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A new peptidergic paraventriculo-infundibular system has been revealed using anti-corticoliberin (CRF) antibodies. The localization of its perikarya in the paraventricular nuclei as well as the distribution of its fibres and perivascular nerve-endings within the median eminence are different from those of other systems stained with antibodies directed against gonadoliberin, somatostatin, vasopressin or oxytocin.  相似文献   

Summary A histochemical method modified for ultrastructural studies of mercury induced changes is described. Rat neurons from areas known to be influenced by mercury are used as examples. The histochemical reaction, suggested to be caused by polymercury sulphide complexes, is localized to dense bodies where it is visible 14 days after initiation of peroral mercury treatment (20 mg HgCl2/l drinking water).  相似文献   

Summary The new opioid heptapeptide dermorphin, first isolated from frog skin, has been localized immunohistochemically in nerve cell bodies and nerve fibers of the arcuate-periarcuate region, around the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT) and in the subfornical organ of the rat brain. A role of dermorphin in modulating LHRH release is suggested.  相似文献   

A histochemical method modified for ultrastructural studies of mercury induced changes is described. Rat neurons from areas known to be influenced by mercury are used as examples. The histochemical reaction, suggested to be caused by polymercury sulphide complexes, is localized to "dense bodies" where it is visible 14 days after initiation of peroral mercury treatment (20 mg HgCl2/l drinking water).  相似文献   

G. Morel  G. Pelletier 《Peptides》1986,7(6):1197-1199
The anatomical relationships between endorphinic neurons and dopaminergic neurons were evaluated in the rat hypothalamus using a combination of immunocytochemistry and autoradiography. In the arcuate nucleus, endorphinic endings were seen making contacts with dopaminergic cell bodies and dendrites. No synapsis could be observed at the sites of contacts. These results strongly suggest that the endorphinic neurons are directly acting on dopaminergic neurons to modify the release of dopamine into the pituitary portal system.  相似文献   

Paraffin-embedded sections from paraformaldehyde-fixed rat brain were stained immunocytochemically for glycogen phosphorylase brain isozyme BB, using a monoclonal mouse antibody and the biotin-strept-avidin method, with either horseradish peroxidase or beta-galactosidase as marker enzymes. Two cell types showed strong glycogen phosphorylase-immunoreactivity: Astrocytes and ependymal cells. Most intensive staining was observed in the cerebellar cortex, the neocortex and the hippocampus. Astrocytes in the cerebellar white matter stained positively. The choroid plexus cells stained poorly or not at all. Neurons throughout the brain were negative, as well as oligodendrocytes and bundles of myelinated nerve fibers. These data are consistent with the immunocytochemical localization of glycogen phosphorylase in astroglia-rich primary cultures derived from rat brain.  相似文献   

Summary Paraffin-embedded sections from paraformaldehyde-fixed rat brain were stained immunocytochemically for glycogen phosphorylase brain isozyme BB, using a monoclonal mouse antibody and the biotin-streptavidin method, with either horseradish peroxidase or -galactosidase as marker enzymes. Two cell types showed strong glycogen phosphorylase-immunoreactivity: Astrocytes and ependymal cells. Most intensive staining was observed in the cerebellar cortex, the neocortex and the hippocampus. Astrocytes in the cerebellar white matter stained positively. The choroid plexus cells stained poorly or not at all. Neurons throughout the brain were negative, as well as oligodendrocytes and bundles of myelinated nerve fibers. These data are consistent with the immunocytochemical localization of glycogen phosphorylase in astroglia-rich primary cultures derived from rat brain.  相似文献   

To evaluate the presence of components of a putative Intracellular Lactate Shuttle (ILS) in neurons, we attempted to determine if monocarboxylate (e.g. lactate) transporter isoforms (MCT1 and -2) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) are coexpressed in neuronal mitochondria of rat brains. Immunohistochemical analyses of rat brain cross-sections showed MCT1, MCT2, and LDH to colocalize with the mitochondrial inner membrane marker cytochrome oxidase (COX) in cortical, hippocampal, and thalamic neurons. Immunoblotting after immunoprecipitation (IP) of mitochondria from brain homogenates supported the histochemical observations by demonstrating that COX coprecipitated MCT1, MCT2, and LDH. Additionally, using primary cultures from rat cortex and hippocampus as well as immunohistochemistry and immunocoprecipitation techniques, we demonstrated that MCT2 and LDH are coexpressed in mitochondria of cultured neurons. These findings can be interpreted to mean that, as in skeletal muscle, neurons contain a mitochondrial lactate oxidation complex (mLOC) that has the potential to facilitate both intracellular and cell-cell lactate shuttles in brain.  相似文献   

Localization of GRF-like immunoreactive neurons in the rat brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The localization of human GRF1-44-immunoreactive neurons was studied in the rat brain. A dense accumulation of GRF-containing fibers was noted in the external layer of the median eminence. Cell bodies were observed in colchicine-treated rats. The most intensely fluorescent cluster of cells was contained in the arcuate nucleus. Other cells were seen on the base of the hypothalamus, within the median forebrain bundle, dorsal and ventral aspects of the ventromedial nucleus, zona incerta and dorsal part of the dorsomedial nucleus. These cells may influence the pulsatile release of pituitary growth hormone.  相似文献   

Neurotensin (NT) injected intracerebroventricularly in rat increases dopamine (DA) turnover in the corpus striatum and nucleus accumbens. Significant increases in 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) levels occurred within 15 minutes after injection with peak levels at 60 minutes. The effect on NT on DOPAC and homovanillic acid (HVA) accumulation was dose-dependent at 3–100 μg. NT, like haloperidol, stimulated 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) accumulation in striatal neurons, in the presence of DOPA decarboxylase inhibitor, after injection of gamma-butyrolactone (GBL). NT had a similar stimulatory effect on DOPA levels in the accumbens while haloperidol (0.25 mg·kg?1) had no significant effect in this brain region. NT did not block the inhibitory effect of apomorphine on DOPA accumulation in both the striatum and accumbens, while haloperidol inhibited apomorphine effect in both regions. NT also failed to displace 3H-spiperone from DA receptors and the presence of NT in the binding assay did not alter the ability of DA to displace 3H-spiperone in either brain region. These experiments demonstrate that NT increases DA turnover in both the nigrostriatal and mesolimbic pathways.  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics and distribution of the somata of serotonin-containing neurons in the brainstem of rats and cats were studied by use of the peroxidase-anti peroxidase (PAP) immunohistochemical method employing highly specific antibodies to serotonin. Antibodies were raised in rabbits against an antigen prepared by coupling serotonin to bovine thyroglobulin and using formaldehyde as the coupling reagent. The distribution pattern of serotonin neurons observed in the present material is essentially in agreement with that described by other investigators who used the Falck-Hillarp method. In addition, this immunohistochemical technique revealed serotonin-containing perikarya in the following regions: 1) the periaqueductal gray, especially lateral to the nucleus raphe dorsalis, 2) the nucleus interpeduncularis, 3) the nucleus parabrachialis ventralis and dorsalis, 4) the field of the lemniscus lateralis, and 5) the reticular formation of the pons and medulla oblongata. The described immunohistochemical procedure makes it possible to study central serotonin neurons in detail without pharmacological pretreatment. The wide distribution of serotonin neurons demonstrated in this study should be considered when interpreting experiments dealing with the serotonin system.  相似文献   

Summary The high sensitivity of the magnesium-dithizonate silver-dithizonate (MDSD) staining procedure makes this method very suitable for the histochemical localization of copper in different regions of the central nervous system of adult rats. In the telencephalon (bulbus olfactorius, nucleus caudatus-putamen, septum pellucidum and are dentata), diencephalon (nucleus habenulae medialis, nuclei of the hypothalamus in the vicinity of the third ventricle, and corpus mamillare), mesencephalon (substantia nigra), cerebellum (mainly in the nodulus), pons (locus coeruleus, nucleus vestibularis), medulla oblongata (nucleus tractus solitarii) and spinal cord, the glial cells exhibit specific copper staining. The glial cells of some circumventricular organs (e.g. the subfornical organ) are also stained using the MDSD method. The significant staining observed in whitematter glial cells (e.g. in the corpus callosum, cerebellum and spinal cord) further indicates the very high sensitivity of this method. In glial cells of the same regions, the presence of copper can likewise be demonstrated using the modified sulphide silver method. On the basis of the present histochemical results, it is suggested that copper may play an important role in the normal physiological functioning of glial cells and also, via glia-neuron interactions, in neuronal processes.  相似文献   

The DNA topoisomerase I has been isolated from neurons of rat cerebral cortex. The most homogeneous fraction purified contains only one polypeptide of Mr approx. 100 000. The enzyme relaxes supercoiled DNA in the absence of ATP or Mg2+. The optimum monovalent cation concentration for the relaxation of superhelical DNA under conditions of DNA excess is found to be 175-200 mM. The neuron enzyme is similar to other mammalian type I DNA topoisomerases in that it links to the 3' ends of the broken DNA strands. Like calf thymus DNA topoisomerase I, the neuron topoisomerase can be selectively inhibited by poly(dG) but not by other homopolymerical deoxyribonucleotides.  相似文献   

A modified method for improved preservation and optical resolution of acetylcholinesterase (AChE)-containing structures in adult rat brain is described. Optimal tissue preparation included fixation in paraformaldehyde 4%, glutaraldehyde 0.1%, and sucrose 7% in 0.1M Sorensen's phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, rinsing in buffer 50 mM with respect to NH4Cl and 2% with respect to sucrose, acetone dehydration, vacuum infiltration with LKB Historesin, and polymerization at 4 C, overnight incubation of 10 microns sections at 37 C in the AChE histochemical reaction mixture and silver intensification according to Hedreen et al. Demonstration of AChE enzyme activity in the cholinergic projection from the rat basal forebrain to the ipsilateral hippocampus exemplifies the usefulness of the technique. The method provides an excellent demonstration of AChE-positive axonal processes and enables the pharmacohistochemical visualization of cholinergic neurons. This procedure offers a convenient method for analysis of cholinergic neurons that avoids potential artifacts inherent in other AChE histochemical procedures.  相似文献   

In experiments on rat brain slices, we carried out intracellular recording from neurons of the red nucleus (RN). Passive electrical properties of these neurons (input resistance, membrane time constant) were evaluated. We detected voltage-dependent rebound depolarization and time dependent inward rectification when passing hyperpolarizing pulses of current through the cell. Injections of depolarizing currents caused rhythmical firing of the neurons; the frequency of these firings depends upon the strength of injected current. Rhythmical firings were also characterized by rapid frequency adaptation when currents of different frequency were injected. Stimulation of regions of slices presumably corresponding to the decussion of the brachium conjunctivum mainly evoked EPSPs with a "fast" rise time in RN neurons. This suggests activation of synaptic input from the cerebellar nucleus interpositus. Stimulation of this same region sometimes evoked EPSP-IPSP mixtures and "pure" IPSPs in RN neurons.L. A. Orbeli Institute of Physiology, Armenian Academy of Sciences, Erevan. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 607–616, September–October, 1991.  相似文献   

Summary Rat cortical and hippocampal pyramidal cells were immunocytochemically investigated using the TU-01 monoclonal antibody recognizing α-tubulin. The isotypic specificity of this antibody is distinct from that of other available α-tubulin antibodies; therefore, an intracellular heterogeneity among neuronal microtubules could be revealed by observing intensely immunostained apical dendritic microtubules in the complete absence of staining of the microtubules in the basal dendrites and perikarya of the same pyramidal cells.  相似文献   

Metallothionein III (MT-III) is a brain-specific member of the metallothionein family and binds zinc in vivo. In order to confirm the precise localization of MT-III in normal rat brain and the change of MT-III expression after transient whole brain ischemia, we raised a high affinity phagemid-antibody specific for rat MT-III. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that MT-III in normal brain is localized abundantly in neuronal cell bodies in CA1-3 regions of hippocampus, dentate gyrus, cerebral cortex, olfactory bulb and Purkinje cells in cerebellum. This expression pattern of MT-III was similar to that of MT-III mRNA observed by in situ hybridization studies. ELISA and Northern blot analysis revealed that MT-III protein as well as mRNA levels were up-regulated in cerebrum soon after ischemic stress. Immunohistochemical analysis also demonstrated intense staining in neurons in injured brain after ischemia, which distributed in the same regions as in normal brain. These results suggest that MT-III plays an important role in protecting neurons from ischemic insult by reducing neurotoxic zinc levels and inhibits uncontrolled growth of neurites after ischemia.  相似文献   

The localization of GABA-like immunoreactivity in the locus ceruleus of rats was studied by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method using a purified antibody raised against GABA applied to paraffin sections, with counterstaining by cresylecht violet, and to floating sections for preembedding immunoelectron microscopy. A few medium-sized and some small neurons showed GABA-like immunoreactivity in both nuclei and perikarya. The preferential localization of these immunopositive neurons in the marginal parts of the locus ceruleus suggests that they are inhibitory local circuit neurons located between this center and the afferent fiber systems. Some of the immunoreactive neurons displayed homogeneous and heterogeneous "paired cells" patterns. Occurrence of the GABA-GABA interaction is indicated. Immunopositive bouton forms are located close to every positive and negative neuron. Electron microscopy confirms GABA-like immunoreactivity in both medium-sized and small neurons of the locus ceruleus and demonstrates that immunoreactive boutons are axosomatic and axosoma spine symmetric synapses on immunopositive and immunonegative cell bodies. These immunocytochemical results support the existence of inhibitory interneurons in the locus ceruleus.  相似文献   

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