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NEFA/nucleobindin2 (NUCB2), a novel satiety molecule, is associated with leptin-independent melanocortin signaling in the central nervous system. Here, we show that systemic administration of m-chlorophenylpiperazine (mCPP), a serotonin 5-HT1B/2C receptor agonist, significantly increased the expression of hypothalamic NUCB2 in wild-type mice. The increases in hypothalamic NUCB2 expression induced by mCPP were attenuated in 5-HT2C receptor mutant mice. Systemic administration of mCPP suppressed food intake in db/db mice with leptin receptor mutation as well as lean control mice. On the other hand, the expression of hypothalamic NUCB2 and proopiomelanocortin (POMC) was significantly decreased in hyperphagic and non-obese 5-HT2C receptor mutants compared with age-matched wild-type mice. Interestingly, despite increased expression of hypothalamic POMC, hypothalamic NUCB2 expression was decreased in 5-HT2C receptor mutant mice with heterozygous mutation of β-endorphin gene. These findings suggest that 5-HT systems upregulate the expression of hypothalamic NUCB2 via 5-HT2C receptors, and induce anorexia via a leptin-independent pathway in mice.  相似文献   

The 5-HT2C receptor has been implicated as a critical regulator of appetite. Small molecule activation of the 5-HT2C receptor has been shown to affect food intake and regulate body weight gain in rodent models and more recently in human clinical trials. Therefore, 5-HT2C is a well validated target for anti-obesity therapy. The synthesis and structure–activity relationships of a series of novel tetrahydropyrazinoisoquinolinone 5-HT2C receptor agonists are presented. Several members of this series were identified as potent 5-HT2C receptor agonists with high functional selectivity against the 5-HT2A and 5-HT2B receptors and reduced food intake in an acute rat feeding model upon oral dosing.  相似文献   

Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), an insulinotropic gastrointestinal peptide produced mainly from intestinal endocrine L-cells, and liraglutide, a GLP-1 receptor (GLP-1R) agonist, induce satiety. The serotonin 5-HT2C receptor (5-HT2CR) and melanoroctin-4 receptor (MC4R) are involved in the regulation of food intake. Here we show that systemic administration of GLP-1 (50 and 200 μg/kg)-induced anorexia was blunted in mice with a 5HT2CR null mutation, and was attenuated in mice with a heterozygous MC4R mutation. On the other hand, systemic administration of liraglutide (50 and 100 μg/kg) suppressed food intake in mice lacking 5-HT2CR, mice with a heterozygous mutation of MC4R and wild-type mice matched for age. Moreover, once-daily consecutive intraperitoneal administration of liraglutide (100 μg/kg) over 3 days significantly suppressed daily food intake and body weight in mice with a heterozygous mutation of MC4R as well as wild-type mice. These findings suggest that GLP-1 and liraglutide induce anorexia via different central pathways.  相似文献   

5-HT1A knockout (KO) mice display an anxious-like phenotype, whereas 5-HT1B KOs are over-aggressive. To identify serotoninergic correlates of these altered behaviors, autoradiographic measurements of 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B serotonin (5-HT) receptors and transporter (5-HTT) were obtained using the radioligands [3H]8-OH-DPAT, [125I]cyanopindolol and [3H]citalopram, respectively. By comparison to wild-type, density of 5-HT1B receptors was unchanged throughout brain in 5-HT1A KOs, and that of 5-HT1A receptors in 5-HT1B KOs. In contrast, decreases in density of 5-HTT binding were measured in several brain regions of both genotypes. Moreover, 5-HTT binding density was significantly increased in the amygdalo-hippocampal nucleus and ventral hippocampus of the 5-HT1B KOs. Measurements of 5-HT axon length and number of axon varicosities by quantitative 5-HT immunocytochemistry revealed proportional increases in the density of 5-HT innervation in these two regions of 5-HT1B KOs, whereas none of the decreases in 5-HTT binding sites were associated with any such changes. Several conclusions could be drawn from these results: (i) 5-HT1B receptors do not adapt in 5-HT1A KOs, nor do 5-HT1A receptors in 5-HT1B KOs. (ii) 5-HTT is down-regulated in several brain regions of 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B KO mice. (iii) This down-regulation could contribute to the anxious-like phenotype of the 5-HT1A KOs, by reducing 5-HT clearance in several territories of 5-HT innervation. (iv) The 5-HT hyperinnervation in the amygdalo-hippocampal nucleus and ventral hippocampus of 5-HT1B KOs could play a role in their increased aggressiveness, and might also explain their better performance in some cognitive tests. (v) These increases in density of 5-HT innervation provide the first evidence for a negative control of 5-HT neuron growth mediated by 5-HT1B receptors.  相似文献   

Abstract: The serotonin 5-HT2C receptor (formerly designated the 5-HT1C receptor) of the choroid plexus triggers phosphoinositide turnover. In the present study, we demonstrate that receptor activation also triggers the formation of cyclic GMP (cGMP). Application of 1 µM 5-HT to porcine choroid plexus tissue slices resulted in stimulation of cGMP formation to a maximum of five-fold basal level, with an EC50 of 11 nM. This response was not inhibited by muscarinic or β-adrenergic receptor antagonists. Serotonin receptor antagonists inhibited cGMP formation with apparent Ki values of 1.3 (mianserin), 200 (ketanserin), and 5,500 (spiperone) nM, respectively. Neither serotonin-stimulated cGMP formation nor PI turnover was inhibited by pertussis toxin pretreatment. Preliminary biochemical studies suggested that serotonin-stimulated cGMP formation was calcium, phospholipase A2, and lipoxygenase dependent, as incubation in low calcium buffers or inclusion of the phospholipase A2 or lipoxygenase inhibitors p-bromophenacyl bromide or BW 755c resulted in significant reduction of cGMP formation. The present results suggest that in addition to triggering phosphoinositide turnover, choroid plexus serotonin 5-HT2C receptors trigger cGMP formation in a calcium-sensitive manner.  相似文献   

Interaction between brain endocannabinoid (EC) and serotonin (5-HT) systems was investigated by examining 5-HT-dependent behavioral and biochemical responses in CB1 receptor knockout mice. CB1 knockout animals exhibited a significant reduction in the induction of head twitches and paw tremor by the 5-HT2A/C receptor selective agonist (±) DOI, as well as a reduced hypothermic response following administration of the 5-HT1A receptor agonist (±)-8-OH-DPAT. Additionally, exposure to the tail suspension test induced enhanced despair responses in CB1 knockout mice. However, the tricyclic antidepressant imipramine and the 5-HT selective reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine induced similar decreases in the time of immobility in the tail suspension test in CB1 receptor knockout and wild-type mice. No differences were found between both genotypes with regard to 5-HT2A receptor and 5-HT1A receptors levels, measured by autoradiography in different brain areas. However, a significant decrease in the ability of both, the 5-HT1A receptor agonist (±)-8-OH-DPAT and the 5-HT2A/C receptor agonist (−)DOI, to stimulate [35S]GTPγS binding was detected in the hippocampal CA1 area and fronto-parietal cortex of CB1 receptor knockout mice, respectively. This study provides evidence that CB1 receptors are involved in the regulation of serotonergic responses mediated by 5-HT2A/C and 5-HT1A receptors, and suggests that a reduced coupling of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors to G proteins might be involved in these effects.  相似文献   

Hypothalamic inflammation has been known as a contributor to high-fat diet (HFD)-induced insulin resistance and obesity. Myeloid-specific sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) deletion aggravates insulin resistance and hypothalamic inflammation in HFD-fed mice. Neurogranin, a calmodulin-binding protein, is expressed in the hypothalamus. However, the effects of myeloid SIRT1 deletion on hypothalamic neurogranin has not been fully clarified. To investigate the effect of myeloid SIRT1 deletion on food intake and hypothalamic neurogranin expression, mice were fed a HFD for 20 weeks. Myeloid SIRT1 knockout (KO) mice exhibited higher food intake, weight gain, and lower expression of anorexigenic proopiomelanocortin in the arcuate nucleus than WT mice. In particular, KO mice had lower ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH)-specific neurogranin expression. However, SIRT1 deletion reduced HFD-induced hypothalamic neurogranin. Furthermore, hypothalamic phosphorylated AMPK and parvalbumin protein levels were also lower in HFD-fed KO mice than in HFD-fed WT mice. Thus, these findings suggest that myeloid SIRT1 deletion affects food intake through VMH-specific neurogranin-mediated AMPK signaling and hypothalamic inflammation in mice fed a HFD.  相似文献   

The aim of the present studies was to determine the effects of reduced or absent serotonin (5-HT) transporters (5-HTTs) on 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors. The density of 5-HT2C receptors was significantly increased in the amygdala and choroid plexus of 5-HTT knockout mice. On the other hand, the density of 5-HT2A receptors was significantly increased in the hypothalamus and septum, but reduced in the striatum, of 5-HTT knockout mice. However, 5-HT2A mRNA was not changed in any brain region measured. 5-HT2C mRNA was significantly reduced in the choroid plexus and lateral habenula nucleus of these mice. The function of 5-HT2A receptors was evaluated by hormonal responses to (+/-)-1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-aminopropane (DOI). Oxytocin, but not adrenocorticotrophic hormone or corticosterone, responses to DOI were significantly greater in 5-HTT knockout mice. In addition, Gq and G11 proteins were not significantly changed in any brain region measured. The present results suggest that the constitutive alteration in the function of 5-HTTs changes the density of 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors in a brain region-specific manner. These changes may not be mediated by alterations in their gene expression or in the level of Gq/11 proteins. The alterations in these receptors may be related to the altered behaviors of 5-HTT knockout mice.  相似文献   

5-HT(五羟色胺)能神经元是起源最早的神经元之一,在传统的神经元形成前,成长中的轴突就可释放5-HT,并且通过5-HT的各种亚型受体来实现不同的功能。近年来,随着5-HT、5-HTRs(五羟色胺受体)的基因克隆及5-HT受体选择性激动剂和拮抗剂的研究发展,5-HT系统在学习记忆中的作用越发明确,许多研究结果表明:5-HT系统在记忆的巩固、短时程记忆(STM)及长时程记忆(LTM)中起重要作用,5-HT1A受体更是在非脊椎动物及哺乳动物的脑中都高度表达,并通过相似的信号转导途径参与学习与记忆的形成和巩固。本文将介绍5-HT1A受体、5-HT1A受体激动剂、5-HT1A受体拮抗剂及其与学习记忆的联系,重点综述5-HT1A受体参与学习记忆的信号转导途径研究进展,讨论5-HT1A受体参与学习记忆的可能性分子神经生物学机制。  相似文献   

Food intake is generally assumed to reflect a regulatory tension between homeostatic and hedonic drivers. Information from individuals with memory dysfunction suggests that episodic memory may also play a significant role. We reasoned that if memory influences food intake, then disrupting a genetic factor that is important in episodic memory formation should affect food intake and energy balance. We performed spatial learning tests on neuronal specific endophilin A1 (EENA1) KO mice using the four-arm baited version of the radial arms maze (RAM). Energy regulation has also been evaluated. As anticipated neuronal EENA1 KO mice had impaired spatial memory. However, loss of endophilin A1 did not result in greater food intake, or altered energy absorption efficiency, relative to wild-type (WT) mice, when fed either low or high fat diets. Moreover, loss of EENA1 did not significantly affect other features of energy balance—physical activity and energy expenditure. No statistically significant changes were observed in the expression of hypothalamic neuropeptides related to food intake regulation, or circulating levels of leptin. We conclude that food intake and energy balance are largely governed by homeostatic and hedonic processes, and when these processes are intact memory probably plays a relatively minor role in food intake regulation.  相似文献   

Atypical antipsychotic drugs (APDs), all of which are relatively more potent as serotonin (5-HT)(2A) than dopamine D(2) antagonists, may improve negative symptoms and cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia, in part, via increasing cortical dopamine release. 5-HT(1A) agonism has been also suggested to contribute to the ability to increase cortical dopamine release. The present study tested the hypothesis that clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone, and perhaps other atypical APDs, increase dopamine release in rat medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) via 5-HT(1A) receptor activation, as a result of the blockade of 5-HT(2A) and D(2) receptors. M100907 (0.1 mg/kg), a 5-HT(2A) antagonist, significantly increased the ability of both S:(-)-sulpiride (10 mg/kg), a D(2) antagonist devoid of 5-HT(1A) affinity, and R:(+)-8-OH-DPAT (0.05 mg/kg), a 5-HT(1A) agonist, to increase mPFC dopamine release. These effects of M100907 were abolished by WAY100635 (0.05 mg/kg), a 5-HT(1A) antagonist, which by itself has no effect on mPFC dopamine release. WAY100635 (0.2 mg/kg) also reversed the ability of clozapine (20 mg/kg), olanzapine (1 mg/kg), risperidone (1 mg/kg), and the R:(+)-8-OH-DPAT (0.2 mg/kg) to increase mPFC dopamine release. Clozapine is a direct acting 5-HT(1A) partial agonist, whereas olanzapine and risperidone are not. These results suggest that the atypical APDs via 5-HT(2A) and D(2) receptor blockade, regardless of intrinsic 5-HT(1A) affinity, may promote the ability of 5-HT(1A) receptor stimulation to increase mPFC DA release, and provide additional evidence that coadministration of 5-HT(2A) antagonists and typical APDs, which are D(2) antagonists, may facilitate 5-HT(1A) agonist activity.  相似文献   

Mohanan VV  Khan R  Paulose CS 《Life sciences》2006,78(14):1603-1609
5-HT receptors are predominantly located in the brain and are involved in pancreatic function and cell proliferation through sympathetic nervous system. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of hypothalamic 5-HT, 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptor binding and gene expression in rat model of pancreatic regeneration using 60% pancreatectomy. The pancreatic regeneration was evaluated by 5-HT content, 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptor gene expression in the hypothalamus of sham operated, 72 h and 7 days pancreatectomised rats. 5-HT content was quantified by HPLC. 5-HT1A receptor assay was done by using specific agonist [3H]8-OH DPAT. 5-HT2C receptor assay was done by using specific antagonist [3H]mesulergine. The expression of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptor gene was analyzed by RT-PCR. 5-HT content was higher in the hypothalamus of 72 h pancreatectomised rats. 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptors were down-regulated in the hypothalamus. RT-PCR analysis revealed decreased 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptor mRNA expression. The 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptors gene expression in the 7 days pancreatectomised rats reversed to near sham level. This study is the first to identify 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptor gene expression in the hypothalamus during pancreatic regeneration in rats. Our results suggest the hypothalamic serotonergic receptor functional regulation during pancreatic regeneration.  相似文献   

1.Rat hypothalamic 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA) concentrations are transiently sexually differentiated in the second week postpartum (pp), with higher levels in the female. In this report we investigate the possibility that 5-HT receptors may also exhibit sexual dimorphism in the neonatal period.2.5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors were quantitated by radioligand binding of [3H]ketanserin and [3H]8-OH DPAT, respectively, in hypothalamus and amygdala from male and female rats at days 8–16 pp.3.There was no sexual dimorphism or change in the density of 5-HT2A binding in hypothalamus or amygdala over days 8–16 pp. There was also no sexual dimorphism of 5-HT1A receptors.4.There was an increase in 5-HT1A receptor density in both the hypothalamus and the amygdala. In the hypothalamus, but not the amygdala, this increase was interrupted on day 14 by a decrease in 5-HT1A receptors, which we suggest may be of physiological significance in modifying the eventual pattern of adult agonistic activity.5.The results suggest that the sexual dimorphism in 5-HT turnover is predominantly presynaptic, relating to altered synthesis and/or release, and is not of sufficient magnitude or duration to produce adaptive responses in postsynaptic 5-HT1A or 5-HT2A receptors.  相似文献   

Several fused bicyclic systems have been investigated to serve as the core structure of potent and selective 5-HT1F receptor agonists. Replacement of the indole nucleus in 2 with indazole and ‘inverted’ indazole provided more potent and selective 5-HT1F receptor ligands. Indoline and 1,2-benzisoxazole systems also provided potent 5-HT1F receptor agonists, and the 5-HT1A receptor selectivity of the indoline- and 1,2-benzisoxazole-based 5-HT1F receptor agonists could be improved with modification of the benzoyl moiety of the benzamides. Through these studies, we found that the inherent geometries of the templates, not the nature of hybridization of the linking atom, were important for the 5-HT1F receptor recognition.  相似文献   

An alignment of serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)] G protein-coupled receptors identified a lysine at position 4.45 (helix 4) and a small polar residue (serine or cysteine) at 7.45 (helix 7) that occur exclusively in the 5-HT2 receptor family. Other serotonin receptors have a hydrophobic amino acid, typically a methionine, at 4.45 and an invariant asparagine at 7.45. The functional significance of these class-specific substitutions was tested by site-directed mutagenesis of two distantly related 5-HT2 receptors, Caenorhabditis elegans 5-HT2ce and rat 5-HT2C. Residues 4.45 and 7.45 were each mutated to a methionine and asparagine, respectively, or an alanine and the resulting constructs were tested for activity. A K4.45M mutation decreased serotonin-dependent activity (Emax) of the rat 5-HT2C receptor by 60% and that of the C. elegans homologue by 40%, as determined by a fluorometric plate-based calcium assay. The rat mutant also exhibited nearly sixfold higher agonist binding affinity and significantly lower constitutive activity compared with wildtype. Mutagenesis of S7.45 in the C. elegans receptor increased serotonin binding affinity by up to 25-fold and decreased Emax by up to 65%. The same mutations of the cognate C7.45 in rat 5-HT2C produced a smaller fourfold change in the affinity for serotonin and decreased agonist efficacy by up to 50%. Substitutions of S/C7.45 did not produce a significant change in the basal activity of either receptor. All mutants tested exhibited levels of receptor expression similar to the corresponding wildtype based on measurements of specific [3H]-mesulergine binding or flow cytometry analyses. Taken together, these results suggest that K4.45 and S/C7.45 play an important role in the conformational rearrangements leading to agonist-induced activation of 5-HT2 receptors.  相似文献   

In the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR), extracellular serotonin (5-HT) regulates serotonergic transmission through 5-HT1A autoreceptors. In this work we used in vivo microdialysis to examine the effects of stressful and pharmacological challenges on DR 5-HT efflux in 5-HT1A receptor knockout (5-HT1A-/-) mice and their wild-type counterparts (5-HT1A+/+). Baseline 5-HT concentrations did not differ between both lines of mice, which is consistent with a lack of tonic control of 5-HT1A autoreceptors on DR 5-HT release. (R)-(+)-8-Hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin hydrobromide (8-OH-DPAT, 0.5 mg/kg) reduced 5-HT levels to 30% of basal values in 5-HT1A+/+ mice, but not in 5-HT1A-/- mice. The selective 5-HT1B receptor agonist 1,4-dihydro-3-(1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-4-pyridinyl)-5H-pyrrolo[3,2-b]pyridin-5-one dihydrochloride (CP 93129, 300 micro m) reduced dialysate 5-HT to the same extent (30-40% of baseline) in the two genotypes, which suggests a lack of compensatory changes in 5-HT1B receptors in the DR of such mutant mice. Both a saline injection and handling for 3 min increased DR dialysate 5-HT in mutants, but not in 5-HT1A+/+ mice. Fluoxetine (5 and 20 mg/kg) elevated 5-HT in a dose-dependent manner in both genotypes. However, this effect was markedly more pronounced in the 5-HT1A-/- mice. The increased responsiveness of the extracellular 5-HT in the DR of 5-HT1A receptor knockout mice reflects a lack of the autoinhibitory control exerted by 5-HT1A autoreceptors.  相似文献   

The most commonly prescribed antidepressants, the serotonin (5-HT) selective reuptake inhibitors, increase 5-HT without targeting specific receptors. Yet, little is known about the interaction of multiple receptor subtypes expressed by individual neurons. Specifically, the effect of increases in cAMP induced by Gs-coupled 5-HT receptor subtypes on the signaling pathways modulated by other receptor subtypes has not been studied. We have, therefore, examined the activation of the extracellular-regulated kinase (ERK) and Akt pathways by Gs-coupled 5-HT7A receptors and Gq-coupled 5-HT2A receptors, which are co-expressed in discrete brain regions. Agonists for both receptors were found to activate ERK and Akt in transfected PC12 cells. 5-HT2A receptor-mediated activation of the two pathways was found to be Ca2+-dependent. In contrast, 5-HT7A receptor-mediated activation of Akt required increases in both [cAMP] and intracellular [Ca2+], while activation of ERK was inhibited by Ca2+. The activation of ERK and Akt stimulated by simultaneous treatment of cells with 5-HT2A and 5-HT7A receptor agonists was found to be at least additive. Cell-permeable cAMP analogs mimicked 5-HT7A receptor agonists in enhancing 5-HT2A receptor-mediated activation of ERK and Akt. A role was identified for the cAMP-guanine exchange factor, Epac, in this augmentation of ERK, but not Akt, activation. Our finding of enhanced activation of neuroprotective Akt and ERK pathways by simultaneous occupancy of 5-HT2A and 5-HT7A receptors may also be relevant to the interaction of other neuronally expressed Gq- and Gs-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

Measurements of serotonin (5-HT), dopamine (DA), and noradrenaline, and of 5-HT and DA metabolites, were obtained by HPLC from 16 brain regions and the spinal cord of 5-HT(1A) or 5-HT(1B) knockout and wild-type mice of the 129/Sv strain. In 5-HT(1A) knockouts, 5-HT concentrations were unchanged throughout, but levels of 5-HT metabolites were higher than those of the wild type in dorsal/medial raphe nuclei, olfactory bulb, substantia nigra, and locus coeruleus. This was taken as an indication of increased 5-HT turnover, reflecting an augmented basal activity of midbrain raphe neurons and consequent increase in their somatodendritic and axon terminal release of 5-HT. It provided a likely explanation for the increased anxious-like behavior observed in 5-HT(1A) knockout mice. Concomitant increases in DA content and/or DA turnover were interpreted as the result of a disinhibition of DA, whereas increases in noradrenaline concentration in some territories of projection of the locus coeruleus could reflect a diminished activity of its neurons. In 5-HT(1B) knockouts, 5-HT concentrations were lower than those of the wild type in nucleus accumbens, locus coeruleus, spinal cord, and probably also several other territories of 5-HT innervation. A decrease in DA, associated with increased DA turnover, was measured in nucleus accumbens. These changes in 5-HT and DA metabolism were consistent with the increased aggressiveness and the supersensitivity to cocaine reported in 5-HT(1B) knockout mice. Thus, markedly different alterations in CNS monoamine metabolism may contribute to the opposite behavioral phenotypes of these two knockouts.  相似文献   

The coloned 5-HT1A receptor, stably expressed in HeLa cells, has been shown to mediate the effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) to inhibit cAMP formation and to stimulate the hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol. Both responses were found to be pertussis toxin sensitive. We have examined these two responses in membranes derived from these cells and show that the 5-HT1A receptor can directly regulate the activity of adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase C in response to agonist. In order to examine whether the same or distinct guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein(s) (G protein) are involved in these two signal transduction pathways, we used anti-peptide antibodies recognizing the -subunits of Gi1, Gi2, Gi3 as specific tools, since these pertussis toxin substrates are expressed in HeLa cells. These antibodies have previously been shown to prevent receptor-G protein coupling by binding to the regions of G proteins which are putatively involved in interaction with receptors. Our results indicate that the Gi proteins, but preferentially G3, mediate the effects of 5-HT both to inhibit adenylyl cyclase and to stimulate phospholipase C. These findings demonstrate that the same receptor interacting with the same C protein can regulate several distinct effector molecules.  相似文献   

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