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It is commonly assumed that increasing the number of characters has the potential to resolve evolutionary radiations. Here, we studied photosynthetic stramenopiles (Ochrophyta) using alignments of heterogeneous origin mitochondrion, plastid, and nucleus. Surprisingly while statistical support for the relationships between the six major Ochrophyta lineages increases when comparing the mitochondrion (6,762 sites) and plastid (21,692 sites) trees, it decreases in the nuclear (209,105 sites) tree. Statistical support is not simply related to the data set size but also to the quantity of phylogenetic signal available at each position and our ability to extract it. Here, we show that this ability for current phylogenetic methods is limited, because conflicting results were obtained when varying taxon sampling. Even though the use of a better fitting model improved signal extraction and reduced the observed conflicts, the plastid data set provided higher statistical support for the ochrophyte radiation than the larger nucleus data set. We propose that the higher support observed in the plastid tree is due to an acceleration of the evolutionary rate in one short deep internal branch, implying that more phylogenetic signal per position is available to resolve the Ochrophyta radiation in the plastid than in the nuclear data set. Our work therefore suggests that, in order to resolve radiations, beyond the obvious use of data sets with more positions, we need to continue developing models of sequence evolution that better extract the phylogenetic signal and design methods to search for genes/characters that contain more signal specifically for short internal branches.  相似文献   

The subfamily Microgastrinae is a highly diversified group of parasitoid wasps that attacks all of the different groups of Lepidoptera. We explore here the phylogenetic signal in three gene (mitochondrial COI and 16S, and nuclear 28S) fragments as an assessment of their utility in resolving generic relationships within this species-rich insect group. These genes were chosen because their level of sequence divergence is thought to be appropriate for this study and because they have resolved relationships among other braconid wasps at similar taxonomic levels. True phylogenetic signal, as opposed to random signal or noise, was detected in the 16S and 28S data sets. Phylogenetic analyses conducted on each microgastrine data set, however, have all resulted in poorly resolved trees, with most clades being supported by low bootstrap values. The phylogenetic signal, if present, is therefore concentrated on a few well-supported clades. Some rapidly evolving sites may be too saturated to be phylogenetically useful. Nonetheless, the sequence data (nearly 2300 nucleotides) used here appear to exhibit the appropriate level of variation, theoretically, to resolve the relationships studied. Moreover, the clades that are well supported by the data are usually supported by more than one data set and represent different levels of sequence divergence. We suggest that the lack of phylogenetic signal observed is an indication of the presence of many short internal branches on the phylogeny being estimated, which in turn might be the result of a rapid diversification of the taxa examined. Relative specialization of diet, which is typically associated with parasitic behavior, is believed to result in high radiation rates, which may have been especially high in microgastrine wasps because of the great diversity of their lepidopteran hosts. This hypothesis of a rapid diversification caused by an abundance of host species remains speculative and more data will be needed to test it further.  相似文献   

Although phylogenetic studies are increasingly utilizing multi-locus datasets, a review of GenBank data for the Gastropoda indicates a strong bias towards a few short gene fragments (most commonly COI, LSU rRNA, and SSU rRNA). This is particularly the case for the Rissooidea, one of the largest and most taxonomically difficult gastropod superfamilies. Here we analyze fragments of these three genes from 90 species to determine whether they can well resolve higher relationships within this superfamily, whether structurally aligned sequence datasets increase phylogenetic signal, and whether the inclusion of highly variable regions introduces noise. We also used the resulting phylogenetic data in combination with morphological/anatomical evidence to re-evaluate the taxonomic status of ‘hydrobioid’ family-level groups.Our results indicate that all three of the alignment strategies that were used resulted in phylogenies having similar signal levels. However, there was a slight advantage to using structural alignment for inferring family-level relationships. Moreover, the set of ‘standard’ gastropod genes supported recognition of many previously recognized families and provides new insight into the systematics of several problematic groups. However, some family-group taxa were unresolved and the relationships among families were also poorly supported, suggesting a need for more extensive sampling and inclusion of additional genes.  相似文献   

The resolution of four controversial topics in phylogenetic experimental design hinges upon the informativeness of characters about the historical relationships among taxa. These controversies regard the power of different classes of phylogenetic character, the relative utility of increased taxonomic versus character sampling, the differentiation between lack of phylogenetic signal and a historical rapid radiation, and the design of taxonomically broad phylogenetic studies optimized by taxonomically sparse genome-scale data. Quantification of the informativeness of characters for resolution of phylogenetic hypotheses during specified historical epochs is key to the resolution of these controversies. Here, such a measure of phylogenetic informativeness is formulated. The optimal rate of evolution of a character to resolve a dated four-taxon polytomy is derived. By scaling the asymptotic informativeness of a character evolving at a nonoptimal rate by the derived asymptotic optimum, and by normalizing so that net phylogenetic informativeness is equivalent for all rates when integrated across all of history, an informativeness profile across history is derived. Calculation of the informativeness per base pair allows estimation of the cost-effectiveness of character sampling. Calculation of the informativeness per million years allows comparison across historical radiations of the utility of a gene for the inference of rapid adaptive radiation. The theory is applied to profile the phylogenetic informativeness of the genes BRCA1, RAG1, GHR, and c-myc from a muroid rodent sequence data set. Bounded integrations of the phylogenetic profile of these genes over four epochs comprising the diversifications of the muroid rodents, the mammals, the lobe-limbed vertebrates, and the early metazoans demonstrate the differential power of these genes to resolve the branching order among ancestral lineages. This measure of phylogenetic informativeness yields a new kind of information for evaluation of phylogenetic experiments. It conveys the utility of the addition of characters a phylogenetic study and it provides a basis for deciding whether appropriate phylogenetic power has been applied to a polytomy that is proposed to be a rapid radiation. Moreover, it provides a quantitative measure of the capacity of a gene to resolve soft polytomies.  相似文献   

Extant gars represent the remaining members of a formerly diverse assemblage of ancient ray-finned fishes and have been the subject of multiple phylogenetic analyses using morphological data. Here, we present the first hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships among living gar species based on molecular data, through the examination of gene tree heterogeneity and coalescent species tree analyses of a portion of one mitochondrial (COI) and seven nuclear (ENC1, myh6, plagl2, S7 ribosomal protein intron 1, sreb2, tbr1, and zic1) genes. Individual gene trees displayed varying degrees of resolution with regards to species-level relationships, and the gene trees inferred from COI and the S7 intron were the only two that were completely resolved. Coalescent species tree analyses of nuclear genes resulted in a well-resolved and strongly supported phylogenetic tree of living gar species, for which Bayesian posterior node support was further improved by the inclusion of the mitochondrial gene. Species-level relationships among gars inferred from our molecular data set were highly congruent with previously published morphological phylogenies, with the exception of the placement of two species, Lepisosteus osseus and L. platostomus. Re-examination of the character coding used by previous authors provided partial resolution of this topological discordance, resulting in broad concordance in the phylogenies inferred from individual genes, the coalescent species tree analysis, and morphology. The completely resolved phylogeny inferred from the molecular data set with strong Bayesian posterior support at all nodes provided insights into the potential for introgressive hybridization and patterns of allopatric speciation in the evolutionary history of living gars, as well as a solid foundation for future examinations of functional diversification and evolutionary stasis in a "living fossil" lineage.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the evolutionary relationships of species is a major goal in biology. Despite the increasing number of completely sequenced genomes, a large number of phylogenetic projects rely on targeted sequencing and analysis of a relatively small sample of marker genes. The selection of these phylogenetic markers should ideally be based on accurate predictions of their combined, rather than individual, potential to accurately resolve the phylogeny of interest. Here we present and validate a new phylogenomics strategy to efficiently select a minimal set of stable markers able to reconstruct the underlying species phylogeny. In contrast to previous approaches, our methodology does not only rely on the ability of individual genes to reconstruct a known phylogeny, but it also explores the combined power of sets of concatenated genes to accurately infer phylogenetic relationships of species not previously analyzed. We applied our approach to two broad sets of cyanobacterial and ascomycetous fungal species, and provide two minimal sets of six and four genes, respectively, necessary to fully resolve the target phylogenies. This approach paves the way for the informed selection of phylogenetic markers in the effort of reconstructing the tree of life.  相似文献   



Whenever different data sets arrive at conflicting phylogenetic hypotheses, only testable causal explanations of sources of errors in at least one of the data sets allow us to critically choose among the conflicting hypotheses of relationships. The large (28S) and small (18S) subunit rRNAs are among the most popular markers for studies of deep phylogenies. However, some nodes supported by this data are suspected of being artifacts caused by peculiarities of the evolution of these molecules. Arthropod phylogeny is an especially controversial subject dotted with conflicting hypotheses which are dependent on data set and method of reconstruction. We assume that phylogenetic analyses based on these genes can be improved further i) by enlarging the taxon sample and ii) employing more realistic models of sequence evolution incorporating non-stationary substitution processes and iii) considering covariation and pairing of sites in rRNA-genes.


We analyzed a large set of arthropod sequences, applied new tools for quality control of data prior to tree reconstruction, and increased the biological realism of substitution models. Although the split-decomposition network indicated a high noise content in the data set, our measures were able to both improve the analyses and give causal explanations for some incongruities mentioned from analyses of rRNA sequences. However, misleading effects did not completely disappear.


Analyses of data sets that result in ambiguous phylogenetic hypotheses demand for methods, which do not only filter stochastic noise, but likewise allow to differentiate phylogenetic signal from systematic biases. Such methods can only rely on our findings regarding the evolution of the analyzed data. Analyses on independent data sets then are crucial to test the plausibility of the results. Our approach can easily be extended to genomic data, as well, whereby layers of quality assessment are set up applicable to phylogenetic reconstructions in general.  相似文献   

With the development of genome sequencing more whole genomes of microorganisms were completed, many methods wereintroduced to reconstruct the phylogenetic tree of those microorganismswith the information extracted from the whole genomes through variousways of transforming or mapping the whole genome sequences into otherforms which can describe the evolutionary distance in a new way. We thinkit might be possible that there exists information buried in the wholegenome transferred along lineage, which remains stable and is moreessential than sequence conservation of individual genes or the arrangementof some genes of a selected set. We need to find one measurement that caninvolve as many phylogenetic features as possible that are beyond thegenome sequence itself. We converted each genome sequence of themicroorganisms into another linear sequence to represent the functionalstructure of the sequence, and we used a new information function tocalculate the discrepancy of sequences and to get one distance matrix of thegenomes, and built one phylogenetic tree with a neighbor joining method.The resulting tree shows that the major lineages are consistent with theresult based on their 16srRNA sequences. Our method discovered onephylogenetic feature derived from the genome sequences and the encodedgenes that can rebuild the phylogenetic tree correctly. The mapping of onegenome sequence to its new form representing the relative positions of thefunctional genes provides a new way to measure the phylogeneticrelationships, and with the more specific classification of gene functions theresult could be more sensitive.  相似文献   

It is well known that molecular data "saturates" with increasing sequence divergence (thereby losing phylogenetic information) and that in addition the accumulation of misleading information due to chance similarities or to systematic bias may accompany saturation as well. Exploratory data analysis methods that can quantify the extent of signal loss or convergence for a given data set are scarce. Such methods are needed because genomics delivers very long sequence alignments spanning substantial phylogenetic depth, where site saturation may be compounded by systematic biases or other alternative signals. Here we introduce the Treeness Triangle (TT) graph, in which signals detectable by Hadamard (spectral) analysis are summed into 3 categories--those supporting 1) external and 2) internal branches in the optimal tree, in addition to 3) the residuals (potential internal branches not present in the optimal tree). These 3 values are plotted in a standard ternary coordinate system. The approach is illustrated with simulated and real data sets, the latter from complete chloroplast genomes, where potential problems of paralogy or lateral gene acquisition can be excluded. The TT uncovers the divergence-dependent loss of phylogenetic signal as subsets of chloroplast genomes are investigated that span increasingly deeper evolutionary timescales. The rate of signal loss (or signal retention) varies with the gene and/or the method of analysis.  相似文献   

The phylum Microsporidia comprises a species-rich group of minute, single-celled, and intra-cellular parasites. Lacking normal mitochondria and with unique cytology, microsporidians have sometimes been thought to be a lineage of ancient eukaryotes. Although phylogenetic analyses using small-subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU-rRNA) genes almost invariably place the Microsporidia among the earliest branches on the eukaryotic tree, many other molecules suggest instead a relationship with fungi. Using maximum likelihood methods and a diverse SSU-rRNA data set, we have re-evaluated the phylogenetic affiliations of Microsporidia. We demonstrate that tree topologies used to estimate likelihood model parameters can materially affect phylogenetic searches. We present a procedure for reducing this bias: "tree-based site partitioning," in which a comprehensive set of alternative topologies is used to estimate sequence data partitions based on inferred evolutionary rates. This hypothesis-driven approach appears to be capable of utilizing phylogenetic information that is not available to standard likelihood implementations (e.g., approximation to a gamma distribution); we have employed it in maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis. Applying our method to a phylogenetically diverse SSU-rRNA data set revealed that the early diverging ("deep") placement of Microsporidia typically found in SSU-rRNA trees is no better than a fungal placement, and that the likeliest placement of Microsporidia among non-long-branch eukaryotic taxa is actually within fungi. These results illustrate the importance of hypothesis testing in parameter estimation, provide a way to address certain problems in difficult data sets, and support a fungal origin for the Microsporidia.  相似文献   

Kozak et al. (2015, Syst. Biol., 64: 505) portrayed the inference of evolutionary history among Heliconius and allied butterfly genera as a particularly difficult problem for systematics due to prevalent gene conflict caused by interspecific reticulation. To control for this, Kozak et al. conducted a series of multispecies coalescent phylogenetic analyses that they claimed revealed pervasive conflict among markers, but ultimately chose as their preferred hypothesis a phylogenetic tree generated by the traditional supermatrix approach. Intrigued by this seemingly contradictory set of conclusions, we conducted further analyses focusing on two prevalent aspects of the data set: missing data and the uneven contribution of phylogenetic signal among markers. Here, we demonstrate that Kozak et al. overstated their findings of reticulation and that evidence of gene‐tree conflict is largely lacking. The distribution of intrinsic homoplasy and incongruence homoplasy in their data set does not follow the pattern expected if phylogenetic history had been obscured by pervasive horizontal gene flow; in fact, noise within individual gene partitions is ten times higher than the incongruence among gene partitions. We show that the patterns explained by Kozak et al. as a result of reticulation can be accounted for by missing data and homoplasy. We also find that although the preferred topology is resilient to missing data, measures of support are sensitive to, and strongly eroded by too many empty cells in the data matrix. Perhaps more importantly, we show that when some taxa are missing almost all characters, adding more genes to the data set provides little or no increase in support for the tree.  相似文献   

Long-branch attraction is a well-known source of systematic error that can mislead phylogenetic methods; it is frequently invoked post hoc, upon recovering a different tree from the one expected based on prior evidence. We demonstrate that methods that do not force the data onto a single tree, such as spectral analysis, Neighbor-Net, and consensus networks, can be used to detect conflicting signals within the data, including those caused by long-branch attraction. We illustrate this approach using a set of taxa from three unambiguously monophyletic families within the Pelecaniformes: the darters, the cormorants and shags, and the gannets and boobies. These three families are universally acknowledged as forming a monophyletic group, but the relationship between the families remains contentious. Using sequence data from three mitochondrial genes (12S, ATPase 6, and ATPase 8) we demonstrate that the relationship between these three families is difficult to resolve because they are separated by a short internal branch and there are conflicting signals due to long-branch attraction, which are confounded with nonhomogeneous sequence evolution across the different genes. Spectral analysis, Neighbor-Net, and consensus networks reveal conflicting signals regarding the placement of one of the darters, with support found for darter monophyly, but also support for a conflicting grouping with the outgroup, pelicans. Furthermore, parsimony and maximum-likelihood analyses produced different trees, with one of the two most parsimonious trees not supporting the monophyly of the darters. Monte Carlo simulations, however, were not sensitive enough to reveal long-branch attraction unless the branches are longer than those actually observed. These results indicate that spectral analysis, Neighbor-Net, and consensus networks offer a powerful approach to detecting and understanding the source of conflicting signals within phylogenetic data.  相似文献   

Knowles LL  Klimov PB 《Parasitology》2011,138(13):1750-1759
With the increased availability of multilocus sequence data, the lack of concordance of gene trees estimated for independent loci has focused attention on both the biological processes producing the discord and the methodologies used to estimate phylogenetic relationships. What has emerged is a suite of new analytical tools for phylogenetic inference--species tree approaches. In contrast to traditional phylogenetic methods that are stymied by the idiosyncrasies of gene trees, approaches for estimating species trees explicitly take into account the cause of discord among loci and, in the process, provides a direct estimate of phylogenetic history (i.e. the history of species divergence, not divergence of specific loci). We illustrate the utility of species tree estimates with an analysis of a diverse group of feather mites, the pinnatus species group (genus Proctophyllodes). Discord among four sequenced nuclear loci is consistent with theoretical expectations, given the short time separating speciation events (as evident by short internodes relative to terminal branch lengths in the trees). Nevertheless, many of the relationships are well resolved in a Bayesian estimate of the species tree; the analysis also highlights ambiguous aspects of the phylogeny that require additional loci. The broad utility of species tree approaches is discussed, and specifically, their application to groups with high speciation rates--a history of diversification with particular prevalence in host/parasite systems where species interactions can drive rapid diversification.  相似文献   

We have investigated the phylogenetic relationships of monotremes and marsupials using nucleotide sequence data from the neurotrophins; nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3). The study included species representing monotremes, Australasian marsupials and placentals, as well as species representing birds, reptiles, and fish. PCR was used to amplify fragments encoding parts of the neurotrophin genes from echidna, platypus, and eight marsupials from four different orders. Phylogenetic trees were generated using parsimony analysis, and support for the different tree structures was evaluated by bootstrapping. The analysis was performed with NGF, BDNF, or NT-3 sequence data used individually as well as with the three neurotrophins in a combined matrix, thereby simultaneously considering phylogenetic information from three separate genes. The results showed that the monotreme neurotrophin sequences associate to either therian or bird neurotrophin sequences and suggests that the monotremes are not necessarily related closer to therians than to birds. Furthermore, the results confirmed the present classification of four Australasian marsupial orders based on morphological characters, and suggested a phylogenetic relationship where Dasyuromorphia is related closest to Peramelemorphia followed by Notoryctemorphia and Diprotodontia. These studies show that sequence data from neurotrophins are well suited for phylogenetic analysis of mammals and that neurotrophins can resolve basal relationships in the evolutionary tree. Received: 27 January 1997 / Accepted: 20 March 1997  相似文献   

The order of genes in genomes provides extensive information. In comparative genomics, differences or similarities of gene orders are determined to predict functional relations of genes or phylogenetic relations of genomes. For this purpose, various combinatorial models can be used to identify gene clusters—groups of genes that are colocated in a set of genomes. We introduce a unified approach to model gene clusters and define the problem of labeling the inner nodes of a given phylogenetic tree with sets of gene clusters. Our optimization criterion in this context combines two properties: parsimony, i.e., the number of gains and losses of gene clusters has to be minimal, and consistency, i.e., for each ancestral node, there must exist at least one potential gene order that contains all the reconstructed clusters. We present and evaluate an exact algorithm to solve this problem. Despite its exponential worst-case time complexity, our method is suitable even for large-scale data. We show the effectiveness and efficiency on both simulated and real data.  相似文献   

Previous phylogenetic work on the Hawaiian bees of the genus Hylaeus, based on mitochondrial DNA and morphology, appeared to support a recent origin for the group, but support for the resulting tree was weak. Four nuclear genes with varying evolutionary rates -- arginine kinase, EF-1alpha, opsin, and wingless -- were sequenced for a reduced taxon set in an attempt to find one or more data set that would provide better support. All showed very low variation (<2%) in the ingroup. Comparison among genes revealed a much higher than expected rate of evolution in mtDNA, especially at first and second positions. While the data from the nuclear genes showed insufficient variation for phylogenetic analysis, the strong sequence similarity among the Hawaiian species supports the previous hypothesis of a recent origin for the group.  相似文献   

The temperate woody bamboos (Arundinarieae) are highly diverse in morphology but lack a substantial amount of genetic variation. The taxonomy of this lineage is intractable, and the relationships within the tribe have not been well resolved. Recent studies indicated that this tribe could have a complex evolutionary history. Although phylogenetic studies of the tribe have been carried out, most of these phylogenetic reconstructions were based on plastid data, which provide lower phylogenetic resolution compared with nuclear data. In this study, we intended to identify a set of desirable nuclear genes for resolving the phylogeny of the temperate woody bamboos. Using two different methodologies, we identified 209 and 916 genes, respectively, as putative single copy orthologous genes. A total of 112 genes was successfully amplified and sequenced by next‐generation sequencing technologies in five species sampled from the tribe. As most of the genes exhibited intra‐individual allele heterozygotes, we investigated phylogenetic utility by reconstructing the phylogeny based on individual genes. Discordance among gene trees was observed and, to resolve the conflict, we performed a range of analyses using BUCKy and HybTree. While caution should be taken when inferring a phylogeny from multiple conflicting genes, our analysis indicated that 74 of the 112 investigated genes are potential markers for resolving the phylogeny of the temperate woody bamboos.  相似文献   

Studies examining phylogenetic community structure have become increasingly prevalent, yet little attention has been given to the influence of the input phylogeny on metrics that describe phylogenetic patterns of co-occurrence. Here, we examine the influence of branch length, tree reconstruction method, and amount of sequence data on measures of phylogenetic community structure, as well as the phylogenetic signal (Pagel’s λ) in morphological traits, using Trichoptera larval communities from Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. We find that model-based tree reconstruction methods and the use of a backbone family-level phylogeny improve estimations of phylogenetic community structure. In addition, trees built using the barcode region of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) alone accurately predict metrics of phylogenetic community structure obtained from a multi-gene phylogeny. Input tree did not alter overall conclusions drawn for phylogenetic signal, as significant phylogenetic structure was detected in two body size traits across input trees. As the discipline of community phylogenetics continues to expand, it is important to investigate the best approaches to accurately estimate patterns. Our results suggest that emerging large datasets of DNA barcode sequences provide a vast resource for studying the structure of biological communities.  相似文献   

A morphological data set and three sources of data from the chloroplast genome (two genes and a restriction site survey) were used to reconstruct the phylogenetic history of the pickerelweed family Pontederiaceae. The chloroplast data converged towards a single tree, presumably the true chloroplast phylogeny of the family. Unrooted trees estimated from each of the three chloroplast data sets were identical or extremely similar in shape to each other and mostly robustly supported. There was no evidence of significant heterogeneity among the data sets, and the few topological differences seen among unrooted trees from each chloroplast data set are probably artifacts of sampling error on short branches. Despite well-documented differences in rates of evolution for different characters in individual data sets, equally weighted parsimony permits accurate reconstructions of chloroplast relationships in Pontederiaceae. A separate morphology-based data set yielded trees that were very different from the chloroplast trees. Although there was substantial support from the morphological evidence for several major clades supported by chloroplast trees, most of the conflicting phylogenetic structure on the morphology trees was not robust. Nonetheless, several statistical tests of incongruence indicate significant heterogeneity between molecules and morphology. The source of this apparent incongruence appears to be a low ratio of phylogenetic signal to noise in the morphological data.  相似文献   

Incongruence among phylogenetic results has become a common occurrence in analyses of genome-scale data sets. Incongruence originates from uncertainty in underlying evolutionary processes (e.g., incomplete lineage sorting) and from difficulties in determining the best analytical approaches for each situation. To overcome these difficulties, more studies are needed that identify incongruences and demonstrate practical ways to confidently resolve them. Here, we present results of a phylogenomic study based on the analysis 197 taxa and 2,526 ultraconserved element (UCE) loci. We investigate evolutionary relationships of Eucerinae, a diverse subfamily of apid bees (relatives of honey bees and bumble bees) with >1,200 species. We sampled representatives of all tribes within the group and >80% of genera, including two mysterious South American genera, Chilimalopsis and Teratognatha. Initial analysis of the UCE data revealed two conflicting hypotheses for relationships among tribes. To resolve the incongruence, we tested concatenation and species tree approaches and used a variety of additional strategies including locus filtering, partitioned gene-trees searches, and gene-based topological tests. We show that within-locus partitioning improves gene tree and subsequent species-tree estimation, and that this approach, confidently resolves the incongruence observed in our data set. After exploring our proposed analytical strategy on eucerine bees, we validated its efficacy to resolve hard phylogenetic problems by implementing it on a published UCE data set of Adephaga (Insecta: Coleoptera). Our results provide a robust phylogenetic hypothesis for Eucerinae and demonstrate a practical strategy for resolving incongruence in other phylogenomic data sets.  相似文献   

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