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Vorticella convallaria is one of the fastest and most powerful cellular machines. The cell body is attached to a substrate by a slender stalk containing a polymeric structure—the spasmoneme. Helical coiling of the stalk results from rapid contraction of the spasmoneme, an event mediated by calcium binding to a negatively charged polymeric backbone. We use high speed imaging to measure the contraction velocity as a function of the viscosity of the external environment and find that the maximum velocity scales inversely with the square root of the viscosity. This can be explained if the rate of contraction is ultimately limited by the power delivered by the actively contracting spasmoneme. Microscopically, this scenario would arise if the mechanochemical wave that propagates along the spasmoneme is faster than the rate at which the cell body can respond due to its large hydrodynamic resistance. We corroborate this by using beads as markers on the stalk and find that the contraction starts at the cell body and proceeds down the stalk at a speed that exceeds the velocity of the cell body.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We examined by SEM and TEM the stalk-scopular junction, the stalk, and stalk formation in Vorticella convallaria Linnaeus, 1767. The stalk sheath is anchored to the walls of the scopular lip and to the scopular cilia by thin fibrils. Experimental extraction of these fibrils weakens this junction enough to separate the stalk from the cell body. Telotrochs escape from the stalk by means of violent contractions of the cell body, accelerated beating of the trochal band cilia, and twisting of the cell body against the stalk. The edges of the scopular lip spread over the scopular cilia after escape and, in some cases, fuse to enclose the entire, aboral scopular surface in a cupola-like structure. The sessile cells contain fewer and smaller scopular granules than telotrochs. The presence of disintegrating scopular granules in the stalk matrix of some sessile cells suggests that they contain material which is secreted over a period of time to form the stalk. Eruptive formation of the initial adhesive pad and quick elongation of the distal part of the stalk suggests a rapid exocytosis of the larger, more numerous granules of the telotroch. The stalk sheath is formed of fibrils making up complete and incomplete compartments peripherally arranged along the major stalk axis.  相似文献   

An improved method for the preparation of glycerinated Vorticella convallaria was investigated. The pretreatment of living vorticellas with a medium containing 0.1% saponins and subsequent treatment with an extraction medium containing 35% glycerol at about 0 degrees C was satisfactory. The equilibrium average length of contractile stalks of glycerinated vorticellas was measured at various free calcium concentrations in the reaction medium. It was found that the contractile element in the spasmoneme of the stalk is contracted by a cooperative interaction involving at least two calcium ions.  相似文献   

The millisecond stalk contraction of the sessile ciliate Vorticella convallaria is powered by energy from Ca2+ binding to generate contractile forces of ~10 nN. Its contractile organelle, the spasmoneme, generates higher contractile force under increased stall resistances. By applying viscous drag force to contracting V. convallaria in a microfluidic channel, we observed that the mechanical force and work of the spasmoneme depended on the stalk length, i.e., the maximum tension (150–350 nN) and work linearly depended on the stalk length (~2.5 nN and ~30 fJ per 1 μm of the stalk). This stalk-length dependency suggests that motor units of the spasmoneme may be organized in such a way that the mechanical force and work of each unit cumulate in series along the spasmoneme.  相似文献   

The stalked, ciliated protozoan Vorticella convallaria possesses a highly contractile cytoskeleton consisting of spasmonemes and myonemes. The major component of these contractile organelles is the calcium-binding protein(s) called spasmin. Cloning and characterization of spasmin would help elucidate this contractile system. Therefore, enriched spasmoneme protein preparations from these contractile stalks were used to produce a monoclonal antibody to spasmin. A monoclonal antibody, 1F5, was obtained that immunolocalized specifically to the spasmonemes and the myonemes and recognized a 20-kD calcium-binding protein in spasmoneme protein preparations. A putative spasmin cDNA was obtained from a V. convallaria cDNA library and the derived amino acid sequence of this cDNA revealed an acidic, 20-kD protein with calcium-binding helix-loop-helix domains. The physical properties of the putative spasmin were assessed by characterization of a recombinantly-produced spasmin protein. The recombinant spasmin protein was shown to bind calcium using calcium gel-shift assays and was recognized by the anti-spasmin antibody. Therefore, a V. convallaria spasmin was cloned and shown to be a member of the EF-hand superfamily of calcium-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Fluorescently labeled conjugates of wheat germ agglutinin and concanavalin A stained the contractile stalk but not the cell body of Vorticella microstoma trophonts. Binding of the fluorescent conjugants did not noticeably alter the activity of the trophonts. However, unconjugated wheat germ agglutinin prevented free swimming telotrochs from adhering to a glass surface and deploying a contractile stalk during differentiation into trophonts. These observations indicated that the stalk, the material that binds the stalk to surfaces, and the precursors for these components have saccharide residues in common.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A method is described for obtaining large numbers of telotrochs from mass cultures of Vorticella convallaria . These free-swimming cells contract slightly along the aboral-oral plane when extracted with Triton X-100, and thus appear more similar in shape to zooids than unextracted telotrochs. Cytoskeletal structures associated with feeding, such as the infudibulum and the cytopharynx, are visible in cytoskeletal preparations of these non-feeding telotrochs and thus appear not to be disassembled during telotroch formation. The telotroch to stalked-zooid transition proceeds rapidly through a set series of morphogenetic stages. After telotroch attachment, the aboral cilia cease beating and are resorbed. Within 7 min the cell is inverted bell-shaped and the zooid begins feeding. Stalk elongation begins about 15–20 min after attachment, lengthening at the rate of 0.5 μ/min for the first hour and more slowly (0.1 μm/min) after that. Interestingly, these developmental stages are essentially the same as those described for the telotroch to zooid transition in the colonial peritrich Zoothamnium . This evolutionary conservation suggests that the precise sequence and timing of these events are critical for their successful completion. Furthermore, the facts that the telotroch to zooid transition occurs very rapidly, that the feeding structures are maintained throughout the transformation, and that basic cytoskeletal architecture is relatively unchanged is consistent with the hypothesis that the transformation occurs through controlled cytoskeletal rearrangements rather than by changes in gene expression.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We have devised a two step method for the synchronous induction of telotrochs in the peritrich ciliate, Vorticella convallaria. The method is easy, reliable, and allows us to study the earliest events of telotroch formation at the ultrastructural, biochemical, and molecular levels. The steps involved are: (1) excising the cell body from the stalk in a large population (7.4 times 104 cells) of EDTA-treated, attached cells by the application of monocalcium phosphate monohydrate solution at pH 3.2, (2) rinsing and suspending the isolated cell bodies in inorganic medium. Within 90 min, 80% of the population forms telotrochs. Analysis of factors that are important for maximum stalk excision and transformation shows that the population must not be older than 2 d and the most effective concentration of monocalcium phosphate is 4.8 mM for a 20 min exposure. The most effective monocalcium phosphate is in the monohydrated form. A pH value of 3.2, produced by the addition of hydrochloric acid in the presence or absence of calcium is not sufficient to initiate stalk excision and telotroch formation. This observation leads us to conclude that stalk excision is dependent on monocalcium phosphate or its hydrolysis products.  相似文献   

Fang J  Zhang B  Chen N  Asai H 《Zoological science》2004,21(5):527-532
Chemical modification of glycerinated stalks of Vorticella with TNM is used to investigate the role of tyrosine residues in the Ca(2+)-induced contraction of the spasmoneme. Tetranitromethane (TNM) is often employed as a specific reagent for the nitration of tyrosine residues in a protein at neutral and slightly alkaline pHs although TNM can also oxidize cysteine residues in the acidic and neutral pH range. Prior incubation with Ca(2+) of stalks to be treated with TNM can protect the spasmoneme from irreversible denaturation. On the other hand, TNM treatment in the absence of free Ca(2+) causes an irreversible denaturation of the spasmoneme. It was revealed by us that an isolated Ca(2+)-binding protein called spasmin could not bind with Ca(2+) after TNM treatment, even if the treatment was performed in the presence of Ca(2+). In an additional experiment, we confirmed that the chemical modification of cysteine residues in the spasmoneme with N-7-dimethyl-amino-4methyl- coumarinyl- maleimide (DACM) has no effect on the contractibility. These results suggest that tyrosine residues in spasmin are essential for spasmoneme contraction and are protected from TNM in the presence of Ca(2+) when spasmin binds with its receptor protein in the spasmoneme.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Glycerinated stalks of Vorricella convallaria may be induced to contract by the application of either Ca2+ or Mg2+, and the contractions vary complexly as a function of pH.
  • 2.2. The coiling that occurs in the presence of Mg2+ is atypical, and the effect of ionic strength is to prevent coiling.
  • 3.3. The Ca2+ -contractions are typical of living vorticellid coiling, and those occurring at pH 6.8 and 7.0 are inhibited at low ionic strength and enhanced at high ionic strength.
  • 4.4. High concentrations of Ca2+ abolish the ionic strength repression of contraction.

SYNOPSIS. Vorticella microstoma was grown non-axenically and axenically at pH 6.4. Vorticellas were maintained indefinitely on Bacillus cereus in a medium composed of Proteose-Peptone, Cerophyl, and the filtrate from boiled wheat kernels. Prolific growth occurred in 2-membered cultures. A medium containing hydrolyzed gelatin, aqueous liver extract, yeast nucleic acid hydrolysate, glucose, and penicillin is recommended for axenic growth.
The potential value of vorticellids as research tools is discussed together with metabolic implications of supplementing sterile Proteose-Peptone broth with natural substances in particle form. The ineffectiveness of adding tryptophan, thiamine, glycine, and chelating agents to the axenic medium was considered. Refinements of the axenic medium are on trial.  相似文献   

Two zooid forming strains and four non-zooid strains of the green chlorococcal alga Scenedesmus obliquus were compared in terms of growth, morphological and physiological characteristics. Large differences were observed among the strains grown under various growth conditions (light and temperature). The assumption that the zooid forming strains may be similar was not confirmed. Since they considerably differed in daughter cells morphology, photosynthesis, growth rate in batch culture or commitment to cellular division. Molecular-genetic comparison of 18S RNA/DNA might distinguish zooid forming strains from non-zooid ones.  相似文献   

The prosthecae (stalks) of dimorphic caulobacters of the genera Caulobacter and Asticcacaulis are distinguished among such appendages by the presence of disk-like components known as stalk bands. Whether bands are added to a cell's stalk(s) as a regular event coordinated with the cell's reproductive cycle has not been settled by previous studies. Analysis of the frequency of stalks with i, i + 1, i + 2, etc. bands 'among more than 7,000 stalks of Caulobacter crescentus revealed that in finite (batch) cultures (in which all offspring accumulate), the proportion of stalks with i + 1 hands was regularly 50% of the proportion of stalks with i bands. This implied that the number of bands correlated with the number of reproductive cycles completed by a stalked cell. In chemostat-maintained perpetual cultures, the proportion was greater than 50% because stalked cells, with their shorter reproductive cycle times, contributed a larger proportion of offspring to the steady-state population than did their swarmer siblings. In Asticcacaulis biprosthecum cells, which bear twin prosthecae, the twins on a typical cell possessed the same number of bands. For both genera, stalk bands provide a unique morphological feature that could be employed in an assessment of age distribution and reproductive dynamics within natural populations of these caulobacters.  相似文献   

Two marine peritrich ciliates, Vorticella fuscaPrecht (1935) and Vorticella parapulchella n. sp. were discovered in the littoral zone of Qingdao, northern China. Their morphology, infraciliature, and silverline system were described using live observation and silver impregnation. The poorly known species V. fusca is redescribed, adding information about the oral infraciliature and pellicular morphology. Vorticella parapulchella n. sp. is superficially similar to Vorticella pulchellaSommer (1951) but is distinguished from it by being markedly smaller and having much more widely spaced pellicular ridges. The infundibular infraciliature of V. parapulchella is extremely unusual in having infundibular polykinety 3 reduced to two rows, one of which has almost disappeared.  相似文献   

W Metzger  P Schickor    H Heumann 《The EMBO journal》1989,8(9):2745-2754

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