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A method has been devised whereby certain complete restriction digestions can have short overlaps of unique sequence incorporated into the fragments during cloning. Thus one can identify when the DNA fragments are contiguous. Here, this technique is used to produce a contig for a 2.5 kb fragment of genomic DNA. This is a simple approach to ordering digestion fragments without necessarily performing restriction mapping. It is envisaged that this technique will be useful for sequencing cDNAs and small genomic fragments.  相似文献   

A rapid enzymatic approach is described for the sequence analysis of a 5' terminally labelled restriction fragment. It involves limited nicking of the strands of the molecule throughout the sequence by pancreatic DNAase I. The 3' hydroxyl groups exposed by each nick are then used to prime chain extension by DNA polymerase I in four separate reactions. Each reaction uses one of the four chain terminating dideoxynucleoside triphosphates (ddNT-PSs), together with the four deoxynucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs). In a single reaction all the 3' ends are terminated in positions of the same base, which is different for each of the four reactions. When the products of these reactions are resolved by gel electrophoresis according to size, a sequence can be deduced from the pattern of radioactive bands. Sequences can be determined onwards from 10-20 residues from the 5' labelled end. The length of sequence which can be determined is only limited by the resolution of the gel.  相似文献   

In this study, a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is developed to determine the restriction map without using restriction endonucleases. A 937 bp fragment of pUC 19 which contained one cut site for EcoRI and two recognition sites for PvuII was used as a model. The PCR was carried out using designed degenerate primers and the products were analyzed on 1.5% agarose gel. The number of cut sites, length of fragments and the arrangement of the fragments from 3' or 5' end of desired sequence were determined.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical study of the fraction of sequences incorporated in a recombinant DNA partial digest library as a function of the size of the library. The fraction incorporated depends on the degree of restriction enzyme partial digestion. If all restriction sites in the target DNA can be cleaved with the same rate, optimum incorporation of sequences is observed when the number average length of the digested DNA equals the desired average length of the cloned insert. Overdigestion severely reduces the fraction of sequences present in a sample of clones. Heterogeneity in restriction enzyme cleavage rates also reduces the fraction incorporated, and underdigestion improves sequence representation in the face of cleavage rate heterogeneity. Practical methods for determining the number average length of partially digested DNAs are also presented.  相似文献   

Summary The Southern transfer technique has been used to provide a generally applicable method for ordering DNA restriction fragments. It involves electrophoresis of partially digested DNA, transfer to nitrocellulose filter paper and annealing to a 32P-labelled fragment. Only those partials containing that particular fragment will reanneal to the probe and produce bands on autoradiography. The size of each partial in the labelled set is the sum of the size of the fragment used as probe and of one or more adjacent fragments. Thus the size of the adjacent fragments can be determined from the size increments of this set of partials. The method is illustrated by the mapping of certain BamHI sites on coliphage 186 DNA.  相似文献   

A method for creating a group of deletion subclones for DNA sequencing by partial digestion of M13 bacteriophage constructions is outlined. The M13 construct is linearized at a unique site and then subjected to partial digestion with a frequent-cutting restriction endonuclease. The insert is truncated at different locations. The vector DNA is also partially digested. The products of a single partial digestion are repaired, recircularized by ligation, and used for bacterial transfection to generate subclones with a spectrum of deletions in the insert; most deletions in the vector DNA will disrupt vital viral genes and will thus disappear in the transfection. The subclones are sorted by size by gel electrophoresis of single-stranded viral DNA. This method is simpler and thus may be more reliable than established subcloning schemes.  相似文献   

A novel self-probing primer method that based on the fluorescence resonance energy transfer principle is designed to detect DNA fragments of approximately 40 bp. Four self-probing primer reaction systems were developed to target a maize endogenous reference gene (HMG), a soybean endogenous reference gene (Lectin), a rapeseed endogenous reference gene (CruA) and an exogenous gene 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (ctp2-cp4epsps). These four primer systems were confirmed to have a high level of inter-species specificity and good intra-species stability. The limit of detection was estimated to be 10 copies of haploid genomes for all four assays. The validation results demonstrated that the self-probing primer methods are able to quantify the DNA amount in the different samples with good sensitivity and precision. When highly processed food products were assayed, the self-probing primer method produced better results than the TaqMan probe method. Overall, the self-probing primer method is suitable for qualitative and quantitative detection of very short DNA targets in samples of different sources.  相似文献   

In an effort to find a simple and inexpensive purification method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) reaction before cycle sequencing reaction, we compared a commercial system with a precipitation protocol performed in our laboratory. We found that, particularly with small PCR products, our method works with greater success than the method compared. Our precipitation method may be used on a larger PCR fragment before cycle sequencing reaction as well. Furthermore, it has the advantage of being simple as the well-known dilution method; in contrast to the dilution method, the precipitation method removes excess primers as well as possible primer dimers.  相似文献   

Repeating restriction fragments of human DNA.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human DNA digested with Hae III showed multiple repeats of a 170 base pair fragment. The most prominent band was the 340 base pair dimer, estimated to be 0.8% of the entire genome. Eco R1 and Hha I yielded fragments with similar electrophoretic mobility to the Hae III dimer. In each case this band was markedly enriched in DNA reassociating at a 0t of less than or equal to 1. Hybridization of the Hae III dimer to gels eluted on to filters demonstrated that the multiple Hae III fragments and Eco R1 fragments contained compatible sequences. These sequences may comprise a distinct subclass of DNA.  相似文献   

High pressure liquid chromatography on the RPC-5 reversed-phase ion exchange system has been shown to have several potential applications as an initial high capacity step in the isolation of specific DNA restriction fragments. The fractionation of the Hinc II digest of lambda DNA, which contains 35 fragments with "flush ends" ranging in size from 3 x 10(6) to 7 x 10(4) daltons, has been used as a model system. Under certain conditions there are some restriction fragments whose elution relative to other fragments is different on RPC-5 chromatography than it is on gel electrophoresis. In some special circumstances it is possible to obtain satisfactory yields (60-70%) of a pure restriction fragment after a single passage through an RPC-5 column.  相似文献   

C Nobile  G Romeo 《Genomics》1988,3(3):272-274
A method for partial digestion of total human DNA with restriction enzymes has been developed on the basis of a principle already utilized by P.A. Whittaker and E. Southern (1986, Gene 41: 129-134) for the analysis of phage lambda recombinants. Total human DNA irradiated with uv light of 254 nm is partially digested by restriction enzymes that recognize sequences containing adjacent thymidines because of TT dimer formation. The products resulting from partial digestion of specific genomic regions are detected in Southern blots by genomic-unique DNA probes with high reproducibility. This procedure is rapid and simple to perform because the same conditions of uv irradiation are used for different enzymes and probes. It is shown that restriction site polymorphisms occurring in the genomic regions analyzed are recognized by the "allelic" partial digest patterns they determine.  相似文献   

A simple method for direct automated sequencing of PCR fragments.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A simple and rapid method for direct sequencing of PCR-generated fragments has been developed for use on Applied Biosystems 373A Automated DNA Sequencer utilizing the DyeDeoxy terminator chemistry. Standard PCR conditions are used to generate a DNA fragment, which is subsequently gel-purified to remove excess primers and unwanted PCR products. The sequencing reactions are carried out in a thermal cycler using the purified product as template DNA and the Dye-Deoxy terminators. The sequence of 500-bp region in the bacteriophage lambda genome and a 320-bp fragment of the human genomic erythropoietin gene were sequenced with greater than 99% accuracy using this method.  相似文献   

Large fragments of Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1, strain KOS) DNA were produced by partial cleavage with Sau3A and inserted into a phage lambda BamHI vector. Recombinant phage (lambda KOS) DNA molecules were isolated and characterised. The final collection of phage recombinants contains partially overlapping inserts, which represent most of the HSV-1 genome. Restriction enzyme analysis of many independent clones containing Us sequences revealed sequence polymorphism in two specific regions.  相似文献   

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