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The biocontrol fungus Gliocladium virens (Gl‐21)was grown on various solid and liquid substrates. Aqueous extracts of wheat bran and peanut hull meal (PHM)as well as spent glucose tartrate broth (GTB), Czapek‐Dox broth (CDB) and potato dextrose broth (PDB) upon which Gl‐21 was grown caused leakage of carbohydrates and electrolytes from hyphae of the soilborne plant pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. In addition, the mycelial weight of R. solani was reduced. Most of the leakage factor was formed in the substrates within six days of incubation. Acidification of the bran and the PHM media before inoculation stimulated production of the leakage factor by G. virens. Size‐fractionation experiments indicated that a combination of factors produced by G. virens induced leakage from R. solani. Although the < 1 k Da fraction from the water‐extracted bran culture contained significant leakage activity, it was less than in the non‐fractionated bran culture. The > 1 k Da fraction from bran culture did not induce leakage activity. When the < 1 k Da and the > 1 k Da fractions were recombined, leakage activity was restored to a level similar to that of the non‐fractionated preparation. Gliotoxin was detected in culture filtrates from G. virens grown on bran and PHM media. Gliotoxin preparations induced leakage of carbohydrates and electrolytes from R. solani and caused a concomitant reduction in mycelial weight, which suggests that it is a leakage factor.  相似文献   

The antifungal potentialities of three endophytic bacterial strains, Stenotrophomonas maltophila H8 (Xanthomonadales: Xanthomonadaceae), Pseudomonas aeruginosa H40 (Pseudomonadales: Pseudomonadaceae) and Bacillus subtilis H18 (Bacillales: Bacillaceae) were evaluated against the phytopathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani in cotton seedlings under greenhouse conditions. The bacterial strains were applied as a soil drench or talc-based bioformulation in R. solani-infested soil and non-infested soil. Results indicated that the soil drench treatment was more efficient than talc-based bioformulation. A significant increase of seed emergence and seedling survival with a clear reduction of disease severity was achieved with the endophytic bacterial treatments. At the same time, the fresh weight, dry weight, shoot length and root length of the treated plants were markedly enhanced. Moreover, there was an apparent induction of the antioxidant enzymes (peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and catalase) of the treated seedlings. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry revealed the presence of various bioactive compounds in the bacterial supernatant. The antagonistic activity of the bacterial strains against R. solani was attributed to their capability to produce a broad spectrum of antifungal compounds in addition to bioactive molecules that can trigger the systemic resistance in the infected seedlings.  相似文献   

The herbicide endothall (7-oxabicyclo 2.2.1 heptane-2, 3-dicarboxylic acid) was applied to cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Acala SJ-1) cotyledon discs. Treatment with 10−4 M endothall for 24 h resulted in injury which was expressed by increased leakage of electrolytes, development of necrotic areas, increased level of polyphenols and tissue browning. We examined whether treatments which decrease chilling injury would also decrease injury caused by the herbicide. Tissue from seedlings grown at 28°C was more sensitive to endothall than that from seedlings grown at 15°C. Pretreatment with 10−5 M abscisic acid greatly decreased the leakage of electrolytes, necrotic areas, and tissue browning caused by endothall. Similar pretreatment did not prevent the increase of polyphenols caused by the herbicide. The treatment with abscisic acid was more effective in protection against the herbicide injury when applied several hours prior to the herbicidal treatment. This time requirement indicates that the mechanism by which abscisic acid induces resistance to the herbicide depends, at least partially, on active metabolism. We suggest that the increased resistance to herbicide stress by abscisic acid is another example of a common resistance mechanism to various stresses in which abscisic acid is involved.  相似文献   

This study investigated the morphological and biochemical characteristics of the CB1, CB3, CB5, CB8 and CB12 cotton varieties and evaluated their effects on third instar larval movement, and body weight of the cotton armyworm Spodoptera litura at different developmental stages. The cotton varieties differed in their plant architecture, branching, stem color and hairiness, leaf color and hairiness, leaf trichome density, flower color, numbers of leaves and bolls per plant, concentrations of protein and starch, and boll length, width and weight. The CB1 and CB3 varieties possessed significantly higher trichome densities, while CB8 produced larger and heavier bolls. Boll bearing was found to be highest in CB1 and lowest in CB8. Biochemical analyses indicated the highest percentage of protein in CB5, and of starch in CB8; concentrations of both were lowest in CB12. Cotton varieties did not affect larval foraging, but their abundance on leaflet, mature and square differed significantly. Analysis of the growth response parameters of S. litura as a result of feeding on the tested varieties revealed that larval instars, pupae and adult moths attained the highest body weight on CB8, followed by CB5, and the lowest weight on CB12. Collectively, the results of this study show that the CB5 and CB8 varieties are favorable host‐plants for cotton armyworms; therefore, these varieties are the least suitable for cultivation.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis strains that belong to B. thuringiensis, B. kurstaki and soil-isolated B.t. were assessed in the following phytopathogenic: Rhizoctonia solani, that had their mycelial growth decreased after incubation in the presence of the bacterial strains. The bacteria have also pathogenic effect against the insect pest Spodoptera littoralis. The isolate B.t. D-1 and the B.t. kurstaki HD-203 were found to be inhibiting R. solani, the strain B. kurstaki HD-203 displayed the highest percentage of inhibition (64%) and B.t. D-1 showed 49% of inhibition. Antagonistic activity was maintained up to pH 8.5, and the antifungal activity was stable to heat at 70?°C for 1?h. Minimal inhibitory concentrations were 152 and 131?μl/ ml for B.t. D-1 and B. kurstaki HD-203, respectively. The two strains also have high efficacy against S. littoralis larvae, B.t. D-1 gave 70% and the B. kurstaki HD-203 strain gave 80% mortality after seven days of treatment.  相似文献   

The DAD1 (defender against apoptotic cell death) gene is a negative regulator of programmed cell death. It plays important roles in plant growth, development, environmental adaptation, and aging. We examined whether and how the expression of DAD1 gene is affected by the promoter changes in the allotetraploid upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). We compared the expression status of the genes in the leaves of an elite cultivar and a wild variety of G. hirsutum, and cloned and analyzed a 1.3-kb promoter region of the genes in two cotton types. Results revealed that the expression of a subgenomic homoeolog of DAD1 (DAD1 At ) was significantly upregulated in leaves of the cultivated cotton when compared with that in a wild cotton. In addition, we identified 18 variations, including 14 single nucleotide polymorphisms and four indels between the promoters of the two cotton types. We detected at least 10 of 18 variations in the promoters related to possible cis-regulatory elements. Further transient tobacco assays using heterogeneous DAD1 At promoter::GUS fusion showed that the activity of the DAD1 At promoter in the cultivated cotton was stronger than that in the wild cotton, which suggested a dynamic change in the DAD1 At promoter during genetic divergence of the two cottons. This study provides an example of how gene expression could be affected by specific changes in the gene promoter.  相似文献   

Novel strains of rhizobacteria, Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf 9A‐14, Pseudomonas sp. Psp. 8D‐45 and Bacillus subtilis Bs 8B‐1, showed broad‐spectrum antagonistic activity and provided suppression of Pythium damping‐off and root rot of cucumber. Their biocontrol potential was further investigated for suppression of additional seedling diseases of cucumber (Phytophthora capsici) and radish (Rhizoctonia solani). Bacterial strains were also characterised for production of antibiotics, metabolites, volatiles, phytohormones and lytic enzymes. Seed and pre‐plant applications of all three antagonistic bacteria as cell suspension and talc or irradiated peat formulations to the infested potting mix provided overall high level of suppression of Phytophthora damping‐off and root rot of cucumber (66–85% healthy seedlings) and relatively low level of suppression of Rhizoctonia damping‐off of radish (18–38% healthy seedlings). Bacterial treatments also resulted in higher plant fresh masses. Seed coating with irradiated peat formulation of a mixture of three bacteria resulted in superior control of Phytophthora damping‐off and root rot of cucumber and much higher plant fresh masses. The presence of genes for biosynthesis of phenazine‐1‐carboxylic acid, 2,4‐diacetylphloroglucinol, pyrrolnitrin and pyoluteorin was confirmed in Pseudomonas strains, and that of fengycin, bacillomycin, bacilysin, surfactin and iturin A in B. subtilis Bs 8B‐1. All three strains produced HCN, salicylic acid, indole‐3‐acetic acid, protease and β‐1,3‐glucanase. Both Pseudomonas strains produced siderophores and only P. fluorescens Pf 9A‐14 showed phosphate solubilisation and chitinase activity. All three strains inhibited pathogen growth by producing volatiles, and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis revealed eight compounds in Pf 9A‐14, 10 in Bs 8B‐1 and 4 in Psp 8D‐45, some with known antifungal activity. The antagonistic and plant‐growth promotion activities of these strains might be due to production of antibiotics, metabolites, lytic enzymes or phytohormones.  相似文献   

 Transgenic cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants of a Texas cultivar CUBQHRPIS were obtained using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation coupled with the use of shoot-apex explants. After inoculation with A. tumefaciens strain LBA 4404 containing the pBI121 plasmid, regeneration of primary plants was carried out in a medium containing kanamycin (100  mg l-1). Progeny obtained by selfing were germinated in the greenhouse and selected for expression of the T-DNA marker gene encoding neomycin phospho-transferase II (NPTII) by painting kanamycin (2%) on the leaves. Plants that survived the leaf painting were analyzed by DNA blots. Evidence for integration of the transgene (GUS) was observed in two successive generations from the regenerants (T0). The transformed plants appeared to have more than one copy of the T-DNA. Received: 1 June 1998 / Accepted: 28 July 1998  相似文献   

棉花萌发期和苗期耐盐性评价及耐盐指标筛选   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
Zhang GW  Lu HL  Zhang L  Chen BL  Zhou ZG 《应用生态学报》2011,22(8):2045-2053
于2010年在江苏南京农业大学人工气候室内进行砂培试验,采用不同浓度的NaCl水溶液模拟盐胁迫,以多项指标盐害系数隶属函数值和总隶属函数值为依据,比较了13个棉花品种萌发期和苗期的耐盐性,并进行聚类分析.结果表明:150mmol·L-1NaCl是进行棉花耐盐性鉴定的适宜盐浓度.棉花的耐盐性在生育期和品种间表现不同:中棉所44和中棉所177是在萌发期和苗期均表现稳定的耐盐品种,表现稳定但不耐盐品种有中棉所102、苏棉12号和泗棉3号,表现稳定且中等耐盐品种有中棉所103、德夏棉1号和美棉33B;发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数和鲜质量的盐害系数可以作为棉花萌发期耐盐鉴定指标,株高、叶片伸展速率、地上部干质量、根系干质量、根系活力和净光合速率的盐害系数可以作为棉花苗期耐盐鉴定指标.  相似文献   

Bacterial seed and boll rot is a newly emerging cotton disease in Pakistan. Twenty-one cotton varieties were screened to find resistance source against the disease. None of these was found to be resistant. Five cotton varieties (CIM-595, MK2, BT-986, BT-986 & SG-1) having 700–1400 Area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) units were found to be moderately resistant to the disease. SLH-317, FH-942, BT-222, BT-666, MNH-457 ranging from 1401–1700 AUDPC units were moderately susceptible while MNH-456, SLH-336, 9811, FH-942, MNH-886 susceptible to boll rot. Seven varieties (FH-114, FH-113, BT-7, BT-212, SLH-BT-4, BT-212 and FH-941) were highly susceptible to bacterial seed and boll rot indicated by 2001–2300 AUDPC units. Biochemical tests identified bacterial isolates as Pantoea agglomerans. Different inoculation techniques were assessed for bacterial pathogenicity and symptoms of boll rot were only observed in needle punctured bolls. One, two and three weeks old bolls were mechanically inoculated by injecting bacterial suspension to evaluate the boll’s age impact on disease severity. Maximum severity was observed in two weeks old bolls. Red cotton bugs (Dysdercus cingulatus) were fed on artificially inoculated diseased bolls and then transferred on healthy bolls. Diseased symptoms were noticed on healthy cotton bolls. Bacterial colonies were recovered and red cotton bug was confirmed as the disease-transmitting vector.  相似文献   

Alginate prills were formulated with the biomass of isolates of Gliocladium virens and Trichoderma spp. and various food bases (wheat bran, corn cobs, peanut hulls, soy fiber, castor pomace, cocoa hulls and chitin). Alginate prills with G. virens (Gl-21) biomass and all food bases except cocoa hull meal significantly reduced the damping-off of zinnia in a soil-less mix caused by Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium ultimum. The prills with bran, soy fiber, castor pomace or chitin resulted in stands similar to those in the non-infested control. In soil, prills with all the food bases and Thrichoderma hamatum (TRI-4) biomass controlled the damping-off of cotton caused by R. solani and gave stands comparable to, or better than, those in the non-infested control soil. Prills with all the food bases resulted in a proliferation of Gl-21 in a soil-less mix and of Gl-21 and TRI-4 in soil. Prills with food bases and TRI-4 biomass reduced the survival of R. solani in infested beet seed to less than 30%, with bran and chitin being the most effective food bases; prills with Gl-21 biomass and all food bases also reduced the survival of R. solani in beet seed, but not as much as did prills with TRI-4 biomass. In prills containing wheat bran, soy fiber or chitin, the biocontrol isolate Th-58 (T. harzianum) was almost as effective as TRI-4, but isolate Gl-3 (G. virens) was less effective. There was no significant interaction between the biocontrol fungus and the food base. The results suggest that the intrinsic properties of a selected fungus isolate are more important than some formulation variables in biocontrol.  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫对棉花种子萌发和幼苗生长的伤害   总被引:47,自引:3,他引:47  
采用盐化土壤盆栽方法,选择耐盐性较强品种枝棉3号和耐盐性较弱品种泗棉2号,研究了盐分对棉花(Gossypium hirsutum L.)种子萌发、出苗和幼苗生长的伤害。结果表明,在-0.55和-1.10MPa盐分胁迫下,对棉花伤害起决定性作用的因子是Na^+。200mmol/L NaCl胁迫下,枝棉3号种子萌发时电导率上升幅度和子叶CAT下降幅度均显著小于泗棉2号。100和200mmol/L Na  相似文献   

Two Synechococcus strains from the Culture Collection of the Institute for Marine Sciences of Andalusia (Cádiz, Spain), namely Syn01 and Syn02, were found to be closely related to the model strain Synechococcus sp. PCC7002 according to 16S rDNA (99% identity). Pigment and lipid profiles and crtR genes of these strains were ascertained and compared. The sequences of the crtR genes of these strains were constituted by 888 bp, and showed 99% identity between Syn01 and Syn02, and 94% identity of Syn01 and Syn02 to Synechococcus sp. PCC7002. There was coincidence in photosynthetic pigments between the three strains apart from the pigment synechoxanthin, which could be only observed in Synechococcus sp. PCC7002. Species of sulfoquinovosyl‐diacyl‐glycerol (SQDG), phosphatidyl‐glycerol (PG), mono‐ and di‐galactosyl‐diacyl‐glycerol (MGDG and DGDG) were detected by high performance liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry analysis of lipid extracts. The most abundant species within each lipid class were those containing C18:3 together with C16:0 fatty acyl substituents in the glycerol backbone of the same molecule. From these results it is concluded that these cyanobacterial strains belong to group 2 of the lipid classification of cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

The impacts of planting date and nitrogen fertilization on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) photosynthesis and soluble carbohydrate contents in relation to silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype “B”, populations were examined in field experiments. Cotton planted in late April and early June was treated with 0, 112, 168 and 224 kg/N hectare in soil using urea fertilizer. The mean photosynthetic rate of April-planted cotton was 4%-20% higher than that of June-planted cotton early in the season, but 10%- 18% lower than that of June-planted cotton late in the season. The photosynthetic rates for both planting dates were positively correlated with levels of added nitrogen. While levels of glucose for both planting dates were positively correlated with nitrogen levels, fructose and sucrose levels were not. The mean levels of fructose were up to 40% lower, while that of sucrose were up to 59% higher, in April-planted cotton than in June-planted cotton. Levels of photosynthetic rate or stomatal conductance were not correlated with adult whitefly densities for either planting date. Levels of glucose and fructose were positively correlated with whitefly densities only for June-planted cotton late in the season.  相似文献   

Transgenic cotton plants from several independently-transformed lines expressing a chimeric gene encoding a chloroplast-targeted Mn superoxide dismutase (SOD) from tobacco exhibit a three-fold increase in the total leaf SOD activity, strong Mn SOD activity associated with isolated chloroplasts, and a 30% and 20% increase in ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities, respectively. The Mn SOD plants did exhibit a slightly enhanced protection against light-mediated, paraquat-induced cellular damage but only at 0.3 µM paraquat. In addition, photosynthetic rates at 10°C and 15°C were similar to those of controls, and the immediate recovery of photosynthesis after a 35-min exposure to 5°C and full sun was only slightly better than that for wild-type plants. The recovery for longer exposure times was comparable for both genotypes as was the deactivation of the H2O2-sensitive, Calvin-cycle enzyme, stromal fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase). Compared to the controls, Mn SOD plant leaves in full sun prior to chilling stress had a lower activation of FBPase, a higher ratio of oxidized to reduced forms of ascorbate, and a higher total glutathione content. After 35 min at 5°C in full sunlight, total glutathione had risen in control leaves to 88% of the Mn SOD plant values, and oxidized to reduced ascorbate ratios were higher for both genotypes. However, an 80% increase in the ratio of oxidized to reduced glutathione occurred for Mn SOD plant leaves with no change for controls. This increased demand on the ascorbate-glutathione cycle is circumstantial evidence that high Mn SOD activity in the chloroplast leads to increased H2O2 pools that could, in some manner, affect photosynthetic recovery after a stress period. We postulate that the pool sizes of reduced ascorbate and glutathione may restrict the ability of the ascorbate-glutathione cycle to compensate for the increased activity of SOD in cotton over-producing mitochondrial Mn SOD in chloroplasts during short-term chilling/high light stress.  相似文献   

The role of glucuronide and sulfate conjugation in presystemic inactivation of benzo[a]pyrene (BP) metabolites was investigated with rat livers perfused with BP (12 mumol). Comparisons were made between metabolite profiles and mutagenicity of medium from perfusions with and without salicylamide, a selective inhibitor of glucuronide and sulfate conjugation. After 4 h perfusion in the presence of salicylamide, certain BP metabolites (diols, quinones, phenols, and metabolites more polar than BP-9,10-diol) were significantly increased at the expense of quinones and phenols in the glucuronide fraction. Mutagenicity of medium (detected by the Ames test, using tester strains TA98 and TA100) was low in perfusion without salicylamide. Mutagenicity detected with tester strain TA98 was significantly increased in perfusions with salicylamide. Involvement of glucuronidation in BP inactivation was also observed at the subcellular level; when cofactors of glucuronidation were added to liver homogenates along with the NADPH regenerating system in the Ames test, BP mutagenicity was markedly decreased. Both the activation of BP to mutagenic metabolites and the inactivation of BP metabolites by glucuronidation was much more pronounced with liver homogenates from 3-methylcholanthrene-treated rats than with those from phenobarbital-treated animals or untreated controls. The results suggest an important role for glucuronidation and sulfation in the inactivation and elimination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Aim: To purify and characterize an antimicrobial compound produced by a biocontrol bacterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa MML2212, and evaluate its activity against rice pathogens, Rhizoctonia solani and Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Methods and Results: Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain MML2212 isolated from the rice rhizosphere with wide‐spectrum antimicrobial activity was cultured in Kings’B broth using a fermentor for 36 h. The extracellular metabolites were isolated from the fermented broth using ethyl acetate extraction and purified by two‐step silica‐gel column chromatography. Three fractions were separated, of which a major compound was obtained in pure state as yellow needles. It was crystallized after dissolving with chloroform followed by slow evaporation. It is odourless with a melting point of 220–222°C. It was soluble in most of the organic solvents and poorly soluble in water. The molecular mass of purified compound was estimated as 223·3 by mass spectral analysis. Further, it was characterized by IR, 1H and 13C NMR spectral analyses. The crystal structure of the compound was elucidated for the first time by X‐ray diffraction study and deposited in the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre ( http://www.ccde.com.ac.uk ) with the accession no. CCDC 617344 . Conclusion: The crystal compound was undoubtedly identified as phenazine‐1‐carboxamide (PCN) with the empirical formula of C13H9N3O. Significance and Impact of the Study: As this is the first report on the crystal structure of PCN, it provides additional information to the structural chemistry. Furthermore, the present study reports the antimicrobial activity of purified PCN on major rice pathogens, R. solani and X. oryzae pv. oryzae. Therefore, the PCN can be developed as an ideal agrochemical candidate for the control of both sheath blight and bacterial leaf blight diseases of rice.  相似文献   

Pyriproxyfen is a chiral insecticide, and over 10 metabolites have been identified in the environment. In this work the separations of the enantiomers of pyriproxyfen and its six chiral metabolites were studied by high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Both normal phase and reverse phase were applied using the chiral columns Chiralpak IA, Chiralpak IB, Chiralpak IC, Chiralcel OD, Chiralcel OD‐RH, Chiralpak AY‐H, Chiralpak AD‐H, Chiracel OJ‐H, (R,R)‐Whelk‐O 1, and Lux Cellulose‐3. The effects of the chromatographic parameters such as mobile phase composition and temperature on the separations were investigated and the enantiomers were identified with an optical rotation detector. The enantiomers of these targets could obtain complete separations (resolution factor Rs > 1.5) on Chiralpak IA, Chiralpak IB, Chiralcel OD, Chiralpak AY‐H, or Chiracel OJ‐H under normal conditions. Chiralcel OJ‐H showed the best chiral separation results with n‐hexane as mobile phase and isopropanol (IPA) as modifier. The simultaneous enantiomeric separation of pyriproxyfen and four chiral metabolites was achieved on Chiralcel OJ‐H under optimized condition: n‐hexane/isopropanol = 80/20, 15°C, flow rate of 0.8 ml/min, and UV detection at 230 nm. The enantiomers of pyriproxyfen and the metabolites A , C , and D obtained complete separations on Chiralpak IA, Chiralpak IC, and Lux Cellulose‐3 under reverse phase using acetonitrile/water as the mobile phase. The retention factors (k) and selectivity factors (α) decreased with increasing temperature, and the separations were better under low temperature in most cases. The work is of significance for the investigation of the environmental behaviors of pyriproxyfen on an enantiomeric level. Chirality 28:245–252, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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