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Desmopressin, a synthetic analog of the antidiuretic hormone, is used in the treatment of enuresis nocturna in children and increasingly also in adults. Nocturia in the elderly causes sleeping disorders and is associated with a higher risk of falling and increased mortality. Desmopressin leads to a significant decrement of nocturia and consequently, a better sleep quality and is for this reason increasingly prescribed in the old. Desmopressin causes borderline hyponatremia (130-135 mmol/l) in 15% and severe hyponatremia in 5% of all adult users. Factors that predispose to hyponatremia are a higher dose, age > 65 years, a low-normal serum sodium, a high 24-hour urine volume and co-medication (thiazide diuretics, tricyclic antidepressants, serotonin-reuptake-inhibitors, chlorpromazine, carbamazipine, loperamide, Non-Steroidal-Anti-Inflammatory-Drugs). Hyponatremia is associated with headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and can cause somnolence, loss of consciousness and death. We present two cases where initiation of desmopressin led to hyponatremia, requiring hospitalization. In view of the high risk of desmopressin-associated hyponatremia in the older population, alternative treatment strategies for nocturia must be considered first. If desmopressin is prescribed, strict follow-up of serum sodium levels is necessary.  相似文献   

Many older people, especially women, and their doctors still see osteoporosis as part of the natural course of ageing instead of as a preventable or treatable disorder. Height loss, hyperkyphosis, back pain, and fractures are accepted as consequences of ageing. The notion that it is too late to start treatment in a late stage of the disease forms another barrier to treatment. Although most studies of fracture reduction with medical treatment were not designed for the "geriatric" population, the average age of participants in most clinical trials was about 70 years. In all major studies patients also received calcium and vitamin D supplements. Nowadays, clinicians can choose from several effective treatments for the prevention of osteoporotic fractures in high-risk postmenopausal women. Data on the anti-fracture potential of calcium/vitamin D, raloxifene, bisphosphonates, strontium ralenate, and parathyroid hormone are now available. Bisphosphonates and strontium ralenate are good choices for first- or second-line treatment, while for the time being parathyroid hormone should only be used for the second-line treatment of osteoporosis in the elderly.  相似文献   

Conclusie Aan de hand van de keuringsuitslagen zou men mogen besluiten om voor het bereiden van koelhuisboter van goede kwaliteit uit te gaan van ongezuurde room, waarbij men, ten einde zich van een uiteindelijke goede botersmaak te verzekeren, verstandig doet om aan het laatste waschwater een zekere hoeveelheid zuursel toe te voegen. Wanneer men zich verder zoo goed mogelijk wil vrijwaren tegen schimmelontwikkeling verdient het aanbeveling om de boter te zouten (vgl. tabel XX).   相似文献   

Changes in the quality of life of older people living at home: does type of care play a role? Purpose: To determine whether a change in physical, psychological and social dimensions of quality of life of older people living at home is associated with receiving formal care, compared to informal care and no care. Method: Data from the observation cycles in 1998 and 2001 of the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) were used. Older people receiving formal homecare in 1998 were compared to older people receiving informal care and to older people receiving no care at all in 1998 on subjective scores on 3-year changes in self-perceived health, loneliness, positive affect and satisfaction with life. The data were analysed using linear regression analysis and ANOVA. Results: In all groups there is a change for the worse between 1998 and 2001 in the four aspects of quality of life. Self-perceived health declines significantly more in the group receiving formal care compared to the group without care, but this is explained by a higher score on functional limitations in 1998. Loneliness increases significantly more in the group receiving formal care, even after correction for confounders. In the group receiving formal care the satisfaction with life decreases significantly more compared to the group receiving no care and the group with informal care. An interaction effect with gender was found, showing that after correction for confounders this difference is maintained for the women but not for the men. There is no significant difference between the three care groups regarding changes in positive affect. Conclusion: Older men and women who receive formal home care experience an increase in loneliness, and older women who receive formal care experience less satisfaction with life, compared to women who receive informal care or no care. Future research should confirm these results and investigate the mechanisms underlying these changes. Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr 2011; 42: 170-183  相似文献   

Een goede vocht- en voedselvoorziening in zorginstellingen lijkt een vanzelfsprekende zaak in een welvarend land als Nederland. Niettemin constateerde de Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg in 1997 dat lang niet altijd eten en drinken in deze instellingen op de behoefte van de cliënt gerichte zorg is. 1 Sinds 1997 is er veel verbeterd. De betrokken beroepsverenigingen hebben onder auspiciën van ARCARES de handschoen opgepakt en een richtlijn opgesteld die handvatten biedt voor een verantwoord vocht- en voedingsbeleid binnen de instellingen. 2 Helaas blijkt volgens een recent rapport van de Inspectie deze zorg toch nog onvoldoende bij ongeveer een derde van de onderzochte instellingen.  相似文献   

Discussing the resuscitation policy at a geriatric ward: the experience of patients or their representatives Aim To identify geriatric patients’ and their surrogate decision makers’ experience with regard to discussing cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) policy.Methods This is a prospective, observational, explorative survey. During 10 weeks, all patients admitted to a geriatric ward of a general Dutch hospital or their representatives were asked for their experience regarding discussion of the resuscitation policy with the physician in attendance. Discussing this policy is a standard procedure at the first day of admission. We also asked on several factors which could influence their experience and on factors to improve discussing resuscitation policies. The primary outcome was the participant’s satisfaction expressed on a scale of 1 to 10 regarding satisfaction with the CPR discussion.Results Seventy-six participants were included, of which 29 patients and 47 surrogate decision makers . Discussing the resuscitation policy took an average of 4,5 minutes (SD 3.2) to complete. In 70% (n=53) of cases a do-not-resuscitate decision was made. Discussing the resuscitation policy was experienced positive, with an average rate of 7,8 (SD 1.5). A total of 121 positive comments were made, as opposed to 70 negative comments. When they talked about their resuscitation policy, most patients expressed positive emotional responses. As most important improvements were mentioned: a better introduction to discussing this subject (17%), a better explanation of resuscitation and chances of survival (17%) and providing information prior to admission to the ward, so that patient and surrogate decision maker have been informed that the resuscitation policy will be discussed (12%).Conclusion Most patients and relatives in this study wished to discuss their resuscitation policy with physicians. Still, there is room for improvement in several respects. Patients and surrogate decision makers are in favour of discussing the standard resuscitation policy with the doctor, and evaluate this conversation with a 7.8 / 10. In order to improve both discussing the CPR policy preparing the patient and his representatives and communicating more extensively during the interview are recommended. Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr 2011; 42: 256-262  相似文献   

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