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OBJECTIVES: Recently, Atuegwu et al. proposed a mathematical model based on ADCmean and ADCmin to calculation of cellularity. Our purpose was to compare the calculated cellularity according to the formula with the estimated cell count by histopathology in different tumors. METHODS: For this study, we re-analyzed our previous data regarding associations between ADC parameters and histopathological findings. Overall, 134 patients with different tumors were acquired for the analysis. For all tumors, the number of tumor cells was calculated according to Atuegwu et al. 2013. We performed a correlation analysis between the calculated and estimated cellularity. Thereby, Pearson's correlation coefficient was used and P < .05 was taken to indicate statistical significance in all instances. RESULTS: The estimated and calculated cellularity correlated well together in HNSCC (r = 0.701, P = .016) and lymphomas (r = 0.661, P = .001), and moderately in rectal cancer (r = 0.510, P = .036). There were no statistically significant correlations between the estimated and calculated cellularity in uterine cervical cancer, meningiomas, and in thyroid cancer. CONCLUSION: The proposed formula for cellularity calculation does not apply for all tumors. It may be used for HNSCC, cerebral lymphomas and rectal cancer, but not for uterine cervical cancer, meningioma, and thyroid cancer. Furthermore, its usefulness should be proved for other tumors.  相似文献   

OBJECT: Our purpose was to provide data regarding relationships between different imaging and histopathological parameters in HNSCC. METHODS: MEDLINE library was screened for associations between different imaging parameters and histopathological features in HNSCC up to December 2017. Only papers containing correlation coefficients between different imaging parameters and histopathological findings were acquired for the analysis. RESULTS: Associations between 18F-FDG positron emission tomography (PET) and KI 67 were reported in 8 studies (236 patients). The pooled correlation coefficient was 0.20 (95% CI = [?0.04; 0.44]). Furthermore, in 4 studies (64 patients), associations between 18F-fluorothymidine PET and KI 67 were analyzed. The pooled correlation coefficient between SUVmax and KI 67 was 0.28 (95% CI = [?0.06; 0.94]). In 2 studies (23 patients), relationships between KI 67 and dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging were reported. The pooled correlation coefficient between Ktrans and KI 67 was ?0.68 (95% CI = [?0.91; ?0.44]). Two studies (31 patients) investigated correlation between apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and KI 67. The pooled correlation coefficient was ?0.61 (95% CI = [?0.84; ?0.38]). In 2 studies (117 patients), relationships between 18F-FDG PET and p53 were analyzed. The pooled correlation coefficient was 0.0 (95% CI = [?0.87; 0.88]). There were 3 studies (48 patients) that investigated associations between ADC and tumor cell count in HNSCC. The pooled correlation coefficient was ?0.53 (95% CI = [?0.74; ?0.32]). Associations between 18F-FDG PET and HIF-1α were investigated in 3 studies (72 patients). The pooled correlation coefficient was 0.44 (95% CI = [?0.20; 1.08]). CONCLUSIONS: ADC may predict cell count and proliferation activity, and SUVmax may predict expression of HIF-1α in HNSCC. SUVmax cannot be used as surrogate marker for expression of KI 67 and p53.  相似文献   

Low grade meningiomas have better prognosis than high grade meningiomas. The aim of this study was to measure apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) histogram analysis parameters in different meningiomas in a large multicenter sample and to analyze the possibility of several parameters for predicting tumor grade and proliferation potential. Overall, 148 meningiomas from 7 institutions were evaluated in this retrospective study. Grade 1 lesions were diagnosed in 101 (68.2%) cases, grade 2 in 41 (27.7%) patients, and grade 3 in 6 (4.1%) patients. All tumors were investigated by MRI (1.5 T scanner) by using diffusion weighted imaging (b values of 0 and 1000 s/mm2). For every lesion, the following parameters were calculated: mean ADC, maximum ADC, minimum ADC, median ADC, mode ADC, ADC percentiles P10, P25, P75, P90, kurtosis, skewness, and entropy. The comparison of ADC values was performed by Mann–Whitney-U test. Correlation between different ADC parameters and KI 67 was calculated by Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Grade 2/3 meningiomas showed statistically significant lower ADC histogram analysis parameters in comparison to grade 1 tumors, especially ADC median. A threshold value of 0.82 for ADC median to predict tumor grade was estimated (sensitivity?=?82.2%, specificity?=?63.8%, accuracy?=?76.4%, positive and negative predictive values were 83% and 62.5%, respectively).All ADC parameters except maximum ADC showed weak significant correlations with KI 67, especially ADC P25 (P?=??.340, P?=?.0001).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE MRI) can characterize perfusion and vascularization of tissues. DCE MRI parameters can differentiate between malignant and benign lesions and predict tumor grading. The purpose of this study was to correlate DCE MRI findings and various histopathological parameters in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixteen patients with histologically proven HNSCC (11 cases primary tumors and in 5 patients with local tumor recurrence) were included in the study. DCE imaging was performed in all cases and the following parameters were estimated: Ktrans, Ve, Kep, and iAUC. The tumor proliferation index was estimated on Ki 67 antigen stained specimens. Microvessel density parameters (stained vessel area, total vessel area, number of vessels, and mean vessel diameter) were estimated on CD31 antigen stained specimens. Spearman''s non-parametric rank sum correlation coefficients were calculated between DCE and different histopathological parameters. RESULTS: The mean values of DCE perfusion parameters were as follows: Ktrans 0.189 ± 0.056 min−1, Kep 0.390 ± 0.160 min−1, Ve 0.548 ± 0.119%, and iAUC 22.40 ± 12.57. Significant correlations were observed between Kep and stained vessel areas (r = 0.51, P = .041) and total vessel areas (r = 0.5118, P = .043); between Ve and mean vessel diameter (r = −0.59, P = .017). Cell count had a tendency to correlate with Ve (r = −0.48, P = .058). In an analysis of the primary HNSCC only, a significant inverse correlation between Ktrans and KI 67 was identified (r = −0.62, P = .041). Our analysis showed significant correlations between DCE parameters and histopathological findings in HNSCC.Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE MRI) has been reported as a technique which is able to characterize perfusion and vascularization of tissues [1], [2]. It has been shown that DCE MRI can be helpful to differentiate between malignant and benign lesions [1]. For example, Yuan et al. reported that lung cancer had a larger volume transfer constant (Ktrans) and a lower volume of the extravascular extracellular leakage space (Ve) in comparison to benign lesions [3]. Similar results were reported by Li et al. for breast lesions [4]. Furthermore, according to Cho et al., DCE MRI parameters can be used to distinguish prostatic cancer from benign changes [5]. Moreover, DCE MRI parameters can also predict tumor grading. As reported previously, Ktrans correlated well with Gleason score in prostatic cancer [5], [6]. According to other reports, Ktrans and Ve correlated with glioma grade [7], [8].DCE MRI parameters were also associated with prognosis in several malignancies [9], [10]. Koo et al. showed that breast cancers with higher Ktrans or lower Ve had poor prognostic factors and were often of the triple-negative subtype [10].According to the literature, DCE MRI parameters can predict response to therapy in different tumors. For instance, some authors mentioned that low pretreatment Ktrans in regional lymph node metastases in head and neck cancer was associated with a poor response to concurrent chemoradiation therapy [11].Furthermore, Andersen et al. showed that DCE MR parameters obtained prior to chemoradiotherapy predicted survival of patients with cervical cancer [12].Presumably, DCE MRI parameters may be based on tissue composition, such as cellularity and vascular density. However, in this regard there are contradictory data in the literature. While some studies identified significant correlations between DCE MRI and histopathological parameters, others did not [13], [14], [15], [16].The purpose of this study was to correlate DCE MRI findings and various histopathological parameters in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC).  相似文献   

OBJECT: Thyroid cancer represents the most frequent malignancy of the endocrine system with an increasing incidence worldwide. Novel imaging techniques are able to further characterize tumors and even predict histopathology features. Texture analysis is an emergent imaging technique to extract extensive data from an radiology images. The present study was therefore conducted to identify possible associations between texture analysis and histopathology parameters in thyroid cancer. METHODS: The radiological database was retrospectively reviewed for thyroid carcinoma. Overall, 13 patients (3 females, 23.1%) with a mean age of 61.6 years were identified. The MaZda program was used for texture analysis. The T1-precontrast and T2-weighted images were analyzed and overall 279 texture feature for each sequence was investigated. For every patient cell count, Ki67-index and p53 count were investigated. RESULTS: Several significant correlations between texture features and histopathology were identified. Regarding T1-weighted images, S(0;1)Sum Averg correlated the most with cell count (r = 0.82). An inverse correlations with S(5;0)AngScMom, S(5;0)DifVarnc S(5;0), DiffEntrp and GrNonZeros (r = ?0.69, ?0.66, ?0.69 and ?0.63, respectively) was also identified. For T2-weighted images, Variance with r = 0.63 was the highest coefficient, WavEnLL_S3 correlated inversely with cell count (r = ?0.57). WavEnLL_S2 derived from T1-weighted images was the highest coefficient r = ?0.80, S(0;5)SumVarnc was positively with r = 0.74. Regarding T2-weighted images WavEnHL_s-1 was inverse correlated with Ki67 index (r = ?0.77). S(1;0)Correlat was with r = 0.75 the best correlation with Ki67 index. For T1-weighed images S(5;0)SumofSqs was the best with r = 0.65 with p53 count. For T2-weighted images S(1;?1)SumEntrp was the inverse correlation with r = ?0.72, whereas S(0;4)AngScMom correlated positively with r = 0.63. CONCLUSIONS: MRI texture analysis derived from conventional sequences reflects histopathology features in thyroid cancer. This technique might be a novel noninvasive modality to further characterize thyroid cancer in clinical oncology.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) quantifies motion of hydrogen nuclei in biological tissues and hereby has been used to assess the underlying tissue microarchitecture. Histogram-profiling of DWI provides more detailed information on diffusion characteristics of a lesion than the standardly calculated values of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)—minimum, mean and maximum. Hence, the aim of our study was to investigate, which parameters of histogram-profiling of DWI in primary central nervous system lymphoma can be used to specifically predict features like cellular density, chromatin content and proliferative activity. PROCEDURES: Pre-treatment ADC maps of 21 PCNSL patients (8 female, 13 male, 28–89 years) from a 1.5T system were used for Matlab-based histogram profiling. Results of histopathology (H&E staining) and immunohistochemistry (Ki-67 expression) were quantified. Correlations between histogram-profiling parameters and neuropathologic examination were calculated using SPSS 23.0. RESULTS: The lower percentiles (p10 and p25) showed significant correlations with structural parameters of the neuropathologic examination (cellular density, chromatin content). The highest percentile, p90, correlated significantly with Ki-67 expression, resembling proliferative activity. Kurtosis of the ADC histogram correlated significantly with cellular density. CONCLUSIONS: Histogram-profiling of DWI in PCNSL provides a comprehensible set of parameters, which reflect distinct tumor-architectural and tumor-biological features, and hence, are promising biomarkers for treatment response and prognosis.  相似文献   

Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) was performed at the University of Missouri Research Reactor in mice bearing CT26 colon carcinoma flank tumors and the results were compared with previously performed studies with mice bearing EMT6 breast cancer flank tumors. Mice were implanted with CT26 tumors subcutaneously in the caudal flank and were given two separate tail vein injections of unilamellar liposomes composed of cholesterol, 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycer-3-phosphocholine, and K[nido-7-CH3(CH2)15–7,8-C2B9H11] in the lipid bilayer and encapsulated Na3[1-(2`-B10H9)-2-NH3B10H8] within the liposomal core. Mice were irradiated 30 hours after the second injection in a thermal neutron beam for various lengths of time. The tumor size was monitored daily for 72 days. Despite relatively lower tumor boron concentrations, as compared to EMT6 tumors, a 45 minute neutron irradiation BNCT resulted in complete resolution of the tumors in 50% of treated mice, 50% of which never recurred. Median time to tumor volume tripling was 38 days in BNCT treated mice, 17 days in neutron-irradiated mice given no boron compounds, and 4 days in untreated controls. Tumor response in mice with CT26 colon carcinoma was markedly more pronounced than in previous reports of mice with EMT6 tumors, a difference which increased with dose. The slope of the dose response curve of CT26 colon carcinoma tumors is 1.05 times tumor growth delay per Gy compared to 0.09 times tumor growth delay per Gy for EMT6 tumors, indicating that inherent radiosensitivity of tumors plays a role in boron neutron capture therapy and should be considered in the development of clinical applications of BNCT in animals and man.  相似文献   

Oral administration of bis(tri-n-butyltin)oxide, an important organotin biocidal agent, produces a substantial elevation in heme oxygenase activity when measured at 16 hours in rat small intestine. An apparent Km for hemin of 100 microM is the same in both control and the organotin-induced 9,000 X g supernatant preparations. Concomitant with elevated heme oxygenase activity there occurs a substantial reduction in benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylase activity (approximately 20% of controls) and cytochrome P-450 concentration (approximately 60% of controls). These perturbations of heme metabolism in intestinal epithelium of the rat define an important new toxicological effect of organotins and raise the possibility that concurrent oral ingestion of environmental pollutants can directly affect the cytochrome P-450-dependent metabolism of other chemicals in the intestine.  相似文献   

The carboxypeptidase inhibitor from potatoes has been used to demonstrate the utility of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the determination of the primary structure of such large polypeptides. Two mixtures of oligopeptide fragments, obtained by limited acid hydrolysis and enzymatic digestion of this polypeptide, were transformed into the corresponding mixtures of O-trimethyl-silylated trifluoro-dideuteroethyl polyamino alcohols which were then analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The resulting mass spectral and retention index data allowed the identification of 61 oligopeptide fragments which were assembled by the computer by positioning all 39 amino acid residues in a unique sequence (with the exception of the assignment of the primary amide groups of Asn and Gln).  相似文献   

DDX3 is an RNA helicase with oncogenic properties. The small molecule inhibitor RK-33 is designed to fit into the ATP binding cleft of DDX3 and hereby block its activity. RK-33 has shown potent activity in preclinical cancer models. However, the mechanism behind the antineoplastic activity of RK-33 remains largely unknown. In this study we used a dual phosphoproteomic and single cell tracking approach to evaluate the effect of RK-33 on cancer cells. MDA-MB-435 cells were treated for 24?hours with RK-33 or vehicle control. Changes in phosphopeptide abundance were analyzed with quantitative mass spectrometry using isobaric mass tags (Tandem Mass Tags). At the proteome level we mainly observed changes in mitochondrial translation, cell division pathways and proteins related to cell cycle progression. Analysis of the phosphoproteome indicated decreased CDK1 activity after RK-33 treatment. To further evaluate the effect of DDX3 inhibition on cell cycle progression over time, we performed timelapse microscopy of Fluorescent Ubiquitin Cell Cycle Indicators labeled cells after RK-33 or siDDX3 exposure. Single cell tracking indicated that DDX3 inhibition resulted in a global delay in cell cycle progression in interphase and mitosis. In addition, we observed an increase in endoreduplication. Overall, we conclude that DDX3 inhibition affects cells in all phases and causes a global cell cycle progression delay.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate whether contrast enhancement on cone-beam breast-CT (CBBCT) could aid in discrimination of breast cancer subtypes and receptor status. METHODS: This study included female patients age >40 years with malignant breast lesions identified on contrast-enhanced CBBCT. Contrast enhancement of malignant breast lesions was standardized to breast fat tissue contrast enhancement. All breast lesions were approved via image-guided biopsy or surgery. Immunohistochemical staining was conducted for expression of estrogen (ER), progesterone (PR), human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) and Ki-67 index. Contrast enhancement of breast lesions was correlated with immunohistochemical breast cancer subtypes (Luminal A, Luminal B, HER2 positive, triple negative), receptor status and Ki-67 expression. RESULTS: Highest contrast enhancement was seen for Luminal A lesions (93.6 HU) compared to Luminal B lesions (47.6 HU, P = .002), HER2 positive lesions (83.5 HU, P = .359) and triple negative lesions (45.3 HU, P = .005). Contrast enhancement of HER2 positive lesions was higher than Luminal B lesions (P = .044) and triple negative lesions (P = .039). No significant difference was evident between Luminal B and triple negative lesions (P = .439). Lesions with high Ki-67 index showed lower contrast enhancement than those with low Ki-67 index (P = .0043). ER, PR and HER2 positive lesions demonstrated higher contrast enhancement than their receptor negative counterparts, although differences did not reach statistical significance (P = .1714; P = .3603; P = .2166). CONCLUSIONS: Contrast enhancement of malignant breast lesions on CBBCT correlates with immunohistochemical subtype and proliferative potential. Thereby, CBBCT might aid in selecting individualized treatment strategies for breast cancer patients based on pre-operative imaging.  相似文献   

Purpose: To compare the T staging of potentially resectable esophageal cancer using free-breathing radial VIBE (r-VIBE) and breath-hold Cartesian VIBE (C-VIBE), with pathologic confirmation of the T stage. Materials and Methods: Fifty patients with endoscopically proven esophageal cancer and indeterminate T1/T2/T3 stage by CT scan were examined on a 3-T scanner. The MRI protocol included C-VIBE at 150 seconds post–IV contrast, immediately followed by a work-in-progress r-VIBE with identical spatial resolution (1.1 mm × 1.1 mm × 3.0 mm). Two independent readers assigned a T stage on MRI according to the 7th edition of UICC-AJCC TNM Classification, and postoperative pathologic confirmation was considered the gold standard. Interreader agreement was also calculated. Results: The T staging agreement between both VIBE techniques and postoperative pathologic T staging was 52% (26/50) for C-VIBE, 80% (40/50) for r-VIBE for reader 1, and 50% (25/50), 82% (41/50) for reader 2, respectively. For the esophageal cancer with invading lamina propria, muscularis mucosae, or submucosa (T1 stage), r-VIBE achieved 86% (12/14) agreement for both readers 1 and 2. For invasion of muscularis propria (T2 stage), r-VIBE achieved 83% (25/30) for both readers 1 and 2, whereas for the invasion of adventitia (T3 stage), r-VIBE could only achieve agreement in 50% (3/6) and 67% (4/6) for readers 1 and 2, respectively. Conclusion: Contrast-enhanced free-breathing r-VIBE is superior to breath-hold CVIBE in T staging of potentially resectable esophageal cancer, especially for T1 and T2.  相似文献   

Tubulobulbar complexes (TBCs) were found in nine mammalian species (opossum, vole, guinea-pig, mouse, hamster, rabbit, dog, monkey and human) primarily originating from the plasma membrane overlying the acrosome of late spermatids. Fewer complexes (4–10) were noted in these species than has been previously reported for the rat (up to 24). TBCs were not seen emanating from round spermatids or those elongated spermatids located within the deep recesses of the Sertoli cell, but they appeared as the spermatids came to reside much closer to the tubular lumen in preparation for release. TBCs developed in areas deficient or lacking in Sertoli filaments and endoplasmic reticulum (ectoplasmic specialization). In general their structural configuration was similar to that shown in the rat, although minor differences were noted. Fine fibrils were observed connecting the distal portion of the spermatid tube with the Sertoli plasma membrane forming a bristle-coated pit. The length of TBCs from most species studied was 1–2 μm, whereas those of the opossum extended 6–8 μm into an apical Sertoli process. TBCs were degraded within the Sertoli cell by its lysosomes prior to sperm release, and for most species there was evidence indicating that formation of more than one generation of TBCs occurred. As sperm release approached, TBCs formed preferentially from the leading edge of spermatids with spatulate heads. The Sertoli cell gradually withdrew from around the spermatid head until only the tip of the head was embedded within the Sertoli cell. This region of contact frequently demonstrated TBCs. The proposed functions of TBCs are reviewed and discussed in light of these findings from other species.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The molecular mechanisms underlying aggressive versus indolent disease are not fully understood. Recent research has implicated a class of molecules known as long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in tumorigenesis and progression of cancer. Our objective was to discover lncRNAs that differentiate aggressive and indolent prostate cancers. METHODS: We analyzed paired tumor and normal tissues from six aggressive Gleason score (GS) 8-10 and six indolent GS 6 prostate cancers. Extracted RNA was split for poly(A)+ and ribosomal RNA depletion library preparations, followed byRNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) using an Illumina HiSeq 2000. We developed an RNA-Seq data analysis pipeline to discover and quantify these molecules. Candidate lncRNAs were validated using RT-qPCR on 87 tumor tissue samples: 28 (GS 6), 28 (GS 3+4), 6 (GS 4+3), and 25 (GS 8-10). Statistical correlations between lncRNAs and clinicopathologic variables were tested using ANOVA. RESULTS: The 43 differentially expressed (DE) lncRNAs between aggressive and indolent prostate cancers included 12 annotated and 31 novel lncRNAs. The top six DE lncRNAs were selected based on large, consistent fold-changes in the RNA-Seq results. Three of these candidates passed RT-qPCR validation, including AC009014.3 (P < .001 in tumor tissue) and a newly discovered X-linked lncRNA named XPLAID (P = .049 in tumor tissue and P = .048 in normal tissue). XPLAID and AC009014.3 show promise as prognostic biomarkers. CONCLUSIONS: We discovered several dozen lncRNAs that distinguish aggressive and indolent prostate cancers, of which four were validated using RT-qPCR. The investigation into their biology is ongoing.  相似文献   

A rapid method for the determination of mutagenic specificity has been developed which makes use of the ochre mutation (TAA) in the his-4 gene of Escherichiacoli. Reversion to His+ may occur by suppressor mutation (Type I) or by mutation within the his-4 gene (Type II). The Type I mutations may be further subdivided with respect to the type of suppressor mutation by their ability to suppress nonsense mutants of bacteriophage T4, thus allowing the identification of the responsible base substitution (Kato et al., 1980). The system has the ability to identify mutagens which produce A:T → G:C transitions since only Type II mutants can arise through this base substitution; and in fact, the system confirms the A:T → G:C specificity of the mutagen, N4-hydroxycytidine (Janion and Glickman, 1980) since only Type II mutants were induced by treatment with this base analogue.When this system was further tested with several additional mutagens, the results indicate that ethyl methanesulphonate, methyl nitrosourea and ethyl nitrosourea produce primarily Type I revertants which were primarily G:C → A:T transitions. UV-light, γ-rays, 4NQO and methyl methanesulphonate produced all types of base substitutions. The tester strain was further improved by introducing a series of sequenced trp? frameshift mutations, thus allowing the simultaneous monitoring of frameshift and base-substitution mutations.  相似文献   

Solid dipyridine hemes which are unreactive toward oxygen lose both pyridine ligands upon heating under vacuum to give a solid which takes up O2, reversibly, one O2 per heme. Replacement of 16O2 by 18O2 reduces only infrared bands near 1660 and 1590 cm?1, frequencies near the vibrational band for gaseous O2. No FeO bands are detected. EPR spectra reveal a free radical and ferric iron; Mössbauer, NMR and infrared spectra support an iron(III) oxidation state. Limited molecular weight data indicate a dimer. Possibly two dioxygen molecules are held sandwich fashion between two porphyrins via donor-acceptor interactions, which are facilitated by electron transfer from iron(II) into the porphyrin forming a π-anion. Such O2 bonding is not found in oxy Hb and Mb or in oxyhemerythrin but may occur with cytochrome c oxidase and other oxygen utilizing (or producing) heme and other proteins.  相似文献   

Lung cancer is the most common fatal malignancy for both men and women and adenocarcinoma is the most common histologic type. Early diagnosis of lung cancer can significantly improve the survival rate of patients. This study aimed to investigate the micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) manifestations of early lung adenocarcinoma (LAC) in mice and to provide a new perspective for early clinical diagnosis. Early LAC models in 10 mice were established by subcutaneously injecting 1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) solution. Micro-CT scan and multiple planar reconstruction (MPR) were used for mouse lungs. Micro-CT features of early LAC, especially the relationships between tumor and bronchus, were analyzed and correlated with pathology. Micro-CT findings of early LAC were divided into three types: non-solid (n = 8, 6%), partly solid (n = 85, 64%) and totally solid (n = 39, 30%). Tumor-bronchus relationships, which could be observed in 110 of 132(83%) LAC, were classified into four patterns: type I (n = 16, 15%), bronchus was truncated at the margin of the tumor; type II (n = 33, 30%), bronchus penetrated into the tumor with tapered narrowing and interruption; type III (n = 38, 35%), bronchus penetrated into the tumor with a patent and intact lumen; type IV (n = 99, 90%), bronchus ran at the border of the tumor with an intact or compressed lumen. Micro-CT manifestations of early LAC correlated well with pathological findings. Micro-CT can clearly demonstrate the features of mouse early LAC and bronchus-tumor relationships, and can also provide a new tool and perspective for the study of early LAC.  相似文献   

Abstract. Several (albeit indirect) lines of evidence indicate that the 2n germline micronucleus of the ciliate protozoans is not expressed during vegetative growth, even though it resides in the same cytoplasm and in close physical proximity to the actively expressed large somatic macronucleus (45n). To test this hypothesis more directly and quantitatively at the level of biochemically assayable specific enzyme activities, special heterokaryon strains of Tetrahymena thermophila have been constructed which carry the wild-type alleles specifying galactokinase ( galA +) and phenylalanine hydroxylase ( tyrC +) in the micronucleus only. The heterokaryons were assayed for these two enzyme activities using in vitro radiometric assays. No galactokinase or phenylalanine hydroxylase attributable to the micronuclear genes was observed in such heterokaryons. These results extend the observation of lack of micronuclear gene expression to at least two specific genes, i.e., galA and tyrC , as well as extending previous phenotypic observations on heterokaryons and autoradiographic studies of micronuclear RNA synthesis. By conjugating two of these heterokaryons to each other, it is now possible to determine precisely and unambiguously at what point during macronuclear differentiation the genes in the new macronucleus begin to be actively expressed relative to the timing of the extensive molecular changes that accompany the differentiation of the new macronucleus. These heterokaryons thus provide an excellent model system for the investigation of fundamental genetic regulatory mechanisms in operation during the differentiation of an entire eukaryotic genome.  相似文献   

The targeted delivery of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) with antibodies specific to splice isoforms of fibronectin [e.g., F8-TNF, specific to the extra-domain A (EDA) domain of fibronectin] has already shown efficacy against experimental sarcomas but has not yet been investigated in orthotopic sarcomas. Here, we investigated F8-TNF in a syngeneic K7 M2–derived orthotopic model of osteosarcoma as a treatment against pulmonary metastases, the most frequent cause of osteosarcoma-related death. Immunofluorescence on human osteosarcoma tissue confirmed the presence of EDA in primary tumors (PTs) as well as metastases. In mice, the efficacy of F8-TNF against PTs and early pulmonary metastases was evaluated. Intratibial PT growth was not affected by F8-TNF, yet early micrometastases were reduced possibly due to an F8-TNF–dependent attraction of pulmonary CD4+, CD8+, and natural killer cells. Furthermore, immunofluorescence revealed stronger expression of EDA in early pulmonary metastases compared with PT tissue. To study progressing pulmonary metastases, a hind limb amputation model was established, and the efficacy of F8-TNF, alone or combined with doxorubicin, was investigated. Despite the presence of EDA in metastases, no inhibition of progressive metastatic growth was detected. No significant differences in numbers of CD4+ or CD8+ cells or F4/80+ and Ly6G+ myeloid-derived cells were observed, although a strong association between metastatic growth and presence of pulmonary Ly6G+ myeloid-derived cells was detected. In summary, these findings demonstrate the potential of F8-TNF in activating the immune system and reducing early metastatic growth yet suggest a lack of efficacy of F8-TNF alone or combined with doxorubicin against progressing osteosarcoma metastases.  相似文献   

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