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K Yoda  H Yasuda  X W Jiang    T Okazaki 《Nucleic acids research》1988,16(14A):6531-6546
Using DNA molecules synthesized in the early stage of lambda phage infection, deoxynucleotides at the transition sites from primer RNA to DNA synthesis have been mapped in the 1.5 kbase area of the lambda phage genome containing the genetically defined replication origin (ori lambda). Sites in the 1-strand (the polarity of the 1-strand is 5' to 3' from the left to the right direction of the lambda phage genetic map) were distributed both inside and outside of the ori lambda, whereas the sites in the r-strand (the strand in the opposite polarity) were mainly distributed more than three hundred nucleotides apart from the ori lambda to the right. A CPuPu sequence was found at -12 to -10 region of transition sites of the r- and the 1-strands in the frequency of 80% and 70%, respectively, and over 60% of the CPuPu sequences were CAG. Properties of the transition sites are discussed in relation to the primer synthesis.  相似文献   

A cloned 270-nucleotide fragment from the origin region of the M13 duplex replicative form DNA confers an M13-dependent replication mechanism upon the plasmid vector pBR322. This M13 insert permits M13 helper-dependent replication of the hybrid plasmid in polA cells which are unable to replicate the pBR322 replicon alone. Using in vitro techniques, we have constructed several plasmids containing deletions in the M13 DNa insert. The endpoints of these deletions have been determined by DNA sequence analysis and correlated with the transformation and replication properties of each plasmid. Characterization of these deletion plasmids allows the following conclusions. (i) The initiation site for M13 viral strand replication is required for helper-dependent propagation of the chimeric plasmid. (ii) A DNA sequence in the M13 insert, localized between 89 and 129 nucleotides from the viral strand initiation site, is necessary for efficient transformation of polA cells. A chimeric plasmid containing the viral strand initiation site, but lacking this additional 40 nucleotide M13 sequence, transforms helper-infected cells at a frequency approximately 10(4)-fold less than that of plasmids containing this additional DNA segment. (iii) The entire M13 complementary strand origin can be deleted without affecting M13-dependent transformation by the hybrid plasmids. We propose a model in which replication of one strand of duplex chimera initiates by nicking at the gene II protein nicking site in the viral strand of the M13 insert, followed by asymmetric single-strand synthesis. Initiation of the complementary strand possibly occurs within plasmid sequences.  相似文献   

A chimeric single-stranded DNA phage, M13Gori1, has been formed as a result of the in vitro insertion of a 2216 base-pair HaeII fragment of bacteriophage G4 replicative form DNA into the replicative form DNA of bacteriophage M13. The inserted G4 DNA carries the dnaG-dependent origin for G4 complementary strand synthesis. The cloned G4 origin functions both in vivo and in vitro in the conversion of M13Gori1 single-stranded viral DNA to the duplex replicative form by a rifampicin-resistant mechanism. Labelling of the 3′ terminus of the single discontinuity in M13Gori1 replicative form II molecules synthesized in crude extracts and subsequent restriction analysis indicate that M13Gori1 complementary strand synthesis can be initiated at either the RNA polymeraseprimed M13 origin or at the dnaG-primed G4 origin. The M13Gori1 complementary strand initiated at the G4 origin terminates in the vicinity of the G4 origin after progressing around the circular template and traversing the M13 origin region, indicating the absence of a specific nucleotide sequence in the M13 origin for termination of the newly formed complementary strand. The ability of this chimeric phage to utilize the cloned G4 origin in vivo even in the presence of the presumed M13 pilot protein (gene 3 protein) indicate that the nucleotide sequence of the replication origin is sufficient for recognizing the appropriate initiation enzymes. Since decapsidation of M13 is tightly coupled to replicative form formation, initiation at the G4 origin, located over 1000 nucleotides from the M13 complementary strand origin, indicates that widely separated nucleotide sequences contained in the filamentous virion can be exposed to the cell cytoplasm during eclipse.  相似文献   

Deletion formation in bacteriophage T4   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
We have manipulated the dispensable region of the rIIB gene of bacteriophage T4 in order to study the generation of deletions involving direct repeats. We show that recombination between different parental chromosomes is one source of the deletions we have studied. We have also investigated the effects of structure, base composition and distance on deletion formation. We demonstrate that the potential to form structure in single-stranded DNA has variable effects on the frequency of deletion formation and conclude that, in some cases, slipped mispairing during DNA synthesis can make a substantial contribution to deletion frequencies. The G + C richness of the direct repeats involved in deletion formation is an important parameter of the frequency of deletion formation. We have confirmed that increasing the distance between direct repeats decreases deletion frequency.  相似文献   

Under certain conditions the late genes of coliphage T4 may function in the absence of phage DNA replication. Quasi-late gene function is the function of certain late genes in the absence of both phage DNA replication and the product of the maturation gene 55. It does not depend on how phage DNA synthesis is prevented. Replication-uncoupled late gene function is late gene function from unreplicated DNA in the absence of phage ligase, and is still under the control of gene 55. It is most efficient if phage DNA replication is prevented by a mutation in the phage gene (43) for DNA polymerase. Both quasi-late gene function and replication-uncoupled late gene function are enhanced by the presence of mutations controlling a phage exonuclease (gene 46 or 47).  相似文献   

The genome of bacteriophage T4.   总被引:38,自引:3,他引:35       下载免费PDF全文

Bacteriophage T4 DNA replication proteins catalyze complete unidirectional replication of plasmids containing the T4 ori(uvsY) replication origin in vitro, beginning with a preformed R loop at the position of the origin R loop previously identified in vivo. T4 DNA polymerase, clamp, clamp loader, and 32 protein are needed for initial elongation of the RNA, which serves as the leading-strand primer. Normal replication is dependent on T4 41 helicase and 61 primase and is strongly stimulated by the 59 helicase loading protein. 59 protein slows replication without the helicase. As expected, leading-strand synthesis stalls prematurely in the absence of T4 DNA topoisomerase. A DNA unwinding element (DUE) is essential for replication, but the ori(uvsY) DUE can be replaced by other DUE sequences.  相似文献   

Wild-type bacteriophage T4 and DNA-delay am mutants defective in genes 39, 52, 60 and 58–61 were tested for intracellular sensitivity to the antibiotics coumermycin and novobiocin, drugs which inhibit the DNA gyrase of Escherichia coli. Treatment with these antibiotics drastically reduced the characteristic growth of gene 39, 52 and 60 DNA-delay am mutants in E. coli lacking an amber suppressor (su?). Wild-type phage-infected cells were unaffected by the drugs while the burst size of a gene 58–61 mutant was affected to an intermediate extent. A su?E. coli strain which is resistant to coumermycin due to an altered gyrase permitted growth of the DNA-delay am mutants in the presence of the drug. Thus, the characteristic growth of the DNA-delay am mutants in an su? host apparently depends on the host gyrase. An E. coli himB mutant is defective in the coumermycin-sensitive subunit of gyrase (H. I. Miller, personal communication). Growth of the gene 39, 52 and 60 am mutants was inhibited in the himB mutant while the gene 58–61 mutant and wild-type T4 showed small reductions in burst size in this host. Experiments with nalidixic acid-sensitive and resistant strains of E. coli show that wild-type phage T4 requires a functional nalA protein for growth.Novobiocin and coumermycin inhibit phage DNA synthesis in DNA-delay mutant-infected su?E. coli if added during the early logarithmic phase of phage DNA synthesis. The gene 58–61 mutant showed the smallest inhibition of DNA synthesis in the presence of the drugs. Addition of the drugs during the late linear phase of phage DNA synthesis had no effect on further synthesis in DNA-delay mutant-infected cells. Coumermycin and novobiocin had no effect on DNA synthesis in wild-type-infected cells regardless of the time of addition of the antibiotics. Models are considered in which the DNA-delay gene products either form an autonomous phage gyrase or interact with the host gyrase and adapt it for proper initiation of phage DNA replication.  相似文献   

Studies in the 1960s implied that bacteriophage T4 tightly couples DNA replication to genetic recombination. This contradicted the prevailing wisdom of the time, which staunchly supported recombination as a simple cut-and-paste process. More-recent investigations have shown how recombination triggers DNA synthesis and why the coupling of these two processes is important. Results from T4 were instrumental in our understanding of many important replication and recombination proteins, including the newly recognized replication/recombination mediator proteins. Recombination-dependent DNA replication is crucial to the T4 life cycle as it is the major mode of DNA replication and is also central to the repair of DNA breaks and other damage.  相似文献   

The central part of bacteriophage T4 baseplate is built of several proteins which are present in only a few copies per phage particle. Only some of these minor baseplate components have been identified previously as distinct protein species by biochemical analysis. We have used the bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase expression system to identify and overexpress the minor baseplate proteins. The products of genes 25, 26 and 51 were identified on the autoradiographs after selective labelling with [35]S methionine. The overexpression of gene 25 and 51 products was high enough to make possible undertaking their purification and studies of their properties.  相似文献   

Locations of bacteriophage T4 origins of replication.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Partially replicated bacteriophage T4 DNA containing cytosine was isolated from cells 6.5 and 7 min after infection and cleaved with restriction endonuclease BglII or BamHI. Positions of replication eyes relative to the cleavage sites were observed by electron microscopy. Four groups of eyes were found. They are consistent with replication from origins located at map positions 34, 60, 73, and 86 kilobases. In individual molecules that contained two or three eyes, the distribution of the eyes agreed with the initiation of replication at more than one of these four assigned origins and possibly at two additional origins located near 15 and 110 kilobases, which were reported by P. M. Macdonald, R. M. Seaby, W. Brown, and G. Mosig (p. 111-116, in D. Schlessinger, ed., Microbiology--1983, 1983) and M. E. Halpern, T. Mattson, and A. W. Kozinski (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 76:6137-6141, 1979).  相似文献   

We have developed a defective phage system for the isolation and analysis of phage T4 replication origins based on the T4-mediated transduction of plasmid pBR322. During the initial infection of a plasmid-containing cell, recombinant plasmids with T4 DNA inserts are converted into fully modified linear DNA concatamers that are packaged into T4 phage particles, to create defective phage (transducing particles). In order to select T4 replication origins from genomic libraries of T4 sequences cloned into the plasmid pBR322, we searched for recombinant plasmids that transduce with an unusually high efficiency, reasoning that this should select for T4 sequences that function as origins on plasmid DNA after phage infection. We also selected for defective phage that can propagate efficiently with the aid of a coinfecting helper phage during subsequent rounds of phage infection. which should select for T4 sequences that can function as origins on the linear DNA present in the defective phage. Several T4 inserts were isolated repeatedly in one or both of these selective procedures, and these were mapped to particular locations on the T4 genome. When plasmids were selected in this way from genomic libraries constructed using different restriction nucleases, they contained overlapping segments of the T4 genome, indicating that the same T4 sequences were selected. The inserts in two of the selected plasmids permit a very high frequency of transduction from circular plasmids: these have been shown to contain a special type of T4 replication origin.  相似文献   

Phage DNA was accumulated in cells of E. coli B, infected with the phage T4DtsLB3 (gene 42), without the synthesis of late proteins (in the presence of chloramphenicol). Then (stage II), chloramphenicol was removed and further replication of the phage DNA suppressed with hydroxyurea and by simultaneously raising the temperature to 40 degrees. The media M9 or M9 with 1% amino acid were used; the times of addition of chloramphenicol and the hydroxyurea concentration were also varied. It was also shown that in medium M9, at stage II, chiefly early proteins were synthesized. In the medium containing amino acids, at stage II the following was observed: 1) DNA synthesis was entirely suppressed and a degradation of DNA occurred; 2) both early and late proteins were synthesized, with a predominance of the latter; 3) an assembly of the elements of the phage tails and capsids occurred without the neck and flagellum, and a small number of phage particles were also found; 4) the capsids, isolated in a sucrose density gradient after lysis with chloroform, contained the proteins Palt, P20, P23, P24, several unidentified proteins, and did not contain Pwac, P23, and P22, 5) the yield of viable phage varied from 0.05 to 15% per cell. Thus, the entire morphogenesis of T4 phage can occur without accompanying replication of phage DNA.  相似文献   

Supercoiled DNA containing the replication origin of bacteriophage lambda can be replicated in vitro. This reaction requires purified lambda O and P replication proteins and a partially purified mixture of Escherichia coli proteins (Tsurimoto, T., and Matsubara, K. (1982) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 79, 7639-7643; Wold, M. S., Mallory, J.B., Roberts, J. D., LeBowitz, J. H., and McMacken, R. (1982) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 79, 6176-6180). The lambda origin region has four repeats of a 19-base pair sequence to which O protein binds. To the right of these sites on the lambda map is a 40-base pair region that is rich in adenine and thymine, followed by a 28-base pair palindromic sequence. To define more precisely the boundaries of the lambda origin, we cloned a 358-base pair piece of lambda DNA containing the origin region into M13mp8 in both orientations. In vitro replication of RF I DNAs prepared from cells infected with these two M13 ori lambda phage was dependent on lambda O and P proteins and a crude protein fraction from uninfected E. coli; with these conditions there was no replication of M13mp8 RF I DNA. We made deletions from the left and the right ends of the lambda origin DNA and determined the deletion end points by DNA sequencing. We have tested RF I DNAs prepared from cells infected with phage carrying ori lambda deletions for their ability to function as templates for O- and P-dependent replication in vitro. Our results show that lambda DNA between nucleotide positions 39072 and 39160 is required for efficient O- and P-dependent replication. This 89-base pair piece of DNA includes only two of the four 19-base pair O protein-binding sites (the two right-most) and the adjoining adenine- and thymine-rich region to the right of the O-binding sites.  相似文献   

Replication of the chromosome of bacteriophage lambda depends on the cooperative action of two phage-coded proteins and seven replication and heat shock proteins from its Escherichia coli host. As previously described, the first stage in this process is the binding of multiple copies of the lambda O initiator to the lambda replication origin (ori lambda) to form the nucleosomelike O-some. The O-some serves to localize subsequent protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions involved in the initiation of lambda DNA replication to ori lambda. To study these interactions, we have developed a sensitive immunoblotting protocol that permits the protein constituents of complex nucleoprotein structures to be identified. Using this approach, we have defined a series of sequential protein assembly and protein disassembly events that occur at ori lambda during the initiation of lambda DNA replication. A second-stage ori lambda.O (lambda O protein).P (lambda P protein).DnaB nucleoprotein structure is formed when O, P, and E. coli DnaB helicase are incubated with ori lambda DNA. In a third-stage reaction the E. coli DnaJ heat shock protein specifically binds to the second-stage structure to form an ori lambda.O.P.DnaB.DnaJ complex. Each of the nucleoprotein structures formed in the first three stages was isolated and shown to be a physiological intermediate in the initiation of lambda DNA replication. The E. coli DnaK heat shock protein can bind to any of these early stage nucleoprotein structures, and in a fourth-stage reaction a complete ori lambda.O.P.DnaB.DnaJ.DnaK initiation complex is assembled. Addition of ATP to the reaction enables the DnaK and DnaJ heat shock proteins to mediate a partial disassembly of the fourth-stage complex. These protein disassembly reactions activate the intrinsic helicase activity of DnaB and result in localized unwinding of the ori lambda template. The protein disassembly reactions are described in the accompanying articles.  相似文献   

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