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南京老山地区动植物资源丰富,但迄今尚无对老山鞘翅目昆虫多样性的系统研究。为了解南京老山地区鞘翅目昆虫种类、群落结构及分布状况,于2020年和2021年在老山地区对鞘翅目昆虫种类的多样性进行调查,统计分析鞘翅目昆虫的种类及数量,并采用Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、Margalef丰富度指数和Simpson优势集中性指数对其群落多样性进行分析。结果显示,老山地区共鉴定出鞘翅目昆虫23科130属152种,从属种关系来看,该地区鞘翅目昆虫属内以单种为主。区系分析表明,该地区以东洋-古北界共有种和古北种为主,比例分别为46.05%和41.45%,东洋种最少,其比例为2.63%。对多样性、均匀度、丰富度及优势集中性的相关分析表明,老山地区鞘翅目昆虫群落结构稳定,物种丰富。本研究填补了老山地区鞘翅目昆虫资源及多样性调查的空白,为该地区鞘翅目昆虫的深入研究、多样性保护和害虫防治奠定了基础,可以为其它相关类群昆虫的调查、研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

广西银竹老山资源冷杉种群退化机制初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
宁世江  唐润琴 《广西植物》2005,25(4):289-294,320
资源冷杉是我国特有的珍稀濒危植物,局限分布在广西资源的银竹老山和湖南新宁的舜皇山。对银竹老山资源冷杉种群衰退状况的研究结果表明,导致资源冷杉种群退化的首要因素是发生频率高、影响范围广、持续时间长的人为砍伐破坏其所依存的森林环境以及其分布地的集中放牧,其次是它自身生物学特性的限制,也造成在自然状态下出现其种群数量不易扩大的局面。要实现资源冷杉种群的保护,解除其濒危状态,以免绝灭,必须立刻停止人为干扰,并进一步加强对它繁育系统的研究。  相似文献   

南京老山药业股份有限公司日前挂牌成立。这标志着多年来以生产老山牌蜂王浆冻干粉赢得广大消费者的“老山药业”从此向现代股份制迈进,进入了资本经营的新时代。 “老山药业”是全国蜂产品行业的龙头企业,以蜂王浆冻干粉为主的蜂系列产品在去年全国同类产品中的市场占有率达到了60%。自1998年以来,该  相似文献   

孩儿参Pseudostelariaheterophyla(Miq.)Pax的块根系常用中药太子参。本文报道了野生于南京老山地区的孩儿参其植物形态特征与我国其他地区所产孩儿参差异较大,有些差异已超过了《中国植物志》等重要文献属种记载范围。对老山孩儿参居群变异体进行了形态特征描述,统计了其变异率,并提供了该居群的一些生境资料。本文不仅对研究我国太子参药用资源品系有重要的实用价值,而且对研究植物居群分化和该属种的演化与分类提供科学依据。  相似文献   

目的:为了摸清南京市浦口区近年来中药资源的变化情况,以及目前药用植物资源的种类、蕴藏量、分布、生态特征,以及开发利用情况等。方法:采用样方、样线等调查方法,在南京市浦口区展开了药用植物资源的普查工作。结果:经调查,南京浦口区主体即老山山脉药用植物种类约有676种,隶属于139科,444属。结合调查所得到的数据结果,初步分析了当地药用植物资源的实际情况与蕴藏量,总结了资源的水平与垂直分布情况,并对当地中药材资源合理开发利用提出了建议。结论:南京市浦口区中药资源种类丰富,太子参、紫花前胡、延胡索、老鸦瓣、连钱草、何首乌、杜仲、明党参、益母草等常用中药材蕴藏量较大。  相似文献   

目的:比较南京老山野生不同规格太子参的品质,并以福建产栽培太子参为对照,为南京老山野生太子参的药用提供参考。方法:采用紫外-可见分光光度法测定太子参中总皂苷和多糖的含量。结论:不同规格的南京老山野生太子参品质有所差异,重量最小者总皂苷及多糖含量也为最低,而重量中等及较大者的含量较高。  相似文献   

 本文研究了广西龙胜县里骆林区、宜山县庆远林区、岑溪县七坪林区和田林县老山林区四种不同生态地理区域杉木人工林土壤微生物及其生化活性。研究结果表明:1.土壤微生物的总数及各类群数量均以龙胜县里骆林区和田林县老山林区杉木人工林土壤最高,岑溪县七坪林区次之,宜山县庆远林区最低。2.土壤生化活性包括土壤氮的转化强度,土壤碳的氧化代谢能力和土壤酶活性,也均以龙胜县里骆林区和田林县老山林区杉木人工林土壤最强,岑溪县七坪林区次之,宜山县庆远林区最弱。3.四种不同生态地理区域杉木人工林生长状况与土壤微生物的数量分布和生化活性表现相似规律,龙胜县里骆林区和田林县老山林区杉木人工林林木生长最好,岑溪县七坪林区次之,宜山县庆远林区最差。  相似文献   

1982-1991年,对广西田林县老山南坡不同海拔高度水热条件及森林植被的气象水文象素进行了对比观察研究,提示了该山体水热条件的垂直变化规律,并对其主要的气象水文因子建立了回归预测算型。文中进一步说明了老山南坡森林调节气候,涵养水源,减少地表径流,防止土壤冲刷等具有显著 的气候水文生态效益。所有结论都表明,老山南皮森林对于维护山地生态平衡具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

农村中学普遍存在师资不足、设备简陋等情况,生物教学如何改革?我们以提高课堂教学效率为目标,在课堂结构的改革上作了一点探索。我们的做法是:充分利用农村中学地处农村的优势上活生物课。 (一)认识优势我县地处老山脚下,长江、滁河之滨,老山绵延数十里,风景树、经济林、灌木丛,山花野草比比皆是;十数个圩堰,千顷良田、沟渠纵横、碧荷金穗、十里飘香。然而,长期以来,我县生物  相似文献   

2003年3~7月,对广西猫街自然保护区的两栖动物资源进行了调查。结果表明:该保护区有两栖动物16种,隶属12属6科2目;动物地理区划属东洋界华南区闽广沿海亚区滇桂山地丘陵省,区系组成以华中区与华南区共有种为主;生态类型以流水型和陆栖静水型种类占优势;保护区和同样地处桂西的大王岭自然保护区、岑王老山自然保护区的两栖动物群落相似系数较高,而与桂北地区的桂林漓江风景名胜区和桂南地区的挂榜山的相似系数最小。根据资源现状提出了保护对策。  相似文献   

The stem cell data presented and discussed during the symposium raise the hope that important medical progress can be made in several fields: neuro-degenerative diseases, those linked to cellular deficit, some aspects of aging linked to cellular degeneration, and the treatment of cancers that may harm normal tissues at risk of being infiltrated by malignant cells. Three main types of stem cells are available. (i) Those present in normal adult tissue: contrary to what was believed, some data suggest that certain adult stem cells have a great plasticity (they can differentiate into cells different from those in tissues from which they were taken) and can proliferate in vitro without losing their properties. Nevertheless, their use faces several obstacles: in ill or elderly subjects, then these cells can be limited in number or not multiply well in vitro. In this case, auto-grafting of the cells cannot be used. They must be sought in another subject, and allo-grafting causes difficult and sometimes insoluble problems of immunological tolerance. (ii) Embryonic stem cells from surplus human embryos, obtained by in vitro fertilisation, which the parents decide not to use: these cells have a great potential for proliferation and differentiation, but can also encounter problems of immunological intolerance. (iii) Cells obtained from cell nuclear transfer in oocytes: these cells are well tolerated, since they are genetically and immunologically identical to those of the host. All types of stem cells can be obtained with them. However, they do present problems. For obtaining them, female oocytes are needed, which could lead to their commercialization. Moreover, the first steps for obtaining these cells are identical to those used in reproductive cloning. It therefore appears that each type of cell raises difficult scientific and practical problems. More research is needed to overcome these obstacles and to determine which type of stem cell constitutes the best solution for each type of disease and each patient. There are three main ethical problems: (a) to avoid the commercialization of stem cells and oocytes (this can be managed through strict regulations and the supervision of authorized laboratories); (b) to avoid that human embryos be considered as a mere means to an end (they should only be used after obtaining the informed consent of the parents; the conditions of their use must be well defined and research programs must be authorized); (c) to avoid that research on stem cell therapy using cell nuclear replacement opens the way to reproductive cloning (not only should reproductive cloning be firmly forbidden but authorization for cell nuclear transfer should be limited to a small number of laboratories). Overall, it appears that solutions can be found for administrative and ethical problems. Harmonisation of international regulations would be desirable in this respect, in allowing at the same time each country to be responsible for its regulations. A last ethical rule should be implemented, not to give patients and their families false hopes. The scientific and medical problems are many, and the solutions will be long and difficult to find. Regenerative medicine opens important avenues for research, but medical progress will be slow.  相似文献   

Imagine a situation in which you had to design a physical agent that could collect information from its environment, then store and process that information to help it respond appropriately to novel situations. What kinds of information should it attend to? How should the information be represented so as to allow efficient use and re-use? What kinds of constraints and trade-offs would there be? There are no unique answers. In this paper, we discuss some of the ways in which the need to be able to address problems of varying kinds and complexity can be met by different information processing systems. We also discuss different ways in which relevant information can be obtained, and how different kinds of information can be processed and used, by both biological organisms and artificial agents. We analyse several constraints and design features, and show how they relate both to biological organisms, and to lessons that can be learned from building artificial systems. Our standpoint overlaps with Karmiloff-Smith (1992) in that we assume that a collection of mechanisms geared to learning and developing in biological environments are available in forms that constrain, but do not determine, what can or will be learnt by individuals.  相似文献   

制备型高效液相色谱法分离蛋白质的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物工程的发展,特别是生化制品下游处理技术的兴起,对现代分离科学提出了更高的要求,研究和开发各类生化物质特别是活性生物大分子的分离纯化技术,已成为一项十分重要的研究课题。在现有的分离技术中,液相色谱,尤其是80年代在分析型高效液相色谱(HPLC)基础上兴起的制备型HPLC,在大规模分离纯化生物活性物质特别是蛋白质方面已显示出巨大的应用潜力,引起了各国研究者的高度重视[1-5].本文利用自行设计的制备型HPLC分离装置,对牛血清白蛋白(BAS)和牛血清红蛋白(HG)的制备分离过程进行了实验研究,着重考虑了流动流速、柱超载方式、柱长等因素对BAS和HG分离度的影响。  相似文献   

Globalization brings along complexity, competition and change as anticipated by working in teams, quality enhancement of human resources and a change of mind-set to be more holistic in approaches. Enhancement of expertise, widening of the horizon, developing added values as well as preparedness to carry out management of the future have to be built and developed. Conditioning and customizing programs through formal and informal education and training should also be carried out in bridging existing gaps, filling needs and solving key problems. New proper and appropriate curricula must be developed together with encouraging the change of mind-set. It is essential to attain the highest capabilities to work in a team and to think and act holistically, as well as to enhance human relations capabilities in communicating the research results. By so doing, the gaps between research and implementation and between theory and practice need to be bridged; the felt real needs of the target groups could thus be filled; and the root causes of the problems faced in any activity could be solved in a sustainable manner. In implementation, a SHIP (Systemic, Holistic, Interdisciplinary and Participatory) approach must be conducted for identifying, analyzing and solving the problems so as to attain sustainable results. In defining the technology being used, it must be comprehensively assessed through six criteria so that it can be technically, economically, ergonomically and socio-culturally sound, save energy and preserve the environment. Through this total approach, work organization and work systems and their products are expected to be more humane (healthier, safer, comfortable, efficient), competitive and sustainable, as prerequisites for survival and continual development.  相似文献   

An approach is described that enables the germ cell mutagenicity of chemicals to be assessed as part of an integrated assessment of genotoxic potential. It is recommended, first, that the genotoxicity of a chemical be defined by appropriate studies in vitro. This should involve use of the Salmonella mutation assay and an assay for the induction of chromosomal aberrations, but supplementary assays may be indicated in specific instances. If negative results are obtained from these 2 tests there is no need for the conduct of additional tests. Agents considered to be genotoxic in vitro should then be assessed for genotoxicity to rodents. This will usually involve the conduct of a bone marrow cytogenetic assay, and in the case of negative results, a genotoxicity test in an independent tissue. Agents found to be non-genotoxic in vivo are regarded as having no potential for germ cell mutagenicity. Agents found to be genotoxic in vivo may either be assumed to have potential as germ cell mutagens, or their status in this respect may be defined by appropriate germ cell mutagenicity studies. The basis of the approach, which is supported by the available experimental data, is that germ cell mutagens will be evident as somatic cell genotoxins in vivo, and that these will be detected as genotoxins in vitro given appropriate experimentation. The conduct of appropriate and adequate studies is suggested to be of more value than the conduct of a rigid set of prescribed tests.  相似文献   

面对区域医疗资源布局失衡、城乡医疗卫生资源配置不均衡的现状,我国部分地区开始落实推行三级医院医疗资源下沉,通过举例分析浙江、河南、福建医疗资源下沉的不同实践模式,从供给侧视角分析优质医疗资源下沉中存在的困境。建议大力推进供给侧结构改革,增加医疗资源的供给,加大政府财政对医疗资源的投入,并坚持市场机制在资源配置中的决定性作用;鼓励社会资本办医,增加供给的主体;鼓励执业医师多点执业缓解医疗人才供给的不足,促进医疗供给结构调整,促使医疗资源下沉。  相似文献   

On the Cusp of Restoration: Science and Society   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Microbial Source Tracking for Identification of Fecal Pollution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fecal pollution is a serious environmental problem that affects many coastal and inland waters worldwide. Both human and animal fecal pollution impose risks to human health from exposure to pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. To assist authorities with the implementation of the changes suggested by more restricted legislation concering water quality in Europe, methods are needed which can identify the sources of fecal pollution. Management of fecal contamination of water would be improved if the origin of the fecal pollution could be correctly identified since remediation efforts could then be allocated in a more effective manner. The concept that the origin of fecal pollution can be traced has been termed microbial source tracking. In microbial source tracking (MST) endogenous markers of fecal sources are used for identification of the fecal pollution in aquatic environments. Chemical MST-methods can be used to trace mainly sewage pollution, but the used chemical targets have no direct relationship with pathogenic bacteria. This is not the case in microbial MST-methods where source-specific bacteria or viruses are cultured to identify fecal pollution sources. However, sometimes these microbial targets can be present in too low numbers to be detected. This is circumvented by using molecular assays for host-specific marker detection. Phenotypic and genotypic library-based methods can be used to discriminate among different fecal sources. However, the isolation step makes this procedure very labour-intensive, and issues as temporal and geographical variability remain unresolved. The underlying assumptions will be discussed and the methods mostly used in microbial source tracking will be described in more detail.  相似文献   

Biofuels are expected to play a key role in the development of a sustainable, economical and environmentally safe source of energy. Microbes offer great potential for applications in technology based biofuel production. Three fundamental questions need to be addressed in order for the development of microbial synthesis of biofuels to be successful. Firstly, what energy resource platform could be used to make biofuels. Secondly, what type of biofuel is the ideal fuel molecule that should be targeted. Finally, what microbial system could be used to transform energy resources into the targeted biofuel molecules. In this perspective, the potential of using photosynthetic microbes (cyanobacteria in particular) in the solar energy driven conversion of carbon dioxide to fatty acid-based biofuels is explored.  相似文献   

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