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Riassunto Nel 1960Castellani descrisse un lievito capsulato produttore di un pigmento nero, isolato da un caso di ulcere multiple della gamba. In seguitoCastellani ha isolato altri due ceppi simili al primo. I tre ceppi, secondoCastellani, appartengono ad una nuova specie di criptococco:Cryptococcus ater. Questo fungo è stato oggetto di una nota pubblicata dagli AA. nel 1963.In questa comunicazione sono riportati i dati morfologici, biochimici e biologici relativi ai tre ceppi studiati dagli AA. nel loro laboratorio. Dopo aver confermata la diagnosi di criptococco gli AA. concludono trattarsi di una nuova specie denominabileCryptococcus ater Castellani 1960.
Summary In 1960Castellani described a capsulated yeast which produces a black pigment, isolated from multiple ulcers of the legs.Castellani subsequently isolated two more yeasts similar to the first one and he pointed out that all of them belong to a new species ofCryptococcus: Cryptococcus ater.This fungus was already object of a note published in 1963. In this communication the morphological, chemical, and biological data regarding this yeast obtained in our laboratory are reported. We confirm that it is a new species ofCryptococcus: Cryptococcus ater Castellani 1960.

Read at the First Congress of International Society for Tropical Dermatology, Naples, June 8–13, 1964.  相似文献   

Riassunto Il mantenimento di collezioni di funghi e di lieviti, anche piccole, costituisce un problema di tempo e di validità, perchè si è costretti a passare mensilmente i ceppi e, tuttavia, è frequente l'inquinamento ed ancor più la pleomorfizzazione dei ceppi.Nel 1939Castellani propose un metodo di mantenimento basato sull'uso di fiale contenenti acqua distillata e chiuse alla fiamma.Con qualche variante la validità di tale metodo fu confermata daCastagnetta &Mungelluzzi nel 1961 e daBenedek nel 1963.Nella presente comunicazione gli AA. riferiscono sui risultati ottenuti con tale metodo in tre anni di studi, risultati che possono ritenersi eccellenti.Recentemente tale metodo è stato applicato al mantenimento di collezione di germi. Si è ottenuta la conservazione per sei e più mesi di ceppi di stafilococco e di altri germi, tra i qualiPseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus e qualcheEscherichia.
Summary The preservation of collections of fungi and yeasts, even small ones, requires much care and much time, but there is always a vast number of strains which get lost by contamination and mainly due to the phenomenon of pleomorphism.In 1939Castellani proposed a method of preservation using vials containing distilled water, sealed over flame.With small variations this method was confirmed byCastagnetta &Mungelluzzi in 1961 and byBenedek in 1963.Our present communication refers to our experience with this method that we have being using for three years with excellent results.Recently this method was also successfully used for the collection of bacteria, to preserve staphylococci and other microorganisms, among thesePseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus and sometimesEscherichia.

Read at the First Congress of International Society for Tropical Dermatology, Naples, June 8–13, 1964.  相似文献   

Summary and Conclusions A hitherto unknown variant ofT. rubrum var.flava is described which besides its yellow pigment has the following characteristics different fromT. rubrum (Castellani). A much slower growth and a smaller diameter of the giant culture and an appreciable difference in the light absorption curve of the extracted pigment.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe von Trisomen wurde am Locus R (Hypokotylfarbe) gezeigt, daß die Koppelungsgruppe, die R, B (Schossen ohne Vernalisation) und andere bekannte Loci enthält, im Chromosom II (Numerierung nachButterfass 1964) liegt. Ob Chromatidenspaltung im Locus R eine Rolle spielt, konnte nicht sicher festgestellt werden.
The coordination of the locus R (hypocotyl colour) of sugar beet to chromosome II
Summary By means of trisomics the linkage group containing R (hypocotyl colour), B (bolting without vernalization) and other known loci was shown to lie in chromosome II (numbering afterButterfass 1964). Whether random chromatid assortment in R is involved could not be established with certainty.

S. Monastero 《BioControl》1965,10(4):335-338
Summary The Author reports on the essays of artificial biological control of the olive fly (Dacus oleae Gmel.) made by himself andGenduso with the specific parasiteOpius c. siculus Mon. found in Sicily. The Authors followingDelanoue's technic have bred theseOpius in laboratory on larvae ofCeratitis capitata Wied; so they were able to release: in 1961 — 1000Opius in a small olive plantation near Palermo; in 1962 — 24000Opius in the island of Pantelleria (Sicily); in 1963 — 40000Opius in the island of Salina (Eolic Islands-Sicily); in 1964 — 180000Opius also in the island of Salina. The releasedOpius are ever reproduced, reducing theDacus pest. From the agricultural standpoint the results have been satisfactory and the Author hope to release a great number ofOpius in the olive plantation of all Eolic islands, in 1965.

Nota:Fischer (1958, 1963) ha pubblicato un lavoro sugliOpius della Regione etiopica, nel quale, a parziale modifica del precedente guidizio di sinonimia, dichiara perl'Opius siculus Mon.: ?sarebbe meglio considerarlo una razza del concolor? (?am besten als Rasse von O. concolorSzépl. aufzufassen?).  相似文献   

P. Cochereau 《BioControl》1970,15(3):281-285
Résumé La TachinaireMicrophthalma europaea Egg., parasite de larves deScarabaeidae en Afrique du Nord [Hurpin & Fresneau, 1964] a été multipliée à Nouméa (Nouvelle-Calédonie) sur un nouvel h?te de substitutionProtaetia fusca Hrbt. (Cetoniinae). Cet h?te nouveau permet maińtenant un élevage massif du parasite en Nouvelle-Calédonie, avant sa libération éventuelle à l'?le Wallis contre les larves d'Oryctes rhinoceros L., unDynastinae ravageur du cocotier.
Summary The Tachinid fly,Microphthalma europaea Egg., parasite onScarabaeidae larvae in North Africa (Hurpin & Fresneau, 1964) was multiplied in Noumea (New Caledonia) on a new alternative hostProtaetia fusca Hrbt. (Cetoniinae). The contingent introduction of this parasite fly to Wallis island against larvae ofOryctes rhinoceros L. (Dynastinae), the coconut rhinoceros beetle, so could be now more easy from New Caledonia.

Nous remercions le DrP. Jourdeuhil, Directeur de la Station de Lutte Biologique d'Antibes (France), d'avoir bien voulu lire notre manuscrit et nous apporter ses conseils les plus judicieux.  相似文献   

Sommario L'Autore passa in rassegna i quattro caso europei, ritenuti autoctoni, di granulematosi coccidioide. Dai due casi napoletani con lesioni broncopolmonari BOERI e JACONO hanno isolate due stipiti chiamati Blastomycoides A. e Blastomycoides B. Lo studio biologico eseguito da JACONO ha dimostrato essere questi stipiti appartenenti alla specie Coccidioides immitis. Dal caso terzo (granuloma dei glutei osservato a Napoli da CASTELLANI e JACONO) È stato isolato un ceppo identificato da CASTELLANI come Glenospora meteuropea e ritenuto identico ad altro ceppo isolato dallo stesso CASTELLANI da un caso di blastomicosi cutanea osservato in un paziente a Londra ma infettatosi nei Balcani (quarto caso).L'Autore studia biologicamente i due ceppi (napoletano e balcanico) della Glenospora meteuropea Castellani e mentre conferma il reperto di CIFERRI e REDAELLI (1934) essere il ceppo napoletano un Coccidioides immitis, dimostra che anche il ceppo balcanico è analogamente uno stipite di questa specie. Esegue poi una comparazione prevalentemente biologica dei due stipiti suddetti con alcuni ceppi americani di Coccidioides immitis; dimostra che non esistono differenze biologiche sulla base dello studio delle attività patogene di fronte a ratti, conigli e cavie. Pertanto 1'Autore non ritiene giustificato il tenere distinti gli stipiti europei di Coccidioides immitis come varietà (Coccidioides immitis var. metaeuropaeus) come avevano fatto CIFERRI e REDAELLI sulla base del solo eriterio geografico.
Summary The four so-called autochtonous european cases of coccidioidal granuloma are reviewed. From two napolitan cases od pneumobronchial diseases Boeri and Jacono isolated two strains of Blastomycoides (A. and B.), laterly demonstrated as Coccidioides immitis (Jacono). From the third napoletan case (granuloma of glutea) Castellani and Jacono isolated Glenospora meteuropea, considered as identic to other strains isolated by Castellani from man at London but infected in the Balkans (forth european case).The napoletan and the balkanic strains, as well as Glenospora meteuropaea were revised by the A. The observations made by Ciferri and Redaelli (1936) on dnapoletan strain were confirmed, this fungus being a Coccidioides immitis; also the balkanic strain is the same species. From the comparison, chiefly a biological one, from the two strains with typical american strain of Coccidioides immitis on mice, guineapig and rabbit, the almost complete identity has been demonstrated.As conclusion, the european strains must be confused amongst the american strains of Coccidioides immitis; and the varietal entity established, on geographical bases, by Ciferri and Redaelli (Coccidioides immitis var. metaeuropaeus) must be nullified.

Zusammenfassung Verf. nimmt in besonderer Betrachtung die vier europäischen, bisher als autochton gehaltenen Fälle, von Granulomatosis coccidioides. Bei zwei neapolitanischen Fällen haben Boeri und Jacono aus den bronchopneumonischen Läsionen, zwei Stämme isoliert: Blastomycoides A. und Blastomycoides B. Nach dem biologischen Studium von Jacono haben sich diese als Stämme von Coccidioides immitis erwiesen. Vom dritten Fall (Glutealgranulom von Castellani und Jacono in Neapel beobachtet), wurde ein Stamm isoliert welcher von Castellani als Glenospora meteuropea identifiziert und gleich dem anderen von Castellani in London bei einem sich in den Balkanen infizierten Patienten isolierten Stamm betrachtet wurde (vierter Fall).Verf. untersucht biologisch diese zwei Stämme (neapolitanischer und balkanischer Stamm) der Glenospora meteuropea Castellani und indem er den Befund von Ciferri und Redaelli (1984) dass der neapolitanische Stamm ein Coccidioides immitis ist, bestätigt, beweist er auch, dass der dbalkanische Stamm dem Coccidioides immitis gehört. Er vergleicht dann beide Stämme von Glenospora mit einigen amerikanischen Stämmen von Coccidioides immitis und beweist auf Grund der Untersuchung der pathogenen Tätigkeit den Ratten, Meerschweinchen und Kaninchen gegenüber, dass keine biologischen Unterschiede bestehen. Darauf hält Verf. als nicht Berechtigt den Unterschied zwischen den europäischen Stämmen von Coccidioides immitis als Varietät (Coccidioides immitis var. metaeuropaeus) wie es Ciferri und Redaelli auf Grund der einzigen geographischen Norm getan hatten.

Summary For the first time the Authors have proved in the laboratory and in the fieldB. thuringiensis against the citrus-flower moth (Prays citri Mill.) successfully.

La memoria originale è stata publicata per esteso nelBollettino dell'Istituto di Entomologia Agraria e dell'Osservatorio di Fitopatologia di Palermo, 6.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Verfasser versuchen an Hand eigener Untersuchungen und anderer im türkischen Raum durchgeführten Untersuchungen einen Überblick über die hier vorkommenden Pilzerkrankungen und ihre Erreger zu gewinnen.Im Gegensatz zu älteren Untersuchungen wird ein Vordringen der Epidermophytien, besonders der Epidermophytia palmaris et plantaris auch bei der Landbevölkerung festgestellt und die Gründe dafür werden dargelegt. Der Häufigkeit nach konnten folgende Pilzstämme als Erreger der Epidermophytien festgestellt werden:Epidermophyton floccosum (Harz)Langeron etMilochevitch,Epidermophyton interdigitale Priestley undTrichophyton rubrum (Castellani)Sabouraud.Bei den Kopfpilzerkrankungen wurde als hauptsächlichster Erreger der Trichophytia superficialis et profunda capillitii dasTrichophyton violaceum Bloch gefunden. Der Erreger des Favus in unserem Krankenmaterial ist dasTrichophyton Schönleini. Die Mikrosporie tritt an Häufigkeit gegenüber den vorgenannten Kopfpilzerkrankungen zurück, im Ankaraner Material wurde als Erreger nur dasMicrosporon canis Bodin gefunden. Bei der Trichophytie des übrigen Körpers und der Barttrichophytie steht als Erreger ebenfalls dasTrichophyton violaceum Bloch an der Spitze. Bei Onychomykosen sind die häufigsten Erreger dasEpidermophyton floccosum (Harz)Langeron etMilochevitch und dasTrichophyton interdigitale Priestley, andere Erreger treten an Häufigkeit diesen gegenüber zurück.Von saprophytären Pilzerkrankungen kommt die Pityriasis versicolor häufiger vor, Erythrasma und Piedra sind sehr selten.Es wird ferner über vereinzelte Fälle von oberflächlichen und tiefen Blastomykosen berichtet, bei denen als Erreger dieCandida albicans und derCryptococcus neoformans (Sanfelice)Vuillemin gefunden wurden.Von seltenen tiefen Mykosen wurden aus der Türkei vereinzelte Fälle von Histoplasmose (Histoplasma capsulatum), Sporotrichose (Sporotrichum Schenckii), Rhinosporidiosis (Rhinosporidium Seeberi), Madura-Fuß und Aktinomykose sowie Aspergillose (Aspergillus fumigatus Fresenius) mitgeteilt.
Summary The authors undertook the task, on hand of their own investigations and by reviewing the Turkisch literature, to give a picture about the occurrence of fungus diseases and their causative agents.In contradistinction with older investigations an increase of Epidermophytia, particularly, that of the palms and the soles, have been noted also in the rural population and their reasons are discussed. According to their frequency the following fungus species as causative agent of Epidermophytia were established (E. floccosum (Harz)Langeron etMilochevitch,E. interdigitale Priestley andTr. rubrum (Castellani)Sabouraud.In tinea capitis (superficialis et profunda) as the main causative speciesTr. violaceum Bloch was established. In favus onlyTr. Schönleini was found. Tinea microsporina, in comparison, is far less in the material at Ankara, with the only causative agent ofM. caninum Bodin. In cases of trichophytia corporis et barbae the prevalent agent was also theTr. violaceum. In onychomycosisE. floccosum andTr. interdigitale were prevailing.Among the saprophytosis Pityriasis versicolor was more frequent, while Erythrasma and Piedra were extremely rare.The review also refers to superficial and deep seated blastomycoses in whichC. albicans andCryptococcus neoformans (Sanfelice)Vuillemin, respectively, were found.Among rare mycoses there were found in the Turkey scattered cases of histoplasmosis (H. capsulatum), sporotrichosis (Sp. schenckii), rhinosporidiosis (Rhinosporidium seeberi), madura foot, actinomycosis as well as aspergillosis (A. fumigatus Fres.).

Summary Investigations have been carried out in the Po' Valley (Italy) during 1964 to establish the number of generations of the San José scale and its parasiteProspaltella perniciosi Tow. It was found that the San José scale has three generations per year, while its parasite has six. The percent of parasitism attained in one year after parasite release was 60.Prospaltella hibernates as an egg in the first larval instar of its host.   相似文献   

Summary 1. Frames with slides of different nature were submerged in the harbour of Ostend, Belgium, on the first of June 1964, to detect qualitative and quantitative differences in their fouling.2. After two months the devices were covered with a black mud-layer of several centimeters in thickness, which made a detailed analysis of the slides impossible.3. Examination of this mud revealed that the tubulous polychaetePolydora ciliata (Johnston) was the primary cause of this enormous overgrowth.4. A list of the species found in the mud is given.
L'importance de la salissure dans le port d'Ostende en 1964
Extrait Début juin 1964, plusieurs cadres dotés de lames de nature différente furent immergés dans le port d'Ostende dans le but de détecter des différences éventuelles dans la colonisation des substrats. Deux mois plus tard, l'expérience dut déjà être interrompue, les cadres étant entièrement recourverts de boue. Ceci rendait toute analyse d'une lame à l'autre impossible. Nous avons trouvé que cet énorme envahissement était dû à l'accumulation progressive d'un polychète tubuleux:Polydora ciliata (Johnston). La liste des organismes présents dans la boue a été dressée.

Zusammenfassung Bei 13 und 28 Tage alten Ratten, deren Speicheldrüsen noch undifferenziert sind, wurde die Chorda tympani in der Paukenhöhle durchtrennt, 1–123 Tage nach der Operation wurden die Tiere getötet und Gl. submandibularis und Gl. sublingualis untersucht. Zu Beginn der Arbeit wird die postnatale Entwicklung dieser Drüsen beschrieben.Nach dem Eingriff läßt sich in der Gl. submandibularis eine Beschleunigung der postnatalen Entwicklung feststellen, als deren Ursache die herabgesetzte Funktionsaktivität der Drüsenzellen angesehen wird.In der Gl. sublingualis treten stellenweise Nekrosen von Azinusgruppen und ausgeprägte Veränderungen an den Ausführungsgängen auf, die den Befunden bei experimenteller Hydrodyschylie (Seifert, 1964) ähneln. Außerdem findet sich an beiden Drüsen nach einer initialen Sekretanhäufung in den Azinuszellen eine deutliche Zellatrophie (in Verbindung mit Hypotrophie und Hypoplasie?) mit Gewichtsverlust der Drüsen bis maximal 51%. An diese Atrophie schließt sich eine teilweise sich abspielende Restitution der Drüsen an. Die Befunde werden mit denen verglichen, die an den Speicheldrüsen erwachsener Ratten nach Parasympathektomie erhoben wurden (Müller, 1967).
Salivary glands of young rats following parasympathectomyMorphological and histochemical studies of the submandibular and major sublingual salivary glands
Summary The left chorda tympani nerve was cut in the cavum tympani of 13 and 28 days old albino rats. The animals were killed at intervals over a period from 1–123 days following the operation. A survey of the postnatal development of the submandibular and sublingual glands is given.In the denervated submandibular gland there was evidence of an accelerated postnatal development. It is assumed that the decreased functional activity of the gland is the cause of this acceleration.The sublingual gland of the operated side showed areas of necrotic acini and alterations of the ducts similar to those found at experimental hydrodyschylia (Seifert, 1964).Besides both glands show an initial increase of secretion products within the cells of the acini which is followed by an atrophy of the glands with reduction in size and loss of weight (Maximum 51%). This atrophy is followed by partial restitution of the glands. The findings are compared with those found in denervated glands of adult rats (Müller, 1967).

Herrn Professor Dr. Kurt Goerttler zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

In November, 1968, a single specimen ofPhaneropsolus macacae (Premvati, 1958)Saoud, 1964 was collected from the small intestine of a female Taiwanese monkey,Macaca cyclopis (Swinhoe, 1862). The Taiwanese monkey was added as a new host for this trematode.  相似文献   

Summary The uppermost-Pliocene Tilatá formation which outcrops on the Bogotá plateau at 2600 meters elevation today, still contains seeds and pollen of a rich, purely tropical Iowland flora (Hubach 1958,van der Hammen & Gonzalez 1964). On the other hand, the overlying Pleistocene and post-Pleistocene Sabana formation yielded exclusively pollen of an upland flora under cool climate (van der Hammen & Gonzalez 1964). This indicates that the main uplift of the Colombian Andes probably took place during the time interval latest Pliocene — earliest Pleistocene. At that time the lowlands around the Cordilleras emerged and were forest covered. It seems likely that many if not most endemic Colombian bird species inhabiting the uplands and lowlands today were differentiated during the Pleistocene rather than in Tertiary time.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The cell diameter ofStephanopyxis palmeriana ranges between 19 and 156µ. The pleural structure is considered to be specific for the genus. The interphasic nucleus lies in the discus of the hypovalva.2. The cell size can be manipulated during the vegetative phase through SiO2-deficiency followed by frustule regeneration.3. Only 19 to 60µ wide cells are capable of forming gametes and auxospores. Differentiation begins after light intensity is suddenly increased from 400 to 4000 Lux, and temperature from 15° to 21° C.4. Only 19 to 90µ wide cells are capable of forming resting spores. These are produced in the presence of phosphate-deficiency; maximum production occurs at 12° C. After correction of the phosphate-deficiency, resting spores germinate.5. Morphologically, the life history (formation of gametes, auxospores, resting spores) conforms essentially with the findings onStephanopyxis turris (v.Stosch &Drebes 1964).6. The most important factors controlling the life cycle are cell size, temperature, light and nutrients. The effects which these factors produce inS. turris are compared with those observed inS. palmeriana.
Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der marinen PlanktondiatomeeStephanopyxis palmeriana
Kurzfassung Im Frühjahr 1964 wurde die zentrische PlanktondiatomeeStephanopyxis palmeriana (Grev.)Grunow — eine aus japanischen Gewässern stammende Warmwasserform und unsererS. turris sehr nahe verwandt — in Kultur genommen. Schon nach kurzer Zeit war es möglich, den gesamten Formwechsel dieser Alge in seinen Grundzügen kennenzulernen. Mit Hilfe von Wasserimmersionen konnten in direkter Lebendbeobachtung Zellteilung, Meiosis, Befruchtung und Auxosporenbildung mit ihren metagamen Mitosen sowie die Bildung und Keimung der Dauersporen studiert werden. Morphologisch stimmt der Formwechsel mit dem vonS. turris (v.Stosch &Drebes 1964) überein; in der Abhängigkeit von Umweltfaktoren bestehen jedoch Unterschiede. So werden Dauersporen bei dieser zwischen 19 und 156µ Zellbreite (= Transversaldurchmesser) vegetativ existierenden Alge nur von schmalen, unter 90µ breiten Zellen in Gegenwart von Phosphatmangel (spärlich manchmal auch bei Nitratmangel) differenziert. Eine Temperatur von 12° C wirkt dabei sehr begünstigend. Die Keimung der Dauersporen setzt nach Beseitigung des Phosphatmangels ein. Zur Sexualisierung sind nur unter 60µ breite Zellen fähig; sie findet statt nach sprunghafter Steigerung der Beleuchtungsstärke (von 400 auf 4000 Lux) sowie einer Temperaturerhöhung von 15° auf 21° C. Wegen der Dickschaligkeit bereitet die Änderung der Zellgröße auf künstlichem Wege durch SiO2-Mangel mit nachfolgender Schalenregeneration einige Schwierigkeiten. Diese Manipulationen sind jedoch notwendig, wenn ein Klon ohne Veränderung seines Idiotypus über die Auxospore für unbegrenzte Dauer zur Verfügung stehen soll.

The studies were carried out in the Botanical Institute of the University, Marburg.  相似文献   

I. Moore  A. Navon 《BioControl》1964,9(2):181-185
Résumé Un milieu artificiel pour l'élevage deProdenia litura F. est décrit sur lequel six générations successives de cette noctuelle furent élevées collectivement et deux individuellement. La fermeture du cycle biologique de larve néonata à larve néonate fut également obtenue sur ce milieu dans le cas d'Agrotis ypsilon Rott. etCyrphis unipuncta Haw.

Contribution from The Volcani Institute of Agricultural Research, Rehovot, Israel. 1964 Series, No. 679-E.

Division of Entomology, the Volcani Institute of Agricultural Research Rehovot.  相似文献   

A. Burgerjon 《BioControl》1965,10(1):21-25
Summary The principles, technics, advantages, limits and extension possibilities of the biological titration of crystals are briefly discussed. The figure 1 illustrates the independance of consummation reduction regarding the heat-stable toxin and the spores. The figure 2 shows the results of seven biological titrations of threeB. thuringiensis products.

Texte présenté lors de la démonstration du Symposium sur le titrage des préparations deBacillus thuringiensis Berliner, Paris 5–7 mars 1964.  相似文献   

Summary The primary structures of the coat proteins of three strains of TMV were established (Anderer et al., 1965; Wittmann-Liebold u. Wittmann, 1963; Wittmann 1965; Rentschler part I of this paper). They differ from one another in 29, 35 and 40 positions. Since the primary structure of a protein determines its secondary and tertiary structure, the geometry of the subunits and the cause of aggregation were investigated to see how they were influenced by the primary structures.The aggregation of the native proteins as a function of pH and ionic strength was investigated by determining sedimentation coefficients. All three proteins showed a similar cause of aggregation.The geometry of the subunits was compared in experiments with mixed aggregates (Sarkar, 1960). The result was that the subunits of U2 were able to form mixed aggregates with dahlemense and vulgare subunits. From this one can conclude that the geometrical properties of the three subunits are very similar.The A-Protein, the larger aggregates, and protein denatured in 8 M urea differed in their charge distributions. The differences seem to be located in regions of the polypeptide chain where they cause no disturbances and where they do not affect the aggregation properties.How to visualize the striking similarity of aggregation behaviour in spite of the great differences in primary structures is discussed on the basis of the conception of Tanford (1962) and Epstein (1964).

2. Teil einer Dissertation der Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Tübingen.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Kinetik der Ionenaufnahme durch junge und alte Sprosse von Mnium cuspidatum wurde untersucht. Die verschieden alten Sprosse unterscheiden sich vor allem durch das Vorhandensein einer aktiven Gipfelknospe bei den jungen Gametophyten, die bei den alten offenbar ihre Tätigkeit eingestellt hat. Im niedrigen Konzentrationsbereich (0–0,5 mM) haben jungen und alte Sprosse hyperbolische Isothermen der Ionenaufnahme, die sich etwas hinsichtlich der apparenten Michaeliskonstanten und der Maximalgeschwindigkeit unterscheiden. Im hohen Konzentrationsbereich (1–10 mM) ist der Unterschied qualitativ. Mit jungen Sprossen erhält man eine lineare oder exponentielle Isotherme, mit alten Sprossen eine hyperbolische Kurve. Der vermutete Einfluß der Gipfelknospe kann mit Effekten von Wuchsstoffen auf den Stofftransport zusammenhängen und läßt einen Einfluß dieser Regulationssysteme auf die Membranfunktion vermuten.
The kinetics of ion uptake by young and old branches of mnium cuspidatum
Summary Isotherms of K(Rb)-, Cl- and SO4-uptake by young and old branches of the moss Mnium cuspidatum were investigated. Old moss gametophytes from the 1966 vegetation period were collected in the forests surrounding Darmstadt from February to mid-April 1967 and from the 1967 season in late September 1967. Young plants were sampled from mid-April to the end of May 1967 and they were also grown by water culture of old plants.Both young and old branches have hyperbolic isotherms of ion uptake in the low concentration range (0–0.5 mM) (Fig. 1–3), which slightly differ in K mand V max (Table). Isotherms in the high range (1–10 mM), however, are drastically different, changing from linear or exponential with young moss branches to hyperbolic with old gametophytes (Figs. 1–3).The linear or exponential high-range isotherm obtained with young moss plants is compared with other examples reported in the literature (Fig. 4). As the leaflets of the moss plants, which constitute 2/3 of the fresh weight of the material used in the experiments, have well developed vacuoles, the correlation between hyperbolic isotherms and vacuolation does not apply here (Fig. 4a, Torii and Laties, 1966).The change in shape of the high-range moss isotherm with age resembles the change from exponential to hyperbolic kinetics in isolated potato discs during washing (Fig. 4b, Laties, Macdonald and Dainty, 1964). The events triggered by isolation of potato discs from the interior of the tuber may be similar to the changes in the moss material under the control of the terminal bud, which is only active in the young branches.The suggested influence of the active terminal bud of young moss plants on the ion absorption process of cells in the tissue may be related to effects of growth substances on translocation reported in the literature and may point to a direct effect of these regulatory systems on membrane function.In this respect the comparison of corn root stele and cortex is of interest. Isolated steles, both freshly isolated and after washing, have exponential isotherms in the high range (Fig. 4c), whereas cortex displays a hyperbolic isotherm which changes little with ageing (Lüttge and Laties, 1967). In contrast to the case in potato and moss materials, this phenomenon is not simply due to ageing but involves morphogenetic differences.Temperature is another factor which influences the shape of the high range isotherm. All examples discussed so far refer to experiments at room temperature. At low temperatures high-range isotherms for proximal root tissue or aged potato discs have an exponential shape (Torii and Laties, 1966; Laties, Macdonald and Dainty, 1964). It thus appears that the exponential isotherm of young moss branches indicates that as in freshly isolated potato discs or in corn root stele the metabolic high-range uptake system is not developed.

Summary In order to control the sugar-cane borerProceras sacchariphagus Boj. in Madagascar and Réunion, the French Research Institute for Tropical Agriculture has organized a mission in Indonesia in 1964 with the objective of finding the TachinidDiatraeophaga striatalis Towns. The result is that 4812 available adult flies have been introduced into Madagascar and among them 1470 flies have been released in Réunion and 530 in Madagascar. Moreover, it has been possible to rearDiatraeophaga and again to release flies in 1965 (2 000 in Madagascar and more than 1 000 in Réunion). At present, this rearing is carried on, particularly in Réunion, where a strain was sent in July 1965 and a wider program of mass production and release is planned for 1966. For the first time, in october 1965, it has been possible to find the progeny of flies having been released in the flield. In this paper some data on conditions ofDiatraeophaga rearing are also given.   相似文献   

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