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The calmodulin activation of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC in human erythrocyte membranes was studied in the range of 1 nM to 40 microM of purified calmodulin. The apparent calmodulin-affinity of the ATPase was strongly dependent on Ca2+ and decreased approx. 1000-times when the Ca2+ concentration was reduced from 112 to 0.5 microM. The data of calmodulin (Z) activation were analyzed by the aid of a kinetic enzyme model which suggests that 1 molecule of calmodulin binds per ATPase unit and that the affinities of the calcium-calmodulin complexes (CaiZ) decreases in the order of Ca3Z greater than Ca4Z greater than Ca2Z greater than or equal to CaZ. Furthermore, calmodulin dissociates from the calmodulin-saturated Ca2+-ATPase in the range of 10(-7)-10(-6) M Ca2+, even at a calmodulin concentration of 5 microM. The apparent concentration of calmodulin in the erythrocyte cytosol was determined to be 3 to 5 microM, corresponding to 50-80-times the cellular concentration of Ca2+-ATPase, estimated to be approx. 10 nmol/h membrane protein. We therefore conclude that most of the calmodulin is dissociated from the Ca2+-transport ATPase in erythrocytes at the prevailing Ca2+ concentration (probably 10(-7)-10(-8) M) in vivo, and that the calmodulin-binding and subsequent activation of the Ca2+-ATPase requires that the Ca2+ concentration rises to 10(-6)-10(-5) M.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that alcohols and anesthetics selectively inhibit proteins containing easily disrupted motifs, e.g., alpha-helices. In this study, the calcineurin/calmodulin/Ca(2+) enzyme system was used to examine the effects of alcohols on calmodulin, a protein with a predominantly alpha-helical structure. Calcineurin phosphatase activity and Ca(2+) binding were monitored as indicators of calmodulin function. Alcohols inhibited enzyme activity in a concentration-dependent manner, with two-, four- and five-carbon n-alcohols exhibiting similar leftward shifts in the inhibition curves for calmodulin-dependent and -independent activities; the former was slightly more sensitive than the latter. Ca(2+) binding was measured by flow dialysis as a direct measure of calmodulin function, whereas, with the addition of a binding domain peptide, measured calmodulin-target interactions. Ethanol increased the affinity of calmodulin for Ca(2+) in the presence and absence of the peptide, indicating that ethanol stabilizes the Ca(2+) bound form of calmodulin. An increase in Ca(2+) affinity was detected in a calmodulin binding assay, but the affinity of calmodulin for calcineurin decreased at saturating Ca(2+). These data demonstrate that although specific regions within proteins may be more sensitive to alcohols and anesthetics, the presence of alpha-helices is unlikely to be a reliable indicator of alcohol or anesthetic potency.  相似文献   

Two tests were performed to assess the relationship between the Ca2+-activated K+ channel and the Ca2+-pumping ATPase in human erythrocytes. Antibodies against the purified ATPase inhibited the ATPase in resealed erythrocytes, but had no effect on the K+ channel (as assessed by Rb+ efflux). Reconstituted liposomes containing the purified active Ca2+-pumping ATPase showed no Ca2+-activated Rb+ influx. Both of these results suggest that some molecule other than the Ca2+-ATPase is responsible for the K+ channel.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) and troponin C (TnC) are EF-hand proteins that play fundamentally different roles in animal physiology. TnC has a very low affinity for the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase and is a poor substitute for CaM in increasing the enzyme's affinity for Ca2+ and the rate of ATP hydrolysis. We use a series of recombinant TnC (rTnC)/CaM chimeras to clarify the importance of the CaM carboxyl-terminal domain in the activation of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase. The rTnC/CaM chimera, in which the carboxyl-terminal domain of TnC is replaced by that of CaM, has the same ability as CaM to bind and transmit the signal to Ca2+ sites on the enzyme. There is no further functional gain when the amino-terminal domain is modified to make the rTnC/CaM chimera more CaM-like. To identify which regions of the carboxyl-terminal domain of CaM are responsible for these effects, we constructed the chimeras rTnC/3CaM and rTnC/4CaM, where only one-half of the C-terminal domain of CaM (residues 85-112 or residues 113-148) replaces the corresponding region in rTnC. Neither rTnC/3CaM nor rTnC/4CaM can mimic CaM in its affinity for the enzyme. Nevertheless, with respect to the signal transduction process, rTnC/4CaM, but not rTnC/3CaM, shows the same behaviour as CaM. We conclude that the whole C-terminal domain is required for binding to the enzyme while Ca2+-binding site 4 of CaM bears all the requirements to increase Ca2+ binding at PMCA sites. Such mechanism of binding and activation is distinct from that proposed for most other CaM targets. Furthermore, we suggest that Ala128 and Met124 from CaM site 4 may play a crucial role in discriminating CaM from TnC.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC in human erythrocyte membranes, which is part of the Ca2+ pump, can be activated by binding of calmodulin. Rate constants (k1) for association of calmodulin and enzyme, which depends on the Ca2+ concentration, have been determined by the aid of an enzyme model. k1 increased from 0.25 . 10(6) to 17.3 . 10(6) M-1 . min-1 (70 times) when the free Ca2+ concentration was raised from 0.7 to 20 microM. The binding of calmodulin to the Ca2+-ATPase is reversible. The rate constants (k-1) for dissociation of enzyme-calmodulin complex decreased from 6.0 to 0.044 min-1 (135 times) when the free Ca2+ concentration was increased from 0.1 to 2-20 microM. The apparent dissociation constant Kd = k-1/k1 accordingly increased from 2.5 nM to 25 microM (or higher) when the Ca2+ concentration was reduced from 20 to 0.1 microM. Therefore, at 10(-7) M free Ca2+ most of the Ca2+-pump enzyme will not bind calmodulin. For the intact cell the time dependences of activation and deactivation of the Ca2+-pump enzyme have been estimated from the rate constants above. The results suggest that the Ca2+ pump is well suited to maintain a cytosolic concentration of 10(-7) M free Ca2+ (or lower) in the unstimulated cell and, when the cell is stimulated, to allow transient Ca2+ signals up to approx. 10(-5) M in the cytosol.  相似文献   

A skeletal muscle membrane fraction enriched in sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) contained Ca2+-ATPase activity which was stimulated in vitro in normal chickens (line 412) by 6 nM purified bovine calmodulin (33% increase over control, P less than 0.001). In contrast, striated muscle from chickens (line 413) affected with an inherited form of muscular dystrophy, but otherwise genetically similar to line 412, contained SR-enriched Ca2+-ATPase activity which was resistant to stimulation in vitro by calmodulin. Basal levels of Ca2+-ATPase activity (no added calmodulin) were comparable in muscles of unaffected and affected animals, and the Ca2+ optima of the enzymes in normal and dystrophic muscle were identical. Purified SR vesicles, obtained by calcium phosphate loading and sucrose density gradient centrifugation, showed the same resistance of dystrophic Ca2+-ATPase to exogenous calmodulin as the SR-enriched muscle membrane fraction. Dystrophic muscle had increased Ca2+ content compared to that of normal animals (P less than 0.04) and has been previously shown to contain increased levels of immuno- and bioactive calmodulin and of calmodulin mRNA. The calmodulin resistance of the Ca2+-ATPase in dystrophic muscle reflects a defect in regulation of cell Ca2+ metabolism associated with elevated cellular Ca2+ and calmodulin concentrations.  相似文献   

Ca2+-ATPase of human erythrocyte membranes, after being washed to remove Ca2+ after incubation with the ion, was found to be activated. Stimulation of the ATPase was related neither to fluidity change nor to cytoskeletal degradation of the membranes mediated by Ca2+. Activation of the transport enzyme was also unaffected by detergent treatment of the membrane, but was suppressed when leupeptin was included during incubation of the membranes with Ca2+. Stimulation of the ATPase by a membrane-associated Ca2+-dependent proteinase was thus suggested. Much less 138 kDa Ca2+-ATPase protein could be harvested from a Triton extract of membranes incubated with Ca2+ than without Ca2+. Activity of the activated enzyme could not be further elevated by exogenous calpain, even after treatment of the membranes with glycodeoxycholate. There was also an overlap in the effect of calmodulin and the Ca2+-mediated stimulation of membrane Ca2+-ATPase. While Km(ATP) of the stimulated ATPase remained unchanged, a significant drop in the free-Ca2+ concentration for half-maximal activation of the enzyme was observed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the subunit structure of Ca2+-transport ATPase in human erythrocyte membranes using radiation inactivation analysis. All inactivation data were linear on a semilog plot down to at least 20% of the control activity. We found a target size for the calmodulin-dependent Ca2+-ATPase activity of 331 kDa, consistent with the presence of this enzyme as a dimer in calmodulin-depleted ghosts. Membranes which had been saturated with calmodulin before irradiation yield a a similar size of 317 kDa, implying that activation of Ca2+-transport ATPase by calmodulin does not involve significant change in oligomeric structure. Basal (calmodulin-independent) Ca2+-ATPase activity corresponded to a size of 290 kDa, suggesting that this activity resides in the same, or similar-sized, complex as the calmodulin-dependent activity. Mg2+-ATPase activity, however, was found to reside in a smaller complex of 224 kDa, which proved to be statistically distinct from the target size of Ca2+-ATPase activity. It would appear that Mg2+-ATPase is a distinct entity whose function is likely unrelated to the Ca2+-transport ATPase.  相似文献   

The previous studies showed that gangliosides modulated the ATPase activity of the PMCA from porcine brain synaptosomes [Yongfang Zhao, Xiaoxuan Fan, Fuyu Yang, Xujia Zhang, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 427 (2004) 204-212]. The effects of gangliosides on the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) catalyzed by the erythrocyte plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase, which was characterized as E(2) conformer of the enzyme, were studied. The results showed that pNPPase activity was stimulated up to seven-fold, depending upon the different gangliosides used with GD1b>GM1>GM2>GM3 approximately Asialo-GM1. Under the same conditions, the ATPase activity was also activated, suggesting that gangliosides should modify both E(1) and E(2) conformer of the enzyme. The Ca(2+), which drove the enzyme to E(1) conformation, inhibited the pNPPase activity, but with the similar half-maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC(50)) in the presence and the absence of gangliosides. Moreover, the pNPPase activity was also inhibited by the raise in ATP concentrations. Gangliosides caused a large increase in V(max), but had no effect on the apparent affinity (K(m)) of the enzyme for pNPP. The kinetic analysis indicated that gangliosides could modulate the erythrocyte PMCA through stabilizing E(2) conformer.  相似文献   

The purified Ca2+ ATPase of the erythrocyte plasma membrane has been submitted to controlled trypsin proteolysis under conditions that favor either its (putative) E1 or E2 configurations. The former configuration has been forced by treating the enzyme with Ca2+-saturated calmodulin, the latter with vanadate and Mg2+. The E1 conformation leads to the accumulation of a polypeptide of Mr 85 KDa which still binds calmodulin, the E2 conformation to the accumulation of one of Mr 81 KDa which does not. Both fragments arise from the hydrolysis of a transient 90 KDa product which has Ca2+-calmodulin dependent ATPase activity, and which retains the ability to pump Ca2+ in reconstituted liposomes. Highly enriched preparations of the 85 and 81 KDa fragments have been obtained and reconstituted into liposomes. The former has limited ATPase and Ca2+ transport ability and is not stimulated by calmodulin. The latter has much higher ATPase and Ca2+ transport activity. It is proposed that the Ca2+ pumping ATPase of erythrocytes plasma membrane contains a 9 KDa domain which is essential for the interaction of the enzyme with calmodulin and for the full expression of the hydrolytic and transport activity. This putative 9 KDa sequence contains a 4 KDa "inhibitory" domain which limits the activity of the ATPase. In the presence of this 4 KDa sequence, i.e., when the enzyme is degraded to the 85 KDa product, calmodulin can still be bound, but no longer stimulates ATPase and Ca2+ transport.  相似文献   

The (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase from human erythrocyte membranes has been solubilized in Triton X-100 and purified on a calmodulin affinity chromatography column in the presence of phosphatidylserine, to limit the inactivation of the enzyme. The enzyme was purified at least 150 times when compared with the original ghosts and showed a specific activity of 3.8 mumol.mg-1.min-1. In sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, a single major band was visible at a position corresponding to a molecular weight of about 125,000; a minor band (11% of the total protein) was present at a position corresponding to Mr = 205,000. Upon incubation of the purified preparation with [32P]ATP, both bands were phosphorylated in proportion to their mass, suggesting that both were active forms of purified ATPase.  相似文献   

Acylphosphatase, purified from human erythrocytes, actively hydrolyzes the acylphosphorylated intermediate of human red blood cell membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase. This effect occurred with acylphosphatase amounts (up to 10 units/mg membrane protein) that fall within the physiological range. Furthermore, a very low Km value, 3.41 +/- 1.16 (S.E.) nM, suggests a high affinity in acylphosphatase for the phosphoenzyme intermediate, which is consistent with the small number of Ca(2+)-ATPase units in human erythrocyte membrane. Acylphosphatase addition to red cell membranes resulted in a significant increase in the rate of ATP hydrolysis. Maximal stimulation (about 2-fold over basal) was obtained at 2 units/mg membrane protein, with a concomitant decrease in apparent Km values for both Ca2+ and ATP. Conversely, similar amounts of acylphosphatase significantly decreased (by about 30%) the rate of Ca2+ transport into inside-out red cell membrane vesicles, albeit that reduced apparent Km values for Ca2+ and ATP were also observed in this case. A stoichiometry of 2.04 Ca2+/ATP hydrolyzed was calculated in the absence of acylphosphatase; in the presence of acylphosphatase optimal concentration, this ratio was reduced to 0.9. Acylphosphatase activity, rather than just protein, was essential for all the above effects. Taken together these findings suggest that, because of its hydrolytic activity on the phosphoenzyme intermediate, acylphosphatase reduces the efficiency of the erythrocyte membrane Ca2+ pump. A possible mechanism for this effect is that the phosphoenzyme is hydrolyzed before its transport work can be accomplished.  相似文献   

Myometrium cell plasma membrane Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase purified by an affinity chromatography on calmodulin-sepharose 4B is calmodulin-dependent enzyme. Concentration of calmodulin required for half-maximal activation of enzyme was about 26 nM. By unlike to the enzymes originated from other tissues sensitivity to the calmodulin of the myometrial sarcolemma Ca(2+)-transporting ATPase was lower: calmodulin increased Vmax of ATPase about 1.25-fold, the apparent constant of the activation of enzyme by Ca2+ failed to alter independently on the phospholipid presenting at the enzyme isolation.  相似文献   

The effect of an intracellular cryoprotectant glycerol on human erythrocyte Ca2+-ATPase activity and possible involvement of calmodulin in the regulation of Ca2+-pump under these conditions were investigated. The experiments were carried out using saponin-permeabilized cells and isolated erythrocyte membrane fractions (white ghosts). Addition of rather low concentrations of glycerol to the medium increased Ca2+-ATPase activity in the saponin-permeabilized cells; the maximal effect was observed at 10% glycerol. Subsequent increase in glycerol concentrations above 20% was accompanied by inhibition of Ca2+-ATPase activity. Lack of stimulating effect of glycerol on white ghost Ca2+-ATPase may be attributed to removal of endogenous compounds regulating activity of this ion transport system. Inhibitory analysis using R24571 revealed that activation of Ca2+-ATPase by 10% glycerol was observed only in the case of inhibitor administration after modification of cells with glycerol; in the case of inhibitor addition before erythrocyte contact with glycerol, this phenomenon disappeared. These data suggest the possibility of regulation of human erythrocyte Ca2+-ATPase by glycerol; this regulatory effect may be attributed to both glycerol-induced structural changes in the membrane and also involvement of calmodulin in modulation of catalytic activity of the Ca2+-pump.  相似文献   

Short incubation of erythrocyte membranes with oleic acid releases Ca2+-independently bound endogenous calmodulin together with a minor fraction of membrane-associated proteins without destruction of the membranes. The released endogenous calmodulin is similar if not identical to cytosolic calmodulin reversibly bound to ghosts in a Ca2+-dependent manner. The release of endogenous calmodulin proceeds without affecting the activity of Ca2+-ATPase when ghosts are incubated with oleic acid in the presence of Ca2+ plus ATP and thereafter freed from oleic acid by washings with serum albumin. Kinetic parameters of Ca2+-ATPase of ghosts with and without endogenous calmodulin are identical as are amounts of exogenous calmodulin bound to these ghosts. Thus, endogenous calmodulin does not function as an essential part of Ca2+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Calcium accumulation by human erythrocyte inside-out vesicles was linear for at least 30 min in the presence of ATP. In untreated inside-out vesicles, 3.76 +/- 1.44 nmol of calcium/min/unit of acetylcholinesterase were transported, compared with 10.57 +/- 2.05 (+/- S.D.; n = 11) in those treated with calmodulin. The amount of calmodulin necessary for 50% activation of Ca2+ accumulation was 60 +/- 22 ng/ml (+/- S.D.; n = 4). The Km (Ca2+) for calmodulin-stimulated accumulation was 0.8 +/- 0.05 microM (+/- S.D.; n = 5) using Ca2+ /ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) buffers, or 25 microM with direct addition of unbuffered calcium. In the absence of calmodulin, these values were 0.4 and 60 microM, respectively, Km (ATP) values of 90 and 60 microM in the presence and absence of calmodulin, respectively, were measured at constant magnesium concentration (3 mM). In the presence of calmodulin, a broad pH profile is exhibited from pH 6.6 to 8.2. Maximal calcium accumulation occurs at pH 7.8. In the absence of calmodulin, the pH profile exhibits a linear upward increase from pH 7.0 to 8.2. The (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase activity, measured under identical conditions, was 2.40 +/- 0.72 nmol of Pi/min/unit of acetylcholinesterase in the untreated vesicles and 11.29 +/- 2.87 nmol of Pi/min/unit of acetylcholinesterase (+/- S.D.; n = 4) in calmodulin-treated vesicles. A stoichiometry of 1.6 Ca2+/ATP hydrolyzed was determined in the absence of calmodulin; in the presence of calmodulin, this ratio was decreased to 0.94 Ca2+/ATP hydrolyzed.  相似文献   

Active Ca2+ uptake and the associated (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity were studied under the same conditions in an inside-out vesicle preparation of human red blood cells made essentially by the procedure of Quist and Roufogalis (Journal of Supramolecular Structure 6, 375-381, 1977). Some preparations were treated with 1 mM EDTA at 30 degrees to further deplete them of endogenous levels of calmodulin. As the Ca2+ taken up by the EDTA-treated inside-out vesicles, as well as the non-EDTA treated vesicles, was maintained after addition of 4.1 mM EGTA, the vesicles were shown to be impermeable to the passive leak of Ca2+ over the time course of the experiments. In the absence of added calmodulin, both active Ca2+ uptake and (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase were sensitive to free Ca2+ over a four log unit concentration range (0.7 microM to 300 microM Ca2+) at 6.4 mM MgCl2. Below 24 microM Ca2+ the stoichiometry of calcium transported per phosphate liberated was close to 2:1, both in EDTA and non-EDTA treated vesicles. Above 50 microM Ca2+ the stoichiometry approached 1:1. When MgCl2 was reduced from 6.4 mM to 1.0 mM, the stoichiometry remained close to 2:1 over the whole range of Ca2+ concentrations examined. In contrast to the results at 6.4 mM MgCl2, the Ca2+ pump was maximally activated at about 2 microM free Ca2+ and significantly inhibited above this concentration at 1 mM MgCl2. Calmodulin (0.5-2.0 microgram/ml) had little effect on the stoichiometry in any of the conditions examined. The possible significance of a variable stoichiometry of the Ca2+ pump in the red blood cell is discussed.  相似文献   

Activation and inhibition of Ca2+-ATPase of calmodulin-depleted human erythrocyte membranes by oleic acid and a variety of other fatty acids have been measured. Low concentrations of oleic acid stimulate the enzyme activity, both in the presence and in the absence of calmodulin. Concomitantly, the affinity of the membrane bound enzyme to calmodulin progressively decreases due to competitive interactions of calmodulin and oleic acid with the enzyme. Removal of oleic acid from the membrane by serum albumin extinguishes the activating effect of oleic acid and restores the ability of the enzyme to bind calmodulin with high affinity. High concentrations of oleic acid induce an almost complete and irreversible loss of enzyme activity which cannot be abolished by removal of oleic acid. Despite a complete loss of enzyme activity, binding of calmodulin to membranes is approximately normal after removal of oleic acid. Activities of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, Mg2+-ATPase and acetylcholine esterase, as well as the total protein content, show no gross changes upon treatment of membranes with increasing amounts of oleic acid, which seems to exclude that membrane solubilisation by oleic acid causes an inactivation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Both soluble and particulate forms of human platelet guanylate cyclase were found to be sensitive to sub-micromolar concentrations of free Ca2+; soluble enzyme activity increased as Ca2+ was increased from 10 nM to 1 microM; particulate enzyme activity showed a biphasic response to Ca2+, with maximal enzyme activity between 1 and 10 nM free Ca2+ and inhibition occurring at higher Ca2+ concentrations. Neither Ca2+-sensitivity appeared to be calmodulin-dependent.  相似文献   

Highly purified tryptic peptides of calmodulin have been obtained by high-performance liquid chromatography. Tryptic cleavage of calmodulin in the presence of Ca2+ results in two main fragments which have been identified by analysis of the amino acid composition as 1-77 and 78-148. In the absence of Ca2+, trypsin cleavage yields fragments 1-106, 1-90, and 107-148. Only fragments 78-148 and 1-106 are still able to stimulate the purified Ca2+-ATPase of erythrocytes, albeit much less efficiently on a molar basis, than intact calmodulin. On the other hand, the same fragments were unable to stimulate the calmodulin-dependent cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, even at 1000-fold molar excess (shown also by Newton, D.L., Oldewurtel, M.D., Krinks, M.H., Shiloach, J., and Klee, C.B. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 4419-4426). This points to the importance of the carboxyl-terminal half of calmodulin and especially of Ca2+-binding region III in the interaction of calmodulin with the Ca2+-ATPase and provides clear evidence that calmodulin interacts differently with different targets. Oxidation of methionine(s) of fragment 78-148 with N-chlorosuccinimide removes the ability of this fragment to stimulate the ATPase.  相似文献   

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