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The Valsalvamaneuver (VM), a voluntary increase in intrathoracic pressure of ~40mmHg, has been used to examine cerebral autoregulation (CA). Duringphase IV of the VM there are pronounced changes in mean arterial bloodpressure (MABP), pulse interval, and cerebral blood flow (CBF), but thechanges in CBF are of a much greater magnitude than those seen in MABP,a finding to date attributed to either a delay in activation of the CAmechanism or the inability of this mechanism to cope with the size andspeed of the blood pressure changes involved. These changes in CBF also precede those in MABP, a pattern of events not explained by the physiological process of CA. Measurements of CBF velocity (transcranial Doppler) and MABP (Finapres) were performed in 53 healthy volunteers (aged 31-80 yr). By calculating beat-to-beat values of critical closing pressure (CCP) during the VM, we have found that this parametersuddenly drops at the start of phase IV, providing a coherentexplanation for the large increase in CBF. If CCP is included in theestimation of cerebrovascular resistance, a temporal pattern moreconsistent with an autoregulatory response to the MABP overshoot isalso found. CCP is intricately involved in the control of CBF duringthe VM and should be considered in the assessment of CA.  相似文献   

Left ventricular shape and shape change are easy to measure and their analysis has been proposed as a noninvasive method to determine myocardial anisotropy. In preparation for applying this approach to studies of rats with experimentally induced cardiac hypertrophy, the goals of this study were to describe normal shape changes during diastolic filling in the rat and to utilize a finite-element model to estimate the relative importance of three factors that determine left ventricular shape change during filling: global chamber compliance, fiber to crossfiber stiffness ratio, and fiber architecture. The results suggest that left ventricular shape change is least sensitive to fiber to cross fiber stiffness ratio, and that this will likely limit the practical utility of using shape changes to diagnose changes in myocardial anisotropy.  相似文献   

The Valsalva maneuver is frequently used to test autonomic function. Previous work demonstrated that the blood pressure decrease during the Valsalva maneuver relates to thoracic hypovolemia, which may preclude pressure recovery during phase II, even with normal resting peripheral vasoconstriction. We hypothesized that increased regional blood volume, specifically splanchnic hypervolemia, accounts for the degree of thoracic hypovolemia during the Valsalva maneuver. We studied 17 healthy volunteers aged 15-22 yr. All had normal blood volumes by dye dilution. Subjects also had normal vascular resistance while supine as well as normal vasoconstrictor responses during 35 degrees upright tilt. We assessed changes in estimated splanchnic, pelvic-thigh, and lower leg blood volume, along with thoracic blood volume shifts, by impedance plethysmography before and during the Valsalva maneuver performed in the supine position. Early increases in splanchnic blood volume dominated the regional vascular changes during the Valsalva maneuver. The increase in splanchnic blood volume correlated well (r2 = 0.65, P < 0.00001) with the decrease in thoracic blood volume, there was less correlation of the increase in pelvic blood volume (r2 = 0.21, P < 0.03), and there was no correlation of the increase in leg blood volume (r2 = 0.001, P = 0.9). There was no relation of thoracic hypovolemia with blood volume or peripheral resistance in supine or upright positions. Thoracic hypovolemia during the Valsalva maneuver is closely related to splanchnic hyperemia and weakly related to regional changes in blood volume elsewhere. Changes in baseline splanchnic vascular properties may account for variability in thoracic blood volume changes during the Valsalva maneuver.  相似文献   

The static pressure resulting after the cessation of flow is thought to reflect the filling of the cardiovascular system. In the past, static filling pressures or mean circulatory filling pressures have only been reported in experimental animals and in human corpses, respectively. We investigated arterial and central venous pressures in supine, anesthetized humans with longer fibrillation/defibrillation sequences (FDSs) during cardioverter/defibrillator implantation. In 82 patients, the average number of FDSs was 4 +/- 2 (mean +/- SD), and their duration was 13 +/- 2 s. In a total of 323 FDSs, arterial blood pressure decreased with a time constant of 2.9 +/- 1.0 s from 77.5 +/- 34.4 to 24.2 +/- 5.3 mmHg. Central venous pressure increased with a time constant of 3.6 +/- 1.3 s from 7.5 +/- 5.2 to 11.0 +/- 5.4 mmHg (36 points, 141 FDS). The average arteriocentral venous blood pressure difference remained at 13.2 +/- 6.2 mmHg. Although it slowly decreased, the pressure difference persisted even with FDSs lasting 20 s. Lack of true equilibrium pressure could possibly be due to a waterfall mechanism. However, waterfalls were identified neither between the left ventricle and large arteries nor at the level of the diaphragm in supine patients. We therefore suggest that static filling pressures/mean circulatory pressures can only be directly assessed if the time after termination of cardiac pumping is adequate, i.e., >20 s. For humans, such times are beyond ethical options.  相似文献   

The flow inside a model left ventricle during filling (diastole) is simulated by the numerical solution of the equations of motion under the axisymmetric approximation. The left ventricle is taken with a truncated ellipsoid geometry, and a simple conceptual model is introduced to simulate the presence of the moving mitral valve. A relevant role during the left ventricle diastolic flow, as already discussed by other authors, is played by the travelling vortex wake that is formed from the transmitral jet during the early filling acceleration phase. The presence of a moving valve is found to produce a non-simultaneous spatial development of the entering bulk flow and a slightly more complex vortex wake structure; the results are discussed in comparison with fixed valve ones. They are analysed also in terms of M-mode representation suggesting a physical interpretation of the pattern detected in the clinical measurements that extends the one given previously on the basis of fixed valve models.  相似文献   

Although present in many patients with heart failure and a normal ejection fraction, the role of isolated impairments in active myocardial relaxation in the genesis of elevated filling pressures is not well characterized. Because of difficulties in determining the effect of prolonged myocardial relaxation in vivo, we used a cardiovascular simulated computer model. The effect of myocardial relaxation, as assessed by tau (exponential time constant of relaxation), on pulmonary vein pressure (PVP) and left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) was investigated over a wide range of tau values (20-100 ms) and heart rate (60-140 beats/min) while keeping end-diastolic volume constant. Cardiac output was recorded over a wide range of tau and heart rate while keeping PVP constant. The effect of systolic intervals was investigated by changing time to end systole at the same heart rate. At a heart rate of 60 beats/min, increases in tau from a baseline to extreme value of 100 ms cause only a minor increase in PVP of 3 mmHg. In contrast, at 120 beats/min, the same increase in tau increases PVP by 23 mmHg. An increase in filling pressures at high heart rates was attributable to incomplete relaxation. The PVP-LVEDP gradient was not constant and increased with increasing tau and heart rate. Prolonged systolic intervals augmented the effects of tau on PVP. Impaired myocardial relaxation is an important determinant of PVP and cardiac output only during rapid heart rate and especially when combined with prolonged systolic intervals. These findings clarify the role of myocardial relaxation in the pathogenesis of elevated filling pressures characteristic of heart failure.  相似文献   

Wave intensity analysis (WIA) is a powerful technique to study pressure and flow velocity waves in the time domain in vascular networks. The method is based on the analysis of energy transported by the wave through computation of the wave intensity dI = dPdU, where dP and dU denote pressure and flow velocity changes per time interval, respectively. In this study we propose an analytical modification to the WIA so that it can be used to study waves in conditions of time varying elastic properties, such as the left ventricle (LV) during diastole. The approach is first analytically elaborated for a one-dimensional elastic tube-model of the left ventricle with a time-dependent pressure-area relationship. Data obtained with a validated quasi-three dimensional axi-symmetrical model of the left ventricle are employed to demonstrate this new approach. Along the base-apex axis close to the base wave intensity curves are obtained, both using the standard method and the newly proposed modified method. The main difference between the standard and modified wave intensity pattern occurs immediately after the opening of the mitral valve. Where the standard WIA shows a backward expansion wave, the modified analysis shows a forward compression wave. The proposed modification needs to be taken into account when studying left ventricular relaxation, as it affects the wave type.  相似文献   

Prior work demonstrated dependence of the change in blood pressure during the Valsalva maneuver (VM) on the extent of thoracic hypovolemia and splanchnic hypervolemia. Thoracic hypovolemia and splanchnic hypervolemia characterize certain patients with postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) during orthostatic stress. These patients also experience abnormal phase II hypotension and phase IV hypertension during VM. We hypothesize that reduced splanchnic arterial resistance explains aberrant VM results in these patients. We studied 17 POTS patients aged 15-23 yr with normal resting peripheral blood flow by strain gauge plethysmography and 10 comparably aged healthy volunteers. All had normal blood volumes by dye dilution. We assessed changes in estimated thoracic, splanchnic, pelvic-thigh, and lower leg blood volume and blood flow by impedance plethysmography throughout VM performed in the supine position. Baseline splanchnic blood flow was increased and calculated arterial resistance was decreased in POTS compared with control subjects. Splanchnic resistance decreased and flow increased in POTS subjects, whereas splanchnic resistance increased and flow decreased in control subjects during stage II of VM. This was associated with increased splanchnic blood volume, decreased thoracic blood volume, increased heart rate, and decreased blood pressure in POTS. Pelvic and leg resistances were increased above control and remained so during stage IV of VM, accounting for the increased blood pressure overshoot in POTS. Thus splanchnic hyperemia and hypervolemia are related to excessive phase II blood pressure reduction in POTS despite intense peripheral vasoconstriction. Factors other than autonomic dysfunction may play a role in POTS.  相似文献   

Arterial pulsepressure response during the strain phase of the Valsalva maneuver hasbeen proposed as a clinical tool for the diagnosis of left heartfailure, whereas responses of subjects with preserved systolic functionhave been poorly documented. We studied the relationship between theaortic pulse amplitude ratio (i.e., minimum/maximum pulse pressure)during the strain phase of the Valsalva maneuver and cardiachemodynamics at baseline in 20 adults (42 ± 14 yr) undergoingroutine right and left heart catheterization. They were normal subjects(n = 5) and patients withvarious forms of cardiac diseases(n = 15), and all had a leftventricular ejection fraction 40%. High-fidelity pressures wererecorded in the right atrium and the left ventricle at baseline and atthe aortic root throughout the Valsalva maneuver. Aortic pulseamplitude ratio 1) did not correlatewith baseline left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, cardiac index(thermodilution), or left ventricular ejection fraction(cineangiography) and 2) waspositively related to total arterial compliance (area method) (r = 0.59) and to basal mean rightatrial pressure (r = 0.57) (eachP < 0.01). Aortic pulse pressureresponses to the strain were not related to heart rate responses duringthe maneuver. In subjects with preserved systolic function, the aorticpulse amplitude ratio during the strain phase of the Valsalva maneuver relates to baseline total arterial compliance and right heart fillingpressures but not to left ventricular function.


Modifications in diastolic function occur in a broad range of cardiovascular diseases and there is an increasing evidence that abnormalities in left ventricular function may contribute significantly to the symptomatology. The flow inside the left ventricle during the diastole is here investigated by numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations under the axisymmetric assumption. The equation are written in a body-fitted, moving prolate spheroid, system of coordinates and solved using a fractional step method. The system is forced by a given volume time-law derived from clinical data, and varying the two-degrees-of-freedom ventricle geometry on the basis of a simple model. The solution under healthy conditions is analysed in terms of vorticity dynamics, showing that the flow field is characterised by the presence of a vortex wake; it is attached to the mitral valve during the accelerating phase of the E-wave, and it detaches and translate towards the ventricle apex afterwards. The flow evolution is discussed, results are also reported as an M-mode representation of colour-coded Doppler velocity maps. In the presence of ventricle dilatation the mitral jet extends farther inside the ventricle, propagation velocity decreases, and the fluid stagnates longer at the apex.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the reduction in stroke volume (SV), previously shown to occur with dehydration and increases in internal body temperatures during prolonged exercise, is caused by a reduction in left ventricular (LV) function, as indicated by LV volumes, strain, and twist ("LV mechanics"). Eight healthy men [age: 20 ± 2, maximal oxygen uptake (VO?max): 58 ± 7 ml·kg?1·min?1] completed two, 1-h bouts of cycling in the heat (35°C, 50% peak power) without fluid replacement, resulting in 2% and 3.5% dehydration, respectively. Conventional and two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography was used to determine LV volumes, strain, and twist at rest and during one-legged knee-extensor exercise at baseline, both levels of dehydration, and following rehydration. Progressive dehydration caused a significant reduction in end-diastolic volume (EDV) and SV at rest and during one-legged knee-extensor exercise (rest: Δ-33 ± 14 and Δ-21 ± 14 ml, respectively; exercise: Δ-30 ± 10 and Δ-22 ± 9 ml, respectively, during 3.5% dehydration). In contrast to the marked decline in EDV and SV, systolic and diastolic LV mechanics were either maintained or even enhanced with dehydration at rest and during knee-extensor exercise. We conclude that dehydration-induced reductions in SV at rest and during exercise are the result of reduced LV filling, as reflected by the decline in EDV. The concomitant maintenance of LV mechanics suggests that the decrease in LV filling, and consequently ejection, is likely caused by the reduction in blood volume and/or diminished filling time rather than impaired LV function.  相似文献   

Global left ventricular (LV) isovolumic relaxation rate has been characterized: 1) via the time constant of isovolumic relaxation τ or 2) via the logistic time constant τ(L). An alternate kinematic method, characterizes isovolumic relaxation (IVR) in accordance with Newton's Second Law. The model's parameters, stiffness E(k), and damping/relaxation μ result from best fit of model-predicted pressure to in vivo data. All three models (exponential, logistic, and kinematic) characterize global relaxation in terms of pressure decay rates. However, IVR is inhomogeneous and anisotropic. Apical and basal LV wall segments untwist at different times and rates, and transmural strain and strain rates differ due to the helically variable pitch of myocytes and sheets. Accordingly, we hypothesized that the exponential model (τ) or kinematic model (μ and E(k)) parameters will elucidate the spatiotemporal variation of IVR rate. Left ventricular pressures in 20 subjects were recorded using a high-fidelity, multipressure transducer (3 cm apart) catheter. Simultaneous, dual-channel pressure data was plotted in the pressure phase-plane (dP/dt vs. P) and τ, μ, and E(k) were computed in 1631 beats (average: 82 beats per subject). Tau differed significantly between the two channels (P < 0.05) in 16 of 20 subjects, whereas μ and E(k) differed significantly (P < 0.05) in all 20 subjects. These results show that quantifying the relaxation rate from data recorded at a single location has limitations. Moreover, kinematic model based analysis allows characterization of restoring (recoil) forces and resistive (crossbridge uncoupling) forces during IVR and their spatio-temporal dependence, thereby elucidating the relative roles of stiffness vs. relaxation as IVR rate determinants.  相似文献   



Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is the gold standard for the detection of thrombi in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) before undergoing early electrical cardioversion (CV). However, TEE generates inconclusive results in a considerable number of patients. This study investigated the influence of contrast enhancement on interpretability of TEE for the detection of left atrial (LA) thrombi compared to conventional TEE and assessed, whether there are differences in the rate of thromboembolic events after electrical cardioversion.


Of 180 patients with AF (51 females, 65.2±13 years) who were referred to CV, 90 were examined with native imaging and contrast enhancement within the same examination (group 1), and 90 were examined with native TEE alone and served as control (group 2). Cineloops of the multiplane examination of the LA and LA appendage (LAA) were stored digitally before and, in group 1, after intravenous bolus application of a transpulmonary contrast agent. Images of group 1 were assessed offline and the diagnosis of LA thrombi was made semi-quantitatively: 1= thrombus present; 2=inconclusive result; 3=no thrombus. The presence of spontaneous echocontrast (SEC) was registered and flow velocity in the LA appendage (LAA-flow) was measured. All patients in whom CV was performed were followed up for 1 year or until relapse of AF. CV related adverse events were defined as any thromboembolic event within 1 week after CV.


No serious adverse events occurred during TEE and contrast enhanced imaging. In group 1 atrial thrombi were diagnosed in 14 (15.6%) during native and in 10 (11.1%) patients during contrast enhanced imaging (p<0.001). Of the 10 patients with thrombi in the contrast TEE group, 7 revealed a decreased LAA-flow (≤0,3m/s) and 8 showed moderate or marked SEC. Uncertain results were significantly more common during native imaging than with contrast enhanced TEE (16 vs. 5 patients, p<0.01). Thrombi could definitely be excluded in 60 (66.7%) during conventional and in 75 patients (83.3%) during contrast enhanced TEE (p<0.01). CV was performed subsequently after exclusion of thrombi and at the discretion of the investigator. In group 1, 74 patients (82.2%) were cardioverted and no patient suffered a CV related complication (p=0.084). In group 2, 76 patients (84.4%) underwent CV, of whom 3 suffered a thromboembolic complication after CV (2 strokes, 1 peripheral embolism).


In patients with AF planned for CV contrast enhancement renders TEE images more interpretable, facilitates the exclusion of atrial thrombi and may reduce the rate of embolic adverse events.  相似文献   

To study systolic pressure gradients developed between the left ventricular wall, its chamber, and the aortic root, in one group of dogs left ventricle ventral wall intramyocardial pressure, left ventricular outflow tract pressure, and aorta pressure were compared with aortic flow as well as left ventricular dimension changes during control conditions as well as during positive intropic states induced by isoproterenol, stellate ganglion stimulation, and noradrenaline. In another group of dogs systolic pressures in the ventral wall of the left ventricle, the main portion of the left ventricular chamber, and the aorta were compared with aortic flow during similar interventions, before and after the administration of phentolamine. Pressure gradients between the wall of the left ventricle and the outflow tract of the left ventricle were minimal during control states, but during the three positive inotropic states were increased significantly. In contrast, pressure gradients between the outflow tract of the left ventricle and the aortic root were insignificant during positive inotropic states; those between the wall and main portion of the chamber were only significantly different during left stellate ganglion stimulation. The data derived from these experiments indicate that useful peak power output of the left ventricle (systolic aortic pressure X flow) is unchanged following isoproterenol infusion, but is increased by stellate ganglion stimulation and noradrenaline. The useful peak power output index (an index of left ventricular efficiency derived by dividing useful peak power output by peak intramyocardial pressure) was reduced more by isoproterenol than the other two interventions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We compared the influence of the pericardium on left and right ventricular (LV, RV) filling by measuring LV and RV pressures and segment lengths (SL, LV free wall, and RV inflow and outflow tracts) in six open-chest, pentobarbital sodium-anesthetized dogs before and after pericardiectomy. End-diastolic pressure (EDP) was varied by partial caval occlusion and dextran infusion. At each site the ln EDP-SL relation was fitted by linear regression and characterized by its slope and 1-Torr EDP intercept. The slope and 1-Torr intercept of the LV ln EDP-SL relation changed variably after pericardiectomy, but in each dog a change occurred that shifted this relation downward. In contrast, the RV inflow tract slope invariably decreased significantly after pericardiectomy, whereas its intercept was unchanged in all but one dog. The RV outflow tract results were similar to the inflow tract but less consistent. By the use of the raw EDP-SL data points, we calculated that the absolute contribution of the pericardium to EDP (i.e., the effective pericardial surface pressure) was similar at the three sites. However, as EDP values increased the proportional contribution of the pericardium to right ventricular end-diastolic pressure (RVEDP) increased, whereas that to left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) remained relatively constant. As a result, at the higher EDP values tested, the pericardium was responsible for a larger proportion of RVEDP than LVEDP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Lifting of a heavy weight may lead to "blackout" and occasionally also to cerebral hemorrhage, indicating pronounced consequences for the blood flow through the brain. We hypothesized that especially strenuous respiratory straining (a Valsalva-like maneuver) associated with intense static exercise would lead to a precipitous rise in mean arterial and central venous pressures and, in turn, influence the middle cerebral artery blood velocity (MCA V(mean)) as a noninvasive indicator of changes in cerebral blood flow. In 10 healthy subjects, MCA V(mean) was evaluated in response to maximal static two-legged exercise performed either with a concomitantly performed Valsalva maneuver or with continued ventilation and also during a Valsalva maneuver without associated exercise (n = 6). During static two-legged exercise, the largest rise for mean arterial pressure and MCA V(mean) was established at the onset of exercise performed with a Valsalva-like maneuver (by 42 +/- 5 mmHg and 31 +/- 3% vs. 22 +/- 6 mmHg and 25 +/- 6% with continued ventilation; P < 0.05). Profound reductions in MCA V(mean) were observed both after exercise with continued ventilation (-29 +/- 4% together with a reduction in the arterial CO(2) tension by -5 +/- 1 Torr) and during the maintained Valsalva maneuver (-21 +/- 3% together with an elevation in central venous pressure to 40 +/- 7 mmHg). Responses to performance of the Valsalva maneuver with and without exercise were similar, reflecting the deterministic importance of the Valsalva maneuver for the central and cerebral hemodynamic response to intense static exercise. Continued ventilation during intense static exercise may limit the initial rise in arterial pressure and may in turn reduce the risk of hemorrhage. On the other hand, blackout during and after intense static exercise may reflect a reduction in cerebral blood flow due to expiratory straining and/or hyperventilation.  相似文献   

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