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Periosteum-derived progenitor cells (PDPCs) could be differentiated into cartilage using atelocollagen as a carrier and in the presence of transforming growth factor-β3 (TGF-β3). Chondrogenesis was verified by RT-PCR and Western blotting. Expression of the type II collagen mRNA was found from the differentiated PDPCs in atelocollagen 3 weeks after chondrogenic induction. The chondrogenic potential of the PDPCs was also verified by histochemical staining for type II collagen protein. Increased production of glycosaminoglycan shows that the PDPCs in atelocollagen could differentiate into chondrocytes under a chondrogenic environment. PDPCs can therefore be used as a cell source for cell-based therapies targeted toward the articular cartilage of the knee.  相似文献   

Developing cartilaginous and ossified skeletal anlagen is encapsulated within a membranous sheath of flattened, elongated cells called, respectively, the perichondrium and the periosteum. These periskeletal tissues are organized in distinct morphological layers that have been proposed to support distinct functions. Classical experiments, particularly those using an in vitro organ culture system, demonstrated that these tissues play important roles in regulating the differentiation of the subjacent skeletal elements. However, there has been a lack of molecular markers that would allow analysis of these interactions. To understand the molecular bases for the roles played by the periskeletal tissues, we generated microarrays from perichondrium and periosteum cDNA libraries and used them to compare the gene expression profiles of these two tissues. In situ hybridization analysis of genes identified on the microarrays revealed many unique markers for these tissues and demonstrated that the histologically distinct layers of the perichondrium and periosteum are associated with distinct molecular expression domains. Moreover our marker analysis identified new domains that had not been previously recognized as distinct within these tissues as well as a previously uncharacterized molecular domain along the lateral edges of the adjacent developing cartilage that experimental analysis showed to be dependent upon the perichondrium.  相似文献   

In developing long bones, the growing cartilage and bone are surrounded by the fibrous perichondrium (PC) and periosteum (PO), respectively, which provide cells for the appositional growth (i.e., growth in diameter) of these tissues. Also during the longitudinal growth of a bone, the cartilage is continuously replaced by bony tissue, giving rise to the widely held assumption that the PC concomitantly gives rise to the PO. Except for this morphological correlate, however, no evidence exists for a direct conversion of PC cells to PO cells, and our observations presented here question this assumption. Instead, we have obtained evidence suggesting that a previously undescribed region exists between the PC and PO. This region, termed the border region (BR), has several unique characteristics which distinguish it from either the PC or PO, including (1) its lack of being determined to differentiate as either cartilage or bone, (2) its ability to preferentially elicit the invasion of blood vessels, and (3) its ability to undergo preferential growth.  相似文献   

Successful fracture healing requires the simultaneous regeneration of both the bone and vasculature; mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) are directed to replace the bone tissue, while endothelial progenitor cells(EPCs) form the new vasculature that supplies blood to the fracture site. In the elderly, the healing process is slowed, partly due to decreased regenerative function of these stem and progenitor cells. MSCs from older individuals are impaired with regard to cell number, proliferative capacity, ability to migrate, and osteochondrogenic differentiation potential. The proliferation, migration and function of EPCs are also compromised with advanced age. Although the reasons for cellular dysfunction with age are complex and multidimensional, reduced expression of growth factors, accumulation of oxidative damage from reactive oxygen species,and altered signaling of the Sirtuin-1 pathway are contributing factors to aging at the cellular level of both MSCs and EPCs. Because of these geriatric-specific issues, effective treatment for fracture repair may require new therapeutic techniques to restore cellular function. Some suggested directions for potential treatments include cellular therapies, pharmacological agents, treatments targeting age-related molecular mechanisms, and physical therapeutics.Advanced age is the primary risk factor for a fracture, due to the low bone mass and inferior bone quality associated with aging; a better understanding of the dysfunctional behavior of the aging cell will provide a foundation for new treatments to decrease healing time and reduce the development of complications during the extended recovery from fracture healing in the elderly.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) regulates many of the factors responsible for controlling the development of bone marrow progenitor cells (BMPCs). The aim of this study was to elucidate the role of GH in osteogenic differentiation of BMPCs using GH receptor null mice (GHRKO). BMPCs from GHRKO and their wild-type (WT) littermates were quantified by flow cytometry and their osteogenic differentiation in vitro was determined by cell morphology, real-time RT-PCR, and biochemical analyses. We found that freshly harvested GHRKO marrow contains 3% CD34 (hematopoietic lineage), 43.5% CD45 (monocyte/macrophage lineage), and 2.5% CD106 positive (CFU-F/BMPC) cells compared to 11.2%, 45%, and 3.4% positive cells for (WT) marrow cells, respectively. When cultured for 14 days under conditions suitable for CFU-F expansion, GHRKO marrow cells lost CD34 positivity, and were markedly reduced for CD45, but 3- to 4-fold higher for CD106. While WT marrow cells also lost CD34 expression, they maintained CD45 and increased CD106 levels by 16-fold. When BMPCs from GHRKO mice were cultured under osteogenic conditions, they failed to elongate, in contrast to WT cells. Furthermore, GHRKO cultures expressed less alkaline phosphatase, contained less mineralized calcium, and displayed lower osteocalcin expression than WT cells. However, GHRKO cells displayed similar or higher expression of cbfa-1, collagen I, and osteopontin mRNA compared to WT. In conclusion, we show that GH has an effect on the proportions of hematopoietic and mesenchymal progenitor cells in the bone marrow, and that GH is essential for both the induction and later progression of osteogenesis.  相似文献   

Notch receptor plays a crucial role in proliferation and differentiation of many cell types. To elucidate the function of Notch signaling in osteogenesis, we transfected the constitutively active Notch1 (Notch intracellular domain, NICD) into two different osteoblastic mesenchymal cell lines, KusaA and KusaO, and examined the changes of their osteogenic potentials. In NICD stable transformants (KusaA(NICD) and KusaO(NICD)), osteogenic properties including alkaline phosphatase activity, expression of osteocalcin and type I collagen, and in vitro calcification were suppressed. Transient transfection of NICD attenuated the promoter activities of Cbfa1 and Ose2 element. KusaA was capable of forming trabecular bone-like tissues when injected into mouse abdomen, but this in vivo bone forming activity was significantly suppressed in KusaA(NICD). Osteoclasts were induced in the KusaA-derived bone-like tissues, but lacked in the KusaA(NICD)-derived tissues. These results suggest that Notch signaling suppresses the osteoblastic differentiation of mesenchymal progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Attenuating oxidative stress‐induced damage and promoting endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) differentiation are critical for ischaemic injuries. We suggested monotropein (Mtp), a bioactive constituent used in traditional Chinese medicine, can inhibit oxidative stress‐induced mitochondrial dysfunction and stimulate bone marrow‐derived EPC (BM‐EPC) differentiation. Results showed Mtp significantly elevated migration and tube formation of BM‐EPCs and prevented tert‐butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP)‐induced programmed cell death through apoptosis and autophagy by reducing intracellular reactive oxygen species release and restoring mitochondrial membrane potential, which may be mediated viamTOR/p70S6K/4EBP1 and AMPK phosphorylation. Moreover, Mtp accelerated wound healing in rats, as indicated by reduced healing times, decreased macrophage infiltration and increased blood vessel formation. In summary, Mtp promoted mobilization and differentiation of BM‐EPCs and protected against apoptosis and autophagy by suppressing the AMPK/mTOR pathway, improving wound healing in vivo. This study revealed that Mtp is a potential therapeutic for endothelial injury‐related wounds.  相似文献   

Bmi‐1 gene is well recognized as an oncogene, but has been recently demonstrated to play a role in the self‐renewal of tissue‐specific stem cells. By using Bmi‐1GFP/+ mice, we investigated the role of Bmi‐1 in cardiac stem/progenitor cells and myocardial repair. RT‐PCR and flow cytometry analysis indicated that the expression of Bmi‐1 was significantly higher in cardiac side population than the main population from CD45?Ter119?CD31? heart cells. More Sca‐1+ cardiac stem/progenitor cells were found in Bmi‐1 GFPhi subpopulation, and these Bmi‐1 GFPhi heart cells showed the potential of differentiation into SMM+ smooth muscle‐like cells and TnT+ cardiomyocyte‐like cells in vitro. The silencing of Bmi‐1 significantly inhibited the proliferation and differentiation of heart cells. Otherwise, myocardial infarction induced a significantly increase (2.7‐folds) of Bmi‐1 GFPhi population, mainly within the infarction and border zones. These preliminary data suggest that Bmi‐1hi heart cells are enriched in cardiac stem/progenitor cells and may play a role in myocardial repair.  相似文献   

Cell based therapy has been shown to attenuate myocardial dysfunction after myocardial infarction (MI) in different acute and chronic animal models. It has been further shown that stromal‐cell derived factor‐1α (SDF‐1α) facilitates proliferation and migration of endogenous progenitor cells into injured tissue. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of exogenously applied and endogenously mobilized cells in a regenerative strategy for MI therapy. Lentivirally SDF‐1α‐infected endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) were injected after 90 min. of ligation and reperfusion of the left anterior descending artery (LAD) intramyocardial and intracoronary using a new rodent catheter system. Eight weeks after transplantation, echocardiography and isolated heart studies revealed a significant improvement of LV function after intramyocardial application of lentiviral with SDF‐1 infected EPCs compared to medium control. Intracoronary application of cells did not lead to significant differences compared to medium injected control hearts. Histology showed a significantly elevated rate of apoptotic cells and augmented proliferation after transplantation of EPCs and EPCs + SDF‐1α in infarcted myocardium. In addition, a significant increased density of CD31+ vessel structures, a lower collagen content and higher numbers of inflammatory cells after transplantation of SDF‐1 transgenic cells were detectable. Intramyocardial application of lentiviral‐infected EPCs is associated with a significant improvement of myocardial function after infarction, in contrast to an intracoronary application. Histological results revealed a significant augmentation of neovascularization, lower collagen content, higher numbers of inflammatory cells and remarkable alterations of apoptotic/proliferative processes in infarcted areas after cell transplantation.  相似文献   

Although osteoblasts (OB) play a key role in the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) niche, little is known as to which specific OB lineage cells are critical for the enhancement of stem and progenitor cell function. Unlike hematopoietic cells, OB cell surface phenotypic definitions are not well developed. Therefore, to determine which OB lineage cells are most important for hematopoietic progenitor cell (HPC) function, we characterized OB differentiation by gene expression and OB function, and determined whether associations existed between OB and HPC properties. OB were harvested from murine calvariae, used immediately (fresh OB) or cultured for 1, 2, or 3 weeks prior to their co‐culture with Lin?Sca1+c‐kit+ (LSK) cells for 1 week. OB gene expression, alkaline phosphatase activity, calcium deposition, hematopoietic cell number fold increase, CFU fold increase, and fold increase of Lin?Sca1+ cells were determined. As expected, HPC properties were enhanced when LSK cells were cultured with OB compared to being cultured alone. Initial alkaline phosphatase and calcium deposition levels were significantly and inversely associated with an increase in the number of LSK progeny. Final calcium deposition levels and OB culture duration were inversely associated with all HPC parameters, while Runx2 levels were positively associated with all HPC properties. Since calcium deposition is associated with OB maturation and high levels of Runx2 are associated with less mature OB lineage cells, these results suggest that less mature OB better promote HPC proliferation and function than do more mature OB. J. Cell. Biochem. 111: 284–294, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cell therapy applied to wound healing or tissue regeneration presents a revolutionary realm to which principles of gene engineering and delivery may be applied. One promising application is the transplantation of cells into the wounded tissue to help the tissue repair. However, when cells are transplanted fromin vitro toin vivo, immune rejection occurs due to the immune response triggered by the activation of T-cell, and the transplanted cells are destroyed by the attack of activated T-cell and lose their function. Immune suppressant such as FK506 is commonly used to suppress immune rejection during transplantation. However, such kind of immune suppressants not only suppresses immune rejection in the periphery of transplanted cells but also suppresses whole immune response system against pathogenic infection. In order to solve this problem, we developed a method to protect the desired cells from immune rejection without impairing whole immune system during cell transplantation. Previously, we reported the success of constructing glomerular epithelial cells for removal of immune complex, in which complement receptor of type 1 (CR1) was over-expressed on the membrane of renal glomerular epithelial cells and could bind immune complex of DNA/anti-DNA-antibody to remove immune complex through phagocytosis [1]. Attempting to apply the CR1-expressing cells to cell therapy and evade immune rejection during cell transplantation, we constructed three plasmids containing genes encoding a soluble fusion protein of cytolytic T lymphocyte associated antigen-4 (CTLA4Ig) and an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). The plasmids were transfected to the above-mentioned glomerular epithelial cells to express both genes simultaneously. Using the clone cells for cell transplantation showed that mice with autoimmune disease prolonged their life significantly as compared with the control mice, and two injections of the cells at the beginning of two weeks resulted in remarkable survivability, whereas it requires half a year and 50 administrations of proteins purified from the same amount of cells to achieve the same effect.  相似文献   

Neutrotrophin-3 (NT3) plays a protective role in injured central nervous system tissues through interaction with trk receptors. To enhance the regeneration of damaged tissue, a combination therapy with cell transplantation and neurotrophins has been under development. We examined whether the transplantation of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) secreting NT3/D15A, a multi-neurotrophin with the capacity to bind both trkB and trkC, would enhance the repair of damaged tissues and the functional recovery in a chronic phase of spinal cord injury. The cultured NPCs with lentiviral vector containing either GFP or NT3/D15A were transplanted into the contused spinal cord at 6 weeks after the initial thoracic injury. Eight weeks after the transplantation, the NT3/D15A transplants displayed better survival than the GFP transplants, and they exhibited enhanced myelin formation and partial improvement of hindlimb function. Our study revealed that NT3/D15A produced positive effects in injured spinal cords even in the chronic phase. These effects suggest an enhanced neurotrophin-trk signaling by NT3/D15A.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play a dual role as a factor in both bone and cartilage development and correspondingly have the therapeutic potential to regenerate both tissues. Given this dual nature, previous in vitro research using BMPs has relied on distinct media formulations and culture conditions to drive undifferentiated cells to the osteogenic or chondrogenic lineage. To isolate the impact of culture conditions and to explore the effect of BMP-6 on murine adipose-derived mesenchymal cells (ASCs), ASCs were seeded in either monolayer or pellets in an identical medium containing BMP-6. Results indicate that BMP-6 differentially promotes osteogenesis and chondrogenesis in ASCs depending on culture conditions. BMP-6 potently induced alkaline phosphatase activity and mineralization in ASCs cultured in monolayer conditions. In contrast, BMP-6 enhanced proteoglycan accumulation in ASCs seeded in chondrogenic pellet culture. A comparison of gene expression suggests that the differentiating effect of BMP-6 is specific to the particular culture condition. This study highlights the importance of the interactions between chemical signaling and microenvironmental cues in directing cell fate.  相似文献   

From unfractionated embryonic mice liver cells, appreciable amount of spherical bodies containing nestin-positive cells were generated in the presence of neuronal growth factors. Following cultivation on poly-d-lysine/laminin-coated slips, approximately 70% of the cells expressed neuronal markers, and 16% had long processes. Functional analysis of these long-process-bearing cells with the whole-cell patch clamp method showed an inward current in response to glutamate, GABA, and serotonin as the neuronal characteristics. Furthermore, regenerating liver in adult mice also contained nestin-positive cells to the same extent as fetal liver. Regenerating liver could have potential as a source of neural cells for autologous transplantation.  相似文献   

Urothelial cells are specialized epithelial cells in the bladder that serve as a barrier toward excreted urine. The urothelium consists of superficial cells (most differentiated cells), intermediate cells, and basal cells; the latter have been considered as urothelium progenitor cells. In this study, BrdU or EdU was administrated to pregnant mice during E8–E13 for 2 consecutive days when bladder development occurs. The presence of label retaining cells was investigated in bladders from offspring. In 6 months old mice ~1% of bladder cells retained labeling. Stem cell markers as defined for other tissues (e.g., p63, CD44, CD117, trop2) co-localized or were in close vicinity to label retaining cells, but they were not uniquely limited to these cells. Remarkably, label retaining cells were distributed in all three cell layers (p63+, CK7+, and CK20+) of the urothelium and concentrated in the bladder trigone. This study demonstrates that bladder progenitor cells are present in all cell layers and reside mostly in the trigone. Understanding the geographic location of slow cycling cells provides crucial information for tissue regenerative purposes in the future.  相似文献   

Retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) hold great potential for the treatment of retinal degenerative diseases. However, their proliferation capacity and differentiation potential towards specific retinal neurons are limited, which limit their future clinical applications. Thus, it is important to improve the RPCs’ ability to proliferate and differentiate. Currently, epidermal growth factor (EGF) is commonly used to stimulate RPC growth in vitro. In this study, we find that betacellulin (BTC), a member of the EGF family, plays important roles in the proliferation and differentiation of RPCs. Our results showed that BTC can significantly promote the proliferation of RPCs more efficiently than EGF. EGF stimulated RPC proliferation through the EGFR/ErbB2‐Erk pathway, while BTC stimulated RPC proliferation more powerfully through the EGFR/ErbB2/ErbB4‐Akt/Erk pathway. Meanwhile, under differentiated conditions, the BTC‐pre‐treated RPCs were preferentially differentiated into retinal neurons, including photoreceptors, one of the most important types of cells for retinal cell replacement therapy, compared to the EGF‐pre‐treated RPCs. In addition, knockdown of endogenous BTC expression can also obviously promote RPC differentiation into retinal neuronal cells. This data demonstrate that BTC plays important roles in promoting RPC proliferation and differentiation into retinal neurons. This study may provide new insights into the study of RPC proliferation and differentiation and make a step towards the application of RPCs in the treatment of retinal degenerative diseases.  相似文献   

内皮祖细胞在炎症损伤修复中的作用和机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄河  汤耀卿 《生命科学》2008,20(2):225-230
内皮祖细胞(endothelial progenitor cells,EPCs)是出生后,可以在机体内分化为成熟内皮细胞的一种前体细胞,主要来源于骨髓。多种伴有血管内皮细胞损伤的疾病都可引起外周血EPCs数量变化。有研究显示EPCs参与炎性损伤修复,并且外周血EPCs数量与血管内皮损伤程度和疾病预后存在一定的相关关系。EPCs。通过动员、迁移、归巢和分化等步骤修复内皮。炎症反应中受损组织释放的基质细胞衍生因子、血管内皮生长因子可与EPCs相应的受体结合,通过内皮型一氧化氮合酶、基质金属蛋白酶9等途径调节内皮修复过程,这是EPCs分化为内皮细胞过程的主要调控机制。此外,EPCs还可通过旁分泌机制促进相邻的内皮细胞增殖分化。目前,EPCs在炎症领域仅用于内皮炎性损伤和疾病预后评估,但是EPCs在心血管疾病和组织工程领域应用研究的成功,为EPCs在炎症反应的诊断和治疗提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

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