13 °C, 29-13 °C, 33-13 °C, 33-23 °C, 33-28 °C under a 12 h photophase were also tested to estimate virulence of the three isolates against T. evansi. The Vipos isolate discharged more conidia than isolates from Recife or Piracicaba at all temperatures and sporulation was strongly temperature dependent. Optimal sporulation rates were observed at 25 °C while optimal germination rates were observed at 25 °C and 29 °C. At 29 °C, the shortest mean survival time of T. evansi (3.16 days, 95% CI of 3.05-3.27) was observed for the isolate from Vipos, while the longest LT50 (3.47 days, 95% CI 3.34-3.59) was observed for the isolate from Piracicaba. Mortality of mites increased as the differences between alternating day and night temperatures increased from 8 °C (21-13 °C), to 10 °C (33-23 °C), to 16 °C (29-13 °C), with smallest and highest temperature differences of 4 °C (17-13 °C) and 20 °C (33-13 °C), both producing low mortalities. The overall results suggest that the Vipos isolate is better adapted to a wider range of temperatures than the other isolates tested.  相似文献   

旋覆花提取物对朱砂叶螨的生物活性及酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了旋覆花石油醚提取物对朱砂叶螨的毒力作用及其对相关酶活性的影响。结果表明:旋覆花石油醚提取物的杀螨活性较高,浓度为2mg?mL-1 时,校正死亡率达到92.05%。通过对旋覆花石油醚提取物进一步萃取、柱层析分离、薄层层析,发现最终得到的38个流分中,杀螨效果较好的是流分7,其校正死亡率为85.53%。流分7经GC/MS鉴定为羽扇豆醇,其校正死亡率达到66.46%。进一步测定羽扇豆醇对朱砂叶螨谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶、Ca2 -ATPase、过氧化物歧化酶的活性以及总蛋白含量的影响,结果表明经羽扇豆醇处理后,螨体内过氧化物歧化酶被激活,而谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶和Ca2 -ATPase均受到不同程度的抑制,蛋白总量在这个过程中没有明显的变化。上述结果表明旋覆花提取物羽扇豆醇可以有效地杀死朱砂叶螨,这为旋覆花作为新型植物源农药提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Inbred lines that differed in the ratio of females to males were selected. These tended to breed true and the trait for a high frequency of daughters was semi-dominant and expressed as a control of arrhenotoky by the mother. A small maternal effect altered the sex ratio of genetically similar females. The variability of the sex ratio in nature would appear to be a genetic polymorphism.
Résumé Il a été possible, à partir de la descendance de femelles isolées, et par croisement de retour entre frère et sur, d'isoler deux lignées différant par leur sex ratio: l'une présentant une faible proportion de femelles, l'autre une majorité de femelles. Des croisements entre ces deux lignées montrent que le caractère «majorité de femelles» est semi-dominant, mais les croisements réciproques diffèrent à cause d'un petit effet maternel. Un croisement de retour entre des femelles de la génération F1 et des mâles de la lignée présentant une faible proportion de femelles, confirme l'hypothèse que le sex-ratio des ufs pondus est déterminé par quelques loci qui contrôlent la semi-dominance des caractères «haute proportion de femelles». Le caractère du sex ratio peut être transmis soit par le mâle, soit par la femelle, mais l'influence maternelle est plus forte. Les différences observées dans la nature quant au sex ratio et à sa variabilité dans les familles d'une population paraissent donc être dues à un polymorphisme génétique.

Geographic variations and combining abilities of three fitness traits: the mean number of offspring, and the mean number and proportion of female offspring, in the two-spotted spider mite were investigated using four widely separated strains of Tetranychus urticae Koch. Analyses of data obtained from a complete set of diallel crosses, involving the four strains, revealed large and highly significant specific combining abilities and reciprocal effects in all the fitness characteristics examined. It was concluded that the whole chain of reproductive events, from egg production of parental females to the fertility of hybrid daughters could be severely affected by incompatibility between parental populations.
Résumé L'étude a porté sur les différences géographiques et les combinaisons de trois caractères adaptatifs—nombre moyen de descendants, nombre moyen et proportion de femelles dans la descendance—sur quatre souches différentes de Tetranychus urticae. L'analyse des données obtenues à partir d'un lot complet de croisements dialléliques, sur les quatre souches, révèle pour tous les caractères adaptatifs examinés une forte aptitude à l'association et aux effets réciproques. On peut en conclure que la chaîne totale des événements intervenant dans la reproduction—de la production d'oeufs par les mères jusqu'à la fécondité des filles hybrides—pourrait être fortement modifiée par l'incompatibilité entre populations parentales.

黄增玉  黄林茂  黄寿山 《生态学报》2011,31(10):2947-2952
南方小花蝽(半翅目:花蝽科)是农田害虫的重要天敌之一。在室内,分别用米蛾卵和二斑叶螨饲养南方小花蝽,采用生命表与功能反应方法,探讨了两种猎物(米蛾卵、二斑叶螨)对南方小花蝽种群增长的影响、评价了南方小花蝽应用前景。南方小花蝽取食米蛾卵的年龄特征生命表的参数如下:世代平均历期T= 24.3500d,雌性比率P=0.5250,单雌平均产卵量FPF=37.2857头,种群趋势指数(I)=9.2118,周限增长率λ=1.0955,内禀增长率rm=0.0912。取食二斑叶螨的南方小花蝽能完成发育,雌雄可交配,但不能产卵。一龄若虫的存活率为81.19%,低于其它龄期的若虫存活率(89.5%以上)。从初孵若虫至成虫死亡,平均历期为19.3716d。取食米蛾卵的南方小花蝽成虫存活率为83.33%,而取食二斑叶螨的成虫存活率为59.68%;取食米蛾卵的南方小花蝽若虫平均历期(11.0633d)短于取食二斑叶螨的(13.8950d);然而取食米蛾卵的南方小花蝽成虫平均历期(9.9750d)明显长于取食二斑叶螨的(5.7297d)。表明米蛾卵能够满足南方小花蝽生长发育的营养需求,可以用来室内饲养南方小花蝽,二斑叶螨室内不能单独用于饲养南方小花蝽。南方小花蝽成虫对二斑叶螨成螨捕食功能反应符合HollingⅡ模型,且处置时间Th=0.0108,瞬间攻击率a=0.8253,日最大捕食量Namax =92.59 d-1。南方小花蝽是二斑叶螨潜在的生物防治资材。  相似文献   

Contact toxicity of three carbamates to a susceptible and an organophosphate resistant strain of T. urticae was determined by topical application. Temik was more toxic than Tranid or paraoxon, and carbaryl was non-toxic. The 10 X paraoxon resistant strain was 2 X and 3 X cross-resistant to Temik and Tranid, respectively. The inhibition and recovery rates of erythrocyte and susceptible mite ChE were determined for the three carbamates.
Zusammenfassung Die Kontaktgiftwirkung von 3 Carbamaten gegenüber einem anfälligen und einem organophosphatresistenten Stamm von T. urticae wurde durch topische Applikation bestimmt. Temik war giftiger als Tranid oder Paraoxon, und Carbaryl war ungiftig. Der 10fach paraoxon-resistante Stamm war gegenüber Temik und Tranid 2- bzw. 3fach resistent. Für die 3 Carbamate wurden Hemmung und Erholungsraten der Erythrocyten und der Cholinesterase der anfälligen Milben bestimmt.

Abstract 1. Desiccation of needles following oviposition by Neodiprion lecontei in Pinus resinosa caused high egg mortality. Eight-five per cent of pine needles into which sawflies oviposited subsequently desiccated, compared with 2.5% of needles without eggs. No larval emergence occurred from desiccated needles.
2. Within affected shoots, the probability of desiccation increased with the extent of oviposition. In paired comparisons of needles, 41.2% of needle length was occupied by eggs in desiccated needles, compared with 24.0% of needles without desiccation.
3. Both density-dependent and density-independent factors may contribute to desiccation of egg-laden needles. The likelihood that needle vasculature will be severed by ovipositing females probably increases with population density. Drought, which was high during the observations, probably increases the incidence of needle desiccation following mechanical injury caused by oviposition.  相似文献   

[目的]丁氟螨酯是一种新型酰基乙腈类非内吸性杀螨剂,对害螨的各个螨态都有很高活性,具有较高的应用价值.本文评价了丁氟螨酯对二斑叶螨生长发育的影响,以期为合理用药和二斑叶螨的综合防治提供理论依据.[方法]采用浸叶法测定丁氟螨酯对二斑叶螨成螨与卵的致死中浓度、雌成螨产卵量、各螨态存活率以及各发育历期的影响.[结果]经丁氟螨...  相似文献   

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