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We examined the role of several earth history events on the phylogeographic distribution of the catfish Trichomycterus areolatus in Chile using the cytochrome b gene. We explored three biogeographic hypotheses: that sea level changes have resulted in the isolation of populations by drainages; that glaciation has impacted genetic diversity; and that ichthyological subprovince boundaries correspond to phylogeographic breaks in our focal species. We found seven well-supported clades within T. areolatus with high levels of genetic divergence. The strongest signal in our data was for an important role of sea level changes structuring populations. Five of the seven clades mapped cleanly to the geographic landscape and breaks corresponded closely to areas of narrowest continental shelf. In addition, few haplotypes were shared between rivers within clades, suggesting that only limited local movement of individuals has occurred. There was no relationship between the levels of genetic diversity and the proportion of individual drainages covered by glaciers during the last glacial maximum. Two phylogeographic breaks within T. areolatus did match the two previously identified faunal boundaries, but we found three additional breaks, which suggests that faunal breaks have only limited utility in explaining phylogeographic patterns. These results imply that the narrow continental shelf coupled with sea level changes had a strong influence on the obligate freshwater fishes in Chile.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 876–892.  相似文献   

The population ecology of the trichomycterid catfish, Trichomycterus itacarambiensis, from the Olhos d'Àgua Cave, Itacarambi Co., Minas Gerais, eastern Brazil, was investigated by the mark-recapture method during the dry season of 1994 (April to October). The cave is subject to a pronounced seasonality, and is flooded during part of the rainy period. All individuals captured along the 5000 m long stream gallery (divided in 50 sections) were marked by tattooing, measured and examined for the degree of pigmentation reduction. About one third of the population is truly albinic; the remainder may exhibit partial depigmentation. After five bimestrial collections, 583 specimens have been marked, of which 150 were recaptured at least once. Estimated population size was 1500–2000 individuals longer than 20 mm SL. The total population size of T. itacarambiensis is considered small when compared to those of epigean trichomycterids and of other studied cavefishes as well. Mean population density was 0.15–0.20 individuals m-2 throughout the dry season; it increased with the distance to the stream resurgence, probably due to the higher food availability upstream. This population density may be considered intermediate to those of other troglobitic fishes. Most recaptures (66%) were done in the same section as the previous capture. Active movements, both upstream and downstream, were recorded up to distances of 600 m; a few possibly passive, downstream movements covered distances from 900 to 1500 m. T. itacarambiensis catfishes move more frequently and for longer distances than the Brazilian blind pimelodids, Pimelodella kronei. Individual growth in T. itacarambiensis probably occurs in pulses, during the rainy seasons; interruption of growth in the dry season is attributed to the pronounced food shortage. The mean longevity was estimated as seven years. Differences between pigmented and albino individuals include a higher frequency of downstream movements and slightly higher growth rates in the latter.  相似文献   

The trophic and reproductive ecology of catfish (Trichomycterus caliense and Astroblepus cyclopus) was studied in the Quindio River upper Basin, Alto Cauca, Colombia. The pH was neutral, water oxygen content high (8.4 ppm) and temperature in the habitats was 18.63 degrees C; both species are nonmigratory and sympatric with four other fish species. The ovaries mature primarily between May and September in T. caliense; between December and May in A. cyclopus. The mean size at maturity is 8.3 cm (standard length) in T. caliense and 6.0 cm (standard length) in A. cyclopus; the sex ratio is 1:1 in T. caliense (X2 = 3.4, P > or = 0.05) and in A. cyclopus (X2 = 1.44, P > or = 0.1); the fecundity is low (191 and 113 oocytes respectively) and the eggs are small (1.5 and 2.39 mm respectively). The fishes are insectivorous and specialize in Coleoptera, Diptera and Trichoptera; Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficients (rs = 0.464) indicated that there are differences (T = 2.5148, P < 0.01) between their diets; both taxa did not agree with the expected trophic habits for sympatric species that are morphologically similar and related in the same trophic level.  相似文献   

Two whitish elongate cysts in the left pectoral fin of Trichomycterus sp. (Osteichthyes, Trichomycteridae) were packed with Dermocystidium sp. spores. The spores were spherical and had a large PAS positive central refractile body, the cytoplasm being restricted to a narrow peripheral layer containing the nucleus. The cysts were surrounded by a thin homogeneous wall of parasite origin, and there was no encapsulation of the cysts by host tissue.  相似文献   

A new genus of the family Trichomycteridae, Bullockia, and a new species of Trichomycterus are described. Bullockia gen. nov. is a monospecific and relict genus in the freshwaters of Chile. Trichomycterus mendozensis n. sp. is a freshwater relict from Argentina. Preliminary diagnoses of the subfamilies Pygidiinae and Nematogenyinae and the genera Trichomycterus, Hatcheria and Nematogenys are given.  相似文献   

Within a total of 50 analyzed specimens a male individual of Trichomycterus davisi has been recorded with 81 chromosomes including 60 metacentric, 18 submetacentric and three subtelocentric chromosomes. When compared with diploid individuals (2n = 54) and the morphological standard of chromosomes, this male is a triploid with 3n = 81 chromosomes. Since staining with silver nitrate indicates three active nucleolar organizer regions (NORs), the three NOR-bearing chromosomes in this individual are genetically active. Analysis of the synaptonemal complex (SC) by electronic microscopy shows that there is an incomplete pairing of the third set of chromosomes in the triploid individual.  相似文献   

In this paper the testicular structure and spermatogenesis of Ophidion barbatum are studied and the reproductive strategy of this species is analysed. The species has a rare type of spermatogenesis, called semicystic, in which the cyst ruptures in a stage prior to the spermatozoon stage. The most peculiar feature of the spermatozoon is its elongated shape, not typical of an oviparous species. Taking into account our results, the type of ovary and the spawning method, this species shows specialized characteristics which are fairly uncommon among oviparous species. The analysis of other biological aspects of the species, such as the capacity of the males to produce sounds, the low population density, the habit of individual members of burying themselves and the crepuscular habits, combined with our observations concerning their reproductive strategies, lead us to suggest a unique mating behaviour.  相似文献   

Trichomycterus barbouri (Eigenmann, 1911) is redescribed based on adult and juvenile specimens, and is distinguished from all congeners by external and osteological characters. The species previously known only from the type locality Beni river in Bolivia, is recorded here the first time for Argentina, from localities in the provinces of Tucumán, Catamarca, Córdoba and Salta. T. barbouri is compared with some Argentinian congeners.  相似文献   

Trichomycterus celsae n. sp. and Trichomycterus lewi n. sp. are described from the river Kukenán a tributary of the river Caroní, Orinoco basin, Guyana Shield, Venezuela. The new species are diagnosed within the Guyana Shield Trichomycterus species by a distinctive color pattern. Trichomycterus celsae has a uniform light brown color on dorsum and sides of the body; the ventral surface is yellowish or creamy. Trichomycterus lewi has an irregular pattern of black spots of different sizes on dorsum and sides of the body, the larger spots are located at the posterior part of the body, and, the ventral surface is whitish. The osteology of the new species showed that they belong to the genus Trichomycterus. Osteological features support the external diagnosis of both species, some of them are: in T. celsae, the skull has the fontanels well separated, T. lewi has the fontanels closer and joined by a narrow canal. In T. celsae, the dorsal border of the hyomandibula has a conspicuous notch. In T. lewi, the metapterygoid has a projection on the posteroventral angle. Neural spine of the first preural centra is more elongated in T. lewi.  相似文献   

Synopsis A review of sexuality in the Sparidae shows that protandrous, protogynous, simultaneous and rudimentary hermaphroditism have all been reported in the family. Careful histological study shows that even in those species reputed to have separate sexes, intersexuality is found in the juvenile condition. We suggest that two reproductive styles, sex change and late gonochorism are found in the family. The bi-potentiality of the sparid gonad is considered to be a pre-adaptation for the development of sequential hermaphroditism in species in which reproductive success is size related. In these species sex change is an alternative reproductive style that enables individuals to maximise their lifetime reproductive success by functioning as one sex when small and the other sex when large.  相似文献   

Divergent natural selection affecting specific trait combinations that lead to greater efficiency in resource exploitation is believed to be a major mechanism leading to trophic polymorphism and adaptive radiation. We present evidence of trophic polymorphism involving two benthic morphs within Percichthys trucha , a fish endemic to temperate South America. In a series of lakes located in the southern Andes, we found two morphs of P. trucha that could be distinguished on the basis of gill raker length and five other morphological measures, most of which are likely associated with the use of food resources. The differences were consistent across all lakes examined, and were correlated with habitat use and diet. Individuals with longer gill rakers were more abundant in the littoral zone (littoral morph) while the short gill-raker morph was more abundant at 10 m depth and deeper (deep benthic morph). Both morphs fed primarily on benthic invertebrates, but the littoral morph fed more on larval Anisoptera than did the deep benthic morph. Phenotypic correlations among traits were high for the littoral morph, but low and non-significant for the deep-benthic morph. We suggest that gill raker length may influence the relative efficiency of suction feeding for the two morphs. This is the first evidence of trophic polymorphism in fishes from temperate South America.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a new species of Trichomycterus from the Rio Doce basin. Unusually for new taxa in the genus during the past few decades, the new species is not narrowly endemic but instead widely distributed in its major drainage, the Rio Doce. The species has been collected and deposited in scientific collections for some years, but has been systematically misidentified as the more abundant Trichomycterus immaculatus or, to a lesser degree, as other morphologically similar species from south-eastern Brazil such as T. nigricans and T. pradensis. A combination of several morphological characteristics, such as vertebral number, pectoral-fin ray counts, pigmentation pattern and barcoding distance, were iteratively used and unambiguously distinguish the new species from all congeners. The present case reveals a pattern of diversity-discovery in which rare and narrowly endemic morphologically conspicuous species are discovered and described before visually inconspicuous taxa, even when the latter are more abundant and widespread. The morphological similarities among south-eastern Brazilian species with a uniform dark-grey color serve as basis for a brief discussion about the concepts of cryptic and pseudo-cryptic species in Trichomycterus and their consequences for potentially hidden diversity in the genus.  相似文献   

Synopsis The Andean and preandean regions are characterized by the presence of several endorheic drainage basins, each of which has evolved a characteristic fish fauna, some of which are poorly known or hitherto inaccessible. We describe here a new species of Trichomycterus from Aguarague National Park, Bolivia. Trichomycterus aguarague is considered to belong to a species assemblage comprised of T. alterus, T. boylei, T. ramosus, and T. belensis, a group diagnosed by three putative apomorphic conditions: (1) base of the maxillary barbel wide and engrossed like a skin flap or fold, (2) premaxillary bone smaller than maxilla, and (3) odontodes embedded in thick integument that covers interopercle. Alternatively, T. aguarague and T. alterus share an unusual number of five or fewer abdominal vertebrae, which is a synapomorphy for the group composed of Scleronema, Ituglanis, and the Stegophilinae+Tridentinae+Vandelliinae+Glanapteryginae+Sarcoglanidinae clade. The new species differs from all congeners in having the following combination of characters: caudal peduncle depth 13.5 – 16.0% SL, 15 or 16 pairs of ribs, 15 dorsal procurrent rays, 12 ventral procurrent rays, 8 pectoral fin rays; 9 anal fin rays; barbels and skin of trunk with numerous, minute thread-like papillae.  相似文献   

Synopsis The behaviour of free-living pairs ofAequidens vittatus was observed in Surinam, South America. An ethogram of breeding behaviour is presented, based on those observations and on aquarium-held fish. This is a biparental, substrate-guarding species that spawns on a movable platform. Sexual differentiation of parental roles was more pronounced when the young were in the embryonic interval than when they were mobile juveniles. Females spent more time near their brood, attacked juvenile conspecifics more often, and fanned and mouthed embryos more than males did. Males were more involved than females in territorial spacing of pairs. The movable spawning leaf provides support for eggs on detritus substrate and may also provide protection against predators and rapid water level changes.  相似文献   

The seasonal diet and prey selection of the Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis) was studied in two different insular habitats: shrub environments of the Canary Islands in coastal and high mountain zones. We measured, in each season, food availability and prey size in order to determine prey size selection of shrikes along an altitudinal gradient. Moreover, we compared the diet patterns observed with those documented on the continent, to determine if Southern Grey Shrikes in the islands’ high mountain zone (which has a continental climate) showed seasonal diet variation similar to those in northern continental areas. We analysed a total of 1,139 shrike pellets collected in 1 year and identified 10,179 prey items. Numerically arthropods (91%), and in terms of biomass lizards (70%) were the main prey consumed by the shrikes. The proportions of the main prey items differed significantly between seasons and habitats. Diet in the coastal areas was less variable than in the high mountain zone. The greater seasonal climatic variation in the high mountain zone was associated with diet patterns similar to those found in some northern continental areas, such as the Iberian Peninsula and southern France. Finally, shrikes selected the largest prey in the high mountain habitat. This suggests that foraging behaviour in this species is related to climatic conditions, as the biggest and most profitable prey were consumed in the most harsh habitats.  相似文献   

The catfish, Eremophilus mutisii, was cultured under different densities in artificial rainfall reservoirs at Caldas, Boyacá, Colombia. At capture, the average total length of the animals was 10 cm and the weight ranged between 9 and 10 g. These fish were in initial stages of sexual development. After a year in the reservoirs, they had increased in length and weight as follows (densities in parentheses): 5.22 cm and 27.23 g (0.5 individuals/m2); 1.98 cm and 8.79 g (1 individual/m2), and 2.45 cm and 0.82 g (2 individuals/m2). They were at the early stages of sexual maturity, and their condition factor fluctuated between 0.61 and 0.96. They preferably ingested insect larvae that were found in benthic and littoral communities of the reservoirs. The benthos was dominated by ephippia of Daphnia, lumbriculids, and chironomid larvae. The biomass of benthic organisms ranged between 0.1126 and 1.3847 g/m2. In the littoral community aquatic insects were the most important component, especially the hemipterans. The biomass of the littoral fauna ranged between 0.14 and 4.05 g/m2.  相似文献   

In this paper, aspects of the reproductive biology of Lutjanus peru that can be used for the fishery management are described. Samples were taken monthly in 1993 and 1994, from commercial catches in the southern coast of Guerrero, Mexico. A global sex ratio of 1:1.37 (M:F) was found, but the sex ratio was highly variable each month. The condition factor, gonadosomatic, hepatosomatic and stomach fullness indexes were analyzed. None of the morphophysiological indexes showed any clear tendency. From 377 gonads, both male and female, five developmental stages were characterized for each sex. L. peru shows asynchronous gonad development and multiple spawning. Two spawning period were observed in 1993 (March, and August-September) and three in 1994 (April-May, July-August, and November), with a maximum in August of both years. Length at first maturity for the females of L. peru was estimated at 295 mm fork length.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Aphanius dispar was observed in the field and some simple laboratory studies were undertaken in Oman. A. dispar is almost totally ubiquitous in all bodies of fresh water where it occupies a wide range of habitats differing in stream flow, water chemistry, temperature and substrate quality. It often is found in association with one or both of two cyprinid fishes. Cyprinion and Garra. Aphanius is tolerant of wide ranges of salinity up to full marine water and has a wide temperature range. A. dispar resembles Cyprinodon species in a number of particulars, probably reflecting phylogenetic relationships and a common evolutionary response to desert conditions. It breeds throughout the year with a probable peak in the months of April to June.  相似文献   

We measured ingestion rates of Calanoides acutus on different microbial components of the Gerlache Strait (GE) and Bellingshausen Sea (BE) waters during December 2002. At the time of the study the abundance of both zooplankton (42–133 ind m−3) and phytoplankton (0.76–1.5 µg chlorophyll a l−1) were low, indicating that the spring phytoplankton bloom was still not fully developed. C. acutus showed high clearance rates along the study (up to 432 ml ind−1 day−1), selecting for large motile organisms such as ciliates and the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium spp., although their feeding impact was always <0.1% of the standing stock of any of their prey. The total daily rations were low (∼2% body carbon per day), mostly the result of phytoplankton consumption (except for station GE3 in which heterotrophic flagellates contributed to 73% of the diet), and barely enough to cover metabolic demands. Based on the relationship between oxygen (carbon) consumption and ammonia excretion (considered as indicative of the metabolic substrate) it seems that standard metabolic demands were supplied, apart from the diet, by the use of their own non-structural proteins, whereas the remaining reserve-lipids were used to produce eggs.  相似文献   

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